o I a t s t c ( <Ccîdnsd fon te Nws) IGIT.AT EVENING T'IE Tise unli ias deidd 1asnd Robt. y %1edj'l te tise Home fer Incuraisieg-,To- RV D.TiMG ECE A SER- ato. MON ON thT. If' you once try Carter's Litl ilver r stsfo ic- headaýc, bloeeso eneiptiayo wilner owtio TIse Gory tsud Soieîsity of I!in~ uu hem. Tbey are ,purely vegetablu; ntulhtis Vîdexnss-Ulow 3Sin and thmeî nd easuy O taise, i Lie About Teigs-The Wrd a Tise atutreceived by "ais or La,,era liceasea is $408 for '1803.1of tise ¶uxt ta býe F1111111-1lis tise Latter sa Tise township treasurer had $147.C68 Day5 o(f thse Chuiels. ca sI baud June 30, 1893. BROOKLYN, July 9-Rer. Dr. Talmae sol If sick hieadacishe ia iery, -wiat are blas cisosenns bis subject for to-day, lte if Carler's Little Liver'-Pille if they wiii text, "At erenîng- tinte it shahl be H positively cure il 9 People wise have useS light." Zecis. 14, 7. le hey speakirankiy cf their worth. Thoy cWhiie l'night"lunail lasîguagues, is tise Q, smeoE auJan easy te take. Do'l forget sarîbol for gloont aud sufferissg, il is or tre6f ten reaily cheerful, bright, ad imipres- In his, sire. I speuis not cf sncb nigbts as coule In Tis eciief business cf tise met Meeting down Nvith no star pouring- ligist fron t t of Council wue pusing acconuts, tise larg- above or slvered wuvo tossiog up liglît n est heing tise bill cf Me sers. McCartisy, 1 frein beeatit-inuiy, 'isnrtliig, per- in 03ier, Hoakin arJ Creiman, Costa il tentons, but sncob as you ofteu seou hea ci suit Bingisan ve. Classe township,, tise peînp and magnificence cf heavea to ~î5~L.46. Itura out ounîght parade ; aud il ceeintes $154.6. asthongis tieson- whiciehtise morning Wbether Psteu and Kcoch's pecuisas' stars began se long aga -ere ciiming Pl modes cf treatmeul wil ulim~ateiy pro-j yet umnong tise constellations, anS theset5 vail or not, their :hecry cf bleod-cou- sons cf God were soutiog for joy. Sncb ce lnnination je tise correct co, thougis not nigisth ie saler blesses front tise fore- 'Y oimiinal. It was on tiis theosy tisst Dr. castie,, aud tise trapper on tiese et Nu J. C. Ayer, of Loweil, Mass.,' uearly fifty prairie, aud tise behted traveler by tise P years ago fommulated AyarÎs Saroaparilia. roudside, andth ie soldier front tise tout. ti erlbly heets gazing upon huarealy, aud tl: Ms. W. L. Newsom 'aud bride and the sisepîterds guardiîîg tiseir flocise afield, in Misses Nuwsom have pase te Westmins- irîtile ange! bauds uabove tisent set tise in er, B. C. culver belle -ringing: "Giory te God lun Mr. John Martinansd sons are in Port tise higist, aud on curtis ponce; goed- - Repue refilting a dlwellnu owned by Mss. wili toward men." il Mr, . Trll.Wlst a solemu unS giorioùstteting ile0O W. . rai.nigit in the wilderness I Night uuîong " W'HÂT Do You Tâmz medicine for" tisemaountains I Niglit on tise oceunl r Because yen are sicis and want te gel Frugraut nightannong tropical groves! t, wvell, or bocause yen wlsh te ýprevest iii. Flashiag uîgbt umid usd10 sueverities 1Y, neus. Tison remember titat Honda Sur- Caînt nigit on Roman Campagua I Aw- nl saprila cresahidisase casa byun-fui nigist umoug tise Cordiluras I Glori- P; saprila cre &Hdisase cuse byin c os nigist 'mid sua after a tempeet 1Ifi pura biood aud dubilY. cf tise systemz. Thani GoS for tIhe- night ! Tise moon f Il je net wht ils proPsielors ssy but and tise stars wich rul it are iglît- S what llood's Ss3rspIrii'a doos, tisat telle bouses on tise cout, towurd -whicis