11MRMa :-81.5O pix Âirum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE W'ORLD AFTEIRWÂRDS, .AÂJAMXEIO ~ ,~j~O New Stiais, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1893. VOLUME X ZXXIX. ~ : 1893 - ~p. 9iliP -9- 1- m 0 8-3 m announce that they have received and opened out) the'bull FALI P and ,they oz invitation to Wjest Durha their-suberb, and GjERA AA *Next Time vou Buy Shoes Inslat upo having a paix cf the famno us Soleocf lion or TIiADE MARLCIZ ISTERI . The Stle, -rit" md <so e leVcr i-9 Q.uaUUies arc Superor te aoîy Shoe mode for the Canadian mor- ket. ioster's S7tees embrace th7e Be8t o~ f tlh eir of' Everythinq. Zfanfactured b SA. T. Foster e Co.,rlock Island,<~e EBENEZER. A large part-v of frieuds aiid relative asseenied by invitýýtiOn at the beautifi iarm reideîrce of NMe. Gao Pearce, Lait :-te id. a specia exceediugly enijoyable tîme ihrcu aiether smusemet Ù4. Duting the oveu ingRer, . Pep at r.Pearce' the La ieeo;, xcmt o Fsppri daf tio iin d e nt m ai vilsea cons thea tiobdblod AM epsor iver complaiut. As -B. B. IE J~ < I.cures aIl those complainte it le naturall w~'mthe L ho succesEful headache cure exis headachevaîishee. MiadaLiniment je ueed byf physicisui T E L ~ Lather Slippure 3Ots; Tweed Sllppoi V ýTL S 0ctsand l5ct@; Bootesud Shoos vei cheap at Msson'e, Bowmauiville, durir dus esson. Cali nsudeetherm. -wtuhchlis18 ueyonct question! it-ie largest and most ele- gant stock ever showvn ,lun these counties, UOUOII,JHST &GYEMN Szrv.18, 93. BO WMANVILLE. Bave a Very Bad Ccwgh, Are Suffrling from Lung I'roubles, IFYOLJBave Lost lesh throu gh Illness, Are Threatened with Consumption# ,Remember that the».âe IS WHAT YOU .(EQUIRE. Y OUJ WILL find the place for it when you sýe our FALL and1 WINTER display of quality and eiegenco. Our seasonable stock lacks nothing but buyers. They wi]1 corne. They will bc satisfied. They wi buy at the fairest prices ever made for such qualities. Vis- itor are net asked te believe but are shown goods te convince them tbat we are leading, the trade in BOOTS and SIIOES, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, SLIPPERS, etc. If you wish to see the lateat novelties and newest ideas for the season corne and see us. If you wish to see the very boît in Standard Skyles and reliable makes cerne and see us. if Tyen want value for your money corne and uee us. Truth brande our goels "il1onest Quality." Fashion pronouncea thern "Correct Styles." Economy reoominends our "Low Pricosq." If you wsnt to enjoy the fulil purchasing po,,wer of vour dollar ;per J it wth BDU SAL' MRLE AND GRANITE WORKS,' tEtablihed 1857.) ~'iisedGrnie oniuments in Etock from $125 teo $500. HADOEDESIGNt3. AND BEST YMATER'IÂLS. RED IETEHEADANDGRA'ýY RUJBISLAW SGOTCUl ROSE, IREI)D PUJRPLE SWEDE......*$H Nl1 BLUE PEARL A.......RALDIREARN 1____ F-,IIHED MAUBLE O MET in stock from $45 te $200. IN ALL TflE Lr EST lKIND)S 0F MÂLRBLE AND LATEUSr DESIGNS. W~B!oepangyr order, OALL, AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE WHAT YOUT ARE BU-YINGý _1Y E. R BOUNSAL1L, Proprietor. Dep. Sherifi Wheele Doos Not Care to Live If Ho Cannot Have .Sarsapari lia It would -be difficult te ied a mr better kuown lu the viciuity cf Bush] ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler Winoeski Falls, the efficient Dept Sheriff cf Burlîngton county. He saý "C. 1. mcd & Co., Lowell, Mass.:- "'Dear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparilla cý $10.00 a Bottie I sbeuld sîilil keep using it, as I In fer the past ten years. With met question as te whether life is w-o livingU depends upon whether I can Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't Ibidil cozld live without il now, cetainl: should net wish te, and sufer as 1I ut te. For over tee years I sufere-dt horrors cf the damned with Sciatie RheurnatIsm for if ev-r a man sufers with an3tbi ln this world it ia with that awful d case. It seems te me as if all etl physical suferiiog were compressed it that n0e. 1 took about ev erything n ever tried for it but never got a dollk vorth cf hc'p unil I bagia ain iI have taken it uc- i prtty regulariy cen years and have ni- more pain a can ,Igel around aIrighit. I ha advseda ged nan tetry Ho1od's S alX . . D.WHELRDepi dm,' caloml, mrcr, rmierisqb snc faluy kiId. Hod'Oi*nus set urn he stomachli ier, anid alinier NTaneeBihiusnsslicadacile, Inigeiç r SoahDitesater lIsing , Ar rprdby C. 1. 1HOod & Co., Apotbec:I Lowit Mss Prce23cetsper box. l 21 4ur'r~ orscutiiy nsuo rere vt "oS s GOURTJ.U. r. W. IL Jackson, Torouto, spent a k wiih frieud% here recently.... Mr.S Mis3. Johnir Runie, town, rpent Suin-f with Mr. A. E. Rundle, Ebenc zr. .N rJ.Lifttejobne and Mr. A. E.a ýdie are home froni Chicago 'ecl Satin-a ..Miss Adair, Maxwell'o, vieitedc ide berue unday ... .Mise Lauder,a ntor., was gueÊt of her friend, Mies, 4îtle-john, Sunnyview, last wek....1 Freod. FIinitoff, Zion, called on hie ini-a te frieud,ý, Mr. Blake Courtice, onc (day.. . L'eut, E. Correish, S. A , la ie3 on fueloug.. ,Councillor Courtico Jo3hn Oke, EEq., were exhibitore ofê thdown rheep at Whitby fair, Mr.1 irtice obtainiing 3 firats aud 4 seconde, Mr. OkLe 3 firstsa ad 3 seconds. Mr. ,, PicUle'e IRfleman get second place2 ha great stallion trot.... In the Div- nl Isat weuk the question, Reeolved Lt the mniiwho bas reformed frorn uEe of st4rong drink ie more to ho meded than the eue who nover in-E ged,'" it wes decided affirmatively. mieeting tlîiaweek wilI ho ou Thurs- At thîe Ebenezer E. L. C. E. lai t k the ladies of the ýSociety enitirtIiun. The rcoms had been tastefully dec-1 ted sud presented a very home like1 )earai eindeed. A very nice prograim gpiven after which a very tootbsome1 ch waeosrved in the lase rooms. A1 niier ef the older mnembers of thé relh were prcsent Aud a very pleasanti nng w-s spent. The winter progiame being prepared and we are expecting d rePUltI freiný the work done durinR N'nvE1t NEGLEciT * CoL.-Dr. A ustin ,t mnys in the Forum .tt is probable tt a pergon with an inherited tendeacy onumption wonld nover develop the ease if ho could be prctected agaluet ection wïth the f ubercle bacillu, In 3 ighit of modern discoveries consump- n orna no longer ho regarded au an in- able diaeage." la is ne exaggsratlon ý;ythat Kemp'e Balssm, whon taks n time, haseaved many fromn conuinp- ni. Atasil d1ruggiffte' 50o and $1. IIAM3PTON. Visitors: Mre. (Capt ) Jenkins, Cern- Il1, Iuglaud, Mir Fred W, Lee, wlfe d fewily, La-qt Whitby, ut Mr. J. Yf. Lgs; N- îr Fred. Brantoýn aud MisE 'yneOhws, At ber motber s; -Mr. .T. Greenisa-vl'UrtoNs:lIr3. Sid. ?srsousgo fonce, making an excellen b job.... .The Cheese -Co. eeldl their Auguet e es oA A. Ayer o? Motreal. . _M. eýThmpson, 1Niegara, bas purchaseed Ithe Stonhouso3 estato and laken pouseese. ioni ... .Mr. 1. L Brown w-se judgo on fruit at Clarke fat .. .. - r. T. T Jardine lise taken a situation in Oâhawsaud will remove therae hrtly.. ï..Mise Ada Hast iuge is bscfr fromn Toronto siter a pîeas. sut visil with friende... .Mre. J. iEIliott and Mies Annie Ashton visitel in Toron- te recently...,.Rey. Jas. Liddy preached on the Bîsoketocic circuit Sunday, sud Rer. R. L. Edwarde teck bis appoint. mente bore preaching good practiesi ser- DYSP-xrQî CUiEx.