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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1893, p. 5

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rg1 tise IBolibay (Me.) Rgae- ýil resits ho b as neceiveci fremi cf Ayer's Re l a ays: "I ick sud irud my stomracis il of ordetr. I triod a number but' noue ý,seeinied te givo mie Fas ildu!ced ite try tise 0eldrelia, ills.1 I bave ta en cnuIy, iee d liIÇ lce nwma.1Ithillîs tioy pleasalit sud easytG tatre cf îer uised, seigs finely sugar- a sbiwifltaketibeni. I viho are i uoed cf n laxative sPI.Tbaýy w1ll de good."e teassac'.thaemshLiver, oJ. C. Ayeýr &-,Ce., Lowell, las. DoseEfete - FOR"i G0 JND TRJ-',P5 [v 28 and 29. pleasýed 50 furuisis .auy ufr red ', teý persosîs going te tise drr rsýy Sumrne ret- lowest rats.'ý TT & JURY, TUE DR'UGGILSTS. MfWO Lod furnishod roorns to let c. ither together or singlA. Appiy a, Ifyou want your buefrea. from diies, u2e our inseot destroyer; Pare Insect ~'woPoison Pada. andStcyPpr STOTT & JURY, -~~~ ~The rgg3 s Kxpruss.10 27 arnwIExpress.67 ar tPasener.... 2 j5 p w z aeuRr..85 Passenger.... 7 07 p mi, PasEngi.er V . 9 p mi ExPress... 9 55 P in I EzPress ...12 P Ii1 Express.0l57 pmla 1xprcss... -831)p m W H EN Y OU T BRITISH COLUýMBIA, MANITOBA, FEUROPE, UNITED S'1T ,TES. or any place in Canada ealltST~ ffuP.w's Drug store for Tickets.aud Infor- mat ion regardirig lowest rAti and best .EOWÂNV[LEJULY 19,183 L~ocal aild Ohrîe s'nf farmer'd wifeý afford teoerok adz tiiaassi on an inisidena . ýd be tIoedefaltiujg Te- dansa are short $14,000. ifrona OtLtswa district are h ay béeM unormens sud reets doing epIendidly. d Laurier lisS witeu tisat MmÀnlîba ina ýdtisa-Nos-.rh usa aarlyhMAugueansd f meetings in tis eet IStîneat(eruo Su Dr. ,ViHd las preaent $100 by tie Ladies' AidI oiSon cf $105 by tise con At a meeting cf tise Centralý Metisodis chlurch, WsVodss!ock, Mrs. R. W. Kuigisi 'Wa ele<ned a srie of tise officiai qtiarberly lBoard- Th:s ha tihefinrase laz Caracla 8rbQre a son as aappjointed. At tise close of oe easo-uDq se sAlI off cur remuavta ai very low p-tees. We do net saut te ca-rry ver euedcllar'a-wentis cf sumnier gooda. Nosbis ise li ad net sait fori nus ud lisais)Le disap. poiulod becaneseme ue 13,La oer ed tise braisyen miig'ii ha ad. John J. Msn A-11anil Ke 1 1t., Ca'ei s a et!isa cieap WlîPaper frons 5c. up t T. 'Sherin&Gcs Tisa iigiseit price paid for d]Il ic-iBd Of fansi prod-UCe by W. HL Oshuorne. DuigJ-uly sud Augusi great bangainsR will i ,gjyÈenin Ma]i kindafs o mergeeda ai Conclis, jobuaton sud Gyemus Dfr. Butler's Golden Pis ar-ýei mcii et, antific, medicinai bood ,purifier and liesve tonie yeýt offen ed t1isepuli.Give tisom a trial sud bu coinced. Go te Rickard's if yen wa7nl at&acli -watcis sortis fifty dellars fer 1twuty.fti ve <iQlare. Tfiis i; beobs tise lososi citvf price S. Minard'a LiimenOt selieVea N Ienr7aIil. Mise Maggie TaIt Les pouding the beli. days wiih frienda lun Toron to. flay blas talkon a sudden drop