mng cues lenumg uebooetc.," irrites ItxNit ilun o f tic James Smtt Wcr otan îMcftnery Ce.., Ptiadelpitia,l'a., "nons i'pres morneathan niy ocrrn case. Tu ety years il rg, athlie age et15 years, T tad snetliugs carne an my legs, wiich brette and ijecameo running sores. Our tamilypimysfiiafl utd do'lmelne goil, and ih m s > iearecd îlot the boues womldbie aftected. At last, my good oel moI-ber urged lue 10 try Ayr's SSarsapanttttm. I I-ol thtrre bottîci the ores healed, trommld Ihave net i-cen tobelstict. Only thte Jscars reinain, and thli ineniory or the pasI, te remnd me cf the goed Ayer's Sa.rsaparilla bas donc inec I noir vveigh tn'o ltiindred aîmd tmvnty pounds, and arnluthetofet lh. Iiaye baccon the road feorlime past twe.-, c years, tiave noticcd Ayer's Sarsaparilia adrertiscd lu ail parts ,of the Unted States, and atlvays taka pleas- ure lu telling n 'rt gcod it d'd for m." For Iha cure ef all diseases ortgiuating lu Impure i-b3,e besct remedy i-r AYERS SarsaparMHa Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay-er 1-.Co., ioweili, 3ass. Cures otliers,wili cure you FOR SALE BY YOUNC COU 69 King St., BOWM A VILLE. resuits of the ýEntlrance Exa:Inînations hield in Janei in this riding. Tt will be seen thrat about 50 per cent. of thev can- dlidates were "ýplucked," as 82 wrote in ]3owinauville and only 40 passed. The pons as-nororn was the Grammar pape: which n'as sufficiently difficut for a third class teachers' examination. Either thc sehools are behind in teaching the sub. ject. or the men who set the paper are to advanced. Why does not the Edu. cation Departmient employ Public Schooc teachers who are familiar with this grad( of school work 1 prepare the Entrana( papers ? Everything seemns to tend t( Hligh School supervision over our educa. tional affairs. The Public School me: and wemen who stand n'el up in the pro fession should be more pracetically recog nized at headquarters in connectien nitl the sohool work of thieir department. Thie total marks was 764: necessary t, pass 382. Candidates were required t make at least one-third of the, marks oi each subject and not less than one-hal on th 3 whole. fu N c W5 Darlington, Edgar eer;NO-. 9 Darlitonl, Miss lEdith M. lFieldling; Non. 0~ ~~' alngo, )on lee; No. 13Dar- ngto, W J.Orchard; Maple Grove, t 'hos. Kirkpatrick. t Three passed n'ho are onily 12 years of ge-Misses Edna Fielding, Viola Pol- Lck and Master Chas. Frank. BLACXSTOCK. Sophia Parr, 1. B. Barclay, teacher,. 404 Lillie Sn'ain, J. Jordan, , . .403 Chas. Spinks, J. Fergusnn . .396 Albert Beacock, nil ._394 W/esley Jordan, J. Jordan il ..394 Phos. Mahaffy, J. Moore n. .389 Six eut of twenty-one passedî. NENVCASTYU. ilileen Thorne, Newcastle .......... 507 tVilinot Thorne, Newcastle........ 500 M1ary Ann Hays, N o. 5 Clarke . ..484 F'lorence Bellwood, No. 9 Clarke .... 475 Joseph Rickaby, No. 14 Clarke ...469 Celia Grose, Newcastle,............ 450 A.lice Best, Orono...... .......... 438 Georgie Orchard, Newcastle ........ 