L mRM8:-41.~U Pu~ Â,mu~OUR iTU" ANiD OOUKTY FLRST: THLCWORLD ÂIrTERWÂRDS. M. A JÂMA E»TZ Bu R(>WMANVILLE, ON4TARIO. WEDNESDÂY, NOVEMBEIý 29, 1893. cw îi, VOLUME XXXIX. SuwuETm ý4,,S MOUS T VERNON. APLE GROFR. Visitore of WVek: Miss Aunis Smith, jMessrs. W. C. Frank and J. Snowdeu WhVi by; LUr H Sauderfion, Cartwright, had surccDssful husking bes ltl. p n h Ipnt M.pae Corters; Mr. C. Lar.gmiidi, Sctxool lias beau closed, Mn. Kirkpatrick, ANEhet ez r. at, M,. Gao. MlNeon'*; Mre. the teacher bexng unwell. .... La grIppe la INN S T 0 Y D E RM AP Jas. HolMan, Mr R. anxd Mise htn at prevalent her.... Mn. Gao. Pcwar fouud Mr** Ed. Anu W;Mr. Bprtrain 8. ucli at a large surn cf nay lu Bowmanville on li i l IIEh mne on Thainksuiviu&r; Vifs Ka je Ar- Friday. Wtio lest it 7 EU l U l Egue, ryodel Scheul, Whitby.. .. Mr. aud YoJU CAq'T GET TOe MUCH cf a geodC a 'W W~WUMMia a Hentle, Jr., ara vxititit frleuds thing. This 18 eminentCy the case with sir Se"rboro and Tloronto ... Nir. Thos. A. >Plo' evlnadgatpi ue re 120 W sho w ingWjltur ha u 6xtensive wood sala on ',lso's n ocrervie, foger ptcain re Thursday last .. .. Rov. D. S Houek will te an ost rmd, thoprt cntaine deIw ium, o h pr rritn Tlb- certain pain subdning remedies known to .i~ia.s.s~iscte u M -~tVaron ar-madical science. t is bonest fer it doe ~ in an e of F' rtrd nscly o m ai n jet,&I it eth aici the wti onld. t ey O ap? C 111g s", u o WHÂT re t an ' ' ERruL aiç;ýEY i it jisth e'i te or tld. lInt beesuesa Penny D-vis' PAiN KrLLESa 1 eý it ouly .26 cents te try it, snd yen can buy a bet- ~i ies iii Orv 'i ss'.11 s ~I~I1c cures the ills cf the hutrian fseîIly, but i le teat any drug store. Nerviline cures U PPO ais.' the sure remedy herses and ottle. tooth ache, neu-ralgia, pain in the back Persa>1 . 1i~a2 -b, 1~Q 1~ t lias nevFr beau known te fail îo, a cure and side. AUl pains ara promptir reliev- S ableP ersia L a m bl7a.s 1.> f the§ wonat casas cf bow',l cemplaint; ed by Pelsn's- ýNarviline. IM l-le ËNand fursaprains, glIs, etc., it De'vee fail ___________ tia m , ýTree 1an _ S e l, tc. -try It once. Directio ei accompauy each bettie. Sold by drnugîet generAliy for 25c. fer a bâttie, large sitza. Vibitors:..Misi Mary Mýoone,of Tvrone; Miss Eila Wee'8,taway, cf Hampton; Miess also a,-Iane rang 0f BelleKIE COrdadmle , cf Mor uito baMr hae AC C% OBelle au Cowle , f o nitoba, havMnFed ci rS S etts in. six qu.al bit. and Mr. Harcu of Tay Township, moved iniue Mr% J. VanNast'a lieuse on *s r ~- ,, s 1,, S . ana vlsiting Mr. W. Montgomery sud the hill. 'i atiksRiving service wae COU- C JL.! ot~h,. frie.nds on thoir weddiue tour..ducted her3s un Thuraiday hu Rev. J ,ies. i.LLt.Lor-UE3U UJlUU~L JlUI L The Ladies Aid Social on Wedue'day ave wge very wrele atteuded coniderlng the tb.e anufa turers. iruather. Ail i're very mmcli intarestad the m nuiaby the Rer. Mn. Stike's lecture on bis -tAf~ trip tfo the World's Fair..An excellent 4 n us pn ed out a fin Thanksgiviug service ilî a capital dis- ,Ir,% ' 1course by the Rer, R. M. Phaleu, B. A., t of en s 0 '7» iras held in the Presbytenian Churcli on assortin ent ofje' & B Y fonenoou cf that day. .....The social me Igetthe E. b. C. E. ou Fnlday evcnîng. -"ne-A"19- 17 ira ry ecjoyable. A bible neading coudu'td by Mrs. Honck,' su instructive O v E R sud bitaesting taik liy Mr. Yeupg, a sole by Mn. C. Souci, music. by Misses Tesk- il ..ZI y, Potter, Stainton, Mitchell, MsrIe cuas es uafi ie .Rogers and Mss. H. J. Werry aud Mn. î. ail cas ,andualte T. G. Virtue asnd a reading by Misa Mit- ~ 9'clell madeagood prgilii. The iet the lipr ced-ing was lad by blies Byers .... .Mr. J. S. A ~ -f ~foe's+1c~c~ v h 4i~~ Rudlaof Biwmsuvilla pnoaclied lu the ent3A.sale ofL MaY.lC4JJU.' VVJ..'