lu Eng- land, tise prica now bcing 105 shillings in London su ad 95 shillings iu Liverpool. A new venture is tise sippng of 21 cattlo sud 20 shoep from M!ontýroa te Nevifoundland, hing thea first shipmefùt. A -storm with vivid ligistning, loud thunlder sudý a hleavy downl pour of nain passed ovor the tewss botweeon 6 sud 7 s. mi. Saturday. Itiis worth ceming te towu, country folk, to see thse \Wes End House in ils new summ.er dress. She dloes look gay, suid no miistake. Advioos frorniEugland astate tisat picos for hay are falling ligbtly isero owing to large iniports,and that Cinadian shippera sisould hu careful. Miss l3rdie Pollard, fornierly of Bow- miauv'ille H1. S. woun a special prizo3 offor- ed for iriatisemeties and book k-eeplnrg by Mr. E. T. Slemion, B. A., of Os3hawa. If you want to lock stylisis sud respect. able,a dollar spont during July ai Mayer's go s' furish-ing Store 'will go s long VI YS. Semiia thingaslliug, ai 1s tissu biaif prioco. Glland ueo, PRead bis uow aà vtL Rev. J. W. Cooloy of Tilsonbnrg asksa thie Town Gounici of tisai burg 10 dismis Chiof of PoDlice Pow for nit siziug ,tise beer that wasj ofiered for salaý at tise races thorc. Tho e malter bas heen refsrrcd te a special ceiitee. The Banks ef Corrmerce hasoblained a judgmient for $C69,000 againsi tlise old firmi of James Hlay & Go., Wlood stock. The uew firm o(f Jamnes Hay Go., Limiited, paid 1,0 back wages on Thnrsday. Thse factory is etil ruiiinn. A horse belon&ing, to Mnr. Alex. Rosa, of nfild bika eoo fumoua 1ftis hlotel sheda, Oshawa, aud"ran accrosa1sud alýuug King stroot as far wesi, as Ho1 is corner. iseu it-turued nons ud saa sud r.nddj1 Baoc'..1orsosà sh;voriug with foar. E-xcopi thai Mrs. Mauning faited from frigist, ïnu Ljury resnlte The Presbyterian Revlew of Toronto biai beau sold to Glongisar Brothers, ex- peienced publisisers, sud appeaned l.St week iu uew forai, samalior pagesansd m or f tsons. NVie rathen liketh-a change and feel Sure ils miany readeèrs wiIl approolÎate it. It la not likoly to sifeýr by tise change of proprietary and wa wbl the uew puiblishors succoas. Have yen a dollar to spaud ? If a), M. Mayer will give yen. the biggest dla' worîb you ever gel. Ha bas tee big a stock cf sunier goods, straw bats, cap?, ties, cuffi, collars, camip shirts, fiue shirts secisa, sud othon thinga lu ma's furisi- Lugs Rad to dean tisoeut is selling off at very great roduction. Thi iisneohow, Cal sud mec- how to savo money by spocnd* inr, il. Gapt Gao. A. Lee, and iife, cf the 'Sceamxship ' Empreas if Jpn"was Lin Oshawa, u Tsesday last, ou a short visit te blis Cousin, Mr. J. -f. Tambhilnof the Reformer office. <apt. Lee la favorably impneaaed witis tbig sectior. cf thse Domnin- ion, tbis being bis firat visite lise Province (cf Octaneo. -Ha IR athorongis goiuig Bitisýher, and biea tt be in7-- tise hast luterest cf Pail the colonies te mnaintain their ounection a,îd allegýiance te Greai Bilsîtn. Tise Editor is aîways pleataed te gai itemis cf local