MY 5 iÂLC!ýe ! £~POINM~IT, IEMAJIISTY UQAP MXIIES TIE E Um you as Silw0 Why, erueSUNLIGHT SOAP le pýerfertly pure, and rontains no Injurl- rue Cienlrale to injure etbcer you- -riothes or your: banlde. reateet rare 18 exerrired in ies qualtylsso aprei ae the Lýarget Sale o' any soai)t i h rD . Cant mrtest thie ? If yo ave nover trird SUÜNLIGHT SOAP, ask those who use iù what they think of it, then try it for youraelf. The re- euht wi.iî pîrase youand y ou n elothes will be washed lu far lesurne, with Lors Labour, Groater Coinfort. and wiIl be whiterthan thoy have evor bren before, wheu you ueed ordiuary eoap. Is That do nt the bort way to de- o ide the matter ? First 011 d by enquiring what the _o-p---euce ia of those who already use it. e Secoudly, by afair trial yourself. Yon are not rommnitted7 in anuy woy to use the soap ; ail1wv ask is : Don't Delay, try il the noxt wasbiug day. ESTABLISHED 1854- Siper annum in advance, otherwisee$1.5). Subsrriptions aiways payable at the offic, )t 8ublication., Advertising rates unie'%s by cna rc,10 centi per line, nonoarie M iret insertl un, and 5 cents pBr lino eesuh subsequeat la- eeetIon. Lcralse10 rents pârli ne. M. A.JAMES, Publishar STAP ARfil, 9K 0F CANADA. This -B'ank îis preparod ta doLegiti- an~gin ail its branches. tineý1r' notes discounted ; Depositsî recei-,ed and.Interest paid on acrounts f $5 ard upwards in Savinge Bank De2partmnent DRIAFTS Ieudand Collections made in Europe Unlrd tateand Cajnada. W. J. JONVES, ONTARIO BANK rno!wavil Arn, ie'vo n savingsi Bank Depariment andan i og. landluersallowed atruLrrent ratesN noe' oftedawalneceeeary. Aldeposite, peyble on dernand, B 1u0htand solc!and [)rofte leeued uan Europe ljnlted States and Canada, aleo Gold,Silvrn Unted Saîes Greeuýbaekeh4ourht and COLLECý'TIONS P mtl- _ e c urreur. ratee upon al part cf Great Býri1 tain, the United Statee. and tIhe DO nîLýia û i Canada. Telegraph, Transfer. Made for large or ernal SUin3 conalil pie of Canada, Tis la especiadly aivatittgac)ti G peron living jeri/anlobi or the ,Nortâ\va3, nt mates the furnds available aL Onioa atthe plac f p'yment. ther pe1) rticulars rail at the bank. E. L. FORT I , GIjO. MCGILL, Arcountant. Manager. VETEÀi.tAP.Y SkE ORONO, -ONTf. Offce.-Post Office Block. Celle by telegrapii or telephone reoeiv'e im Moi âe atrteîon. Meeiere. FHONEX &McMUR.TRY have purchaeed the Couinty of Deuhaam for the best Wire Fonce in this Country. It is strong, eaily haudied and ornamonti It will not be injurod by esnow, heat, cold or winde. It will tura Horeee, Cattie, Sheep, Hogs, Doge and Poultry. Iti j niet work without barbe, and will not in-i jure tock in any way. It le much trong. or audl more durablethan any barb fone-1 ing, being closely wovon. Fonýce put up and Farm and Township rîghtei for ele. Apply at CENTRAL LivE. W. P. RIII, (Clarke P. 0., having1 -. bought Clarke Towehip, je prepared ta -ut u,) tence. I A 9 U u tOO5 BS FIN L-AREST ALE N CAADA 1 majing t-ho temprnture t-a 155 degrees ani t-bon ailowing it- ta st-aui in t-be hoat-ri wov- or for hall an heur langer insnrer t-be prmop- or tempomot-une for t-b ecmourri urne. The tempenat-une frhoui ni o aie n be 1515 degreee oiberwise t-ha t-ast-e oui quahit-y tI t-e minjit wi eimae. Thle Simppireýt- panjr;to Ll o t-"inp ai 1 ,s~~ui], ,.,nm - - rîe,~mevs o ~,aa~s>eecs A Farm Tdyll, " ButellinG " H"g8 They are chopp!nng up t-ho tisdLin 'auldt-beYrne filliius up t-be tut-t-lu, The f oltiî bev et t-hum breokînr' before t-he break af day: Dad le ai t-ho grnodstone a-sbarpening up the Aumet-tle, Ild Vve me anent- ponte on-we're tiiii5 hoget-a W'e bujît- a royal eibbet-, Each carcasa t-o exhibit-, Theyll 5000 oncsiruug upon lt-bort! listestt-O theoint-onu, Thtur makin' Inni appeaiu' An' mas' troînenjua squealin' Ll'athy'vr been stars-ad apurpose rince yestid- dy ai nOOn. 