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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1894, p. 7

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:Il u reg'ard te cet Ilmeiie peor- l.~ oi-s, cesn i !, tise ý bloi ec, rifes Me.t: uDsN, f ficJatne!s Smiti Phuadlpsia F.,"nons ony cas, vwny er ago, the age o5 lu ears1, I d siigco e onyi1 rn lew iu br ies at iame onnfs ctes. c j gl, 1doms s c:goceld an w typundi if ad 1 g of eat 1ihav e be ,uur te na fr 'ný mys godolve merhvothcer urgtied ie ol tryayrts î-,eïn arsepr i ia. to tome" re j7,ýrth(, iir o ttl ises u ores laetii i1ý!1[, 1o)ý, il L2t ruble sis. nyls e' Saspa7 l bïas on m.Ilsuc roat Dor t àe pat eveyers, Ll no. t Ayer('sl Sra rin ativetl lu alpat an ficd itdSt a nt a usys roikeý pisse Impurebloot ,i be reed f je rnt iY 'S,, asa oprioe he Prgrt by Dr.W 3 . Cye xiada, Thwe ii Macs Pcure S othercltureis tture y a astitsuctoa adnags Prviio matie forpl fi h nc er certifiatios nt t eeUs 3-ivst lse bog lcfeire.sti fieatelocuf ion! ant omeca eparimeu of Aare -il ',l essetaei bya tble ccl g4rte prfes r a. isyica 'uu0 th( eauglait fyar -pscaiî e frou Boston. air he gymnstu -ati; tndof Csdoar n amuse ment pi hae tien oftsrtunis fheesn the greafg artie srt e M r.t vis, Ttr'nte .App fo in fose xrmation Vo eat Cuý reTat cltto onher b cthul Otaspeias scys C-Inforatoc baI be, rcive t tube eprtuenttcf Miarie ad Fish eres taflre ad bave heenegant upoed to hs onpatue fo its ttui'watfen Wind theiwr aie huror tenuus~ Vhs Candenfrs ovenet' fiser e poss tessetins entireo bûii- ing.un Mr J.W oligh neoieg cf tubete- partrent fro fiLad lerie etl rtho Ciagoa Exhibition, ba crion Mr. ofke bthey Ç'-snedian lL coniso nd ettocosen cfflrir officielý ne wurecreing i bis thet apheatinc teeprti takues hand a lu snaking tise d fbrisipten evt ai]her :Fsir~ ~o sutheaul iscninesiia : "Irans sur tuat he rea colecio sot bereb yonr cuntry, et(ý ëUe e lluini sute muetrecit aerial te-,. tube advsntage cfo wise ntereted i fiershge.s. u crne on Ttbe directi, perbape, bs aeand ce] in cenectqo wit flich represefeienr mate ~ 1 et hisr insinditeeso. A-W andthy Wmndsae Pro The Torn Wrocur Mes. Maru ie~ lued iupont liercas cf weet le dueroa ber wui efrts Shed 0-ti V.7ea useltevie gav -< ler fe-uou s. Wuuçuu.e~ us~jhud, lie eu-led for <au toi- e. VÙttt.lisu~<CVî ibees Lh,. IilR YE L L jNýî A i iSERY. A sigula mure pot s e rcsntlyu- c5vlisdt e oat i ata At 0on0 of Vie gates cftic oit (eues rival te Bembay), cn tnk i~slt VoPari cae p, brîug- iug ui i t t5r ie îeel senssebotdy cf e Îilintio LUboutbtt onut iîg. uonsî,idtieutbletsg, n Vs oadside abou.tae mile trosfic at Tispc,eman on tutuy book Vie uetuw -e k man canthube t ace tututIcFoujîar, o: cuiet ntive police ofi se, oethVe city, te usc î,u e s at rceoveret a 'ittube strer'sugt, letht h 1 ic cto ry. Ho sait lis was a uecetauo bey, and ti e i a tre ua uc by train freinsBo'nbay,'.' a iL- fa' utr s-tpes lu cash!, to ,ake cerne p1) 'urse ýUU1,ý,t a tair n lu ati ur 1uice itndet te reaclu by ',eietery frou a a 1aehssVasout 18 miles norfh cf Suret. Lb tise carn;age .ituh hlm uswes four pensons whobc ieknUV li siglit, sîliaugh le uce noV otieravise se qualutet uit-s ie.Tu tubs