,AÇWOMAN OIN REE TRADYL f- LINFS REPJICTFnL DICATE1D 10TTEf RErn, EWTONVLLE, 13Y A-1 I'an cOf tt ;" ci farinais;" ycs, o-wn it ike anin Tbere 1was penycf0(fs ioredon the amapieliar p l io er. fifteen yas ~io~in pol'sudpeoerasit certain]y apers.tlt!, uvpprs vt I neyer new whyï got lean while other f lka get fat; hdidn-,'t fool with pclitiza, 1 had tee niucb te do, 11 A.nd never votocd as 1 thonglit, but as tbey told nmete. The pay befece electon, jnst imagine usy distres Wheti I ketelied tiny vife a-reading-weil, I don,t bei eycu d guessa A free trade publication, and, te mnake it Worse, she saîd $lte'd read it, reg'iar every night before sha w ,ent te bad. Lland(do you know, that wif e cf mine,- juat faced me Up anid co [h arinera toilud sîa e to iake 1moue- opolists ini town,-ndteo an >! always tcy te get arn heewi dMeatie apats,, B'ut vwhlei piaised pro(tectîin, she laugb- ed and answeiod rt. il~ ~ ~~~~l bialdn;i ide the sentiments cfStrif e Tethinîk ibizs fiee trade stuf sbould be oýQrupLion cf ny wife. iqit ber thon sud t ýhere bef oie bar aigu- nient wstrnb ,~s very ,ocl _boectionist makas it a c-ule t o ['bt ughire ftiacaiap flue aud oui canddatewasthere, WVe gave ins"John Brow'n'a body," when hie ent te take the chair, Li WOTO my od brocwn suit, which the boys bad nîchnamcd cats, But ail the tinie 1 wondeîed what iny Mary meant by "rats." Oui candidate wasa loquent; lie macle a V splenidid speech,T ,f celd almess ea the "eld flag" wa-e e ud beau the builets sceeci, S And when hoi bade us vote, heasaaled:w Shhyen ha with us still YUyWe eea ith oeeaccord sud cied:1"\Ve will, air, wa wili e 1hn reached beome, -1 noticed thatT my Mary wt ce a rimile,- shc eemed te sme as indicating stemnis abeatior Vile fo eatd 1ber off 1I sid' "You'il cail tue early, mther, dom-," Foc t orrow 'i1l l-otic liv ltday fuce Net ecin4ut t 11un ap, aswI1-wee sud îuhhed my a'y I aw tý) v)y ;-au-ris My clothes and bt an bots ilranigedi in order on tho floor Andbein cadi ancar, I'd swear, 1 noever aswheoe M-y flannel !ihir- diýplayal. thia n "T- y hi yCs, tai hemeot Mày veassid"Taxed 10," aud îny abees txd25, My cat sd ba 200 wih "Protec,,tion niakea,ý us thuyave." S i wet te fil tueehain aiud Inicc3ars I Taîxed 451;P.C." Great Scott, the teivel aaiZd the ante; 1 0-,1drpe lb C1on t loor )1 I-1î chAu6k oea pairoïaciùgsf ni f ea C a d ark ed 5. - , l j Tii paa'd ite s tua ciehbed i yig as wep i te tal-te l hp s ns 7liai whn ! wif ohd n arso lu dras cta ibed n "58, And on sboo-ap igontn yChoat, he h macle vïs bîttl dv WObich skoe a1pair of stucks rte liesay ittebis ti c ra yn i rut henidsawt be cada cn bant- hill jor. cthesudaheat That -raa ftle sohereat m, ai I ever ste in al My hife, Anidtu a1 left the fable. on camaritin' tc My wife, fha1t 1 wasagemn' te fie poils, liseliteipeil mue WfhI My coat And nssld, "! ceckon, Jolhn, 1i-nced't tail ye (0w vote' q rîkt dewa ;nte ey voting place; it ick 1 ike aevery yard ,-N. ç,fu!cf mmnuILentewhich bore alittle AUCTION SALES. IIoND;AY, March 26,-Mr. Richar~d Mal- loîy, loýt 3, Con. 1, Darlington, will sali ail bis vaînablo faim stecir and implemeuts. Sale at 1 o'cocle. cee large posters for particulars, L A. ',. TOE, Auctioneer.. If yen want to bay or sall a fim, ad veitise 'in the Toronto Weekly Mail. Tbat paper resobsa 1000,M 0 Lrn.ers' evety week and yonr advertbemeut bhould meet the oye Qf acime eue@ cbo vante te purcaae. Ad vertisements cf bhis class are inserted inu'tbe Toicu-t( Weekly Mail for Five Cents a r d 1-or waterproof Boets for -Men ai s-.