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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1893, p. 1

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TEM:O.OP Ax pm OUR TOWN AND, JOUNTY YMT- 11111C WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A JÂMXS EDnýpoRAe rj '~E SRISBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEÙNESDÂY, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. VOLUME- XXXlX. NUMBZI, 4.3 nnhuIE' jO>$' N S TO - & CRYDERMAN are now showing a fine range of Fur Muifs, Caps, Collars, Collaretts and1 Capes in Oppossums, Ohio Sable, Persian LambAlaska Sa ble, Greenland, Seal, etc.' also a fine range! of Lister' s, Seaietts i n six quai- ities. Im-ported direct from the manufacturers& And oust opened out a fine assortment o fMen's & Boys' in ail classes andqualities Notwithstftnding' the unpreced- ented sale of Manties which they have had for the past two months they are st1li showing a very fine stock of lovely fitting 0-ERMAN MATXIiE goods at ail prices iStýo better value anywhere. AUl Grocers Due Bis taken as Cash. GOUGH, JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN, BO WMANVILLE. y OU WIL-L find] thie place for àt when you sec our FALL and 'I'NTERI' display of'quality atid elegence. Our seasonable stock lacks ~ - otngbtbYers. They will corne. They wiIl be satisfied. They will buy at the1, fairest pricýes ever m 'ade for sucli qualities. Vis- itors are- not askýed- to believe but are sbown goods to convince them thiat we areadn the trade i BOOTS and SIIOES, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, SLIPPERS, etc. If you wisbh to se the latest novelties and newest ideas for the seasen corne and seo usý. If youi wishl- to see the very best in Standard Styles and reliable nuakes core nd ecus.Ifyou want vaine for your money corneand sec ns, Truth brandtsouirgoolsllHonest Quality." Fashion pronounces them "Correct Styles." Economy recommends cur "Low Prices." If you want to enjay the fulIl purchasing power oýf Voue dollar spend it wth BlouNmSAtLL'8"% MARRLE AND CRANITEWORKS, BOWeM-ANlIVILLiE, ONýT. Finished Granitec Monuments in stock from $1-95 to $500. HANDSOME DESIGNG AND BEST-MÂTERIALS. 1-BED) PETERHIEAD AND GRAY RUBISLAW SCOTCH ROS 1' EI AND PURPLE SWEDE ...............Gk IT B IE EA LADEM.ERALD PEARL ...........G A IE FINIS11ED MAýRBLE MONLU3[ENTs in stock from '$45 to $200. IN Â.ALL TmE BEST KIDS OF MA-EBLE AND LA-TEST DESIGNS. oeBeoreplacing youir ordeýr, CALIL AND EXAMINE NY STOCK, a-d SEE VTîAT YOU ARE BUYING. 7-11YE. R. BOUNSALL, IProprietor. ORSLE Rý RENT, -HIouse and 7110 RENT,-For terra of years, "Glesi Fý lacres for sale or te rent, shtuate on -R-LDhu -00acres3, 2 miles frain WhLitby- cgel, street nortb. The promises consis, ol good buildings anti soi!. Admirable ror stok a izoot house vith ev2ry coaveýnienco, driving or dairy. Chance for going exuensiveiy intc S sJued, stable, etc, n garde n contains, a lut of Toronto mtl, business or stock, raising toi th h,, Luk.et f.ruit of akl varits, imn!ie le ïi"'erica" markeý- -Men witi 0~nl posesson an e gven Fo »aticlar apyA-ced opplv. J. H. Dow,, Whitbv. 