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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1893, p. 5

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4~ ~vJ~ f' 1 Theý Salývation Armny are goiug ta bave ComandntBoothh sud the New Can- adiîens nexi,- Sa urdsy sud Stindsy. Greaf times ,iaeoxpefýed et fthe B.,ask. The, <Dugietiofaithe Chuîch"purpose ùffeing fr ,tl anumbor ai useful sud fsucy uvetls uthe beseruent ai si. Paul'a c'II-hcmianthe 23rd an 24t.h ai Nov, Full paticulars next week. The receutly orgainized S, S. Associ- atino i iis ransd townsblp ai Dar- 'ington nlsBanîtly ho he2rd froot. At nar mee-ting ai pastorsansd superinteud- eints lbeld lu the Cuncil Chamber, Oct. sI coLmmutes was appo)inted ta arrange for sconç-ve3ntion ta o bhld ai Hampton on Dc.ý 15 Normal workç that îeceived sucb mýr'ked atttention aethee]Provincial Convent ion wil lfaim sapro-nineni featture of tho programmne. Foi fthe best stove in the market buy fiee Iappy Thongiri at Kdal's Weekiy Globe ta end ai 1893 t10 mb- seibers for 1894 ai ST&TESMÂN office., The Radient Haoine is the favorite stave for heating pnrpoaes. You ahould soo those haudmorue stovenata Edsali's. They are as good as fiey are haudame. 1Do not fail ta ses the new aunounce- ment ai Staff & Jury. They are offeriug special value in Gold Spectacles, baving bougief Jna. Mayoard's enf ire stock. Altiraugie Rîcksrd bas cianged bis ad. ho ba a ot chauged hie prices ai ail. Consuit your onu interstatnsd own lu- touesi sud do yocr dealiug with him sud tieus bave muney. We are inu s poslti'oxilu ,pfer Tira- STÂTESMAIr sud itheFAMILY HEPaÂ!t ÀMT WEEKLY STAR, fan ene yoar for $1,80, Thts offer -entîfles the subsont ber toaa choice ai the Iwo greai pre)miuaagiven by f ho publiabers ai the FAmlILY HERÂ-ýLD These proruieme are theo"STAR"AàLMAMAC for 1894, a uporie book ai 450 paigHs, or if prt7forred s copy (iithe giioat F»îîr4x IIERALD SOUVENIR PICTURE whicie rotalla et twenîy dollars. Tbe pemam.9-Al- mauso sud Picture-wll ho îeady about the end of November, sud will ho for- wsrded l intee aider in nici e ie ub scriptious are neceived. Subscnlptiaus fa tho paper msay begin stance. Rememben tiee aller ai a chaico '(4 premiums holds goad anly f0 peopla who subacriba diriug the autumun. Afierwards the choice mwil îu your whole system, perbaps, is tihe liver. If that doesn't do its wark of purifying thxe blood, mare troubles came from it than you cuir rememixer. Dr. Pierce's Golden 31edical Dis- covery acte upoîr tis eak spot as, nothing cIseceau. It rousesÂif rp to healthy, nattîral action. 33y tboroughiy purifyiîg flhc blood, it reaches, builde up, and invigorates evcry part of flic system. For ali diseases that dcpeud, on fthe liver or flhc blood -Dyspersia, Ssrienow for Josealli'swie'Bell. Ellison sud Co. 54*'n. latens booh, Semantes ait te Warld's apsîvl owîdan of Serofîrla, even Consumaption (or Fair. "i 20" agents for Bowmauville. The new îtock will ho lghierel wiih Luug-scrofula) lu its carlier stages- Bond yo)ur niame sud addressaon s postth e.ElioanC. Good Lady