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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1894, p. 7

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WEDNESDAy-, FEB. 7, 1894 IRR(yCOLLEIf4EOr 'PIIYSICIAN ýït I'ens, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Oifioê and Reaidence. Enniekillan. M1 B 4IRISERSOLICITOR, &c. MOPRYQ t51 0CR, upsiaire, King Street, Boa'uao- ville. Poiiitor for tise Ontari Blankr Pz7Aate IReneve boandat thlie lowaaitrates S.CHUNKFNeG L TOENSED AUOTION E ER FOR .h Cunty or Durhtam. Saleas atteuded tu u uts notice sud mares: rases. Atidrege ICORT. YOUING, V. S. (FVIOE IEN THE WEST DURIv esBluet. whriea imseit o sitn aihafudfroin Sa.m. t? 9Op.m. Ngtai si eefaucdiecîy oposteDrill Shsed. Caill t erapsor tetgphoinewaI receive urumpt attestton171.yr A ~cIONERAPPRAISER, Real .tl EsaieA gnsBuarmanvilta.Otarlo- iae ianddin auy par: o!Provine A%. A. P6sT, A CHIITECT, Plans sud Specifica. .Èifous -pped for avary clamse ofhuîdiug. -1, aiaienîf on Lg van 'ohbasting by teain aid -tutaste nsu tu sauf tary arrangements x ie (ota l.Witth 43-1,8 R, FÂTETailor Genteme's iotes adeto Order- OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. tI ii btlalrn& Son,- Drug Tise ndersig V010h has been carryiug ou tis 1l tailuriug busine,.ssnlu conuaction qwith Masoýýn'e DryCGo de Stores for a numbarof years La-, commesnacad buinesýs for himlalf St hie Kei p~e ing tSt. ,wa-ss.wherc hailepreparel t0 makçe 9ganlt' and boy' suite iu ail lte latest Btyes, an t lowvest priceg. >Por- 'buse wbo Wîsb to rdar it, haý will carry a f ull lina of [1mp)ve 5Uail lte nae-st paterus. ive hlm J. Tl LL N Fashionable Tail6r HAVE01 U BI' a cahe the acavengera mervinathe id- of the systgem, neys1J afire-o in Il"e l a y l trouîble. Dedd'sa dangerouas.- Neg- Kid ieyuPillas gie lcted k,'idney prompt relief" troubles re8 ult "75 per cent. in BdBlood, ofdisýeaise l Dyspepsia, Liuer î neya. (ler 0uls /al "Mighf-aa weIl B(iglits Dsae trytaDaeiaiab etes anJid withot seer- The bu jscdt whn hoexi t lwh ere maa ae Do0dd's AKidney,ý4 ci gd,1c tîry are 1Pilla are Iuaed." 71i n 1-1- 9 oua cuiptual coppeti appias, ou aiahî cupuisnie lgiI hrasd-cruimbs,thrac ageg, ltýIee îabieepooutfuls sugar, aplucis utsai, ofsuru u 1t rateI îutmeg sud padrt cil-niamuno. St one anti teSttdise raisins lu ba1,al 1,1nti hast lise ggs vry tIisorougbly. Pub11 sî tise llttras U tLUcîhar! nti win Swningnrte Dreamland. Swing, baby, saing bu dte.tmiond; Tite-e, sareel, in slumber zo liy song anilblond infu canài Witbsuîîgs te augets knoua; Tliy itammoclt wil ha golden And tc ite crescent moon, Antiin us itollua itolden Thon ala be sailing soun. Goeluigsaying, swing«ing,' Hlighil 1p amrng tite ,tarî; At m bt wsati i pspriugiug, Shah seep o dan bthe r Ailito' tIl,,itammnock galdani Thn lit ,1 Y arme hotVdan, Wak lte rigitb sudlau otngcin. Fate oetÎthe Seallsin fSacque- ILsecesus a paradox te say Ibat the anin au aith a seahltin sacque is lu ha pilli thiisseasun. Sisa bas beau auviet ichreto- fora. But bbcearoman aitb a scahltkin sacqua le lu a bailaray. Site b as beau run up againet the halloon anti ieg-'-mutton eleevas. Shen bas beau contruntetiaiit tise altaruative outi-nuosheul ders or nu seaskits sacqua. For that sacquae bas neyer yat been made, that aill' comfortbly cuver fo -r feat o? ehoulders sud six luches adi- ditional