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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1893, p. 6

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-p1' at thoend lof e elio na er own sakie, and then sewas bismohr J_1ethe ad1of the cýschooi jýaL th i retôte. Clize in theimu0i ul-. when,11organ; txa i b tda word by the tlgahA ri ui Th1,,ý. -re -ay air' was boýavy with the thing in thn days, and I dou)ewiîu my drew up. I-supposed it was Will'iaman ~ce~ aplebloome; the sunlight, siant- iew winter suit, and Pohly, dear b's;rt, went ont on'the porcb, but a srneld ing thirough the trees, came in at the vin- madeolier old black silk over caai, sa we 'and 'entleman got outV, and thenl a lutl do- f~e oid farnihouse and danced in could afford it. I couidn't teli you how we boy, jist the picture of wnat William usedl hît~nciceshio the euor femareverting njoyed it, at firsb, ssben lheused ta bri -, te be. 1I gtsed then wbo 1V was, and we ol mc itie f te boys home fromn echool, tostay awbile, she said 'Fàitie- Burten,' I jest tcook herjii tbc easy ;bc eide the windcw. Once and in the evouin's they'd sing and play, rny old arms for ber ý,Dyos werefulil of tea,u ; or te 'ien i u a arm ray touched oe 'Coming through t'le Bye,' 'Home, Siweet and 1Icouid sec shie knowed just lho 0: -IwaiS baud, ho laid the other on it asif te hoid it me'RckoAgs"oneonad felin'. Her faf ber brought the boy to mie,1 there, and smiled baif sadiy when it eiuded ail tbem nild tunies Poliy and me knowd s0and1j- no time it seemed 1 kuowod 'ern a-il him. ~~~~~~~~~~weil. I s en Poily's eyes t,-sbinin' many a tojdei eodfsiedadotran "We can't hold the' seeshine, but Ced tüime, endionce or twice sbe jieed i.1 the je,adme s is l f ahoe jeourbed eau," bie said softly,>as tbeugb comfortinga liked ta hear lber, but William said at last, rocmr, jest as if lie dida't hev nothin' grand chiid.1- 'Mother, I wish you wouli't sing wbee er. The d--e;r cpened and a brisk voice -greet- the boys are bore; Yen put us eut.' I didn't " 'William feit as if lie couldn't Lavefoir ed hila. I"Coud afterno, Father Burton- see Polly's3 face when lie said it, but 1I hiek af' as'Flesi,'u oiai I arn late te-day ,bow is it with yon now 1 kew jist how she iookod, and after that got father te bring me right away.Wa it "Be'tter, dector, botter every day ncw, shle neyer sang with 'em. I tolillber 1 rîglit 9 I".e wanted te se long.' fer each aone brings me nearor Pelly, and 1 guessed William had made a mistake, fer "I took bier iii,,ani, dear Lord, yeu shonid reeken that's eueugh te make me glas." the boys didn't seern te mind; I thon glit bey seoin Poiiy and bier and the littie-eue. The doctr C lek the thie, wriekled hand tbey likeil it. It did me good ; 1 thought Poily muet hoe extenedi toward him, and drawing up a I' Nover mmnd, dear,' says she, ijelber gen- botter, and tolil ber I tboughü Efflo conld chair, sat down bosida the patient. The fie way ; ' William don't liko it, and it's a make bier weil, but 'sic only smiled and contrast between the two men was stronig. i mnail thiîîg fen*rme te givo up.' Weil, thingssbobehad One tail, ereot, and full cf strenigth cf eariy begin te kind a change. TPhe beys didn't inanhood, th., lires cf youtb and hope ura. ceme home witb William înuch aey more " The jedge went back that night, but ingclear je the stroeg, undaunteil features;- and wben I asked how it was, hoe said,,'I Effie andI the boy stayed. It didnt seern the other, weaLk and broken with the long don't ask 'em te coame now., 1' Wby, Wil se lenesome as Utlhed afore, when Poil y jeerney, showieg je the patient face the ta-,' I says, ' that aint social ; why don't wonldsepadJcudha h onnj burnt ýut emnbers cf bis lite aud bepes. It yen ssk 'arn?' II don't want 'emn te cerne the kitchen demn' tie work Polly nsed te was a lif e picturo, the beginning and eudieg h o i answered me, short oail quick andI do, and me thiekin' I would noves bey becr of the jeirney. ý uned away. 1 did't toNi Poliy ; I hardiy settin' at the table with me again. It Some sucb thouglit as this came ta the .Enio wby I iidn't, but yeni see I feît a