Aberdeen. anrdfthe most stuixhoru Skiu and a card ta Tria WEEBL Nxws, Kingston, Oiiiker & Tait bave the hast 25c. Tes Scalp Diseases, thxeIl Discovery"1 Ont., sud iyan will receive The Kingstan in the country. Caland get s sample. Lidy Aberdeen in a beau ifu! woniau in is fiee only remedy so unfniling Weekly Nýews until Jsuuary next fiee ai Doos your furnace ueed repairing I the beat sense of the saouk, tashie anrd effective fient it eau bc guar- charge. James Meinien eau put if iu good aider. Chicago Hrald. FOer ftaîîk face, bier anteed. We t ale duibis fiee saine a% cash, Oeil ai Edsall's store. snnny amil-, lier cordial mauner, sud lber I it doesn't benefit or cure, you Elilanu sud Ca.O0r aId cutomers should fell their geiflt3 diguity alI b'npeak-fie e hveyarmoeybak fri»ndsto c1sud examine aur stock and man, as neli as the lady iii toerigtf" aeyu oe ak We are rcwded saur nes' stock f rom ionatc'î îîonsdC,050ifbimch budwrd 8h On these fermes, if's an insuîfta cllai te arroe. EFison and Ca. peeu ucs as iuîerviewod by a lady reporter lu your intelligence ta have somethitig Clatie bonnd Biaka 20.-6 for $1 at Eavetronghiug sud jobbiîg ofai ahCicago thee ai er day atd these sensible else offered as Ilj csf as good." [he "Big 20'. Peper covered Poveis kiuds lu tin sud iran dott, ini s firsi-ciasas wordg are accreditod ta lier :Reprter- ftom 10 ceute op mannFer by Jas. McBrien, Edsasîts store, "Aie you slîorougbly lu tonchie ilhai If Yen marin y-u slaves put np rîgiet Bowuisunile. aur momen wokers lu Amnerlos?" I îask- Dr. Sage's Catarrix Remedy by ifs ceIl on James i 'NÈBrienriai Edsail's store Se hie extra value in Faciory Coiton ed ; "you who do so inucie, sud plan ta z ild, soofiig, clcansiug and heal- and your ord.r vli recein'e prompt atten- 110w beî;tg sîonmuai J. J. Mason's Dry mucb, sud yoi eue se domestic sud so wo iug properfies, perfecfly and permit- tlou. Goodsanad Jeweliy Hose-fnlly le. a manly do yatt eyîopathizý3ftee uhotmost neuf ly cures Catarrix in. the Head4 Udrnear sud y asn than usuel prices. witie aur coigresses, .aur clubs, cur sa- lan Glove, Unde ieycieies sud Oureforma V' gooa f hattitnv w have exception - Juaf lui at fiee West End Houseý, Bow- aiy good valu ,ud e very large choice. manville, a fine lina ai nos' Overcoatinugs. iL ady abere as 1 heenofui Ifiud TfîEMMO &HARRISON OeIl uana. Jînhu J. Mason. Oel isd tee thuin. PuIces rigie tt oa'swuasIhveacnde-AO SH RH N Tnv SOFÂLA Liqtuid sice- dressing for good fis guaruanfeed. al, Sh t erirlsloe," thie laymir hantire USINESS MA ' S E, U :Ldies' sud chiidený'ssallons. Aiea liquid 200 ei 300 ensfamers waulod atSein mark, lu Engli ud ne do mce bu, we1 Blacking for p:,lishitig wiih brusie in tho & Co's , Reid's BRock, King Stroot REit, alwsys spd1 vîosu mite a lii e -. 