ceunscf con- versation iV an -,b fat thtuse pensons ucre aise o esu'e lie ftraie at Suratu, anti fiat- tiair cdsetioaýtieîu use in theo samo 1t direction as bis. Tbsy efi'rt te accornpauy laiss as fan as flue ferry, te avi'li tuiy sait tiey kueav a short reati, snd atviaet iim te stay uti ticua, t a respectable odging- bouse near ths station, filfthe cool of tise eveninif, uben tbey avuanîtstars iVgether. Suspeeting notuing, andt rusî,tiog otfe eespectebliity of is fieuts, aalio ucýre gef up in tube proper style cf Iindeo traders, tlie peer mats teil into tube frap, anti ne accue badthtby clearet tuhe ciVy gate on theiP uay te tube ferry Vban hs pretentet miencisý1ante set on bueusddLemuy, an ntiee cf tVisa cu Lins ultuli ekite la the cet, infictiug A T1?MI5L WOUND, toatise offst cf ui lesaenk seusîesse, andti uce brougit ii, roileti sut leeding, ly tise fret passeru'ly. Ibis asas bis teny as toidteVothe ciVy l'oujdar, uIc lcst neofluas la informiethe snpernteutent cf police, anti sent hs uo uudcd n-anrite e epitai. The neigi' leunbotl was scesred by mountet police turing tube nîgit, but ne fracs cf VIe roi- becs wae fout, and ti 1wue evideuV that tbey bat net gens on touants the ferry.' Neus uas sont te Bombay, uhere tube police weee more succeseful, andi.oui thýe incicat;ons gis su by fie uoussdet mnai, the@e o te usfour crmiel uesarneet- et, ant ,i oglîte Suret, he ey uese cossnomet itbtisr vctusu1, ai et once iteu-'tifiet, aut koptuii ls etnet,- wiuitnigtheir protestations flut tisy luiedflot isÀt tBombay, anti knew nofing oftecoaplinathîs ouuds erhisnucnieyr. Ill the courses cf Vree weeke Vhs ucunt Suse sufficistly bealedteVoadmit cf is ap- pearinghbefocs flic magltrae, uben e mass et evidence wSuS frticomiug f0 conrirta lis stetements. Tie keeper of tIse lotïgg lieuse use a trient of l;a, Vie policeman at the gaVe hy ashiolu Vbey lett Sarat, potter et uork near Vie roatiside, e labourer ne- Sur - nuc troua tube fielte, ah contnlbutei ovtnc f toe mcciý convlncing nature, antd i Vh îrecupeis ues dnly commit' tel te tek thertiiatue Criminel Ses- siens. Tiers are twe uyo f trying sessions cases lindulu 8semedistricts, ubers otuctet natives eare niuaueous, caes are tiet i ya jury, uoe eiiosefinal as to Vie glît ori-nnoc)ýentce ocf the accuset. Iu otber districts Vhs jutige l asistedtihVres asszessere, wiwbar slet y lot troma lisV etcis rescabe inh!alirtants, eavliwo deliver tuheir opinion ettube close cf a trial as o Vie g1ulP.Vs ccuset. Tise jutigo is neft, bouvr, ,bont ly Vite opinion-cf Vthe asseseoGr, ho, 'tu atuto rsiin tlie delivers bis oua juig-aen.t:;anti, ifL e fints T11E A0ccn'sa;-U îILTY lihe passes snte ne a ccuor i ug te la . - lu ltic caesilupointu, flic ascescors, noftuli- stadiug the ccuviuciug evitetîce for tube prosecution, anti tuebeeabeun- cf tubs alibi set up by oes 5 least cf Vise accuset, tsuenimomsiy teclereti thet the accuser[ ues flot guilty. Ou Vhei uege fell thc onus ot a decision. \N iti 4, sagacity tuit tees hlm credif, as the sequel aili cicu, ths jueige tatet Vu is fluting tuat fhe evitence wae tee goot for 1dm, tubat, every liuk iii hs chain wus e o hooughly complefet as Vo fil i ihîsuti suspicion, uhicb ticeucnd