I1 thse tory cf ils monit. BaE ure te gel hope we are al cailing, aud blind mari- v lleod'ii, and only Bec l'e, mers are we if, -witis se mnny heuming, Parely veetable-Lloidl's Pilî-250. buruing, finming gioies te guide uý. we a Mr. T. W. Jackson bas been appointe5 canet find our way mb otise barber, Chif Cnstblefcstis vilag cf0roo~My text mnay wiel suggost tisat, ns tise E Chie Contabe fc thevilage f Orno.naturul erening le etten laminons, se il Rey. J. A. MecKeen aud faniiy lave shah bu iighin atise omning cf cur cor- CI ihortly for 'Nova Scotia, to ho absent rows-of olJ age-ef the wcsld's hitery r about a mentit."-ofthtîe Christian lite, "At eventinte it fi PARIENTS MUST HlAVE REST.-A Pros' - shah hoe light," 11a dentof oe ofoutColIges ays-" Ie Thsis proph ecy wili ho fulfilled lnth tis alepiee ngiîs a cnseu-evenirng cf Chisstian sorrew. For a long apent ntany sepesngtsi osqmtinete le road tnyligh È. Tise suai rises ence cf ount blidrea auffering front clds, migi. Innumerabie actirîties go aisead9 but titis nuvor occuse uoiff *-9"0 nsO witis a tisouand fout, andI 'tork -svth n t Scott's Emnîsion and UilqmickiY reliures thousaud arme, andth ie pickage strucis a pulmonary troubles." mine, andth ie battery suaSe a diseerery, t Orcu Bas Bal tunt iaye a an d tise investmont yielded ils twenty i Orlis tise Bauvii teant on Sclatnray pur cent., and tise bock came te its 1 Sth ote oBow tanville grâmo ud tweutietis editica, anS tise fart quadru-u lehnst. byasore cf 7 10 6. uids&n pied iu raiue, aud cudden fortune hoiet-0 lost y a coreof 7 o 6.< Sdte bigla position, audJ blidrun were CcîisînnREznTiCI BEsT.-Doar Sir,- praîsud, anS friende wiiiseut number I aise n ea er teaUfimory te tise raine cf pi mmesan int ie ateymisivc, anS vouIr wondurfnl rumedy for tise siemacs, prsp ithésang ncetisedmuebo, an hive, hwei au biod, BB I avestepped ntr acnS gcd live, bwelsnd loo3 0 1ý h lave tIhe 'ire, andJ ý,at uttise banquet, Used il as wel as Burdiocis Pilla fis o'ver anS ail tlisegode of mugiernuSande tisreo yoara, uhïn ucacs , 1-ad qinSaSgrtd caingatisered urund is tisen lis hua renedie I (hV vse t i Ju ito olding l in e h landsese na fer constipation. M1uS.GE O W , weotisundeshoîts cf peerBut every sun, Bonu, On. I ue-t set, knS tise brigis test day mue-t M.JJ.MomEnt had splendîid suiccesa aeistmiit SJei iess a song iuh.Tise wolf ot1ise N. ,itaingwonfixI cas3faiiy ýfnianS carnieS off ise bet -,ctrgin every soutoi, lamb A deç'p bowl ecf woe camne crash- Dr. Iktler5s i lcio£i¶ ave ci 1d1( - ntirc g lQ oyne oyte a great rptlo ieee upcsi îois. A\t pn rougit wn fts Âs~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o a ov aeaJboS iule ie udc isuster tiie harp-strinigs al I As anere tali îIýq uiler l;k,,,broise. Down %-ont thse slr-ong business are unrivaleLd, 1isey incraste tise aPlc)ý- firm. A i way ent tise long-ustahiied tite, aud promiote a heuitisy peTfrfosmiscecreti Up_î)flew a flocis of calumnniesi cf ai tise fonctios cf lise body. A thos- Tise new bock wouid net euli. A Patent oughiy snieiitific prePsration,1 tbey nover 1 couid not ho ,.seciared for tise inçQU. f il loeuffet a cure if directions are faitlb- Stocke sais lie leaS. Theins uraue fuliy carîied cnt. Nothing isarnaful ln ccmpauy explodud. "floir minch Is,ys temr composition. Tise îcst duicte' the sheriff,, '-irii yon bld for titis piano?" sysen wii u barittd, Asis for Dr. -How mucît for this libmry?" "Bow BuIer's Gld e entPile udtien oie.mincîtfor tisis faotiiy piclureV'" Wih11tise Gr)len ill an tae n oter.g race cf GoS bolS np eue in sncb cir- Blohiday visitûra : 1Y!is:Is Ada Bickeli, cunstauces? Wisat have bucoeefettise Weiccnrue, at Mr. R. Bill'e; eMss. J.