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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1893, p. 3

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N e arcealhin, about a"c shortesa- jing" w'vhicb aili nul cause iudi- gestion. Tbosc who "know a thiug or lwn", about Cooling (Mairlon 1ilanianti elog a bost nf nîbers) anC usuug iltsteati nf lard. Noue but ILs puneet, iccathioteut d ccut ingredieuts go tlu male UP Cut- tolec. Lard is u1 beaitby, ant ii mot a vays cdean. Tboe N vbo use Cotiolene ailiLe bc eathien -d -weatier than those atho usc lard-~Healthicr Leceuso they vatl gel "shnrter" bructi; wealthie Lccase they wil getl "shunter' gnuccry bll-for Cottoleue cos1' nu more 'than lard aud goos lwitE asefr-su is Lut h-all as expcnrive ~yaplxIIS niiigh luit Mcdeo oly by N.K. FAIRBANK& . Wellington anti Au:n Streets, The U<11! it by feeuhseg it witt ,,cott's FmuIsiolli.It is remarlt able how 0f Pure rNorwegl!an Ced Livu Oi and i-YiPOPhosPhiteb- il top a Cough, cure a Cold, an chueCnsumption in -ts car 1r sOu aswdastforme cf Wstng Diseesoi s isandt'-19as maime, Extracl ni Wid Sîraïwberry îla arelial nsmedly bt au analways Le dependeti( -b scre choiera, choiera inianbumn, coi crampe, dia rrboea, dysontery, antiý lbuseness of tLe bu', e. Il is a pu xr a ct conteining ail tLe vartues of Wilt Stm berry, one of the safeel anti enret cei for ail aummer complainte, combin with other Lerniless yeî prompt curati agen(ts, vel known te ineticcal scier( Tho lieaa'ca- Ftrawberry aerekn nbyLeId lbLe a excellent remiedy fer diarrlîo ysneyanti iooseness of îLe bowe but ieiclscience L'as placeti Lef buje pbi i Dr. Fowler's Ext. of W R e)7 cLte anti iffectual cure fur bLo-' ieteasuganti often daugerc oupnSD'u commun In Ibis chai hlcm'ts ýtol tho test for 40 years,a 11IAWriýrd e ni live bai a been saveti hy roîtuse. No utîmer enetiy lwve Culr%-' ur oroblembs gou pnomply, qui tli o - eftectnclly ailaye rr tion 40 succcseluliy &s Ibisunival prsrpinof Dr. Fowler. If y ou goiccg bu. travýel Ii bc ur ni fl%abo tile witlî YO. vecmesaf-'ly eut uuicbly tLed cele. Wire nopes ans goesaliy galvau lu prevent rosi hy 1hiug dantiit ont âlkeline or sit iquon, andtilienceý thi( the galvanizet bath nfiiii m i pe-Lten uupenfluone mtel Leing rmuet run ropes lyytheir subeequent e20tht( s Led 0, iand. f ~~~~~~~historical records teem with instances of O T0 FTH A IFG F ~JJ SLIR. individual valeur displayod by the RangersOFT EP C IC of Cunnaught. Brie Skech c Sevn Brtiel Re~mifl3 tCONSISTS 0F GUARDS. anoce iimdEisveRgtt Bri',Skech01 8vu B'tahThe lout complement nf the Household !"navigate the Great Oc3an. iTroupe consists of the Grenadier Guards, cr0esorfllte Eeyal Arsis or tile cavalvy- who are first in order uf precedence, the 1 iso Esi1lIsii FirSt to DîSsregar4 tlie Claim ilustoyy oe thse 1-oyal Lace Th [1" Coldstream Guards, and the Scote Gaards. -.ii1 Interestiflg Dit o!f llstory, sers and these tlartg-ioyal ArtillCry The very namne nf the Grenadier Onards Thec decisibn of thoe rbitraturs on thec Hia§s hare1 i victorne%- Who lia% NOt suggee te in an exceptional mainer visions Berngsa question marks an important Beardo! fth e B lack th-ao i nO ile proudest victories aud nf the dourest staein, that rîvelry for the command of the playeitlsby tihe coinatîiiiChiBsUg0 struggles that have befallen British arms. Pacfewbc aslsedfrmueta three fleeiolit Trooles. They bear as tijeir regimental badge a gren- cetris y implication, indeed, it may Whonever une oi the 110w famions Britishi ado, and un their colours are