'We're ahasin'lu t-hotinilis' t- anoe t-be waier scali, The vat la tilt-ad nicely in t-be middle of tho yard, Au ' lnt-be haudy cnet hanse t-ho wimmeu le enst-alled. They've scourri t-be cappor kit-tle fer fryit out t-be lard, The noue j!ri 1l t-be paqiages Are t-ippri fan hsngln, sassages, Au bort-us-al oui lucky we've gotoa bran n0W mono, A't-ha piga air hungry feelin' No wonier t-bat they're szistaii'. Fer thpy've bren stars-ed a-purpose rince yes5 tiddy ai noon. Neow vrseryt-ing is ready, nid dai tatas riP Wr msaeuPon t-ho pigpen wiih sireesoll- ed-i)paoui opes, The Piggirn sc us comin', hie chapseoarb port- ofer smacks, 0fbut-ermili! fer breakîus, each onueof t-brin Ae'iamore thoy'lî ffiil Tbcm celves wtt-h haires t swil. Fer seau upon t-ho groc'ny stonp an high they'li hol thein legs, An' they'lI ho bilai wltb groons, Litewiaa ho haltei wit b eaue, Assisti by t-ha poultny t-bey'wiîî fur isb bain oui oggs. An' 000w t-be yaîîr af plggy rend t-ho chili De- cember air hl r h rsduînp bium froin the pig-pou ont- sauie W. lain hlm on theoplat-forin and strip hlm af bis bain, An'aIl t-be yard is fnll af st-rom au' smoke an' bain an' eiusb. The girls is ail excitai Wben t-ho cor-ass lt-jr "kit-ai, An'daiiy gs lt- s abdomen wit-b st-rang oui steddy onm, An' wbeu t-be nigbt- rompttes At Tbene is n job t-bai beats it. Lite killn' fat Dacomber boge upon t-be dean nid tarin. Gis-e (ows Good Eeddiug. C. L. Goodnich lu Hoard'e Dairy;nan, lu nepiying t-o an rnquiry maie trongb t-bat- journal about- tneping rowe wit-boui beddiig 'gis-es excellent adi-ie on t-bat- subjoci as folows : I would lite t-agis-o a lit-tle oxperienre aI mine lu t-bt ine. Wben L began kreepiug cows in uigb t-et-hie fal1 bai nu hediing oui t-bey rit-hbai t-a lie ou t-be bore fonr on standu, aoui t-boychose t-ho lait-en a gond shane of t-be t-me. Orcaionally wr wnuld sec o mnw lie down but- she wncii gev up a-gain, in a few minutes opparentby dieguse-n. ,Wlen Wr Vegan usiug heiding we notmed a greot- change. As enan as'-a caw msas miltei seo uli lie iawn wît-h o sigb nI canient-meut-t-bot mentt seewaepan- ectly happy. Wben wr got- tbnougb miing uearly esery cow in t-be barn was lying iown. "«Saine ane tnut-fnily sai t-bat-t-be mon wbho tepi bis caws ou aixltrations dii not- dosons-e t-be priilieve aISitting, dawn toao gondd (iiuer. I say t-bat a mou who pretende t-o he a gond daîinyman oui mates bis cows lio a a brd, bore, flinan inet n dosons-r a feathen beil or -pring maitrosset- Slelno. ". Da)iriying dlee-op e h umane sude aI t-base engagrdinru t, especiailly t-he suceos- fui aoýis. And it is fînet-ty certain if there are t-bore lu h t-bat-arrenit bumane or in- cliiboht way t-bey wilb net- be sareseful. A Remedy Ion Smut. The Depant-ment- aI Agriculture recoin- mouds t-ho, following emeiy fan stinting emut lu wbrot-: Immense t-be rend for a fow minutes in scalding wat-er oui muni abus-r 13-2 dogmees, oui uni in auy case above 1:'35; place t-begrain snpposei t-o ho afectod lu sorts in quontîties aI