-VW. greut multitude cf God'e cildren who Fostur auJ Miss Aice À of P ort e; Mima hur euenponadeS of tise fiai], aud Olive M)-orriscu, Bo)wnma-lvilue; Prof, J. crusl1ied undur tise wisuui, aud trunipied Squir t-hc uries'; Ms.Dr. Ga noS nuder tte isoot? DIS tiey lie dowa in f anthi y, 7M1îlhbscoi ,Ms.A, ,GnmDY'c iedeweep Ilgwailiug aud gnashing MiaRa oboRee; is aytiseir tuetis? )Wheatise rod cf fathiexly Lintn, eucssrt hme;Ms. . Clint clastsemtttstrucis tisentdiS they s:trike bacà? Because tbey found onle bitter an, ~ ~ ~ e Potpc: up . oS otnss on ise table cf Go's s-uppiy disE ville, at Mr.a. C--ei'a - thils nel psthtie whoie table? ïDiJtlîey kriI.dge,- aui aiyCbn dwu ut tise empty money munît Soamisro ocsetuai hiasite's onu Sau: -Ali y truasures are gonu? Mss, W, Witer; M1r. 2 orrisosa and DiS tisy stand hy tise grareof titeir anJ funily, Bwmsviiu îr. AbertgSuaS(, snyng, "Tisere nover vil ho n 010h1, Scene asterc , Cobourg,atI hone: reýsurrectlon?" Mosis. M. Wilson sud H 1. CaldIwell ci DiS they bemoan tieir tlînrted plane Gardon fi; Reeve Trelà-euaof Newcusir- auJ m- , "The stocks use down-wýould tie; Master Cisylon auJ James Bigisnt (led 1I rr enSe?" DiS lte nigist cf Toronto Jurnction, t their uncle's, Mr. theîr disuserrCerne upon thInuoonlese, ,los. finales: Ms. J. W. Odell, cf Toron- starlees, Saris and bowling, smotboning to, a home; Miss Berthsa Wlker, Port unS. chciing tiseis lfe ont? No! Nol Nol Hopeat M. W. . Gasbî~s SUe At eventime lb -iras, ligist. Tise swif t MoeanS r .S.Gmb'o l promises ovrrlois tisem. Tise eternal Mu.Armstroag at bier sister's, ir, constellations, front thebr circuit about ElIdon Gamaby; Mss. Bellunty, cf New- Gode tisone, penseS downana influite tonvilie, aI bier sîsters, Mss. Miler,ParkI lustre. Untder tirir siining tise billows St.; Miss Mary Yattbewe cf Keudull, jof trouble toeis ou crels and plantes cf ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e- U sptu1u -- -1l'. is mdnmde aicfG 'smes. Tatd Pure Iudian Tests imported direct, at yens bat fer tise race, or sent the bail '-rtloei's oiS stand. PETER MuitoocI, flying s r-isigis. But ycu 'tili el i geaI. - - aya lest. Il stnys ouly long onongir te Tis atmOrtl tetinonilsrecive gve us exubent spirite, aud brea& Tï"-, ramrc,-ustetiîoniýs ncev si %ouiciers for buxdeti carryimg, aud an place Dr. Btl,.er's Golden Pulls ln tise yart -titshici t te hable our way -ïmot rnis cf reliable sentedial agenjte. tlil-ough ,difficulties, Lite's patis, il Yeu Tmy thiea.foliow it long eouugis, wilhlcornte under CaîlnuSsuetis cieapauJprety ai1frù\owinst (crag ntfl acrostrembling Ca',',Band oti ctici cheai and li it Paperciat Kryabefore buying. ýLcsdçA1r.i -mLti m1ie naurtt Y on d -,n icle Ir. oil nay tr'y ý cover tise wrînkles, but o eno oer tise vinkles* If tise ne bs crnefor yvon te bu old. denet aeitîdlu bu old. Tise granÜest hiags la alitish nre areo1d. 01,1 onanold rives.old ss, OldstrI id a-n oid terniity. Thý i (-) do nt be is ,0edtebe citi, u es-oLi are eide-r han t1ise moua14talasj, 1and older 'thfan thse -dow me.a, jjd %omen wîIl ie I Tisey a y they7 are 40, but Étisey are 6. Tisey, ay tbey are 20, but tlîey arei .To ay tisey are 60 but ti eoy are8. Ho ,ore pople wiil lie! Glorionis 0olage, ffonnd in tise