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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1893, p. 2

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liy hral rcldee the nitos'1 thre flue prapsrties o 3al~set a sci, Mr. delPpslia novdd 1rek atebies with a deictely' davored boiveraze w hiahs may si-,, usmauy h'avy d c'bi. It i-3 by tirs iudicioauq use cE sueli articie-4 cf diet thlit a cOsiut ay 1)3 gralilly bush, up unti 9trang enougli te resisi ever-cy tendency te disent. .-1~reds cf 'subltiemaladies ara fleat!i garou_1usready le cttack wlierever there is a weak pezI)[nt. We miv escaep rta e fatal shaftby keepieg ourselves weii fortifiel with pu-'e blc)d 9aad e princsrly noen,;ish'-d framne."-_..Ciril Sei-vice 6Gattf." Maïe imply with boilin4 water or millc âosoi l n v pclets. by (?rcrslailled thits JAMEFS EPrS & C4s.., IloiamsuisttieCie ai WEDNESDAY NOV. 1, 1893 'EM PiR OF COLLW41rO-M PI-Y1SCIA&N %nlaSungeons, Ontario, Çoronir, etc. Off'iýe and Itesldencé. Enntskiiien. 74, B AIRRISTEnR SOLICITOR, %jt. MOPris 'I 0CR. upstairs, King Street. Bowmasn. vile. Poicitor for the Ontani Banke. r ivate iteneve banal et ths iowa3t 1ratas S. C. MI NIING LTCENSED AIOT ION E ER FOR thre Countycf Durhemi. Sales -ttended to on shortest notice andi owcst rates. Address cssce . O MIORT. YOIJ¶G, V. S. O --FFICE IN THE WEST DURHIAM~ News Blocck, ahere himself orassistant YOUNG FOLKS. Grandp GrAry. - "Tell uls a tory, Grianiipa." Cried Nellieina'd Relib-cud Roy. FTelu neataiecf tirie good cld tumes When yen, tee, wera a boy." "Corne te mi, ceser, dariings,' Saici kind elci Graucipa Gray., "And 1 tell yen a taie cf the elden tiues, Iu thie goed elc-fashioneci way. (Ince ou a trne your grendpa -11asoder ral cnd bolfi, Y 1u ga drn was but a lassie thien, WrticluWteriug curie nf geîd. Graudpaf. ouglt for his country,- lu mrany a deUadIy fray,, Aund whee thie hatties were over, Ie proudlyimaclied away. "Flen Grancira teck Graucipe pris 11r, lu spire of lits sword eue g lu, But lie calieci thins dret surrender Ilis biggest vict'ry won!l "Tien we were pround and hlappy, Fer hotli wcre yeuug and gay, < Se wc ledt dauced the minnet, Alleon our wedding day, "Risc use geed-night, dean chiîdren, Then away with yen te ',cd! Some dry yeî beys will lie graucipaq, Wlieu Grancipa Gray le decd." Seventy yesrs have Ilii ted, R 'h and Roy are nid se tIay, Audcnhiidren gashered sreunrt their chairs, -Now cail thera Graucipa Gray!l f.LBERT G. BIANKS. How Johnny Became a King. Jehunse lied always tbeught it wouid lie icc te lie a king. Helied heard people say, 'I Uueesy lies tise Iseeci tlt wears e erew," but he toIt thet if lie were a king lie wouid kuow enougli net te wear his crewn te lied.,witl i hm ; liesides, be kuew lie wau s pretty sounci leeper, cnywcy. Se wlien eue day s resi, live fairycici W'Orne carne te hlm ced sid ; "ohnie, I have the great washiug.-stonc cf tise Great IGE FORiI13 OF DItUNKENIE ïS. Bocëk,'W hitbyv 43- ar- 'v, ve rçcar rii isîto tlie te lit. --lea 1 ,21;NTISTIRY. s 'He dici net feei worrîed thiukiug th th ie s elark ofî.f.Il castie would lie wirisout a diner set on di eveirliette 150, ,rrs urrunuur ý rrr-nid - 55 t. i-1t ll ft5tnIl -rcr-aarsf ppepnytft nd he ei't"'-d t worriecl hm rost was the fet (ef hie wn look cf satisfaction on tne green frog's face cnd on tiret cf the yeliew monkey witli the sky-blue til. j,-"' deui)t swallowed sc tolci us aftcrwvard ti5 circiing about bun, oe-J iug in andi sei zing li, vigorous splashing. tee tfa-t L, tiemn 1ledsbeen dccci-20 thare cIlglest beud teinterestin le )ne tn Se berat"-'r"d 'ia-a v teofcse, lnk. 9Lc hypodrrrnsc syninge or a vrai ef ceesine. -. -~ .