(- l-si thaa regular prica-at-hMao-à's Cer ing SLle. See adyt. Several bundced overccata both nien s and boy' will b3 sacriticed a,, MMasoti s gri at clearing sale. Seo advt. Skates sud Scissers!, left at Chartran e Baiber.sbop or Wortb's hardwrare sitorle, @,'round in firet-clasas tyle by S . J. J ack- lman. Skateis 10a. Scissois 5c. Don't wasf e time, snouey, aud heaith, tryin,ý every now miediceine yen nsay"sec adverised in the papera. If the cauecf yutrouble is in the blood ,liver, stemacb, oikidney, t.ke Ayei's Saisiparflla at ( lce, and be sure of a, cure, Tale , other. LETTEI~ 0F PA.UL ROBINS. I L? be,ý ton, ce c f)I lid "00 reg pe) tn a di abs m rth Bu lei th l Wý te each insertion. Twenty et a word XVe havo got throngi stock-takirg a,-I Ih for ivo insertions. Address Tisa iAaiJ, Iado îding te lotir uual custcm hbave C, Toronto, Canada. plad'doct for salealal remua nt$ and (Id _________________________ tensof everything. As fte pu "Ic 0rv:dn wo always seIl thas snt a big sîkcrifice,. i i8 worth your wh 11 te se these. Mo e maay have juat V l.at yen wliut bsudat bal i {ths prias you pyiiy , îhdreg-ular way. %W__ thithe -nioeof Cartec's Lt 1,eNerve Pi',i ___________________________ 5~sd y Carter's Little irîPl tphe atUa 5 cent P tg Pel onfu ctwieeby Sg3t bewf vaine for thair money, titisM ex-1 10 cent p Illg lains why bMAyrnrd the jiwoller d cent iu.g uch a big trado lest ieeai, Big 20 wztE the '-a5eat shop in ow-rmedn ru-h. Mayî aid iswiin a great rameî O-centfor selling watchus, jawelry, silvtrwaco,1 ringsa, etc., Try cbeap. Ha bought bis j 1 k okfr 50c. on the dollar, hence ha eanuaffîrd te sou cbeap aud ie dotug it toc. CsP. anIt nter"-iU Magazine~ Weff take groat pleasura ineqaain direct,- '(fi the att en'ion cf titese among oi raers whe appreciste realiy geod liter- Iature te the HUÂQA aaiepb lishad at MJeal ville, Ps , at $'2 a yu%:-. I s a fam-ily magazine it hM'.fsW spte' mnlirnn 1-72. n van amog bbc bigb pîliced MoLhlilE , '"~' ' sd i la hornghy upte.atein ifs ar- ticles. The Mat ich number contains a * be sur-e that the etU e kýro' f tha imapot,,Lt wotk, doue by doos 1o idu1 ci t iLdy Aborden with portrait; Villagze buy ryo e i lodr Poor, Verpia's Old AAgi', Prepacation and1 may Action cf Dobata, Sonday coadînuts, se- lected by Bisbop Vuat htl lager profit. Chemistr3î Modem GCifles of Ibaly; Thoams, AIva ]Edison wif'h portrait ; Work- iugmon a Colonies cf Germauy, Wbat Makes a Unitatianl A study cf Anarch- îsts, Wbat Millionairs Give te Scbocîs; Pulucipies and Pastimes of the French tSalon, Dacline cf Toloi'a Philosopby9 -PONTREAL. Minea' Homes; Wbaf 18i Polifena-s? AI 1 X- M NT Secrt Bifide in tha, [li; The Etiqtuette cf OClsa and Visits, The pcstry of the'j D umber ls good;-,The e dit ,rial subjaoctel __________________are A Look at tLe Times and Study sud i Oveîstudy, Th,"re the usual1 depsrtmienita devoted te the Chautanqua Libarary sud sciantiflo Circle. 1 was Cnred of a baël case cf Grip by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, 0. B. CI.LcUr, iiSonething for the 1 wus Cured of loas cf voice byNIN ARDS LINIMENT. Yarmsouth. CH ii-LEiS Punais. t J.j1 LA D-I.mlJ " I was Cuîed cf Sciafica Rhenmuatistfn by e MINARD'S LINIMENT. B Purin Nbld. 1LEwisS BITIi. l'le English i bble Obisýtian Magazine1 Fibuary contains a- yery inteýrestinig ter, dated July 2, 1889ý, written by bhe U-'ev. Paiul Rctbinis, Bowmanville, to rF. WV. Boumeý in Etigland, whlc.hi Edîtor styles "Pi ecious Oie from OId ble Obits Mns" ere 18 a part ne paragrapli: When we came oitlhis uiîyrj in 1846,Osnada was verv diffrent aLu what B, io et present. Meney was ee'îgly Ecarce, and most business one by barter, XVeien and obhidren iweut with haro foot. One of our nerthe wife of a local Freacber, n g on ai f ari, aft-ýr she was a mother