hall a busbel ai oa unec ; immense it finrstinluwoter bosing o temparat-ureofnI119 degrees, aoui when wanmei punuge rt- lu anothen veesel whene t-be loat- Shows t-ho tomperature mquirri. The volume aI ecaliiug wat-en ehouli ho six ta eighlt- t-inos as groat as t-be sond treat-ni, oui t-be thermomet-er ebouli ho consultei ail t-be t-mo wbeaî is lu t-be scabiing waîer. The gnain,aften emaining 15 minutas union treat-ment, isjenon an oid ied. Lt is h-est t-atreat t-be son mai tbafore plouting. Belore placing in t-ho sorte again ibesa shouid b ho -nnagbiyhboid15 minutes. Tbis ir douect-o pros-eut- any spores nt emut wbich bave nscapei fnom the dry wbeot- ne- m uigt-a infect- t-hoeeed ait-en h bas beau Sterilizing Mlk. At-t-be requosi nift-be secretamy af agrîmul. t-une,t-br chief nf tihe bureau af animal indus- t-ny ba% lunniserit-ho following simple di. rtions ion t-be eteilizatron ol mutk: The sterîlization oaI ilît Ianchilînen, naw quît-e ext-eusiveby practicrdinlu rien t-o det-mny t-be injutians germe which it may cautain, con ha sotisfart-onîly emcuapiihe with s-amy simple -apparat-ne. Thi veseol cant-aining t-be mut, whirb moy oui~~~~~~~~~~~ loi-hotb)2leierfo -e if "ob y bus1ine33 ss as ai(ront-bing, wae t-hopublic iormiory, and ir~tbr being; posse iugtbe nows wihbal t-o dowitb,it - otor?" suggeet-ed t-be myat- nigiti woslite a wal t vhoug pîre TheO diinig-raom of t-hoComait-h burshel baskilet-, iles-ing t-be raot- t-be uds asmt-be p hysca apdjta the waijaiing feu Id n nbnnie(ld ai. The air 1It - mainlew Cunand seae,4jeonue buiri by nI tbe mws -o b gahona uphy tbe ram.moo t-ogota phai.corridors boraine mnmmnpt- o.1ui a nt yt xyfour fet, oud seat-e 0pensons. Unt t-be well filai, o-Y maîýuniug, dccp "fl rdiyt-hv-,L h int," kci'een il Y eug on)ilt brou puifirI, alibougb t-be loigers were AKansaswife W-1,eiasefoni lien bus- gnaiued ears; bave ian ,ý oyetn -estataio baI!,ian fnom t-ho other ma."What- for)idien t-o enter a Iort-igbt- ago. Tlho baud b moer sleest-at-rd nlu ber eio gis-iug prefenenctotboeui-brtod1 -nî -snr usnss"Central eif eojtiuwneiadaitb efnatpic1 -b o 1~tii non. oeergrowU t-ho 1hvigunsctr "un an oe-ta,"rrod t-be !li(,saui aLgreat e -i-tU on tlie LLto ppaintif, uil ht-a bormainev_ýy'roi, and t-o thase bearing ibut singl ,irsrr.Oe ueor -oi c ouli ait-o hm o Fot tt-efo-I aiiSt-or, loe1,oe bnilt-e plain-i. I'greaýt - n-. o e a r jee u a g b W b t - r n n i eodl i l l e,17 b a i . d r e a ý-p p !ea n i , e a u s - e t a v e . a r e o n ti lya b h e f o 1u o u rt n a n re n o n s . a u g u î a a I y m i n i.ï Ito ? 19 1 U V ,ý . 7, ritcner, s.,qjasiori a, and invert a peprtdtini pie-plate in thie the cris ebaldM averago a etalk to each foot boter, or have modle for jt va remaovable of row. With cerr oteeakhj fale b tom erfratedwîh hlesan woldgis-o a tield of nehundred buehele 0 having Ilge aifta the acre. As-nid s tao - ikeIrawîng anysiu an jnchhib to cf d iseas4e. Leave a few bueke on, so that illo icuainthe raresrnay ho tied together ln bunches of thie warr. Tho thoen htg îhem n p where they will dry iljk-boùîle jeo art thorouighly before raid weather. )A hon-: on tlie false bot-. jeoling, this serd corn it will pay ta make toni, and sfi a second soier-tion of a few dozen' of the rient water la put choires, efr pedigree seed, ta bo plant- jnto bhe poil to ed hly itseoif next year, froin which to make rearb heiesv'3 -cfurc îjn.Thie metbod will im- the