'Da! Corner YouLng & College Streets, .aiydinary way Mauufactuiod by A. J. tamcvle 0takýe away wall papOie ynnuraad aîdno o ie ooto aaa HOO, BwanuvileOnt cot piceforfie nei 3 das.would ho quoted ansaaying auytieing haraîrý-i Haevnabag-glîri lia, Tiresa lvely stavea !ialetho reînsrk 1ly crtical abontthfee nob'o womeýiv 1'e taun c1àifiee very front rank as a thoro- whý0y nof Dont you kuos' theiu aie very frequeuntly mado by ladies passinu ilu this country. rheir meibods are dii-'ui u ucia uiesTanu u ý_,rV mucie cheaper ihan tbiey iuaed te ho. Edsall's hardware -store. The fiappy eotfor ns mym akTry, tutadfo, ade sdGetemn ~iai EdsissBomnvtsd see? Thaugirt range bas no) supeieýr lutee quîiefly in Englandé, sud1 me(iwe ys place Bkk*g ý'hothnd howla' teyar solig. htjeis a fine mol ar bornes sud naur eiiu aboive i , aknShuhid collection. l lii Wtehes, Ccks, TJewe.I.y n sudSi l s e. If seema ta mie, rme eett1yeîtnPuaspHgiesd 'Vo are prend ai oui tao ilr esoi ofaem ai sit ayn owlh ma ithe Amiericen momen 1put do- Tlgai opi elpo ur or -especislly oui diesm gooda sud ladies ndn_-alhthe blow afk. Be3 car-elo riitos essudpo)t tp l Taers, p %mns Eupeniu m-(Betis. VOur od ebvfe orectfualtagy iluarile frfie t dirafltin socielit. ahrthnpaMia Lctonfeevr baFesMdeao save yan ome ncny l binthe ru. oueai n, po uces ar i l ors.tJhn .___________________ _Y ia-{4 JS A-e8~, !ohn J. Mason Tas o'H, 1D.y Gaoodansd Jowelry .RouEe. Minard's Liniment for Rbeumptismi,Prical5 6yr Children Ciry for Pltcher's Castoria.. able localltY. WiI1 be sold VerY cheap, sinail cash payment. .&pply te M. A. JAmus. Bow- BOARS FOR SERVIC.-Thorough Lbred Yorkshire and Berk~shire Boars5 are kept for service bv thie undersigned at lot 6. con, 4. Darlington. They are first cliss pigsl lu every respect. J. L. P&Rsoms. Proprietor. 3tf MT¶REWIN'S Pure Bred lImproved York Ihire White BOAR awdrded flrsi prtza a, B1acki-tock Fair. wili be kept for service on Iot Il. con. 4. Ciartwright. Terma $1. payable at lime of services. J, P. TREwir, Proprietor. 43-3 wx LARM TO RENT for a term ot years. .iThat d..irable fs.rrn. being the Soc l 110 acres cf lot ',utmberl6, in the third Con. ot the Township of Darlington. the property ot Mrr. H. G. Uurk of (Jampbellford. Fell part!cu1Qýs can be bhid by appiying ta D. BuiunE SVÎIPSoi, Barrister, etc., Bowrnanville. 36-tf Crrected byv J. Mc:tnlrrîy. seV a.'a F'LUx, VI 100 Ibn ........1 60 ta$2 30 Wnz.ÂT, Hall, f bush ... 0 00 o 0 62' Russian, e.....-.0 0 ,l O60 Goorte, .....0 t lO055 fi Colorado ....0 0 fiO057 Wirite File, n...0 0 if O 62 Rd r, Il..... 000fi 065 BaLzys, 'bush, No. 1..0 0 O 40 I i i2..0 00,,0 35 fi i fi2.... 000 0 O30 I ilTwo-rowed 0 O 60 33 OAýT3, wite............ 0 00 028' fmixe ............00if 0 27fý b, bu hs y( Ca ov hý 1NOTICE TO ,FAY AMATUUBET.Grand ConTOrE Ali accounts due th-3 undersind must h1-L i The concert given under the auspices of pald at the shop where we bave been do- Thq place to buy your meas 's at C. t.he Teachkers' Aesociation in the Town P I P *M. Oawker'a where you will find tbe Hall on Thursday evening was a grand> T H E Et a ing business, on or befare Nov. 15, alter cocs uiyadvrevhtetw.sces The hall was crowd'd to theV ANS I which date unsettled ad.ouns will -be Yeu will tind lu stock Beef, Lamb, Porîk, doors and the immense audiencs was1 The eýye is the nost delicate or- placed in