Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1893, p. 5

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Next Time You Day Shoes Ins-Lt upon baving a pair of &emdfthe anad as The Y s he, rtcdotde lcae- a mny Quars areS wher eciefa Slî,,dor amad of e clonadan in -Zcef.a Frof ' Sectm7ac e nde o! Everyst,'Ixn g,. !itn waeue un, kThe ifeyegan the sudlit r ~aof te d hman b'or and y we ýh-, co n sructing adrd cfr jmenos or ahe yrd f clthha inu byigair cf Speon taclEue ande toehohave autdihd thre slt pnüedmanetly in jI. re d y takinth gdve ce ofedastonr thers whito kiirew itte xaringfreheofcargey bu the os tey s 1d go si e ~.tthe cs onstb rucnadreur yr lear q sudyntthis aect ndth ?heraduated inthevahrle inost SltdcOllegs i U. . ad nt o f~tory.Spec.a..a..e6n 07la 07AN V T Pu38engO.r...22pm S89 5 m u EXpressJ..... 8 30apl WHEN YOý'U GO TO ,o>e any pilace jer Carada call at Srorr & juIIy's Drug store for Tickets ard Infor- mxatîen regsrding lowest ràteï and best riates. BOWMÂNVILLE Nov 29 1893 Local and Otherwise. Mni. John Keactia apeet Tbaiuksglving Osy in Toronto. Yen eau gel al idt e nstair and floor aih thsa Jno. J. Maso'. Ttc mercury ient te, 17 halo w z8ro je Winnipwg Thursdmîy moreîng. Tcroule's populatmon accordiug te thc Hprîil censua juat lakan in 188333. Misseis Jean and Georgie Gabrat cf Wbh;t by inere guetta of Miss Msggie .vpogue s3lÀt wcak Mr. _W b, Godfrey sud sec Master Uàirny Godfrey c)f Sydney, N. S., inere gueâ!sz f Mn, J. D. Kéaseie st iwsek. The nain advt e! Juo. J. Ma3ca in veny ~easnabh-nelady or gent ld on youcg ahould omeit a igitif titey iant auy- thing j; in hi hue, â)on't f ergal ock tip ail your soiled aud fadaermatsandl have the n ade lita new, si lIte represeitrativea cf R. Parken &C., Dycrsancd Cleaners, Teý mtot, iili ha bore Ibis W.dnesday. Krgs. Keys, agent. Moey savad by reading Maeon'e nain Cal ou F1,C. Petblck fer lanndny Boyi3' Suite aI îvteala Cent pice. Seo T'GP . Maso's an aivt., Mr. F. . Petiiet as the sgeecy for IPari2iaq Laundry. Get tis prices. cal! sn uby a utnntg Cae sotid gold watct fer oniy $15.00. Mayuard ttc Jeinellot'. AUlSTTSMNreadens anareqnleea te eni-er alies ie ter papansfront M. A. Jamar. A lot mît cciv dîes gooda aeling off at about bai! pice antiJouot, Jotuston& Clot bu Bocks 20.-6 for $1 at ;ba"Bg ' Paper cevered novaIs from 10 cents np. A laneo toice cf cciv Tweeds very rhcap w, Maaon's Clotting Store, Al pçlth boghtttare cut frac o! charge. ',nbecrîba coinfor Josîat Ahin's iife's lateatý book, Samantha aIt te World's Fir "Birg 20" agen ts for Bownnanvilte. Çouct, Jotesten & Cry dents» are obewiig a h'g îteck et meu's andl beys' iv-rca's i ,ailz-izcsand quaities-nain ooe u xra goeetvalue. Dave yen a'tanging arnp ?If Dont, iuty cl Don't yon uei they arc Very muet cheapvr than îbay used te ho. AlItaUtt aBe wmux-4U cun sce hein loin tbay aa l ng.Th(rü a afine 1~ijnrda inmetfo e saJle eýenrY i r, M r. W. T Date apent Thank Pgiving! Roi'. J. B. lFactor was gu et of Mrs. te ti lro kime. .1 Mss Jes-ic L-sieg c f the Model Schooi was ho- e ový-r Thànksgiving. C Vicrticl wriiug is b.