newa froins aybody. Poo- ple semeusmes wondor wby certain hscp- Selngs de nos appear in ibis papen sud others feel slighted he-cauâsoiem faniuly occurre3nce bas net beau ueticed wheu ev-euta cf lbas iiuterest sud importance are puhliabed, but these compflainers nover once thinis that they are te blamo for the omission, becauso tisey did net asik the edlitor te publiali the item or send ise particulars to tise office. Edliiors canuot go nosiug about evrybodJy's honse t'e gai newa, 'but del end ou people te Bond lu snucb avents ras they wisls publishýled. Pxoitss-lt IR very impertauýtibis age of vast saternai progre.sa thait a rmedy ho pleasing lue atse aid fi tise eye, easily tk eacceptable te th. stomach suad healihy inu us nature sud affects. Posýsessing thase qualitiesSyrup of Figs a is e eue perfect laxatcive WA.d melsi tiedinrotie kuowui Tise cheicoazt family groeerios ai Wv. H. Don)'t fergai Kirby's nos pabint sbep Drop Ln sud seea hLm. Banb sud Anneaîod Wirna ai R. Woetis's hardware store, Bowmniville. Men's sannimen Goals sud Vestas tlling (AT ai essai price ai <oueSi, Joissiste aud Grydamnila'sý. Tisa "Bîg 20" is headqni meris fin scisol sple. Seo cur 10 amîd j5e. Dr. Butler's Golden Pilla are tise beat .:emecdy for finprcvivg tisa complexion, te- meving black hieade, pisipies, etc. Tise p!eassutesi, cheapes, ulesti ud mroat effectuaI ceuis hmixture lu tise mianket teo day ha "Magnus Expectorant". Concis, Johuiston sud GCryderman an. nounce tlisoin usual annuel sale cf summor g<iods. Dou'ri fail te cali sud sectinose of tise big hargaina. 0Oadoýzen h eautiful apsieuss wis init- iasa hand engraved fer uie dollar sud lwventv-five cents. Kiras, Ferisa, Nap- kmi Rhng9. Castors,, Cruels, etc,, eqnsî%ly cheap aI Rickaxd's3. W. Hl. Oshornualias a very excellent stck of new fsmily grocenies shicishaoLa slling ascieap as tise ciseapeet. Ha bhas douanc iietrade already sud invites tise peepla le cal sud give hihu a trial onder. Thof balance cf tiseir sunmr geoda La heine' sold off at greatly reduced pricas ai alois J. Maseu'e Dry Gxoodïa and Jewobry store, coi)sistin g cf Drasa (Gooda, Par.asols, Ladies sud Gents Underwear,1Ho s e, (loves, oie. Gal sud seurasosma of the suapa. Hein ur TO TurE LirosT.-Tise mari wbe toila yen eenfideniially just sisat sili cure yonr cold la pre2cib3iug Kemp'a Balsan, Ibis yesr. 1-i thppreparatien cf ihis te- mankiabla nuedicîne for ceugis anad cold3 nue axpanSU Î4 su t- E comb!iine ub- -V tise i hast sdpurezt Ingr8dîeuts. bld a hDot tlei cfem p 1s aisam te tise igbt asud look tismoughic u notice tise bigisi, dean l ok, tison compare sis otiser r1emedies.1 'Largo bottles ai ail dnsiggiats 50ocand $1.1 Port Hop's newf nail factory i19m1roe assurned shape yei. Port llope's rate cf taxat;ie ath's yeai is 19 nmille en tisa dollar. T'is,Caýmpobllford He1r%1d pro ses arn no Lw r u1ilhy swa te0r mnCiotor. Kingaton is a ceail comibin, e a)I wil. ha $7 a ton sud woed $6 s cord. Tisa wife cf IHtnry MJullig,, M 1ýiII Mn .Thomipson cof -Whitby hadj log amputated, resuli of a white sweliun cauased by a, ueg-lected cold. Rev. Dr. Sima bas been appeintedsu ceýsser cf -Rv. Dr. Wild il, Bod jsi churcis, Toronto, saîary $2>000. Thse excursion te ibe-.