~LO~ ~rt src.F-ee to i. M.erry& Ont. BowMNVILE, EB. 21, V OUR "AT HOME." Tis a peint we long te knov, 0ft't -aues-xious tliougc Slill we have your naine ori On our At-Home lit of fric YVos, dear reader, tie weather ing uis anxions thouglit, because vt'ery dIesirus thlis year c havingi gatfiering tlhan uuii i at oeut alnu Hont" ofsubcribrs. This ii eeSe) snyiy oyn vie have r yo(Irdollar yet for Tîru STATESI 1894 shnldattend te the tnatt ediaýtely aud get your name am( gucast list FUI).28. Ma,,ny of yen are tee far awayt 131eron"u doni't f ail te lbe rep: onthe, lis-. Wu are always pleas, Ceive a -l etter frein eut distant sul ýMyiug h !ow thiy are gettîug on ai ,-.,y information that ms3y bhofo Ineea. Ne know suoh extraci pUblil freirn timo te time froni zeribors are rend vith great inter receive very mauy kind and appý worda that we do nt publiali, bu alwjjays checered by such liomplihr a person is slways encouraged that their efforts are apprei-oiated. Nýow rInonds, you are evory 0o welcone te ont At Home. yoi stand what is meant by Tii STA' At Home. Every person whosei tien is paid for 1894 is the pu friend sund a lit of ahl sucl-iyl lislied in this paper next week. gird tuis, in imagination cf cou sert of soncial re-union vihen the gils, frein near and fat, the old home aud neigliborsansdf inonda dasalappear together in oll iu this papor. Yen think as thias long list cf famiiliar nain tilnoe assocation'-, tho scoues and ing-s of other days, and yen illsny tiugsc, that are revived roco lletinsthtare breuglit te etly. We know there ar. say loigfer this la su there výil1 h)o agreat gatlierin.i- rcitonsreching this office Tuiesday encorning il h s on tlei 1sf. lede> illyuccî thee EATONSBINDERi T_ý I HO. JHN DYDfIN. ~ UN AY OHOLS. ayo ofthe ota prhibiionof he làqo iss ueso h a.Ailparties are initdlW) Vrhm ' Ly cool oito o meuens hscneto a m. Prio to tha hourlte imeeting will TedyadWdedyFh 3ad1.nsh~tepeg ie ySrOie hoaivaeoelo ibeasol. Te severe sn1som:n110 s oî o eafofteGveneto Thlockaded theieroadls that ilapips- naooadwol xpes te ane - ible for some lof t legtstiecùhp httu euainapitdt LENEP. HOGS WANTED. Tyrone 0on timiehlene there was o mo'rn aul h oino oeuet ing session.1",rhiaps ithe exper ienc(e of cojnto I!te temperanice workers( 1 R Mi'. W. Davies of the big pacl(n i7' irmi, a load of Bowrvçiiiille deegaes as tbe fo te poicsw lleato îmmled- Torontýo, advises tariners very earnestly most thrilling and lwe f eel saf e in sa lin) jate and practical1 action in the direction truhthe Farmers' Advocate to raise Ihtti ovninwl ee e for- o totl proibitioný. So far as thi-s con- lene og nothin is easier," i as otnb îispry eto aijdge a thorouigl and effeet- 11-.&.. Lt "than for farmers to produce sucli hegs. The, convention opened TLiesday rte- ie prohibitory mneasure would meot with rl a"virig' ou.g ILv ouu une 1ar ' Yorkshires and Taaiworths are scattered noon with Mr. C. J. Thoratoni, Kry te appovlf the irajority of tir people nil ovrth province. Grades of either county président, in the chair. Aiter ofCad. The convention would furth- U3rocery and Pro>vision Business Inll are easily obtained, and if tlîey are devotional exercisos and appoinýtient o f er ug upon the superintendents and J1 icioi aeachers to use ovory e)1ffort to keep th ]ierly snd judiciously fed tili 6 or 8 a oiaing Commte, eots of the attr o.teprnc to tusefront ie the vr..LJ . I .±vjUu.,i±ê motsodte ilbe the very "bean différent Sunday Schols were giîxe n Suîds r ooprnels te.