-- - - ~ >4et#r~w-t-ngoa~-<s 4ziVtttŽ4st4>"t h emïselven bank to ~v - rej~ m4~~- 45j ci""""cue dnàsth ter"i grc' i lU ~ T r -'~ ~"eri-r ~-v~' 5wr5 F-r '1 -'-i~ ~r"'wri'ks'~~Ž t*~-'4n~ 'r~' t!"' Cr4K" ori'iit 12J 5~t'~O LT! diVô LhS kept from losing their fertiiity by the Neigchbour's boy "Is you ?' leit to sentie itseit. applicatiion of the fertilizing elements Little Johnnv : Yes. Now weee Coral fishing is gradunally decaying in the contained in the crops produced from the 1 break a window or anyt hing,I car't cell sland of Sardinia. The fact ie attribnteii soil. The crop from 100 acres earefully ted mamma you did it." by some to the exhaustion of the old corai to live stock and proper'ýy attended tbrongh. t- reefs, whilst others say that it is due to the out, will flot snifice to rover more than ten IBean leaves bruised and applied wil competition in the mîarket by the selling of aLcres, and so ten years muet. elapse before afford instant relief and airest ivy 4'iocoral of inferior quility, fished inT enormjous -------~-'-,---~-~----- --t--"-- - -' - wounded mar'. mos, ot the deau were struca j1thundierstormns, in ihe sriape o ruc in the face or throat. stones, fali upon the earth, and are ocýcas- With bis bacle to the wall sits a dcarl ionally of considerable size. man wlTo probably hived an hour or two after hwas hit. His knees are drawn vp for a A Boston gentleman recently 'killed a rest for his ar.me, and his head îs thus sup- biack snake abDut four and a half est long, porred. Next on his left is ae aptain lying from the stomiach of which he took anoth ýier pow N O a ,9 mima 1 L