-ng taug-t je everai C anadian Pub ini Scbools. h: Tb< Ontan c'Fruv (Crowe-s AssociationF mrats lu Petenhoro Dee. 5, 6, 7. Canadîn -xbihït,îru of butter canntad h iff 27 med.ii- a the World's Pair. b Mn. Fred. Foî-te- of Nn,'wood Place ie 8pendicg a fi-w wicks initit friands at &ýsex and De rait. The arîe,.tiau ef our readena is direct- d d te te nain adyt. of Jne. Jý Mason. iThey are ahejwîrt2 special vaine il& Ladies' nd Misses' Coat'. Caîl te scthem, Eveny lady, old on young, inho knoins hoin te make a gc'îd cake laerq-oatad te en-iï ber addness te Orange Judd Farm- P or, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ili.. for b >rticuiars cf a "cake competition" for d wbich tbey ara offerng $40 prises. A desire bas befu cxpressed te haveC ex-Mnyor Allen accept ttc position cf deputy reave tic as te r3preset ibis tewn al rtc Ceenties' Council nexl year, as II an cf expenience are wantcd ta carryr the separation qnes'iou 1ta a ucoassful is. b nae. Wc topa ha wili ceusant.1 Selu. s nain march, "The Ilanhattap Beach Manet" bas been purchasad hy0 Te Ladies' Home Journal, and its fulli piano score iitibhaprinted in tha Chrisbt muas issue. Thc composer claiais for it a a îutpanienity over eitter big popular P "Washington Peet" on "111gb Scboot Cadets" marches.f IMrORTÂTNo:ict -Rentembered thats tte soilèd and Faded Garment& ane ha eleanad sud dyed ta look like nain. Ttc best fin Ia o this kmnd cf vork, is ttc old reliabla Pankar'e Dy@ Werks cf To- route, ivbo aie ineli keaine everywhara for fiee werk, wcll finished., Look up your gocds and bave thena rcady as bbc reprasetativea will bhaliera tkiu Wadnas- day, The sanies of revival maeiege at the Disciple Chonot ivili continue during ttc week. Great intereat iî heing macifest- cd and 14 bava connected Iheoisaivea ta bbc chenet, Eight inîn immeraed Sue- day cigtt, ttc boeuse baicg filled te its capacity. Pr'!. E. Everman e! Kansas City', Mo., into lad lte singing at the World'e Congre-us cf Disc;ples aI Chiotgo, is leadieg theu ainging cach nighi. Meet- inags aI 7 3» A f*irly gor d-t-zed audience wen'b ta the Town Hall Wedcssday night te sec ttc lime-light, exhibition and tsar Mn. JayDouce lecture en the. World'e Fair. Wc regret te say that ttc lecture usas vcny ditappoiwiig, esp4 cLally in thc face of the fiattening n,)tices given of il ie eastenpapers Ttc viciesiere god but te lecture was unwnrthv f te name. For ttc mail parti h consisted'cf bhe namne, & an caiti; ao f oasetbuilding stoino, but wîas fan !r int "complitxg bot ie word anud picture a cnt plae hislory o! tte graat Exposition cf 1893' cor incre thers by any means "1150 life.lîke viains of ttc principal attracti " necf te cale braIsai White City accemplted by a graphie, stirning aud descriptive ittstral. cd lecture." A 20 minute talk Riven by ;Mr, Trcbiioock ttcecther wfek ha oe ttc County Teachers' Associtton ivas jar "more itirning snd descriptive" than Mr. Doxsee's ovar-advertisad effort. CIIILDREN ENJTiyyttc pleasant flvor, geelle action sud sootting effeeta ef Syrup of Fige, inten in need cf a laxative and if the fathen or motter ha costive or bilions ttc ment grabifylca rauhîs folloinlils use, go that lb la ha boit famîly r.oe*mly knowc and every family sbould bave a betîle.. Fer Coata and Fur-lined Cobte- -a biz lot at Maaou's Forithaiet steve ie bbc market boy ttc Happy Tbought at Edsalh's. Weckly Globe te end cf 1893 ta suh- sceibars for 1894 at STÂTSMÏAN office. Cainker & Tait bave the hast 24c. Ta in ttecocuntry. Cali and gel a %ample. I oeumake ilteayour advanbaga