A SO~?NING. Down tise Street t neug'h tise busy way A lady passed ou marketing day. Whso, pausing at a grocery store, Stepped quickly lu attise openo door. Witis bated brealis aud anxious n-ien Sue queried: "have yen COT'FGLisNE?" Tise grocer, leavicg off lis wvork, hmerrogaled every cierk; Buit noise Up le tisaIime isad seen Au arlîcle calîed " COTTOLIINE."> -Wisat le itL?" Said he te tise daine, -TisaI auswees 10 Ibis curiouss'came. Wisat la il made cf? Wisat's ils use? My ignorance you'il please excuse." "Ycu're coltishe meciaulfor my dimes, 1 se you're quite bciind tise limes. Fcr COTTOLENE, 'd have yeu n kiw, Is new lise tiig lha's ail tise go, An article of higlo regard; A hcaltistjl jeisslilule for lard. Ils compositieo pure and dlean; For cùooicjg givc me COTTOLEiNE." As- frein is store tise lady fled, Tise-gnocer gestly scratchied isbiead-. CI is nexi ordzr, first was scele f zl oms cases GO T2OLE-NE."$ Ask YcerCroear fer il, Mails cnly by Xý. K. FAIRBANX & CO., Wcllingtonuand Anu Strets. MGN Tn= ALý When yon see an Advertlsement like this DONT ELIEVE IT but if you require anything lu Groceri0m, Staple Dry Goods, Patent Medicines Tîinware, Garden Seeds, etc., cali at SOLINA STORE where you wili fsnd a firýt class assortmnent whîch has beau bought for cash, consequentiy I amn pre- pared to sali at close prices and not sact%- fice qnaiity. Anierican and Canadian col always in etock. Please give me a cail and you wil be welcome whether you bny or not. N. ~B. EI7ir% - - -o-7rFlour kept. J. T. Wl VLLIAMS sourh!i endurance don't cone backtoyu srneday marted "no 0f Pure CodLiver iI&ypophosp hites ta ixcr-easeyour energýy ands$0rnaeeo0d ynir acrnte he bnkoheaith. IF CURES CONSMPTONSCROFULI, BROCfITSCOUGH'S, COLDS A1mast as Palatabje as 3311k. Be sure yoee~t theeegnine as there arepjor Imi- Pýrepaed offly by Scott & Bone, feIlle. ~7 Easiy, Quîokly, Permanently Restored. Weaknress Nerv- ouscess, Debilty, aud ail the train cf evils frorn eariy errors or later excesses, t,~ resuits cf overwork, sickness, wcrry, etc. i, î A Ful strength, develop. ment and lone given to everyoranad portion of teand' Simple, mediste imprevement Sceel. Failure impossi- ble. 2,000 references. Booc, explanation aund S proofs maikd ù caed fr ee, îý EIE MEDICAL CO. s Buffalo, 111.7 Ric In sutisa lng-heaaiieg vrtues attise Pine ccmbieed witb tiesa sotiingansd expectorant properlies ofet oIsonpectoral Serbesud banke, A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS OANO COLDS Iloarseness, Asthina.Ernonchitîe, Soe Thlroat, Croup sud al THROAT, BRONCHIAL sud LUNG DISEASES. Obstinaýte conghe aviicis rasiet clisr cemedies -iaid -ç7iupty to 151, 1pieasaatpicy eyrnp. PRICE zzC0. it CaP5SSTE AGRICULTURAL. .Feeding Live Stock. A piper ou more acquonical fseding of live stock, by Prof. James W. Robertson, Dairy Commissionar cf Otaneo, give s semae important malter lu relation te ensilage sud cuber matters. From il wve extracî, as follows:- Tisera are semae mattars in bise home pracîlce cf tise fariner whicis ueed moe serions attention tissutise restrictions aviicis tiese tavo geverumente have seau fit te imposa upou cor caIlle, LaI me ask tise attention cf tisa tarnars cf Otario te tisa bulletin whiicis I isad bise houer le issus on tise taadiug cf stears last November. I shallha gîsad te mail as copy taeavery ap- plicaut wavis .ds is naine and addreses te tise Central Experimautal Farce, Oîtawa. Farineraet Ountarleoseoulc sîudy eccuomicai methode cf teeding lu order tisst bhay may produce catie aItishe least passible cst, becausa avwastetul feedeg aili se lu- c rasse bise ceet cf' production tisaI uo, usiankel wltisin reais, under tisa mcet favorable ircumetances, cau leave a profil te tis eteader. Lu cenjunelien aitis well-cured cern ensilagge, fiva puds par heaci par day