lit- seemed as if Effie keoweil wbat Poily want- sican s le tck is eat Th ti unoniortbleandI rckoiedesI witiout lier havie' te ask, aud she was Young phyiinash ekbi et he Vie ncocifotaoad I rokoel raybo sa liglit-focted andI soft-voiced, jost like rny .Id n's protieut resigeation was saiee ib elta atc thing cf a marvel te im ; the quiet look cf The next year ho went te coilege, aud Polly used toeho, pain thatnover lef t the worn oid face l.ad the fust niglit ef bis vacation,, Poily says, "Thtibtheecmacan.Efe snggested te 1dm that semewhere in this layin' her bauds on bis shoulders and kissin' siipped je aud toid me te 'coirie. Poly's life was a wcuud ne humain baud had the bis forbeail, ' My boy, I'm giail ycn'ro get. mind was sort of gain' back te wbee w pcwer te heal. Ho had often feit that tin' aunoildication.' Ivas youug. She tbought Effie's boy wos scmtbieg besides oid age sud the, loss cf II1He got up train bis chair aud sbeok bier William, andI caileil bin ber baby-ber bis wife made theolcd man centented tao Sud bauds frein bim ; she was littie, yen ses, W'iihie bey-like slle useil te ; but wben sahe life slippin;g away freim bim. anded owos se tall i.'Mlother, hoe says, witb seen me sie seerned te kuow how it was, "I reekon the Lord keows bow te werk a frowu, 'do try aud eay education; there ý aud slie took my hand. tbings eut after al," hoe said te the doctor no suob word as eddicotiou.' aidath odkesba ~be hoevebead aueibbo sa bi tie Poor Pelly, it eut rne like a keife te sel o't mmnd very muci.' Wbeu Effle bent was short. III've been e sittie' a listenia' lber patient face grow pale; I nover saw bierovrbrseai,'MyautrIatd te the machines in the fieid. Dector, saime- look se struick, even when bier littie cees ycn su long. Tel'William I ioved birnaIV.1 bew it seems strange like ta me to-day, And was dyin' in ber Armas, but il, was oely for a ways, and iriai'- nîy mimd keeps a gein' bock ta wben we minute. «IWo couldn)'t ketchi the rest. She seem, used te bey it ail te do ourselvos. Iti was 111l try, dear,' she saisI, and I inover ed te sleep awhile. Thon sellc peued ber slow work, but I ailus liked 'it, They heard bier use the word wronc ogomu. , oyes and said, 'CoosI nigit, David, dear; t nover bleard uanch noise at the bouse thon, wanted te tell ber I feit grieved for ber, yon, wori't be long cumin' to me.' I could'et but the siguin' of the men ; we useil to siug but I woldn't and she nover let en bol think $lie was gene, my Poily, and me ail] et tbe easy wcrk, yen kno1w, andI maey a she felteabeut it, but I found bier pen alcue, tilI I heard Efflo sobbije' eut, 1'Ol: time 1 bave dens my farni Work tc the tune over Williîom's old grommar, and resuen' al mother, 1 only found yen ta lese you. ifje cf 'Coee, ye Sieners,' and 'Crowu Him bis books en language, learuin' and good William bad only brougbt me before! Lerdef al.'Polly allus liked tu bear me mauners, whenever she bad the chance. "hnIkee eti i.Te as bid a stroke. 1 don't know. Ail 1 keo w. sieg tbemtee, when I wss young. "Onea day, jest afore William weut bock esI wasPolly was goee and 1 wss alonle, Dr. Horton gontly presseil the old bond, to collage, Poily wos tellin' bim sometbiug " 0ui a he radte ok but hoie carcely kuew wbat te say ; the old lied happeniei, wbich lie knowed hoW0 P lly wa fothe balouseranwhe bo4gbt fi man lied grcwn very dean Votabim cf iota. interested in, I badn't uoticed pollyier,>so long age, William wont bock, but "It mnuet have been vary pleasant, work- sayieg', 'I says, says 1,' and 'haie ays, esys, Effbe stayeda i ibme elwe iug snd singing in Vie M~ay sueshine." hoe h,' sud tbey sys, says tiey, but William got aile .ie ruade me go bock homo with il said, et Iast, bepieg te start the olil manbild, aud I reekon hae couldn't stand if, fur ber, sud wanted me te stay witi 'oc-. 