surface of ibie prove onie'ý else s that ho nerd have 190 m1iik Iin the bt-fear of ite ruing ont. tIr. A hoir miay ho punrehed in PE A HLBOF TRTU. th'e over of thse polaCork in- Responsibiiiuy edurates. ee rted, 0, ad a n rarbos b tter thon the ont, and chemirai ther ol e ays notbing. motr pt trauh te rrkro hatth fl thon desire ta ho wiee, ho ea wiee ae ta builb dipe into the woter. T hoe temperovure- I hold thy tongue. They wonI't ..oke... othr while they _i,can ge OLUCH-UM eve-n if they ran ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r thsh acedwtotrmoigt turh bending breaks the bow ; much un- have to beg or borrow it, for there is no othertoaowhhasue rover. If preferred, on ordinory dai ) rryh idý htco c,)ço s-ue thermometer may bo used and the tempPrao edngtemd turo tested from lime to timi by tr,omvinglL,, r'irbes exrlude only oneoinrons-eienre,and ta ol id tvp -1' o.w~iif,,nps ote1 the lid. This is very easily orrangedl, Pond t)-ba t ie poverty. je just as satisfartory as the patented 1 P- Hie who le firm and reolute in will molds For thiat Bad Cou gh oflvotxr poratus soid for the saine purpoýr. The th- world ta kimseif. g arcopanyng linsroîrne how he frm ore thioge are wrought by prayer thon oapporatue described. tiewrl ream f -- Seok-but uitile and well if you would hoe Farm Motes.etormed a mon of menit. IIGL EQMNE The beet farmers to-day*arr those who,11 Romance bas bren eoegantiy defined aessaPeetv n ueo alTra nLnDsae~ are the best tudente, who are trying ta th, o epring of fition and love. underetond eoins of the principles whlich 'Ihe great fort le, that 1fr je a service. underîre surces8ful agriculture. In Englandl The onîy question is, " Wbom will we for ming le considered a business wirhelilt serve ?" ho learurd. A man wibhout, experienre Tebo ara entte00ta woul hae dmficltvin rntig a ondlor thinks for you, but the one whirh maltes there, ne motter how mruch capital hoI e igbt11-you think. have and, again, no mtter bo uc dorn in t he whiîe-wake of t-he morning The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Dairhamiiý o farm nias h and howe, onieg al i('p"ta star, rame furrowing ail t-hoorient ia o for the liberal patronage extendod to us durinIr the pa%,'s seasn, ta operate it proporly. Divine and dyiog mon may taîk of bell, also to remind them that we are stili in the ma1,rket anid It bas ben provedl that- eil ;bc asbtin my bernlber several torments dweli. prepared ta pay the bren deoply and thoronugbly plowed1 co1Uains Be rather hountiful thon expenqive ; do more waîor thon-t-bat wbirh bas bren .9et Lý-7 od nmarlyby aieh as ls bengaad witb wbaît-baun hast, or ib will do thee H IG IIE,,ST ]\qiA .R KE7'I'PTC ebown by armuai tests that a thin ro - n gnd of orse soil, often stirred, protertsrth, If yau mean t-a keep os well as pas. F O R sali beueaîh freim evaporatiruou n ,_- ible t-be Iess yon t-ink about your beaith ables it te rotain wtrr misch longer thonj the botter. Al VMl l f A O D iL wihn-bsmîh hr rhowsver, Our country's welfare ieoun firsirconcero, AML L Kf1 N S 0 UI-1 PlU3lEMG- many formons wbo know these farts, but do an.i wlm pramatos that- best, beât provesdiirdatursohuecr.Kn adGogesrtsortPo nit tak aivatitage of îbe'n, aud thoeeha e bsduty. eiee torsrhuecr.Kn adGo- reü ra P t the very onues wo grnmble loudeet wben Frnm lowegt- place, when virtuous thinge alntn ehv lo o adaii-ý tcz as-ertoken by a drauth. proreed, thbe place