438 Ilarry Davey, Orono .............. 430 f1anlan Parker, Newcastle ......... 409 Martha 1H11l, Orono.............. 407 Laura Taf t, Newcastle. ........... 396 Nellie Colville, No. 9 Clarke..._... 392 Gyeorge Simmons, Newcastle ........ 388 Harry iIlilson, Orono............ 387 Eva Couch, No. 7 Clarke .......... 397 Anntie Thompson, Orono ...........3,S7 Hattie Broad, Newcastle ........... 386 May Kimbali, No. 1 Clarke ........ 386 Alfred Littlec, No. 8 Clarke....... .386 Alice Buckley, No. 9 Clarke ....... 385 Samuel Hunlter,' New'castle .........84 Arthur Morgan: Newtonville ....... 383 Jessie Atkin son, en'castle .... .....382 (The teachers are: Newcastle school, L. B. Davidson; No. 5 Clarke, Miss Eliza Ballagh; No. 9, Miss Mary Douglas; No. 14, S. J. Courtice; Oreno, R. J. H-odgson; No. 7, Miss Effie Warren; No. 1, Miss Florence Reid; No. 8, llugh Simnpson; Newtonvillc, J. W. Bradley. At Mlillbrook 41 passed out of 86. MAJOR SAM'S SIDE. Last week n'a re-publis3ied froin the Ottawa Free Press one report of this ex- cursion, non' we give the Major's own side of it: C'COLONELS CUBITT ANL DEÂcoN TO RE- CEIVE MEMENTOS.-Afl informal meetinu of the officers of the 45th battalion was convencd by the senior officer,Major John 11ughqs, on the Canadian steamer Maud 1of Kingston, on the annual excursion of that corps among the Thousand Islands. The object n'as to consider the most suit- able time te present the retiring officers, Colonels Cubitt and Deacon, with appro- priate inementes from their fellon' officers and the men of the battalion. Those two gallant officers having before and during camp, inwriting and also orally, publicly as well as pi ivately expressed their inten- tion of pressing their resignations imme- diately on the conclusion of the camp, the .remaining officers deemedl it but fitting te 5recognlize theïr long anld efficient services. It n'as decid1 ed to take action at an early date a'nd eitheur by a general mieeting er by representattive miembers present suit. ale imarnaneitesý. 1Th1Qmeeting ,,was imoat harmoïmieue_,exe,,ept fora a light tnuplleasanit a aused bv the uqaeldierlv rtemnak ni' ...ftct ,that lhedic no -0~ .,~se officers mleanit toj leavEc ;. the battalioni, but wvere merely"fxn' iHto also desýend1ed to terni thei 1tw (C cun1 old rats,"lagugequite milbe colanlng anyoue mauch baos an officer. Hi ýewas alonle, bon'ever,iïn bis volgýar opinion 1- ragarding the sincerîty and- straightfor ýa wardness of the two gallant old soldiers leCol. Cubitt himself Iast winter at King ýr ston officially arranged for tlie remeval c 'I the headquarters of the battalion te Lind lesay, and also cenducted negotiations wit. b-Col. Benson of the 46th and GenerE ýe Herbert towards rearranging the terrîtor _ of the two corps. The meeting on th 01 boat was' marely te arrange a plan t e6 honer the retiringy veterans. The tri e n'as graatly enjoyed by-the entire corf), O t W hile passing near United States territex a-Major Samn Hughes requested tbe 45t ,n band as an ao f courtesy te the Yank( ne ighos e~a "Yankee Doodli," ar - te oncludàe nitbh the"Britih Grenadiers, h The Yankeces enjoyed it very mwuch. is of course wsll knewn that vessels plyi to between the ports of twe nations .lly ti to flags et both; their oywn at the sterru ai n the other at the bow. The Maud being 1lf British vessel ebservedl the rulo."