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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1893, p. 6

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sce COTTrOLENE has cenet take ts pace.The satis;facio .2,- adven'ocf the. New Shortnn ilevidenced by thie rapidly ïncreas;v i ncormeus sales is PROOF POSITIVE net enly cf its great value as a siew article cf diet but is aIse sufficient preof cf the general desire te be rid cf imdi- gestible, unwholesorne, unappne- lizing lard, and of aIl the ills that larâl promotes. Try nt r nce and waste ne tirne iu discoveing like thousaods of Ido1tes that you have now N. K.FAIRBA:__.G. Ve:r, but feed itwîth Scott'sEmulsion. Feeding the cold kilîs it, and ne one can afford te have a cough or coid,acute and leading to cofnsumption, lurking around 1dm. Of pure Norweg fan Cod Liver 011 an'd Hypopltosplsites strcngtbens Weak Lungs, checks al Wasting -Dseases and is a remarkable Flesh Producer. Almost as Palatable as Miiktrparleniyýy seott &nowne,Belsvilie. lOS PU FL1 iN E MNU O, 'oeneral and Nervous DsbiIity, .AOGRIOULTURPA.L. A guoodway te fight this post wildut esclho te prevont it frorn breedliug sulu.ia liv-eonly u thernei te ,Inege f cmle DORET ORNUÂMAny mae therefore, whichI will enisure A Brecc4, Eecoining More'ind IMore POPIR. the drying up cf these bafý3-ore th ey ar- e fiil Our illu-stration, r-nrie7fo ia grMe ostllleasl srteading hhdrO,g i re.egrsvd frrn Mrklj the. pastures regularlysud at shrt initer- La-', Ex7press, lecf the Dorset Heý.m .Ivas. Twice a week would be suiieuot, Clouel," the I'preerty of ThLlomas Chick, and it would ha equally effectivei e ~tatou DrceceraEglaud Howas 17 weather wheu the suabstanccewld beII7I mehe v or wh@u this lutronfw. ae. Iwsshed away, as in bot weather, when ih The~~~~~~~ DestHretedo b r ai ouid ho driod IUp). tracting sorne attention in üthis ccuulItry,a Whcen the files gathrl agenmes gre-at rnany cf the-m haviug .,been importefi.on he ouagesud inls l sablesin cccl DORSET IORNED RAM «"9COLONEL.'> Thoy rsnk as a large breed aud are valuabie ehiefiy for mutten, their fleeces net heing hesvy. They are grewthy,apparently very hardy sud vigomous sud are netmahhy proiific. The ewec hreed twicc oaoh year aud twieci are very common. Parties breediiug iambe for the oarhy iarnh markets lu cities are test- wealther, or when driven frein thoestVIe! hy application2, they eau ha, destroyed eiliher hy eprayiug them wilthoe Kerosene! omuisien or a strong decoctien i Pye1 b rom Inseet Powfiom. Daetiug thm, it dry Pyrethrurn pewder by mean c u "iusoct gun' wouald aise ho effective. ceg toîs reoci anc ittcgraude for chapur poe, sud thongh net enough tine bas yet Atm a- fSek lapeed fer the test tD ho therogh, good u m crofSck reporte are coring frein. cerne of tbem., Witb changeable weather stock requîte There le net the trouble with the ewes, se more attention. Ohilly rîigh1ts wVihldeni commosnly experienced, of failure te hriog au. increase cf grain food fûr ail yo11ung thoir Iambe early eueugh in the tesson. animais. Snpply goofi pastujre as long"a possible. If it le short sopplern nt I ih cerne green erop, as cocre, or feed hayý,. Do THE IIORN-FLY. i net ashow thern to boce3 poor juetheo -- ~Wiuter. It le desirahie te have to' l Prof.Fletcher,of theDomnionExperimnu- thrffty, gmewiug condition duihoentirel tai Farrn,writee us folle-w:-The ahovo le year sud it le hardiy possible te keep thiem an eularged figure of theo cattie fiy wbich is fat euougb in Winter ro grew Weill ï if hy uow cauingco mucb lossie farmers threugh- corne througb Anturnu thin i lfesh. (,iv-o out Ontario asud Quebec. Ih le geuerally hoge green feed itber by aiiowing therin te known as tise >Hrn-fiy," frern