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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1894, p. 7

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GrATEFLUL-COIVTPOR2TINJ. I.ws whl iýhh govern the operations of' digeýstin and nuitrition, and by a'careful applicatiun oC tha' fine. Propertieq of' weIl-saliect8d OGOea Mr. Epp 8haS pl.or-defi osr breakfast tables with , dýelicate'Y flavorefÉI bevera<e whih May gave te ayhsavyv doctors' bîlle. It le by thse ju ioiususe 113c ' %ueis artiGcs of diet tisaia cntitultion May bozradunqlly buit up uati istronig enonIgi to resi8t eyery tondeacy to disease. Ilnindreds of' F4ub'ie maladies are -- fi)loisarOyIndusreadY te attack wharever p !h2ere itAa weak point. Wemav escapg many1 i 'atal hitby keeplng ourselves well fo rilefi with Ptre blood aad a pratrly, non rished Madô simply with boiltngr water or milk 'So only in pactretg. by Grocers. labqU efi thus JAItI~ EPf 4Co., goSLnopatilie Chseux 1555,È 9teliden. Engianfi, WEDNESDAY, MARCHI 7, 1894 OR. J. C. NITUEIEI. MEMPROF COLflEGE 0F PHYSICIÂN 'ind surgeons, Ontario, coroner, etc. Ofticeo and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. DRRESI.WPSOm, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, tc. MOPRRIS SOCK, upotars, King Street, Bow'nan- VIlle, ieliciter for thse Ontari Bank S. C. IIESNKING Lq-TOENSED AUOT ION E ER FOR -the Coninty0f'Duirbam. Sales -attended te on shorteit notice and lawest rates. Address 1POET. TOIJN6, V. S. (VI ýE N THE WEST DURHAMU I3N(-ews Bijck, where himselI' or assistant mv! ii be fund frünmiSam. ta 9 ,m. Nighoca1l. gtï ý;resdecdirectly opposite Drill Shed. CaIs ty 5lgehor 'el'epione will receive prompt attenion 71*yr L. A. W. TIbLE. -,C ÂNER PPRAISERReal EsaeAenA. omaG i, Otro A RO-HITECT. Plans and Spacifica- fions poreparadfo fr every lase et' uilding. Epn ~ ~ ~~t cilatnto ienc atinfi by steain srd bot ate.ad te sanitary arrangements. C lfbsC orne lock,. Whitby 43-ly R. PEATETaîlor Genteme's loühes made to Order. J..BI{IA CO0I4lB E OFFICE -Iear of Messrs. I{iggiîîbotham & Soni's Drug StLor-e, (dOWn stairs), - u<PRESE NTS tise Faderai Lite As- .îtYseieic, nt tisa Lmnton anti Lecre GigCînecal Union. tisa Lancasirie Fure Inenrnca es, udte tis otam Bolier acd Plae Gasles Ce.,"f'Canada. Offic ~t et't's Hrdware store, flewman' Gent,-îs' (lothing C!eanuctI, Dycti. Prasseti sid Repaireti by THOuS. PEA Dyet' cd Ciotiss 'eecea Ilede erccttite ha as no ana wil know iisam- frcm icew wisee doua. Ceimre ing anti Ontario titrases ftawmzecville DEN T I STRGYï H,,'U)EL; L. D. S. Csrldme f tise Royal Collage of Dantel Surgeons.Ontario (OFIICE OPPOSIrTE EXPRESiS OFFICE. --VI TAII-ZED AIR. N1qew Tailor Shop Tlise uctersignati wisebas bean rarryieg on lettrigbusiness le ceneectioan witis Ittso'el~~yGadaStore fra nnmtserof years tas cemic(eucatibusiness for imsetf at bts ;e matis genancdboys* suite in ail tise latest ftles,, and ti ilcwet prices, For thesae wiso Wi:sis tu entier suite, ho whil carry a full lina of imlent ailthtis ne-vvosd patterns. Giva hlm J. T. A L N Fasimnable leilen eaw nville, "Nov. 1,189.1 k9 HAEVYO "flac kaoch e the savengers I means the kid- ef the aystecm. nes are in "D/ yl tj roýuble. /Jodd's dangero us. Neg- l *idiey Pils gie leoted /idney pro mpt relief." troubles resu/t *'5per cent. in Bad Bloer/, 'of disease le Dyspepsia, Liver frat caused