vernm rnbav. Weli beth evy of a i.Mr. Ccraea 3bt 'durpoy adtelçeggiuge- vhnthe laýtter is on th-, c la eage üerlOusa acColamo'atinl undJs betx, Ipe mitnutet uand doe, buta lins nve nhed orios prportons.The best tor pe anisiede bai f a certamin achrwhose son ûIbtainý- ~tiuit iiodsp permiss-ioii to introdiice foýriy steersý and ohrpeiu tns ly for drill- stIl S,rub-t iesn l t h( 'sEeropo la ~eraad j 'il, la n ovrheaedbyxercsncool off il, ns pace. k n- liqnMds with 'Your m aisae ars of pesrbeeitneto your ar Bgî erly botoy udrthe benign in- P h5 fueuc ofChu;ritin religion, for it has -theth Proi e üOf Vhl;ýife thauý ovwis iand the life T or , - fhilIs P , 1svù - a e2- ~ersno lving~n ~tauieb~ r ih ~o14Veof 811,dpet i &-c ltmlçs te aui vaiabe a ooe Mvlh , Aths eer h iml '.')D k-C Pla'cfofp ly» Il te 1meicinesshold bc tLte hs qievntli, bave'I al- depllït)tb Ilaty wo'uld b gneinthe cmoine- aVant to mleI.Btiamcifycne nedinthe coal' lt draw rein' a MiflI,ý-ot there. Ve haebroGught asmoe ake 'îi?"ite coal tIo VWinnI;peg. M r. Van eps anld co1p'- Frne Said we Couid nlever do It. We have rechdhse un it. and We oni i a teat,'her in uer rahwd, te , .There is a splenddfuture in this Atw" that sambsiniess, and thýe snE te rue uesi- -%. Ile sanieressoe etgreatly concerme. 011 the ir. Cochrans is leaving ,fmr a si- -weolts'î 1T[ý noLi itto " En",a'0, nut Car, be nu da P -~ liow to &void £&king' 1 ielto cuar~ 1> were I India net Mue unly thing itînents uf Europe. tineutal euwers bas -, disorder, tu wbicb a constant irritant. I înhlliary service are ~eallybeen provokeci. arîny mîist rsach r d.~n,-. OOM i "E"ast Enid Grai,.n"t The iinidersigned desi re to itank the farmiers of'- for the liberal arng extendcd to us duringc the al'so to remind them thdat We are ,sliilI in the ]w lireD)aredl to pcay the F Ire t t z R N'% -a- 1' ~ ~y N VIt wieb had vbeen uun ulmed by the MLandirlg ia'ilable as capita-L tg emi ,,~,r ~ Xi~ ,7l,;~ ai 45' ut ~, vi -~ \a? ~ e'- - 'e --- ai- o" -.~ai- ---~- - .- patience eeessary, ftbe-Y unsy gradiy"j,,' -ordeat u . netakn n may striLý te Y 4 , S-,'s ld 1 , -1 Iel, 'h a majoriy of peuople as oinehat eroin, butftuney eeongb to imalt.e a doe-key itcnhardl1y be doubilted that the game is 1Iuhed tilIcisd"And then-hîl s 1), w rth-scnIs h ue may býe Vwrougb11t Sm1ile go rolundth-e rocm, larew redl in--cVhsIr at home e ihutepne, and aspi1sl1 face auld eUt awayý anf,-ry. aiat7nm~15 ? ottyaa ta fr cui,tîvaing the poweýr of resîstance, Voïatiesllp1 fu î Chceo t Pi'- dissae, Vh pb -711cwhovrites thedsph aadenied waerduiug hlibn e article reommnd,at Vhsmoth's tt- trip. -'nltheit rarriiva inju te (Qeake 11r Cî' ment wbhich w-,i!llbring about tbedeh ed-jinbf egs o l hy are giývenail tbe, end budbsomne immediatsly. A wa&te r h e audIlt andeesietrt habyskie iýs àa dean skîn, imade Sn b, 'mlteis th.-m iabsorb aou-îsixy poudio- tho1ouh washug, fot by moisJ:tening the filuî17l.This tepîcae usa een gras ipuitesr> ien dsrbuigth'-aimas resodbweg. an ths state uf thimgssuWlitn2 ai tyvlefo-rsurios labour. Ju',1, belilitary requlirments oQf Gsrnmny ýe ber tVu disurage eumrtion, and at mie tinte are an impiulsetu it, There n ~ ~ m ltrïou l nî în-,tay ser-,vIce 1irge sutigrati'ol. Atsasandlaor in! MIbettrwagcesin Americeor suMth t. than they eau Jai is, for Vhough ~~ny aitesaway îanyL£-aorers on ge ct e mr ivorkers oe skjn Y-vm--..asý:-as consbtutc