-Gentleme,,-- -was treubled witb dyspepsie, for about four yeass. 1 noticed an advertisemeut cf Burdock Blood Bitterp, se I started te use itansu cc found that there was uetbing toe ecusl it. It took juet tbree bottles toeoffoot a porfeot once in my case. BERT J. REam, WiugbsM, Ont. A woddiug in w-ich auny in this dis- trict are lùterested toek place at 177 Ar- gyle sîreet, Toronto, on Wednesday ev- eniug 20tb malt. at about 8 o'clock, w-bon Mr. H.ý W. Atkinsou snd Mise Maud M. Cowlo w-oe united in holy mnitr-aony by the bride'u brother, Rev. 'W. S. Cowle cf Saudford, Ont. The bride was tlue recipl"ent cf msuy veluable presonts. Abotut 40 guostes et down te the weddiug supper, sud slogether it was a very ou- j3oyable occasion. Long îuay they five together snd may the sun cf aboie lives net go down behind the darkened west 1but may it nîelt ae-ay in weste ru brigbt- noe.... We cougratulate Me. J. B. iReynolds, B. A., on bis appoini ment as Professer cf Mathemnatice lu Ontario Ag- ricultural College at Guelph et a big sal- ary .... Mr. Wm. Ashton bas leaued lIre. M-artyu's ferra for terrn cf five years... A band cf Lo)yal Crusadere was cîgauizesl here on Friday afteenoon. Twouîty-eight members e ere eiirllcd ahIch le pretty guod for first meeting.... Mer. Stephen Hoigsrtlî sccompaiiied by Mr. Alfred Hlogsrth bas been bu Tilscriburg attend ing the funeral cf lis brother, .. --With uorrow w-e record the degth cf Mre. Fred. Spry wbo pse away very enddenly on SMaued1ay. The fanerai on Sunday was Ver'y laegtely atteuded. Rev. R.. b. El- warde cf Blsckptock cfficialed. . . -Wo wero pleaeed te see out from Bowman- ville te- Dr. Hoakin's lecture ou unuday evLning eMe. and Yes. D. Burke Simp- sjon, lIr. M.L M. Ftnwick, M. A., Mes. ArmuM iss Armour,, Mr. M. Pascoe, *Mr. asud Mes. S. Washington, Mr. sud Mes. 1".IH. Turner, Miss Borlarce, Mr. sud llMes. M. A. James. Ayor's SarusLqparilla does w-bat ne other b)!ýood m1edîcýne lu existence cn do. 1lb keeýrces out al the impurities lu the cy,ýe!emasud expelle them barrnlemsly threuglh the proper chanuels. This je idi>liyAïEýr'd Sareraparilla is se pro eminent- ]y effeceive, as a remedy for sbeumat!em. AiAPLE GROVR. (L4E&IIEA. Mr. John Barkcr bas been nuraing a One morniug, while engaged in fizshing ore leg. . . .Mrs, C. Rundie has returned operationa in Scugog'e pellucid waters, -frorn Chicago after a ten weeks' etay. Mr. John Vincent, of Caesarea, captured With her carne her son Jonathan who ie two maskinonge, euie weighiug 21 pouinds seeking botter health in the pure air the other 9. In the evening ho caugb arnong the Maple .... Mr. Jno. Mcgreg four more, weighing iu the aggregato, 32 or, reeve of East, Whitby, with his wife patnnds. Yer-ygood für iar than a day's and son spent SnndDy wiýh friends here fishing. ,.The fall seserion of the Epworth Do you read the ltestimonials published League begine Thnrsday eveniug. Afuli 'in bebaif of Ilood'a Sarsaparilla? They aitendarc3 is rcques4ted Ft election cf are thoroughly reliablo and wortby your efficers wjll take ph1c@. conîideîîo'. As a general rule, lb le bat net te correct costiveness by the use cf saline or PORT FERRY, drastic medîiros. Whoeu a purgative ia uecded, the most prompt, effec tive, and On Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 20th, boeficialijeAyer'a PiLe. Their îendency Mr. E D. Hollidlay and -Mr. Luzerne ie te restore, and rnot weaken, the normal Savage of Pott Perrj were hunting, duo-ka action cf the bowels. en the fiaws of the Nonquon. sbou ïe. TYRONEJ. Visitors: lIre. Jnn. Bell, Misses Jennie snd Mabel H1prrip, Toronto; Mr. aud Miss Sparliug, Bowmanville; Mss. C. Kelley, Sarnia,..Proffitable sermons were preached bore Sunday morning sund even- ing by Rev. W. H. Moore of the Tcrouto Coriference sud Mr. W. Evereon, (Cour- tice. ... W. J. and John Collacot.t are at- teuding the Columbian Exposition...