ils habit of rua lu a Clover pastume or hy cottog su recting in large numbers upon the homes cf hauliug it te thern. If old cern issosked! cattie. It is aise for cernie unaccounatablo hefore fed ces that it dees net ferment or eason eften eferred te as the 1'Texas fiy." hecome sent le the barrele or tubs. u- Tbis le oly the second year Rince 15 firet Sp- iug cao ho aveided byernptyiug ithe barrots, pesred lu Canada, but it hias iucreaqed sud mgulriy sud rinciog thoma witb oies.u epreafi se quickly that if bas produced great water. This le a good rnth te st arS fatten- consternation a!rcing cattie bwnere. Th& ing animals forward h-e eiviug goed pasture- frequent assertiou that te files or niaggotcsud sceegrain ilu'addition. poue have caused the death cf cattie hy horing te cld raine je net desirabie, espocialiy, into the horue, bead or body, lsenetirely for youeg pige. -A'-dry place te siQep1 inaccurate: the whele îujoury je due te the evemy night le eeeded even lu dry westh- itos csf the fiy ; bewever, the irritation or. The Faîl celte s ud caivesî with their1 fromn thie s ane se uin any caces so great dams dernd more care sud caiin ntas1 thiat animais faîl off apidly beth i lfesh raie ho fed toc muc-h. P.ý15e boterths and yield cf rilk. cclts aud calvesune hemnteoae The hJife bitory le hrieýfiy as folowe:.- ho kept off sho pasýLture for4 p. .ifil 10 The mature fliles aper mylui priug7 sud 5.,m. wheu rety gtsarrive. Tesch S ae %aY thoir eggs u pon ithe fesb ropigeof Spriug colts te et graninhv-pLacing este, etl.T!ooce hth udteiA,,s a iixture oet te sud bran lu1 their rai liv-e inlu heug hi ti n ol ei- part etho tine. (41v-o thEn a feeh supp,1 y tien. They t oe ~'u te ePupS statc, each trne ev-en tbh til e cf what Le'of sud the files againi appear witiu '!ltwo or f) l" eed ait he poiesf'eed wac enion. ii t.hmee w,,eek"- frem ithe timo thoewme they b lave net aLreýadýy been Saumgbt t 10 laid. There eau thus ha 5ev-ara1 br id n anad tand tied ilu the h arn, giVe acou, a saseon. cf tLnieg by' tyîag thlem twlceL a diay while RESIEDIES. yen have ther n l the ar.Thie leagef Almost any greaey substance ruhbed on time te train aidor colts te tho ans d the animal wiil keep the flies avay for te drive. Choose cool fisys se far asposle several days. A numbor cf eXperinieuts sud do oct womk wth thern toc klng sS 5ly wete tired lu the field, with the e-uli that oIe time. lu traiuing use your u'ett train-cil aloensd train-cil or lard with a ase to wbat particelar animaisued f ittie cuiphusr, cilicf tar or carbolie acid they.lead readily and are accustomed tte adtled, wlll keep the fliel away for from bhalter but have nov-or womu a bridile it is s five te six dlaye, wbile with asenail propor- goed plan te put a headetali with a 1îbton tien of carbolicacid h cvi lihave a hoaliug ther n l the paetumefom s few heur, or mutil effect upen any cotes whhb ray bave forai- they baye hecorn. aceuctomed te It. PlaýLce efi. Axle-gmeasO, tallow, sud auy sncb the haruese ou thern cirefully, frýightenjisg, greasy substance can ho used to advanîage, them se little asepossible sud got tbarn11 but train-cil or fish-clh coPia te ho more accnistomedte hto be' Wfiee itcblilig lsstiugilutheir effaci than any othere ex- Preide eeter for s toc ik s perimeuied wlth ase practicahie su' v-d e tan io Au effective aud undoubtedl1y She eascest chasses c2 cinilr im sdag1es as mIn-îs rerniedy te applY, if aseralspray pump ha possile. Yeti will the-nbyeSseI- used, le the Keroceue emulsiemi; vwhicb <con- gether which need iihar Setnn u iste cf the fe.liowiug :-Kýeioseno coalcil), they wilih ho more quiet. Sîpyaicase 2 quarts; raiu watet, I quar t ; corn.en f stock witb gcod waiem tîsis monIthl;te bard eosp, 