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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1893, p. 8

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GET YOUR ?IOTURE TAXEN. JE PE 11J.L SA IICE '.'Jt7,rngiùgtebear upion their dild pcb1hrIy f bcig er ta h 'W , T ~ Q ~ n T ' fl ~ hi h w l S b s ore s a d died i u their w ickedness, ifo Wehave aàdea 'o out stock :of instru- icertainiy vain them ias ]knife andtorch eve akariadbrk i 1cA mi ents a vc ry fine Hlaw ke e b u a ne S B T T E P E C R O F T O d est oyed Jep t hahql 's d a g hiter. -\V il ad 'lied, X Vll lie OihtuWat isle andre are P SA DS NO SENG MA n. 5O5Ehhe wlolenofo ~vit i'i lt - life o a fathier w ose soi-s are de auc- on il ' r repared. toNtake snap shoMsDof ed? Thse dust of the 'Valley is pleasant -picnie partiesý, 1esidences, or animais at tion and vvithout blîrne !os iupon thetio hstse n h rvn an shoÈ otce W wllgoil1cth cun spndo fist acifice r ha mhtohtaipthroanh the droof of the miK try if Wdwill rointo the Parents JirIngingtoteBear Vpon Their 1Istupedous sacfice. ha rp hog terofo l ia tryeer ifts Chldesireda las fInluncsof the systen of educatiort iin oI"t- day-il 1 re esweater than the xIares mai We aise tkephotos o0e, er ltC ~OITodyaCis fInleCSa system of sacrifice. Wben eboden t eibon.M at very low ,yprices. Drap in and have Whiecîii "II C Vetily ui Thn as Spho nd tnor svn horspad(tnoV )îo i 'lthice rs ove rnen ai TetweeC; thei re zoiu ecood abiDets taken of yourself t Kuife and Torch Detroyed Jepli blashorsanuprearstio n rsoolt t,,governm1 , goet, Tue fthriv L eap- a M\arkýet Square, BowmanVille. 23. X>autter-Rev. ]Dr Talinage's Latest day, vvili yen tel me how rauch tit-)e cd to tee great rigor. The mn1oýhcr wili M ________________Semo.they'will hv for sunshin ard frsh 1 be tempted ta tee greatleie', lier anl BROOKLLN, N. Y., July 30.-Rev. Dr vwhich is necessary for the duties of cen- voice is a littie softer, Il(-- bad seems n Tlae voi lvonisvacation ing life? better fit te push ont a thorn'and soothe Ing turinmag e sthobis no or a tpie o one can feel more thankful t!han ti i a paiig. Children aniting alnything mer IVas ure ofa Fevec c'd y MN-tor ithe West, 1 'has e en'forîga tPi"do for the advancement of coiof itiifrom the imother, cry for it. They ho p: AI wS LINIEdNfT.ee od yMN-fthis mornng, "Chldges I,- , I slcol eduLcation. The printing ofbos to dissolve lier wil wth tears. But th Â1D' LNiEN.thertefthbeughas Jud 1, 36outii!appropriate for sciioois, ftic multiplica- imotser rmust no'. interferi, muet net Otfo-rd, N. S. R. F. HEwsoN. unte the Lord, do to me according te tion of philosophical apparatus, thec es- co of, must flot beg for the child that which bath proceeded out of thy tab1,linienti 'of inormal schools. vbicli vwhen the hour cornes for the assertion I W.3.5cured of a terrible sprain by mouth" rvîde for our children teachers or ef parental suVr0rnCcy aud tlie subjuga- MINARDS LINMENT.j Jephbah ws a feebootr. ~ largst1caibre, are theies on whichLî ion of a clîild stme. Teocre lUINARD S LI IETDJ phCouas a f eesoN, ary I turned eut fron a h'ome wlere ha ou every fph i tîroist ought to be con- in the bistory of every chld an hou Yarmoth Y.A, A.C. 1multitudes of chiidren in ill-venitiiatedc the clîild sîsail tube. That le the critîcal ý,Yq . Mith rough men, and wvent forth te earna