o,îi,ýformed me that she had on lier ,t the» aither the second or tbird pair lioes since bier bis th, and ber buaband Id nme that for a considerable time lie il fot estn see any money. Stili the ipla had focd to eat which they grew, id a îilenly of wood te koep thern warmn wiriter, tho' it wasscnatirnes the case it their foî:d would be frozen when put the table. Thepreachers were ail on av el, aL (l what was raisedl was equal'ày v:ded among thorn according te ciroum- anes3. They were contentodl and happy. " eaki@g cf his Sunday work wben in iarge of the B. C. Bock-store in Bow- Lnville, MIN. Robins wrote : 11 teck ýulr 'ý'un d sy appointments, led a tisas thýe -1z,, end saved the circuit tFe: ex- ense of a rreacher, but they did net Uüw cnyth*ng towards my salary. 1 gs onticled te hoesbite, but 1 walked ly journeys, 'and if the distance was rester than I cculdl accomplish ci- the abbath, 1 wont a part or whole cf the ay Ssturday evening,alid ofton Mouday orineiv started bafoe the f am'ly with hemor 1 stayed was u.p,aud walked home, 'e, eigbit or bine tuiles befora brakfast ocommence my woTklu i the s'cre. 'heu the circuit offi ilas learned that I îiked my jutriîeys tbey w,1uid notallow :ything for horse hire, se ibis nensof nlpieg thej ew concern was (ut (i-i" 1 Tis steil knowil generoi y itFer sncb id treatîneut was romarkab'cl as shown t these facts: "Wheu îthe uj n cf the *ehoist bod;e4 Itek place, such were e euibair,ýse circumstauce@ of the iheChristian Coe ference,that 1 resien- ýI mv juct cdaim te $24,0 a year which ho cfficiï1s, h5d plAdged ihemEclvos te îy as lorig ai e:ther my wife or tuyveif ould live, aud af tr the Uaion beiug mtitIed to $10ayear fut 51 esetcc M10 annunlly, 1 gavre thern back :the hole cf the firat yepr's pay sud resiLned ny tainîsto one httlf the amont aftcr- ardq,riceiving oeiy $255 in-t-'ad of $510 rarly" 'Refeî ring taan earlier perie liu is minittry ho wre ce: "Af .er heing lee y ais; in Peterboro, 1i m' ved t) obourg whcre the p oplu'a ricicîmetanees ere much better; but as tbey bcre stili ,rawiug« moncy front Englsnd te psy the ificieaýcy cf their'Station, 1I bld thein twati wrer g te do se, and rther than iceve mcn',,iy front the poor (,f EuîJawl, çiould at miy bread witbcut buter and yiý pOtatoýS witheut animal food. If l1c Unune.tlIsa Sarsapari lia It w'onld h b ic 'bt f md'inan better known inits viclnity cf Bnrling- ton, Vt,j than Mr. R. D. Wheeleî cf W,ýiiooslzri Fala, the efficient Depuy S3heiff cf Bnurlngtcp couniy. Ha sa,»3: "C. 1. ileed & Ce,., Lowall, mass.: "Dear Sus: If Hood's Sausap)arilla cect 1 C-0.00 a Bottio 1 shonld s'ill. keep nsîng lb, as' I ha've foi 'ie pasitatn years. With me ihc quiestion as te irbether life is -%vrth living depends upon whether 1 can get Hood's Sausapcsrilla. I1clon*t tlsitk I co,,!tilive iritiiont if uav. certaiLiiy I s,ulite ni isil te, and suffcr as 1 usefl i-. For evtcr t'n 3years 1 sufferedtl dî teiýrs ocf l'e dam'nccl nitis (or vîer a min s':ffci's wlth au 'a tisis worid îh is -wlththt 21V.", Îllie. It seains 10 me as if ail! physi'a1 sufferic'zweue comipresse.. lx)-u that ere. i tec K about everyfl in il ,ver tuied fer iL but neveu gel a c.a~ ,vorth cf ielp 1nti I began taking Hood's Sarsapari!ha 1 have taken if aew puetty regulaîiy fou tan years aud hava ne moue pain anti can Pet around ll 1rizhît. I have ABicmeit ay fenpleugis 11te spadle, 1Mrs. DANCASTE I'l 1ýu hi .