fr111 sud leave bbc latter intact. lu thec orîiîary course ut tashion la, bas ueuallyv been uuly necessary for tise arusan anis a ,ýsealekin sacqua lu gel lier treasura onut ni cmpbor upon tisa approacis ut enit areathar andtirle a promenade. Ste aras consîderea aays ready for amular. Tise seailtkin aras always lu tisa style, anti cuver. eti a mulitude ut deficiancias, Tisearum- anntis lita sealekin sacque was always sure ut beiug balpeti acrose a croadati Streab by tisa police, wa a wayqaset outl tu upper aflar the play, awasys pot a seat lu tise cars, racaivedth Ie panerai gound attention ufthlie aorhd ab large. Sise aras tise eus ed ut baer sex. Ahi Ibis le noar cisangati. Tisa unexpecteti draught ufthtie seaheltsin seseon requirad prompt measures, on tise part of lise latter. And tbay tenir thorm. ibay hegan a campaigît ut education last sutumer. Thay enealtedinl on tisa enemy antis the dreatfitulslouu sheeva. Tise halloon slaeve sent tisa sealeltin sacqua up higlser'u a kile. Il le trua sa oebin- ste arumen aili try aud combiune'hataro, but il comas lbard. Soeaofthor'a talte ont tise olti original leeva ofthtie seal sud pst lu a balloon ufthtis siikaorm, sud tcal salis- fled.ti tiaI tey have beaten tisa gaina. Othters reltlessly cruas the inflalti shoni- date anti gYruau lu spirit. Otlisrs sîilli, witis au affeý-clet cuntemtp fer auiy fasîtion abicis cla.hsie antislie rigsofethlie qeahlkin sacqua, stick te bbc olti styla ut commun everyday shoulders, andtilI'an go aI bisaI. But tise ataulskin contingent je in tise ascaudancy andthie sealeltin sacqune as au article out araing apparel must go. A Word of Ad vice. jSu muet tiepeude up on tisa arrangement of the eldaboard aud table that buusaltcep- are ara constsutly on tise looltunt for daiuby piace s of obtusantid glassarare arisreaitb 10 replanisistise articles that ara brokan by carales deusestice. Il ta kas 3o littie lima 10 malta4 the tabla neat aud attractive, tisaItisera is positively nuo tesson arby carehess mebiod4e sisoulti ha p)ra ctI cet ir, s0mayisueiole Tisa mrorîîiing miu , abicis eho,-ultli heis lmost auJoyabia repset outhtisaday, i8 placatil un tise tabla buriiriedily sud arithiot regajrd tu a caretul arraugemient of tise varions,1 Tise father le absorbet ilu tishae eapr aud lita mothar, frettati by liteshrcon inge uft1tie cool, bas ouily arr fsutraprooýi11f fer. the ciiltria, wabusachisidislispral1ttiadis turbes Shiýr fatisier sud atide atititional fuel lu bier oaruvexationI. It se utflise grealeeýt importance that the eaaîug ruon ssou1ltibcha mati eat asud lcer- fI, aud, atboyealal, if tisa tabla is Ilaid at- traclively, lb arihh tend lu dispel tisacloutit tisas buver acrees the domestic horizon, sud prove a botter aid 10 digestion tissu ail tise nosîrumin utisaunivarsa, To decorata unor diuing roumit i l by nu means nacaasary tu cîsoose expansive arti- cles. A pair of plain, rati asthen ,vare vases, antis an aristie modal oneascIi sida, ahi bhehp tu brigîtbau tbe raoai ant iase. furnisis suggestions tisatInîay prove valu- able lu soecting a varieti sesortmantof brio. a-brac. Art is apphiadtbusuais commou usage lu thasa tisys ut macisery anti usetul bu van lions, tisaI godahapes anti tastetul designs cosl une miQoetissuugly unes, sud yat peopla ailI f111 Ieir housses lvis china aud gla-seara tiat are glarang deformities lu hotis shape sud rnamant. A plain tint in china le gauerally prefer- able for commun use. If many brealtages uccur, lain amibe diehesailha mura salisfacbory tissu tisosa tisaI are decorateti, lis hyeau easily bha rapaic4ti. A isouseltecuar alto poseesses superior jutigmeut aili carafully avoiti purcbasiug imitation -s aud cheap articles of a taucitul description. A stmple araatb or geumatricul patern le muchinsuvogua, sud is usedtieludecurabe bise cheaper arare. 