the naines be sIll ohveatdaeithÎioeyn reimn e, h alu ut-Wfre- Blenheim, Ramilies, Ondenarcle, Malpia- tha.t ggrýo uean, for by a bull of Pupe IN ieh- ample, bas been sent out to fiLiht il haî qnet, Dettingen, Lincelles, Corunna, Bar, las .in l18'54 the Purtuguese were assured coe om, erap sor aie mssmates, ossa Peninsula, Waterloo, Alm&,Inkerman, eX(cîpsive rigts un ail seas and lande which but with a big halo ni glury aronind it which eatpl gp,18, e-lKbr hymgtfunnnceupied hy Christian wil lst rnahl a log s ill the nation Suakim 188S5. Thev were nrigir.ated by ihbtns Af 1er the disc'wrery of Amier- t fer which it fonght. Andi when cdetach- Charles II. 1in 1656, and were given the ic Clmbuns, the ocean was patin mons romsifn these famions regimentsj name ni Grenadiers in 1815, in recognition ed _yPope Alexander VI. between the two k go nt u prad ina crne niberMajsty n their haviug defeated the Er ncb Grena-nations i the Iberian peninsule. bigpeet eoony, il is perfectly naturel aud derGasatWaein.It dthraTE NLII a quile proper that the colunists shl,, d hoe- that the Imperial Guerd of France, led by heineric À come excited. The imagination ni the loyal tNey, advanced totwithin, fiity yards notf r t he f ire g iregard Iheantd sbi Briton te tonchýd and thrilled when hoie . ewree h Gad iyPenteDuewienh ithe xluivegftFmpne d, andeuh-i is members that the reginîepts reprezented in nf Welingtonugave the memorableo rder, qeîtYevthelinsniforancordiethaeauit *Toronto receutly have helped ta win andi the purport, ifnt the preciso words, of' ]ustCo.neWvrtol stmresofth nCen- ;e defenfi e large part nf creation for the which was, "Up Guards, and et lhem.' turySpe nlyvrta mitreyestani h n 1 1 Widow et Windsor," and that they have As tbe words uf command were given theywrd.Ntnysubtbyeabihg o 55 nliei0forwinni1gswitb thoîrbones. s3praug ta their fot and stood, lu a ime four t radle w the Phillipines, which were part Vo slues id odrto botter deep, an impeuetreble brnier te the logions niOfber empire ni tbe Indics, she bcd assumeai cordms ni ah i tem, teabout th aletry nithe Empaer. A tremendous volley car- !coutrol ni the Pacifie and affected ta lok j r ntekittHihndrabut the br5avery riefi coulusion int the ranks ni the Imper- upon Il1 other nations who aspired ta ebare ni the armnoured guarfisman, andi about the ial Guard, and thon Lord lialtoun, ,rcuoiv- ~hnpîiee sprtssdiehnes calm courage and brilliint hleroism ni the iug orders from the Duke, calleCI out, Tebrda sddthoerpent :0s fgtnsoniri bu nstoati ni vol- "Now's i the lune, myboys." There was aco etts from entering bier jealonsly ce fmetnsonbrf setchnbi tesvn ae etsnnîgcheer, a maguificent charge whioh gaddwaters, end Oxanham, Drake and mneay o roprisetehofwtpt aavbnlote it, and the de fea ibsa- Cavenýdish made voyages ni exploration and ,e-,iayb aprpiae iwpoîen'sl et m ityefforthwesaere.t heplaein the Pacifi3 in defience ni Spanish BRITISHt OAVALRY. Grenadiers were represented iu Canï"ae t I pretonisions. For e tima the Spaniards -42.I contemLplatedewith favor the construction ni First of the British cavalry, andi se first the time nf the rising of 1838 4.acnlars h shu iPnmbti ni any cavalry iu the world, are the Houso- ,icmlars'h shü fPnmbti hodTroupe, consistiug ni the ist and 2nd KOOLAU, THIE LEPER BANDIT. e ate ontbouthohcife tald nul ho kepth Lufe Guards and the Royal Horse G'aards, iaelb h aii ol o ckp andt Ieir origio. emphasizes their intimate noe soots Thî-ee lte ieAreeîy eopen to qraniards and closeti to ail -others; conneetion with the