by Cemplaint, and diserdereci id- the meat dan- ns.gerous of al,(C '//fas well Brights Diseas.e, try te have a Diabetea andt ,IAlthy city Dropsy." ihotScwer- "The a bOu e c, Ias .good Idiseuses c.nnt he'v wen the exiat where hidneya are Dodd'c Kidney c/ gd hyare Pilla are used." s Il bIl ail dreýaler, rsn ymi nrcp I suris qucetiticsa ta a jam a ccore in tise certain numberor a cose wee marrie titeel__________ gorge, and if ie freezes nsuaihy binda tisa fereigîters ; but tise moat remarirablaboa- Jeiiiny-" 'lmniorry 1 fongisu witis Jim- 1cm ced tise ire bridge je formed. Duning tuira in tise book is tise liai appended fet imy(t'a yeterdlay." Mammia-" WI ti pesaise-an year tisera bave bean saven nemarrieti scions et our noiliity, wit is tieir are yen aomrry 7" "'Cause I1irnocretioe lsrelg'. Sane-lete eesub.saJu~L jestimatati inceme-a sert of vade-miecum et bis;front Letoutu, an' naw h auan pi day.b for Amers can nsltonaires. rni ietnea 1cn CE~c~ren ~ry for Pitcher's Castorla5 NIA~R~U~~tiAT ' ~ atiae'ceegURttyE. GAVETIIEM GOLD MINE3. ,~..,,d jTise irsuc irelg'- hi lî3 ',dou Tiu. ne"y lo,vv i ' c'0' tI de'al dstna A airslliMetaxi 1or GlVIRRg Aid te lier Desoription of' lts Wo ltr-ul Feriationa o,,wt hct- ou e y ou thii ,i ofJ lac s ec'22. r e,',lai-, w-,',,Auî ed ie-unýiisao ltelpiug thî'e iînmp'oy- Two 'Weeks Ap. j ',it eea wW'St' 'I i"i'ion, 'N'ver s s i e c widevsed ebiy thlc -crrt,t a*c - - ti,"river uresented xeioh an a-iýry Mtu3 icora duriug L i 'nter met cudeetdcte, RatS Rasa 6ivse ap T lits sar, Dutit errible a i cedctrîe'ethat ni dit Jayc ws trade n'as dulier 'and destrese moe, Ventlires:nse People trossiin IL. tise Canal au isjde, ncar tise M'id cf tisepet It ctmuîstcd, scys a correspondent, Tise great wiuter wcuder of Niagara. tish i'iuig ei ies anud'ter ii tely pe iggoid mines t tee mervelous ire bridge af tise gorge, îoirmd -ueitliabos sdsatil 1t !m j u-ip ednt ken. Not oniy tisi, but fer tht wiuter of lh91 on Suday afternoDq. iwihgd- iarvr rC.ai utasottett iamn 'sfcessd two weeks siece, ai 2:45 'clock. Notesu h o- erier- ou ' ý't'u 'd ieti e nki e prtiist se rmaîabl orti iy eauifu ena tbottla cfli'qcier tentw writ. cnd tuuarl li citi t segan te pan eut. Therc arc fond as tisa massive ire hîcekada cf tise o1 te keap fon h c e ,e' e do Thsse satis a nd stcrltcams at ise cearfru river. It rivais je importance Canadae hcgsc ie i cci.Ts cm llie u em edoddgings that palaces, and pots tesaealliher icy sceno ic h en'6 eTh e ici~ cla aebean wcrked ctl ca fer as adeqemate foratlnscf isenetisre inarris jwa3 ca',ricaei v.. Thiceple Tlip cie isa coimercial r, turne ara ccncerued, but <.nan ai, lar lCeinsgnli'ansef il o sease hil3jisttat ,ýUa08,3sary ta dig a wîtkïih yct may b' mcde te 4jeld a living tisa naturel beenty and unique structura tunnel iliroug;isthis e'tta, rech tisa iridg e te eclycue Who w.11 sýei iard for il. Tise wlîlcisto-day forme e slîd causeway b-j ccnxtiIcairdgeafater 18311 was tn 13 3). ii,4 n i iot gp'-e eiuuhite ettrait geid- tweee ibis country cnl tise States acresI formed c.1 ana'ry 1,5 cad stood ni,-e iaecers te good ti'ee, ict et a ime like tise foaning, boiling Niagat'a, Tise form- wee i. A bri Ire cf -a day etiy ,va,, forzsgoeL tisa- pase ninter, wisenthontiseesceeo f uceeus ing of tise ice bridge tisera je au important on Jeuusery 13, 1885, while t'Io stîucture et ployed men, wande' e