way cf rigisteories I Iow bGeautif ni tise -od age o aos 'aning on tise top cf hies ta ff;-I~f John ýuiacy Adrns. fuiling wvith the isarneýse a; cfWasiigton Irringatg, pen ,nisand, amid the scenos bimself had -( made classical; cf John Angeil Jamies te) 5e lat prociaîmîng tise Gospel toetie sasses of Biringlîumn; cf Theodore Fre-21 Igiuysen, dowir to feebieness and orna- -itien devotîng hie illustricus facultîces ) tise kingdom cof God! At eatidle it nes ligist. Sou that yen do honor to thse agedl. A hilosopiser stood attse corner cfi fli srout day after day, saying te tise pas- 3rbv "'You will ho an ld manii; yen will ho an cld ma. Yen vill be ani olti roman; yen will ho anild oaY 'copie tisougistlho was crazy. 1 Iou et tink tisat ise was. Sniooti tise -way fr tat mother's feiet; they bave netobn mcre steps te taise. Steady, tisosete tter- ig linibs; tisey wvil soon ho at rs 'lougis not np tisat face witis any mocro wrinkles; trouble and caro have are tfunil enougis. Thrust ne tisorn nets id heurt; it will soon ceuase te bet. 'Tise eyo tisat mnocketh its futher, and rbfuses te obuy ite mother, tise rayons cf th vaiiey shall pick it out, and tise cnng eagies shall ont it." Tise hright aorning and hot nioonday cf life have paseed with many. It is four o'cioek ! lrve o'-clock 1 six o'cieck 1I-Tise Isadows fal longer and tiiker and faster. Seven o'clock! eigist o'clook Tise sun has dipped beicw tise horizon : thse Ilarmhbas gene eut cf tise air. Nine o7clock1 ten o'clock 1 Tise heavy dews are faihing ; tise activities cf 11f c's day aru ail hushed ; it is tinte te, go te bed. Eluron o'clock ! twelve lo'clcck! Tise patriarcli eleepe tise blessed sleep, tise coil eleep, the long sloup. leaven's nessengors cf liglît have kindled bon- fires cf victery nil over tise heavens. At ventime it la ligit! Ligist! My text shall aise flnd f ulfilm-ent in tire latter days cf thse cisurcis. Only a èew missionarios, a fewv churches, j few good men, compnred witi tise insitui- tions leprous and putrifiud. nIt ie eariy yult ise isistcry cf every- bhing gced. -Civiiizaticn and Christian- ty are just getting- out cf tise cradie Theo ligist f niartyr.etakus, fiasising al up and down tise sky, le but tise faming of tise mernîng; but wiun tise evoniing cf the worid shahl corne, gicry te God's conquering trutis, it sIah ho ight. War's sivord claugiîg bailatise scab- bard; intemporance buried u.indler tea thousand brekea decunters; isewcrd', .mpurity tu,-rniing its brow isuavenwa1-rd for tise bndcin Besdaretise pure in huatrt;" tise laet Vestige cf sel- t.-shneçs submuirgud in.ieradsud nlg chlaritios; ail China -ossiigDr. Arbel's S'avieu'r; %11, India be 111n i Hlenry -Martyn'a B3ible; aborîginal super- stitntien acknowledging David% erd' piutyç; lsun"an, bng- e dehr>0d îisrougi Thomias Clarksoa's Cbristianity; t'agrancy c' oming1 back fron its pollution. at tise cal or Elizabeth Fry's Redeemor; lise meuntains ;cemîng don tie vailoya -1 ng np; "iseinuss"inscribed en horse's beilnd slwr' is3read, and brOwn- tisrasiser's oeiïg, an isel'stige, aud mannfacturer's shittie,nn cbmt' laboratory, and king's sceptre, and na- tien' Magýna Çharta.Ne a hospîital,fcr tisere aré !io wounâs; ne t ani asylÙnt, for tioro are ne erpîsans ; net a prison, for tisero are ne crînainaiasitot an -I.mshoeu5w, for there are ne paupere ; not a tour, fer titere are nesorrows Tise long dirge cf ourtis's lamentation lias eide l inthtie tri. uînpisu marcis