cf meal seame bisa maxi- mumni lumit fer tise economical falteuiug cf stears ; sud vary littia &aoya tiseaine tisa maximum limit cfimeal par day for tise eceucînicai feadiug et sileis cows. We carrieci ou a very sompreheueisc test Jdur- ing tise lasIt twe yeass t tise Central Ex. perimantal Farin ta discover if tisera was auy constant reation betweeu tise quaity cf tishe fod iicis wss given (iu ils content cf ni-ai or grain), and bise qualiîy of milk aviicis was yieided, lu is ricinses or per- ceutaga of solide. We fouud lisat tise ad-. dition of ineai tates ration of coave af ter lb reacised from five ta seven pounde par beai par day avas net ecouemical lu pint cf eithber tisa qualiîy or tise qunuity of lise nilk aviicis tiey Lgave lu returu. MWa nade scmatiig lîke 20,000 senarata tests cf tise milkin luorder to bava snchbas measure cf data as wonld enable us te draw conclu- sions aviseiswould cerpainly- cet ha erroea- eus or mieieading. Frocs five te seven peunds cf meai par day semsa s enîl ailowanace for s nilkiug cow or a fattensug steec but if tisat ainout can bc saved te tise farsuers it aouid mnean many nmilions cf mcuay per year teabise calîlaînnof Canada. For semae years I hava beau seekiuig t discovar senie substituts for tise expansive aud ricis meale aviicis have beau ted ilis corn ensilage in ordar te make ih s conîpiata ration for fattauiug steers or faediug milcis coav. At lasb I venture a tetik tisaI 1 bave beau succeestuil lu diecoveicg a suis- stîue vschslewiîiiueasy reacis of evary fariner lu Ontîario, sud aimoet evary fermner lu i'tsaDo-niucu aviswo keepe cattie. I hava bore sanîples cf ensilage made fremin ldian corn and isorse.beans wiieshava beau groavu tcgethrin tisa samne rows. Tisesun-floavers sud horse-beaus supply tise albuiuoids aud fat lu wisici tisa cern is deficiaut. Tisemetlcd cf greavigis as folicave: Oua- hait [hosiel cf herse-bases are mixaci aitis one-tird isusisel cf Indisu coru ; tisase are seavu or piautad lu rows biree or tisceeansd a haIt feet spart on oee acre. Wseu tisa crop le groava tise produat fruin lwc acres cf tisatîmixture te put aiti tis aads frein oe-hait an acre cf-sunfloavars (tisa Ilamnioti Russian sort). Tise albiinuids frin tisa oeasnsd sunfloavers, tinis provided lu tise ensilage, aili be equsi te four and a hait punuds cf mixed ceresis ad ded te every feed cf fif ty pounde of ceeu ensilage. Besides, tise aibunincide lu tise green sud succulent stata cf tisese plants are ikely ta ha more digestible tissu lu tisa cpeued graius. Tise vaine àf this te tise farmaresud cattle-keepars lu Otaneo is net quita evi- deut at firet sight. Tise advauîages are as great as liseuîgi s farmer couid gel nearly 40 busisels ef mixad cereais par acre, ln addition te bis Indise ceeu crcp, ailis. ont lise aipeuditure cf suy more labor ur money tissulutise grcwing etftisa ceeu sione. Tisa extra ccel cf Lerowiug one-baîf au acre cf sunfloavars, sud providing tise seedfor tise horse-heans grcwu ou tisa twc acres lu tise rcws aiti tise cern, le equal te $15. Againet tisat extra cuîlay tise farmer gels frein tisa lav and ona-isalf acres seugis aciditicuai feed te ha COnai te 115 besisele cf mixed avieat, barlay sud cals. Thsis se aqual ta a clear gain lu cash (valuint tise mixed grain aI eue cent per pound'i, cf almost 514 par acre mure tissu freintisa grcwiug cf ipeued grains te feac itvit in l order te naka il s competesud avaîl- bal- anced ration. If a patron cf a chassa factOry or cream- ery in Otareo would grow Ibrea acres of thi«s "Robertson Combinaticu" for feeding cattle, il wuld ha equai te a saving or gain te hlm (ase god as cahlu intisa first year), cf $41. Muitiply tisar, y tise 50, - 000,patrons cf ciseese facîcnies and creain- arieaslu Ontario, sud you hava a soin, cf 82,050,000_ Tisai is net tise