ildeîte evanc. Iihrleboaostruh Nt anar 1' 8, remna neLi several weeles. familes, walked tiese tercets of Melbsourne, tisa land, as if somne momaenteus event hiad tNo brtdgadavelopel in 1833, 1889 or 1899. glafi te get aven cresîs and crumbs, sncob a traespired. Natnrc's greetforces ceochine However, ou January 23, 1851, c fraîl a'i'eir living as te create tis woeder. Tise icebridge ferre- red hcsltdeuyefw er.jTiEincesî'e ad cie earwese cnsierele imefore- gain thse god cf thise abridge wes fickie, Iag'ord i ne ta obefc gtfer. Tise rea- îeg. Uaually, if tise bridge comass et ail, eJ. sud thea ît- ica bridac w-.setise fanus ~soIt wliy îmen di ne, cs't cuit te oitaiu thi je le January. . However, ou tise prcvieu's bridge et lasat year. Icuet îicrînein luJs.u' ivcwas, cf Ceerze, lîccause captal was Frîday nigist tise great gale bistke up tise Iueary adtieacoueyeng ice scu ry waiaIaned ta ci iedg~uscc e woe'k ice le Lake Brie, ced oundbhe îohîowîug I iou ouit tise grctida-'t.Nuegrafist he-nu, Tisedeîartmet ifmunes sent ex- Satrda moniu tse ive '-'e fui o dci-sean tirecaie geare. More people visited (ipercs e tie old mcninrg re'-tns ce escertatu ieg ice, wiciscarried everythieg wjis h , vaeatie itrtss v"bcee ruIshera tlîa wouid lbec mist likaÀih,,d of i ai! cime ta sec tise wondroire ice b- 'ig". '.ia uneeephoyad avorkmnigettic'g aiougis FORMIi5 TiIE BRIEt._Tise ice îcenery siece tise blizzard bcas gold ta eîlî'rd a livingSeocite regioe Chat Downecame tiseicaflices îisroegbtise upper changcd rsscarlrably. lice ice mnutaiu, avoulel hav3 y icidel tain rettincis ce i'xpei- rapide, jcstling and crashicg toto arci wicis ad beau a lttie, tust'etbcanc afaî r, rcdmnr ccn ielIi s otiser likeso meny doiphiine at play, Tlîay teck iseart ovar seei ng tise greet i ' ncedevr fCh- ctes'mswrr'e il would met.nt a wave anti dive down ieta below it, ced rasoivcd troshare hoen',ra withsiî but unsiliel, n'to we" iîs"ciu nc tise water again, liorrylugon totisebrink aI hie tcy brother, aed immedieteiy started oncÈi eraity tn e Mionrre. l'o seonacf tise tise feuls, aed tisen go crasiig avec. Tise hie npwerd clijyn. better c f tiseca radlons pirtica cf un mpiey- gorge was son filledl with ice, Tise wea- TOBOGCANIN'-G tN SIGST. ce! were sent ten ch ýrgf. MfonCer tn' eexUer_ tiser was mild and tisa water wes higis, two Thisir monutain recalle hat fatal a"ci- reerd-' miner@. Bat nuejpnsnr hinga whiob wereaainsi an ice bridge. dn ert wne f18. .G l Vet enivle y uskl;cnin .iiie pet Despite these obstacles, tise ire garisered sa a New York broker, reate lceo edyeegsgli rmts re e iera de ana test in tise gorge tisat ai 8:301 Sattrday afternocon, ou Fabruary 2S, and weut dowu lfrdWisat wcuid hb e- tltam, cîîder tise nîgisr, tise first tee bridge caogisr. It bow- on thisscie moutelu. 1il,, was cauticede by rccsa", a geod ltvteýg. ear, moved agein by miduigisi, and agatn tise guides ntetad go tee ucear tue edge of dbu tisrce eioeisaîîd -aoi wcre sent caugisi leter iente îernîng. lTe fates ts meia ele e ciifei lt eut i ise ognernmeutt t "ieoui eigeîeg-e1 sesîcti gainst that bridge, for Sunday ebey tise injuiitîonloes t luîs footing andI durnug the wn jter, an-I meet ofI lci nere moreiîîg et 7 o'cleck il. egain moved ont, went avenr No trace a'Mtisa body wa't oeh- ecmpiet by thier 11files. Frai ccii. ced ail isopas of a permanent bridge van-j taiued until Tuesday, Marcis 12, w'onitc way ,p ises wera proviede tiste station isbed. Tise wjnd bcdlciseugedcand waa ns cen lytng ou e siseif of e.A gang cfieartte t plae w etiey e tprs ew frein tise ecet, ced before Sunday noon tan eiaddbyJkM 'ay, tenofeicd t!slcrepie, wer t ros- te egeddb Jc M(ÏIly tnepect, cd ieapseia utsrtas tise water hegan te go dowu rcpidly. Tise throirgh tise ice mottnta.s ced je three ly preio s as urishu.