soveroigu. Botb Lfe Hawaii. ant1ýil"thle _ovrument therefore make il a Guards andi Horse Guardswere raised in From the Honolulu "Bulletin" il islearn- cptlciet netk 1661, the former fromn the scattereti rogi- ed that a leper handit namoti Koolan, wan- SLCII A', ENTERPRISE. monts ni thte Cavaliers, wbo had inught for ed hy the police ni Honnilulu, had idda F, !or years theSý wore kept in dreati ni an Charles I., anti the latter frrem e selectinn defiance lu them and bcd takou te the irrupioin in force hy soma Northwest pas- ofClnlUpton Cook's regiment of horse, mountains, with bis wiî e andi chilti. Ho s sage anthe mythical Strait nf Anian w bich servod untder the protectorate. Itis rspusible for the tioath oi four persans. wbiilh wes elieved ta joi the waters of Whenecheedyby Shrlif Stozmtnhotrigand otl, oceans was long a source ni uneasines prohably 1thehonlyhscavalry regiment z, batbrrespo - au trace ils lineage tao the ParlistnentrY ni Kalaban shot him. An expedition was tao Spauîis1 captainesud marchants; anti army. Iu 1788 the regimoent was remotie- thon sent irom Honolulu, and t reaehed indei c iuta gain credit, not led. An appellation whicb was given ithem, IClalan early in July. Il was s disastrous emonjg Sýpaniards ouly but English as well, dating from the Burdt iots, was the failutre. uintil theU middle ni the l8th century. Ail "Piccadully Butchers," a sort of nicknamne, Af ter a gond deal ni scoutiug bati been Ii,s limei the western ouest ni North Amerlos which found ius emaployers lu the classes ta dune aud reports more or lees credible bcd wi vae kno as fer as the 43rd degreecni north whomn police are "miýinions nf the law"I anti heen receix cd aI Camp Dole iu Kalalan latÀtne through the charte ni Vizeainu andi, eagitrates are "1salarieti hireling." The vaîîoy, Major J. W. Pratt was sent with- a otl.r soýurces nf information. It was nul state officiais Goiti Stick aud 3lv'er Stick tietail ofniflteen soldiers ou tne 4tb ni J uiy til' i - that Faîher Serra's pioncer colony are always oifiers, colonel aud lieutenant- ta scour the heacl ni the valiey lu quest oniwa, esteblislieti aSan Diego. colonel, of the lrousehld Troupe, chosen in Koolau anti lis family. They loi t camip ai, The true sterling 'pint ni sncb coînni- rotation. This privilege as cuncerus lte 8 'clock lunIthe moruing, anti aiter getu atimu as1 pre_ýeded1 the inroad ni 1849, endi Fil Lufe Guartis dates frou the Rye Hbuse soma distance d ivided i mb twn searoh ni tho sù ýtrutg 1e for pretioiance in wbich Plot, wben, amidet ah îthe treachery which parties. One party consistetiofnilluer, Spaîn n-avs destined .1talose ci; erything, was spread fer and wido, il transpired tiaetn Evaustonl, Gunthen, Bluhm, Thoone an 1 owiug lu aý dispute hetween that power and attempt had been aven thonght ta ho made Johuno. This partystruck'a treil manrked EIlnglanti regarding the Falkland Islands. ta lamper with the bife Guards, as their by tiroppings of pol, wbich beiug iollowed oefetetsn French anti Englieh had loyalty was tao Weil recognizeti. The led ta a camp thet, eeemiugly, hati heen been fnrmed cou nue ni thet group. The regimeut bears as a cresl the Royal Armes, deserted in baste. From the marks lefI it rnc retined on the Spanish Goverumeul andi on the standard is inscrihefi Dettingen, appeereti the cm hati been occupied byrcnstratirg, but the Euglisb, remaining, Peninspla, Waterlou, Egypl 82 e-el- eight or niue persans. Food supplies auawIMenve oohyh tevcry h Kebir coat with twu cartridaes lu s pockel were re~lt ve a