1 plgain, for if was seldho ni oused bhimseolihae sys, ' Oh, beavous, mot ber ! don't geo o didui't thiik if would be pleasant for Will- d te taik. if yen can't tell it without yen sys I's, and iam ; if seemeil te me like as if it wes't, 1 Ze'"wae the answer; it was nico. says beoeildsys tbey's."'"sud I reekoneil l'il ha Laetter down haro with 1 Heow lcng age it seems sinece I was young ! The ld-i cocvereil bis face. 11 1 wisb I Poly and the children. I ai't got long t 'Pi We ilon't knew wbat w're going ta sec or coulil fergit bew Polly leokeil tben," owatno.Eflien e o as'prY pose throilgb wben we'ra startin' eut, and saisII but I cau't ; 1 remember how I aud teck the boy with bier, ec 1 neokon las a good thiugzwo ca't ses the thundereil eut, ' William P but sie saisI, cd"Ha paused a moment, thon locking 'Don't, David, dear,' that was al ; but "elecmsdw every week, ent up sudilenly: "'Docter,beynafterweIcoajfrnthSisaryn i know, te hev a talk witb me, but I reckon ti and mether livin' ?" The doctor noildeil. afternoon, andI didut Suid lber downstoirs, uoxt week bellieil the cl choir empty. "Well, kinil o- koep them in witb yen ; I wout up quietly aud lookail in our rcom. Coulil yen stay witb ina to-nigbt, doctor tbey gitiioeesonie-like witbeutyou," hesaid, Polly wos kueeliu' beside the bail, boudin' I'm a bit ionely. It's tbree yoars tbis even-.r gantly. 11I hope yeu let tbem keow wbat ilelber bands an odl fie Vey cf Wiiliam'sg. je' since Polly left, andI I'm thinkin' mebie you're don'. Tbey'd like Vo kiiow." She was seibie' as I nover bord bier sobi ll ge te bier. Can you stay?9"b "iI try te write borne reglarly, bnt saiea. ever that bureau drawer ofi baby thinga, DrOotfndel as adbsbtc tmes I'nc so bnsy I can't." aud 1 heard ber say,'1 O, Lord, I coni't bear Vhe table. Thae lil man feil asleep prasent- The cl man sighed, aend whee lie spoke if without yen heip me ; Oh, dear Lord, ) nja s i uI el ustoett egai, Ve dcte thugi habai fogotenbelpi me ansI David, ansI blase the boy." into Vie r eh openiei bis eyes ancsineil- the nU"tl ()-ortouail.al orotid the 171 nt-i ieMayti -'a thàt "I 1wet do n d out te tieielil agoin;- "PcllyV,"lha seîd, "otyen.soj berjef od cream. I Coýu!l't face 10PYoýiiy iltout ;hfil',aiteye e 1 ?Icain't git iong,(obow wit bereooetamon Teebl.cp ber, aud thiid wassomneti'iii, oîîjldu'L teut you" wan t a proltier girl ilu he 1ueighborooed belp. I wassglil 1whee W .ilimwent b1:0Dr0Hoton took Viawon d bondail than Polly wýas titan gratirowu cyes tecollage, and Polly sud me was aline'pasi tbteebsoe o we that lookeil saIiig snd soi tandI bain al again ; somebow I kini L afengot how it was the applo ilo8Ss1gs emei, Pely sd !lokG aripplin' oeil cunie' oven er ibail ; aud lber wbee ho wasn't round. Whee tie imeatethVe uew mooarin hougi the trees ; go ,od cheeks, they were jest techiei like tie appla was commJ' ce fur Williom te grailuata I nigit, dean, I bailî se"- blossoin". We'sI been a waitin' fon Vwo beao layin' hy meeey fur Vo buy Polly a yeors ; yen 50e, if was in Vie Maytime I1icaw dres Vogo oeil see it; she iide't say ly oiimgly oneahe Viedreat.di< Hserten) fret olil Peily I eouldn't git lng ohow muai about it, sud fînaîîy a letton came li jngnl nVabi u rs abck a wîtbout banr. ' lied kinil o' seemail lrom lrom William, askin'feurmoney, sud sayin': flhe thin white bain, tanderly feldieg thea the firsit ime 1 loukei le ha n kowed it, 'I1 do't suppose yon wiîî cane Vo caen; patient, toil-worn bands ou the still brea- !r,"sli but iftecok me o gocil bit te git sa 1 coulil tiare will ho sncb a crowd, sud it wiîî ha thon beeiig, ha kisseil tie thie lips neyer-wI tel ion ; but fiat May nigit, eut je bardlys goil hing for yoensend motion.' ently. "If William will ot, 1 will - Ced t thedl ppl eriar, ie estbitef ie'No Davi,' Pelly said-, comin' ever andI blass bim."' sue shinin' in the sky sud the naw moon laymn' lien bande onl My hoad, 'No, David, elVeiewatoanIIegn o commn' up, seldaAU the air filei with Vie iii we't ho a geoil tig for us, dea,' oeilsse Poily wes gettin' thin sud more wer. m oml f the applo trees, if didn't seom bond, we dida't ge. Sie seudi kw-as -oely sica was gettie' eidee' t ond eil, dan bent sbs sail Ye' ~but I iide't like fie cougi she lied, a1I snd o a niceay.e, swo ait e twin hsWilliam diinet came borne muci sItar calel in oldDr., Cnantley. It wes wbeu ti, yoar a ni thn art ell eut togetionSti s; lhastudiail law witb Jeilge Aricilt, lie