- ecri-e 10ebegn t clg ein Tie oise brdgeraacised te bod y auci racoverai t. it e ise 11Pdiggings 31 sîtilling3 was given te isavieg formed on higi water thee sce Wes tunnel was 60 foot iong, 51,tact iigis and 41ý,cce.b man for tisa pu'-ciase of previsens and tisrewn up an tise soerft some 10 er 12 feet wide, sip anscd aise e tew simple teols. Exc- faet, acd baid laIt asolid waillai shore ice ------- - -_,paieCd 'imiers wre erisand ta show from 10 tea15 feet bigle, tisa sidas of wisicisa 11 :ýwt e t ok n eandi AMSAND THIR MEA1'INS. tti swt e e ek e ecedi towerd tise river ising almeet as ssootistserne elo1s eecsay Tat as tisefliber, A large mss ef legs, wlîicis Susaniese Rabrew. a Lily. te ' 1' ryand cabuîedrcd fatilles were lerated tise ice bil carried down fromn a -lumber1W ,?ccl:gi-.Msoftédsrcs boom et Tenawaeda,, had beau ibrownup Aima is Latin, tise Rii1y. i.u sý ome diggittge eetets e drictso on tise shsore ire on tise Canadien sida necr.y Guy js Franchetise Leader, eýtre;a, ad iere wae generaily foeed land opposqite GeatI sland. Hutge stalactites Jabisje brew, tise Meurnier. sitbefoýr reîsieg fruits and vagetables. isung down lu gracotul and varied forms. Peuhl is Latin, the Small Onea, Tise expet inioni Tise sua.-ow endtiss hat ont gleams et 1'esevPc A iSecceas, ligist from hclstud tise eheuds ced lit a Rer hlls Hebrew, tise Lambs. Almeet ail tise people tises sent eut hava tiewoegorge. Ibis weas tise scoee H ugis is Duteis, Cie Lofty Man. bea-utma ing cal'air living. Sa hava bcdl Sunde ai tarnoon, wiscisisodreds of visit- Clerc je Latia, tise Brighst One. t oik isard witli littie returtîs ami have orsht lokdue wsuts iebig argaret is Greock, tise Pearl. eseeldassistance Irons tise govrumet; but Tis Ceadin yuti l vat oesoa, cd Ernest is Greair, tise Serions Onea.ts greet majority bave dons reaiiy wahi. it wce cot long.,before a amalarmy ai boys Adeline is German, thse Princecs. 3n 0 c tse maýnsavwee tlte t e eraac weedewe tisalong inclinea stcirway ai Martin is Latin, tise Martial Oua. 20 to 30 shilig waek ail tise ufi-e 1Prospect Pointtacd oui on tise bridge. Sean iletj aonBrgtaGld hi fmîsinc fr- tise forrm cf a lady wcs seen ou tise bridge 1 iieii "xc rgî eGl.ceit attistsi ailslxcmot Bance e Gaek tse ainVicory ale ircnseeueeFew tisera are who freim tiseparapet abave, and, waving lber iRnc bavete arVcor. le icoi; been chia ta maire et leasi a bancd te tisa crowds wisicrh liad -tise acl, .Jacis je Rebraw, tise Supplanter.lveiod.Sm raredoMibun aise~~~~~ Lucri o se erlus tj roets îeins in i, tisa Siiing Oua. Mccd cuber culaes te taire up thiai' ld linos aI bridge.it wae isard work,cad tise yonng btagetmn r eniiga lady, wiso proved te 0e Miss Jennia Bed- e t ee ai niuaRc. wck u ra ae r aniiga fard, wbo resides on tisa Canadien aide, bcd Mincie isea diminutive cfMraet iedigns satisficd witis thiat pressait I con Ist ncd doobties in eny case,- escey c slip and Iclbefore se