'lie gihtiiug abichis le s freely appliedteb ordiuary systes givos bu the article a taardry appeatîdis ahichis l very irritatiug ltiste artieli eoye. lu choosiug giassarare, iseavy shapas and isowy cuttiîîg sisoîsîtibh avoideti Tis oe is ne erougor evidence o? vulgar baste tissu a ptopensity tu salect articles Ihat are eolahorstaly dacorateti. Tisera is a fAaoite c tl. Whl re hies mpee? l as'any xcplackuse Rice and Apple nu n.Tratbe s;poonfuls ut rice, thre tableepeonfls of sugar une quart ut milk, tbrea sour appleii a pincb ýof Sait. Cura and quarter the apples, msix ail the ingradiencs togaîbari, Pour int a well-butîered pud(diug-dishi, cuver, aud balte siowly four or five bours, wheù the milk sbould healal absorhed and the rice a red culer. Serve bof;. Cabinet Pudding.-Butter a plain round or ovai meuld ; h-se the bottotui withi! raisiue arnd with citron cultutu taucychapes,ý; cuver tbis with places of stale spenge cae then more raisins aud citron, aientu wsitl the cake until the mould le fnuite wiîhin an loch sud a baîf le the top. B"eat togezher the yolks of Ibrea eggsan udt1e tabeepontlsof sugar untili îrml lfgbî, thenU mix lu slewly a plut ut m juet broughî Su the boume uepoin. Pour this uvar the cake, etc., in tlbe meuld. Put tbe mouid iota a pari of cold water,' su that' thbb waiser may cuver ene-third ut the mnould. Set it uver the fire unlil the water huile, Ihen. put the whoea mb the uven te beailea bour. Turu ont the ruouid sud aserve hbot. 1 BaYed Indian and ApplePudn.Oa tCupful Jodian mleal, ouae upful molasses, re woqurte et milk, two teaspoonfis u, iltwo tablas-ýpoonfule ut butter, or one tabiaspuontul of fiuely chopped beaf suýa, 5 ue quart of pared and quarteraci apples, ,baif ateaszpoonýful aachef giuger aud grat- adnuutîneg. Bring tha miik te tle bolliug 1puoi utu te doubla hiler, pour it graduaI- iy eu the meal, retrate the bolier, sud Cook hait au huer, stirring frequeuitiv. Add the remaining ingrediesîts, peur m )t tared puddlug-dish and halte slo)wiy thirea hours. Scalluped Apple Pudding-l,-.alf a cup- fui sugar, bal f a cap 'u111buttier, two pinte light braad crumbe, Ibrea pluts et slicad apples, flavuring ut pewderad cinuamon or graîed lamnon riud. Malttha buter and, stir lb m thh raad crmbe sd mix the i flavuriug witb the sugar. But te-r iapu1 dl ng-dssh, put lu a layar of thae buttared iîread -erumbs ' Iben licad appia, sud sprinkie with sugar; repeat the layer untîl the matariais are ueedé, haviteg a îhielt layer of erumbe ou the top. If.tha appies, ara not juLicy, and bave litte fil avoir, addi hait a cupful of coid water sud the joie of hait a lamon before putiuig )un the, Lop layer of crumbe. Baka aboutuone iboiu. Fuddinz in Hse Hava yen ever beau surprised !)y hv cumpaoy come in just as dinner Vaas raady ou a day iwban yeti bad nul proividled a% des- sert? I wes so surprised the other dav, su -1 haetiiy made