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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1893, p. 4

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FOR'SALE BY 69 King St, BO)WMANVILLE. BOWMÂNY ILLE, Nov. 2:2, 1893. THE FARMER'S POSITION. The long evenings are here agail and as this journal circulatea largelyiy oong farmers aho wiil now have more time for reading, we take delight in consideririg maâtters of special concern to them. They iili flot think us presuînptuous in aittempting to persuade themi to a higher appreciation of farm tIf e. J ust n ,w we ,.Vaut teo oltr a worc of encouragement to farmers. Yo-u are feeling the stress of bard ilimes more than fur some years and you are feeling disgusted with your eall- ingl and threatening te ruake a change. Nouw, don't be too hasty ini making a c-hange until you are sure that yý.u can better your position. But you tell us farming ton't pay. Well, granted that it dloes fot yiiitd as larLxe returns for labor as itlias donce in the past, but caui you nèt make such changes in y our systema of carrying on your business as ivili mater- iaily reducoeyou expexditue while your returus iv Il not be Jlessened? Do a littie home-work, as w'e cai the rehool tasks the chiîdren perform atlihome. If mer- chants and tradesmn c rried on their work in the hep hazard fashioix of many farmers they w, nid soon go) to the wvail. They a .e to at cy heir business daily and nightly, too; plait, scheînue, coûtrive, xprnetsort up, cuit over, clsssify, eniovae, and su take advantage of every favorîng, seAson, circurnatance, evant or other r ch igcidtioum to make the beýst o f their ji)portun;it es; ;and with al their sctivity, indýýeîatry ni wtchfui1- zess, they find tl9uiseivem d igbusines without protit or too ofteir t ae loIs~. Thieir frst effort is to secure Csrnï and they trim tliiir sails to theo faý 'ng bree- zes; if merchants8, -ty first bu loctous- ly, then advertise jîidiciously. best mý-edium %railable. (I.ý this Toniir i3 LSlANihe beat .medium, i curse.) But with the prevanling credit system, the(ir troubýe Lis ouy begun when the eus- tomers are found, for there is not too riulcli honor utiforrunatidly among peuple whoc get credit. There aro v.iny îuany stricrly honorable people; but the few dis i:t (onoslk h norgheshl ar iii tic!ta , incroaaii the tiiG.: and reduce thepo Is.lt is next wte mposs- ible com miercialy) for shopkeepers te do busîine-ss, strictî-y for catsh; mid so collect- ions are the býugbears f ail these men To eollect %what is 1duo themn that 'they may miee.t their !,il s, is 3thie îmost trying, amnying sudl dis uiduing part of their busines-s. Lt t csthei a at nïglit an-d tlak uwsVtheir atpeýtite by day. 'You farinera cannot rea!ize the worry that; is the e< ýmo ot of al bLusiness mlen b !aue ftiis cuedit '111rTin Srrs~,we regret to say, hbas far too nxany slow p)ayin;g subscribers,, snd they ara h ones who really cause is the gr iesvorry of oýur life. l'erhaps you manzet hikabout te trouble you set- ualiy us us, but we do; an~d our, is the commein epein o f the ordinary busi- niessqmA. s mite who -speaks f rom ex- perience reu1;a ký: t is not slasa feeling te n -aie a pile of bis that you are owiiig con your desk, your erediters dcam- orojus f-,i, payttlert, when you cnnot coi- leet whait is owiugz you. T'here mnky be fi e ollrsduc youn or tevery do lar you Oe; buýt Your1 'istress is nut reînoved by that fat if yen cenniît colle t 20 per cent. of wht is owiug you. Yon canixot