series ni complications, whicli ROYAL IRISH LANCERS, emnoug the romains efbihy the reco;nt camp- enqled citer due apology, mn the re-estab- The 51b Royal Irish Lancers, as et pros- ors. oifiel itbe colnny. The incidenl(thougb 'r ent constituted, date only fromn 1858, the Major Prataudthue part ni the han,!d lb clony wuas atenwards witbdrawun) nid tb Dragoons, the Royal Irish ni the with hiiu were notifieti oi the discuvery ad coivnce he Spanisb authurities that iii wers oi Marlborough, hsving beeu dieband- repaired te tlhe spot. The Major surmisedt1i tlme Wes anme when Iheir strongeet g ed in 1798, leaving hehintiàa neme inferior that Koolan and hie party bacd oratt fiai mee directed tu the protection s, ta noue for courage and effedtlvenose. They tunther up the mountain. -nie bs of-nithe i Empire on the Pacifie, lu the souîb- ýest trace their nrigin tb the rte ynt irect ion the baud proceededta10look for he-r1, utAnc iwbich the Fa' klands were e Inn iskilig, whn geied an h nourahîenamoa ulpward treil. Te odanifloei isoîçILi t btowerr. The -Marine dopart- inrther glbnt aiece i er tLe accession outil iltoek thon, ta a heigbt of 500 le, -mip-t of SanPIa Mexican port near ilIe ný o ir illmanti Mea udiom w eeeil came 1te precipitous -phil. Ade-Gli ai aiorua secreatefi for Ibis nur- ranlks twelve troupeni hurses were reiset.sn and Evanebn espontie Ma;o o~0 The 51h Lancers, therefone, dlam, a kiuship tPratt's caîl for volunteers teu 0iilnwthe A eXIs op EXPLORATIONSu)1 ofn desceut with the Inuiskillings anti the trail oul. Tbey were followed by Mi iensamtiîuteJ, anti ors ererc teit 27th Foot. The regiment was incoprtt edaohr ode.eit points, beginning- at Sen Diego anti Ie by warrant lu 1690, anti he firt commandi Anderson îeached the tnp ni the clsud exîlent iîuiortîîwards. By 1779 the coasl Snu given ta Coi. J. W. Wynne. It was ne- shontedi, "Boys, I bave got the trail." ba4 been examineti as far as the flOîL )li, contitutot inl 1858, anti five years later Hie words were instautiy fobowed by two tere war with Englanti interrupteti ail wes orderedtaluIndue, wbere it servetinun- ehols. Andierson fel deati. Those nexit ie, sre A ,wih al ledyb )uro hâla tsurvey wnrktwhicbforiedvarnendyeleen ure iI 1874. The regiment hersas shmtuhldiaeratfrcvr n 0 Iandiae y the visits ai Captain Cook. creet Il The Harp anti Cron," sud the those helow tLem. Johunofelu irom îL Nt utl 7 it hefagni'panegi motta, Il Quis separabit"' On the stand- face ni the ci1 anti rolleti down the rit,iea arib iCpeMuioîo ards are the namnes Bleuheîm, Ranilies, a great Light, lusing is gun anti cap antid lanhb other ativenurers lied been rw- --Oudenerde, Malpaquet, anti Suekim, reeiving severe bruises. Ho was able,>laying- the iondation ni gainful enterprisos res 1885. bowever, tn re join bis enmî ados ou the way 'lu tuc' e rth, Paciflo, anti Lad alreatiy ques- ~~eti THE a ~~~~~back ta camp. They stoppeti e thIe de- toei5suscemt xlsv oeegt .e TTHEiUSSAisS- serbeti camp oni the fugitives, anti Pratt sent 1ovle tha vee citaeuvean I 111terewbule tive he111h Prince Aierî's- Own ffossars Corporal MeAulton bcck tn beatiquarters ogstetc nsu-retic n. 71tieArcîlose tc. were firt knwn as Honeywout's Drageonse, for reinionceinents,1 o ýSLad een ofsuhjuAte andI Arabwey ni th wbich were nrgauizet iun 1715, when the adi-' Weduestiay, July 5, Mn. C. B. Reynoltis, Rî:il 'esin Cas s subj ytelesucu frme henents nif the Stuart's cause gave signe of officer niflihe Board oi Hsaitb, anti Cpi. esîahiisýhments lu the Kaintechatka for the Striking e lnw for