andthue wund lone, uas elle to rerneve. le coulti netugos over Vise patent tact cf tuis ucuntheVise everify et ubicli uc se great tubta eEnropean officer, netunc'- torne te suds scoues, feintut et fie siglît cf it. Tihescased uere, theref ors, conuvicf- et anti sentences to hnprisonmnet for s ers cf ycars, sud duhy incarcerateti in Suret gaci, ubere us uil leavo tien for- a time. lu tube spring of 1872 couac prisonere ues bsing triet listons a jutige cf the Higis Court at Beua for a oocespira.ýy, ubsu certain revelstions ues emadie by ai ap- proese uici led te thc juge addlresiîng tub-e oerrnient et Bomhay, eut ord'ers aive issued for a liorough toquiev iufo tube case tru ed et Surat corne usontuhis efcns. 1 Thlise tequiries vers matie, and resîchrod ln tube tirce supposet rienisauas Lcng set at l'Vîrty,and a oumber of pensons being tiet ftor a tetestab)lco eespracy,. Itu sasprsoveti et thse trial ttisat tubs mats ulue use - so s ielsonsie disc-v"Y oieglt asu', one or fuoothers et the osirtr bal liactei t voitet arree,.t; ut'-tih these feu exceptionsail tisecoo Vs T11S 'Ft '.f LA hefors the Ili,,-li Courtet Bom a sud il! Satifacry t ; nw, tet il'vlio ers So, cosmttt hv he cn iet y a jury anti "L cetnett eenyse impr3 i cnd fr'oua e-,treettuil serg as -flie ag a provet te bave untertakert, et leastu thiees oicer enterprises similer Vteise Sarat u e anti there wae reason tue suspect thete os'- nleetion wituh even a greater number of' Tle strial elicituet lsoute curion tas Theý person et whiose instigation the Suret case was 1-1got np w 3as aweaituhyHsto mercie'.ý,nt tratin su i Bombaey, who bat coee spitue against the tulire mcm who wec3 imprisone1 ou taise evîdornce,. Tiesr te bave kîsoavuoft he serun f h gang, aut te Ihave fouti neo ulicly l picng hirnself linornsiel o it hes ai foe two rb-usand u, nc'Lp'ldon ie chieocf Vs an! udetokto car'y iouf bis3 wslsý,es. Wîe a n eeti uhis e ise gng,1uc Vo lUc'Weunde, ou cf thuem offr e nutertake flue disagres- absrois, rmeceving o tyhie saea hars. et iie bribes tube rest, eannetubhe quiarter c hars 'o whicb lie woult otlierwise, h- tubs custonofethtue gang, have lies entit- ldprvdthtu lie mightu ho allio.vet te aetoe private enerny cf bis ouse, as Weil setubs three persons indicatet-,'ýy flic merliant, Af er coine demur the ae agreedt-f, anuthtub woonded man aucording- l v laid bis information asagme four TII5fEE ASSASINS. But when hs turesmen 'ters rreftin Bomnbay an iuninmation was giveus te tuibe tourtlirnan, hs sp2ciai objectotf tise wountslld mnt' jealonsly, fliat trouble washlu store for hîsua unleslis renounet ail c'ýtin te a certain lady, teciaret te bce lise wife, anti gave bier up te bis rival lying wuunde-1 at Surat, alousg witub a sur nk esev Itu is stf111moreterbe ocotmie polices ossua te Whave lent thmeivs o is rence s,,) e ttefa'<)e aaiprcy bt .r wve have hs einu pce tepreie policeý;men cf lon) nt ppeeterie weii pait anti onjoyiug tiso ifuil confidec cf thoir Europeanuersetigte- seives fer a nnaerabhe 'bribe Voate eoc terk crsrn,ccming fcrwarl as wtnsen srging othere te do tube smrilau thciresprierc, anti aiiowîng threso inçuccent mcm te lie in jail for rnany monîhs. T1hie case bas exposet