-Liin say Warder, July .21. F( liowîig are Iha namaes of Iha succeas- ai anddats:Aimiess and Fruitiess Prea.ohing.1 BOwANVIIEThe curs of maoy a pulpli- ia to-dawy1 Iehîha Pattinson, Bowmanville ...487 lack of ail defluice a:m. Who buasnet1 Ma ied, i ....47 liistened te a good iman preaah -for thitty1 [day Butahari, 1 ... 476 minuteti, anudatt wondering whaI- under ha.Cox,il ... 432 God's dear sun the preacher expecI-ed te Shirley Merrison, ... 421 get a4 by the sermon ? Rambliug, pions Albert- Couch, ... 419 soiloqiiy is net pxeaching. Dumping Chas. Frank, 14 .... 417 second baud tho-ologîcal coucouts or sys- Murvin Worth, ... 405 toms ou te, a cengregatiem iIs net even a EtobI. Beith,... 405 fair euba' itute for preacbing. Wiahy- Ethel Carr, wasby, gody.goody taik, with illustra- [amesGoard 387tiens dragged lu beadiong, sud now and Eva Cryderman ... 385 I-bon a f uons Ibruat aI- some uuîversally J. L. Alexander, ....38coudc-mued in, iha net preaahhug snd ibas Mihlie Horna, ... 386 e power. Ir every congregatioiî are ArI-bar Cornish, r ... 385 bungry,dying deéparing men sud women AunhaEwart 383sud the preacher sBould be God's voîco Laur Lang,383te theni. lie should strain mind sud Johin Farrell, Tyrone,............. 511 heart te read I-he nfeda of thoze about Ella MNcCalloch,Il..... ........ hum sud lu as compact, aisar,pympatheti*c Idia Avery,.....................439a way as possible condenseaI-be messa«e Cecil BranI-on,.................... 436 su.d go te Itbe pulit bardened lest ho %V. J. Virtue, EnnIskillec............m iss a chance nover te corne again. BeI- Eth-lel Teskey, I............... 403 ter ton eager, boursat, sympathetie words viola Polock, il...........394I-au baîf a reain full of Iho dolef ai, Etta Brown T ..... 389 dreary commouplacea I-bat men can write Blake SIephens, I .... 386 by I-hs heur and folat ou patient, long- Ethel Clarke, Hampton,........... 410 anffering cougregationa under Iho name William Hern, l............ 406 ç f "pulpit ministratieus3." Unfortunate- C. H. Snon'den, Maple (rove,... 398 sy, our virtue of rogular chmra-giug Maud Lucas, No. '2 DarlingI-on ... 407 gves weak preacbiug a hoariug it dees Leslie Hall, No. 3 il ... 382 net deserve sud abould net gsI-. The SI-chia Blackburn, No. 5st .<. .403 preacher who doesanet weekly concentrais Russell i Sale, -Il Il ...... 384 bis beat mentil efforts lu preparhug solid SuaisRu tchi nson No. 9 i .... " s piritual food for bis people-not mers W. A. Welsh, Tt il... 3 6 "fillirg st]ff" of a aemi-aacrsd flavor-ma Richard Hoskin, No. 10 11......... 402 net iu hI-a trusat seuse "f aihf ai unI-o Maggia Hooper, Ne. 13il1... 