other hands for collection. Veil,, home-rendtied Lard, pure p(,;; not disappointed. MissajŽýora lnch, the JOLL & ausages, ail kinds (Af 2ured ineasu. Pou ta of the even'ng-, scored a ffiie triumuph1 gal of the hua)an body and yet, we, Jnvl ovl & 1 OW3. try, etc, by hier matchless violin playing. She' b Lb2oL find many persons who exercise far HamnilNv,1t19.fe bas two Peddling waggons gin ave several selections in superb style 9f morecarein elecino a cvd f th ton un wîî cal ~ anu3. was raptburousy encored at each ap- ~81 moecaeinsletngacodo Miss Renwick visited friends in Toron. tbrougb h onadwl alo any pance, Eler rend,,ring of "Auie SFS 'wood or a yard of clotli than in ta îast week. Wbho will favor bim with their patro)nage auriand Fnai fSoc is lu ga pi of Spectacles and the A big stock of firrt cuse s atmoer by leaviug word at the shop; orders atre Lu Ie" nd Faasia fScth is ~~"'~'~~ pair ~also taketi and delivered ta any part cf a epctlyp ego the Caledônians TOrt1u1t i that. ver y often we find ate prices now showiog a t Couch, John- the towma. present. Mr. Grenville P Kiciser made a d B T thoe Iho avehadther sghtato an Crdernana.hisefirat appearance before a Bowmanvil!et pe-ranently injured by taikingy the At the Barrncks Saturday ihanaulcendierevdavryhey Mdieo eir rohr h Sunday 23 Englishmen will 8iug, speak ceived and lie will do his best to give wecome. He bas a verv winning man-1 The o t b ila nd l tiig arIvce f pdjas o othrs ho ni ray Siler )llctili.satisfaction. A cal solicited. n rer and will always be giadly Weic nd knew littie îegarding the quality an-r).S rc>leto.Cs adfr olrRds alw, if 1 a consente to appear hare i. y Miss e)f the goods they sold or stîli less Tha erylrge Superwaprtcaedi Sheep skins and ail fat alock. Parties Detta Ziegler has becomd quitte a favorite K e p yo r p es fe fo n ru t ,about the construction and require- binathery arge nt Curb rot communicants baving good fat cattle for sale will find it vith aur citizens and bier singing was in-ethe Methodbave hurc, Sunday last. t their advatage le cal on C. M. CÂW. mucb applauded,, Mr$. Il. M. Bight b si g ou tove i e Varflis. ments of the y. W aeeei The Cobourg Car Works have sbut KEt. Stand. Town Hall B3uiýildng, and Mies C:ark acel es accompanists *ears of study on this ,ubject and down aand hold out sniall encOura14emetit Bowmanville.. and their services were highly acceptable. aegraduated in the three most ta their men for an ealy return ta work. _______Mre. Blight aise gave a nice piano solo. ne ,ed colleges in III. S. and not only Mr. Samuel Allun, Providence, has BETHESDA, giv e each cu3tomrer the benefit of a bciug-he Mr. Hectar Be'th'e splendid famte C1ILLDRN ENJoy the pleasant flivor, 4ýareful examinaion ftree of charge Darlingtan. o1,BoenFot tthe Trnbcuie hs ural tin eýgouteFionand sootbing effeats of Syrup a d lru g it but we seil our goods t Rv .Pîe bsbe use a the y roneH.C.ifu hresndlutionmed bofge enin ueed of a laxative and if Ohenistsan r g i t posibl prcesas e by ever0anPares bs bin Ihe byBr. 1.C.