somi-tiark anti gi-oomly crners of native liteianti Society lini,, anti preeat e ms ut st i-atiec-Vh eivils te) l ie eraiatet anti e tubet-cois wc have t okuts i EAGER FOL A1. T PCE 1S £EEtI- 1 n ILngls tceelveIiauy f taC i tew.Yorle Ceîsiras"999," j There 1sf t for Chicagc lest week au, Eug- isb engineer anti railroati builder who liesý tesignet anti uorpeed a four-"yliuter lu couasefive, wlich lie canirnecen run et a greater speet anti carry beavier boats flan any other locomotive in te worlt, nef even excepting tubs rècorti-rnakzing. enginset the New York Central, " 999." The cugin ser lu questio ,-n isMe Frsteriok Charles Wiaby cf Lent1os, anti lis loco- motive, wiicb was on view et tube Wcrid's Fair, anti is ctilliiAtaileft iun Chicago, is flic "James Toera.' One c f tf2hoavowed purpoces cf Mr. iy' vi-it becG is te prove tube capabilitiese cfhie enefine,iantins sporting parlance, lie is " spoîiiig " for at race wituh tubs iron herse lie censidere hie oiy rivai. 1'999. Mr. Winhy, neeteses te rernerk, cays tubatu lie wil baek bis engins te any aMounst. The " James Tole-uan" was huilt lest year su ix menthe, lu the workebnlps cf R & W. Hawthcrne, Leslie & Ce. of 'New- caetle 6on-Tyne, oesof tube oltest firme cf locomotive builtere lu Englant. The chef point -,f excellence flicus Mr. Wiub)y dlaims for hie design le that if gîves greater houler power than lias heretofere heen ci. tainet inla ay locomotive, witbenf lifting hs centre cf gravity te a tangerouas heigitu. Tiselseefsng surface cf tubs"Jaese Tole- man " le 2,000 square teet, one-third greater tuan lu any other Englis locomotive, wlule thie area cf tube geste, '28 test, is, aise larger lu tubecarne proportion. Tise bolier le coutructet in tuwn cylludrical segments, suenerpset. The chort efaye are common te Vis tuwt)Ssegmen ts, e tht, whïle 'he laerai tiameler of tube bolier ss no, greater titan wiil pees ictuweess a pair ot teiving wheele of large tiemeteri, tîse vertical dia- merer is grcater, the' tube plates tesper sndioft ereatuer ares, andt tisuVbes thens- selves larger antimoeSnOOsetuJUe Vian in an ordinaey cylindrical boiler piaceti bots-cen triving vheels. [lies are tuwo pairs cf trîving uhesîs, eacis 7 test 6 inches lu diameter, The "leaders" are ehivesi hy a paie of incite cyuindlýees 17 inclues in diameter, andi sitli a stroke of 22 luches. Tie trailing driviucg uliesîs, cf tise saniec ize, are druven by cylindere I6ý. incese in dîameter, with e stroke of 21 inches. Thae "bogie"' wàsels are 4 test iii d; amete. Tise weielst cf tiae engins, loadet, huit ivhutu tenter, s sixty toue. If lias, se its <esgnee claas, a tractive pesr of 113.Sipounts for cvery pounosuf effective , pre,.stusro anti avili kte 200 peunts on tube sonars inch. No encoiraging assurancebas corne froni tic New-Yorl Central management tiser airbrke ebewh tp b rici ueri )'Low s teu cu Ior lndrhuu _____________ j The wo ais ropetolnamon s16,000 Over 20 tons of suauls arc annaalhy ee.V. es, Pz arisq. Frarcecises antie- evsry yeas 51,10I Lat ca iue Italiane xprtt48,00- Paiskilei acuyear 11862oithorses for rzatt a'sJt coup. Tise orl' stcrop s-.ery year exoet TheEngiel se evry yeer 95,010 tons of T ic rstue ot f Parie