32.tf: t W.,IAIEU Bowmanvill n ',1 ____________________ înquiùre of M., A.,Tre for m-,rritace1 *Nexi Tim e rou Buy Shoes the farnous F oste r's Soie of HonorShoe TIRADE MAUX IEGISTE1i LD. The Style, rit, ad 1sothe 1IJ ar in Qualities are Siu»eror t a ny Shoe inade for the. Canadian ,nar- ket.. Foster's Slioes embrace the B est of Euer-pt lnq,.7%fan.factured by *A. T. r'oster& Co.,rZoclc Island, eue.* i3OLLN'A. Recent viitors.-Mrs. A. A. Bower- mnan, of Port Perry ; Mise Williams andi Mrs. Wilbur, of Bowmanvile; Mr. T. Scott, of Oshawa ; Mrs. Clark Wibur, of Collingwood. . ..Misg Katrina Argue has been engaged at the Union School east of Enfield for 1894. . e.Patrons of Industry had a pleasant everingOct. 24tb, speech- es, readings, music, supper ...Mise Nancy Williams and Mise Addie Paecoq are indisposed.. .. Mr. Win. Ashton bas purchased a new sulky plow..Mr. Ed- win Reynolds dislocated hie shoulder Saturday falling froe is i horse. Dr.1 Mitchell skillfully replaced the fraotured' limb. * ..At Division, six initiations last1 meeting, attendance over iinet .... Miss Mabel. Colwill haq returned home to1 Pickering. A BlusNEss LETTEt.-T. Milburn & Co., Sir.-Please ship at once three dozen B. B. Bitters. Best aelling medicine in the shop. Sold moen botties1 to-day. Yours truly 0. T hornpson, Ti.i. sonbury. The above aample i. but one1 of hundreds of imilir express-ons regard. ing B. B. B. A Gre'ut Stillerer froxo 'rfctly Cuted by H-oodýs arsaparilIa The best stornacli taules known ta medicai science are Sa happiiy cam- biued in Hood's Sarsapailila that it cores Indigestion, and Dyspepsia la its severest fornis, vihen other mnedicines fail. In many cases Hood's Sarsapa- tilla seemas ta possess a magical toucb, Sa quick and sa gratifyiug the relief. Read the' followirg frorn an aged and re.pected eàthcn of St. Mary's, Ont.: "Iam very glad to give this testimonial as ta wilat Hooda s &rsapaxilla ias doue fonrme. i suffeïred very mt-i vli dyspepsia. I have boeen takiag tnedii For 25 Yeamrs aindI neveu had anytling do me as mucli gaDd as Haaod's Sarsaparilla. Every symip- loin of tie yspepsia lias entirely disalu- iceidandi t feel tuiat 1 caniti praisa the nedicine tac liglly. I Eat Bottler, Sieep Botter and f,ý! stronger than 1 huave for many yr. £1 have tkeisix bottles cf lloodS bonglit of Mr. Sauderscu, tihe e' .t.",iUNAmKENS. "OIDIA-LEND)OBSL'M'NT. Mi.ert L.8aenis:tI:eDrsiggi st, "f.- -' 'htfor-wau-d iuus an s' take nsucliplleasulra Ù1 t -i ta 1tu troU"fIftie testim1oLiia L, iŽ: ý:'ve." F. G. S"SS.NÈoN-s, Drng- 1-GCO'5 PILLS, ti-eet after-dinner Fil1le assist dge'înpevot co nstipation. Mr Luther J. Courtice bas returned fronm Iewport, Vt. . .. Mr. S. J. Courtice of Kurb.y spent a day or twa at home're- ceiily..- . Mr. T. F. Wright, our popular tëschcr, hfas been enRaized for anot ber year, .