- Some eue with btirgiarieus intent at 'empt"d te enter a resideuce in the West End onu ua ight recently. . .. Mr. L Skin- Der capured several prizs at Whitby, fair ou Shrope .. .. Mr-. Stanley Staplee baru, aitd contents the propertv cof Mr. W. Sproule were burned on Friday nîi-bt,. Cause net known.... Me. T. P. Iloar, Bethesda, le very ill with typhoid fever. "SHIALL 1 EVFR GEv VWELL>I WONDERV" miles noiîth ofr tnie pace; aster ueïtg on the ground3 some lime they mtai'd an interrogatory %as te tho rnespectLive luck of each teck place-; Sevage stating. , ho had shot four of s flo)ck but had ouly eecured three of thi i, Hoffidsýy said, hoi would âssiet hitu , ii ldigtheo ,r one; S iv- age lead off iii 'h diri ctioa i f hoe miss. ing duck whev î inildy Seýartê dtefio hîmi but steu imlod (jor a root 'whiich di&- charged hit; gun the wru.céi -nenItScf which toak, ffdu-t inî Savage's right tb]-gh csusîn e a rful wourid hem ihel@ ,ffects of whioli he dinl a ftw hours. Medi- cal au i i? at once sesured but of ne avraiL.D c'AeiO,L t)vegan amiale xife a meiog w5ý vidow suad tlaree btigMly in- telligeut' daugbterg. Much svm[ atbly is expresed àfor ti-is moiu,înng mue, lu their Iserrow. A Remeciy. leather a plaintive, ev-on sac, sort )f question te put, but one that ia often erep.,red spi ciafly for thoe xpe-oted in. spoken by some unfortunate eue or other vasion of Asiatic Co'era. Af ber havîng every minute cf the day ln ibis big bustl- been thoroughly teýeA àsd uîls virtue and ing woild. The proprietors cf Meinbray!s powt r proved je nw bi njpaced in theý Kidney sud Liver Cure eati peint yw o b anda cf th(> drug-giste. Ask fo-r Vre t.uatimonlals feorn happy and hl'eulthy (CtolenaS yerip." veople w-ho foIt as hopeleba as you are.____________ Keep up your ocurage, theretore, and tey MOUAT VERA ON. Ibis simple and Lafe cure. M.Go ibuhspicaé e EfNNISKILLÉX. buggy... .Mx. and AMes.13. iisi n are atteu.diug bhe W(irld's Fttï . . .NMe. Jas., Arnug the visitors: Rev.Geo.Reynoldie LEask wtca 7 firse priz e a,; Whitby ex- sud wîfe, Etgin; Mes. Rupeet lisyveg, hbto... E. N. Varnuuàin lubuy snd eidren, Sanît St. Mari; lI'sd drawinvg sced, t, Oèhaw&. .. ýM,. Walt8r, Ellott, Troft; Ms. LoadIwn issS n .S~,Jntibv Lln6say ... Mr. Will .togtrs je home ýbeen guea'te eb Mr E., i o's Mr. froni Pickerlg... .A recoptiop by the, L. JÂmk bhsd a heýrse bdly eut un a wire members cf hevainscugeabes efonce.. . Me.rIa T. Rudile bughttht> te bo extend-ed te RrU. M. Phalen, 1biblea a, on Sui',av - Tua McoN'S INFLUEieOE upon the weatber as rerl, by others il ie disputed. Dis moounenver attracts cerne frorn the tondes, acblng spot. Putnsm'a Painles Corn Extractes removes the mot paiatul corne lu three days. This izreat remedy makes nu soro spots, does't go feeling round a maun's foot, but gots te business at once, and effects a cure. Don't ber im- poeed upon ho subalitutes sud imitation,. G-et "Putnam's sud ne other. BETfLES')A. The relatives sud frieude cf Mr. aud Mss, Rebt. Martin met at their residence lest Thnrsday eveirg te celebrale bis forty-seveuthbibrthdsy. Af ber paetakiug cf a splendid supper Mr. Martin w-as presouted with a pusse contalning $40 ase s blrtbday gift from hie children. The romaiuder cf the eveniug w-es speut lu games sud soci-4l chat, all having a splen- did time. KELSY-Why would yen believe a miuiator's wordeoner than