a pudding sauce, than put' the pudding ou bu bull while we ware at dinnan. Spli a faw crackers and put raisins ba- twaen the halvs-I happened tu hava ee lees raisins wbich I ueed-spriukle atîla te sugar ovar tham, tic bbem ciosely in a eloîh,, or put them in your puddiug-bag, sud hoil fiftten minutes su milk sud arater. For the sauce I used une eup of sugar,ouie- hait cup of butter, yelks ufthIrea eggs, oua teaspoonful uf corn slareh -, stir the îngred- lents thoruughly, sud add boiling watar enough lu usake it the cousiseacy of lhlck ceam. Flavur wibh wiue, brandyv, or any of thae extract fiavoringe if pref'err,c, Deýlicioue qSpriu)g Cikn Daeand ioint tham. , ash aud drafiu, .pLac"u 1)a dfripp'iug psu sud ji cuv,)er 1with swaeu11ý ureamr;.season witbl a litîla sait, pepparci an butter; let, tlem"Icoltk uinlil th ieram l almuest cooked 'away, Lsud the eb".ke.,ai EggýLs lu the Nst.-Beat 10 a frotýl h(h wbs;tes ut six egg; add a litile ppe u sait, peuir lu a'round, b!tere tii, ip upu rix -lblspomluntule of weel rem oua epoonituil ilu aplace; 1upoin a e oufn of ceaam plaece enaof the, yollts aboie, iha îng carefitI nutl'ba'kil,; plau-, i;c t a d aralaly boenc9ook udservebt Bakad Ba.-!32,i until vary tender seaun wîuh sit, papper sudi sugar; suice places of perle,plc over the top su bake Lemon Custard Pie.-LSweetillt 1 pilut 3egge, 1 lemon, § cup of sugar; mi he beatan agge, sugar and milt together,- as for acoustard; remova spots, se an d fo end from lemon, chop vary fiua, stýrîr mb Iba custard sud baka. .PERFIDLOU3 -J.ýLAND). Le Laionai Ras Aaathar lBaid tta'ek ef aThe curreut lsses of lue, atioceal coutains aui -v-ttcicbeaded Il"eenîci sud Engliie," racsiliing the axaggerated touee uf the Nelson serie whlcu had asncb au unforbunate ont- coma. T oe wcr b eglus by remarkiug on receul reporte of uniriendly relations ha. îaeau France and Enigland, sudsys that France bas forgiven Russia for the humilia- tien of thertra fromu Moscow, sud alhl forgive Germsny for the deleat ot 18,70, but aihe il i neyer furgiva Euglaud for Waterloo. Th,_ reason les very simple. France ie juet; shile fr ansd sha bas the deficte of lier qualities ; she dateets pet fidy. Englantl bas beau a diloyal anamy ; aile bas fought France lika a marauder, like a prowliug camp foiucwer af1er the baIlle. Duriug tha( combats ut hait a century ehe bas beaui the motive power of ah bbce coalitions. Sha made misobiaf avery lima Ibara was a Chance1 of pesca anad theasccomplishimeub of the great reforme that the Emperur dresent ut lu hie powarfui panue for administration. Af- bar aIl1 the nabluns hkd givan iahatofIei And bite Il tnle uîaîblca r ieetlt. idta ivell riiîed.1,ü0-nto s.,.t ,,Il 1 Iusebi te hettime on uts'Iitir bthe itousî r. I Anj£vhrstv cissi h-.,,i ,.ot a.,5 The Controhlrs aI Ottawlgether witb, talctor-ieeraî,au nw ha desiguatad HHn" irbtherto uhay hbava nul beau an- bcie t that distinction ; but he Colonial Ofic as reied that lhey shah ha bhonour- *aia in future. King Humbnert ut Italy is'a much aorried - insu just nuar. Iie hait aras gray long ago freiin wurry, nuil le as hite. Ha le, proh- iyte en iy monarch lu Europe abu is aimeet dal igfed lu lakelarge sume ~rmhie uoan allowaacease suveraigu suad * iy tham b the uceds ot failing indivî,-d- nis sud 11iinstitutions. Qiseis Vctoria le said tu ha very par- licular abo!)ut