cf redeumned empires, tise foroats isarping it on vino-strung branches, tise îater citanting it amnong tiseC gorges, tise thunlders drnmntling it umong the bille, tise oýeun giving it forth wltii its organes, trade-winds touoising tise 1,scys, and enrcclydcn'ls feet on tise pedal. I waat te su-e John Howard whvien tise lest prisener la reforniud ; I want te see Fiorenco Nighstingale vilen tise Iset sabre wounJ lias stoppod hurting ; I wan it te sou William enwetts e Indfian isas buen cirilized; I want te s" ;john Hues NNl)e he isetfiante cf perse- cution hue been extinguisbied ; I -vant te see John Bunynaufter tise met pilg-rim- bas corne te tise gatu cf tise coestial city; abovo ail; I wunt tesesJeasiafter ie lest suint bas hie tîtrene, aud begun te aing lbailelujali !I Yen have watcised tise caîmnesa and tise glorir cf tise evening hour. Tise Inisorers have cerne fronthtie field, Tise heuvens are glowing %vitis an indescrîib- able effulg-euce, as thongi tise sua. la de- purtiug isad f orgetten te bat tise gate3 ufter it. Ail thse benuty of cicoud aid .lent swim tantise luise, rier a star in ýtisa isky, a star ia tie walr; Ieven uberoo, aud beaven beneatis. Net a leaf rustling, dîe 18 darkness. What if tise hiliows o Sentis de rise abeve our girdie, 'sho Sose io e ot butise? What thonghi otite ligis do go out in tise blast, datSe-w wnnut of tlhisn saal! the guates of glerý swing opiibfoi saud fro a a utyria( -Tisrow back tise huters and Je.t tise Fn cornle ill.', sasd dyinIg Scoville MC 11113_ onei' cf snY bbthSchool lboys. Y ou c'111 c Faul putLiýig on robes,, anid wings u nsensonas ho ciam,' hav-e f-11 ',ît tsegood- figlit;- I have-t finlished sy curs; I have opt tlise faitlis." - sMeKaîl entteo a ide of tisesafodof rmartyrdoîn a-nd cied, ~Ferwc~ sue aion ad sa~'! farewNell iii eatsde .ghs1"T ewnt te thse otier id citir saffldand crieS, "WlonGoàland Father ! Wýelcome, sweet Jesus Christ, tise Mediator of tise covenrarftt r Weicolne deatit! Welcoriie giory !" A minister cf Christ lu Pisila- dolpLiia, dying, said, in bis Iast momnts" 1' more iloto the ligist !" Tisny did not go down doùljtin, and feariug, andi sbivoriug, but their battie.cry rangl tisrougis ail tise cavurns of tise sepuichre, adwas ecisoed back front ail tise thýrones cf heavea, "0 deatis ! îvhere is tisy sting ? O grave! where is- thy -, letory ? Sing, nîy sorti, of jcys tIo Corn-e." I saw n beautiful boing wandering up and. down tise earth. She touched tise nged, and tisey becaine yeung, She touohed tise poor, and thoy became rich. I said, "Who le this beautiful being. îvandering, up and dewn tise uarth Y' They tcid me that bier naine vas Deutis. Whait a strange tbrill of joy wheu thse paisied Christian begins Ite use his nrni againu! Wlîen tise bliid Christian ho- gins to seo again 1 When the deaf Christian begins te hear ag-aini1 Vhen tise poor pigrim pute bis foot on aucis p'avemnent, nnd joins in aucis Company, aud has a free seat in such a great tom' pl e! Hungry minon more te hunger; tisirsty mon ne more te tiirst; weep- ing mon ne more te weep; dying moen ne more te die, Gatiser up ail swoot wvords, all jubilant expressicns, ail rap- tuirous excUmations; bring tisen t tene, and 1 will pour tisent upon this stnpend- donstiserne cf tise soul's disenthraiment 1 Oh!,ti'e of tise spirit as it shall inoien) up thie tisrene cf God, sheut- ing, Free 1 Free 1 Your oye bas gazeti upea tise garniture cf oartlî and heaven; but *tise