-n mtei f M .J h yl, i u d c ' 9 . idel" o bacon pigs fit for local or export froum Enniskillen by Dr Mitchel; TaunaOrd i.r.,L.a ___trade and will bring -the highest price." ton, A. Washington-, Leskard, Jh Orn aslcted as the place of S a d ~ v r n e u ' This advice shonld not be disregarded by Davey; Enterprise, C. J1. Thorutoni; T.1 meeting for 1895. - ~ v t a fanira' he us ctr eth dnan.rone, Miss Campbell. Thle pre2 1sident At the evenine= session e'- ery inch of 13 sîi n ha ver t U seJ , U.Lthe Thrc s biumein cs he Ithegave ashort address on thepesn a sitting or standing room was flhled by p b i~ a h s i h a g s t r right kind i properly raised. future prospects of the work. Mr - W. J. those initerested in Sunday Scliool work.pu lc as t i he 1 rg t s o e ýht __________ Roy reported for the township aýssoca- Devotionai exercisos were conducted by no tion. Mr. Afred Day, the Provincial Rev. R. A. Burriss of Bowmanville, after and. fin est stock in the tow n, the md ?ý. THE LJANARK VICTORY. Secretary, then gave a very inte.res;ting whicli Rev. C. Parker gave a splendid is canaLaar an ddress. The nomiîiating cmnttel adress un-i te "Studv of the BIible," stock being niostly n677. Oiî ir en- weae The lection in South L ak nFi- ported th~e followirîg offices wbhîch were bringing ou-' înany excellent points in re-d day resultellin a Liberal victory and as elected: "gard to betiior understandingy of the word vill be to keen up the hio'h a larger the Mail re-narks showss once more, how Prsdn-D .E.TleM ' f GL.d.Ilie s4id to stud'i histoîically, èLeav £ th al t AtiremarableIntertsnt h polftical3stuh- Bowinanville; Vice-Pres.-J. T. Polock, lhonestly, prayerfu 'ly, intelligenty oî-reput ation of botb. ou.ses an.d thn atto i. uoat dapaf 89dteEiîskilleîi; 2nid Vice-Pros.- J.Daey al'y, inethodically and stn.ly it in the best _ co adPatrons of Industry and the P. P.A cap- -P ntrr' ý , l for tured two Governiinent stîon)ghoîdýs. Their Lekad;Sereares-P Tebigoli iitreteoflinînit; tuy o et5 ru c rd Bowmanville, W. J. Roy, Tyr-onie; Treas,- conception cf ýthe 'bible hca'use lifQ oorn. cus on2 be m-sces odoubt, was promoted by the urrA oîî,Bwnnil;Eeu i e coio'e accordingly co ti u iug~~~ on etta h osrvatives lef t th, tive c~m~e~alutu .C ja, Rev. R. A. Burrjss gave an address- ers to cvitih. iis---iv.e s al Minstes o fglt i on wtlithir e. Geo. Argue, W Eversonl, Jos lat- on'lWIrkng for Others" and stated that wo corn oppnîls. No w a cstienc, in dorworthy, Miss FannyVirtne, \W. I.Leni hs idea of hi hias fOtrowsbe glad to see you---and as rzý, ny resntd hih he oreswee tregtieedorens, Win. McLaugl-lio; ClatrIýe, i ,l t that thiey werce "get out-and-pusli christ- edtoe- hved nderthe edisribuion f 187, nox, J3. Stewart, G. L. Waddll, Mrs. ianis;"an if the Sunday Sehools weotetof~ 'on sa Tl fa rus Tt1 th r sci lis as qone oe othe Government. Fouir n w o e s w l a o svv tr h iid givig ca d d t s a ea e in t e fe d tw J. L. Rowe, M rs. M qase; Cartwrig hlt, T. w o;rk effeci ve y the- mut iiitate Chri , SulcaCnserates aoeLralndoe aro erry, U. H. Prust. Jos. Snesn y rn g"ne at a timo" sund use th atr lts 'as we The struggle was really a, seramble, wjtli BowmI1anviIle, MIrs R. Freeland, Miss 1ordinary everv-daï affairs of lite te ag . AT a e op n nd re d ont sub- the GoveruIment workýing, hard te preveîît Brengliall, Geo ÏcGiIl; Nwate .traite the o luc c their. woîki. They f rb usn s o d y est. We eithor the