./L. UL.LeD ,,,,dit h on Suuday anŽ sd haià had for the paç,-t-two m onths uotiug th, Pleb'ecite. i ao fep they are stili showîng a very fine stock of ]ovely fitting GERMANI MADE goocis at ail prices, No better value anywhere. AUl Grocers Due Bils taken as Cash. GOUOHS JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN,ý BOWNMANVILLE. eKEEP YOUR EYE OPEN y OIJ WJLL find the, place for it when you WINTR display of quatity and elegence. lacks nothing, but buyers. They will corne. Th~ They wi'!l1buy ->t the f*îairest prices ever made for itors arc flot asked lto believe but are sliown go( fhnt o riý ,eaiino e he -de in BOOTSanud S sea oun ]?ALL and Our seaseruahie srtock hey will be satisfied. sucli qualities. Vis- ods te convince thein 31-OFS. WTTBBRS, DES, SLIPPERS. etc, hte a thlat e8t norelties sud newest ideas for the seascu comeansd ou wiali te) se the veny hast lu Standard Styles and neliable mnakes e, ns. if yen mwant value for your meney coure sud sea us. Tnuth colý,s "HeneetQult' Fashîcu pronucnc thons "Correct Styles." ,omneOur 'W )w Pices." If yen a-sut toe ejoy the full punchasing ir dollar sedit a-Pli eqUNSALL'8 MARBIE AND GRANITE WORKS, BOWM-AN ý,VILL-,E, ONT. (Establlhed 1857.) Finished Granite M,,onuments in stock from $125 to $500. FIANDSOME DESIGNU3 AND BEST MATERIALS3. 1RD PETERBEA.D AND GRAY RU81SLAW SCOTCH I ROSE - TEl) AND PURPLE SWEDE................QAIl BLUE ' VARL AND E Lý'ERA[LD PEARL .......... FINISIrED _JÂBLEMNMENTS inl stock from $-15 te $200. IN ALL TUE BESzT IINDS o'W MARBLE AND LATEST DESIGNS-. WrBefore placing y,~ur ord -r, CALL1 AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEE WHîAT YOI ARE BUYING. 71-y E. R. BO0UNSALL, Proprietor. use sud l 0'¶ORENT,-For tarin cf years, 1"Glat utre on 1-- Dh "-3Wa acres, 2 miles frein Whttlty- unsiet of gnod bulidiagis anu sil Admirable or stock m'p. Milo Gilson, A. staiwart t'auster ln the amploy cf the. ci.ens Fells, N. Y., Lurnber Company, says tiiet both ha and lits wife lîlglly reçommenuà Il{od's Sarsapailila. Silo failedtD tg~ain sti-engtir citer a seve'o lliess, fait Dais- erabIe, couid iot sieep, ad ild 11 appe- tite. Vlhon sire took îlaodes garfinpnill aire began ie pickup and. was soori alîriglt. Rits ew'n xperienco NVasI.3thit !Il the spîing re iras aitrun doi,l'ati veaknies nndeis". Iresl h tnnh IolsSnaall liroughthilm round ail iglit, and i e isnon bettcr sud heayviT i e ha o yeans pat. Theuisandg, yos airoît illlions et People, testlfy te thre wonderful value of llood's Sansaparlla for hat tii-ad feeling or weakiness cf mnd, nerres or bodly. It hs the heiping lrand Niriclr restores fullhe-riti sud straugthî. Mn. John J. Scully, I'nestdent ef the S--a0r~ !Union, 256 Cat-rn tue Stret et, roi1i l Mlicirigaîx, voltin-ariy Nrites as folle-es: "C. 1. Hood & C., Lowoii, 1Mass.. "Gentlemen, 1 ted l nduty Iroucdte telli k tire benafit 1 de- a iveti froin s 00 Srsapar-illà. I have beeu treuleid with nrous dyspepîla, wvas tireda nd languiti, with ne ambitioni to munIt; my sioop was irregular. Se l beg-ai taking Hoed's Sarsepa.