2 oz. PBellthe ceap ln the wat rwethr estili wariu sud tbey wil t.n)u tubl ail le dissolved ; thon while hoiin g hot, drin fe.Tahtecle eotganS tur t ie otihe coal cil, sud chuta it coun- ty illto.teady fore aavýj uglie.tKe ý 1 PaIl Dais-y Work. Daîry wor k lu September is compara- tively plain. If Wlnter dairying le fellow. e d cornei cows will drap their calves thie 1moinýth, file preiimiaary came ueeded le food sufficieut te give a full udder, before cahving. The "1wise fcilewc'> now teil us that there le oniy a plot or se of rniIk lu the cow's udder at a trne, and that the miik le secreted as fast as dmawn. Whetber this le accepted as truth or net it le wel known that a cewrmust have a fu, well developefi udder lu order te be a goed rnilker. Wlhetber the eider le foll of miik rls gocgel witb bioed lsa difference lu the- luy i practice it muet ho funlcf corne- thing. Te cecure thie foluese dry off, the cew a few weeke befoee clviug-say six or eiht-se she wil distend the udder when "spriogiug." This disteuion leon- erally acknowlidged toe h eilltethe rnilk fieftv. After calving, do neýt feed beavily util the cow bac graduly coe te ber full flow of milk. Keep the tdlf away frmrnfiles. The cere cf the crearn differe from iast montb priucipally lu that the weathem is grewiog cool sud the ocam will ueed warmiuig iuctoad cf cool- ing, lu order te ripeu it preperly. On moeit fammes the cewe were fresh lu the Sping and the butter fats are 1bcbg their coft condition aud be-coming sm taller sud more tallowy. It reqniree more beat te ripen cream freincows which have been iikLod several menthe than it dees that frcrn fresh cowe. Porbape a better way te eay this is that srcb cream mqiresýmore ripeuing. Tt chiorus more swyaujd wiÎtb oh ealo tos, unhees ripeued jweli, a-s the coeling1 wea ther tende te produc ecs ,cid, atfiilbeatwill probably be r 1ore edeee the needed arnouet, The roper temperatulre for churnieg will a1ico 1,e, ighe!r thant, that givieg best recuite. hast il,. ïtI, the for cool atrnespbero will net, h1ea-t thle Chu-,ru se ruchihhochurin, sud aise because with the d Irier feedcoe r 1u1w getting, and wt teir adývaucerneut lu lattcu igher cuuiti ugteprur g:ives b.eet recuaits. As te the ca,,reocf the heçrd lui gen!erai, two rernindere are givon: Fed wel,suad the bect sud cheapeet feed tor t!ue mouth le found lu the cernfleld. Thiis je euie thiug, the other le, dont leave theý cewc eut lu cold or eterny weather. Thle tiirne )f the year is now ai baud when croam 'vill fahi short at the crearner-y. That isi, where croarn le gsrhere ansd taken te the creanry te ho churned corne patrons wih h disappointed lu their teste, sud lu rnany cf the cresmories the buttermaker Ail say that it le impossible ev-eu te get as 1mucb botter as the test shows should ho there. Ar. affe-tive cure fer thie ebrinkage is net aiways easy, but more came lu ripening les g-enraly whst le needed, sud for the ressens alroad1y given. The "bhired man'" ilu teamleryv falis loto a rut. Ho rune thîne a tomaIcalhy sud dees aet vsry bie prcio ,,iocu eugh te keep pace with the variations ho ehimate sud iu the <rosiefur. niiedl. trippere' ecresrn will ho corning, thei weýlather is grcowing celder, the bell- hoddbuttermaker will waste butter every iFeul snd keep wacting it until a howl frern patrnjs or a sharp roprirnd from the "lbecs" bringe hlm te hie ceuses.. Nowsl the cru-cial tirne. [le muet watch sharpiy. Ife must lucreasce the Iseat sud cofteu the tensdieus cream by preper ripening, or he lviilac money for patros snd lose hie job if jeistice le deait ont te hlm, (CUT PUI frozen graund, d made of green )r lhaîf sesndtimber, is flot cond1ucive tolhealtih. Suc hosesare damp and you ailkno0w