Patron or the representatîvo of T oklat . .P\UonUlolaee !o seektU ive t-o'true broa at recitiv th old Oposiionfrmsucceeding. At lu tlie eveniing after dvtordee C-.oac1 to cemploy the talent guvon huma ut vie are the last elAection, that of 1890, the Con- es býy 1ev. 1, MoCullocli1, Dr. Ille, he Aliarty voteo f tlianks was moved to É ents, as se v t v o l d 1 59 votes, and the new pr sident, t ok t he cch ait. Nr. C. Ihe relief co it e h so k id y am tknwLiberal 1,078. On Friday the Conserva- J. Thornton gave an îniterestiflg repor)t of te the rescnueof the BýowiInanville dele- 1.t nwtives received 914 vote i. But thevere the Provincial Convenitioni lield inlTJo- gates, and to Messrs. Thos. Grigg and H. ne most sixty-oue ther votes polled for the rente iu October. Reports b ee0. Hbar for the genérous hospitality n ne-second Conservati'.e candidate. These thon given f roin Ilaydon sehool 1,y W. given theso enow-bound travellers. LTESýIAN'S 61 votes, added te the 944. makce the H repr 5Slm F .BrgBel- Aise beatty votes of tlinst h fi-Vcoi ~'tîGJ Iudo hsÔ d S a d subscrip acnnal Co1ýservatiYe vote 1,005. The esda by . . ar. Mr. Day thon g aveiss of Tyrone cliurch, the choir for ticir Bowluanville. îblislier's Liberal canddtworcie h il-aslndidataddress nive the hg- .i drs(nteimancl- of excellent service of song, and the peuple___________________________________________ [ be pnb- est indîvidual score, and tins vwon the tlie convertion of the children and point- of Tyrone and vicîuity for hospitable en- WVe re lection, was given 662 votes For tee n ial hwtetahrso ldh tertaininent of the visîtors wich wss re rse, as a Patron, the- total was 804. The Patronq, ftted if it viere going te be accomplishied. sponided to ini a neat speech by Rev. H. boys aud of course, drew f rom botli aides, lu ord- Dr. Mitchell olered a short prayer for A. Strike. The doxology aud boîjedie- folks at or te test te what exteut the old parties a blessing on the remarks that ldjus incoo u fteba evuin of former suffered, it is only necessary te deduet been madc. After some music by thle ever heold ini this county and each cne e iit tîeir vote of Friiday fromn that of 19.cor usindae s odce felt tliey hadl roceji ed freshiimploses in~j yourea Adptig tis rocasit s fundthat by M1r. Day and ncany iîîterestiiig topicS ti i3 important work of leading thon' schol- taofed h Pton to 54Cosrvstives, and were discussed. ars te Christ,Co r c cesofI Behest aterial,54 Cn. 1happen-16 eomr.The détailsof theoNg -ECOND DAy. ____________ I ýftp r OI T O 'P b T Yç1?ONRI. talk ever hy sweet yont view a a gyreat we hIope Ahl snb- 7rural districts, of course, that the Patrons eýxhibited their streugtli. Take, for ex- ample, the Towsipo Montagne. flore atliey scored -266 votes, taking 200 froin . tie Conservativet -.-I ~cyfren the tLiber ½, As a raIe, theL Patron,'s do net ýO wel l nthe t !n. lu Pt, fre- aîj, ple, tiey secured onily tîryegî ~Votes, But Sithff's Falls proved anex cepltion1. It gave 149 ýpatron vts Tiere weo, liowever, 332 Liberal votes p >lldin thle saucie to sd 1:30 Coli servative votesi. Theý Liherals gainied 138, snýd the Conservat ives lcsqt 180. IGHEFRAISE TO SUR. CIVER The "Nor' Wester" Wiuinip)eg',4 new daily paper in its first issue praises Sir Oliver Mevat's Governinent tins'y k "It is impossible te believe, however, !sE,,- henface fte face vt teeIful gravi- exorcises co)nducted by e. l.A- - Strike, Mn. Day adesdth'e coni- (mEPEINE0F TcII SUNDAY