peuple being callad by tiseir corrc(t inines. She smartly snuhbed a Dîke uty abo spoka cu lier ot the laIe P Cio Uarance as "Priuce Eddie."" caunotîuerstand," sald ber irate M\a- Jt , "wey ithe Prince sud Princese of Wesgive their bilidren niekuames. lu u.17 presauce I prefar nultuebave Ibein lî ,ed.LThe Duka's namne was Prince Albert V'ictor." Princese MJsud ut Wales l3 the pretîleel of ise uumarriad English princesses. She le on5 ee ot îthe kindeet aud meet thoughttul ugirl-s teb-hfouinfi asywisera. Shaise much i vd y the people about Sandrieghlîam, w1iee fier unselffidh goodues isîles tltw Site ud er sieter have verygebani s"rýpîa sumuereman nets much gentier sud simpet- itanboc of many youuig American Thera1le a rumeur thal the handeousa uegDic-hus utAlbany, the aidua ut Princ iýepold, lseangagad te marry the Ial of ,Ruaebery. Queeu Victoria dues nul like, second marriages, butilu Ibis case, il le ssd iteileprepîrel te forget ber prejudice. The Ducheseofet Albaey bas tbau hîtîlechul- Itou th prsesî Dueasd PritîceÉé Alice utAibany. ahîle Lord Ro>-sebary bas sevaral i eidren bb1viis fluet wfe ho wae Miss Hanaî; de Ruhschiid, sud aho lait hlm a great del o?ý mouay. Caeri \i Uotgomery Muoe, commander ethfoesaI Halfax, appeared the othar da:iy ithe peieg ut the Neva .tcotia Lsg- lelaure-iiîurîs drees. The oecurrence le dvasel eemimeuîad upen, as it le ealdi tîtt ita Gener-al shouid have arm bis fthrssd bttoûns asedo the toraîgu diR1mat taheba peninut ofthe Ontarlo Sîr Johni Thompeou'es aarliest appearsuca at thýe baarras ,at Halifax lu a lihel suit. Ag-oýer bad heen salling liquor wilbouula licens, suds tetpersîsce paper, ltnowis as Ihe~~~ia Abtnrht 'tscked hlm bittariy in ,2,t-sequcuca. r. W. A. Hessry, aftarwarde eu te jutiige c f the Supreme Courte, apparei irh see'br ceiehra'ed counisalj for the pince, htra suieg for damages,1 sudlI. inpson represeuted the Ah- 'Flicit. hajry aras ouItfour bouts sud gaa verdict fer thse detence on a vote 'o? f 0e a t wo. At Lord Abërdoeen's fire Stata dinuer thera arefortvgeeste. Tha fuinctions sore hel u fi-,e ,3Rideau hall haliroom, which mad-oe a hiaudsume dfViug rý1,on. Bafore - diýsnr wsis announcell Lady Marjoria, a pre tîiy girl o? thirteen, presented eacb o? t eimen wilh 4a boutouniare ut sareet Eugishvilet. be auboys, ltae Hou. atr barr to uay Abardee" ndsud calat tyeby thleadrsof sceya Otîss. Wen fr iuran', bt Exele At ecn atexiiin luLoudon Ibare rashen nmber co portraiiisby Ml.Aimea Rapin ahatractefi consid arale otce rei cnnuesereou accounut ut thieir ,ge.,eral excellence both lu draing sud olorng.Artistesud critic uited in vtgthae xh hitor a areman of rare arti.s- 1i ilty never dreamiug that Ml-e Rapin had ( Uebea otu arthout bandesud arme. Il ýase nett,,ise intention bu het the public lto ii act, but the secret cuuld net hae lIfor a1eiy Ian gth ut timae. Tu say that vrybodi'y aras diimb)feunded by this su- iI1cnceuta1nE2,le stu express il mildly. Mise Raibecame the barolui tIe anu thaý prise hesteaed un ber aerk was ta- douhled. Site aished to ha judged by cbe menýrte of bar vorhî alune sud scurad s suc. caýse;, l'is accompilshed, lt was an addition- ai giury bu bher hen il bacante lnown bhoa aodaf hsie had overcume the grealest obsle ý!1iii ber wsy te famta MisAiueaRapin was hotu lu Payerua a emîltouinSwitzeriaud. Sha axhibitafi ber cmdod Wbcu bult twelve years ut 1age shehosit lber parente , but IbrougLi thea asssteance out au a rt ,patron alliearas giveu af very b1rogh rt ceducalion. Sha slud ladc aI ausîlasud Geneva sud teck msnyi prizes lu tha aesdasnmy utfluanearts lu thea latter- city. S;he aras passiouataly fond uf the sîuaiy ut tha uld masters, Holbein beiug a avrie.Sa-laft Geneva lu 1892, sn arliet out ýxtraLordiuary ahiliiy, ansd came Lo Londou., ý.