real- ize the jo)y and ptiece of mindyou are giving to the busitiess mian wheu you psy hi peîpty Th n t1îere is ul,-,ays the disquietig poi4ibility that sone debtor will fait aud subjeet you tor heavy ioss. Now here is the point we are coming ta. You farmers aimoet enti oiy escape ail thi s xit and lass. Faruners do not have to gi - extensive c-redit' You are 11ot ofreun mde-,itkeful anxdnervous by th0 probsbîi)1iry that yon will not have the inoney t p iy the bill that your creditor scys must h paid on the morrow or suit ,williL-0 1egun. or the probbiliy that some xi ho is owiig y ýou several-i umi- dred cdoIerawiitfait. Farm'producetaeau elwayS Lbe Pso i er spot eash--everything yen h ave t-o scI cen hW turned into înwmey any day yenu take il to market and there merohut. u - dntM.1- t --pen I _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ fatrmenr's hf o liard in relity if lie is k;0 lackiiig in proper mnîagemienit that 1s wOrk t cutiititLly drivei1iin. Thefai -- or always belind ini bis work is sure to~ fiud it disagrcabLle. But the mian wio~ thinks abead, aind profits by e'xerience,~ who isý thoýreforecertain te plan wisely and te inako oevory struke count for its full force-this man finds in the trufli that the farmer's work is nover doue oiily tho agreeable faet that the hsnîid that fin- isheCs a ts finds another ripe foýr il, but net olvor riipe. . To fIe intelligent, tloulitfnii, progressive fermer hils asser- tien is enly the stetemeut thet fhe farn gives profitable empicymoxît every men)itli of the year sud every day of t lie week.- What at advautage that no w eppears Wi bc in the ey- s of thousuînds of workîuea in cities and towns in enforced idloness! They would cousider tliemselves very fôrtunate- indced if their occupation ai- ways gave thera work. They would lie gilad -te work now tbougli at reduccd wages. It is a sad outiook for workmen wîrb fauities with winter approacliing and ne work in sight. Evon wben nor- mai conditions prevail flic city working- nin 1 frequeufly idle. Durincg these seasons cf euforced idleness the saviugs of the seasons cf work arc rapidly dissip- atcd, Timnes cf enforced îdieness are as disegreoable to employers as toeteîployed. Net only are they cf cm idle tfliselves, but their capital is Iyiug idle and their "4plants" are rnsting or rotting. They as well as tiîeir workmeu regard it as a de- cided advantage of farming that it always provides profitable empîcymoInt. Ah, yen farmers inever thought cf this be 'fore, but it's truc, isi'tit ? Yes; wrell bc con- tent with your lot thon sud niake the best cf :it. Have ire any oflior edvantages over flic tewnsrnsn yen ask ? Yes, severel more. The fanm alwnys gives a lieuse te live in sud the greater part cf the food re- quired. Yeou don't have te buy bread and niik cvery nneorninz, uer are you cou- fronted evcry meu'h with buis fer bouse rouf, groceries, meats, liglit, coul, etc, Most fars f urnish fuel. Tiîongh crops have been liglit, aud prie, s low, the fear- mer is net confronited wifh the harrewing probability tbat next montb lie and bis femily miay be turned eut cf the bouse that sheiteis themn because lie cannot psy the rent. There miay bo only saît pork in the mneut barrel, but lie lias t1ht-and very -fteunimore inc]udîngl pouitry; ne probability (f baving te go without meat because hie a't puy the butcher. The price of wheat is luwV; but it makea as mudli bresd ai wlîen it was high, sud the fariner is net tempted te shun e baker thiat hi wns and