-.The many friends of Mr. T. Hl. ErroOmhawa, are glad to hcar that he lareaeru from bis receit attack of typhïoýýd foyer., BAdMPTO!q. uncrai cf Shenwacd Fursier yto BownJanville was largely at- The bereaved fnmily bave the yof the entire village lu their ... Visitors-Mr. C. Eventt Pot Hope Model Scbool; Mise Coleman, Port Hope .... Cheese 3 cloeod .... .Fanmens bave eur- oots in good condition,.. .Mr. i p)reacb1ed hene Suudny evecing. G;. Oiver baB neturned after a visit vitb friends in Cariwxigbt ky case cf nervousnees, aleeples.. k stomach,indig'oticr,dyspeesia, r's Little Morve Pille. Reliaf te ho only'nerve rmedicine for the M 1'. (CARS WELL. L of school for October: Sr.4L- lickards, Eva Courtice, Walter, Jr.4--Wcsley Salter, Francis Emma Cornisb; Sr. 3-Elia MsUud Beer, Ida Hancock; Jr.3 Balson), Allie Celemen, Gien Sr.2-Maod Hancock, Viola Katia McDonald; Jr2-Rula itbel Balson', Frank HSE)cýock. 'umeil R. Gay, Ralph R. Taoley, ihandi. Pt.,1 -Irene Armour, rrevail, Percy Walter. Higbest le takeçn 85, obtainod by Maud T. FaÂ..Nx MWIGHT, Teacher, JINED-Do't ho a fool ; kuow wanit and refuge te be impased greedy dealeta wbieu tbey at. palm oûff acre produoing s îubsti. PutnAma's Painilema Corn Ex- IYJ- >nd IMra. MoucIr, son., 5rock, are Ieitinj, t the parsoesage. . .Otherï!is itore, Mre.asud Minsa Tamblyn, COrono, 'Me. TrW Brock-; Mn. Pascoe, Oshawa%.. socal"ïd ]ctreby Rev. A. J. Hlarveyi Szrikû, Wednieaday evenin-g Nov 22nd...11 A Toboguan club : Prpsidot-T. G. Vîitueu; Vice.Prea. -J. Young-; secy- Trea. -F. W. ýLee; committee-Hebsrr. W. Pettur, J. -Virtue, F. Mlaroaey and G. Stovenm. . ,. Report cf ach)ool for Oct. First 0hrcu cf eacbclass. 5-.Pollock, E Wmshington, E. Brown. Sr. 4-K. VI iuc, L, Leýwi8, J. Thompacu. Jr. 4- MI. Stewart, L. Gilbert, T. Stainton. Sr. 3-R. Stainton, R. BArry, S. Patter. Sr. 2-F Výintae, E. Stewart, R. Stevens. Jr. 2-W. Thonupson, G. Potter, 1. Staintusi. lPart Il--N. Reynolds, D. Thainipon, P'. Byers. Posrt 1-0. Stev- euis, 1L Sainton, A, Bell. Average at. tendaxice, 50. J. Yoting, teacber. il iU-F Rn Coucýns,-Tbere is no remedy ith&.nakes as langýe a percentage cf perfpct cures as Dr. Wood's Norwsy Pine Sjrup. In nearly every case of coughz5. cold8, asibina, bronobitis, boarse nos, eroup, etc-, is curative effocts are Mln.Wn inz f$ýendi Nelsoýî are. is moing Hooey, se: Fallia arc learn-ing t] The IRev.i bis 10lwnmi Peaple-'a E terestiiig i the mnmo the fifflowi H. Do-vitt con ; Trei Eaim)-iPsi Devit an. extessded North )We fuiture for bel' cf Pi pie B J i" Foot Bal at Stur( in, udex 17Vegetable FUils are pre. neoulIE H o o O s pared ta net a legiti- Dnuali( . ouate de-maud for a inild, witl' efficient ant irliable fanuuy physie Thuey are Ofrtils' purcly vegetable, contamning n tef ca.lomnel, mercury, or minerai si- Uï"1 mince stance of any -kiati. llood's lPilla ions c aeýt upon thue stomu, liver, and alirnentary canal, su-d cure Liver Co)mplalul, Cauistipsîlon1- 5 , h'b \asJea, 1llosesIedcuIndigest ion ,, lu ht 'r Stomnaclu, Distres,,ia ater Eatiug, Jaundice.i )W mnuy lbe brokemýnunu and a lever prcveinted( Hooc's PUIS Are prcpared by C. 1. lId&ceA ticae, CLARKÉ UNIoN. Report of Clarkee Union sobool for Oct. obr.N aines in order of menit. Sr. 4 -Marlsy Rowe,; Jr. 4-Bella Luak, Nor- man Hicks; Sr. 3-Libbie Coîbourne, Milton Samis, Eva Brown, Bella Bal; Jr. S-Bertba Samis, Mionie Hlicks. Bd. na Barrabaîl, Norman Allun; Sr. 2-Katie Cole, houla Smith, Emmia Morris, New- ton Cobourne, John Morris, NMinnie Rowe; Jr. 2-George Hicks, Iva K*.lley, Nanly Cole, Edwin Balil; Pt. 11-HEarry