-Thousaud ls1audý nexi Mendsy promiseFs te bc a pleasan affir. Bertisa $1.00 ascis extra. Edjwaýrd Parr, lc. s ltise otheý oeoning steppedjunte tisa office cf Dr Fiais sud a few arcorn4ulatqer feil te thý fl'oor sud axpireýd The News nover copies froiu ti paper W trLpped itlIsatwe, twice Occaiouaiy hsupplemnns ils eorres pn nt'le',sers frons our ceinun, Tise Canadia e tan aiBisley qweri beatan for tise Kolapore cup) hy th, Bnitisistrmscore 71- to 696. T!s Ganadiauis wutise seced pnize of $0 ?Jr. S. W. Ruse co f St. Gatbtainos -hat beau engaged as orgauiai and chieirmaste c-f Aiýkin sireet Mlethodisi ehurcis, ber don1. Hoeteed upeis blis duties Sunl day. Wardleu Prewver atteu'Idda coun te meeting ai Cobourg ai sisicis tisa contrac for the Narreows brdg ver tise Troc, river was laiteMn. R. , delof Trou ton, for ffl, 712.1 semeusl1es niaise a nian au euiemiy te th( papar for life, but it won't stop hinm fron reading t. It mereiy changes him fror Suhecribers wbe ewe us18ferr ubsenip tien te TinsSTTEMA for 1891,3 are ni questcd te .psy up aic, as evonydo 1bin due 'us La nrgently ueeded. Don' %sait te ho asked again, please. Bre. Vospefr, editor of tise Canipbe ford [le", Ireporta having aL floîstein poundaý of ruilk. Lt is choernugte kuet% tsioue Elitor atiloat, ta net obîigeL11 i oat lus bread dry. Tise Edliton cf the Port Per-ny Observei udeýrtok a beavy cuuntract lasi .eek- tisai cf trouneling tisreo wicked cenfrerej Edit',rs Grabasu, IVundy bud Nicholsor -Lu rapid cenaocruîiv e rden. Lt wsi ceetainily ludiscreot te attemipi a feai ci snicb bogeédirmens'ons ibis bot weather Wby csuà't editor, live in unrnffied poes Mr, Wni. Therudyk, 'est Mastai Wesley-viiîe, ?taad ibreo herses killec Tuesdsy, 4rhh iea. Ho had opanied ih( gaies te drive his hourcsss from oa field tý the other aoatisa tack. Thoa "limit od", 114on expre2ssgoing ,eat e5as à-i ai, tisa lime sud killed the wisole tisrèe cary ngeeu t1iseces catchier cf tlb ar-nineo s-e forty roda. Mr. ThonndykE hs1d th!ee eowB llel]( about a yean' ago if. the3 Banie way. Muc>i sympathy ïla ex pnessed fer Mr. TliornidSlr.e fr bis losa, Wban tise Editer wa3 Lu GornwallU EuglsInd, in 1887 ha tise pleamsure cf visiýt ing tise flua farca of Mr. F. [loger Geacis, nephew ef W. Hl. Ro)gerd, Esq., Hanilpten, neatr Torvey. Wa nemembùa 'whar. excellent flelds of ç sia w a tison, sud s ara plea.ied to learu fros Plymonti paper jeat t., 1baud tht M Geafci was a very ccsfn exhihitor o Rare ferds ast tise Ryal Gornsvsll Agrieul tural Society ai Limkeard sud receivec speei.