- ~.-.-...-.. ~ ~ - - - - - lie Ache they wudb iotpieeato those6 made diligent but fruitilsquiess cd aor, 'l im aserc" tethe New York flualiy abandlorue7I theseairch. wo ycarsClistia-fome ifr-letemiperate Mec. fiere, afterward a letter was receivecI fo tete thec atonislprnut cf everybody, lie was German pestoffice, arating that tIe an rje ppareutly cre. ut oue day lie waiked Lonun bcd recovereci the parcelI with its out of the iustitutienunuobserved. Thre Ltii' wislied te uotv wliow the recovryYaetrcoiBcÎèu ts~e i iat héL il ylaibeen cffected, anclitwas iefrredtlart ( is edv wtith cocida e ci min ad ide iimiÈslîrrof religion liad del'cidti pat - , 4+rnîh Fed ht they v lU net ho vilng te Ioeo ithosst the"i But ai ter aýIl siectheaci 'se mek o while others at boast. Our puis cure It lieso s liv - - - ~Inhie court-yard, suywsy, and lie deermin.tlessuess tlie uukueowu cd te havea-aswim even hug- li ae e-te- àlidcaused ucen C, H RND N, . D S nt't to go in the water afrer canner. turred to the ecet ;Î't f she dîIdu't knew but that there w9s sin wisdom juinhis 1 ie, cnd the fciry prnc -saiWýhe ýîasure there was, and theLUtî)0trc wolntle sny harm dune in trying ùthe thIing auy way. Se the fairy oid womau gave the fa'y king the wenderfulni wshing-store, ad4. on bis wishing very liard that lie was Jab ni Sizzietop, the green frog, the yiw monkey witli the sky-biue taîl, aed al,,k tbe rest of'tlie things fadeci cwayadte change was accomplished ! Joheniiie Siz- ietpwas again Johrie Szitp~~ reb'ust appetite fur -goodl dineer, nd lie gave s very gratefuil, thougli unkixngly, ýSheýut cf joy. CH MQEf BY A SBRARK. A Strs4nge Adventure Off thse 4Coaýï cf Florida. We were fishiug lu Applschee B-ty ctthe sotihceastcf Florida, just off te oe~ f St. Marks. There were five cf us i4 týhe boat-four men aund a boy 14 years e ofgf named Harry Rogers. His mother wias a wi- dow, sud tliey were ateppieg witi ffed in the tewn, Tliey were, if I etmr riglit. freni Nashiville, Tenu. We lied cauglit a number cf sm jl iel wlieu a school cf sharks suddenly apj.eared te epeil alfurtlier sport. Every een u bocks was bitten off inside cf a îiiniut~,ac the sharkeslihowed themeselves ail cp-ru, 'nd the boat. Bi, aud h ttie, tliere "iea~ua cf the m skiurnmiug about aundhebs c h sch eol was a meunster about flfteeu i ce1long;, Ife was cf the man-eatiug specie, a e a bit afrrsid cf us. Indeed, we lIed csïsse't lie afraici cf him. Hie seemed te h deser a' ely liuu2ry, and for awhielie a2-tcI as if lis meant te jump inte the beat. *f1ie fiua1iy quieted down andi teck up lis station rcd lie lay, eyeing every movementef r~s, but neyer se mucli as wavin g a fin hinsi ti we decideci that we might as welup hr and pull lu.. FORESTS OF «A QUEEN. --Veletïga tes Sït Agide For -Sport. Wileterlas ettish Regerves for 1Deer-Piz- zies Soly;ed b y the British Posteffice. LoNDOIt, Sept. 30.