holromad poorly equipped lialls bout. If the ciîild triumplîs lu tba 1Ia uedc lckeytels is litingas costdere ig or a Iths of instruction is imaking maïy of the Isour, then hi vili some day make yen M1iNAID'S LINIMENT. time iOUas ou ideedeu ight ra' man p laces of kno-,ledge lu this couutr-, a cýrouch). It is a horrible scene. I bave InleîI. j. W. RUOCIES. te g ton inéepbtant was a go ex- lhuge lbolocaust, vitaessed it; a mother corne te old age, according te the light of bis dark ago, Politics in mauy of thecccties gets inte shivering wvith tprrer iluftle presence cf a bu hife bebeca reckes and preiiate.eûduýcational affairs, and wlîile ti ta-o son wlîo cursed lier grey bairs, and buttbouiia wndrig ud reatrypoltical partiesar scraaibling 'rthe înocked bier wrinkled face, begrudged lif li bearn reklss nd recpittI honore, Jefflthah's daugliter perisheso. bei' the ust she mnnched with lier The grace of God changes a nman'bat, tissmchsthtteeaemn totesgu. t' b~ ovr evrsmisnt.îia tmer-sebools lu the country to-day Nvhich alre Hom, sharper thani serpent' s tooth it is. ninead rmtéÀýas)Tetréiesne heA mnts rpr tens of tiiousands cf invalid To havea thankless child! i odesdfOn#~î~) lad~: ane~teÂ~ci m~~en and women for the future; saothat, Btonheterad, oo ra rigor st Palney elneaton er-phtaiask ihlm te education la finisbed the ciîild j iisoîdonstic goverumeat bacomes coid miii-C Clý ae rs. beeotemoomaaeder-bn-cfoefeof ail tie Iu many places, lu mauy cities of the ta-ry despotismi. Trappers aou the prairie hof trnfteo' a stim ponile i ie oes. le n o aveno se fdrYe ndacountry hr r large appropriations figlît tire witl fire, but yent cannot suc- bai ofllod'sSiisap.tiîa rov tht m eu ~bn yU neuseformeandfor everything else, and cheerful appre- cessfully fight yeur child's bad temper HodsCures, even wheu ail others faili.now Yeu are, in trouble yen waut piames u a oc ste appropia- ityuronbdenp.We ue Try it ow back,'" but lie did net say that. H tien je te becnmade for the oducational or net be tee minute lu eut inspection. \Ve TeEpworth League Excursion testakes to hem modncfte a tell senms mrltueetsc ieuiy ýmae tk cotexpeet our cbildrta te baperfect. The senges te theAnimonite te telithaîn tethrough with an ecouoasy that is iwoll inmet netseevytin.Snew ilosobank August 2213d. vacate tIhe country, and, getting ne fa- ngstedat fs.hvetv ttîeevfu fe ut ow,- Sn, e v Ya. lPain in Back, Constipation, orable responso, marsisals ile treepe for ilficdahoushivt,- rtrefut fu wnve Sick Headache, etc , are cicred by using battle. In counection with thie s mnto ough t net te be toc reugl ivîouw-e dis- Mombraye Kiduey sud Liver Cure sod Befere going eut te the war, Jephthah -,vhat 1 miglit caîl the cramrning sytem cover tîat eut clhidren have as nianv maires a very solemun vow, that if thse of tise common achools and nmariyvcf tloi~ f tradition ho true, w-len Nve svere clild- by ail dealers. Try i.Lord will give lmnathe ictory, lien, ou ccadmeîe es;tudee tfat mightapps.Ia orn paNrenwet alneit fe aru lstthey Miss Jane Sievewright bas returned hie returu homne, wisatsoover first cornes cmtp nellec t, k htmgtapl"orprLt eeio eru ett home from Boston, Mass. eut of bis dooway ho will effet lu . atreitelct hildren gcing dowu te co)uld net taise us becanse et eut preusa- De not dospair cff curing Your Eick lice as a butnt offeing. The