îî mention for is xclen xiii Caizi. H. J. Suftlgmevp, Editor ef ths Gohonmg World, hisu beau ppointed Gosv erner cf tise CGoal cf the United Conu-t.tie, cif Durhamanud Nortbunihernnd. Ht will make-a splïindid .gosier, tise' il seena tee had toe sed iuch a young maiute liv, iu a jail durnug is natumal life. TIi Port Hoipe Guide asys Mm. IHanmy Ellioti cf Hep -, w- undensýtaudiasd s sion dlaim-, but it appeans tisai unos, e u ntsidc cf Nriubean eed spply for auiy c tisa poitions Lu thî3 United <Jeunties o ' Ns.rchumiiberland. Weil, s) Iozi, as 't1it p)r(eaut erranveement. cf union ls long wilL Darisarn have to psy for tit (jsen felfoutiscliro te ha ubstan!ce;w iss, b et) it-, appoars, li cntiue frenf P. kfurd 4s aitise old stand. Àb iit, SOi) reilIscf pretty WalI Pap tu ho soîd front 4c, upsAards aI Kirby' Luvely Paraisols selliig off aI redu pn.umiiatie Bieyce'e for sale aIt 1 h Big Pî;icu - eily $80. A aîiaElgmri or Walthi uî sa mteni iud, sema ewUzlsa smd erasIb fur$7. 50asud fully gunanîed ai R'iodai( S, di.a5, a s reCom Fo3s bpr ed W asbr d Royal Domnion Wri ar-tis3 e ibas ade-at W. Il Oýbonri nosw groc-ery. 1A lot of seol Delainas sud oison dr geeda saelling off Oti snd usîdar cos Pr ai liese umumar sala now gehnag on Concis, Joisnsten sd ryenan Lt is wondarfnl tise cbeap Wall Papc aie Timcdow Sisades, Ensmanl, Mi Paint a, G asd Klom eai T. Sis & Go's., tise old stand, eue door oast Red' oaea store. To niak-e Ymc for sesgomdu nosy *gilu'nug 10 arriva we a5'o seling al, summeil(r goodie etprices l ias will ci isonsoun usa lort lise. Dou't m tisa hanga1ns. . chu J. Masen. Aithougis ibtis is cousidared s duIl se ou cf tise year Rlichard tolas us ho slait in tise repiing lino, whicla proves f or self lisat he a h'orough muscisanie F tisai it wouîd ha wi8o fer auy eue wi iug te have their semis douee cli toIeai suitis hum. A Remecty. poser iMeGill lias returued fres an ex- vii te Flenîda. iEtisie Klght !S visitiug lher aiteýr tby, Mra . W. Down Elsie Dukce of Gap sgust of ohun MceLnyre, churcis sr. sund M W. Y.Bitanoruc rlatives i% ro ibisweek. sud 1r%. laseSla, Lùiuday, lita of hie John b. Paîkins. sund 'Mr s.John1-1James-, -ýc f O)sishaw-Ta tho week-end a, berne Villa. 1 Jaàs. otPeennwa struck W' HI. Rousesu Mi Rue , ihare gnos a Mrm. E. John Broad aid fnmily ef Detroit are viFiîiug ai h., isr'eGao. 3E. Bradon, f rmîanly ,teac-her ai bas ,o toseCalgarîy, N. 'W. T., brilliai White strealk aýcas the .s Saiurday nigisi fa said te ho t.ha 1 cf a comet. e weie iwo fueaaai, Bwmanýn- esetoery ou 13;irdily bothà fros silo and ClaImk. .S. Man ing e GadCentral cating near tilka Shreou tise ;ti ber ddther, Nirs, Ju11. O tien. Jas. Gilflla, science sui;of ýis SebooJ, preaebedl in tise Matis huireh Sunido.y eveuing te,ý a large gati, m. His sermon was well de- sud mucis apprcîate3. wcOuIld hamucis ebltged teieur sin towu or country -who ha-va vzxiitl.ng them i1f iisey woýuld !La us 13nam. s sud ad.drewas au I thus la koeýp our clmsnwy W. 3.Serlas ef seleyville, Ps. ughsar, Miss Jaunie B. Serlesa 0f ig St. rI7iý isïdr. ', -. F.ri Odaîl St. Tho si.etters iad netmet! lenti-e, Q.Q, alicitor fir amis, b las giron(h'Ilopinio a11 ie suid sires cauntot le texed, but ha