te bey cf me if you witl cat]., Maynard the Jeaincîer., A big stock cf fina l ans furs et moder. ate pnices tueinsitesing at Coach, John- alec sud Crydermsn's. Patrons o! Tas STATESMAN ivho oe for adventisiug, printing or suhecriptions are requestad te pay up as soon as possible. Our tenta are invariabiy cash. 200 or 300 oustomars wanled at Stanin & Co'a , Rcîd's B!eck, King Street East, Bowmanville, ta tak a-ay wasu paper at cent prica for tte nex 30 days-. The Radment Hoine is bhe favorite aboya fer basting porposes. Yen etceld sec tJiose handrom-e stoves at Edsalî's. Ttey &,e as goo-1 as theyare bandacte. Ttý.se lovely ateves !is e .rcrnark very frcqucctly miida by ladies pa3ssîniz Edâatl'a hardware store. The Happy Ttooglit r ange bas ne supanicr in tte Wten ynu boy a seahette You may as wial bey tt" hast-na believe Lîstrs ane ttc bcd. , Ye imat ho baînbrect froup- ttc maufctreaand Lare soii- temr in six ualîies. Ns hatte-r value any. ,whem .Couct, Jotrusten sud Onydekr. ChiIdýrc-n Cry for, POUJLTRY WANTED, F.0. Jaieit innse in truai. NMaetet Wille, ton cf Mnr »ilam RiAhegt pnice paid at m-lieWa--l' E ',d Crydarma4n, la tcrV IIiîit pueumonia. flouee, B wmanîîhîa, for Rîug-h Drehbed St Paut's D aughters et the Cituret. Pouilry. ad a mo8rc succas8fel s 41 and tÉa lait 'îiday. Pr ctemsiaover $100. MAGAZINE SALE, We ,,nderstan4litIMn. Was. T Alleu bas bontý'it BiLy 20 rows and sati neny The tcui s ac of magazines and othar biftaîn. s -nd inili assume conerol Dic. 1. publicaïions in caeîtîection ii bti- Mý The 44tb snnuai session cf the ,ýirand chanicg lIstitule wili taIra place iit tne )îtision, Sens of T-mperance, ill ho-R-ading Rient on1 Monday Dec. 4, 1893a, vin je Port Perny at 1.30 p. ni. on Tues- at 8 e'clock., d.%v Dec. 51-h. 1Bx' OIDER Or ras ,BoARD. Her many friicds hera wiil ha plaased----- q.4W e ilean that Dr. Julia Thomas bas re- New Butcher Shep. cently -an appointed physician to the r ierFae î ipnd uce Girl'a Home je Toronto. ,I r ie otrlaoee uce Rev. Dr. Smith cf Port Hope %ill hop in a par. cf Nea IB' block occupied mreacb je S,. Paul's cbunch preparatory i y Mr. W. I-. Osborne and invites a ethe quartarly com-munion, o Tur- shar a cf public patronage. Guvehbu a lay cf this wcek at 3 and 7 p. ni. al H. S. Northroîp, formerly cf New. catie, and bead cf the big medicine finm New Tiîn Shop. of Northrop & Lyman, died at lus home Teecuaeetgvnt n a in Tononio is.st Tuesday je bis 73rd yaar. McBren ncuaen tnîentje businesf We can heantiiy recommand te ail or hien binmae tre uinssar fr l t readers the Jieviain o! Revicisas thehmefhi aeicucsayfrhmt best husy man'o magazine known te gtius. oiio heetehali a It is heninsz vcy populan je Canada,. ha accomucodated casily and pnomptky. Hebas juel movad imb the 01'd Express Thc West End House tas d6ciàddo building just vacated by Mn. Osborne clearing eut tiboir stock cf Gerimuan mada inere ha bas a fine btock cf tinwa'e, Jeck-ts heforü Xnias -aed.te mako tbem lanterna, etc., wbich ha je goiog te sall g0 fast have put the keifa jute price-s 50 very chesip thet ha ia sure tu do a large aed cul thent down-away dowae. Seo business. Mn. MoBrien is a master me'- advt. chanie ud ail classes cf repairieg je hia Mns, Geo. McGi1l r.