- rille. Fron tire very llrst Me a kit seemedto leIc just the Thig e. Ianervous dYýpepsiahlas 'c rely gene, mY appc " '1,lexcellenrt, etho.. iy witho- - b-r- warc.., --' reil, aiidncail 00,. 'o about tyworlr w tîtît tirt t1red feeling se freque.ît bera 1 tocîr Hoodle s Sarsaparilla 1 have talzen six bettias sud reommenti it as the IKing of Mtedicine%-') J. J. ScULLY. JUOOD-8 PILL.8 cuGVre iv U$, constIpatiOu, biUouueas,, aundce, sieir beadache, 1ndigeâtior.. Veetbl is are pr& O d ; s' pareil te meat a legiti- Smate demauti fer a nilit, efficient anti etable famiy piuysic. TIrey ane purcly vegetable, ccutainig île EN% calomeli, mercuuy, or minerai sul- stanrce of any kînut Hoot's PISl set upon tIra stomach, lirar-, andi aliimantary canai, and crme Liror Compiaint, Censýtipatioîî, 'Zaîl, mlisness, Iedui.Indigestion, rStom7tch, Dîstreqs latter atIng, Jaundice, id =yarlie boken un ant a feyer rrevented Liddy,. ...'Ne muet congratulate Zion friands on tha succeas rcf theïr ra cpening on Suaday aud _Monday lent week. They have a flue church sud scoel rocin ard beet cf ail it wîllle- frea frein delit whau subecriptious ana paid. Theisuciai Friday nîglit wai a greoat succaes. -... Rer. J. IL. Striko deligatlAd hie hearera empeclally the ladies, A BusiNE?ïi LEITrE -T. Millinra Co., r.Plaeship at once the dczen B. B. Biittens4. Best sAlling medîciii n u hie shop. Sold Meyen botiaes to-day. Youns tn uly C. Themipson. Til. soubury. Ttia above samplP 13 butorna cf hundreds Wi similar expressions ,regard- ing 13. B. K. HAMPTON. Rer-ant vstn:Mn. T. T. Jardine and ae, Mr. E47. Victory and wife, Oàhawa; Gn. . Auderisoin, Dakota .... Mn. A. B. rdeanlias beau ick .....The Oneese Co. lissei tba balance cf the seasen's' chease te J. T. Warrington, jr., Balle- ville... -Mn. F. Parr purposes attending the dairy echci at t;ualph this'wnta.. ..Messrs. J. H3ume), . Burns, J. Wand, F. Parr suid W. Doidge lim3d a great hunt on Tburaday, bgigtwe partridges and a rabhit . . ..Beiv J Liddy sud wife an. sisted at a ne apaning st Myrtle Mýcndtay. ...Mr. John Flliott la repsining the front cf hie @sotre A rn. CRE -r, CouRs-Tlier8 ie ne remedy that makes as larze a parcentages cf perfect curesý as Dr. Wocd's Non way Pine Syrup. lu unearly every case cf coughs, coidasha, bzonchitis, heanse nes, croup, ecitst curative effects are prompt and isig Mnr.,A. Pankin, Moonefield, le visiting f riands hr.... Mn. A. aud Mise FIe Annie speut Thftnksgiving holid sys at Scarbono and Toronto , ...Tha S. A. hald a succespfuni tea me8etinu liane on Thanke- givingda. .Mn L T. Courtice lias ne- sumad hie dutics as salasman in the dry goode departmnent cf Jý J. Mason ....- Tlie Plabiscite Cm httanlsebeau organized in this sub-divisjion for workiug up a large msjority in favo)r cf Prohiblt;:ou. We are lookfuigfor a go.od resuit lboe... Rer, Dr. McK,.y ocf Woijkstock, will rd- drets a mass meeting ai. Ebenezer ou Dec. 5, lu connýction with the Plebiscito -...,Another Ald ;asideut lu tlie pereon of Mrs. Jane >tSýcey li passed sway. Fon a nuniber of weeoks ale lias beau a great suffaner. A service wae couducted at the housa by ëv. L. Phelps, sf tan which a large numabar followed the re- mains te Elienezaan buryiug groud.... Mr.. Win. Hallear lias raturuai frein a twc werks riasit te lier 'd home. "SÀrISFÂCT'roîry RE$UT."