cnly gain aviicis aould coma e ta hard-avorkiug fa-mers ln Oc. tarie frein Ibis uew discovry. Tisera weuld ha & clear gain leatise fertlitiy cf tise soil aqeal te about 39 pounde cf ci- trogan par acre. Nhau t i le rmsmbered that avieat takas freintisa soil aucuaily about 30 pounde cf uilrogen par acre, it aili ha apparent tsat bise noces tisetarin- are groav hases ciitiseir cern and fs-ad Ibis comintilon, bisa betber aili tisay ha able le grow ail etiser grainesaitisout pe-.. manant exisaustion of tihe soil. I do nct desire te press thie aspect cf tise questteon --ryf.an aIfpra-sfu1- -but1ibis may- ha 1d1- aviiistise butîeriuîlk bas beau excisauged for its equivaleut cf brncatisatimnge ont tise truceffisc cnetf tise ft ley notice fthe change, sud nccl hig Lfaîiliar avîtistise truc butter fiavon,dican at once againat it. Haremn May bha sltstiisiat aatars cf' certain wolsuad- sprlajr-5-ayceaa esem in aral mnalter tisat may produce au unfaver- able effeet upon tise butter, even giving it a soapy texture, sud wben such le tisa case, werkad butter weuld ha preferable. Sera ýs another peint -Wisere butter le net washed, il is ofieu gatisered, too mach lu tise cisuru hefere baing put upen tise werk-1 er, and thse fluai baud work isssesstly te i lucorporate tise remaiuing bnstermiik more1 completely itiste butter, iustead cf wà'k-1 *i . eut; and wiseu oeesays tiaitliea buttermilk le ail werked out cf tisai iateis, notice tisatit i l yet plastic, sud easily mculded, wisicis shows tisaI fully 12 te 1.5j par cent, cf buîtarmiik yet exW niste u lu visible femaitetise eye, iu escis pound cft butter, foc if dry it weuld clo3aiy approacisa a cake cf tailow lu solidiby.1 Agricultuaral Notes.1 Tisera cannet ha a tisereughly gccd farm uniese tisera les a geod waîer supply. If yeur farm le wauîlng lu Ibis, spare ne effortt te correct il., When green crope ara plow"ci under for( tisa porpose cf euricising tiesosai, au appli-t cation cf Itlme will of tan hacof tise greateetà benefit. t helpe ta correct tise acidity of tise soi! tisatef tan resulte from tise tee rapld fermentation cf tise green stuif. i Tise feuce law wiiei wcrks tisa greateet3 eood te tise greateet isumber le tisaI wiichis cempals a mac ta feuces bs own cattle lu,t ratuar tissu te fence etiser peuple's oul,E Wbare tbis is cnce tried, it le nci easy tc persuada people te go baek le tna cld Way. Aý heavy dlay soif wiii isoid water like a basin, and ne crop eau do is hast if tisa plants bava wet feet, A subsoti piow tuaI1 wlll break deepiy witisout lifting thee nuder soil, cili maka tise crcpping cf sncb Iaud mucis more profitable than ht lias beau ha foe. If tis ewiug of a rcp is net rigitiy doue,E ail remaining laber wilha lu vain, se fat; as tise effort te prodssce a full yiaid le cou-11 cerned. We bava sean mec) wis e avzs this, meet important operalicu wislly ta hiredl iselp. Ift tiera is sssy eue ting tisat tise fermer sbesld do imseif, if le te sew tise seed. .lunerder te ha wbolly succsseful a farmeri sisould make bis plans a long trne lu ad- vance cf tise day wiseu tisy muet ha put lu - te operation. Tisa hast way isete mature a plan cf cpsration ihat iwill reoisira semel yeare fer fusliy carryiug eut. Tisis brînge hettar resuits tissutise changeable aythsa some bava, cf îryiug eue way tbis;ya u anetiser tise nexi. Tise lose from samnt in cern is net ua ' liy regarded as a malter tisat sariousiyafet tlie profit from tisa crcp. Yat ih l ýe ue tisose lutile leake wbicis ws shGuon imke, every possible effort le stop. Tisaeo-ly certain ,way te ha rid of it l e t u u hurn every affected pant as eau s Cîî55 55 ernd. Do not cure or feed any sniutyf staike, sud svcid followiug cocunilis coco wbere tise disease bas beau at ail bafi. A geed ,crop of issy may be made mor-e prefitahiathani an equally