s;ea)s no nFaSOn iistriimaîtashý,oa clnet. Tise evsc a isci of ru aedtise ri df tis Boll Taisphon oio- sunt in Kiincrdiueatai8500. ýontreal Witues3 wi h tisa useail aevinced by tisap, lis In L sof good niransd rrliLiou pecdal editien uf tise Daiiy Wit- sa daya aitistisa e f tise greast Umal issinEadeavmem ovan- g full sdperft et r,'poris of the igicus festival. Tisasi paor t te auy addness for 211: A. iaddy eoutcrtaiued aa ill in tise Matfîois, ý iiurhilecture nday uight suis s nrt iof tisa iernatio)ýîal Chitiars, Endeaver on at siounreC The report 'las tanosiasd Mn. lady sas se- a. beanty vota fJ tisauls aitisae 'ho chair va ioccupiad by M%-, Smlail fruit pro xisas te be a groo, ro in this soection. Mrs. J.T. Hoer f Ai là' guest of Miss Nead. Mrs. Symons c f Utica, N. Y., is vAS iug A Wardeu proweS'. S-abbath wsorle of tho h(,ttr at daye of the seasonï, 9Q0 in ti' hade Mr. S. B.Brdaw Toron, visited old acquaintanees 3hors lasi ek. Mr. suad Imma.y. L.Allieof Lind-sy, have been guestat of 'Mr. Jas. GliIo Somne of the maiiters eut their sermons1 shbort on Sabas winig twtha itensa The 1). CU & iP. Go. chipped en Mon- dlay a fine coýnsignz,umens1ofrgaUs to cou- mnauy. SI. Johz,'s ehurch Suue- Sehool meniet in tisa moruing leforesevie hiot month%. WhatS the mratter wth our Tauniton, Bunrketon, Lea,_kar 1avd CG arke Uioa scribes? Mr". J. Keadcieand son Vernon are visitin., friandsý in To,-route, Loudon and ethier places est Mr. and rsn. Iarry Ganu, 'Mra.R Worthsd dugiters have been ruccti- ikg at LakeScgg Rer2. (", pan.ker a ha us a very severe ttrack oF blocolieconi)rplieateýd ;wfsh MMAlarllàf"en.Hg ic somebuitunr Mr, M. M. Feuwický, M. A., is Toc- octi engagod at the Education Deart. mient exaiing t'he papers) of she econ aud Third Glass teacherq. Tbe statemount is madle by N. Y .Vec that thse di8as;er to ihe B<iish wr ship Victoria wïas the resuît ofiueprae on t'he p a r t (of Admlnii.raiý Ty rors. Mlr, Chas. E. Ewing. of U. _M. ustcs s udt Mvrs. Eing, CGehourg, Mrs. W. H. f Williamns and Ils. Prower speut ues- daîy ai Mr. J. C. Tritli'y, SuhDrig t ou, Tho Qrad 'Ttuisla crryirg mr vister ie Cicao han any of the AmrcntruL:k linos s9ly8 MC. SIUST. Trhis fact is admitted ever tis anud i. ought to) make Canadians fiýel prend. A chal xutnwl e mn "exi Fridav %ui SaturdIay--cne fane for round trip. Excursion to 1000 lade Ant e turuo te IWO 1000 IsîsdwÎIl ho( cannied by stesmner "Gansons" on Moudlay sudl Tuesay, July 24 sud '25, calliiug ai Tormàoi, Whsby Oaws, BosmuvilePort Hlope sud Cebhoung. Tise ncuud Itip ouly $2.50; meals 30 ce. esch. Will proeeed via Murray canial sud Bay cf QunteteKingaton fsud rmsin over utgb1t. Tho 1000 Isîsudas ili ho sgten id tisaglories cf tise eirly moru- ing sun. Tiis szavary pau ripnpsd ou-ghit t ho taken iii by evarycue. Bot loaves Bwmuil -Mondcay mernmug a 030a.rn,. Tickets nisy ho had flros J. Hfigginct0iam sud Son), druggiat:5. ESMÂN1. îîy th. ce-y ns tisaIiha pc iU o ¶/d.V. IUNIC,NERVEREST.b riilstrj rs wani lise pair 'nige cf maez>caa ,3Týwe pfll y tei, prompt changeasuw ,la the y %ilI àdvertisB lu Taue STMPU s- lisec A cftise leod asea aM u if tisey ara looking fo' tise other doe te1tise puisns cf cbloraI, op.e,a tisey won'î, 1MD oun'1t% wyent ' eiu, sudtiseahSasnoer hlaneuy- 1" ~~tlisig te uînal tsasteo utre te GiL"B.Kvn",0 tsa oh<ir.!g s istauit narvous depreasien oloi h s f tuir r iu 'lise big ruad rcetiesadrugaý. 