387 deatb" sud wilIlu a meaaure omin short Mamie Hooper, I T ... 384 of I-be promisod 1crown of lif e. " W. J. Berry, No. 16 TTr......... 389 WellIt Durhami, AugasI-, 1893. X. Tbe teachers are: Bowmanville, RP 1)a umrCaIasdVat elu Davidson; Hampton, F. J. Groat; Enuis offMeI-le a- pr -CouchanJoheston sudg l'ilien, John Yunî TyanMiss Etta CampbelI; No. 2 Darlington, Miss Minnie rydermaur'a. Spry; No. 13 DarlingI-en, N. S McDouahd; Minard's Liniment Cures Cilda, etc. of th ry p .3 th e i-t mg id ga OLSItRE.1 i Florence Raid, Port Gah 28.9,5 2 Mabel Wilson, Newcastle.2290 4 Jue. W. Bradlay, C 64.70 5 Eliza Ballagh, Nýe-,vaste . 17.65 7' M. E. Warren, Claike ( ý.,. .. ..15.50 8 Hughi Simpson, Orono......... 33.151 9 Mary Douglas, Nacast- le. 26.90, 10 Jennia Robinson, S-rvil..14.00 R T. Hodgson Orono)...101.Q0 1 2 ' M s o w e ,. . . . 23 Mary Catnu, Kandlali.......4.85 14 S. J. CourIice, Kirby ......... 6.3,5 15 Annie M. Moore, Leskard..44.20 16 Ida L. Osborne, Orone ........ 10.25 17 Mabel TapacotI-, Kendall. 21-1.25 18 Lizzie Shan', Il......19.20 19 F. J. Jollon', Kirby .......... 10,25 20 Union with 20 Manvers ý......7.45 21 Agnes Halliday, Kendal.. ..... 14.00 22 Tillia Prout, Orone...... .... 14.25 23 Union nith 1 DarlingI-en....... 20 5)55.00 1 Walter Bryca, Port H-op)e. 1950 2 Maggie Coleman,Wslyie. 55.50 3 Florella G. Peatrca, ],Pt Hope 32.05 4 Jaunie R Fanning,Wacm. 62.15 5 Maud M. McCallum, . 35.15 6 Minnie JollifYa, CIwarlecý,te.-- 17.95 7 Sarah A. Robinson, Rosemont 2 8.75 8 Fred C. Philp, Canton,...... . 00 9 Ada l. Biakie, Port hope. 2500 10 Charles Evans,' Osaca ý.......2.55 il Rose 11enderson. 1 Bawdley),..1215 12 Jean H. Dodds, Perryte wn .... 43.25 13 M. C. Tamblyn, Elizaeth 'l..14 O5 14 A lice M. Ilamni1, Bailieboro. . 10.'20 15 Frederic Harcourt, Garden Hill 16G.30 16 L. C.,Flemin, Campbellrft.. 3860 17 Amelia L. Dayell, Gardn i 1.J7. 1 18 Sophia TruIl,SEhzabeýtlville'. .~.10 1 2 10 il 13 15' 20 21 22 1Mary Hanamlan, Fa) . 28 2jas. D. Penny, DMt5[' ý t-- 5 3Lottie Cook, Spriuigville .25.5 4M. Loretta Hanitter, 1(1a.~ 36 5WalIer MaLean, o...... 4 7Vicýtoria SapCavanl....... 36 8 Annie Mâ. Fair, .Millbrook. 1.8 9Minnie tHowson, Srnvle. 52 ýJennie, MUAI] iater Mlbrok.66 .1David Hamupton, r 206 -2 Emma Ward, , 7.-5 0 -3 B. YanHomrigh, r 10).90ý A Wilbemina Robinson, Il 124.40 L5 Maggie Lucas, 9.15 0 [8 Wm. Chas. Thorudcyka, - 4.60O L9 Sarah B. Elson, , 13.20 >0 Union No. il Manvers.........875 ,?1 Union No. 5 Sout-h Monaiýghaiim. 8.05 22 r, No. 1 ri ..20.20 1 Edgar SI-aplos, Yolveritoi. .. 15.0 2 W. IH. Hooper,Ballydluiff. 8 . - 3 Miia Wmný11slon', 1BethanY. 17.- 4 RobI-. Stephený1s, 'r,....... 14- 5 Tho4s. Mark, Lifrd. ...)). 20.5 6 Ed. Mitchell, Fleetwood)1.2.. - 7 ,T. C. Birchard, Jani-tvlle.-... 57 ,Mîunie Carr, rI . 8 Wm. Arguie. Ponitypeel.....1920 9 RobI-. Gilliesi, r,........ .6î 7 10 Arthur MLAIîl, Janetville . 1.20 11 Art-hur J emison, Il .. (1) .80 12 Sam'l. J. Si1rma Mt Hlorell ... 2.4-l 13 Marguarika Wixmdal, Lotus. 28. 