battiass beadachie when yen cen seaeëily obtain oes It wae ne skirmisbing on thse as themeselves. The faot le, lu semae cf Yen u mnot scold or pound your child- Carter's Little Liver Pille. Thoy wiil edgesof danger, ne uuiimbering of bat-ts iisprnsd e lo ht o nonhlt fcaatt h udpermanent cure. teries tw resiles away, but tbe hurlin -cbildren te graduate, for the simpýlle bloifa lldsertaunvrh effeùt a prompt c f meu ou the pint of swords and reasen, -'Vie caunot afford te shlow oui- sen , nder a cold drizzle. Above ail, C Their action iseaild aud natural. spears until thse ground conld ne moto cbildren's bealth te bo destroyed in orderavi fretting and scolding inaftise bouse- Mr. E dmond Beascu ïs e pouing li- drink the bîood, and tihe herses reatoe that tbey may gathar thse honore cf aul hîold. Botter than ton years cf ftetting cly a jýftç>l3,i,,uee onsi. talupaerfi pl o ode f h isiution." Tons cf thousande cf chli- ut your cbildreu le eue good, round, old- days i TrInthose ld tîmes, onuosngdren educated jute imbecllity; se, cO5i- fashîboued application of flic lipper! Asahait dressitaz sud for thse preveu- forces would flight until their swod u ected -ivitb se mauy literaty establ isil- Tisat minister cfftie Gospel cf svhîom we tien cf baldnes., A ýyer',3 Hait Vigor bas boe u ho sh ol iso-mnts, there ought te ho asylurne forft-ise-reAdin 'the uewvspapers tisat lie svipped ne equal tanuet and efficieacy. It et- tie bis man until the botlisfoeh, teetî tea recked. It le pusis, and erowd, and I is c, èiid te deatt, because ie îvould net deti-sar t dat crar, nd t , and jam, until tho 'say bis prayere, ivi nvrcret adicates daudruif, keepe the scalp icie, 'uti te lai ias uecoinse sd su cloa,aud healtisy, and gives vtality and staro, nithpli aoetubdcnnzto.TearhmisCtnt celr e ok, faded sud ray hait. The masc ope rm hc iehs nemety le wrecked, sud the health is calcuhate bow manv thionsande cf cbild- meet cttoie t ttiimStace ofcfmood ad been dasîedheult gene. There are ebjîdren tnaed eut ton bave beon ru-iaed forever eltiser popuek adlatha.wisth ay wet from the echools w-lic once ivere o fl! cf tlrouglh toc great rigor or tee great ?1r. R. Knox, Tewuei es sd Jptahiistsedy wuy opnan aýheadh cek (n«Y Th avsadteerh wfe are spending a few weel-se t Mus- cities lay captnred at bis feot. Sound roingsdIuhtr u adc nk euec.Te ovn udtsfat tise ictory ail tistougis the mointisins cf crncwiitish eaitii, ivi are newý tutu- are filed with tise groans cf tise sacrific- oSa. Gilead. Lt the trumipeters caîl up the a ou t ise afZerniecu pale-faced, irttl eod. lua thie imsportant inatter, seoir TiiE BEST ÀADVERTISEUENTS. -M;ny sUrviVers Hrnwsd t ynrwîes aethinatic, ld beo re tbeir tmDivine direction, O father, O motiser. t1isuard3 oet unsolicited letters bave sud ebjîdren. Heniewurd witisyonr 'Ilas oeeof the saddest sigbte on eartb,, 1Seme o 3asked ftise stiser cf Lord raahedtie munfctre ofe Scott's glittering treasures- liomeivard te bhave an od-mauuisii boy or an old-wornauqiisli Ciief Justice Mansfield if siso iras net Ewnîsion trout those cured tistougis its tise applause cf an admiring natjon.' g il. tred te bave three sncb erinent sous, use, cf Coasumptieni sud Scrufuloua Buil4 triuspial arches. Swving out Girls ton yoars cf age studyig alg -aud al cf them ,se good. "No," she spek 5 cofldnth fige ilove Mipeb