oye hatis net seen it, Your unr bu caugbt harmonies uncounted and in- describabe-caught tiîem front isarp's trili, and bird's carol, and waterfail's dasli, and ocean's doxology ; but tise ear hiatlisnetheardit. How did thoso biessed onles got up loto tise ighit? What hamo- met' knoc0kelýd off their chains ? What ieom wove their robes cf iight ? Who 1gave tisent wings? Alis! eternity is net long enlough tot tell it; serapii have net (c.paceIty enougis te roalize lt-tse mar- vois of redenîing love! Lot tise palm wavo; let tise crowns glitter; Jet tise an- thiens ascend; lot tise trees of cf Lebanon clnp tiheir isands-they cannot tell tise Laif cf it. Archange] before tise tisrone, thon failest! ging on, praise on, yo hosts cf tise giorified; and with your sceptlres yencannot reaclis t, and wt yopr songe yen cannot express it, thon lkt ail tise nyiads cf tise saved unite in tise exsclamation, *Jes usI Jesus! There wil h a passwor,' tise gâte cf 1icea-ven, great moliti cone up and knlock ut tise gate. Th'le gtekeer-per Sal, "iepssod"Thev a,~,Q have nTe pa.ssor. W eegeto Iiie o and e e ont -e up e bugreal or leaveh nd ioAvi! o-.e rom.pitiîn!anGrs, "eIt ,tOu.A oieîeo yen notier rp ce6fnru1P te tisegut cf'A iseaven Jand knockr. Tisegatekeeper eny,, "Tise paýse- word." Tisey say, "We hü lave ne pass. word.Wedid a gieat imany noble thingm on earth, _\Ve endowvedci Cel-es and teck care of thse poýor." A roice frointwithin ays'I nover]knew yenU." Another groflp 00010 Upte tise gte c-o heaven and knock. The gatekeoper says, "Thse pasesword.". Tbey unswer ýwee w adere fruns God, and deser- ed te dW; but w-e ieard tise roie of Jeanýs-" "'Ay! iy!" says tise gatekeep- or, " ht tl is e passwerdl Lift up yens bonde, ye everlasting gates,and lot tise people corne la." They go in and sur- round thse throne, jubilant f or evor. lco e di col1'aged if cuber idic ln shs'efsld t i cef. UM- htcs Kiiiî-wau Liver Cure acta on the kîdsî~- dîr,,,iîubied with a mild ec- tics 's t ernd, bomels, tisereby ross us tsecase f b $ace oui soue.dýzzineSs, indligestion ind cor. W. H. Oshone hues won great favs2 witis tise ladies since they have tested hf fnc iass ctý-ss. No fluer teas erti I i o Bwnanvilit) endth@y aie cheap, M r. Alfred Gnloey and Mr. F.G lEumber have form-ed a partnership and wili carry un business as costractors, buders and gonerai carpen1tere. Botis are thoroughiy skiiled aid practical workmei n hving an intiume knowledge cf ail the details of their busineFss ad will endeavor te give coînpiete satisfac- tion in ail -work ertrusted te thaîn. Th ey are preparod te undertake any new work or ropairing in the ca-pentry lino, givo estimates, and where necessary cala supply materials.><orrespondence snay be addresned teouGlley & flumber, Con- tractera and Builders, Bowmanvi1le, or they niay bo seen personally. Mr. Gulley livos on Contre St. and Mr. Hum- ber, cor. Queen and Oatario Sts. Xil be fouad an excellent remcdy for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pis., Thousaads of losîe:s froin people who have used thern prove tiei fact. Try thora. Reninants!1 Remnants ! We have a lot of titis year's remants of wall paper that wo wiii Beli at miat. "Big 20" 1 was cured (f Bronchitis -and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENýT. Lot 5, P.E.I. MAfS. A. Li-vilNGSTONE., I was cured of a sevore attack of rheu matism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mahone BPy JOHN MÂDER. I was cured of