was livin', Vie year efore yen corne bore. !y- migi dt li tt apitalexoupuin' horp oil oand pntty soon sitar lhe was admittel tie Haesid't sey muci for awiile, but I sean pij)( beatltibt tincwpialoet ' of V at. ol juilge teok bjm into partnensbip. Peiiy PolIy diil't get no botter ; sic wouild sa'tmje <eal werked leng elots ty el, ei was sa gîsil; I conl tel Vie way sic weet witi tiat fun eff leok in bon ayes, sud Nwenm bappy, eyiflis oem s thougiCe a d aronnid siegiei', 'Hew tejus oail tasteless we'd sot togaîben sbe'd talk se mutch alicftr maptVonlbave us weasue; ce by euetý6 Iours.' Vie littie unes over je Vie graveaeni, butw tie lt tloes ave set waoeeonek y ne, I A few motis aiter this there corne neyer a word ei William.Mw algolh the itte uns H sen wee tok aay, ti hnienbelt Vo us. William wnote: II amn times thon, lîvîn' cver tie odl days teget iier chîu rcbyan, oel I usltaesmd Pelyinsohe- going Vo ho marniail next week te Juilge wieu we'd first starteiloenfin ife, aodil Vie timnes wbee l'il coma in early fronsth fie hld, Arnuiclt's dauglitar. I enclose an invita- trouble we bail when I went eecnity fcr boudin' oven Vie bureau drawer up staire ion, but thiek besti fiat yen u notben Jaiez Pyle, andI I sjaid, Itell you, Polliy sud cnyin' as if bier boant wouil break. I shoulil net coma; evryiody wîlî he strango dean, I can't andI 1 caver col get aieug 1 useil te burt me awful te hean that soIt te yen, ansI yen coulil net cerne andI returu withorit yen.' ,Sie laid lhan baud on mine for soin'; h oeinelt hwitacem;î a day. Effie soys te give yen banr love 'Yes, yen cenlil, David, aeil tce Lerd ne 7' wbeuI ws aruni sh wasails c aenfd, eilhasure Vo coma. Howeven, 1 bava hast ; don't yen eea, dean, l'm genHa e; but I kewesie neeil, In ll lonul bertolsI han yin wo't. Sho leseuils yen lhon pic-' een't 1et ue taymuclilongerwvithyu' but at tbnwehneo o ledfur IVimes. Siaertune? IV wasaosweetf-,anduIIseen Pol- "1 cuin'tear t, doctor; ik pretfy nigi grý nover keewed if, thougi ; Ieipa onl'ylikeai t. k ili e; I tliongi sie rnuisf homistiaken. a quiet; Yen see if sha bail, sie'd bey blamieil "1Jsionli like te bave went, dlean, butDeto Caetiey dideý' gîve me neo bu henseli. wouldul't yen?' I saisI. 'Y as; but peniaps 1nr.lit te0 hope sud oua day sho saisI: 'Yon'l ie "We lda'nice little sum 'laid iy, sud jt's hast for William il wo do't.' bte ei andIfell William, David ; tbero b evarything was gain' emoofla witî us, wîîen' lie noxt day she bailme pack abx b ii't m.citimo en'w, I want tu say gcocil e lest everytbieg ans ibel Vo mortgaae the thirigs, bel filiu's of avory kinil innbya m ey;h"lut'nw e0Ilya'0 fan V ps of oseuniy ait J~~ heets, fiue sud wbîte-sbe blea be 'an liim. startin' ohl ovon again, sel we foulai it a, beseli-quilte of every styleansd patternnpa littIe barder thon we bail Siteen years sha baild, bîsnets oeil spraads male ef A Girs flearest Friand. p aoademy et Btnc. 1-e-useil te driva je laugbten,-buifshe did't say uothiu.' Sie AlI Vie bonauza queeus sud " struck oîl1" " and ouf, eveny day; we bel Vo lîev al tie was ainail William wouldn't like if, but ana green with eevy. Mrs. Ayenr r cee tly 1 ýO ,workie' honses about the farm, so Polly lot the tfans n'as in ber eyes wben sie bil iim gave a banquet at Vie Savoy Hotai et wiici, Vhs bim hev Vhe ittIe mare I'l give ian. It goe.d-by, oud siI 'Cive my love te your it sje ilaredl, "Ve fieraIlîdsploy was Vhse kept lier hoemror 'ui aven, but sho diiln't wife ; I kecw se's a gocil woman ;' ael, woedenfuul aud VIhe wuues Vie finest sd1 ls leV en tVo a?àle. hank Gol, William haut ilowe sud kisseel aneet in axîstaece." Tie Duke of Oleaus "'Novai' miesI, Davil, Vie bey muut git bis meth en. It kinil o' burt mie like te sud the Sultan of Johore were preseet, tic21sesp bis learnid nd I Jcoe'V go ont muci, aey- thiik seother weon bel Vo meke Vie boy hostesIlwone lier maguuficeet niubies sud net lion.' Aed lie dii learn; n'e couln't balp kiniler Vo hie mtian, f un Pelhy wass swaye Vie Mazarin diarnonds," sud Vie n'iele affaîrL lefi, l~i'prenda him. We gava uini avary se ol sund true, if seerno like anybody, wae a striking monument Vo the vint nes of' boli ciauc r'~ ooud.an>-', at îightly -ladl .ouit a beer. geetie andI kied wiVl ber fur- j stibilions pille aneil odeclpurifier. gai REPDAIUING OOEîAN OABIJE3. 