Opa al1ynrbra 1 Boys tvelve years cf age tackig eaid,"t je nting te hoe prend cf, but diseases Non u s ocnidnl asaidote erceiehcaOuednfresur tiseir brain over trigouernetry! Cidiien snstsngfor vhici te ho very gr-ate- of its nmoute s those iviso bave tested it.. dost eev lo atrdtegie.unacquainted witis tbejr mother fougue f1," Frask ud IIlStttud i-.Tbrough every hall spread tise banquet, govrteifu Mecars. . ~~~~Pile up tise viandes. Fil bigh tise tan- icryrn hirLatin, Frenchi and G. Agi:teraemsyvsoreac- Proter Teopt5 ro ampng t krd. Tse atin l tdeeedtis lu man lessous1 AIl tise viqcitLy of thon' fliag Étisir ochîjdren te s spirit of wo-lrld- L?ýcyaesar oue5ardilentinlnature batnont of thiem by tise heavlr îines~.Semenasked a motsor vhsosýe T.&ke ongg.y~drc rerouedaudtlo ntioalbeetle cf a Greek '14ssdvo; ls chidten b ad turuoed ont very iveil, w-bat T)t Bule'e olen ill Ore ysep-boserse iuicaeddetoi1 teiot tiisis, EsEIf i was tise secret by Nvbiich site ptepred ~,,'hoItls ~ )ils~~ 'nguren 'iît'ei medine foi(" t- he nifblfor, usefule1Seaud for tise Christian tite le defiieLt 1sO bettertùtnic îemedyJe io aP~ $g steeid(, dr whît l tieusatter wir11the tiem. '111 'Aldse said, -Thsis vas tise secret: oa e e pIy d hy ilbinals dvaîices amid uc iiuini niulltitude, -ivilI tell yen i'viat is tise niattet -wvit.i jW lien, ilu tise 1mcrnIbg, .I wasised sny buChleoy iLei n is eciedpopulace. thlema. Tioy are fiuji;5ngtiseir ceduca-sid- n rydthsait tlley iglit be flis c1 f hIisto e ae isk in shiottO Romemheri-ig tha thle had made a solermu tien time thian aniy tier tOi1y. viw thtetiun f-c vitrosvaedatse feuantain of a Saviour's 11v.A.L~hiM. A., cf Nowtouviile, httie, what Inrfie aieetc ts umy parislin usPiiuepiasiti uory snIpnonterg-mt, preacised in tise Pregbyteriau Cisuroi bore doi-wray of bis bouse that siseld lho girl vwas se puslied ut echoociatef iayoSssviour's nightebensuose Visna nen-t Sunday evening. sactificed as a hui-nt-effering, hoe bas bis was tisrown jua a foyer, and lu ier dly- r-obeoauor'rgtuse. hz LbcuHeuE ~sat ambo, sxiee loS uon ho dci- I iondr xg delirium, ail ight leong, siso ivas tfi--1Igave tseisi food, 1 prayed that thsey TuE SAmasso LGTOSEÎ thSmr, atpoiselookuîb,'that bruce cf drsIn', 0 recitetlie nmultiplication table. ÏIi iht ho fed with munua fric Heaven. N.S., wîîence M,. 1R. E. Hart itritee a il htso trewu upon tis fie f ise ru- y oyiseod IreMsember thiatin oeut ýion I stanted tbemn on tise rend te fe"iews:-"Wjishout a doubb Bnrdock cffering. Oh, bei-rs 1 Palenese ofcf ac tisere -,vas eue lad who Suesv nmore scieci, I praved thsat tisirpatismîglit ho Blecd Bitters bas donc use a lot cf g.)od,cfetiblnhsisbek Despair tisan ail cf us put togetlier. If %vo ivOt asu tise siiig ligbt, briglter and brigbt- I wus ick sd weikfand bcd u aplatches bisfl c bicok. y fat in eut aritfismetie, lie exticuted rus. o t ise plic erf oct day. Vihen I put themn but B. B. B. male ime teel emart and chiid, nuches eut tise doerway te throîvw boe asn istod wup for tse spehludues to th e pin pthed thosat oy rig6ht o n Vto- ero its vîrtues more widely hersoîf lu lier futiser's arme and seiver leia lsstawy tts sa ftif oledintie aveu'satis," ", strong. wudbcsve.mreksestantee eecIass. Visitons carne te lus fatbt' vou Isay, "tisat -,a§ very oli-fasined." Snon auyhieswond o ave. onupen hlm men isestissudetserne-sv r liuse, sud ie ivas almeet sîways brougILî Ît jeuite eîd-fasbiened, Bnt de yen rau.