-lirae he devotad a great deal ut beýr lime iu the treasures lu the National Ga-llary. SIte soon aras racognized ainongf tha fpatrons utf art, sud commissions t rom very d1ýitungciahed peup'e cama quickcr thacn tbey could hae exacuted. Among the ltepstof lber worlts is s splendid portrait et bb1Iniea 'da, -the alfa of the ukMu Stie Headacie ntrlievcaci ite troubles ie deutbo bu iif osfaa tthe systeîn, sncb as tszzussr asa. Di-essine, Distross afier leabingPain u Sie Sida. &ce Whila their mest romarabie uc1sehas beau sitoan lu curing Headaclia, yab CAnTates LtrrcaLit-sa Ptsal ara equally vaiable i Cnsîpation, curiný sud pevnting tits nnyig enplaint. wibi bhay'alsocorrect al ibsr 3rs t he ýstomacli stimulate lta litr udre atie bowei5 Even f te aiy cure but fortunateyitauit ged -,eus uot ent anre sd titse aritu once Sry tem siuli int Shoe tIle pille vaiesal e nsauywaystitat Mtiue HIwii nt b(awiliing te do wf itonSt em. du i,ýatar il sickitsL wemake euir t p-et bon, OUr lpille cure St m l b tare do et.l anýi ar esy e!a!t. uia î 25 :,puis a n tgripe or pu ge b't 1, b at: geife acti -n pleas ailorit seoem ~ raisat 5 cets fie or$. eli vryitz, CtSet b is boxerl sixb 0.. 1e !oýr 1~ fflav, ne.55 a ri f ei ror, purity, ild- nd arom-,a have Iqht wi[h you; en REMEDY FOR HAIID TIMES. Tie ledeas of a Boston 3Hau Who Dees 5n0t Belleve la Bens Frankltin. Thle bard times iu the United States have set people moraiizing ou bow te meat the emergency. liera is what uone philoo- phier says :-Never keep money which le due to another. Simple as is this ruIe, there ie none se generally disregarded. We have a large class in this communi'y whose bank accounts would allow thema to owe ne0 man anything save charity and good will, yet who makeo it a matter of prideto pay no0 sema l ebts save by lordlly courtesy, or ea such times as it May please them te mail a oeeck to the marketm6a or the mechanlu. Te them it appears aa though the good names they have always borne put themn aboya suspicion. They would pay instant- ]y upen being duuned hy the humble creditor, and latter would await their pleasare menoths and borrow mouey rather than ask for his due, since to demand bis own would ha to lose their customa in future. If You cannot pav what yau uwe, or owe noîhing, yoe have nu duty iu this respect; but if there je the le-ast sum due for work or purchases sea te it that the sun dues net set to-night until that sumr is put into cirLulation. Spend ahl you eau possibly afford to dishurse. I give this advice boldly, says a writer in the Boston. Trauseript,,aithough it ie just te the contrary te tbat u@ually offered. But oua dues flt, have te be a puliticai economisîto see that the relief wouid be instauitaneous. Dcbt is always t e ha voided, but the last available dollar la a blessing te tha cQmmuuity. Wbat possibi good does money do which is hoarded 'instead of beiDg put intO Circula- tien ? Suppose a man in the possession of au incoma of $10,000 a year ware te enter into oua of Ir suburban villages and daily spend 8mn fl neiglibors that proportion which hie would racaîva aach day ? 