rearbed tise IRoth is Hebrew, aucied mes eauty. hep -g tsruze a rjcis paicli. otisar side a ealy. Sopliia je Greair, ced meacus 'sdoliegoverijpent also setthed about 1,80 TdtE LBRIDGE A LARGE ONE. Edwin ja Saxon, a Happy Cocquarar. mon, nesi t ftisens witis femîhtes, on gav. Tise bridge formsed is ai emehi ica, wile Arabella is Latin, tise Becîtifol Aiter. aruman1i, ielnd, under tisa proveisions at an was breken up je coming a ver tise telle. eti receetly pcssed fer tise formation cf lise prasent bridge is nee cf tise largesi Rosamond je Saxon, Tise Rose et Peece. village settîsmants and isomestead associa. tisat lias formed for tise pasi six or seven Florence is Latin, Tise Blooming Onea. tiens ced communities. liiry-fîve sncb yecrs. hit iscartacnly tise longesi in mcuy Agaiba is a Greair namne, tise Gocd Onea. sti haîemnts ware plotiad out ced uctemphey- yeacre. hit crnde fromn a poinet choisi rid- James is of Rabrew enigin, tise Begnilar. ed~ men wlth thiat familiee placed on tisem, way beiweec tise Rorsesisc ancd tise Wiîl- jwîtb tise means cf eommueuccug te obtate a1 pool Rapide np teatisa fcot cf tise fanions Isaace, c flebrew naine, meace Laugister. 1liveiihood1 from tise pc'oducts af tise sali. Rorsaslioe isaIt. Tise foot etftisa bridge Lucy je tise feminine efthtie Lctin Lucius. lisep qan et moet oet tiese sattiements weas tairas a gratieful cure-e from c point on tise Editis and Editisa are Saxon, Happinee;s. tisatoff a ciaoperative company, ccd graci Canadien banir up to the American ide, cr;wi Licieltaaprto heuen quice a littia distancea bacw tisa moutisofet ine], tisa Latin namae, ie A Little Lien.rare cs exareîadhe appotiven tisa ocam-s tise big tunnel. Tisa upper end of tisa Learcard, tise German unie, j Lieilire. t bai thiaiindividuel rapabilities migisi ha bridge le in sections, oneaunir passing Irom IDouglas is Geelie, signityieg har Gray. et haýst ede-aciage for tise comman good. Goat ishecd tae ia Ccadial1sore, tisen Louisa e iU<erman, tise feminine of Louis, lise pieu was sorieiising slînilar to tiseit of runieg in an attractive corveaebout tise thtie Hirseis settlements cf exilad Ruasian foot cf tise Amariran Falls to tisa ice moue. Eie saRbewwr aen ecret, Jewe lu Argautina. Aitiseacommueities tain. On tise Canadien sida, jmet aboya iDegmar le German, tise Joy aftie Danses are reported tc be doing well, cndie butt tisa Mcid efthtie Mist lcndîeg, je. an open Daniel js Rebraw, meacing God la Judge. fe-v lectarce b ave seithars detartai îisem. spara oi water for prelabhy 200 feet. Titis, Oliver is of Roman enigin, An Olive Ires. Tisa wiciitelimete le Victoria is, ai course, tise eld guides zcy, will subear freeze ever Ivymil d, ced in J ly, tise rohdeei mentis wicis 10e filing le, or ht will ceuseaidl tise1 Matisew a Jewîsli naine, signifias e Gif t. iis a. rare îising for tise temperature tee ice te isead atf aud tis aupper end ofthtie 1 Keturais, a Hebrew namae, means Incanse. bal ta) freezing. bridge te gredually werk dewu pasi tisa Serais, tise Hebrow cames, moans Prin. Empîcoymeet wcs ciao bound for semae Anerican Falls. But once bera bas al 1,500 etf Melbourne'a unemplayafi during bridge tayed up as far as tise Rorseshoe. ica tisheiLatinsyntsendcrtmenncf ralaccy Wisile tise proseni bridge bas already isen esr ieLai a ens aiyatd tie departiment et public werks. Alto' crossead e 'rossed, ne