ýdelpis Woodward, Il yeir.oH sson d its timhiepedrv n asn a prodigy. At elgisteois years of suppose tisat a chsldl under sncb purturo cf 2M. Jes-se Woodward,bd hie thumn.bis Ishs. Hlolding back hile chsld frein hile rgeble w-as au idiot. lie lived ton years asstisat evor tui-ned eut bad? ain P evered fi-nm hisebaid bys a ggi eaing broet, sund pueshiuig tIse loeSs an idiot, and died au idiot, net lknewiug lu ontday most beys starttout vvith, 55W. back frein tise faitrno, sst ooin bis rigisi band freas lis hft, or day frei 1non idea higier tissu tise all-encemapassing gete ain sd elefetouiteiie ye fîexîgiliiblookf-in ight. Thse parents and tIhe teaicl)or3dollar. Thsev' startiluanais uewisicis cbkh iteai Iera madebisS u anidiot, boasts If can scs'tch tise Lord's Pi-ayer ~ ~ loru iisihi hokd uterrîc-hausy, - ~ ~ i-oîdoho oi-iai ()n a tenl-cent piece, Chisidreiare targlst hIis~banYd~ au idld'1 ~Ii11 a sôt, the NEyER NEGLEOT À Coan.-Dr. Austin Flint says in the Forum: It je probable tiiat a person vith an iujherited tendency tÔ consumption would nleyer develop the disease if he could be prctected egainmt infection with the tubercebaiu.-I the light of modern discoveries cngp tion can no longer be regarded as -ar Iu. curable disease." Ict is Do exagerafiOft to say that Kemp's Baisam, when taken in timne, bas saved- many from consump- tion. At aIl druggiste' 50o and $1. Pure Indian Teas imDortedl direct, at Murdoch's old stand.. PETER. MuRDOCH, agent, Cail and osea the cheap and pretty Wall Papers at Kirby's bcfore buVing. Ask Your Dealer For "Sole of Honor" (TRADE MARLK) , AINAIANMADE, AMERICAN STYLES. ELEGANCE ANDDU1tABILITY COMBINED, l.T. FOSi ER& CD *iVanufacturers, RockI1adQ e that is at prices that wiil sell, al summer goods particular]y STRAW and FELT RATS, CAPS, TIE$, SHIRTS8 COLLARS and BRACESS, al1 wiIl be sold cheap for oasb.: i As I have a large stock on hand ï a>m determined to clear out tbhe above lines to, make room for Fal goods and as I have already com- rnenced with the repairing of Fur Coats, Jackets, etc., so ifi' your gar- ment needs repairing fetch it along, Now is the time. PRACTIÇAL FIJIRIER,BoMNI~ MASON' LOTHINC OUSE liAS JJJST RECEIVE]) New Scotch Tweeds in Suit Lengths, iNew Canadian Tweeds, New ilalifax Tweed Suits in Shadles. We stili Iead the Ordered -Clothiug Trade, both i workmnai-lship and price, and ti bLIU5CSS5 U ut scratehinia. If shîowed - e tum- 1beeu înrowing Y( .-pae. 1 colesî It is net r chidre 1te tise ci-o- 1a~ eoo eeause ive are naLtur- wil fnet respOi 111( for eternsty. -ile is not a mariage; it is s massacre.I GENTS' OUTING SHIR1TS veiy fine and very cheap, aise toauts' -s ea drudge, a slave and n acrifice. Ispare you, denunciations eromi hthah's bonad, anci exend them ail this Who01eBalo nmodern martyýrdoni. KELSE-Why would yn-u believe a nlster's word sooner than any other WIuTsE-Because ho ta snpposed te ach the truth aud tell the truth? But iy do you ask the qtuept'on? MWcll bo- use the 11ev. A. L. Snider,pasl'i.r of t he ethodist Churoh, Leamia,,ton. siys hve been cured osf the rncst painf ni id distresing case of piles of long Stand- gby MAGIc PILE LOTION," &nd recaI- end it to all thusa fflicted ý New

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