[ltateecnd - Y the father or mother be costive or bilious the aowest M~~~~~~~~ethodii Bre. P. Werry, wss u'tanimoàsly carried: tems rtflgreut clwisue in large qu,,ntîties direct frora the Schoolroom Thursdsy night on his visit Whereas by au action cf the Ontario se that it la the beat family remedy kuown Ê va u i ol. te Chica o and the W orld'a air. Legiature in session a n Act was pa d n veyf miyah ud haea boîe factory. alPatonsavalue TÂTSin wboowefer gra niting as su expression i the desire a nd e ey fm l h ud h v o te ~T lT .~ TT V advertising, printing or subacripiion3 Pare the people af aur Province for a Prohibi- j_ ,STOTT & J.AD U.JAI rqetdI.pyu saona osbe tory Lw against the importation, mau- Another large lot af Pipes junet receiv- requstedta sy U assoonas ossile.facture aud sale af alcoholia liqiiors as3 a ed.___________________ DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN. 0ur terme are invariably cash. beverege, thai a vote cilled a 'PlebiseCite"Il Corne in sud secethe choice we can Ntices ef Birîhs,1725 cents; mairsiages. 50 Mrs.M. Porter is spending s few weeks ho taken on the lai day cf Jauuary next, give yau [rm loc. ta 600. Cents; »i5ets. 5 centesea Insertion W HEN YOU lù GO O sih etrterna icmj,' a hréfore, b-) it resolved-That we the The largeat stock in town, -ouerai adaeE O1 teaRCit wthe c ïlRITTSH COLUMBIA, fier mauy fionda hope elhe will have no representatives cf the Tyruno Metoit GRAND CENTRAL,.anra1arsSre inedaStise, Ac M A N ITORA  EU R OPE use for stick or cru*ch . w hen ele retur ti. circuit, aa em bled in thiî ur 2ud (or i _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ UNITED àTATES. BIRTHS.. Tire STAT.ESMÂN wanla five canvaqsers Nsovembei> Q îarterly MUeeting, pledge POST-At Whîîby, Nov. 1, the wife et Mr. A. orýn place in Canada call et STOTT & ai once-one escb for Bowuanville, Dar. ourselvea iudividually sund jcollschetiveprice wi be w )ta A. Post, architect. of s danghter, JuxsDing store for Tickets'and Infor- lington, C arke, Cartwright and East put forth Our earneat eoudeavit euemitotms lio a CLARK-11u Orona, toct. 26, tha wi!e o! Mr. rnition regarding lawest r,%tes snd besi Whitby. Muai ho responsible aud hust- that end; andi fortber we desire 01aur 20 per cent extra discount ehonld bring Zolmaan Clarke, of a son. ,n.oViIi1. lrta cig pmyetinga in eacb ai the a rush ai cusetomters. Elliain & Ca. TRmcc-In Haydon, Nov. 1, the wifeGofMr. oeaatea. lors.tigCpsy. pestaisJas.,'Trick. cf a son. Miss Nellie Willîîtms appa Ciruit taadvocte Inuthe overstnacked d-partaents we . -, ~~Ontario Ladies' College, Whixby, aver this matter sud to f.im committees ta w %il not stop atf20 per cent discount- DIED~. B ,Ot 0 ~ ~ IC L ~ ~U C ~ 1~ U~4~ ~ t tt~ m ~ u. Sunday. Sh o wassacco upanied by fw a of canv as s und s"ît votera ta the Polil80 ELlis Dr sd C . LAllen . youug ictsO o! ra . C ud Mis. L h rt fy1 i > JiL L bier college chuaîn, Misses Madgi Brown fIlet a grand ratly cf al unr memborm asud If you waut s suit or an overcoat thaf og ed 8 menthe.1 and Mabel Neelauda. adheronts may be made ta aid ili asel ling i will suit yen lu every way leave yonr or- MacLEàN-In L*,ndsey, Oct. 27Chae. McLean, BowmA.NviLL%, Nov. S, 1893. Coucb, Johustou sud Cryderman repart u noer lig njnfyi eaî fdr tCnh ûutn rdîmnsa EdLOyar5,Toronto. Nov. 2 Minuite Mitch.AN DON A the bigg,ýst sale ai ladies' coats they have the teinporance cause, o sVu tv lyune rye, oaetduhe fMýA icCBw over had adeilte aeafn tc PIE lDNv h 83 repaire, pipes or furninure you msy flud manviUoe.