that roosting in a dlamp place brings roup, bohrtodeath and destruction jut,, the flock. Yes I know I have saidsornething tvery much liko this before, and if you don't profit by 'vords this tirnes I shall say it again. -,oMe cf thee days bsfore autumu rains creon, get io a supply of dry dust and gravýel suf1icientto1lastyour fowls alli Vnter and store it where it will keep dry. Then there is that job of clearing the dry ecrth fr-ornthe poultry house flor sud replacing it with fresh, which better be attended to thisý month. If you are intendigg to boy any breeding stock for next season, or any pullets for winter layere the sooner you do if the bstter ycur chances for getting what yen- want. Breeders aim te sell off their surplus stock as early in Autasmu as possible in1 order to save the expense of wintering, and make plenty of room for the fowls kept over. Costomere who boy flrst have the first choice, while those who wait until Spring before buying ofteu have te take inferior stock at higher prices than prevail. ed for good stock in Autumo. Just su with the pullets wanted for wiuter layers; "first corne flrst served," and be3ides if yon buy in season they have a chance to get accus- tomed te the change of qoarters before cold weather, and if necessary to do se you have tîrne to feed them up to indoce early laying. Those who have thoroughbread fowis for sale should begin te advertisa at once. Nowadays people who want te buy stock of any kind« don't spend a rnonth in ruuuirg around making inqoiries. They look in the advertising columns of the stock and farm papers, and if you are flot there the chances are that stock wiill h left on your bands. POEB 1N0T BELIEVE IT. flh,.olsnson,.le Afrcaln ravolor Tiinks Emi tz1II lAves. Dr. JmsJoustocfJa ic, et Indies, w-ho is well known in Toronto, but who le now in New York, was asked by a reporter hic opinion of the lstest story about Ernin Pashi's death. The docter said: 1"ýI do net believe Emin is dead. Every. thiug I know about the man leads me te doubt that he coulfi poeeibly have corne te bis dewth lu any cnch way as the foreigu despatchos tel os. Emin Pasha is a, diplo. mnat, skilled in the fiuest attrihutes cf the art. Noue kncws better than hie how te deal with the Arabs andi Mohammedans of Central Africa. Hie knowe their leaders, their custorne, aud their streugth and vin- dictivenees, and ho snreiy would flot be foolish euough te go loto their fastuosses, as he is said te have doue, and wreak sum- mary vengeance on mens whose titousaufis cf friends he could ha. certain w'ould more than pay hlm back in kiud. lie is a politician, and there'is, nothing foolish in hie rnake-up. There is net lu Africa a mucre skiilfni tactician than hoe. "No, yen eau rest reaeonabiy assurefi that Emnin Pacha is flot (105 I do net, be- 11ev-e it, and will net net until corne white man who' bas aeeu either bis romains or corne ludisputable proof of bis hsving liceu kiliedi cornes forward and tells the story. "'Th cc tales of deth lu c1,,uatoriri Africa are frequeut and nureliahie. Most ef thern corne from natives, and a fow travel- lors, who have ceeu headseoxpcsed on1 poies have, when they reached the coset, told strauge tales cf the deaths cf expierere. "I was nct fat fromi Emin's lecality about eigbr menthe cage, and heard f rom hlm freqnently. 711e was then a littIe south cf Victoria Nazan sd everyrbing there- abouts wasinp.1erfect peace. He cent me word ho had nover been ou better termes withthe Arabe, sud that hFe hafi regained wîth the people cf Central Afrcca neariy ail the prestige that h.- had previonciy lest. Hic prospec'ts were hright, and there was nt a cloud ou hic horzon of succece. These reports of hie desth are periodicai sud as yeu know frem oexperience, utterhy wrh lees," The obeliske cf Egypt were rased iute place Dy icnstrumnents like our cranes.