any other man e. WiLTsiE--Beauiie be ile upposed te preach the truth aud tell the truth ? But w-by do yen ask the question ? Well be- cause the Reve. A. L. Snider,paqtor cf the Methodist Chnrcb, Leamingacu,sys "I hbtee been cured cf the ment paint nI sud dibtressing case cf piles cf long stand- ing by MAoc mL OTION," and recom- ureud it to al ehu8e ffiicted.. BLA CKSTOCK. Ou Sept. 7tb there died on the old bornestead, Cartwright, oeeof its early pioneors, Geor.je Montgomery, well sud fsvorably kuown tbrongh al Ibis district. Deceased came ti Canada very many years age, having msrried, Mise William- sou before leaviug the north cf Jseland. Their childi-on are George, on the home- stesd ; Henry, a professeir in the Univer- sity cf Utah, Mes. Jas. Williamson of Cartwright; Ire,. -McWstters cf Staynor; sud lIre.- Silver cf Chebeygan, Mich. The faneral w-se ou Sitnrday, 9th trat, te Prebbyterian cenîetery, Cartwright, sud w-as very Isrgely sttendai, At the funer. ai w-e u auygrand-cbildren sud seven geeat-grand-chiidronc-. AuLong the later wper Mss, eo Werry, cf Ltndsay, sud ber danghf ors; MUrs. Wcrry being daught- (er Af M;,s. Xa ais ocf Cartwvright. Gu b oe- e ,id pioneers are drtpping out; butin cases such as Me. Mcn-tgomery's§ w-bre a ripe old age le brig'htonied by sucb a fiue lot cf ob:lîdrer., anîd ciidreu's childeon, the lransitiiÀ muet ho peaceful. 71Varder. Susurra WEAxNES5 su ad that tired feel- ing, losu cf appetito sud norvous3 prostra- tiont are driven away by Hood's Srsa- p-,ril, like miet befcre the mcrning suin. Io realiz3 the benefit cf this griet medi- cino, give it a trial sud Sjeu wlll join the army of enthusiiaatic admiýrera ot H)cdI'e Siirsparilla. Sure, efficient, eaey-Hood's" Pille. They sbould ho lu every traveller's grip snd every family medicine cheut. 25c,box. itïg er Mu,~r. ýiü r. Durt, Mids Dingle for twîo eara in Winïni., peg, han arrived horne hairing visited the World's Fair. Arncng O0hawaites wh i are at Chicago are Mrs. J. T. Gouid aud lier son Mel- rcse, Mr. and M e. B. 1. Rowse, -Mr. and Mre. Wrn. Whjt,, Mre. Odeli, Mr. E. S. Edrnoadson and Miss Robson. The Misses Lca of Cornwall, England, acoempariie.i by Mre, F. Turnblyn' of To- ront-, were in town lasat week on a short vi.,L. o. their cousin, Me,. J. F. Tamblyn of the Reformer üffijo. -Tnee younq Iadics have just arrîved 'in Canda, la,-nd are on their way te tha World'a Fàir. Mr,. and Mrs. John James. William et, have returned frcm a pleasant visit with friends near.Lindsay and Fenelon Feuei. 1A RA&iLwAY MINAGE1RSÂs:-"In re- ply to your question do rny chiddren ob- onc the akîug Scott'% Emulsion, 1 say no! ontecontrary, they %re fond oif it and it keeps therm p,"tures of health. - .CLl-- O-PMel'voYS Both the method and resuits wheznY Eyrup of Fies-is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acti gentiy yet promptly on the Kidneyg,'l Liver and owels, cleanses the sys. terr effectuauîy, dispels colds, head4' aches and fevers andi cures habituai iconEtipatjoa. bSi rup of Figs is tha ünly remedly et its kinti e-Ver pro«, dluced, pesigtO the taste and ac- ceptable to tho s temach, prompt lit its action nti truly' beneficial in ite effects, peardonly fromr the Most Iiealthyandagreeable sublstances, its inanyexcellentqualiti-s commendit tb al and have iade it the zMost popular remnedy knmn -syrup of Figs is for san lu75à bottis by-Il leading druggistsý .Any rlal druggist who may not bave it On handi will pocure it f romptly for any one Zo wisheé, iotry il,-M,. acurtiOnly by tho CALIFoRIA FIG SYRUP CL SAN FMRACSCO, MA. Lousv;if LE. Ky. NEW YOUX, 7912 wi;ýý JOH, PJSTON