-St ,-byu Dr. Culett, an aIld sud honored practiti- oer, lu Balleviïlia, Optario, wlio wita ; "For wasiting Diseases sund Serefula I have used Scett's EmuIsion with the mont saItisfactony resuits. WUr Samnel Brac o laIset week fer Muskoka ..-. . Tho lake moas frozen oves iast weak -.... Next Sabliath the Sacra- meut cf the Lord',. Supper iili e held at BI-ckstock for Blackstcck sud Cadmus Preabytenian chLurches sud pnep-ratory service ou Frida-i Pt, 3,o'clock.... Rer.R. M. Phalan preace ed an i xuellent sermon aset Sabbatii ou Tespeance... Mise Beunett wil teacli lu) S. S. No. 1 for '91. .... Mise Pheips Iectured Tuasiday even- ing on Teme)ernnua undon ausnpi!es cf the Tamperance lodge.. . -The nmmben cf St. Johin's Gu'ild brouglit baskets sud spent a pleasaut evenîiug. Thoy had an excelleut prograu.... Rer. Rural Dean Crigliton mas mamnioti this week te a Mise Ashe cf Toronto . . - -L»Mary, the six- yean ld dangliten cf Franik Oshemue diati asat week cf croup .. --. On the l2tl Mns, John Tremin receîved satroe o f panaly. ais. She lingerAt on tili the l9fi irlin she died sud iras buried the 2ist lu the Methodiet burying gronuti. The cunul mas suitably dnraPed by toechoir. Mrs. Trea-lu iras74 ya rs cf ageansd a con. stant, sud irben albe, au active memben W. îSiLiG BWmunvrllo ont 40-i I a Eggkle anti à ~ I ntuireof M. A. Jaaes for t'r l are Aeperdb .I fot eAoheri i-e. MisL. Heatie, cf Ling Sanit, in viaiting at Mr. J. Virtue's. . . Mr. Wui. Ormiston, J. P, h4iêvîu retirai front farming, bas rn vecl te Celumabus .... Mr. Peter Lask cf Taunton laits oved into the bouse vacate t by Mr.Win. Ormiston. -...Mn, Josephi Abrahams lias returned fromr Manitaba wtll p!eaîecl with the prospectse t that couritry. Hee his pur. cliad a section, 640 acre@, cf land and itenda moving tAls fmily thares....- -Mn. Charles Msckay of K.usale will teacli cur ochool naxt yaar .*. . Mr. R. Reynolds lias been visiting at Oshawa. .....Glad te ses Mrs. J. Iltnt n &egain after lier savane eickues . . . âM. John Orieiton lias taken unto hinielf a brida frein B.-ooklin, Missi Maritàn Hall. Congratu, lationis. Lt is strange that souie people will muf- fer for yearne fr >,intteumatimîui tter than try sucli an approved standard rem edy na Ayer'e Sarsaparîlla; aud that, tee, in spite et the assurance tlist It lias cuirad se many ethers who werea sîmilarly affitat- ed. Give it a trial. N.FWOASTLE. MiFs Wilkinson, Toronto. la visiting friands liera...-. Mn. J. B8l11lias besen in the city.... Mr. Ralpli Rowland in at Kingston stndying fer the Civil Service --esr.Jas. Batnlew sud Win, Tobli are home from the north west ....- Mr. W&'lington Foetar has naturnrd frein vxaiting fniends in the West.... Mn. A.B. Wilmet,1 cf Halifax, lias charge of the Fiaheies bore, Mn. Chas, Wilinot lias rcaigned and puechasied a pnivate hatch- ery at Credit Farks., Tua AD)vEWRisiNG cf lood'e Sarapanil. la in always witttin the bouudis cf reasen becausa jr le true; it siwsys appeals tte i sober, cemminon seneof rhinking people bec"au-se it le true; xfu4 it in always fuliy snstntatdby ettn~ ,wilil, lu the financiai wonld woulIýd ' iiepe ,without a mînanit' hemitation. tion, bilieusuces, jaundice, siok headache aud indis!estion. JAN.ETVILLE. On Thureday Nov. 23rd MnI. R'liard ie cf Mount fHoreb pagseed qutetIy cvr te thesallant m,,jcnity afçrrau ïiless cf tbrea ývêeks oci dby an îabýoe On lite livar. AMn. boa je soucf Mr, Thomnau boa