the isair beritageofn the Larsen, with soma natives, we-nt lu recovon pursit of the iun rade. In 1728 anti again Bntih ren.The regimeutn serveti Antiereonne body. 1 They foun t il ater a in1711 xpeditione starteti irom that bleak itS threonghos i e ennenar îna nd tigooti teal ni beating about, a short distancepnieîlueac iAmrcntth i(00, wheu, airer two yeans' figh-ting, they receiv- irom lYoo au's refuge nt rocks. The only ekJns inougbl homofhy teriandsothefo 1le et onders lu eturu lu i813, ont ni 700) otii clothing ou the bodiy was the trousers, ant,>ih bpriiee. The trade thue inltlsted was foro that Ladl buf Engiauti, ouly two bun tied the finding ni bis shirt noar tLe spot whene bq anoionb niiuls u tbnî Jid remainoti. Upon theinroeturu from Indusiaho leli indicatet ie had tom n il ffwben ho ,pfait orneti compenies, stations siere in 1838, wbere lhey bat been tationeti ionr disoovenet i bs deth iwound. Ho badtrtneti a iahits rogmen wa chsenas Le toetach Le iowni lon wih stabbshctiand the enterprise was conducled 19 yeers, the rgmetwruhas s, th awachtefo f lo ihfer b reguilarily. Iu 1781 a large company * escot of ttue Prince Consort on hie arrivai which were fountl atihering ta the wein*nti aws foudeti dwbicb badthîe protectiun nf ýaIl lu Engianut, aith the titis ut " PrinceI Hie cartridgA hoît anti hayonet worefoudti EtEpr:ees Catherine anti monopolizeti the tune Alhert's Own Huessars," bis Royal Hfighuese fiuîy foot frmnwbere tLe body l53y. trïde ni tLe extreme northern coasts. This ngc- sobeeq,îentlyheiiîg gazettetito tihs colonel Larsen thon pleceti is men lu position t1 )~, u et v. 1 nthr nirtcsnm in-chief. t formeti part ni the lamons fins volleys et the place wbere Koolank was tîle Russian-Amoerican company, was aut LigLI Brigade in the Crimes. The leader, sopposedtato e hidiug. Sixty rounds n o l ýrantei sipe,,Îal privileges by the Empaer y'its Lord Cardigan, wore the bantisome uniiarm weno fired. Larsen leit tLe deteehmneoi n 1 2 >at i they were onufirmeti by the of a the 1iltL as Le rode et the Leeti ni tLe charge ni Reynoltis, with orders ta get ý Eppro Aexauden. Llght Brigade against the Russian batteries.uer Koolaus tien as poesible, anti thon iho Iln 1790 Spain disputedth îe right ni both The llîh est as their est, " The Crest bot ior the camp with the mon bearing R1i, niEglnil et vees1 n anti Mtta ni the late PrinuesConsort ,"aiid Antiersou'e budly. pat ni thecouest south of tLe 6tet dogres, ises have ou Ibeir standards Egypt (with the The party adivancet i n skinmîshing ordenatlu. h eoilontosbett ita- Sphinx), Peninsula, Ssladaîîea, Waterloo, baking position witbin bhirty yards ni Koo-'M,, flied Bbntpare, AIma, Balaklava, Inkerman, iau'.9 srronghold. Reynolds, Corporel THE BRITISH GOVERNMEI are anti Sebastopol. Wells anti a pivate bal luit star eti ta gel c1imt exclusive sovereignt.y, navigation ROYAL ARTILLERY. nearer the place- whon two sbnts wenl off antlili cercl-e in the South Sea." The ne« simuiîaneousiy. Private John MoCabie 1su!t on iieSpeieb protest was a convention The whols British ertiiiery service le only droppeti deai, and PrivaIs Husberg feil itpwen Englanti anti Spai, which was the ans--egment-diidotiminrigad, whnse Lack lu --he ."rear, euk lu bhe rut1nt ortbw tu Spanish SUpnemacy in tht ed of adO hî 1 Bt'tl enini aeofbekat ne,! ses Mni. Adanisdetniedthisclalim inatuto ul ne plant on coller. Ou thincolours Builttsmninsmaenibakstl . nieiis the, Sphinx, 50 pensciheti " Egypt," ancionet histury, it beiucg a simple mreal, lu10W. if îLe-- Sidn aim was