soIt lu 1891 'Plie r i usandI ets svery year 29,00,00 ousetrys. "f' aveage mats mas wenty.nsne pounde cfagerprianuin. Eso eanssvry year et 6,470,000 tons et, aef, ndtmettpork. - Thre ae 50000,00 uciescf pes auan ystnin LVilecountry. Th eees'oirnal estîmstes hs world's crop c'f (<-lvse 5000 tens. TheFrt-ousraesanti consume every ysar 350,00 bu h oh cf ussels, T [ ss-ta aluefethVe uerld's cocoanuts ie ets teet$60,000,00D. t)u itinluNew York caisese'20,000 ponisc prley every ysar. 1he ssrd tnntslly makos anti asi ýn ofbuter ndciesse. Lister Lntacensumedth tuimors or es rsil 2,0 ons et fruit. Tie imot roso te s urit -Asesti- mee f ie woirtbS500,0 Th i valuse -'t1Vhs cunnýïamea uwhicli annuel- hy g0ees inte p"rseves le$200,000. Tie'uot pute on its victnaie every yea - 3000,VOO ucebl fh o iblck epr Th-!e EgiLuse mosb salt-40 pounuts apice ver yer; the Anscricans use 39. TheArein bresth is annually scentet wsfh 15,0000 usheis cf culons. OVer 12,000,000 bushele et huckwbeet us e J-st year manufacturet into cakes. R1us,.sie caiseseL1200 pounts cf grain anti 51 potitds ot meat te each inliabituant. One istrict lu Tennesse exporte annuel. iy ovr10,000 quarte et black herches. Fraies ntiItualy raiso 33,C00,000 bushels cfceiuuefor borne use eud expert. Tic orl' cgrplantations produce eveýry yeer ,000,000 tons et sugar. Over 60,000 cattîs are fennualiy laugli- teret te10 iimake beef ext-ract for coup, Ose eounty in New Jersey sente Vo eew 1,k e car leaseof lettuce e day., A r &n t Isome ets au average ef 68 pounts cf beef anti pork per annuan. Tie Anrl swcst toobhisleannuuely satieflet w;liu21U,000 tons cf mapie sugar. Paris la 1890 petfumet ts hceath uili 6000 tons calnons anti 700 tons cf garlie. Ia ltalyy ast year 10,000 bt-us cf weese wsce !evouri,,with 16,000 tons etfcoffee. Suitcelait et ,citeFrance every year 26,000 t ons et miik anti 13,000 cf cheese. Osas fiu(cf cyster peokers et Baýiimre dlaims a capeity cf 75,000 cane a day. Tie lerenecolectiveiy retreeli tbsm :,ve 'i-b8,000 tons cf rice every ysar. Thes ae 25000UOpouints et rot snap. persnt roa F tudiaVo ew ork evsry CaLnain bette lay ove ry yoar 152, 000, 000 egga, Voe be mate inte cusîeleut sngg. nog. In Vlraacs 67 per cent, cf ths peopie live on cys breet, cnl'î 33 per cent, on wheat hreaO. The American people lest yeer trank Vhe decectiion froua 640,000,000 pounuts eot- se. Tits United States are saidtVo Lave 140,- 030,000 gsseof flie kint ulsich are uset for teod. One district i l Finaa seds nnually Vo fi'e 21ew York market 50,000 cresues cf fruits. Tic vorit's yeast pcwder le estimatet Vo amouat te an annuel valuation cf'826,000,- The Naluint trocs iluoe section cf Cati. (m'nae turnieli iehete uitb 1,000,000( pounts cf nuts. Tise consumaptuon cf meet in Eturope 510W averagas 61 pounts per inliabitaui per an. nua. Tic. Euglish are tlie greatest grain esters, eatingý neariy every year $50 worth cf grain cad(!i. lua,'sait that 500 tons cf cotton-seet cil are auinually refinet anti colt unter other namkos c Vs r This froit cakes e teworld are tteti wîtli-, ",000 tous et cureentus, ail exportet frorn O1reece. Tie e tuc lForitia 600,000 cenoanut trees, whiose fruit is ahi sent te tie New Y os-k .MIketu. hlie Deecseare the champion clisses atece, dcaon ouiug21-1pounuteannuehiy Voeeah lu- recPortugsýI an-i Ttrkey fnrnieh a part o",'ticaworli's tissecefhy jSUpplyiug colucemati uho e eavnrgVoraesa untifaate pemoi Now An Aes-emsiltetb stFisei. Marichester lias juet bLue sebratisg thc couapic tion et ifs ship canal, e great aater- wav givin-1 ià direct accees tuite lIrieli Sea, eut thence te tubs A-'tulîsu Oceats, anti witli Vhe completiesu cf tue worît ftereluti et e scherne uhicý i i n cîsfrioranottr lias~ ~ ~ ~~~d isudsosta trasfor mr he us andtsy u tircee-quarters. Itu lepopelÀ.Ay cýupposý_et tth Misliatrlues alwaye quetly acquiscet in tube grourli anti uevel- oripuof t Lveraoh, eutdlias Issu cntent tiaf L-iverpool ebouît receive tfol onitube etonnasît c-ler cas mate'-ia's imperfei lreyf ro'us ViL ide the oceau uhit1) arc iusti in ]suoi immensea antiid eais quantifties in fie industriel regioniyua w flta cricni't cf tsveuty miles froun, I Mancliester. Tiislea mistake. Manebesteri luesalusys heenjeaicus of Liverpool, anti f lace position on Vie estuary efthtue Mersey,, ant bas again and again coutuespiatcd calling inl tubeaiti cf tlie engineer te riglif lier arouge ulti Liaverpool. Long ieore Liverpool a baegonaitrew fo lîcrsesitthe traets utul avatwuses tie tubs Asersean cohonies, ulien Bristol bat stili hs nopoly oetVhs- eCîsAtERteE OF TaE M W55T sut Liverpool use but a emahi place (cun- issg sons eighty or ninetuy chips), Mantchester uce moatisg ulii a view te secoriug soins cf tie ativentage u iiif s et fougît te sccorue eolber, euing te bier neemnesVo tise cea. Manchester sad on ths Irusil, a tributary of fie Mersey, andt hs e riey is naviga bisffor slips cf tireseor four lirundret tous burten as fan as Warringt on, uhieli is, sxactîy midwey_ hetuesu Liverpool anti Manchester, eut eightaen miles froua elther place. Liverpool costrutet bier firct teck su 1708 ; ant inl 1712 tise engirseer ulso uas responsuble for fie work deviset a achemne unter -hich tic Mersey ieudthe Irueli ues tealbe mats navigable Vo NMancliestct,. Nothiing carne cf tîseecm, îbut in 1 72_0t vceke useescarniet ont vuicsgae an chester a watuer communication uit h Liver- poo)l, ubicli was peCti( Vialanti pertiy canai. Tbis waterway wae lan uec nti about seven-ysars ago, when Vhs ship canai wceke interferet ulti lb. It iuce, bowever, neyer AS AILAuSLiSFOR t FSSELS larger then larges cf ssventy or eighty tcns burden, ent severbegan Vo meet ise euets, cf Manchester etter Vie ena cf the cotton factocy hati comînencet. Fccty ysars eat ter thiie wteruay iuse stade. Brintiey, vith Vis ait ofthtie Duke _,cf Britgewatuer, con- setruicteitltubepsctunesqule cmaai uicli is ou kcnby tiîte-11name 1 et .ie Duke. If le Vwenty-cus miiles long, atýi i n t si ary cf ths Mersey et Rulncorn, withiu haa mile et tIse point et ubicli ie iecrtu atsc- wey ues connectet uituh tubs tidah portionT et the Merpey. Like hs uaterway constrnctet inlu1720, thbs Britigeuster Canal le for berges. u.ly. It doubledths inieaus et commrunication hy weter betuesu Liverpool anti Mancheese, ani eloug Vies tweoit u ateruays millions cf bales et cetten Lave besu carniet troua Liverpool flirougli 'FIE GARDEuN COVTTY