-turned hast ineat linaoinilI receive prompt attention. Eavcs front Atlanta, Gs., where se as baen treughîng and evary kînd ef tin work ill speeding a few wieaks ijth ber daughter neceiva careful and prompt attention. isto wa are3 pleasad te bear is ecjoying Cali on hue, ntuch botter heatît than inhan ste le!ft ______________ tare. Misa McGiil wIIl spend ttc intber Leading Meat Store. thera. Rev. J. E' Starr, the popular Toronto The place to huy your meats le at C. divine, id preacit anniversry sermons M. Cawker's inhene yen inili find theî le tte Metbodist cburch, Bowmanvïlle, choicaît quiiàity and variety jne t bia next Sondas' et 10, 30 s. nm. anld 6.30'p. You iil utîd in stock Beaf, Lamnb, Ponk, ni-' Ttc annuel Thank Off-ani xg cf $5fOVet, tonta-renderad. Lard, pure po'rk ill hoa eîled for front the congregalioli Sausages, ail kiruds(c rted mears. Poul- by the Trust Bard. Go eanly te secure try, etc, a set.fe tas tino Peddling waggor.s g(îing M. A. James je agent for ttc followiug tbrouigh the tewn and ilh cati on u ) populan steamehip lines-Alian, Altan. into v111 favor bia with rIcin patronage State, Domnin, .American (formenly tte hy leaving word et the stop; ordars nr 1emmn), Ancher, and Hamburg Ain-rican also talcna i!d delivaned te any part of Packat Co. Ail information about ràtasi the teint. and sailings aît cbe tad on application at Your patronage, wili ha thankfatly ne. the STATESMÂN 'ýffiCe, Bosvnianvïlle, ceired and lie walu do hie tesit 10 gui' pers înai1y or bv latter, satisfaction. A calti solicited. Rai' -U J. Macdertnell, B. D , ttc Cash 1,aid for Poultry, Hideis, Tallow, emina'nt paseùr or' St. Andrew's church, SheeBins and ail fat EtoOît. Ps'tic- Toronto, wîlii p,pek under ttc auspices of havîng gond fat cattla for sale ill fie i i the Y. P S. C E. in Sr. Paul's cliurch, te temï advautage lo cail on C. M CÂw. on Monday Dec.- liti; subject, 'Consar- xElt. Stand. Towne Hall Buildings. vatism sud Progreps je ttc church." A Boimnoeeiille. musical pý og-aîn cf bal! an heur ill pre- ------ coea lb'-'atdrt as. To bt-gin at 8 c'cl ock.An traiv hp Silver collectinn at the dco-.An trate hp Anniversary services wil ha held in St. Paut'e, churo% on Sabbatb, Dec, 17, whe., Rev, W. J. Clark of Final Presbyterian church, Loridon, will presch. MNr Claek iB ge weii k'icwn hare as to need .it'o advexiscg.The announcement çcf hin ccMiî]P Will attriýtt rge conpregatjon. Th ctltna wii tatthe extinction of ît~otrdbt on the church prop erty. Fas wil ai 'sa the collection at PAev D. J. Madnalslecture ine Ellesanie place on Monci&y Dac. Il. Thanl-sgiving Day wai quiet]y observ- ed in Bowinanvilae. The weather was windy snd cbiily. hence not favorable for welking or driving. Trinity church was wtl'-fiilýd by a devt.nLt c-, nrregation c'îm- posed of about tino femalea toa one maie in the forenoon inhen IRev. C. Parker proached a capital ser-mon on cioses for indiiduai and national thanksgiving. The popular young pastor, Rov. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., praîîided. Rev. R. A, BurriBsa read the eciptura; Rev. R. D Fnaoer. M. A., offsred a ceniprehenaive prarer and Rev. Goa. Punkle clesed with the Benediction. A. large union choir randtred severâl appropriata anthtema and an offortory was made for the poor of the churchf s participating. Service inas aIea held io St. John's church inters Oh.j nectar, Rev. R. A. Bilkuiy, officiated. Anotter large lot cf Pipes juet recaiv- ed. Conte in and sac the choice wa cai Rive yen front 100. te 600. The langeaI stock in iwne, GRAND CENTRAL. in wis Veer steve Î Il yeunueed sîsy repamna, pipes or fernitura yen tay fiud wtat yrun wisct ati Edssl's, Bointanvihie, Reîad tae West End Hanse adverîie matit if you anc conttmnpla'ing hoying sa Jacket. Tbey have neducad pnice ali around. Oer Teas continue te giva th bst off satisfactiont. Try our 40.. Yone)g byson someting nwain sd exceptiouaiiy good vaine. Catwker &Tailt.tc rocens, Bei manville. We wiant ai'-rybcdy wubo bas ccl accu our 7 sud 8e Factory te coma in sad oi at tem. Ttuey are setîperior value. We arc aloa sailing a big lol cf Shaker Flan nais me very pretty ptk'rns. J.J.Mason, LA&DiEs-Aak for Hcoffk'a Sofala L'olisb for 1ii.o boîaansud ao. Use ne etter and yen inil ha satitifed wiîbte resuit. For sale hy M. 'Tr8ieven, D. Davis, Jno. M'acMurr, ced T. G. Mamen. Manu factured by A. J. Hook, Boweuanviile. Funs ! FEs 1 FuRts 1Illaving hoeght, largcly and te wî ath"r nsetld, ttc stock nuCjl ha acid. Ihave 'cemnuancec giviuL, 10 panrccint discont te ahl cash costoini m, sc> cote adeugL andI hing ycur fnmeîxds a'itî you. Ttc stock is lange snd A-oua. M. MAYErI, Ttc Furrier. Soeteof lita ;rottiest Sîlverinara aven elfe cd tte publ.ct juer epancd eut aI Ricksr-d's. Juat ttc thing for weddlng pr, sente, etc. Butter CocherBata $1.25, Cake Baskces l$3.00, &c. Thasa goode' ara ail nain, hougbt direct fron thbbcmac- ufaciurer fer ttc I uvest cash pruce sud wonîh double thc monoy. Oneacf ttc cxeiting things cf lita is au il.-fitîîng boot. At Treltivan's yn will find sotetîg cirely nawin je f0oîweac. bis nam in iter stc;k in coinopancd for jespaction sud hh' s smab80 tata sures- contioxt fo)r oi4d esyafor- you'îg ldi ý!aicad afatc ioî îr ten-ýeï ot.mon udbootasud s tot pleapse sud f61 entire aile.H v ye rend b is ýad/rî. n fint pagaie PItcz r es Ca etcri tg WVc muet ceneainly give great praiise te Mn. J Lyle and bis staff (cl ci for bte very, attractive mannar ttey tv-fittod op tte China Hall sud gncceny ie Victor. ta Buihdiug-Murdoch'a ehd stand. It loois retîy mn the day i, but inhen lighîed bp ytte elecrcieligttaIîgt isbcautyaiU,. attractiveneis ara inonàer fully cnhaned. À passer hy cao t-a dýély neaslt te tempt.îtion il effara te g' ln'ld( and look ut the ha-adgonc d,.ailay ci hangieg, library sud table 'a-eàps atid ii [quire tte pice of ttc 101 cîtb'-r nide tinge je ttc c mplete gneeery depari. mai-si Iat ana se artistlcalîy and advant ageously disp'ayed. snd anrangeil. NI n Lyha tas beau mba racipiant o! makij iaeasiug compiment.s the-paau feîv days en the elsgatt a-ad magnificant eppear. suce o! hie new quartera. A Pehite Invitation. jRetder, -if yen lire wini t-n miles c« Beinscnvilte Ibis concerne you, epaciai Pp if yen sare ma bous-'hohdc samd w'sr't th, bast tas,auearanis, currarits, am ather thinga ie the gnocery li-e aI th, loineet living cash pnicea or in excthang' for fart ansd dairy produce, The poopît u! B-'wmàuville sud We8t Dturhau, lJ" dii'mdoisiy and coiîectively, aýre c 'rd-ail' ieaited tb eal toesec W. H. 00b rn,,a bie 1-rgo nain stop in tho east., f-4 e- Nead'a brick blGck. Ha extenda j sp-uciet1'Visiei tth8 lad e' int-, en.ij ý a delicicus ecmîp cf tes-no botter tle-i î the market titan hoc rails antd