one bas dam-ad te Man. get!iser, tisangi tioses wene duller acd dis- exphore long up pasi tisa,.merican Falls~ Agnes je et German enigin, tise Chaste tr mue generah andacetsdnring lest ced cver ie tisae mit fro R oreesea, as Oua, winîcr Cian le macy yeare, iwae xcne did liarry Sergeent, tise clark et tisa Pros- jMasos, a Rebraw cama, iseces Drawn way sa apparent on tise surface as lunrhs part lieuse, lest Jenuery, on tisa bridge Oui. botter years. lisera are Iew proessions af thc ormed than. Neitlier have acy MeredithiseliTeRaigoth d mnhru hecysresad « liaricg girls, ' etetessesteMse e.detnonstrctiens of tisa ucemphayed, suris as1 Parkiesan, et Toronto, Knox Colege girle, attrarît urilversai attention tc Australie who wera tise firsitest year tc mcccitisahe nhudais, frem tise Rbrew, rmeces alhapravione wictor. higissifies on tise bridge. waaseh. THEsie-eREtiDîsENs.a5 JEuzngoua ced Engeniie are French, Wel HERO 10 TESTS OF ANTIDOTES. Tie hatiswthticî' aon itena or.anae manDaocters iRaye an occasion Deliberately Theshntiswit teirfaousinern- rsuatise Latin aeman ase I'aced Tacîr owa Liees ia Jeopardy. tional baverages, isave net made ibeit'ap) bear. pocranre, but wilh in a few dcys. Tise dis- Rxnja esnnm, Th o a bra is no differencaet opinion amocg pensera ol tisabot drinks will have ta e 1 D&oxna saPrinnaa ieDydocîcra as te tise ieroism dispîcysti by Dr. eery caretul ibis yecr coi te layy ciseanves Da ijeawo. nae heAluigwilliam Moor, tis peeilhsi on iisapeu. liable te tise excise laws cf ithar thisetNeomih eba ts hu ingtcs, ýwiso bas diecovaradt hat permanganate Sîck Headac., draivaL-tie toubles inci- dent te a bi1 Llosstt e'ts, 'tem, sncb as Iiizziness, Nause.Dewies, Distrase af'ter eating, Pain in th ida cWiile tiseir mosi remankable sucesha ac eowuin vuriug Hieada'cle, ytOaaaeLV lE ivERPIiU are equallyr 1valeable ie Censtipation. curin& and praventing ibis annoyingcteptafiii, wbil tisey aise correct ahl disoÎders of tis emacis stimulaistisilve r and regue thetsabowelâ Even if tbey euly, cureti Arise they would lia alicsip mclaete those N'ho suifer from tisis distrassing comnpliet but fortunWtely tbeir goodes d oeenetsd bere, andti iose whio once try t1isemestl1 ted lisse littie puIs vat lesreise mey ways tisat tlcay will not ha wilting to waitiseut them., Bunt after ail sic set fstisebane0f somaey livas that býers !cwhere we miake our grat boast. 0ur pille cure 15 wile otisere do n.ý..PLSaevr ml O xttTsa'e LivresLtv' ie revr m cutivery easy totalcs. Oneor tepille matie a dosa. Tbey ara scrirtly vegatable ced do net gripe or purge, but isy their gentla action picase ail viso use tisem Ie vicIe et 25 cetse; dieetoi, $1, Solti everywisere or sent by mail. CARTER MEtlIlTZE0C., 11ev Ytrk. Inhabited by Ocir Old Friendý. of the Elâtetiis Family, » ho Ire as Prlayfîil and At-.îe as Ever. Amng tise thoueand or more temnples and chrines witfi which the holy Hindoo City of Berares le endowed, cisitore gener- ally find tise gî'eat temple dedicated io tise wcrshtp of tise goddes Durga one of the n'etinteresting. It le known te Europeaus as the nion key temple, becauseiuabd erunnd ite precincta many hundr.,ds cf sacred monkeye rpam -bout wkthout interfereuce. Thse temple je eltuated inuthesa suthere ex- tremity oethtie City. 1f nas erecteR dnring the iast century hy thse Rances Bhawani, cf Natrejeinhonor of Shiva'e