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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1894, p. 6

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&,tt 4Bie.Bissl.Al Dru ggistm. 41e 40 eakuess cf Body and Mind. Effiects cf Et. r ors on ExcesSes in Old bA or Young. Robust, Noble Mauhood fnlly -R estcred. IHow luou. k-, ~ II' lage and Streugthien 'X iI e a k , Undeveloped r Organe and Porte of B. dy. - Ahsolutely un- ain Home Treat- ment-Benefits i n e day. Men testify from m«- 0 States and Foreign -~ Conutnies. Write them, Descriptive -Book, ex- TeTOBflt planation and oroofs mailed (seaIed'ý free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUffaO, N1Y5 vwî-nthuosotigan xectorant prprisoffter pectoral hi"ebsand barks. ilPRETCURE F04 OOUGSÂNDOLDS i Harenoc, Atbna, ronichitis, SôtoThroat, Crupao ilTHOABRN ILan LUNG 'JSEAS ï. hït'nate c oug hs,>6> 1 ch reset tiir rert ~syield romptly te thie PiC2CAND 50.iPaýýrLTLE:. A hock unneund, A sounufand good shcwinq a bone spavin. shap ed hock, A thoroughpin. A curb. POntry Pointers. Start out with gond stock. Endeavor to have your flncks uniforni. Keep overytbiug ed'ean-lt will pay yen. An extra dollar or two for a superiar breedsug bird se mouey woli epeut.. A guod enpply cf road dust or dry earth and fine gravel are wotb a guod many dollars to a pouitry bnyer duriug the wiu- ter. Do not negleot the wator, fountalus. Keep them, flled with fresb, sweet, clear water. lu rainy woather koep the yards drained se that no impure wator will be where the fowls may drink it, Do't heglu aith toc many breeds. Se. boct the crie that beet suite your surcund- inge and stick to it. By cereful select-on yon cen thon build up a strain that will ho satiefactury to yeurself and patrons. Although a damp roeting place le an abomination, fowlq protoe awOl rouet free froni vemin te a dry une that le înfeted with theni. This may expiain why sme chickens perfer te toast on troos. Du noir detroy egge that have heen de. serted hy the heu, or in cases where the lu- cuhator lamp h las gone eut and, they ha&vir jst for-war'-of her -h4nd fee-t- andsie firmly. Between this scantling and the 00w lu lying down soou loarne to, step for- ward and nnt lie acrnes the scantlinig, 'but occupy-onlythe dry, dlean and cnfotsl portion of tle floor. When she risýes the sioping rack forces her to s-top back1 and thoro the manure is dropped. The4bddliin inkside the ecantling wil! remain dry uetil ground to powder. 1The bottom of the rack le 26 juïches froni the flour and ils top 26 juches f romi the partition. The latter je frequently criti- cised, because it prevents vîiiors frïýoýc pasmýg along and lookitýg at the faces of the stLockr; but the cows seero- - ed! Our st ablesaefor an ber. General Notes- It le genorally safe 1to inve.et mjoney in improviug your farm.i Use odd spole ilu puttinfi harcossesan otber thinge in repa ir. Study the easiet, speediest and !cheaýpesi wa&y cf doing thixngs. The planning ou the fan ceau bco donc in winter as wil as lu summer. Have a rogular system of doiing chorciesa that nothing will bo forgoti on. (Jver 12,000 000 bushels of buckwheat wero last year manufactured into cakies. Study the secret of growing good crop when others fail. Prices are thoni geod. One of the Moset important points ýCon- nected with advanced rcialarcl ture i to ho ab)le taspecify whtrtiu Jar plante take fromn the souj, and wis'at con be supplied at the ieýast exponseý' to re- store tdelicieney. It le in',tis t"hat agricultural cheînietry muet corne to our aid. The inoreasing vaine cf farm lande *ill ho a factor lu the profite of the farmr. rui the nean future. This je quito as likely tm conme in the older settled districts as ini the neweer country. The exhaustion of the free public domaiu is une cf ühe awon- oies wbich will, bring it about, sud bottUer ruade is another. iErobably one-baif of the $21,000,1000 a year wbicb the U.S. guvenument seneon rivons and hrc1bors gues in-,unc> sr roadeteade and streame, tbe main use of which le ta flat sawlogs dovni durlng a ý freebet. The Kansas Farmor thuke stbýat if this amount could be deoted to fimpror- ing tho commun roads of the couutry, tLe god effect, would bc foît iu evrryto- ship. Use eveny available day uow for han.linlg ont the manuro and placiug it wbrît wiil du tbe muet gond. h willnt at any more in the field than it wili ii tbo unprotected barnyard-to sjay theiepiast. In placing it ou the land, liowever it wculd be well tua ioid hilly or sloping places, as it will wash away. Put the manuIre on these juet wbeu yen are ready to plow it under. Green mauuringileporbape a botuter metbod