a geverely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bridgewater. JoslU.A XVYNAC11T. flEERYTH INO'à UST GO that is at prices that will seli, al r summer goods particular]y STRAW and FELT R-1ATS, CAPS, TIES, SHIRTS. COILIARS and BRACES, ail wilI be soid cheap- for cash: As I have a large stock on hand 1 arn determined to clear out the above lines to make roorn for Fali goods and as I have already com- rn enced, with the repairing of Fur Coats, Jackets, etc., so if your gar- mr.ent needs repairing fetch it aiong, JNow is the time. IP1'ACTIOAL FRJEBOWMÂ-VLL,q MASN' LOTHINO BOUSE liAS JJJST IRECEIVED New Euglish Worsted Suitings, New Scotch Tweeds in- Suit Lengths> New CanadianTweeds, n. New Hlalifax Tweed Suits iii3 Shades. bWe stili lead the Ordered Clothing Trade, both in -workmanshîp and price. See oui, Tweed Suits at $10 to, order. See our Black Worsted Suits at $16 to order. OUR SUJMMER SALE: .Re ady-made Clofhingï Hats and Ties, Boots and Shoes. JVe challenge all compétition. THE OLOTHINQ BOUSE. MOTIIERS! MOIHERS i To know that a single applica- tion of the Cuticura Remedies wilI afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring, itching, burningand scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment's delay is to fail ln your duty. Cure& niade in childhood are speedy, economnical .and, permanent. soId throughout the world. PoTTnr. Dnue À2xfl Ci . Con., sole proprietors, Boston. *H "IlAl Abo ut the ]lood, 5kmn, scalp and lr,"msailed frec. 4,d-Faeîl lemshes, falling hair and simple baby rashes prevented by Cuticura Soap. ">ers knew the coialert, strength, and vittal y l Cuti cura Plastere, thoy wvouldl nover bo without them. In e veie' waY ïtise puirast, àswoctçz au T« GEOS MAASON, GREAT BR.ýAN NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BU-Y As is our custorn at the end of eaeh saoi we have now cmec eld te seli off the balance of our summer goods at GREATLY REIDUCED PRICES, Remnants, odds and ends of everything, Parasols, etc- You willi b surprised at'the wonderfully low prices. A special bargain ini Ladies' Waterproofs, I lime ab 25c. eachi, beù't- ones for a trifle more only about -1 cf co3t price. They wiIl be sold W~f short time. Lacdies' Summ er Vlests 3 for 25ç. ý Extraordinarv value in remnants of ': A-CTOWY0 - 0 OTTOISV0 GENTS' OIJTING SH-IRTS very fine and very cheap, aise rum-er- eus other specialties at vo' y low prices dluring the next fýew wee,,IS Be sure and eall sooni. s uIlE~ "'~ î,~~aki5~ '~, ~ 's~ -~ -~ "a GET -YOUR PICTURE 'lAirEN. WVe lha'e added to our stcki of instru- monts z v ry fine awo eeha ,î camera~ and are seirdt ar nap Lahots vt DWicui pr)- srsiece or nimýais fit shortnotic. We ir othe couuý try i e!d We alao tk phoý s of cemietery plots at very iow prices, Drop in a nd have some good cabivets taken of yourself at. the well known gsilery. TAIT & CU, Market Equare, Bowmanville. 23,. Just arri ving a, frosh suppiy, of Fielul and Gardon Seeda.nt Murdlochi's nid aa Minard's Liniment, is the B-es. [DST oR FAIL1N6 AHOG Generai and Nervous flebilit,, Mind. Effects ef Er- - rors or Excesses in cle or Ycung oct Restored. 1kow te n ~ large andStethi SWeak,Udeeoe Organs and Par f I ~ Body. Absoluteli, un- failing Home Treat. ment-3enefits. iiin n àrt, day. Mentestify fo 50 States and Foreigis Countries, Write themn, TIiIIUIPIIfTI planation nýnd proofs maiied (Seai, "4 trec, ERIE MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo, N0,~