wife, the terrifie gcddess wlîo je supposed to dalight je deaith and çlsugister. and of wiscm thse poor bp. levers in the varions attributes of the doities ccuîprîiog the Hlindoo Pantheon stand iu the greaceet dread. " [he Durga Kundis couspictious in thie City cf temples for thse erace and siinplrcity cf its architecture," writes a correspondent to the Lmndon Graphie. " It adjoins a tank wh;ccis jethe fineat in Benares, and occupies thecentral poricon cf a qu cdraugle,tse walls beng staiued red xvlti ochre. The sacred, portion cf tise temple consiste oî tweive finely carvod pillars, -ta.ndinig ce a nîarule piatform, and soippo'rtiing a heavy roof. This pýatf.ýîmi iscbut fo ur feet fronm the grcund j soi je asceeded by a flight cf low steps onI each side cf the square. The temple is well proviéed with the niecessary instruments fer creating tise frightful noises which arn- aae t from these abodes cf i lolatry aill ver 1fiedts L"umns of huge dimensions, gouge, bll and tcmn-toms are ai at the service of tise prieste lu pcrfcrmeng the rites required cf tiiem. Tint tise antics cf the monkeys, wtbic make this temple their home, are, next te ius architccture,the most attractive feature of the place. "rkTse geat's biood witis which the walls aespriukled, and the sacrifices that are kuown tc take place liera te appease thse wrath et Shiva anîd hie terrifying epouse, are-rather revclting te a Chistian ; but the grotesque play eftftie monkeys, their im. portunate begging, tise pranlis cley enact cn eue anotiier and tise gracef ni agility they are censtantly dispiayiugi. supply sa perpet- ual source cf amusement wicisoe t apt tan tinik instprcvc rather distractiug totise devout Hindoos who conte here te worsisip. IlTse sacred monkeys are of tise genus Semnopetheaus entelins, popnlarly known as the lougtailed Iedian menkey. A few yaars ege, as ne eue dared, 10 moleet tisese animais, they net eniy increased. rapidly in numbers, but, growing to bq sxtraordinarily bold, develope~l alarming iieving prapen- aities. Theauuoyancethey cansedamennted te a public nuisance, for ne hanse in tise place was safe f rom their depredations. At lasitishe trouble grew se serions tisat sema reduction in tise number of these adept tisieves became a neceseity, edtisough tise prejudices cf tise people were againet auy sncis steps being tak2n. IluIntise end tise Goverument was re- qnesed. to intarfere, and, wavieg aside ail ethler censiderations buýtbtat of pub- lic poiity, tise authorities had many isun- dreds-report says thisnsanf,,elsapttired and sent away. Nvrisetisera are plenty of he left, aud they certainiy constittîte oea(Àf'tis sigis ie a city that le probably in nmany respects-tise Most interastrg ithie worid." A Burgltr AIarm. Tisera were burgiars in tisa bouse bey ond a doubt, and when Mrs. Suipkins rensed iser isnsbaud it was rio falsa alarm. Ha listened a moment and tisai arese and, quietly alipped ont into tise hall. Iu a minute or two hae returned te get hie gun. 1 Oh, George," tresnbled his wife, "do ba c'refnl. Lieten, they're in motiser's room naw." Mr. S. listened aed laid down hie deadly wea pce. "«That's 'so, Mary, and I guese ll go back ta bed." hie said, with astcnishieg coaleess, "And leave tisem te murder us?" ashe almeet screamed. "lTiat will ha ail right, dear," hie said, soothingly. "'Wait a minute until tbey wake lier and asbegins ta give tisem a place of baer mind, and 1 gnose w7e wan't ba botliered with tisem very long." 