goed cropofrmu aine times ont cf tac,jif it le judicionsiy fe te stick'tupon ficî farm. Tisa expensesu lshor atteuding tise management of a beyi farm are sa muc esas tissu isosa of a grain farmatisat it le a constant wonder te us tisai more men whc ufre hurdeusil witis reý land tatisu by eauiproperiy cîstivatei, ie net change thair mebisocs. lb le cet aiways ha-st tc do thin 'ge l essiest way. Wsai yen suce ln tisehan uing by se ch a methisl usually lest aI tibe final ecîcomne. Tis illl appiy lu makiug tise arrangements fer feeding sund iousiu)gte stock for tise wiîîter. Hoge bave geuerally short, Ibmhair, that1, dos netafford mucis protection aant1L cold. For ibis reason tisey sboquld e! semae besJding lunaviicli touet, but itcl ha dlean andi dry soailsatit will cc, ldo mr bsarmatissu goofi. A manure piele i a bad place for them te huddle sud eieep. We tiiuk ratis"r tee mnchis li boI lise shility cf sisecp te tisriva aitisou muis cars. Tise eade saiememn te nbgleet tham,. ta s point tiiat annisis al possible profit. Tise fact le tisat siseep need tisa hast of cr te giva tisa hast resuits. Baths aoolsu mutton aif 1 suceshow tise affects cf nget t le juet as cecessary ta g.v roe developsuenl cf houe lu tise iog a U ib1 herse. Wisan ha ta heing maie reaady kr r.siseket lha bas au ameaintof flash to ar bist cannot hae weil dlstrlhuted upan a aeak frama. Give sncb food aud exercissi as wiil builc bosse bafore tise fatteuiug paiîoc hegiris. Ta bave tise cattie *walli lsueed for 1vne 111es net requisite thit you bave esti structures. Lt ila afactbiset saie maeu bouse a gi veaîs auu"t of stock better lu sa barn castinsg five isundred dollars thisuma- ether conld lu a barri eŽe-tiug "vietisaI nlusl mattets connecteclithbstock keapiiig tisera is s goed deal in tise mac.1 An animai tisai is stuuîad in lis eariy youtis aili fail te) make as goad an ultýimata development as it would bave doue ocube-r- aise, no malter isow muel it ile pampargi(,ý lu later life. Aundaviateverileaecuipiieli- eci wiîhi is doueaaifac grî'ter c)i tlisais aveulci bave beau tise casa if lu bad bi given a fair start. Wordg of Wisdom. Knowladge l isaekucwiing thîav e Ceau- net kuoav. It le net knucledge, but littla nol edga, tisat puffetis up. I 9 kbre, ajl e.srnethy. "u suppose I isud ic ou fer sncb aunm rtinent ra'p'y, 41 musýcle suc iI put lunmotion ?" Tise flexors and extaeors of m rigist arn," said tise stude<t; for I1iol l9 y mlce1~" ONTARIO FARMIIIG RESULTS. some lutepestlmg stalt;istis Givesi by the I5epartsnent et' Agriculurse. The statisties of farm operations in thi Province for tise iastyear, 1892, as set forth iu the annual report of tise Department of Agricnlture, show tisat land bas decreased in value lu rasponse to the general decrease ail ever the producing worid, yet building vaines iu Ontario have iucreased $4,375,931; impliments, $351,578, and live stock, $8,- 780,419. Tise resuit is tisat the value of al farm stock reacises $979,977,244. So taking tise vaiues per acre of buildings, impiemeuts and live stock, caicuisting on tise ciesred portion, tise value is higiser lu 1892 thail for tan years previons-for 1892 being $30-38 per acre and for 1882-9-9 oniy $29.74 ý1er acre. s The numbar of a cres lu the'average leased farm is somewisat larger tissu in 1891, and the average rentai for the Province (1892) is $2-65 par 100 acres, an improvement of $1 over-tha figures of the previons year. Ren- tais, both par acre occupied and per acre cleared, are bigher than iu tisa precelling year, aud tise par cent, ratio of rentai to value of farm is .18 better in 1892 than tise average for the seven years. And if the seliing price of farms la lower, the rentai vaine is isigher and tbis latter valua is what a great many land owners are looking at~ Thec total vaine of ail