* ai beautifolly designed sud lavely fittiig wbat you wani et EdsaIL'o, bowmauville. FiyRiER-Iti Hamp on. Nov. i. Sherwoad IH. Local and Otherwise. Germ.n made mantdes ut ail prices. Z'onx caurcbi re.apeung Nov. 19.)sud l20 CrTs aîtiu agive tho boat ofaiBrsir a l o o l nd S.3rs mentheF, S L S TADE wa nAi the Disciple church next Lord's Tire SrTESMÂN cordially Welcoýmes, satisfaction. Try oui 40o. Young Hlymen SEAW.-At 201 Gerrard street E. Toronto, Boirsomchig nw sd ecepionllygoo N . Sha. argretof omcCnv ilecf e, S. Mr. J. H. Keuner-, Stratford, ws nday the miniister will speak on tefollaw Rev. R A. Burts sud family ta o'Sh n o n xcpinlyRodNt6hs, !orere! olnwui0ef n.me. town for a. few daysi sat weak. îng subjectea. il a. mu. "Tho orditiances inanville. Mr. Burrisa beusvt!d iifo vlue. Cawker & Tait, the grece, Bow- in Bowmauvillo Cernetery to-day, WedneBday. Mtýr. C. Burden ai Rnchester, N. Y., is bybc eati uegbi . i,- the Bruce seidence, Contre St.,aui1 e isponding a few days at home. dam." 7 P. ru. "The bliLd raan sd The bu8iness <iJ the Town ouil LDEAkfrllo'Soa a ls E~E ATDfrSS o Miss Eva Brauud, ai Port Hope, bas how hoe took hie stand for Jeans." Moudsy waa (! a routine chïracter suid for ine honte sud shoos. fJse no other 10. Darlingion. Addrose W. J. itoY. Tyr- been guest ai the Misses Ellioti. Rev. J. E. Starr, ai Toronto, bas con- n, thiug uof public inrorest wes tiansacted, sud you wili ho s .tisied with the resuit. eue P. 0- Miss Violet Osbarne, Model Schoal, sentod ta proach the anniveiaary aru m -ns Passing accountâ watho chiof bsus.F or sale by M. Treleven, D. Davis, Ju. OERVANT WANTED for aenorel B-lle seils the Besi'Wthe Prt Hope, spent Sunday at home. in the Nlethodiait chorch Dcc. 3. The Ounllsllow'oee a âtraw stack in the McMurtry, sud T. G. 'Masont. Martau - housework. Âpply te Mre. . A. BtjaeîsS, Trust B ard b .ve decidod toa-sk the con- fiQ.d sauth of Qaoeu Sý . owned Mi. Tiras. faciured by A. J. Rlok, Bowmnuville. Centre ai.451. Mis. H. Benn,,tt ai Toranto is vistng 145-1w aa eon hrd o i Ler dauighfer, Mrs. F_ J. Manning. gegtoOfUSuoE.rîgcf$Oo ia Drh asst t fesu ure.-A Sm a hepetisiSivrwr ee lIOIS T EN A ei.eaoo day-sâmesatuanut as las ear oswofrdi hw ot igo fae hpbi utoee u ti rc ouseonChrh tr5 ltey- haveyo .ri for fni, uq.,earsetiedbyeratheCh limne they wii1 Ricksrd's..iuttotin a ed u ociedbyCtt. Crawford. Terme ruaerat Ehveforr] lot ai new dre3s goods mlling off at , .Yn ,Ea. e olîdfiin fie ortys wo red iy ahou Ot îgtnofiopbic juatthet ior edn g4 o rcchneonCuc srt d 0. -rcC o about hall price a ilaec, Johuaton & pi ml ordoteNtditcuc,0jesu 12,Awll e. 45-tf pz.dofor.tem and fully gua Quartorlyae or wt.grsente, etc. Butter Coolrs u $12, Apîy tfor YUNtE or anBdCiIA. Ba MrsT(ýn 1To!yIr fas f aichh ma bet4u Rocordi'îg Steward Af rer the Endtavor inetfiing Mn Cake Baskets $3.00, &c. These good8 Mis.JohnHellsi bs ben visifing fereleven 'years. ïfilaresi,,natioiri was very -nigiet in Didcpl's chuîch, the yougare ail new, hoiighf direct fiant the mar-i. 