'H[OW TO CUREi ALL SKIN DIISEA'fESI' Sinîply oapply 'SWA&YNE'S OINTMENT," No internai madicine required. Cras tetter, eozema, itcb, ail erapîons on the face, hands, ueose, etc., leaving the akin clear, white and healthy. Its great heal- ing and curative powers are posssed by neo ether remedy. Ask your druggi8t for SW,&YNE s OINTMENT. Lyman Seno Ce., Montres1 Wholesale Agents. @TYlôeÈ th7 .I *lo!ggec avenue, oh th EQfWeIs, desadL'Iver, lryg off graduehiy triîioui-tcke ï > Î! ys tcm, ail tise iïnpuriisatie fouDhner oe s scretiens; e't t'ccae im r Of recttr-e Aeidi1o cf fa leash, DroPlsy, Dumu, ec iof tis tr vousuless,ar'.LeiPt iblya yield to tihryiftiiscE3OZ S~LOOPiInE THISPAPER A&ND - "The Ladies' Journial OF TOROINTO, A large 36-page Iluw3tratel ~' ion Montlily, will be sent to any address cnsfor tise two papere. Caliland see a sample copy or "The Ladies' Journial" it je a publication that wti interest every wonian in the land. Tise regular suissriptien prica ai *'Tiae Lailes' j.ieurnai" andt is paper is 82 petr year. Yon get tise two for Send your maney and afidress to tis office. Funishing Unruly London ApPratîO It will be a revelatien te many people te learu tisatishe practicaeof punisising uernly appraýntices in tise City of London isy var- iosternis ef imprisonmant, without being brouglit publicly before a police magistrate, je stili carried jeta affect, Tisa power cf erdering sucob pueisisment le vested le tise city cisamherlain,and tise affencas fer whicis tise appr' ntices are puntiled are absence, coînîng late of a mornlng, idienesa, and in- subordination. Tise lads are confined in tise celle of tise aid prison in New Bridge atreet, and are net permitted tc leave tise building on aey account dnring tiseir terni af confinement. Tisa only exorcise they are allowed le takan on tise promises, and consiste of walking up and dowe tise corri- dor for perioas of isaîf an heur or twenty minutes before and after tise large deers are opened. In tiseceIllatise lads are permit. ted ta read, but tis ilatise only recreation allowad. Tisair diet je the same as in tise ordinary prisons, and consista of breai, patataea, akllly, bot coffee and water. Gordon's Soudan Thrane. Gordon'a "Soudan Ibrone" ile:afolding armebhair hae alwaya sat in ai Kisiatonm, and carried wltis hlm on bie camel jeurneys. It was a littie straigist-backed chair, isav' îng a akeleten trame cf round noen, a carpet. back and seat, gi knobs for oruameet, anti 2 mali padsenoutise arme for comfart. Tise carpet isad grawn dim le tise Africais suen, which deprived ht of ahl royal pret'Il jaiens, se that wisen Gordon rettoreed fromn hie Govoreorahip of tise Soudan iand sud. danly aaked, "Where ce my tisroxe? 'fRas, ht bean braegbt in V' they were alil urpriseed. His ibrene? Nobody Lsad sean a tltnrcne. IBut ai lengtis bis ceap- s tool wa*et wlareci iai oanatwe Way. r IL 5 t Tobacco i5 rna 5 ý uni iveria I uxury; the frâqranI't àromè ofMAb5T IF F PLUÛ CUl 45artl people to pipe-.51nohin, even thobe who neyer u-5ed tobacco berore. J, B. PACE~ TOBACU CO., RIUssLÇUN, VA. andi MON TREAL. CAN. t) " C~ , s~at edpee erequit g nu - Ernu.-on. llealYourLungs, PutrleshonYourBones Prvnt Consumption.

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