fuly,thnogý ghan anti îLe naines of -the ioliowing atties :- triking contreet 1tetihe luxuriaus d1uiner. fLaset nîenitny on Lth shcones of thE -gbSeringepatami, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes Thpepeke abs -but twn meals, 'îlee -t t , ogt 1.oneet litilo argument u Il d'Ouor, Cùidat Rodîlgo, Badajce, Selamen. mit-day, the second ai evoning. Theý àsw ca p wwicli, hvnprhs w'ny ce, 'tini, Nivelle, Othes, Toulouse, was genenlly.composeti ni fruitsatiligt uesanAnica badt erritony ou o11lY on lice -00gb eDnsla, Alma, Inkermnan, S4nastopool, wines, tLe heat ai the clmat meteias -ite Ldu hdn ingt oeeu Central Indus, South Afica 1887-8-9. The tLe more Learty footdtisteeteiul. gacletiucttoni. Tihis fluai phase ai liemeiyLL it 15 nt n of 1a, is- ,-y es- Lo. gh lio ta te use -'s -hl 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youths and boys, were neyer exceliecl and' prices neyer more moderato. Two reasons why you are certain to be benlefltted ini rading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are that we keep only relîablp goods and they are sold at lowest living profit. Our customers cati depend on getting, well-niade, good fiisad stylishly cut clothiug at prices to suit ail pocketg-- Ful liesof Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, l-landkerchiefs, etc If you want a suit thîs Spring you will please us and benefit yourself by lookiug througyh our magnificeut stock at the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bowmanville. Microbe Killer Enriches the blood and gives tons and atrength ta the whole systeni Microbe Killer Gýves buoyancy of spirits, strangth and healtli to ail uiora of it. Microbe Killer Doss this, bacausa its main constituent is Oxygen, Nattire's remxedy. Microbe IZil1er Used in sicknegss e no exporimnt, crude drugs and minerais ara. Microbe Killer Is the greateet toni.- for tired men and w-iomen ever prolucod. Microbe Kijiler Correcte ail bodily disorders easily, if taken la time, used freely. Microbe Killer Purifies the blond and tissues by driving ont the living germg. Microbe Kuller lias no ecjuai as a rheumiatie speciflu ; cures guaranteed. For Sale by Higginbobham- & Son, AGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE. PricUs $1 and $3, according to size. WfM. RADA M MICROBE KILLER CO, LIMITED. W1 i à >e pUiea8ed once inQaniytcei Q Iiy Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Vailses, &C., At Our Store, se-BEAVEI BLOCK,-M Bownianville BJQGEST STORE, BIG-&EST VARIETY, BJGG-EST VALUE. Every'bady invitetd to emI andi see our'new vfloalweiu0 <I D AST'vrI S, THEI SHOE MAN, oif South ses owu-enrsbip is now extinguieheti, anti wo shal lear nu marc oi e mare clan- sumi The conîrol ni the P s.cific, or ni eny pari ai it, is tLe vesiet rigbl of nu one na- tion, bot is sharet amnougst aIl accordiug la their-commercial 'aclivity, enlorpruso anti maritime proflcieney anti power. The Cattle Embargo. Il le quite apparent fimnthîe bons ni îLe recenitidebate in the Britishe Hueaf Cont mous on tLe subjectoth ie schetiulisg ni Canadien catle, tuaI the anthorities wili not nescluti this yea r tLe ortier mequiring tice eiaughtcring of Caille upon debarbalion et Englieh ports. Lt le evon somewhat tiauht- fl whethem the pnivilege ni ebupping caille alive ici îLe interior markets ni tLe Uniteti Kingduni will Le reebomoti for îLe next cea- sou. The discuseion was begun hy Sir John Long, member ferDunndee, wlco anguet forcihiy ageinst îLe tiecision ni the Munister of Agriculture anti pleadeti slrongiy ion the