1 teFo i LonaIted-Picin Ug ancd Ipt le a tires. IVbs lays beau a moitter of speculation nu 'uer te most p9ople ste ion' s ma- ~îcocobeoce iro ken ini miloco s eaven gel tegtie agin.Tie axpienation me VilS Fiei nust ha knowe fiat Vie cable prao. tia est vorywiare on Via bettoni of tia c O. f course tiere are places wie-e suie applaces comiuig batweee ciallon' VIes ill couse Vie cabla te make a epan as OVer a ravine or guilhy. Je otien places \hie ocose i- se deep fiat Vice'cabie finis k s opciiegavity Somne wiere un midn'ater, se te spoýak. Je Vhat case it rcsfsquiteasfirncly as ilifi wene on solid gi-oued. Wbýn a break occuns Vie fret step oi cene s te.accuratcly locate ifs pesitiau. A couiducton sncb ses acoble effare a ct"tain amount of obstructien on "uosistance" Vu fie passage cf an eleci rie cunnant. Appanatus bas been deviseil for ftle maasuring ofi tus ,i>(a-istart(,e." lice unit ai nocistance is esîheil anehmn. lice neoistanca cf Vice average coh)i j, roughly speaking, tbree ohms per nauticai mile. Rasietacce practmcally ceoses 1'f the pciet whera Via conductere make con- sid(abale coitact wji ticte waten. Tierefone if whuen mesuring f0 locote a break if ho bonI fiatVie measuring epporotus inlicates orasiefeuceoef 900 ohms, the position of fie foý1uît nill ha kuowe te ho 300 miles item s bore. With this information Via captain oi the reýpaiiug shiip fil able te letnuicine hy hie cýharteef h Ve course eh Vie cable tÈce latitude aini longitude of Via spot wlîare Vie break occunrel, andl can pni ýeed witb cartounty toeaffect the nepair. 'Vian 'Vie oppnoxîm- oVte ueigiboniol of tie break je neachei o grsapuelius dreppeil ovorboard snul Vie vas- sel erearne siowly je a course af riglit ongles Vo Vie rmn c h Ve cable. On Vtce dock ou tie siip tiare js a machine cailesI o dynometer, vwbici, suts nama implies, is usel Vo meas. ure resiefauce. lieo nope securieig the grapnel passes union tues. 1f Vie dyne- nation records a stEalyimcease cf strain if ilî'sNqtas tiat tie grapuel bas caugit Vie caile. If, ounVie e tia [land, Vie nesistonce vanies bremni otbing tote ous sud rom tous to iiothing agoin, if is kuewu tiat Vi 'e gnap- sel mei only augaguýg rocks on other projec- tions of au unever. bottoun. 1V mfe quent- y eeosary Vo idrag oven sncb ground sev- eral Virnes bebore the cabla con ha secured. Havieg secure neenei of a portail caile lie- vassal unors if teo abuoy oeil proceels o, seanci for fie o tieendu. NYbn boti eunI ara brougit Vogtier ou dock tie alec. fnieman luolds cosmmunication witli Vie shore ou buti sides Vo moka Pune tiat thora ara .w otien dafactive placesC andI Viat fie cable is p)erfect je boti directioncs. Tbis ioving ,eau satisfsotorily letarmindail al thof re-i coins is Vo spiice the cule togaticer ansI drop tie coia0-oemore hock into tfiasoao. troyed. Ticse. that romain in thein bivas, ra hilileie oil-iasbîoneil way-by ultfiug jute su tie entrauces piecas ef unn.ing clotb fihat bave been dippein e at- Id suiphur. Wben Vie beo are all silent (lo hollon' imi is cnt iepon aud Vie ioneyt Lîke n eut. SoetimeS Jimmie gae squiet iîîumiber cf pouinis ; but, as sai-nia, VieE Idboas do net loy up a very largo stocki fe Wîniter icoil. -110 Of course, if weuld be muci cîceaper for irnrniotVo an moiey and huy bis heeey ;f utii tien ha n'ould uot îve tie anjeymeef o fi bunitîng and tics glory cf flndieg hee-t aoc.