Rowe, Lillie Btuwe, Jonnie Smith, Frank Brown; Pt. 1-Ethel Rowe, Lillie Brown, Frank Cale, Arthur Hicks. TILUIE PRtOUT, teacher. Hlood'a Sarsapitrilli what tbey tbink of it, and the replies will ho positive in its fav. or. Simply wbati Hood>à Sarsaparilla does, that telle the s>ony cf its menit. One bas been cured of indigestion or dya- pepsiaý anothen fir ds its indiaper sable for aick besdache or bi jousnes., while others report ro markable cures cf scrofule, cat- arrb, rbeumatism, sait irbeum, etc. Hood's pilla are purely veget %b1 3. KIRD Y. Mr, EI Birch wai in Cobourg recent'y on the Pdtit Jury. ... Mr. A. F C.rscad- don baispurobasied a stuail fa ai n-rth cf Bowmanville and will cultivate a market garden... . 'dr. S. J. Courtice. principal cf our scbod), wili resiga at the close cf the ear nd prsue hi. atudies at, achool. Mr. Courtice bas been ver3 successful as a teachor- mince taking chirgý hebo and bath the schDlare and the section are sorry to ]ose hi.s éervices... A sinýiiug school bas been organizqd bere under tbe leaderàbip cf Prof. C. N. Ruse u-f ap ton.... Mn. Win. Sheppard b.%d a suc. cosafuli ploughin É hef3eon Mondaav ýetk on1 the Simpson farm, ENFI EL D. MiaJ. Ormis5ton ii in Exoter atterid- ing ber sister N, Mîanning wh ibas typboid fyr...MsL. Uouzartb, oi bas been vis4iin at Mr. R.Pac's Me.c S. Kivelhaa very auvere attack cf typhoid fever. . . Kilniarnoek owned by wss burg'nar proeerand i pped withour much boodle. PSITIVE AN»NOAIE.-bORc Question i. uinsetled. But it las eitled that Hcod's Sarsapa.rîlla leads aIl reine- diee. Di@eame marches tbrougb ail lands. But good bealth blesses alr who tako Hcd'. Sanapariia. Dyspepsia ta a gret1 foe cf ailtlt human race. Eu. ficod's Saapanilla put. it te flight. Sorof nIa iis one aftie mont terrible of diseaes. But Hlood'a Sarsaparilla expelis it froin the systein. Tite people of ibis day, like Job, suffer froin bouls. But llaod'a Sansapr- lita la a sovenigu remedy for thein. Cat- arrh la oeeof the mast disagreeahle dis- ordens But Hood's Sansapanilla is sure ta roileve and cure if. Rheumnatiem racks tbe system lhke a tbnmb-screw. But it netreats before the power cf [Hcod'a Sarsaparill.,. Losa cf appetite leade te melancholia. But bcod'a Sarsaparilta makes tho plainesi repast tickle the pal- afe. Life is short nudi urne i. flceting, but Hood's Sarsaparilla will biseasbuman- ity as the ages roll on. ___________SALEM. CARTWRIGHT,. Report cf S. S. No. 9 Darlingion, for Octoher. ,Sn. 4th-Carrie Wigbt, Hilda ri. Taylor, Cannington, is visit- Logan, Wilie Symons; Sr. 3nd-Effie ýs here. . Mesarc. J. Gardon sn u niedo, Ethel Wilkins, Ida Hutchin- i tiving up farming. The latter son, Lottie Wilkins, Neda Symons, Sybil Ste Lindsay,..Mr. David EHooken; Sr. 2nd-Rffie Smith, Id> Wilk. or., Mis, Suggit and Mn.. Geo. in,, Ethel Colacuti, James Wight, Ira êick.. . -.Miss Minnie Marlew i.n rvei~ Addie Rutlodge, Hiarold Hocký hc dressmsking at Port Pery. . o, Lithoe BurRe-s, Pc4nil Parsona, Norah Go. Reynolds bas returned ta\Voulnacott, olive Pa s ns, James Hntcb- iu Elgin, accampanied hy 1'ii inson, Herbert Bnrgcss; Su. Pt. [-Cocul ii R. Reynolds .. . .The Young 1Collacutt, Eddie Danch, Wesley Werry; ýpiscopalian Society beld an in- Jr. Pt. J--Launie Gand, Freddie Iboney, meeting Oct. 31&t. Tbey chose LaurasfBi; Jr. [-Mahol Darch, Crozier cf St. John's Guild sud eleof cd Hutchinson, Morley Wilkins, Norman ing ûfficefs : Pres.