1 do neot mean giving il righit and lefî for the support of the peur or shiftless, but bu, iui the labur or products of bis poorer brethiren. Dues it require any instruction lu po;itical science te ses that hae would au once bure that tewn into a very paradise of prosperity ? And if alI thosa inu comfortable e-rcum- stance would scrunulously dothis, the dis- seamination of comforts weuld increase in proportion te the monay spaul. The philosophy of Benjamin Frankli n bas cursed this country with a mania for hDarding. Wa fafi te realize that the identical acon omy wbieh may ha commanIable in the youug mechanie, may be a positive wroug lu the retired marchant. Dxd you ever caiculata the amonut of good doua by (let us eall st the Frankliu phraseology> the uselass extravagauce- of inviting a lady te the theatra? lu the tiret place, iu acceptiug, she will probably dis- burs for gloves, millinery or seamstrese work quita a pretty sum, each payment baing a hlassing te the oua who recaivas it, sumetimes rapresantiug te the employa the very means of Ife. Tbau your owu dis- bursemeut will halp support the back driver, the florist, the butai where you dine togashaer, whila it would ha impossible for the wurtby corps of the employas of the theatra to get their daiiy bread wera it not for just sncb extravagance as that of wbich you are guiity. To rigîdly aconomiizeataIsnicb limes as the prýesent, ,so f bat you may hbave the means to givau for beioarproa 8 simply to wiLîhhold with Iba ona baud tibt-liouMay dishursa itb haoth1er. if ttlewo ue harein reýonimmded vpeao"sev-([ byvary persou lu tha communiiiity, ouly thea luabriate and thie culpably shifîlesi wo-,uld be -a charge ou thair fallowsý. As iuimîe bre, 1 do nuot lu tha e et share the ganaral eommaud- atiou, of ýBeniJam,uFrankln. lis imaximes are world,iIseýnsual, salfish, entiraly ig- n3oring cbivaîri c, spiritual or iofty idlfjts. Tha ai rec of bis parsimonlous ideal of bu . maàn coriduet is te ha seau iu justsucb strin- genicy as that whicis is now fait by tbe Amecricau peupla._ Taming a Sctdd. A village schoolmý%ster lhad dune s0e thing te displease the parents of oua uf bis pupils. Ou the followiug murning, .lie augry muthar of the lad anterad uba sebool. rouduring lesson lime, and bagau to scl.The teacher kuaw wbat was comiug, and1 ealled eut, lu a toua of command, "Childran, the multiplication tabla 1 " At once the whole sehool bagau te rapeat the tabla lu chorus. The womau stormed and ravad, wbila the seholars unly ebouted the harder, and the master quiatly laughad to himself. Utterly speaublees witb augar andsrpie the woman at last weul away aud the te,,cher was iaft master of the field '110W TO CZ711,, ALE SKEV D1SEASES"1 Sinpýy apply "SWAvNE'S OINTMENT." No internai medlicin e rquirted. Cures ltiter, aczema, icail arutione l,3 un the face, hae de, nus3e, etc., laaviiug the iikin clear, white and haalthy. Iti great heal- ing sud curative powers ara possessad by nu other reaiedy. Ask y ur d'-aggist for SWÂYrNE 8 OINTiMENT. Lyman Sons & Co , Mootre,d \Vzti lesale Ageuts. Conus iretin. Prevnt oIns Omitionde frm- 4drer, or adult8, use DR SWMIN CERMAN WORWI prompt, rèlible, safe ed