cannot psy. Do you not know that there are to-day in this country aud more in the United States thousauds of lionest, industrions inen who reasouabiy expeet that before many weeks tiicy -il be refuýied fuel by the wood sud ceai dealer, mieat hy the buteli- or, vegetables and grocenies by the grocen and provision in, anîd bo hable te lte furned out ou tho streets by unpaid land- lords? Hew very'few if any of these are fermers 1 Tiese men' knuw what liard tinres really are. With ait your Seemng aud actuel hardshiPs very few farmers eau comipare conditions wvith the f owrmn. nian. 'ýto;) your gnumbling thon, sud l e thlikfui l teUîv-eii tbat tou are se igli- 13 favored, -"fiat yen are net as - cuthen ADVERTJ.SING IN BAD TIMES There is cuoe kind cf enterpniso urich pays even botter n sncb fîmes as these tIen inu good finies. This is onteciprise iu adverfising Skilfnl sud persistant ad- vorfisiug la usefut sud profitable cf any lime, but iowadys tihenman wlîo keepa fIe bargains lie offers mcst couspicucusiy before tIc peuple especial profits by if. In tbeec days people ai-e looking witi un- cemnuon sîarpness for lai-gains. They waut te spend thcir mncey te the beat advsufage, sud notifhstanding flic cry of liard finies fluene is a good deal of iuouey te spend. Tic maerchants whe do fIe mostt sud bert advr-nising w ll get il aud willi bave business te do, wbile fluose whe set-k te save neney by cuffing dowu thein advertising arcount witi lose if in luss cf f-nde.-Hantfond Courant. INSPECTOR, HOW'S THIS ? Me_ EDiTRoi-1 would like te ask ycu a question oin two. What ia fhe salai-y cf oui- Licous Ii.specter ? As I supposa le ns a public servant, it is rigbt fie publie shouid know bow tIe public nuoueys are expeuded. %While re 1usd fIe Dunkin Acf aud flic Se tt Acf, fluey were net cnfonced sud soie pe pie irere elinoring ton fhLiti- ceuse Ac-t again, nos' wo have the ticense Actr suad1I nîey say t is as mcl violafe i as flue Dunikuisad 8doft Acta wene lu ilîcir t iîîu; as nt auy fum e or oni any day flore une those urbo eau go sud gef allue drink they wsntn cur hlites lunliis township sud panficularly at C--.I say, Mnr. EJ.itoi-, if is a burniug shame, inu s civilized country foi- our ffliass o igu petit ions te hliceuse and thon te aÏlow tlio license esystein te le se abe.O it recenuf Sel at1 eveninir whenfeSs of T nuperance wcne in proceossion tbcnc irie those who stood by sud jeered sud lauglied wh.-n if woulcî bave been a gi-est deal more te fleur credit lad fbey been in ftue procession. Iu conclusion if unr Goverumeuf does net appoint meu te cii-youf fIe laws wicî fin s Canada cf ours '_-; os us, if beheoves us as temper- a, c nuen sud cînîstiana tu demaud of tensncb meu as will fsec fIat flIan- la o- foi-ced, sud fIef oui- sons lie inef led away into dinkigç habits on fIe Sablatî aud oui- deugîters insulted by fbose wliose breathislapeufumed by flat whuiclu desti-cys bof-h sont sud body, Sept. 18, 1893. T RMAE-,NC . A. DREAM, flow mi4ny people bave ycarned for a-,. efber Ciristinas riumber of the Monir- aI S-.,ow', of thoBe thii. t'îof narest beuty th-.t turned flhe leads cf old ami young iu omiier year3 ? And if wM bl laid ht1 ingsi in tbousand8i upeî thîouFnnuds of h as fI tat tfboe eis t,)e fis *ycar fie grandekt cf VU hnntnsTRSru, forty- fi ur pames ou m ain pape-, a 1mb fine sur- VISIT FROM TEE BISHOP __PETERBOR-OLfGHL. PLEBISCI-TE POINTE RS.