cf CiE!shirs intc fie, heartu cf tie cotten« snanufacturinigdistrict cf Lancasihure. But Menehbser lias &alys doss1edet sorething mors tien barge canais, anti varie ussceise for slip canais ues d iseussee butors Paerlla- meut gave ifs sanction Vo Vie construction cf the canal îvlicb is flou neering comple- tien. There wae a long, bitter, eut ueacisomo11 figltinluParliaeust hefore ithe achýeme f or tic prescutu canailuas adoptet. Liverpool wasstRfrongly oppoceti te ths canal, anti fesaglit hs promoters et every point. Tis Liverpool Cituy Couneil, the Lverpool Dock Board, eudthetic lway companies whose uines conneolthVe tue cities spent about a quarter et a million sterliurg in lauyera' fees ant inuftees teexpert ultaceses lu su-,1, deavoring te defeatu the proposisor. h ueferuey. Neverintflehiistory otpriveteý bill legislation use tises a bigger or a more costly fight lu tise coumîittues roome et tise House cf Parliarnent, anti neater betere uere tuo Esîgilih itutes set in entuagonisrn as ues Liverpool andiMac insclutisej eariy sigituies, uhen he Ship,.,Canai ecieme w as heice Parliiment. Iu 1883 Liverpool wasstriumpiant. Perhiansent thrswutmbtube Slip Canal bill, Two yeers laVer a ucu antigreativ ameudet schiémae usesubuit- ted te Parilarnent. Again tube figlit betaseen Liverpool sud Manchester ucaveget for nsuriy haîf tIse,,session, but tuhs i ise victory rectet i utul Manchester, anti Paella- meut pese a bail smpouernfg tube cou- stumtion oeths canal. The Coraean Clani.- Tise Corsica loves net uork, usithor la I hs grsedY for glti; butu hie esuamiticus, an usgcr polliicen, kssuhy shésirone cf place ant poue, cf anytitg, lu short, tîsat Mnay soýt him above bis fsleow-mun. Thc uord î'1poiiticiasu," however, umustu lieunderteet iri a hlocal seose. Tise questions fhat agitate thtue Continent bave ernail cunesen for lins; lis poîi lecs legin anti entdustlithe telîsuaph or aegrarrdizuaent of hie can. Tie ciiet cf a clanlias no inecurs. He le expeceetou ail occasions f0 exent hitvsele for tic inter- sets et hic clients. If an ediereot wuseles for e post, it us Vie duuy et the chef te ebtain if for Iissss; if lio lies incurret tomre fine or penaltuy, tube citief " Wliat kle ycur, roouai, SmruureVh sional ii-oreut eity, as lie movei toardetubefies. But ho stîlipatron 1 ve lu ife of1br clild1bytho "Oecfm bildren had Crcssp. Tue ce! wa) lnedby Ourpyscnnda brabnand on going to it f'oïnd it strani- nang cI bdnearly casd obcretlie. Itetu1n tht becbid' ,arningcndto bad beco ne possible in spite of the medicines given, .I reassoned fluat suelsremedies Mwould7r be cf rno avail. }T1axing part of a bottie of Ayee Cherry Pectoral Il the bouse, I1av flechlld three doesit shout intervals, and a'uioslywa~edreults. From ibei moment tlue Pectoral use gven, the childa breathing gre,-,-,casier,,.an1d, lina ihort lime, site was sleeping que l nt reathing natstrally. The ehild i s al e 'nd eill to-day, and I do flot besitt t sy -ha .yes"s ChIerry ?ec- Prepareti by r. J. &Co,2, o v,,Mrse Prompt to act, eurvocýure A Scotých ministerje said l o haiverebuiket hi vf orsepn dor1injg hie sermnoilnit thlis fashýýion: Su li e ecaisdfrom 1!ube pllpit, ini a voice thýat waeeher, asl