admission oi Canadien ]ive stock, boîh on the groundti Iat lIce brade lu store caille is ni great veine lu Scotch farmers, aud that nu conclusive evidernce ni tics existence oai- pleuro- pueumuonia in Canadian Lents bas heen prntiocet. Ho was eLle bu bning ion- watt a formidable arey ai isuts bn enstain Ibis latter conctention, but sll10 1no evail. The presitieut nf the Puant of Agriculture remaineti bubtrate babiug Lis stand upon the adverse report ni îLe experts by avbon weme exancinedth e lnge ni bbe Canadieni beaste euspected of diseasc,aud îhe e.beolube neceseity of adoptiug îLe mou n rigiti mecs- unres for tLe protection of British cattie. Scotland it pract.eaiiy a unitin favor ni the roocoval ni the embargo, aphile Engiish aut Irish are hostile, tho former hecause the isnmers wish tre reduco cornpetition as ninob as possible, the latter Lecatîse they tesire an Englieb market ion Irish store cattie. Tho most strenucous opposition, bowevor, came l'roni Mn. Chapin, presitient ni the Boardi ai Agriculture un the Salisbury Guvernment, who expresseethîe opinion thatiti wouid nul be sais for c long lime t corme, in any circumstncs, to admit animale alive roni Canada, anti who necoînnentedthe prohibi- tion by begielatinni the importation <oi animalesmnoGreai Bn i tain, except inn the purpose ni elaugýic, rioni s-i'ceuntnîts. Mr. Gardner does nt, however, go so far as that. On the contrary, hie continues te -express a hope that the schedniing or der will soon be rescinded, and to protest that no other motive than a conviction that disease exists in Canadian cattie lrevents the Government from permnitting their in- troduction on the hoof t one. He recom- mends, accoringly, that the Canadien anthorities shuld take steps to ascr- tain the origin of the disease w4th which certain cattie shippEd. to Great Britain were affected, and to effectuai. ly stamp it- OUt But, the conten- tion- in this country is thet no pleuro-pnonmnnia existe among the herds, and thet the diseaso discovered by the British veterinarians is of an innucuons na- ture, a contention warranted by tho closest examination nf competent authorities, s0 that we fear no0 action of the Canadian Government will suffice to wholy satisfy Mr. Gardner and bis officers. Tha sugges- tion made hy the lion, Mr. Angers, thrugh Sir Charles Tupper, that the British Board of Agriculture shoui send experts to Can- ada to examine into the question, seems to be reaily the only practical plan for securing the removat of the embargo. If Mr. Gard- nr will depute experts in whom he has confidence te vist Canada, inspct our herds, and enquire into the quarantine sys- term along the whole international houndary lino, there is a chance that upoil a favorable report the schoduling order mnay ho cancel- led, by Great Britain. Ot1herwise~it appeers extremely douhtfal that Cirnadian cattie will suon again ho perrnitted to enter the British markots on the boof. 7 Willie was very much interostefi whîleý the choir sang the anthom in cburch lest Sunday. At its conclusion lie turned. te h lis mother, and in a stage-whi-pcr ased "Say, maroma, which heat i' At Wavick Cistle there is a Shako- speàIfian garden teuded by Lady Brooke. In it grow and blossom overy fiower and shrub namied by the poet. The first specimen in it %vas, planted hy the Prince of Wales. IlHow is business 1" ask!ed Joues, ad. d çreseing thoestooer Mzbusines s," replied tbe, investigator of ce!etil hono' mena.-"ny usine-ýs is hiukJiîîg up."y

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