- I . -TirE- SVIS Y(-s-e -- - -hoausfy i, Trhe Riglit Rev. Dr. OCcuneiiiir, Bisbop is a fliove u in e ni. itdire- tien cf Peferberougb. visited bis flocks in That intemperaec is the imeet proliîfic Be.wuauvil]e and Ne,,caaitle for flie pur- cf ait ceuses ef er nue ini Canada is now a pose cf holding confirmation services on weil-tdniîtted fact.. Sunday fhe l9th. lHsalcî-dship, wlie wes This is the proportio-$4 000,000 for accempauicd by the Rev. Fether CeIliins, scheoliiîg, $7,000,000 for amusements, flie esteeîned paster cf fhe mission, ant--asd $60,000,000 fer drink ed eit Newcastle an tIc preceding Satur- Say os vr a h eoe day aftoruoou, and offlciated tbere o duna. bo eve in t wlîo tbecesa Sunday moruing, neachinag Bowmauviiledrka-beoessluryn te es about 10.30 a. m. The disfinguished vi - mdrt nnesdfiig itor wes cf course mosf warnily sud cor- There, are in West Durhamn many par- dially receivod by the Catbhie people c f ents whe are n-t tbeînselves total absain- the town aînd district, but fh c oî-,eî-flew- ers, but witl vtcYs"i h omun ing- congregation that packed tIec clurcli plebiscito. te tlie very deors, wvas largely comipcseed Show the politicans by a t eiùeuduus cf the diffrent denominetieus, wbose de- affirmative political vote in the coming meanor tewards bis lordship 'aes cf ftle plebiscite, that public opinioni is on tIc kindcst sud înest respectfni charructer, meinrch towards.P-rliibition, sud teuded te make bis first acquaintauce On Janua ry First let good uien and with ths part cf lus diocese su occasion truc, in the renks of bo¶,li peliticai parties cf the pleasantest and most agreeable go ferwarct uninedly, baud ini baud agaimiat nature. Aff or mass,' the cicquent Bîsbop cour commun fue, King Alcebol. preaclied a mcst powerfnîi sud lucid ser. Let there lio generous rivaîry betweeni mon whidli fbrilied the lîearts cf al uVho tIc yeiiew bellots sud the bine as te bcd the gecd fortune te beer it. Immed- which, relatively, shahl do nuost for "God îately after f-llIowed tFc interesting cere- sud Homo sud Native Land. mony of adiimtering the sacred rite cfT confirmation Athcugl ti srng Th-le plebiscîte is simply a show cf iug sacrameut is usuaiiy couferred upon liauds. Roader, are yen on the aide cf christians lu thoir tend er yeens. lunfChe -ail well-wiqhers cf our race sud countny, present instance scnîe adulis, aud pensons or with ti(- bumumeril, seakers sud hloats? cf mature Vears, wene aise couflrmnedl. aughi uow: "No matter liow mudli de The favorable impression prodnedr by cars dey get, leaded, de injine wat dees the sermon cf fIe forenoon had the elfect de work gits elcur strictly on water," cf drewing a large congregation, compos- wittily declares s colored feroperance or- ed cf flhe varions cecds, unie listenetd afor. wiilu revenent attetion to flic biabcpI's Da you faerequsi righfs for ail? eloquent disccurse et tbe Vesper servicesý Thon at preseut 399 out of evony 400 are lu fthc eveuiug. Senecof the Ioai, , pn)eiibited by legai enactnent frein en- members, namely Iliss Walsh, fIe or- gaging lunfthe liquor traffle. Tns STATES- ganist, Mlisa Ilellett, Miss Wheeler, Mli.ss MAN wanfs' the 400tlimn deaît wifh iu fIealy, Messrs. Fcoley aud Stecey. cf St. like marmner. Gnegory's, Oshawa, reinforced by thie Tcpite plbsteblos ii e lccal choir, rendered fIe musical part of yeîîow foîr men, bIne for womeu. The fie services lu a way that drew unstîufied bcteinlystoaeri hene- praise frcm every listenler. Duriing bisobetvietyiteacrinfener est taken in tIe vote by women Most bnief sojournulu towu lis lordship rmîn f fIe West Durliam lady votons will ed t te Bunet Hnseid ift y fueshow thenuselves "truc blues." 