noue sol( 'chaapcn- "Osboree's tes" li a h usetut( word icn maîsy famnillies andl he waeti mansry more te give it s trial. A fr- ah as siertmeet cf fancy sud staple groceniet lest arrired for the telday seaison 1Hg iest prîcas fon Arsiki sud nêd c1rve soed ani o tlienrliinJs ef fart produce, DISiTRICT ]DIVISION. Ttc taîl seasien cf Durhuam District Divisions S. cf T. c'as beld su O;citeo o Wadnasdsy, Soeaof ttc Divisions rc perbad a stii.ht decre£rsa lu tentera, btn tce inrasse in chers cea taîtniade ur fur ,tha decase. No 40 Sel-na bave mtcraaed fret 146 te 183, atid Mt. Casnswell No. .382, f rien 148 to 233, and le ttc tannar i dvmsieut te Pr rincc. The pr' s unimaoc-ceip of ttc te,, divisions ie 1030 The day asesion inse speut je discîissimîr.. maatÈura rtiîaring te ltaentIer Thte G W. P., J. B, Brooks, cf Terceit , sud Mizc. Wilisms,grand conduceoc ,or rSolina, addcd te thr. iniereel ef thc meeting Ttc preeran aIt tce public e meing in ttc Peniug winsoe eof ttha st, s! net -lte best, aver gtven aut aujy of our puhL.c meetings. Prohiîbition addreai ,, uvrt ,atveihy Bro J. B. Bro trs,, G W. P , Bro. M ,Guine, et Leeda; Bre , Rueno, ,,f Oto4,o, sud Bro. A. B. Rbina e, cif CJourtre'-Ttc music inas pý oviied by o eo Glce Club sne Mrs. A. L. P.iscme, o! S iî,s; su essay on "Prohibition sud ou11' dury le tae Piabiscîta" by tbOu, Dis- 'netr Seibe, ced recitatieus by Mis-.â Al-iei, Oighorne sud Dreainsd Mesers. A. L. Pascea, UL Cuontica sud A. J. ceentice. Ttc daeagatcs ivant te temr varions tomes muet pleased witb ttc proceedimigs 'if tte day, detarmincd te do alljinthei *poiner te tastan the imtainten ttc witte fiag et Pnohibiton shah fi at aventis tain Dominion. Ttc ccxl seession i fl be 7ad je Suýijua. Tadate wt e itsc 1 ky theexetv mfe, Gz od houssea tu renI. Appty tv, A, A. James. Mn. ,Geo. Bickell jto c.îhîdl bi with à.susvere ctld Mn., and Mcas T. Fý James, Clu" pait part of lasI weak bore. MONET ANTP-fcm aP per. cnï. ow. ing accoutits at itTAIESMAN cftc--. TRn, SoPALA Liquid cobte drePssie. fut Ladies' and childt en's aboees. xleo bquid Bl.cking for poliahing itît bru,h in rte ordinary way. Maisufactnned hy A J 1 0cr, Bowmanvîlla, Ont. Yon are invited tû inspect cur veny' large stock cf Ladies' and Men's Utider-. inear. Ye wmiljhnd at or stor the tamu- est stock and hast value je towne. We have ail sizas in ctildree's gocds. Jîmo. J. Mason. Fnffl ro >-ULý STAmESMÂN READEM.-A, auspenb work cf art, jusü pubhsthed, e- titiad "An Aitrnican Beauty," a aiplati. dîdly perfect reproduction in cils of a nain floral painring, 20 incites high, suit- able for narroin upright spaces, by the artist of the famaous "eYard of Roses" and "Yard of eis. We have made arý rangements that inili cuabie us te pregant tbis exquisita pictura Ie alI or roadero, free, andi ah should avail thamaetvas cf our genarcea offer. Cnt ounttis notice and send your f ull nddrEss, with a 3 cent alamp for packing and mailing to the publisher, W. Jenjninies Demoret, 15 East l4th St., Newn York, U. S., wito will send the picture drect to von. etsb; feathS, 50 cents, eaeh inSertIen' -but FILE 1OU Cl1AiG5E, when thse fanlerai carils are prlnted1 at thlgs cilce FARRELL-lu Darllngton.'Nov.23, the wife of Mr. M. Farrell, of a deugitter, JOILLeIiF-At Campitellford. Nov, 21, t e wife of Rev. T. W. Jolifte of a