who still lires alihoui oves ona buandrod years1 cf ega. and brother cf Mn. Wir, Lbof Mount Uoroi, sud Msn. Thon. Paul. Mn, Lee was fil ty three years eld asud unnanied.' Constipation la the pananmt of innum)r able diseasai, aud aliould, therefone, b. psomptly remoedied by the usrecf Ayer's Catherito PîiFs Thase pille de nob gnîpe aie pertectly soa te take. and nemnove &il tendance te liven aud bowel compbIu's. T YRONE. ThoThauksgiviug Day tes was excellent aud abuodanca cf it, wase ieli atteuded ae. The prograif.llowicng wae equaily goed, coosi6ting cf speeches fronsRe.C Panker, Bemmanvilla, ou the Rebellion cf '85, whicli mas itened te witli deep intercst; frein Rr D. S. Houck, cf Euniakillen, con Epworth beaRue Work; s very p!easaut featuns mas the solo rend- ered by Mis Freeborn, Torouto Ceuser- vatory cf Music, whose dlean ennuciation sud unaifecteti mannen were empecially admnired, Our churcli choir acquitted thameelvos lu their usual creditable style. Aitogether the affain was veny succaséful, the remainiug delit on the churcli being cIeared off witli s emaIi balance ou baud. .... Tenders for thaeCf egony estate bave beau %ccepted. Ji. Mutton for the boeuse and lot sud R. Hodge for contents.... >Mn. E. Hawk.-ey who fias beau teaching the junior dapartinent Tyrnne School se successfully dnning 1893, bas Becunad a Suhl in South Darlington.;.Mn. J, H. bea cf S. 'S. No. 10, wiii tescli the yoong ideas loir te shoot lu EHast Whitliv during 1894. Bu-TIOCK BL.oeu BiniERa ,-Burdock1 Blcood Bttons ie a medicine made frein reet, bark sud herbe, and je the liast known remady for dyepepea,oustipau iou sud bîiinsas, sud wiii cure ahl blood( disesas frons a common pmmpie fote th woret runofuloue sûe. A Yard cf Panaies aud cen New Pirein- ions Bock for 25a. combinas beauty sud big value. Send for thein-stampa taken Mrs. Reany's Caee. Tonto, Nov. 24'>-Many peuple have rnad with grent iîîterest, îhedespatch sent eut frin Ashland, Wl-.. lâst week con- cerniog Mrs. R"aiuy, s former resident of this ciy. A Pister uf Mr. R Ieauyà'a living in Tuenoulo, liad usjedDorld',ï Kidcey Pur's sud lied beau muh beuxefited by theui, se sha wisely racommended theni te han sjs- tan, with the reault thatlUne. Reany is ou the hiclIwav te !wo' lýlth becaîîse cf w5eVus. >I t âecent latter te au au- quaintance l'ne, Mrs. Reauy said, "I nover hati anything in the ela pa cof ineti- Icina te do me se mucli gnct." Euquiry, smong lot h druggiste daral- open the faut thet ne medicice le moe popular or lias big.pr salas than Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Everybody irbo las useti thoee ille liaz founti them mmont beneflu- ial. No)t only mon sud womneu bu t chilti. rau, aIse, have beau restorati te souud hoaitli by thein use sud are te-day grate- If yt)u maut a suit, or au evercoa, that miii suit yo- u nerery way beave your or-* dan at Couicl, Johusiiton, & Crydermian'e. <ondonsed from the Neu#.) Recent visitons :-I. a, Wilson, reeve, cf Manvers; Mrs. Bellamy, Ne4wt sorde; Thoe Vmsoa, Tuo-,to, b uiý; H son Keaý, WoýleviH!e; Jas. ci filian, DJOW. Mis Lucy Allun in Ton<'u:o.. Miss Euoma Hall lise epcned out a Dcer!s and 4la,tlo makiog business lu the recrus et.n. G. Anmastnen's 8t )-e, Or- eue. The isteer style, litat wi'rkusan4iip aud geed fit guanant.eed. Plain seving doue. Hfoed'i Sarsapa-tllisbus car ýd rntny af - flicted wili rhauiuats.,ud iwu