90 14 Gee. H. Dean, Pontypool.19.1 j5f Douia M. Teskey, BaI-ha!y ..,.. 51.5C XAddie Staplas, Il 19 Union No. 18 20 Alice Hamnm,lNen' Park.... 10.2( 413.- l'Herbert- Sanderson, BurketQw.. 23.81 2 Isaiah Barclay, Biackstock ... 1 3 Jas. C. Devîi-t, Cadmus...... 0 4 Jas. Moore., Purpla Hill. 20. - 5 Louisa Prout, Csdîus ........ 17.6î 6 Laura MeNaîl, r.......... 23.3ý 7 Joseph Fergusomi, Caesrea .... 3'7-11 8 Emma Parr,' Blackstock ....... 30. ' "ý7ý 9 Harold Martyn, Nastlatoni... 17.1 la the b4-st in the market, sud it will ouly cost la. postage te scnd ini the wrappoe, if yuu leâve the ends open. Write.your address carefullyr. Juat in, New Worateds la blacir and colore. Cali aict sec lhemI-hem aI- hman's Olothing Store, Bon'manvill. Baby's BurningSkin, itchin ,burning sors. Doctor ailed tl1alian îtah. e aoctored her three months, di nfot do lier any gond. Every part of her per- son n'as cevered wth sores, ex- cepting head. Afler taiing CUTI: CURAÂ REMEDIES tWO weeks thei tch stepped, and in four weeks the ores ivere ail gene. CHAS. M. GRAUE L, Conilihooken, Pa. Baby Suffers r~ My algboysufferet re FVY\ 'l, iCLŽ eczrna. ý-b - . neclk, aoit, aid tlught;-, :'err i'Lr an'a Ie- ad ians~ 4..~ and infiarued&shl. -lis sui,' - ~ inga ere intense. No n estfr usday or nmt Dociors fail.d toTrelieve. TriedCUTic.e, It noîked Won-. drously, relief immediatc, cure cent lete. WM~. A. GARDJNER, 184 E. 123d St., -N. Y. Baby's Gkin Peeled Off Short time aftcr birtn baby ,rokaeut with erultion. The skiinos peeied off, the face was almost raw. Fammily doctor saidmoet moch te be donc. We tried severai rernedmes, ait fled.TMien tried CUTmCURÂ - fa i.q Did net think they vould amount te much, but the resait n'as ,wondèrful. One set cared the child. W. A. BANG, 174 William St., Newark, N. J. Baby's Awful Eczema My baby had eczcnua. Oh, bis ftorturing agonies! Tried tao hos-. 1I. 1Pi, a s d seven decters in this ~I~~bctyno eneit.Tried CCvicumu. g..REmama5s, relief iras imrediate. In ine n'eeks n'as entireiy cured. 2Now as fair a bo y as any motherj tould n'sls. ,6Mita. M. EG ON ýGW. Brooklilue t., 1Boton. CUTICURA WORKSAIWOERS, A .nd its cures are the meat re-' inarkleporformed byan boo aLnd sikia remedy of' mode ru S times. p'arets, remember -at cures mwde fin inflwny .'dcbiln boed are s -d, Permanent asud Sold tbroughout the Nwotid. Priee. , CU'rIcRÂ, 75C.;j SeÂP, SI.; EsoLVE tT,$l.50 ?o-Tim DU ax ECsI. ceai'., sole Proprictcir5, Boston. gi' Row to Cure 6kïn Diseases," 64 pages, 50 ilunstrations, sud 100 testimoniia, mailed free. BABYS SINscalp snd baïr purlfted u WOOL WANTED. The highest~ market prics will be paid for sny qnantit y of wool eehvered 0 oe dooýr east of STATESMAN Lffi le, Bow- man %ille. 22-tf. * I LEWIS QUIOK. 35 75 95 SourTIIMONAGRAN.ý 1 Gee. E. lfarshali, Bailiebr.. 28.95 2 W. Morley Fallis, BenisforI-t .2. 