-Mr. John Wonnacoti, Cona Pesns. ReglulaiiY- - ; vice-Pres-Miss Mary Dan- 1 Wilkins, I Travelle, E Smith, L Gaud, as --Miss Prouit ; Sec.-Miss C Hutchineon. Punctuelity-L Gaud, C Sr ..Messs. S. llooey, A. Hutchinson. Avarage attendance 36. d otbers have returned from au E, M. FiEDINa, teachor.' trip thnough Manitoba and the0 ai. Tbey dlaim there is a great -lSweet OharitY.' rthat cuintny .. .. Mima Camp- a m tce Aibnt, îla ngqged at Pur- Iu the Artiats' Exhibition of 1893 a hool for 1894. .Port Perry, the New York Ac?,deusy ot Design, thene 1team ViBitod Neaileton teain was exhibited an cil painting by J. L. G. -dy and plaVed at very inteest- Fernis, cntiiled "Sweet'Charity." Ias :citn~ gine Nêsîcto acred ichaeesa cf colaring commanded instant attention, wblle the losson ht taugbt was es (,f weak or lmeback, Eack- se im ..reauivc that ane nat urally re tniîued umnalisir, wili lied relief by ta ht for a secoud viow. its subjectinisa- )ne cf Csrier' a at Neod and young lady of colopial times wbo is ou an tan B;ýüruche-, Ras3ionsr . fPnie 2,5 ernand te eue cf the pogrer famîlies-of the Iry tIbm. town. Shp baa a s,.n0do, charming face, lutrated Buffalo E xpres au b' h .xiýs1-s %i a romankable fideiity the conditions of its Third An- tnot a bornth.of tbis chnming p isr est for amateur photographers, wînt rhome h. ths m i cureh lui cash priz,,s. The amateurs wlntrae.Imshsetb ntry find the Expresls contens appreciated. "SweetC'auy was pur- it sud m;oîa sai4Aacory ci any, chased by the Publisheca cf The Youîh's E xprebsa makes fine nreproduot- Campanion sud bas beau reproduced in wir work, andl pays for ail phot cln nlrg ie s2i.I iIb 19ed. The couteat closes Dec.'sntealew uhcho.aThCn- i lie awards vill ho anncunced 1 paica w1ho send $1,75 fe r a ya'su- riarns Exrea. criptiin, sud the paper will also ho sent Free fronu itee unm te esubgcription la ne- ceived, t0 January, 18-1, and fer a fanl fid -8a the cbap NWall P api)et î yaa froin thatdate, ta JTanuiary, 1895. up atT.Sîiie1ý o'o. fThis oler încludos fthe Doublel Soi1vei iiue in Blîck,. Green and .lapan Numnbous pub!ished i Tàanksgiving, ffeea, etcý. Qality unrequa-,llted. Chrisîma,ýs and NCaw Year'd. Addnoes, u:wv.~-"' ~-"-.t.Tav You'nrs aîrNoN oso, as $HA4 W'S IMJHOOL HO USE. Report of S. S. N"o. 1, Darlington, for Octaher: Sen. 4th clas,3-Meble Rick. ard, Normn Rickard. Jr. 4th-Florenoe Rickard, Maud Oùten, Annie Soper, Her- bort Allin. John McD.înald, Olge Saper, Olive Walton. Jr. 3ed-Pettri O'b-,ne, 1E .,t Riekard, Li'y Rickard, PearlI Rick- ard, May Otten, Arthur Rovwe, Fredl Rowz. Seau. 2nd--11Iiward PRcleard, Lydia Walton, Pearl Cobblediok. lun. 2ad-Armon Saper, Lc)rne Cob'ediek. Part Il-Laura Richard, James MoDan. aid, Bertha Wl,n, Arthur Saper, Rass Poufaound, Wm. Wonnicoit. Serir. lt- Olive R'ckard, OUve Cnbdick, Edîh RawF,, Russell Bragg. Herbert Knight, May Rawe. Jur. 1st-Ezzie Kuigbt, M. DaDDS, tencher. O08RA WA. Mr. John James, son., bags