- THE -o-ES OIXT--R Avi 0f 'Cloths, Tweeds, Worstedsad Suitings of ail kinds, for meon,yoth r and boys, were neyer extelled miand prices neyer more mioderate. Tworeasou's why yo u are certain to be beuefitted in trading,-at the old reliable Gents' furuishing store are that we keep onl*v reliablp, goods and they are sold at lowest liivin1g Our custorners ean depend on getting, well-madle, ýgoodl fitting, and stylishly cut clothing at prices to suit alil pockets Fil lines of Ties> Collars, Cuifs, Bralces, llandlkerchiief,, etc Ifyou want at suit this Spring, you will peaeu \9 beniefit,, yourself by,, looking tLhrough ourmgnfet stoc--k> at' th Star'> two Ldoors east o1f thj-e Post 0Oîffie, Bomavile ,Microbe Killer, Entiches the biood and give3 tone and strength te the whoie system Microbe Killer Gîves bneyancy cf spirits, strangth and health tD alusers cf it. Microbe Killer Doas this, because is main constituent is Oxygen, Nature's reaiedy. Microbe Killer Uded in sickness is no exp3rimni, crudea drug.s and minerais aa. Microbe Killer Le h greatet tenic for tired mon a ni-wrommn evar prol;tced1. Microbe Killer Corrects ali bodily disorders eoasily, if takan ln time, useed freeiy-. Microbe Killer Purifies the bieod and tissues .by driving eut the livinger. Microbe Killer: fIas ne equ-il as- a rheumatio specifie; cures guaranteed. For 5 y fH-i fin -bo9thi-iarn& So n - lInts -n5 '---m <u-imn is and d4-to -3.: -È74lte nyudca~l ue~,er -- Ptc us ~esri~oam i taler leanuci týrvcac Pl W- - Ê,, oï .J. ù- ~f LiS f i[tOni à '.ebotacî testeo1 u- I, u c~'cc"ucu i tO~lu>Urco ~~p~ v-ie-e-~wîpyt eei 1c ~k-- u<rl>' t-ass cbee50'-0allst' >~*o~nsst~h~.iig<r . ,-f'l l~ '--r p i~eqttiId asutne1t ~grsawsiî~at i4na5 iY dc1S ct'sck tcm~teci 515 'lenso con. fey ptntd, imdît s ~st an~efiugi~ceh f iu s u'ayfl yl u -i mes -i rî vii u, aluL >u-u<u, i<riïsCt >odietd5 0 ~ dif~esseîu so ~o-m> N,50. wiicicuPa t cc X lCC' ve~n Li[rr cu vr ictrc l ncssc;sa u atacoi i rugtn ~nt.1 vItm tr.~' I1-,r.-sud i0 s-r ecr'has rCi, i l"', i Sion. udAutumu ud .'stheSpriug.p-estsîaL kesp mc,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: IwI--oe urso aer tilfuifele bno envr mlîly h s'ii î, r '1 i">o t d'o Wmscý t a <-oi-- bfuseit ooia Th~iie-e rupr- oimsa tn h r-ed e ge-lpuros, frr.che a 1-uÇh'u tt- nuco îc merî1,ê % Si0 Sc ou9- b '-Ic k1i; but 15 iss dc ce emnr. ýpes, iu-r,-vîj snwa tor vade Thekae~riruIt qar cfîscd suineror 'rp s îb Leectd- I luoUoecie te- Stea i ym dsu trapus rlynjrein teni , l ie h 11,a 8, n' t-,I ose, oicoci1a i c tio-1e Shescr-'l miud isra onap za. Thaeusufsîoo thur of[v-et setumbout îcXv-rkthioeo..Ts ifEcep. v- sei1a m-ccb ýc its sbapby -- -- .BJ(3 ùv-cý-E-STs- .A.andI JOur- at-ff onpyad uert coa oicstthe tplr ts. Uo aa e-cil-ceiig u -n 4eoer -it.hsie v,-c shiav 1-iatace ce cv-d svrfls og p tpmaî -. tlhe two Shroh>, s m i eate otve ff ln oVot oSi:r tk-b.b -1 s- s as v lh t on vi e %e-~îiur[~ > ~~r' - fron'uuoaae.Anoho rnthd f dlu- oriys abe nter qus arlte for ftw, î en'i'K. arce ote lu gd ce:shinie T; f thiogseca cile seak The oiuuiiowiih Wîamîy rîvs en a 15bthe ar na w ,!, st Ir 1 secostotybe ia)ui biý s e o i I watem, ce that eue part in ten willhoe cal housef lu seascu. Keepig fois u s«e-l e pessng.Sharpen sud topait the ciL ~which waseput up aS Silo "Ias tminue" >tos bchaetbuud.TESJIMA' nute I,' -"i are Pitc he u~storia5 SýU, c -- I(P LU G.) , No other brand of Tobacco bas ever en.-, joyed sucb an immense sale and popularity in the same period as Uiis -,arand f it P gand O/cest Cuit ci nn/~ fo

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