3 Hattie E. Soden, Biieho)(ro.182 4 MaryCraba, BensforI-........2 05, 5 John Graha:in, Frazervîlia.27 Asic Youit FRENDs whe bave taken Hood's Sarpaparilla wbat I-bey Iiuk of itY aud I-ho replies 'will be po)sitive in ita favor. One bas beau cared of indiges- tien sud dyspepsia, anether finds it indla- pênaiibie for slck beadache, otherm report remarkable cures of scrofala, saaW rheum and other bbood diseases, tI-lji otherb wil I-ehl yeuI-bat it overcomea "I-bat tired feeling," sud no on. Traiy, thbe beat advettIling whlch Hood'a Sarsaparilia roceives in I-be bearty endorsement of I-bs axmy off frienda it bas n'on by its positive medicînal merit. 50 003 Ibé3.we I writed at the gaînpton Woolen Milis for whi,5h thie highe,t caph price wil be piid. Farmera only > ve their tîyes hlit open, they are afraid tc buy of the maidde mien but thr-y rush te thein with their e seusible and bring yur wool where i% is to be manu- factured--you will fia it to your advant- age. AIways a gooil st ck (Jf eeods on hand-juet what the farmers want, whioh will bo exchanged for wo. 1. With thanks for past favore, 1 remain your ohedienlt servant, HAMNPTON. Miss Shaw WestEn I have aceededrJ to t1 wish of many of my eu tomers and have deoicled c 0 ý kee-pin~g ýB00 T & SÎÎES I have seoured the services of, that well--knowen Boot and Shoe man< MR. WILLIAM JENNINGS and have the best stock of Boots &z Shoes that maoney eau buy. Everything is new and trorn the best -makers. Our airn wil be, to give .s --le1ar- --- -U - a-u1 w= - - - Stock of Ilats, Wings,v etc, at cost and many W r tl feig getb things far below cost. eaesilofr g getbr- A 1nice lot- of new Veil- gains in our i ngs j ust received. Next door casI- of P. J., Bomauvilie D R Y G O0 C) D u-' 'z~~ v' :departient---we must bava: room vandy i l grtO reurnma Afor Ou r falimportations. GOLDEN BOX 0F GooDs that n'ill bring ou in more money mn n ee int n rrou ue talken in exohange for auytlmfug ele lu Ameria los.l , o o s k m KINNEYI , ~S, Yhsmnauhe1S. i go 33-3m 1 1f R T - Y Minsrd's Liniment Cures Disteraper. JOHN IIIiJVIT IRY' ý 1 1- SOHOO0L GRANTS. For Over J"Iîty Years 1Mirsý. WINSLO'W'S S(oor1iîNe SYRUP bas The follow\ ing grants bave beuen dli- been usecd by millions of mothers for ributed te thie sçh-oolis of the cunt-y for. their ailidreni while teething. If disturb- ho hiaf year e-nding Janie183 ed at iuibt and brokmn of your rebt by a DARLŽiOTN. iak cbild suffering auâl crying witb pain 1 May Ddds lBownmnvillec, .o of Cutting Teeth oend at once and geta MaryDodd, bttie of "Ms. Winslow'a Soothing 2 Minnie Spry, 4.7î5 .... 31 Syrup" for Childrau ieetbing. It will NeilMcDoa-l relieve the poor little sufforer immediate- 4 Johiel CodGeCurtice. . y. Depend upen it, motbera,tbere ia ne 5 Jon E Soars Bomanill 195 ristake about it. Lt cures DiarrboS3, 6 Thos. TKirkp)atrick, ltsteSoahrn oe ue 7 M. C. Prust, Burkýeton......21i egulae h tmc n oea ue & T. Frank Wrýight, Courtice.. 00Wmud Colic, sofI-ens the Gunma and re- 9 EithFiedin, Bwmavi]O 3.25daces Ii,1tbtmation, sud gives tous and 10 ohnLee Tyone........1.45enoýrgy Ù) the whole systeni. Mrs. 10 Jhn Le, yrün ..... G -4,jWi.siovw's ýýoothing Syrup" for cilîdren il1 Frank J. Groat, Hampton .... 