-dvsedl a good many te tuyHosSi finiirehCu ew t aeI ntrestckofWITP GOD aapui." R. D. WHEELER, DePut7 "Gootitmernin' John, nt r entfFalls, ant sud i;nf î aence >'arde idfor w. O. IL - 1d' ui ure Liver u I voeti~jut eacty a I cldîa~ irf" d ~ ~ .boiatschoice family groceriss, prc- d, C ics, etc.H Itebofr. Libera, sh ih at us Wings andi Bird-, whý"- Li 5A sal1Danial Ritzý, Pîriebcr sud Publiaber Vegetbe Pla rpr lia s u ie, for halfflhe eost pi 'e Ai trirn' 1 theHamburg, Ont., Inadepeudent Baya: $ Parec0i ate nineed aii niïi shwed the. ho3s fl.ce itt'e carda -edgoots sold at g _,ýCÎný aca rnfrM)PBSI-"1dLimer mte,,min frat previdati hy my iie, ITrot. bles, I tcoota feir hotties cf Shileb's Puiaîy egetabba, eoufatntug 11toV _hat ihî-u Tr cniate retieiti for the remainder c,,-'e a sen, . Vilïer and it cl,, e lcnbaiiyelmcsernyomuiln' hegm public ie, 119ts dyed and re e iî the recomminuciit.' tne fay cn. loa il 1sxîu Aru"'. latest styles.,îUs fye aentareddutaf pnfi tutci Ni d altmecntary t ironoi eh 194. IAgent for Rbno estC.,luf r yeiefaiiy vteas. W. H. canal, ,iîd cure LriComplatut,Cctptin -' Maî'saa, y 'ionaneasIleadal,1I dgatin te has t CnhCr. nly onecent to shw gotis diy ain eueof Oarber',,3Smat vss'cytakinig PeS'Pil. îho CuWaal ùusc.dOBe euedout-r Backtache Plat' do03e; 2 ca, O C5a. ant ;0 pa7ute. c" r i ne an-u)hofiree to'ai..Prica 25Ho od's MUIS & Juy. M SU u ni~ STE cens. Ae prpare hyC. I. iloo & e., Apcttaaubis.- Look- out for thisLae the Tieofi',-,o ritsh nsdia, the rectsa and bark elhuii ,v0Wefzed infuence, e ZXHAUSTPONe and LOSS 0F NEWWE FORCE. Su cerac! front any trouble of flic generativa urgimns eau gel fu particulars freof a vitalizing alixir extractedl frai titlso roots end bark of a plant found olyitutha bis cf BritiHhÎndh'z,, and known tothea u tire, astlia "Tra cf Life." Tis ilsingi .111: blas beau tmade and used by fisBsutld uïer tliirty yeai,. wirlsout eue f',ilure te perinaiieutly cure ,ejî he worst cas Tt lii 'ath, tett hi o Mutucy rsoeahthe iuru.tions to their full vigor, and aveu * an advan"ed aga bas bensu reached anew lii e is begun. t isao an absolute cure for chronic cases cf FEMALE WEAI<NESS, lRREGULARITIES, OYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA TI07V AND LIVER COMPLA!NTS. Sufleriag men eud von enîwriting conhidantially, s :11 bCet 1051l particolLt-rý 2oiplu plain sealed anvelope by addressing, MIRS. MARTHA 8ESANTe oot, aaa 11,1wor ,te th'.Wise ss asjî t f 110W going on. Wle have placed out our year's collection of Rein- nants at very Iow prices, perhaps the very thing yoiu. want at HAIE the regul 1ar priee.Gail and see them. IF ýe. 't e Nothing like the Furs at M. Nayer's Fur Store, where you cau fiud th,ý arg- nst and best selecteci stock.in the ccmfl. ty, composed of ROBES) COATS, JACKETS) GAPES, COLL1~Sand CAPS ~fail description and size and he is de- termined to seli as cheap as the cheap- est for cash. Also a larf-ge and well selected stock in Gents' Furnishings, Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Braces, No trouble to show goods, so corne nud brin g you- frielda with 7ioî. Ail kinds of furs altered and repaitred. IPPACTICAL IFýURRIER, BwÀv4 -"OR. SALE OU RENT.-llouse and, A1LL OUR SHIEET MUCSIQ -Vli acres for îiale or te cent. situate on eue a6cns ymt et.(sa Scugog street forth. The promises consit or 0f led te.5MARVINs .ý m Si H ontsJ'Ct a good bouse witla overy conveatence, drivin Deýat roc, mICB ý"8m .sIC lu shed, stable, etc. Tase garden contt as LI a lotosM[- H1 the chotoest fruit or &H varteties. Immneiate possession can be gtvon. For parttcalars appfly to W. FI inaMo riBowmanvbIe Ont 19 2 s P N îeo t cf sprllngbcsytmloudh fies table-ol ud crs yppsa on- stitt on lsadels, ivLrcopite. than the large otta diteS nsaisy ettsuiitoitt ucw iii il- SKRIII cesis au itLerc ai issucit svork ai tlîeec boule tasideas. i'retxsrcŽd eîsly K. CAMPBEI.L & m vé i 1 L)UFILI Ask for Mi-nard'd anci, talÇe nO