been conc ûnýd ta thse bouse for a fortn'ght with plourisy, the result cf a f-aIl on the whel cf a wagnwbile un'oading appîci,'.. Mrs, W. T. Hegnry Espent thurc e weks it the -World'u Faut...Miss Hârciett Ssift, Rochoster, N. Xc) k , is vsitîg is. W. T. Henry .._. ev. Aibr t N. AiLdett, of Victoria UnIiVe-sitY, rechdin Mýedcalf stroot cbuircb necetly... Ant overot was s'ohn froua Mr. F. L. Fowkeos atone on Mond av 1 .st by a you ig man ._ . Med. caîf street Sunday êcl'ool wvas viýit-ed by Mr. V. IL. Hart, t- Torouto Univeraîty, son cf Rev. Dr Hart, cfChn..Mr E. S Edmondsion on bis vi.it te the Wol's Fair, b4fo:0 arrivaI a-t Ciicago dis-cavered ib ýat hoe b ecurelikred of $65. lie w,'n-tota leep on ihe train snd wbhei iqawVoke bis mulnpy was goneý,,. Col. Johln AMGilI had 1ý tons cf(dgrapos ATbnnkpegiving Supper will be hfid in the Metlînditt cburch here. '321 n 2on 8undsy i9th sud suppeor on 23réd. Watchî for paîticulairs._ The Pleiscite cama- paiglicumto for tbWs sbdvs con. asts of the fallawing enthusiastic temper. suce workeCrs: 'S. Polard, (chairman) W. IL Cikmeuos. T!i,3. Cre-por. A. E. broadly common sense and rauàt have be-n onnvincinjg to at leait theý great mPj. Oriry cf lis haes...Miss Annie HiL yar, Gladst reVilla, Bowianvile,: i. guest of Mlisi Iooirc. . . . rs. R. A, Philp and son, Cobourg, are visiting her parents. ... IMr, 'F, Tbnmps-.m, Pnttb Hope Model, waa home duiring Teschers Con- ventiGoný. . . Mies Lizzi-3 Pý-found vi&siteà Bowmanvilhe frienda last wvee2. .....Trus- tees of S. S. Nu. U8 have engaged Miss Violet Oaborne, Bowmanville, as teacher of ihe junior depiurtrnent of Tyrone School at a salary of $230, Miss Cam-tp. bell bas been re-engsged at an advance in saliary of $25 ý... . Rov. J. Harve y S-r:ke will t!eliu-er hie popular lecture on the World'a Fair on Thiutsd-;y evening- in the Son'% Hall, Tyrone. Anuccoomp'ýi3hedt violi'nist lias promised to aid in making the inceting enjoyable. Admission only 10c.... Pastor McCullech prýsentïi a sorry appearance since being tbrownv from his carrnage last week by hie borse gotting frightonod while proceeding downï th)e Msnvers Road. The rigwas badly saahed and the Rv gentlem-in citto, thiouch in lesser degreo. Medical asst- ance was nucestry and toeesIhc, tak en above the ey e. ]Rath the method ai-d resuitswhern, Syrupof Figis b taken; it is pleasant Fnd refreshing to the taste, and at gently yct promptly7on the Kidneyg; Liver and Bwbclasthe sys. tem effectually, dsescoldo, 'heaqd- aches and fevers,- and cures habitui constipatior- Syrup of Figs b tha. only remed~y d its -ind e le0Xr duced, pleseng, b the tasto a ceptable to the etomach, p romt i ïts action and truly beneficial in îi5 effect8, prepared only froma the moe. Liealthyandagreeable substances, its rnanyexcellentqua1itiescomym-efdit te auand ave iadce it the most Prpular remedy known' ., ýSyrup of Figs b for sole in 75@j boulies by aUý leading druggL5stý An)y riiable druggist who lnay I1o4, Lave ît on hand will proceure ira promptly for any one who wisheil to try it, Manufacturedl only byv the- 6AN F RANCISCO, CAI. LOIVTLE, KY. NEl:W YT0EKN.X

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