son, t MARRIED., R-OCFIE-EDWARDS--At Lkefleld. Nov. 15, nt the residence of te bride's ather, by tz 11ev. Gý Warren, Charlotte, second dangitter (-f Mr. John Edwards, and Mr. John Roche. of Clarke township, Durhtam county, CREIGTON-ASI-Ofl the 27t mat,, aIt te Citurcit of thte Redeemeer. Toronto. by thte Rsv. Rural Dean Jone, M. A., rector, assisted by te Rev. W. J. Creigitton. M. A., thte Rsv. John Creigliton, B. D.. rectur of Cartwrightt aiad Rural Dean, and Maud Mary P.aarson, fouth daughter of William H. Ashe. Ezq . of Toronto, DIED. JOL.r.-At Brantford. Nov. 23, in liets hi year. David Jolly, father of Mrs. Iýndrew Joyce, of Montreal. Interred at Bowm4nviie un Saturday. BOWMANVILLE MÂRRETS' 'aurrerîcd by J. sicsaurtry, s-verY TaesdmsîI [FLoVU, 4f 100 Ibo ........ $1 50Oto $2 001 WHEAT, Faîl, V bush ... 0 0 il062] 'i Russian, " . O0 0 neO060 Gocîo, 00 î05 Colorado ... O0 0 0 5 White Fife, I.......IlO 0 O62 Redl Il il .OO00î0 65 BÂULLye; !bush, -No. i.... O 060 O401 i s'2X.. 0 00 i 0 35 t, t, i2....O000 0 30 tg .î Two rowed 0 00 ,0 33 0A -m, w'bta............O 0 0 0 28 ,IF mlxed............ 000 t0 27 RyE, , 1 .....O 00 tg 0 4r Beekinheat V huih... ,,.. O0 0 i O43 P'xA8, Blackeye, r bush... 0 00 tg 0 62 Mumîny n 0, O03 i O058 nSmahl, ' . 0 00 tg 0 55 Blne, a' 0-6511 0 70 Burrnrs, begt table, V lb ... 0 00 0 20 CCurim, P lb ..........O (108 î O09 LouaS, , idoz............ 000 ,0 18 POrÂnOiîS, Pbush .......O025 m0 O30 MY, Pton ..... .......6 00,, 0() M EMBER OF COLLEaE 0F PHYSICIAN'< and Surgeons. Ontario. Office. King St. i'irst dooir weat of Ontarlo Bank; Residence, Churcli St-Sth door eaat of Metliodi8t Citurcli, Boicmanville. 37 T EACHItR WANTED.--Second or' 3 bird clas. for S. ., No 10i Clarke, Ap pltvation siatink err@e,* iiaary etc wilî be receivea d te b Nov, 25th. Address, b.F WALSH, Sterkville P. 0. B RONZE TURKEYS-20 th.ro' re<î pairposes. Price $150 encitt , GIaSON.!o 34i, cor. 3, Clarke. 6-w IF AM B STRAYED.-Came on Lot 30, [JCon. 6. Darllngton.a ram lamb. Tite awî, er la reque8ted te prove property. Day empenses and takes hlm away. Tnio,. . IÂIDy. Solins. - 7-3w. R Aùi AST RAY-Came) on lot 34 ncou. 3, Clarke. a rame lamb, Thte ownee ki requestýd ta prove propertiy. pay exoi'nsas and take liim away. D. J. GiBsoN,, B wvmau- ville. 4-w F ARM FOR SALE. - A firat dlais larru of 125 acr es or le5 arres situated laette. tc)wns"ip of East Wititby 1l1t con. lots 15 and 16 on thie Base Lina, abot li miles from Qeh,. wa station, 2 m les from. Witby an d 60 -rod,~ frotnttie scioolhituse, Large roomy building., main barn 95x36 fi. pientv of fruit, soil clay loam, altogzetiter one o!filie best grain fans on ttcLake'Sitore. Noblis or tones. Abon- 10 acres of wood. 75 acres je pasture and fra-di sceded. Terres easy. Firnt piowing don. l'or furtitar particulars apply ta A. AxNIS Oshtawa. 17-tf. 18%31 THE CULTIVATOIt 1894% Country ,Gentlemnan THnE BEST OF TEE AGRIULTUREL WuEKLIES'ý DIIVOTED TO Fart Crepa nsProcesse85 Ilenticulturai & Fruit-ICrowleg,' LIVO stock anadDalrytng, While it aiso includesail1 miner departmenra of Rural intareste, sucit as Poult.ry Yard, En. tomology, Bee-Keeping, Greelionsea and Gr.îpe' y, Ytenlnary Replies. F'arma Questions and Aeswers, Fireside Reading, Domentic Eccnomy and a sunsmary ortae News et th(e M Ëe, 1ceMarket Reports ara unusually comi- plot@, sud nuci attention le p&îd tu the proe.