te dignifiri by the doer'sDrlnt. Wehv aso nhadaaretck One.ofýthestrongest reasone why fat moire1 dond. shouldwork eannestly for-botter î Pride je a vice, wicb pride iîself inclines -NEW AND FRESH, tbat tboy increase the value af hie lan,. evcry man ta findinl othere, and tao verlook of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait orctt Wo con eee t-hie in any district or couutry"/ in bimeelf. wbere port of t-he o moe are gond and portad Te, n rs.GoudGe lstri Vrb bad. The forme wbicb border alonag a bard, Teisgivssforre t-o t-be trong, t-bat t-be an hoses an F e areound rey Plser nBar weli mode rmai, one aor wbirb fuILi bais m"mliude bas-ono habit ofseeif-relianre or hc weaerprdt sl con be houird lu winîon and spi ný4as wellj original action. as in mideummer, are always in Zemandi at The charist-b at soothe, oui beai, oiand'O , gond pniro s,wbio formas whicb are perbape le asa, lie scaîterei at t-ho foot of men, like- oquelly productive, but iuoted upon mode iiilowers. wbib auhotrs-îr tbmoghuva on I ten jean prsn -owbm aufeel AU*~ kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN' SCREENED COAL portion of t-be year only witb ont anan- Ilike, thae le t-be persan of wbom yoi aways in stock, nayance oui trouble, have mach groa1tor ougbt nover t-o speok. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. diffirltyý in proruring a purchaser, o von Sunnay le like o stie beiwoon t-hofiolde t-haugh offerei ai a lees pries. of toïls, wbore wo con kneel oni pray or su Buckwbeat ijeuoe of t-be beet crops e anou meditate. 1 -_ML EA N & C ) grow ta extorminote quart or ranch grass Crueiîy like every at-ber vire, requires, it will do this without at-ber labon thon itho no motive ontse af itself; it anly nequiros rL4ratue plowing, eowing and hors-est-iug. Lt 840o1,1d1appartuuity. oL tT11MSoiar.iOLLOWAY'e S 4:eHMN ho eown rat-ber vhirk, and have a god BUcicbogues alwayz-,fau-,cy tbat t-hein chul- 7, E"TC Fre 4f>'~I'L i ~IŽ. dressing of fertijizer ta stimtIlatera god dren wiii inhierit- ooiy the woaiîh and none grnwth ;'oud, aiîbaugb t-be uib o f t-ho ir. wbeat wiil come up tagether, oanVw1th Lt-e We', grass a littIe ïabeaiý, the burikwheav wiil smtie ongrai t-iatoourselves at ~- - quickly outgrnw ththe her au hysad h.mmnoI akgfnmo robe -># t-bore are any places wbene iv is onI uî- ,a-a5 Fkide lieri hoisu sooson, seuw ryri-te G ive a boy -adines- oui arrompliebmentes ~ 'e><4Ç wheot-, pinw uini n spning, aiud roeaioui ou is-,mt-bemot-nyof palacesan ou <.çZ>9j the rnop of whieat-. PBondesanwig n fortuines wbere ho ose ~ ~ t-is, purposo, a geond co:bukba s Rogues are alwaye os d out in somo way. Â ' fainly preâtabie in iterif. Whae ver lE a wolf will aetae a woif; t-bat-les 4 p0 The formeofaIWîscrnsin are replut-rd t-o temast certain nI thinge. o, ho t-be most prosperaus of any ini t-be Unit- erue popuiarity la not-t-be popuiarity 6 bave been held negalarly in evenycny wbich follows afier.pplnt ~- is t-hoe tate. Thene are neariy ,00W slo lu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i t-eso--eayfuctmra aya uotis-ity wr muet- find aur joy as well ~ , p. inte-tt - erl o r m sa, i i'a I in any othen nue. It bas a &ow raîiry lu as gilony; oni labor, lite eseything eloert-bat < ~ teat, le a groot hag growiug etaie, ouiii im glond, je lt-s own rewarî.-t Y' ,e groat place for impros-ei st-oct nI ah inde- 2ý Metnory je t-be robinet of imaginat-ion .