peasutrequiri.g na afler medîcine Never faflng. Lmavu ne badl aftcr oieets.Fc. 25 cent; pet, £Ou !Unloûi3 0a1 the aiogmgen anuo01! lia $oweis, lKldnieys aned Liver, oaryiia tff gradutally vwithout weakenir-g tho luyoe ~,al thil ipurities and foui humorg ~f isesecetues; a tSsane limle-Or letin Aidlyof' thoG tomach SUrlng BiiunsD ppia Hezdaches, Llîzzinicss, Heartburni, Constipation, Dirnxss of the SkIn, Drops, Dlmnoe p f Vision, JaURn- de.Sait Rheum, Erysipelas, Sors. rula, Flutteriig of t'.c. eart, Ner- 7oUSUOSS,,arn1.Gene'-Ct1 DObhhlitY ; ail Lisese and rnany other similar Cmlii yield tthe hnppy inflisenceof BURlDOCZ SLOOD BITTERS. 7, t y ilDeae tUMT5"4 The Most Usa fiel oMEtiflaLq. Palladium le une outhIe leset ltoanu b mosî useful of minerals, sud Ihe uses le arbich il le put aould maire an iulares3tig stury. Il belongs tu lise platinuin group, aun le found aibb that mineraIlu inthe Ur&ý moiotains. Il waa first iuitroduced by s, cheiit iuamed Cox. il le simihac lu culot tu platinui, nd, sud evry malleable becauise ut ils flaxihility., Il a great absorber o! hydrugen gas, but is priucipally uscdtini the producton of alîuye. Ilb l esd in a, tim film lu prulece sihvered surfaïces. A very close inspection ut Most silverarare arihi reveal a tim cuatiug of il on the ar- ticles, ahicb ptulectse ben lua large ex- tant froin taruiehlug. Mtrroru lbave beau baclted arith il. bu gises an alloy antis zinc, nickel asud(1in. Pailatlout sud! sl-. ver torm au aley arichis le usetiby den- tios in filiiug leeîth. Au aiîoy uf palladium, goVd, slvar, sud coýp,5t !s uoed tlu make bastings for thea aorks o? aratchas. lu lhat uIse, oua paýrt palldimirceaparts gohd, lau patrle silver, sud tout psrbs scoppar form a body arbic produices hases friction for the arurking pateufaacittan tisEý geins ahicb are mu-re cuimnnly nse& do. Paldimsd sîcel are combinaCIti l alte the moîaiaeu uria ntue tIl eau ha utihizeti more comiprehiensivaly anis gooreull ta ny other mLlin)erail tnown,7n --[Broolhyn sie Wobds hearued hIy rota a parrot miay ta hearse ;btIalltlngJle uot aary l on vLrs11n10moe (ditbnrl froin lia.tmoty d7_. vina, lise consýtant cr-eskiug of a ceuutry 2,M.r. DnaîddIe-"I sea hat Mro. Ghad.- SboteûbsathýwittIen &au article o0 'i1dru) s abI;ih Ite eystbay neate can rMa 1>sil, , - ' L 1 T '?,.r5 IjOL'si Toto&Ât, rte for i wit ixepou-ino asmal o-ter, o l1 -, y uu iour mik 1. unuuymt muebriong pepie wno !pjo 0, -1 rR .n ., .. 3flom ftonp j or mouiti, sud steain tistea hours. nloa aeu bn Pit. baby tires bm.' at pcalsu bmev Chk e Z fr iche 1 zr'sCastaor ïa5 dni ask for aý niekie or a dine T 1 - - - - -- _5eI i.n baccoi, why flot .5mo}w, cabb-aQe Ieame or browrn paper"? If you appreciate qua(ity yotu wila'3k for- MÀ5TWFCUT, J, B. PACEI TOB4CCO CO0. RICTHMON, VA. aud MOINTREAL, CAN. TS P -AP-'"ER1 -AIND 0F TORONTO, A large 36-p,%aeI 91sraeFm, 1 ion lVothlyý, wilh ba sen tg any address S 5Ossy une dollar sud fitteznIr $.5cents for the taro papts. W01 l.! Cali and sea a sampie copy utC "The Ladies' Journual" It je a publioation tisaI wil luteýrat every \wuman l is Le lsnd. Tlite ragular suhecriptiOn priece ut "Tle Ladi2es' .Johurnal " su(ld ispapeýr le ý pas yeair. Y)uupett ihe Lwu0 for Send your money and addresLu titis officê. -1 -L -L 1- ýL 'fý hi qi m rilt m au viwî emiii, rmMi

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