urg.j al who suffer frein this dîseasa to giva this medicinu a tr aI. TIllE CENTURY MAGA.ZINE. Both -h0 inethod and resuits whe~ Syrup of Fies 15 taken; it is pleasant and i-efreslnng to the taste, and act9 Uently Yet promipt1lonthe Kidneyg,; Liver and J3owesi cleanses the sYge tem effectually, dispacls colds, head-. aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. $jUrit' i ga is h only frmedy ot its kind ever pro,)« d-uced, pleabinig to totaste i d c- captable tto ,tomach,pompt ja ïts action and tr.-ly eeca in îti. effects, pre-pared only fo the Most te 1iland haVf> madýD it tho Most pouar i-emedy knmown. ~irp of Figa la tzfor sl i 75d l>ottles by ai lcqading druggists. ,&Dy reiia.bled-ruggist who may not have it On iand il pocreiti isroniptlv for aquy one wlau Iwisheff UAN fAB C~ AL L om3 yTLE'KXY. INEW TORK, N.Z If Yeu ice uis. corneann -Ecouloml pomiuer cf SALE OR RENT.-. cracforn sale r on erani. street north. Theo orcmîse The pro-)ratn of the new volume of Thz Century Mage.zine, b ginning with the Novembf r rumber, la onea ' rir,3 in- terest to every reader of 1iteratuc.i. The chief serial faotture là a new r.ovel by .Mark Twain. Thoe most dý,etiiatie story eve writt(-n by Amotieca's gt'eatest hum. cria . Liîke teveraI of Maeir Twain'a stor-e,, it bas, far its suana a ir'aawboat town oax the Mississippi Rivec forsy yeare ago. -Puid'nheal Wi'si)n," a lard- headed c ,uitry lawyer, the baro uf the astory, furnishemach of the f-un that oe naturally expects to flud in a work by the auth(r "The Innocents Abroîd," butlho appearo in quitea an.ther lighit tuamutr- der triai which fori the thrîiling aelinax of the eitory. The plot introlto--@ a nove! and iLngenious empbOVmeant f Suienae in the detection oý crine. and the ctaraLters are well drawn and their Aedry ae:iQnié intereisin Tac ( OESTuRy wilIcocutain a series of sn-perb -engravines of the old Dutchli ast - ors; articleson uHating of Fierce Game; articles dlsacribing Artîsta, Adventures, by 1->dîng Anerican ardtis, with tlalr ewn po)rta it Erp*dtri >a in &11 the greatsoOQ- tienei~uan~tlŽe ";f ur- o bicycle-, 3 nov,e! Lu ") i, 'g with Trami', no IýW a ydU;g man., disýgrkiad as a tramp, ;ravA1dIad Ver Amuezica and learzieud] il te asecruts; F ti pli irý iMportain pîýp'rs ou)Il ic by thgreat- esit lieiig emIpoxa.rs ad iuiian;un- shot tons nd nei;veltteaS by aIl the lesiu or-witrs, essye o4ýn tioley suhjecta, htiur aud îfou je tlhý"Lghter Veiu" d-pn, tu tint, etc., etc. The Grýbt Chriatuias oumbar ciintains a sermon hy PhiîlIp3 Brooks, savon cern- piste sturi, s, a magnificent arrty of fou- page engravisigs, a Dow pioclure of General Grant, leattri fr.>m Edwin Booth. exc. Subscibt' now; prico 84 a year. Deal- e 0 recoive EU'lecnipli ru, or rernit&nce may b-j madej to lith pubUsheré by check,tdrif,, moury Lirder, or by cash in repgetered latter. Addrosà Thai Cen uty Go., 33 ç%st l7th streat, L'ZoffYork, U. S. -Write fer a miniature Century, free. sUBSCRgLIBERS' aTTENTION 1 Every subacriber who wviIl obtaiu for us one actual new subscriber for Tan STITE-SMAN -for 1894 at ena dollar, and pay his or her own subscription ti Dec. 31, 1894, will be made a riani f the! Toronto Wealy Gl obe frons the date the order is rec îied Up to thaet cf 1 j894, This offéir hoidla good nly durig Nov- ember, is nmcde te increase our c rc-uLa tion, aud is or, a cf the best we have aver made.