- Neitien would lie bave the excita-f ienlt cf reiieg Vbem, o task whmcb ice tLiways supe intn ds himslf, lookiug sitar sci-! detail wi'tlias mui ca nea oI aeup on fiprtneco gnenral abunt te 13FF THE TRAIL.e hsstly %Wo>rk of a Blizzard lua thse loin- tailus of Nevadba, B'y andI by wa coma ont on a bluff item hici v wecond look don into Vie longa ul,'1 norron'volley. l'o miles te Vice uonti cdi on tie fan eue of the volley n'a cangbt gîht of thnea or four wbifoe topped n'aggeue,r bhila a numbar of hersas were grnoug soe liqe icir pasturage. Daytons wagon train hal get off te on'trousudboen loaf amocg Vie ontaies cf Nevala-aiglit wagons sel urfy-eeven uc-eu, womee, sud ebilinan. It os.,,, Se-ptem bon wiee thay ware lest seau on ie trail ; it was uow Juuîa of fia following fi ,ý3r Evany vsliey sud pose in flua aastenS srtion ci Via wild Vonnito'y n'as boing i- sà,pactrelby liols sauf eut te solvae, h iysteny. Oe day Vhay bail turuel off Viev aîi te fiel otean d botter routa. No tl ord bail cerne Item theun sinca. IV bad SI on a Vrrniuly bard wjnfen, but thuere wae po- of fiiug at least a pont of tienolive, e, We miade oun woy aleng the bluffs until Ic spet n'as founulwiere n'a cold descendlse Lt the volley. Wu wene banilly lnbh- bh ne- fie hersas camne nunuing up, sel themr enýy action siawed that tbey n'ere ever- e odat sight of burnan heinge, Tiey of -ena beilon ayeil sel poor in ilesi, os Vie G ose bal only juet begnu V n tuni 'sipastun- C oc.- We fired off dur gunesea a signal Vo ar ae people in camp that help n'as at boul, e'ý tl no oe appearal in sight. We bal Vir ikel for Vie emoke ot carnpfires Item Vie et sif, but nef the fainfest trace conlil ha w, sun. As wn'adsvanced upon Vie wagons c, le bionsas kept us cornpouy, foilenug 0V r licels like doge, sel theïr action pre. oIus in o mneasure forn wbatn'sV une. When wufbin hall a ruilae ffie campn'aweo 1spu-ang up ou Via front cf a wagon par I cnt ouI toi- e e oyer on'ay,-but Ijil cir hý ock iu, A cny frenVie moni on my ) ft wareed me cf Vie gight I sieul ha-goc ýI,. lie guida heckoced Vo.une, sud Vo- go, b ler n'a went up Vihe volley about twn'ety le', Do net bol java luNfammon ; bis gohlen wi iniaies ana but fia ocooun's foai ; his ' nolaise beaeptive' phaunis. -rmeau- a iard. aci Younay dopeeil upors it tist ha je o od moun'ihose jefimate friande are cli cd, andil hon'ie eenémrncasre charactara c idediy bal. p? cilsVothe spot whc iylied csibtaicel ocf thi ifrewooi. Lyicg on lis face o-c ia grousLd, n'ti ai S stîli clasped about a houille of lis, n'as a boi aIrn. Sitting, don, niti hie bock Vtenîcial Vree oud bande over bis face, n'as anothen, n'hile oui ex lay hesida bum. Tiare was ne osoIr, no giastlineas, As yen icokeil abt Vien Viay seemeiltf0lho sleeping. "1Tiar's onother-aul anothan 1" said Vie fguide as lie pointaI up die volley. "IV's easy Vo sec hon' it cama about." Je fia wagons theey fonuni twanVy-oigif, ileal. lie four n'a fouel maie thirty-two. Fivo of Via mon hal leftf the camcp, pcniaps in miiiwicten, andI iad. startel up or dcwn the volley iii bopas Voefiel a way ont an brîug relief. Wion Vbay perisielnno n bac aven foni out. If mnay have beau en Vihe vary day Viey started that thea blizzard corne. lice herses muet bave hounIa sieltoroil uook ComewliereandulhudîhldVo- geVier. A gala bail scneamel up sel lowc Viat volley twe on Vinea ilays, ifs brealu as cruel as Vhe elge oi a keife, ausdI hiogiug n'ith it suci a fail of shon' tbat if stililoya selil os ice' in the sioiy spots. lie mou iol mole ao-brave effort to lzeep tie fines going, but lîumon feusuad bled coulil net stand ogainsf au euerny v,'bci Inove ils frosty hi-cati deep jute imcty rocks andI eplif Vieni in tvain. Soeay union fhii blankets-sonie sot n'jtic hon'a ieails sud arme feldail ecrees Vhiinbrasis. Tie col had nct tonturei Vicem. Deati bal comae as sleep cernes Vo us eit uîght-quietiy ansI gracefuily. Sida iy sida in cne long trouai n'c laid tier n sd ceverel fieni in, sud thora tbey raet to-day, fongotton te tics n'orid as if Vhey hal nover existeil. M. QUAD. Lost in Vhe Jungle. A surgeon ofthe Beegal army, tector Pashe,,hall gone ont Voward suniset n'iti four on five English officers in seanci of jungle'fowl, n'hich Vhey ball iear cnowng, luring the day. lie pues ihilify cf oncount- ermng auy lai-gar gaine, Doctor Pasko soys, hal caver occurrel te auuy of Vîsei. lie lector seon hecame separateil brom the i-est of theie empoey, but had n'uth bue a Bersuase lad Vo carry bis ammniuiion. By 1I hy if occurreil Vo binathat if n'as fVne tc bagoig bock Vo camp. Ha star tal nith a feeling cf confidence, but soon perceju'ed t hot ho n'as lest. Tie boy coulil give Ilice conifont ; tie sun n'as going ilowu. Soniehon' lia muet get ont cf ti foeet.