1.- coir- st 'uoSasýumday suad Dugats sd dealers, er mi. Pnico acaptais<c.,uo- wfo'Msiunicg a pri"s, 50 cia.,six f n $2.50.Tise Celey Pili g gai-1dfinsuon,47hli Onlc 3 )5 h Cts o, Trnu u i an accdest h S Il bis by tise fai- ef a mt i 1 uls.diately aeaof inai o5a0 c h. t l a i t1e oand di'abied bsNtcs« IC,,2 ~r5;5anae. wwee ()l se st lh., b (IaOd oc. on~ Nsts icns si nete eure iisad :(!ptas. I lusup totehibis limerai cardqa ire Pn&iiteA at i la aoira -tise oue who fell auJ 1noleset e! o3 _a ,d of Lins wýre haj J~tie sinuers, BIRTHS. M chances were oe0 d. HA iB-n Woodstccký,itJuS'f6, tl ise of e Ilozekiabh 1anbly, ofa idag1isier. r. i il miet, P. 0P., Orsu, preacis. rý isa irai t"1ne in t-ise [-' wmavilleAm ARRIED. odicisunweh Sueday nsu îring sud TOtCUAe-SimmoNs-Atlndinu Rad, N. U7 ýra!y îimýl th d'gaiy o te T., Jusue 29, by1ev A. E. Rotenti,.'Mr. Aliîad vabi iîissll isadigiivcf isa GOrebaid, cf 11noiaiu lleitd, su,;d Miss ni mar lu tise irnon la visi ed Smeu.o! NaswcasîleOu. faisati Schisud ud, %wd hear, sas do- ed sis isuha lesas. lia ,gave tisa DIED. arv ...~~,M.~.u.....-Mtsczta-n alntn oi 0 n Vea wilx iss L',t tie l3,rixmsciombs gansrcreisfor h iwný the besrs con- t'd1 pr.imary claiza he ad çer iseen, ie had vsîedsun e < f ,<ha 'besi ;je111-5 e'! Staiee 7and Cý,1!ýd:t. Notice to Smokers. on you want a pipe' and wsnit it clittie ionoy juEt cm to the .A'ND CENTRAL, Bwavle large stock to choose froux s. Wy.Nihl is seriously ill. rdeu 1 arty nt Ms.T. 1. Eoiidsy's 27 . sauna Gowle, relict of the Lie Jrio. land, aged '48, cied Jualy 7,th. ooluCouncil PRoyal Teniplars -Las ,",00 to heira of deceased inesu- ~as manmy years. W. A. Whiite, fanmer, hai s leg n recoutly; whi1u backii g his de-- eut of the shed hh ub of a front 1[struck a poaýt aud the tongue struck )g broaking it neair the ankle. *W. La vis, farmer, Whitby town died asat weok from inj uries receiv-. shle upsetting of his waggon utpoen u<NvF £sLuutagemer, egn ý ars e Il<h. I3oWE-tu larie, Jly 14. I.A. 1fovren third sou cf W. A. "n i Stsia Boweu, sged i1, ymears, Il.nionths. GRLSAlhe residence of Mr. Rb. Cute.near Etsuezer, D)aning' n. july ,j Johnl Grilis, iaged 73 yeuSt. AS N-u Newastle, J<ly il, Smu A. \Ln g, d 59 years, Owng to my reii~fr I bs an~s. d als o acout o sesu,3 IAd a e ohv tha 19,1h or*200< i isFt. aS My nne.Lîb"rty Si., So<.J. UT"-, Mil! 1receice il mni K)au ad aestuo9wledge ýremiittauCes on tise e b)çvadates. Thianking imv frieudaI., for thair ostemeud p rouaige sud favori in sha paws,1 1 renai 1. yo 's8vt r; truly. 2S 2wW.R. , c AWVKiýE R, SER-VANT %WANTED.