classes of herses is estimated ai $55,812,920, while $4,280,132 wortis have beau soid. Working herses are valIued at $31,810,P77 - breading mares at $10,202,809 colts at $11,759,426, and stai- lions at $2,039,717. The oxen of the province are valned at $9_83,364; milch cows, $23,595,005; store cattia, $10,054,871; aud aViser cattie, $I1,- 61é,235; the total basng -$45,548,475, wbila animals te the value of $15,979,135 have beau sold. This means thst f uiiy 25 per cent. ef farm cattie change bauds in a year -chiefiy te butchers sud drovers. The valua of siseep sold in 1892 le estimat- adi at $2,640,190, while $8,569,557 worth were ieft su armer' bauds, $5,468,500 re- presentiug aui'nais ever eue year, sud $9,- 101,057 tisese undar ene year. Tisa figures for isogs are pecnliarly iuterasliug viheu compared witis otiser live stock, as the sales were far heavier thau the value of the ani- mais ou baud at the sud ef the vear, $8, 775,852 beiug soid, wile but ë5,479,093 were kepteover. The vaiue#êef ail classes ef peuitry ou baud is $2,091,450, while $778,398 is tise valne piaced upon tisose wbicis have beau soid. Tise total value cf live stock ou baud, lu- c luding peuitry, is estimatefi at 5l17,501,- 495, wis-ile $32,453,617 represents the sales. 'Lhei average prica par Kead raceived for tise different classes of live stock seid dur- 41g the year 1892 was as feliows :-horses, $ý91;15, cattle, $36,62; shaap, $4.58; swiue, 5S. 97. Tise averagas for tise Province show Ibat lower prices prevailefi for f ail wiseat, spr-ing wheat sud barley than in auy other year sud coru fail lowor tissu lu 1892. Rye, peas and beaus are beiow their avera're pricas, sud buckwiseat, altisougis aboya li average for tise elevan years, did net equal tise figuras cf four yaars pravieus. Prices cýf potatees are aise higis, but were exceafi- eU lu tisrce years eut efthtie ether tan in thse ,seiule, Hay sud clover are much below tisa figures et any year, excpptiuig 18S90, sud v"ool receivecl less than lu auy cf tise five yeara si-mmediately preceeding 182 Tise valu c f ail the crepe is $î1 1,56)(2,4903, .w - cb a ls tfisnluacyyarans18 tisa average fir the elevan years cf 1882-92. Ouiy two creps, carrets aud bay, show h;igier than 1891. Tisa aveage value par acre fer ail crepe cf tise Province is $13.68, wiîcis edcresse cIf $53.02 compared witstise yaar (1891), sud Il1.60 below the average for tise eleven yaars. 1Hay le tie oniy crop givisg Pa bette r fiuan- c ial returu than lu tise preeèdirg year [1891], altisougis hnckwheat, marigelwurzels, carrots, burnipsansd hay axeeed iheir respective avrgsfer the eleven years. Tise average rate cf farm wagas par year, wsth isoard, 'la $156, wisici e a declina cf $ý2 comparefi witistise figuras cf thse pre- v'Iens yaar (1891), sud $5 les tissu tise avasrage for tisa elevenysars3. ly tiseyesr, boisethard, tisa figuras are Q-253, tisa Fame as tisa average fer tise elean yaars, but 81 balew tise pries_ paid lu 1891. Dur- lug tisa werking seaseu tisa rate of wags per mentis, witis huard le $16.52, wisicis le less tisan in thse pre'ceding year, sud less aise tissutisa average cf tise eleven yaars; but tise rata per mentis, witiseut beard, le $25.92, an improementof Il cassts compared witis tisat of 1891, altiseugis les tissu tise aeaefor 1882-92. AS D3. MICAMEaU&. VIE73 IC. Caie arriisel Made Violence tite Par. pose oflis iraer, a nd by violasecane Bled. Tisa Rev. Dr. Robert S. MacArthsur cf Caîvary Baptiat Cisurcis, preacisad last Snnday ou tise patriotie sud religions lassons taigist by tise World's Fair. Iu opauiug bis sermon Dr. MacAnihue spoke offtic deatis of Mayor Harrison. Ha saîd: Il 2Ny tisougist t-uigist are colored wilh sadnese hecausa cfftia tragie deatis in Cliicigo. America bas beau sboeked sud thpe ciiized world startied by tise