45-.40O teetbinig la pleasaut te the taste sud ii the t Jennie Salisbuiry Il f 9.0prsrit o tOc of the oldeut and best 12 Midde Lick Tauntn.......22!2 fem lpy.iciana and nurses in the Unit- 13 W. J. Orabard, Tyrcne.......... ;0ed Stateti. Prias twenty-fivs cents a 14 Morton Riggs, Enfieldl........ 20.50 bottle. Sold by ahl druggists througheat 15 Millard J. Gibson, Enfield ..21.15te rl. B sreeakfr"M . 16 John Young, Enn iskillenl...45.50 Wthe wrldSoBTsre sk or." M22-1 17 Emily B. Brown, Enniekillen 16.05 18tEItic E. Campbell, Tyron,.. 46.90 h icua E.H. Hawkey, il .... How to get a"Sui.ilgt pcu 19 Maggie C.tRogers, Ilam.pton -13.175 20 wS. H. Tonkîin, Solina...33.70 Send 25 'SuiÀlipht" Seap wrappsrs 21 Rendol Snell, Haydon... ..... 29.45 (wrapper beariug the wcrds "Why Dees 22 Union wjI-h 22 Clarke........s8.50 a Womau Look OId Sooner Than a Man") 23 r ri'- 20 Manvars ..._1.85 ta LEVER BnRos, Ld., 43 Scott St,, - Toronto, and you will receive by post t 558 .00 Pretty pictr, f rce fromnadvertisirig and weli wor' ixrsis an easv The Recoguized Standard BRAND&. 1 The Grand Central ia selliniggomle very N î utcher Firmn. choice oumimer drinks. Full stock el picture framnes arud meuld- Mr. Geo. Joil i!and Mr. Robt, Rowe iugver chspat the "Big20"aebohth od salih ma ing verybusiness 1 f rom M r. W. R. R. Cawksr wli Remuants of TeE&d3 and odd Coats o blas for se xnany Vsars carr. o asiO and Y6stî; at lopeths tbncoaýt 't Msn .cesaýful butcbering hsteshr.Mr. Clething Store, Bowmiinville. 1 Joli ba aherelugh acquaintanco' with Reader, you and yeur lady are cordial- the mest trade and the high cbaractst of ly invited te attend the great clearing the Town Hall 7Meat [leadouiart2rs Nvl sale now in progreas at Ceuch, Johuston b4f.. ssai. Tenwporso & tryderman's, the faehienable dry wîll give carefucl and prompt attention tco goods bonse of the county. ail orders and are dotermined te give sat WHTAT SAY TnExvInl popularity lu. lafaction te alI austomers. Cash will ba creasing'. In reliabllity the standard. paid for hides, sheepskins, tallon', poul. In fact, the best remedy for summer cern- try, egge, etc. lligbest price for gotx plaints, diarrbeS', dyoeutery, Granp, calves and Iambe. Citizens are requestes colia, cholera infautuma, etc., la Dr. Fowl- te give Jol & Rowe the nen' firmu, atra e Extract of Wild Strawberry. Ail medicine dealerasosli it. Mim'ard's Liniment relieves Neuralia. At the dlec of saab seasen ws oei off Mr. T. N. Rickard is ehowitug a ver our remuants at very Iow'prices. We do beautiful cabinet sewing macbine-$OrnE net waut te carry ever one dellar's Worth tling new and Worth calling te sse,ladiei of summer goeda. Now is the time, do Wghen funeral cards are priuted st ti net wait for a month aud then be disap- office, ne charge is made for pî htin pointe& because soins one as-bas soeutr- the not ice of death lu Ta 2T Ali ed the bargains yoa might have had. 'When we de net print the carda, th John J. Masen. charge is 50c. 1-1 21.3rn.