-A - oi on eral several. good wagostooc girl. Mrs. s-%5LL., the Evergre sus292 W NTD.A iniber of a ctive young moTrs a S aPprentices [0 the mld(- ing trade. IReferences as to character requiir- le Tisa OnrIe U')MALLEUBLE IliON 13011. U EEP ASTRAY.-Ca.maon my pro- >.Jmises on tic 15b]lshmt.. tîwo Shoep. O (Wner can have satue by priving property and pay- iug xpeues.S, H1. RaEe'Lu)S, Boanvile BÂLJIMORL TAMES WANThf.-Auy nimbher cf W. F. Allen, B, A., cf Nesceotie .JSprng Lanribas ante( for wliich the cL h' is uricle, Mr. J. Boyd, sud ighess pries will be paid by flrr l & lsaa Dd the puipit of tise Preshyteian PopesuthrBmavl. bai onSabsat'.M. BrE- ClALVES WANTED.-Ten Galvea vlssîîng b Iis 8souW. Il, near 0ro. Jweek Ywauled far naxt four m nonîhs b -ospauird by bis granddanghte, HuM,%E &Wt Isle IPopla's Buthers ~lsnLebe Ellioti sud Miss Liua oniuile 5i -. .. Mrs. J. Boyd lias a linbu ORN.S0arscmo 0 aissa1U as grown up tîq le yl IF'conM3, aiirighNTr o frer ofanltIO vrandais, tisnpsigndrts ln rt R aennsq T oronptoJu- h larso înesnnauiy svig aPAR TORENT.-vo acre3 lots 10 I out ssc ea", bI.ocs apa- .L'1 cu,_D arlinltn. lu a good state e! out La cf tiserouf -W.l Fl seson April 1j, 31 Porfuiber Par-I I man'sille, 7-1s. J ElocIntion; aud tb3 London aand Larca. 'brCmercil nion. the Lancashire Pira Tunc os.,an,-,the t,, eam flýoier and. Plat(,,Gl4as3 12P ce, oCanda Office L th's ardwaroe stre, mwnan-~ ville. 'Fie hgct ktprico wil b--0 p-aidI rfr ay quntiycf wool deiiverci 1marîville,' LEWISQU IOR. MRSSDON CAS TER Hasa lariga stock of J in ail thie lat1ezst colors and ,ape whI-ich sheinten ") to eli atagra lYOtt wi;l d eitoca n wherem Orders t-akeýn for e Lno CO rs-et.- Stamaping done tooder WoelenMla ferwiis tise iigisesi cashi pries wîli ha p-aid. Farmers Oully J1-tva thoir eyes balleon, sisey smo ifraic te buy cf tise iddcla l-meu bus tiey rush to t-isas. witis iheir seol. Be sensible sudi bniiîg youn sool s isre i a e o Omanu- factured--you wrill Find ite yoyursadvaut- ago l. Aissys a goo stick c f ioa on haudI-jnst shat tisa farmoers wmnt, sisici will ho exehaugo gd 'fer -,,oolý. , lb hank2i for pasi favors, I1remain or ein servant, D. TAYLOR, 21n.mIlHA MP T 0N ~ El ~ ~ ilubusin8es lifa traned in commercialusge.A thor- oughi course in practicable subt-ts undef experieneed office-men WiPIl put am ,bitious young men aradwoenin ossinof informptiou that bsareaýdy demand in thet commercial world, Elegant illustrat- ed circular mailed te) any Addressý. Apply to SPENCER & McCUILLOUCH, flaniiLon Business Clee 4 6 38, 40 James So Suthiato, Ont. Miss Shaw is clearing Out ail Wintei' Stbock of Ilats, W ings, etc., at cost andt many things far below cost. A. nice lot of new Veil-. i ngs j ust received. NoxIdoor çeast ouf P. 0., Bowmaavjlle Iî If you wish a really goodl andi reliable Watch caUl and see thosa W'altliam and .E:gin Wantclies bcing sold away down in price Rrnd fllly' Li- A -L M, ti-ugnt Dy - !

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