suddau cannet isoid hlm aentirely hismelass, for they wisc lake up tise swerd shall perisis hy tise sword, aud tbey wise npisld violence shall by violence ha sîsin." Jagson sys tisermac wb de-lres tisat ha ewill fergive but cnnyrforget bas î kFer itriad -t-om-aïhii wife'e Ilttca. -- hat is Gasteria ,is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescriptionfor Infantis aund Ohldren. Lè contains neither Opium, M~orphine uer q ther Narcotie substance. It Is a harmless substitut& f )r Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Ol., It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use byj Mi4llions of1lIotbhr s. Castoria destroys Worras and allays, feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour'Curd, eures Diarrhoea and, Wind Colic. Castoria zellcves tectühing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates fthe food, regulates the stomach and bsswcls, giving. healthy and naturai sleep, Case toria is the ChildreWs PIanacea-the I'iother's Frien.de Castoria. à% asterîs is ne excellent moediire for chiu- dren. Metisers e sr rcatediy'told nme ef lis goed affect upon their childeen." u.<.C. OSecce, Loweali, Mass. "Castoria ltis e lesS resnedy for chidren cf avhich I am acqssaiutad. 1 hope the day ie nol -far distant 'ahan mothara aili cousider the ceal interest cf their childesu, andi use Castonin in- stead cf the various quack uestrums which are dastroyiug thirteloved cnes, loy forcing opium, morphine, sothicg syrup and cilie sutful agents docru their blreate, therehy sendfng thein te premature graves." Du. J. P'. iseoE, Conway, Ar- "castnia le so cclt adant- te e ablîdren tfsat Irecmmeud il as superien to auyprascriptlesa kuocma teXfu."' UL. A. Autcarsm, M. D., 111 Se. Oxford St., Broklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians lu tise chidrsuo'e l-part- ment have spokon lughlY cf their expert- anas lu their autside practice cmii Custorla, andil athougle crs conly have cineng or medical supplies whais le lnuas regular producte. yet ave are free te confers tisaI thEb ieritiecf Cutoia lisewaon us to lookavitlis favor upon t."I UNuITED Hcsrri.. AUsoIsspuEîSA&Y, Boston, Mur., Aw-msi C. Smcra, Pres., Mko ontn- compan7 y, I MneuStreet, New 'York City. F011 SALE BY J. EH -3-)M.{ý Sol;, BWX~TL Toronto- Business and Shorthancl CollegLýe .FAL1L TERM, SEPT. 4. Canada's Lea3diug Commercial Scisool j REORGANIZED. --,1MANAGEMÊNT ýj 4,q FAC ULTY jjj EQUIPMENP MET HODS Largest sud most comp faciliesi. NOTICEThore le on plate F IVE GREAT DEPARTM1.EKTS5 BUSINESS ENGLISE SHORTHIAND TELEGR APHl SPECIAL PENMANSIiIP Teachers ara omisnt ai ah uly cee Toroutto Business sud Sisonthans! Cellege. Satisfaction guaranteed. ADDISON WARRINER, Principal, 3. SHUTEIR'STREET. oN [O-Ui:> W STOOI0 1 0f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suitings of ail kinds, for men, youths and boys, were neyer excelled andi prices never more moderate. Two reasons why you are certain to be beneaitteci in trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing? store are that -wd keep on]y reliabla goods and they are sold at l(owest living, profit. Our ecustorners can depencl on getting, well-rnade, good fltting and stylishty cnit clothing at prices to suit ail pookets Fulllines of T'tes, Coltars, Cuifs, Braces, llaidkerchieîs, etc If you want a suit this Spring you will please us andi benefit yourself by looking, through -our magaificent stock at the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office,, Bowmanville, WiJ bepleased once ini Quantity, twice iiiQuiiy and three times ini Price who inmpect the unequalled assortment, of lpprRubbers, T ru nks, 1Valise s,& , At ouir store, *e BEAVE B ld1WK-Efta~iU BJGGEST STORE, BJGESTVARJETYý7, BJGGEST VALUE, Ewer'bod inited to cali and see oui, new >île THJHQ5JNA magnum -P i