for sncb lande than any o thler. Excessive warmth causes potatoos to rotin pite, and the warmtb is luduaced by fermentation lu the patate, iuduced iu euan by moistnre. For this reasonG pote- toos ebould bo weli dried when pitted,an k.ept dry until tbey bave passed througb tbis fermentation, or sweatiug. Any fresh, fruit or vogotable neede the best of ven.,ti- ation, thathe muisture and beat may pabs of~. Otberwlse tbey wiii decay. It is well, tao, to keep tbemno nar the freeziug point. Thore le no danger cf freezing at a po-int two or three degrees below tbe fezn point of- water. Ir8h 0011r teys- A sudden guet of wind took a parasol froni the band of its owner, and a lively Iriehman dropping bis hod of bricks caught the parachute. "'Faitb, ma'am," said lho, "if yo-u were as strnng as you are handeme it wotild not have got away froni '0e"' "Wbich shall I thank yen for first-thuc service or the compliment ?" askod thle lady, s'niliugly. "Troth, mia'am," said Pat, agi tuching- the place where stood thie brlm cof wbat once was a beavor, "that look cof your beautiful eye thanked me for bath,"' Ta0lrOOICAL SUN aud ot iudshei.d hoenifor these agen- clos bad turned tfîie k;ns nearly blaek. The town waes o,)uttorly unknown, and the difclsOF rabn it wereseo great, sha te frettnsap tohrg reliable-and de- taiod nfomaton ae icredited foi year. Callos buk cutde sorés of ag abouimhuctoo, but m!any geo- graýphers lu Europe ere increduloýijeand said týbey didnout believe hoe had evor seen the town. Caille died founteesi yearq ho- f o)re, Barth pro ved tbat hoe had told tbe truth and had wrlttou a valuab,1le book. Fonty-one years ago, wben Barth lived there for seven montheiý, a nuimbeýr of mon fanions for their attainnients lun Arabic learning and the history of 'the Soudan, hal thein homos in tihe town, Timhuctoo was rich lu manuscripte of hietorical value. A number of tbemi were translated hy Bartb, and it le not improbable that t.ho Freuch occupation will resuît lu literary discover. les tbat will throw mach ligbt upon the history cf a most important part of Afnica. One by une the towns that have been famrous cbiefly for their efforts to keep the Chistian world wlthout thein waIlle, have been compolled te yield to the pressure of Western peuples who had longkoce vainly at their gatos. Mocca ls eti yet a boalthy place for the Caucasien, but if evente cf wide intéreet occunred there yesterday, the telegraph sp'-eads the nows all over the world to-day. Harar uow bas Enrapean merckants and a regular mail service. Scores of white mon are to-day lu 'limbnctoo, and recently a white wemau basF been almuet within igt of Lhassa. Barriers of excînsivenes are weakeninz overywhere, and are honnd to give way ho- fore the onslaught of the W ostoru nations LAn Offi ciai Guide for the Married. Iu Belgiun it le the cnetom to give certificates of marriage lu the forni of littie books with paper covore. Tbese bocks, which are often produced lu the course of law proceedings, and are taken lu evidence, are apt te hecome dirty and dog's-oared The Burgomastor of Brussele bas therefore bit uipon a uew plan. Henceforward a charge will ho made for- the books, whlcb will ho neatly bound lu murocce and gilt- edged. They will be sometbing more than a more certificate. A stimmary cf Belgian iaw on the marriage state le given lu them for, the use of yeuug couples, and among a ma&ss of other miscolneons information are directions for the leedïscg and careocf in- faute. , There are aise places for ontoring the names and blrthdays of the chiidreu cf the rmarriage, the authorities considerately afiordiug space for tweive sncb outries. To pour persons the books will ho issued froe of charge. One of the Town Counucllors was lu favor cf adding directions for obteiniug a divocee,but bis euggetiou was net adopt- ed. Eve~ibdy nvited te caliiand see ourne 7>wiu The uîîdersigned desire to thank the farmaers of Wesýýt Diirharnl for the liberai patronage extenddod to us darinig thepsteaon also to remind them! that we are st;Ili iin the mnark e tr ar_î prepared to pay the HIGFISTMAKTRC ALLK11"n PF011 ' deiivered at our soeos o.Kin, and Gerg sreett, orat PorL Darlington. We have also onhndalretck of Canadian and Liverpool oars Sait in Bayis. Ro 1 Sel orc and hot ses, and Freshi Ground Grey latrini ari l whichi we are prepared to seli ci~z~i~oe EFOn aASEEL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.ýN SOREENE D COAI4 a ways in stock. We invite inspection and guaranteesaifco. Manufactured only et THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S ESrABIISýHMPCST,

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