--e'o- Ail these are sai t-o be lu o great meoiirrot-be treasury af neoson, the negistny of mu cet--5 àp' t-be ont-came of t-ho institute wonk. science ani the counicil chamber of t-hought-. <r $.- The relat-ive importance oI the potato os flouses are bilit t-a lis-o il, mono t-hon tac -V "e 01 a foui c'ep may bie juigri by the fort t01 utotk on ; therefoae lt- ise be preferei .1 bçO .t in Europe the rrop for ail the rountnies n! e- before unifommity, except whoeo bth May . port-rd aggrogates mono t-hon t-be combiaoi bcho ai. buebels af the wheat- oui ryr rmop, oui the <UPunumasene eliouid loek t-o t-beLabel au t-he Boxes onl-dPt. crop nf t-bat continent- exceede in amoumnt- Their Own Wera rot> Larza.. If Y1 t-be aduroeje net- 33, Oxort treet, London, theAy are eprmeflal the Whaie wbeat- rmp of t-be wonld. U er -__________________ many is t-be greot-ert pot-at-a proiucing oui . "Have you any seconi-hani ehoes i" ronsnimiugount-ry lu the worbi, witb Ilinquirei a youong lady at a Liverpool shoe os-orage annuai pnoiuctionaI91),00,00 anufacture'ra. buebels. The as-rage cran nI t-ho Unit-d We ii't seli seconi-honi shoes, miss" Stries je about 170,000,000 busos t aitesomueoty woulirem batterelnoom oranncrese ,1o, nI counrsenot, I iidn'i waut- t-o uy bore. th, but if yon happrnei ta bas-ve any EUA I ,Uî Coi)FES,'vn While foin cropa ma be gnowi a irhabt bai bren lo irs bor y porsous buying PI ~SD AEB~~IA(J sali witb indifféent- prparation, t-ho brst nalw ours, yan tnow," site suggesied mys- PANLï , LJ growt-b oui yili are nnly possible by hboy- teriotrsiy. UCme iug t-ho sou lu a flue tit iersofnopiontii' "Oh, cotainiy. flore are a pain of but- -i DA&L. MEIITIOL FILRSTER us5E9 t-be seei, and, as for as possible, toeping ilt- touiei boots-ii-but quite worn ont-._______________________________________ ru snob condition ing growt-b. Witb Wouli t-boy do?" ail cultivat-ri rope t-be besi pianof n n- "Wbat- number are t-bey V" The Listre3ss iii 0hloaga.- The establishment doe ot- ne taeto ogement je t-o plow roason1ably deep, pro. "Two'e-smsli two'e ait-bhat. And hoe Towonis t-be close of t-be Woali's Fain inige theýpooi, but-ilt feois tbo.Na e- pare t-be sou t-na gond tilt-h belote ponting 1jeonue bronze eippen, thinteen size." diymeig Ith umiyiwn eistrtions a7ro piared on tbeopiau- Ho t-be anodeoui t-heu teep it t-bonougbly so "Bot thint-en la an unbnrty numben,," arouni t-be Columbus Monument on t-be May fili imeelf there once, t-wice, on t-brime during gnowtb by 8babbow surface cultiva- 8ee ai, nmiusiy. Ltarn.On a iiaitb eyoday as hoe wisbes. And6t-s finsnehm tion. This put-et-be availablo plant fond "Net iu shors, mies. And hoe e a No. pontai aI t-ho City Hall was quelei by the ing incessanvly. Lu at-ber parts afIib erit-y ini a' gond condition t-o ho tatou up -by t-beonue, ni hadly worn" police. Thon wrk was gis-on ten alnf t-be ai-re sveu erabiehuent-r luwbich tlho neiy gnowîng plants, oui belpe moîeriaîîy in I wiibtoto t-hem ail. Thant yen su unempiayed wha wouli occepÉitn, on couli are foi and iodgoi. Ail t-heouot.llifeeCt- suppiying t-ho neessary moiet-une. murb," aui sho pnoii'ored t-be ebopomomspoy- arceptih, au t-ebe ig drainage canal AIt-en ig stations have danmitonses oitarbed uil mont fon t-be refusoe hoe. t-ho foin closei thonsanis of 1dle mon em- t-ho wont je grawing., Smal formea bave certain aivaniages aven "ýTher l ui hage" oso, -soenged froin eomewhero-sp)roug upi)from--