8.45 a. in. train on Monèey for Oshawa,T on bis way back te I>etorborcuglu. 'rhe Taxpayens cf Ontario, aboul ore ballîf c presentetion ef tIe foilowing Iodrnst those cf fIe Duoinion, are carryyîog qo0mb whîcb hiis crdship repliiq lu very apt sud fiousands cf prisenens sud nmax y asl feiicitcus ternis. fornîed a part cf tule Jc)y- many officiels fo look after the oriîîu iial1 fnl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c da9 rceig:cases. Three-feourths cf this uise and bunden eau le remoed by the effuctual Te The Et. Rer. R. -A. O 1) 1). 1D Bish(p cf Peterborough. .ijProhiltiton cf the drink traiffie. Mv Len,-n heeifef fic Cth The f returnus show fit nLotndon (Ouf.) cf tDOnh mssofthe Cabld cn revem-Y dollar r-ce ved lest yeun cf rer cengregaticuo oi sinw idýU nue because cif fle liquor liceuse system, londsbip c bearty weleome fi, Bowvmau- âI easf $4 was paid out linue slîape cf ville. As humble sud devoted Catholics expendif une !Lttle wouder se msuy we are in duty bound te offen te o-mn t axpayera are couiplaîninîg fIal fhîcir bur- lordsluip fIe fibute cf our filial hbiwage dans arc needhessly heai-y. By wipimîg and respect.. Commug frein youn spiritual out thnrouughiy aiî cffecfualiy flue wboe ehildnen, fIls is due yeu as suprome past- tnafflc inu intoxicating liquors, yemî at once on cf this diocese. But spart freini youn iripe eut une of fIe beavicat nmnill-stones exaif cd rannk as bisliop ini te be chrclu cf inew rounud the ekqothtzxars God, we take due notice cf ycut- nob1[l e -Dmigtm ek ffetxao qualifies cf bead sud beant, and we nrec- Durn18 th fiscal yeur endiug Oct. 1, oguize in ycu fIe true sheplierd 18.o9e2, 10,579 persona were committed tOI life is speuf lu caring for flue spiritual and Ja113, refoiaternes sud pentontianîes i n femuponal wifar f liti p ets nn-Ontario, a lesser nuniber than foir anme people ln your extensive diocese. *Bear- years p-st. TIe statisties show fIat iug this in mmnd as wiell as th(, feeLt fIeftIahre wone fewen liquor lieunses isâued f bis is ycur first visif te us, if inceai t yean)l, fere wss less liquîîn consumned flic heartiness sud ermftb cf our eud ccnseeufity less drunkennessud come Wecenassre onrlorshî fIf-,lesa rie If s as cdean aionduy fIat sîthough %we cccupy au eceptîoliai iý' we 're a irssswept away ýid the mun- ion, and labon under fIe 'sdsaecÀi lqospriiie b)ing ,deprived cfiflue e iar mt ftht terrible bidýen wcvuld ble w er c-- a nesidemîf paster, we luold tote Ie sxt'rinî trutîs sud principles of our fnith it i ' Whnere dces ui- Preumier stamnd on thc much leyelty sud steadfastuetss as ï,y tempenunce question h Sir Oliver Mow- flock unden yo'un lordship's junrisdiet,5uui. etssid dniiig the lest sessioîn f the Leg-- On this occasion we caunot refrain frn sa n:"If' t-as nwiiore oratonicel fleur- speakîug sie sincere sud welh-2-ene isli shucu lue stafed, 25 yeans cgc, fIat wonds cf pi-aise in nefenence to fIe gocd thrcecfounths of flie poverty, cri'îu and w. rk doue by flic 1ev. Fafluen Colins, %wnetchedness nihrougbout oui- laud arose since hoe assumed change cf this mission. frein fthe foui evil cf iîtempenuicle. Hoe If is but simple justiee f say that lie is dlid neft now take back oee o-ed, wiîhu flue uuost zealeus, punctual sud pa thtk- fct-stimomuy cf tiiese who-had fli@,ineans ing iuiest fluat- even admniistered te fl)e cf Judgnmg on the quiestion-,judges, nag- spiritual wants cf flue cengregdticu. ieishrates sud