« Ha tunneil equarely about, sud sure enougi, vwithuie fou minutes hoe cama ont lupon a greuiward of censiden- aile extent. But hie troubles n'ai-o arely bogue. Tiare n'as cet ovees s shrnion the green e word. I1n'as ou flie point of cnossieg it n'ieu a terrifie rosi au th fe blond bock Vo rny heant, scia magnifi cent tiger fret tel. info Vie enclosure. I n'as Vue much taken bock Ve'o e . My pipe Iroppeil froni my menti. I n'as juet reselving to pour bofi istrels ieto the tiger'a face, in fie hope ef blieding iii, n'bn lha scariel at nie sud lisoppearai, lasiing bis tati. SThcis n'as a great relief, fer Vie perspira- tien n'as staming lon'n my face, sel my Veetîs n'an clincheil os in death. I nacey- erel rny pipe oeil heokeil raunifer ry boy. Ha n'as gouio, carrying %vith i ui my pow let 1 sel siet, sud my colis roceiveil ceo aswer. Lest'in a tropical foi-est aV nigiffail, oeil for ammuîsitiou only Vie fn'e charges of emali eliof olreaiy in my guul! Tis nas fnny a eniale positien, ecpecialhy os fthe1 fenetn's konu o o e warmiug n'iti n'ild beaste, such i saî isi juat enceunitenail, I shioute onc nruer for my boy, and pluinged aguito 1Vie fbjcket at hapiaza-i, andjn sta ,ta ho0ýrîiin on despanation. t te p, e furtiai- thon usual, aud my1 ears th~uei Va aietest soni. lu ad- dito Vio 1 cy guu J coi-nie as teut brandi, wiici I huiled et every caump fiat lookeil .ikaly te barbon scy kiel ef animal. Hope was ebhieg fst, sud I scannaI Vice treasi around witc a vian' Vo tskieg up my posi-s tion in eue of theni for fienigif. Evan tien I sicould noV hie heycud Vie resch of figers, shakas aud black sets. Andl t wiat if I shenldfasll esleep?V I n'as sick n'i i suniety, sud se weary s'iVl suspense fief J almeef wisieil thaecnd vold corne sud lbave me at i-ast. If n'as lecreoil ethenwisa, bowaven. liei i-oas bogan tVolha fui-Vian aparf and Viet unergnowth boss dense, au-oli, joy !-a 1 failian soni smoe my eor. I once more IL tool ou fie hrink ef a efreani. 1Jlaiddont my gue oui droek gnee-sily. lien I once cota iighteil ry pocket companion. We rare aneampel ou juet sncb o streani asc uhs. Was this Vie ane? Aid if if n'as, t sotilI I go upestrean cr den'n?a J decidail te go bave, sel advanced witb xfrerne caution. Oece a lai-geoebjacV sooeolabesi, leaa-ing Vice watersa ie pansId Vnriking inianil. Probohly if n'as a Vîger, u ut if n'as tee dark Ion me Vo see plaiuly. On making Via uoxt baud I s0w a lighctg et fer abeai. If muigit belocg teoa panfy s, i rabaIs ; if Icigit ho tie camp I badl 10f. a Gidiing mcom ceven Vo cover, I sadvaucaed. i fiher fixes cam e in sigif. Icrept dloer lu inI doser, nesfiug fora Ion' seconds bhîjî VI -vary convoniauf bush. At lasf I saw avory. il ding plaiely. If n'as our oncamp. 1 ;ooî upnigit, andI as gaihy as possible, andI rhiisfhîeg a tune, I saueter naliuarneg myc ompanueus. PEÂRLS 0F TRUiH. We epen tthearfa ofothers wbsn n'a oen aur on'n. a gg Hera's a Taîe ù? To-day n "arojtt- A Rfomnince TisaI nidSal'niuitifor~ Eveu.xbou1y-TIieYoirtit ,vWas Pretty-Stuc lRadCIoney-zih0 iook- lieeper '%Vas WeIl rsesereuBe Wag Peai--Tse Vonuth Halia ýi Sus'- fsiandi Be f'-,'uy IVhasit '.tny Ocir Su Any 1l-Lîosîed BlinrelniezUe xftise Mater-jais Are at llaud. Sha is n'eucan and Viens-fore Vo be w-eco'c1; Via is a n'omae oeil tierefore te becn'on. -Shakeaspear. lie resulants cf s cornie 'lil tariling boceou Jorvis street, Troute, have net yet doue laugiug -ab, a, ittle cemedy playal noeenly in tiair mulet. It was suds s plot as Moliero woull have recollaI in, and over n'bicli tie gay Panisian capital mugit Vo-day hecoerne ystenical n'oeeif fauchaI up hy a skjlful dramatist. lie hi-amatis persounS n'ore a inscielor hookkeeper, elderly, but wall prosenveul; a wiiow, huxonsud eus Vie right sileo f, 39, and a hiacisorne youeg gai- leuit, wose aucceassn'1ti fie foin oea bail lef t uimwiti ce'rtain savoir foire Vicat maieuim especiallykilig A year or se ago the young win el-i dprly bushaudl icl Vie OiVeO te forsake thinge suiiuuary suid tVake bis fligitt f0 cvene Vicre je neiflien marnie uer givicg in niarriage. Mr. Bron'n, lat