-Queen Victoria has four forests. B3aimeral, which forais a part of the original estate which was purchased lby the late Albert the Good fýrn the Fiîfe trustees in 1852, extends to 10,000 acres; Ballochbu je, which was bought ýby her najesty in 1878 frocs the late Colonel Farxquharson, of Inv ercauld, coverse 10,000 acýres and le famious for its ancient vwoodls of Scotch fir ; Abergeldie and ',Vhite-mouth wýhich are leased, extead, te abuit 9,000 acres aud they contain the finest cernies in the wliele doemain. The extensive woods in these four forests andi the abuandant and exceptienally sweet pastures in the cernies reuder theni a favorite haunt for the deer. The mountain of Lochnagar (3,250 feet) is .uciuded in the royal forest, and tlie scenery of the whoie domain le very good. There ie a net werk cf bridie paths, se that cli parts cf the forest ean be easily recched freni either Balmoral or Ahergeidie aud three' rifles can lie eut at thie sarne tirne ou sep. arate beats. About eighty stage are killed eacli seeson, witli a prepertionate number of hinds. VICTOIA A-ND FLUaNIE. Quecu Victoria's cifectieuste regard for th'e ex-Eîupress Rugenie rather iucreases tlian diminislhes, and lier mejesty is neyer happier than wbee the '1ope widew is with lier. In the ceourse cf a Week or se lier medtywi have lier frieuci stayiug witli her at Balmoral. In cerr 'espoudeuce Queen Victoria always addresses the ex-I-isperial one as "My dearest empress," which she lies douc ever since the dead emperer was made a Kuiglit cf th'e Garter, wheu Napoleon III. kissed Victeria's baud and lier ma5esty saluted him once on either clieek aud then embraced warmly tlie very geetie, very graceful and very nervous emprees. Many Other ThunM8 titan the Wine CU? Bliould Be Bhuannd by thi3 Inebruat 3. Chlereferni drieking je cee cf the many new vices new lnvading society witli au appalling frequeecy. 1 In lreland, fer example, the practice cf éther drinkieg lias existed for thirty years back, The use cf ether as ce encesthetie attrccted univers&! attention. Then some une tried driukiug fti l iiifermfHa wcs deliglited witli the resuit. It produceci initoxicatilon at cee-bial Cie cer of wliiskey. The practlcegradus,ý,lly spread. It reacliec the reformed districts in Ireccci. "Ejere," cried t he refermed eue, "lhem e just wliat we went. It is cliecp ced tllliug, yet it is net liquor. We cen drink it without viating the pledge." Ether drinking lies one luxuricue cad- vantage ove, alcobel as au intoxicant. Under it c man may get intoxicateci sud scier seme hall dezen tumes lu the twety- four heurs ced may stan c ff again for the next twenty.four, sufferng lese than lie would suifer frem eue intoxication equsiiy deep induced by alcebol. Ail nercotics, al ceodynes, cil seaethet- ics, possees the sanie virtztes aed the saine- dangers as chlore form ced ether. Valu- able in the haude cf s physicien, tlieir reekiese use î5 c frighflt imenace to society. A few yers cge the medicci wonid went wild ever a uew cuodyne caîleci antipyrine. But ecarce lied tliey iecrned liow to use this tien tliey foundr that the tccsin cf ciarm must lie souuded againet iti abuse. Ilse victime were feund icrgely cmoeg se- ciety women, whoee nerves, struog up te s bigb piteli by the everwbelmiug demande of a wlnter seasen cf gcyety, seize eageriy upon auything that wiil aiford relief freni the headaches and other dieordere cnieîng frini prelonged fatigue ced overtaxed nerves. So clecensiÙ2 lethe e cL tt rit i, Tobcco i5manS iiiotui~ iverial tuxury; the frâQrant ârom Of MA5TIFF PLUcj CUT -5Lèrti people, to pipe-i5moIin, everiths wotwe w~ed tobaccobeo. J, B. PACE TOBACCO CO., RICIIMON, V& and MON TREAL, CAN. THE, IFEY TO HE-ALKi -7 Lý wmMý"-- '.-- -.-L -L

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