pesons coîuîected uiniItfli gledly nefen te lis constanut efforts te administration of jus tice, hospifals aud guide-arigbt fhe foot steps of tîos, in the - aYluins, Pli united lunemimîg some sudh householdocfhie faith, sud bis soicitlud c propositfio n as f lat. I-e i ail acu imnos- lu bingiug beck thlic sfnayed siueep fe) the son f0 le less cf tIc ides iu fils country fold. To bis great pains ilu iusfnuuctirg tfanle was :25 years c. fl i bldi-emusud fo, Ws addifionsl laboçrs lii giviuig us amn affernono service iiad I leniedief ion of tIe hlessed saeranuem, t L land liap ine,8s (Joene to You well as flic priege cf hearng ime-ss i nfye'oa uf fIe ondy mnnîgsNoneauwo luht .ing woman. The te speclc cf lis efforts cu1liehaif cf fhe faififul lu Newcast le for whosc benefit loe messenger lu this Iuolds s separato nuenthiy service i l h&,,asis r.P-4c' midst, In a wund, ïtif 1 our unamuluiclins Favorite Pre- wisli that your lonie:,ip wille pîe e) scj cription. continue Fathen Collins wltb us acs omnMadeho pastor lunftle ycans to come. Teo the youriî Womnlood, membens wbe are to-day neceiving con- firmation from youn londship'a secret- ode ed lauds, as cîse to eveny individui- nie-rber cf -your^flock, flue Iuppy nnenîlory -i ne1hebs f fils jeyfuil day, williec long pre-served f ar, proper ro- cs a saicned treasure. 1I lat yen 1uuay b)e long sqpured t.-)tIch diocese wbich circsdy gard for hygiene and shows abondanut fruit cf yonr wise io ie, is -thie "Prescr-ipt ion.» thle eariRest il isiu cf out icant s. Bogegizîg It's a tonie aud nervine, a remnedy younr lordship's blessing upon us sud iup- preiscribed by an erinent physician u tic congregafion ut largYe, we 'Ire; yornnsd specialist for ail the peculiar ills humbnle sud obedient servanits. aï d almnents of women. P. --IAA C. MGrîc, Some dispositions are sunny even P'. FAýILELL, M. Fr': - L ,__pain.- But, M'es t End ifause: GOOD -JUDGMENT is requisite in buying Dress Goods. We tliink'we ha ve it. We have the nicest thîngs to be had in~ Dress Goods, anyway,and îf Toui want, the. correct thing do' not pass us by, Serges are greatly in it this season, Blue and Black, 1WE HAVE TEEM. BARE FEET are natu.ral but flot very dressy. &weII-dressed foot is about haif of7 the well-dressed effeot of any man. We are getting in new goods every day. Warm feit and 'long boots will soon be wanted. WE, HAVE THIEM, $?7.OO will, buy, you a cominilation Dinner and Tea Set of Ninety Seven (97) pieces. Well that is e.heap is it fnot! We have jusýt opened up some Iovely Tea Sets, Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets, aise sort-e thing nice in Giassware. Do you want a hanging Iarnp, we have thern ail prices. Everybody knows' that the West End House pays highest prices for ail kinds of Produce, Grain, ec JOHIN MeMURTLRýY. In to ek you will see, some- thin to 6uradvantage as well as. now. We are stili ýselhaig off our large stockof Watches,Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware-, etc., at wholesale prices. This stock which MuSt be sold by January lst was bouLght at .50c. on the $, and we can a:flbrd to seil cheap- er- than anyo e. el se. No -matter- what they tell you in prîlt. Some petople do a good deal of blowing, but it will pay you to inspect my goods and prices as I do the selling, MAYNARDpu THE JEWELLERDU lu HI FlOT ON' Pharmaceutical Chemists. Just reoeived a complote hne of HAIR OOTH & 1 à a large stock of th e latest and best odors 1

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