ScCI0f vention on' the"Art ofQutiii' DEETS EN EOIvTE TO THES ni whicli le Said everyý teaclier siold po ov~x pare the food for hIis class in the mnost a1pe~ngmîne HOi spolie of two Une of the miost excîtînig, adveîîturous rnetliods ttt .01ci !)Y m](1 tyItHenth jnys nudettaken by anl question. Tl'le objeet of, lId eisud ýill g baci of Sabiatli Suheel qualities of the questionler, sud ntî ,î, was tiat ti - o Trne Isat Tues- questionis wrably explaiuedsud (1 iv af ter tie severe subw and wviind stori esetliat oaci teacher de-al genitly wii i of t1ic provIins day. The fear ait firbt en- evetyauer Mr. Fo. L. Elis, flamlp- tertsirîed wss Ëtta s 1us would 1net lbe ton, taught '." iieSuudaty SehAool ]essomniuolade Up, lbut as die forenon a dvanced "G;od's .Judmen lonSodon" brmging ie number ice sed O hat unlosding out Ilany good 1theouglits. vsaresortýed to, ïsud wbt iti cutters, -Mr. Day gave anIother f~ dra on i fot exrcsesd turm-about exercîse (Àf "Thle Sabilati ýSLiool Teaiclier's Bunmci of ,va]lkiingasud idiugl- alteruiately the ner- Koys." Hlad visýited a argefa'-ctoryte be-forgottue: t xas accomplislied,and in Euglnd viere loclis are -austue e feel saf e i-ssertiws thattlie Bowmnan- sud cf the thousands of dîffereut locks ville contingent had tLie most thrilliug and~ seen sete impe sd eailyepeiedsudexcting experionce -,f all the delegates others of sucht intricate dlesigus ;tliat uL io w ont te Tyrone -fli arrator says, the preper key wouid op.liecepr After some_, delay in flinig lherses of suf- ed the word of God teo a tnsury thslýt ficiently good riaracter te convey theic could only ho unlociked by Hie okeys cf load tlef t town about 1.0a.m.1,sud prayer aËd the Holy 'Spirit andc if the i adll1y Iproceeded as short d1 stance vien teachers wero, to lie souesaful lueenn t e sleiiig 'eed te Iliug tie fonces the hearta of thleir pupiils they înstrstsud fytcertqî o spots of the rond. How- unl0ci, the treasurily asud b-liefied with th uvet, ntigd uuited par, of theprt truthis of God's Word sud tie losso itat fud aku a'il oo u roodd iwmasters tic teaclter -vieuld suirely master Tie býreakiug of thte hifIIettee visati, the pupil. lHosdvised i. ,l t td tenx isa u iieanior a en nIaturesý of thkeir pu ilsd1makýe Itle cseued the party footed it te Mn. T. lesousfitacotdugl. s Mt;Da1lid Gigg's ere tho2y voeemoat kicl o tolebave te rachthe htraïinoit inom erycîdsd opra ed su4d viarmeId by beatt voteof thnka mvod y Dr.Mis Crne Gig After some deLliera- Mithel udsecnddyl e v.1R.(l- t lu>a tevietîter it cvould lie wise te pro.- CuÀllci vas accorded linii for the -c(eer- ceeod fur it ýir, tiLc partLy wîth tic exception fil ul a efficient services rendeQred-t t,,> of two un:iiiiusly decided te go on. convetion.Tiese two ý(net ladies) became diacouraged f lunthe sfternoon the chundli ivas crewd- of teac inge opromIiised land sud went ed and after devetional services led by ba,,ck. " tAhi wcnt vehi for a mile or se 1ev. C. Parkier, Mr, P. Teicokgv ie tvsf.uicd tiat nature iad been the e resry' reort reinw giie lu more genierous lu the bestowment of s of the scicols reported tiere are inBow lscovw ad h rod were nov se full of manill 97offces sd tachrsxvili 79 eauifl fat t wîsimpossible te get Il CcnIolarSýin TDarington, 1oficetsmsdttog oe nodntuepva- -ý( 1,1hraui7S b5Clioars; ilu l, 0 cd1 atdth ot ntg gte Ie hat se ns ~ ff~isind89 sh pai4 ('f cfite ;I f!hor t the ie idf Yone. ýM the worLd1 rnakes the" Featherbone Corset Ftunequalled.