us caîll bu, like ail geol ihual., n'a course, sorry tVo bave bis litt1ie n'îie ahon n the ccli, cruel wonld, oued te mkaif o i tVlacasier Ion lier to hoar bis asece ie aIft hanrhie aeug LtTTLE FORTUNE Or $30,00P uuconditioually ansI un prevision all1y. If je neelless Vo eay Viat tflic oeldcruel worhdl loakeil on Mrs. Bron nif a kiiiiy oye, keowîng fiat fhrougc Vie pnovid1efircq ni bar dean deceasei sie n'as equippeil jývith. Vice wioron'iulîs Vo brigife beri' chrtby patiway.' Welh, Vie n'idon' n's nct incousei)ah)le; ne n'iiow is. If is noV relataI Viat, like fief eager Chiuse darneel montioýnel hy Celilami Vi, sic fannadlhier iuaiand'o grave Vo euni'ail ier poniol of ecounning, but as tic menthe nolled on tua bhealel i wui and Vie little n'ilon witli aillVie spniunge oi life houuding n'itiin ion, forgoi, Vo thmek, of "peur Joie" andI ileesomeil oun lu sec- ouI monnning." Froni fiat Vo the cicasten- aI shalea cf gnay andI ather sciai colore n'as s naturai trnsistion. If n'as a5ftVue monibescet stage aifhier seron'fiat see ook up quottersa af Vie Jarvis street hoariing bouse, aandbai-a Vie play properly opens, wbat bas gene hefloru haiug Vie pmelule cf tha pioco. WhViaupnetty Mme. Brow'n Vok o suite of roorus it uaturally creatal qîsite o flaVter among thce hoardana. lie ladies wone ail vary cordial. andl sympathuzeil epeîcly n'itb lier je ber sfflictien. Iu Via secrecy of thil boudoirs tiey paid more assiduena. sbornage te tie pon'lon puff, put extra crimps Vo t bain Sorotoga n'aves, hoigifenel a hittie t bein natumal roses, and detemmiusel Vo look Vo their launeLs. Amoug Vie gentleman Mme. Brown n'as o great eccese. Sic lys young, good-look- ing, sud bol monoy. Alhougi men are' acf morcenany, sel tIse gentleman at Vie Jarvis senet eetablhrmuc,Vhave nover ho-n accusei ci fortune huetiug, it le stili probable Viot fie $30,000 n'as urot Via leoist of tIse hfle n'idon"s ciannis. As e reauilt, uoino lesipanat toalsnfa ne-e mole te ture eseacilly wieu ;,t-n'as,'beprLVit Ms Brow'nn'ýas niof sivcýera otumg cnaesasecond UVue. lFor a tisco if n'as on even filld ncle facorite, but Snall!y Mr-. Johnson, tbe iookkeepen, sfmnck hie gaif anI made Via ruenieg. Ail Via otiier starters ilmoppeil ouf on the iomnesfretci, sud if looke s if Johnson wonld hoan iasy winnan. E veny eue came te look upon Mme. Bnowe as Jobneon'e pnoeoty. llîey n'ee lit tete-a-Veto. A cornac sutVice piozza -onsJe- cratel Vo lovers n'as surreuicrel te 1thecu, MIr. Johnson n'as Mme. Browuc'a parfuer at lienen and Vurceil ber mucefor leer je fia lrawng mooni aftenwa-ds. lia lalios be.- gan Vo talk-about s trousseau, -cul Johnson ýimnsaîf, businuess mou aven in sentimnut, begau Vo speculate on fie real cafofo eiln ioul nds n'wieie ho igif invest tiiot Vhirty bhousaud. HERE TTIE VILLIns ENTERS. Non' jute tua Spleasaut do]îsîe3tie acane ora tie yong anilsome Mm., Howori, blue ayeil, gel1 mouefaciail, brol 11heste,1 anI a pnofessed squire of darnes. Johnsosn'as 45 yeaie olI, if o loy, weil preservesI it is truc, but Viosa ugly cron's' set wera ietticeieg Vs show orounlVic)r- oers ef bis el-os, sud remanier Vie wiidn' ras yeuurg. Birîs ef a featiier qock, td. ether, sud ,Jeinsou's 'hîant w-as bord sud cmewli'-afpiokiai, Howarl's n-as youngý ani presn mably glen'ing. Su n'as Vie wiuw'e. And sire bal no objection Vo ogain hciiule loa's fine, le shoieten Via etony,,Jieu wsssupplusutail sud Mi-. HowardI geV Vie, -isiile Vrack. Non', Mr. How'ardl, thougi young, n'as ot s nevice ini Vie art of love. Haen'as et os deeply srnitten n'ith tic widon' as ce wjti uini. Ho liaI entemel the hist, hae ýoastel, mereiy pour passe le tempe. But oving once gainaI Vie tmophy haen'as net, ïi'.peCed te give it up. In short, youeg Ur. Howard wos s dog in fie manger. His ttjtuîe ou the motter n'as bsenvol byVie flue n'o gentlem a hok sii o Vi .egoin. La-et week afo heca- prt idon', anIidyesterday sîtemnoon a botndsrrnîl ,ug ian presenfel s chaque Ionr -8'fj Vute hsîk n'lsere Vhe n'iîow keepe he(c Si you idn't ma'-rv iii? 'Nr 'ielJi't mu r i-i-yymon 7ZiLrawnstu'- u ose lirst. ,l

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