it, did ail the3 other elses"S 1n didatnarry ye3 for yer weaitb, sin ve had nons. And 1 didina 'ma,ýrry ye fýor y er beauty-tbat, the whole congregation cain se. And if ye bas na grace, 1 bac imade a sairbargain in ys, inidesd.' Pi!PILES! IT [N PILES. SympTos-Moeture; intense itcinug and stinging; mo8t at night; worse by ecratching. If al1iowed te c sn4ýiue tumn- ors form-, wbich often bleed and ulcerate, beoigvery Lsûrie. SÂNESOINT. ule ioti d l sssecss temuves the tumi.ors, At deuggists,o by ai, for 50 cents. Dr. Siwayne &Son, Philadel- phia. Lymans Sonsa &Co,, Montrei, Wholesale Agents. If Kept lier Awake. lintireti ont thie mcorning. I was 'up haif the night with the-toothaclîs.' Mr. Joues (sympatbisingiy) ; Il That's toc bati. I hope yen have seea a dentist this mornsng. ' 31rs. B>rown : Oh it wae miyhubd' tooth rhetached, selvs nevou, wakand exblauste, wh are boe dov:n from exee.seor oewr resUulting in ny cf thof follisîg syns- pt,,Otns :Menta dpresinpremaluillre oldi agej, loýoscf vitlity, cs cf mmrbad dreames, dimniese cof sight, palpstation cf the hearb,, emisessons, lack cf snsrg,,3 pain, in ths kidneys, hecadaches, pimpese on cibe face and body, iteiiing or peculiar sensa- tomn about the scrotum, waeting cf the organe, dizziness, spcke hefors the syes, twitching cf the muscles, eyelide ýansdel- whiere, heshunnsse, deposits in ths urine, loss cf wilpower, tendernees sut thescp sud spins, wcak and llehhy mslede- sire to sieep, failure te bc e rstusd hb lep constipation, dulîness cf heriugn91 eo -voie, de-ire for solitude, excsuablity cf lemper, sunken eyes, surroussided ivitb f tADEN CIF.eLES, oiiy looking skin, etc., are ail sympt oirnecf nervous debiliiy, tubt Iee.d te insnity nuises curedi. The slpring o r vital force having lostulita tension everýy function wanes su consequsuce. Those who tbrougb abuse, committed in igno- rance, may bie permanently cureti. Seii yeur addrsss sud 10 cent s i stempe for book on -tissases peculiar te rau,ent sesled. Addrees M. V. LUBO-N, 21 Mac- donneil Ave., To)routo, Ont., Casnada. 36-lys. The an gels sing is name above, And .'rcwtshie naine withdetîa gicry, Who, lîet'in :g 0ail Vhs'ning througb, le flot rsmînded cf a ttory. Eow to _-eta"'Srniht" piýct-ur3. Send 25 "Surnlight" Sosp wrep)pers (wrapper beariug the w_ rie "Wvhy os a Wounen Lîýok 0Ad Soonor Than aMa' te LEVEr. Bacs , Ltd., 43 ScotSt,, Toronte, and you will receivç' by peeýt n pretly picture, free frorn advertieing and wel1.1worth framing. ThI3i e-n eas way to tecorate yenr berne. Thesa je thse best in the rnarket, ;iüitwill enly cost le. Postage te pend in the wrappers, if yen live ih.e enta open. Write youir address carefully. -A .2etrifyinýr River'. The Tànto river, in Spain, possesses r. merkable qualities. Its waters are yellow as the topez, liarden Vheseand,and petrify it in a meet snrp'sng mariner. If a stous fau intc the river and reet upon anothier thsy bobli bocome perfectiy unitet ant soun- gluin tted in a yeer. N figh live in-- its stre ar. For Over _1 fv Yar Mas. INSOW SovilNa SYFUp a ho,, -. - - ae t<iiitted f.,tr i âa g5s.iss. ne t soo ie s a es i-rl-" --- Z-îst:as1r '-----

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