- cte of0fieCropa as t0 !Dig Ijglit upononee of ttc moottlImportant of ah uesion- e tu Bund 1u! A tuf0 l rla lberalh là ustrated. and by Recent Enlargement. col'. talas more readine inatter titan aver tatane. The Subscriplion Price la $2 50 par year. but we aller va SfECIAL REI)UCTION in aur, CLUB RATE$ FOR 1894. ynsubscribtions, do do dtVTo ail NeW Stibsc'lb<trs for 1.894, paLying lta adVaece now, ce willl snd te peer ExRL-f 'rein our reccllt-ot-reitime, te Januaý,ry It 1891. w,îtlotcharge. ~ p cmnCopias frcea.Adr UTIETe-,iC uetR sSN eUM' CASH FOR POULTRY. Ttie undêcrsiguêitslaprep%regd ta pp th,~ hiighe,3t cas4 pric- for eny qtuatity ýf Si ry dri'sed in tfih uIwiri maucqe: B ýjies dry ped, twings, tail hFe d uinpicked, and nndrawil, AI-o Cash paid fo b 'ansa, dried apple>, -g,-, butter. and resBed h",gs. p S.-Fowý,a ro fast at leag, twenfy f, tir hours before be3i&g killed Xiiii bleedine wett in the ný ck; do no, wrte; the neck. JAMES MANN, Firat cdoor sast of likinetL~u B RICK HOUSE anld 9j acres iaod ftor saie in Bowiuanv.iiie, being elut erý sîrable brick resid.'nce, homesti ead )f t»~ late Jos. MoCleilan, lob 9, con. 2,quri mile eaut of Nursery Corner. Thiere el 8 roome, kitcher, and woodshedl attache1. bard and sof t water, drivin g Lbouse a stable, ail in good rqpair-. Sl-~4 orchard and gardon. Âppiy t., -. - o, 1 - or WV. CANX, execuitora, 46tf,. ALL OUR SHIEET MUSIC Reduced te 5 cenFs: 1by mail 6 rents t- lo;kno free. MARV'IN'S MUSIC 11OU,,-U DECTROIT.MCH4.-t G OAT RUG LOST-On FridaY,ct Harsey St. and the Forko, a gray goalrm witli dark liDITIR. Finider plerse3 lea .tw STÂTESMAN office and get reward, I -il OUSE TO RENT. -A semï-detachiLO X brick house an Churcit street 1%ày ccnupied by Capt, Crawford. Ternis modeb- Apply te A. YoUIÇIE, or Tr. BiN"GHÂM ffy- manville, 5-f acres o! lot Number 1ith e t titird Cm o Township o! Darlingtoon, tlie p")ferty ; E. G. Burk of Campbelîford. Fuil prtie eau lie lad by applying te D, u~tS Barrister, etc., Bowmanville. is eoming. RICKARD IS HERI( AN DIG -4 FIR8T GLASS TRADJL5 B-lie sells the '0sXVtce at about one thrd f G E-Prices you have oxnr paid- for them and fuhly gr C-anteed'. Also sels 11ifl'-5 Chains, Silverware ard pi A-Jewelry at half and 1>- than hair their f~ s- E-Keeps nô JRubbish eaFfd thus 53115 none. In Spectacles you c- j, suited at icads t youn ca-i b3sutd ty where. No one likes to looe money Lut you WI11 loose if yen' boy e1sewhere as Rickard's s one who ean and will piveý yen satisfaction. Cail at Riekard' Is1! Oprical Parler andT- hava your Eye TN iI1 ý!glut tes ad. free %Weteli.makcr. 3 ocharge. sndOtian Naad's 1Bineit. TBE INIMMO & HRIO BUSNS AND SHORIHAf -. Toronto, Canada, Smind,4 in ttc vcry front rauk as a the.- sgt enld pract(-icai Business TrÈsiiug lskttbîc for Ldies and Guiten, - i-hek ping, Bankiug,Sor ('ypeýWriiig, Pcnmnanghip,Eglt Tý.legraph Deparbmene,opeanmer 01à Tosciteril, Apartmcets, Eoptu ïLoction ttc very hast, Ifecde uur noin, Cinculars froc. R. Du NIMMO, JAS. LARS rincipales yr i ýOARS FOR SERVICIE..1Tho ý>densigned i oasfor service on iot 3o, r-ntn nimprlecd thora r Bi S a lr, ai, a iroý tncd Tsiaiir k GRPAIND lAC salaries1 " or c <Ottln ad etl. Write titis'vneck for ter1me luE.

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