'jEAiC E11 WANTED ici S. S. No, O-anteed. Also seils Iig her daughfter, Mis (Rev.) S ý'-. L. Baîflet, relucfantly accepted sud a suitable resai. people oxteried d acardial welcom at irir niacturer for thee loweet cath pice sud 15, Clarke. Mus i hold, second elas cr Lakefield.lutïînu inacribed ilu the minute.D.W o psatu îe.M.Gliîu ave wrbdouble the tmauey. tiflet. Duti.,s ta omence Jan. Sîh, 189, al',s Zev. Mr. Jobustona cfi Liday has ne- EPilysceosbt.acptladesfnlosesdM. AlraymcesdodrdCohn efoare aplNton, h 19.peye, sto attg aar eevdaoi aKo hrlOttawa. Wben y n boy a eaette you may as Burriessrespiiid..in iia lhsppy attii, will bhoaffered uft m inÎrî rices Ellison tü A JJID B 42 c-Tra.3ad .0 C. Re ca k as zo e a ew well hy th,, b st-we b lieve Listera are R efrzbm ents were 1e v d. u a~g~ E l ~ , " e. e k r A - J e ,w elry at hai t aî the test. NVo impiiorzt hcm direct fi"m 0. .C.Nr, ty' eeral1 et re, 1Fîsuniels, Bîs-ukets, Cotionsp, Ted~SRYCATTL 0,. -Stirye 1 rom l ot haif !theirP fortnf ~<rkt a ped ls'wih erthe lmt ufa-turermsud are sboing ibi 1rsEy's Block, wai gurted by feliIouDresGoodtï sud Manitesg, will ho forced 19con, 7, CILtrîe, Jlnue lI. M teer' mkttsodafwmoutL9ina hecîerbrndi wtha hte fce u prc mobn, Mr. W. Bine. usix qusotios. JN t btter vaine sny dsy evenîu. e hewe an sd 7oeocof eidiesa ai coaf. Eî sonan sd C0ýo. ier lii'î wih aw ,t- lar, nda , 8ity~vnwlvosu d 167 infants were wýiere. Couch, Johýýnaton sud Cryder- tramt the explesion ,f m hi.z lsmp, Sa ikr'iwthsaemlnwsdyurgh a. uoniinlaitl.terr dese6rted ii To-ronfo last year. Not ai 'nan. iapi4ly dîd ihe flaaiees pruad tàt i t fbwntaba il u m u osel aeyili ho auitably rewa'ýrd0d. ROBVRT 811 a caltblo ecor.oig ocarcoly saa sved. fl osoute botaetir b BuEsirby. 42-3N' Miss iWjýherald, M1iss Miinnie Haines SUBSÇRIBERS' ATTENTION'! boo:sâ, aul shoes, faucy gooda, tinware, bave been lu the habit ai payiug fair them i~RM TO RN.TS ia-ls of part Uuope Mfodel- Schooi, woue guesta-- etc., is about $2.500; iurced fir tabo)ut I'fi f101ce.o 2.cn ,Daînîn7-K es ~~ tat Mi.n oeaC. EHaine' over Sunday. Everysubseriher wieo will abtain for us $ô0d hrrabr4r nire lebr._________ orinig large houie. and threc barins in cansidersirle lbas hy rnoaval, as talsti did icdruair. u P, ela pl aJAE oe Tlhee ï. not now one ex-Premier ai the anc actuel nes'subseniher for TIreM Tipht ni sr ao HALESlns P. o. 42- Apl t! thus s2 I)ominion. living, sud Han. Edward STATESMÂN for 1894 at one dollar, and &'Dal'& ni eru o a - l -. wic Blako s e1 alentivo mn oex s i rbe w uarato aDc moko but lit tlirop agews sid.ith 10E BRICK flOUSE fui sale or ' Itai in Premersai utalo.31, 1894, will hocrmade a pes i tir b -naL asaaaie. NreuI. Mas. HÂqsNsa qffers lier comfort-InSetcsyo nJ Couie, âJohnston & Cryderman are Toronto Weekly Globe fromn the date the P p4nf twiou'cuid r able uew brick dwelliîng on Higin St. fur sale orehowingvd p eth id f1894. lbey ully c it dbyudn îsuco. teor te reuI ou moderato terme, Applyon the§ied t ikxls zowu a big stock ai me's and beys' adrlercivduef cda UaOllyots rt builing iaupe d apems 41 t. OV IOatSluail aiz nsd qualiiea-e This offer holda good e'ly during Nov- - gcada sud extra good value. em tbr, îamadte fa ncrease aur cîrculation, " -BRC COTTAGE, n cal b- and laeaie-ai the beat wv bave ever rmade, A GREAT CIi'F1uR. sale. ' cinomm i .,rinne o-mfor -le.dini- 'm bot~tr ceren' wlî it, udsr I.- ý;o one likes to loOS3 xnoney u)-t you w"'- loase if you :uy e Isewhere as Rickard's i one who can and will give ou satisfaction. ailat llickards qifl Dptical a1lor an lave your Rye t Sight tes ed. free Watch.maker erhr of charge. aud Optician. Nead sBlock. Bow'vilie, Ont. Fiind Your Naie. A PUZZL~, -WITH ONYPRZB3 > 0I ti > H M 0 t 0 < I "' Bnckwhoat V bush-------.. 0 00 ta 0 42.Tirere are known tobe more thananeu-i e'T PeÂs, Blackeyo. VI bush... 0o00ote 62 ed names o! Versns, scb as M ry.T, ir lé M m m et, l in the ab v e. rea d in g b y lie K îu g ,a3 4 jt tMm y t ..O0 oat, 0 58 je chess. whlch tleuoe move un, ci wd', g t' Small, ' ..O0 0 ta05 loft or daRonally. HARIrEC's ouueG U P î§Tl'Li ta BIuet..O60 il O 65 miii dîvide ?25 00 smang the livo mita f1nu'Lie mosttnmts. and generous1y taoens ltheco t BuTraiR, hesi table, V lb ..0 0 ai O20 ilon la boys snd girls Who resd Gr CHIC E-Me l ... ... .. 0 08 a 0 9 S ATESSIN, Only thoso m y send in anm is h ave ual pessed tiroir elghi-tnirt EmeS, f doz. . ......... )Oo0 , 0Ole, sud th'ýy mi stmail ancir ansmers anaor f94 ParArjs, e bush........O0 25 ta O 30 December 7 ta HAaRPESs YouNaLx re'i RATY, e tan.... ....... 6 0 et 7 00 Franklin Square, New York, sud puit r m ordie'-Round Table" In1he lawe;!lert P ix cor'ner of the envelope. Write thoe nane ie)ax below another and number tiretn. Pur yïsnr A; S, Ex, M.fD., c Momu name, mile yauî fIrnameselebî, sund your address iun!tîll, a, thre to p of tho ee ' EBER 0F COLLEGE 0CF PYaCI nSsd et th.head of the l12I of lurizo usMce pîse. anY sd Surgeoms, Ontario. Office0.Kting St. tie figure 5-goad 5îz . HARPER'iS YUuý,(" Fi n a l " " o r m e t a ! O ta ï ,Ri a n kBa m e; P . id e nle e . !P E oP0 L r vmi ?l p u b ils h t ir e l on) g e at i 1 s s e n f l a t y Bammaunville. j7 nons, asoea after lire close o! tirhonýf- a possible, A wide laitue tr antes ii l ahae, pnovidod you !allom -,,titsîmR ff- (1 OT RG LST.~OaFniayOct mI l were anes irchou lude inm.jpnr iii2. ouci ear Bm nvlte eieen lIlsue ýur:Meonn aub, grthe speî a- Haraey St. anrd tireFouka;, agray go)at rmg, ptd y ornepersan bearlug acix amd mit.ý ultr duk .zu ~Finder- pliro- ae&Lt- i,3knc7,î4-n-pei - to 4ê-n. -ee- )G,i -nreQu- STÂTEMAv f p c sudgel remýardo: 31friendaL, y go ad. y , '~r ~ ~/ ~' _Wnere. 's [i s, d 3e

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