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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1894, p. 8

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A Happy Fruitful Mar- riage. for five ireertiofli. Addrgsa The Mail,1 Toronto, Canlada. if yen lied taken two cf Cat;cr's Littlo Liver Pi la before re'iIing îeou wouid uit have bcd thatet2aed torgue Cr- had faste in the monuth this meaning. Ke a vie 1 Wfth )ou fui- eccasionai ume. Thouglit It Was A Fake. A botter from 'a Preminuýt Kingston -Ma-A tery cf D'i1) uinte8t t-) r Evé,rybody-Tirdd un his cuva Wcids Dedd's Kidrioy Pis Ag, aIn. I waa Cu'rîd i Acuf e lroncbitis by MlNAR]J'S LDN¶-'NT Byf'f la d J. IM. Cao ot 1 whss Cu -d -f Fvicial Neu-ri la !-Y MINARD S lI[NIMENT. Springbiii. ŽN. S. NWin-D ie I was Cu:td ef Chr nia Rheuriatisiri by MINAIID'S LINIMENT. Alb ri: Co, N. B. (jaurgo înl C Cindened forn e Nw Delnetorfo April ï. the second F 'm s'I tt te Mhf3 Yreat ~pm tmeaand has înan speisifeï,tuiesinm addition te the îuuualy fnedipa o attactive styles, Ž E j~. ,i M~rN~ A ry ugestvopapeir on Fittilng eut hf -aÀyfr Sr ing nadSummer. jM-ctirrswd oh1dudrh mother a -da1te wilbe interested auýjpices fi the West Durham emr' " 'n r.j,, th pnn hpe f a soties treat- Institute as filo ngfth etouhpbetwee n the two. Orono, Town 11W11, Wl a 'aîy, Mai eh When yon asl, for a Sme new dises regve nder th, ~ t% .n becad --f ant Cockery, and a p- per on plug I o te i e W i o . T h Et q t e f D iscuakions : A dvan tagýýB of Ili e C rop he inner 1_able te of,,the e otte- and Pri per Mari ,ean'et-Mî. Werry: .1ie osevncs ý h bar. hýtWol sLong i lSheep-Âibertce t p g Thbe eotiuino h ïiý fCrepe TmlnE q.Bodrand xitoofl ce t p ug (1d T isue Papota gives f urthor instruct- Sheep, Crotte, aon in he mazing cf many useful and or- Sui.n, Tueaay, March 13, in LSonfâ' z c n l »ametalartc The B atrtdHall at I130 -n.: -rticýles on Nettizng, Tatting, Knittitig, Diseussioinse Dairying and Soek Rais- 0rochtting, etc., are as fascinating asPrftibyR t.PipEq, i anai t the lover of f ancy wo k. The ing forPrft bPot.hip sý Cadmnt uue rset o os rubcîptonprice of The Delineater ij Rlitititeo. ray sqe. mtsf er n Bederf Cldile ,Clr-. F H POPULAR ,11,00 a yeer. Single copies, 15 cents. reoro y ae, ali.0TH Addrss rdes t ThoDelneaor nb- Blackstock Tiwri Hall, Wednesdeay, iiiâling Ce. (Ltd..) 33 Richmond St:reet, ach1,e1.0pm Wcst Toente On. -D:acnsions:, Dairying anl Stock Rais. A~BOUT ADVERTISING. in ýg fer Profit-introducci by the Presi- dent, J. M. Joutes, Esq., of Retrent Adrerise vM-011I!'tfis the secret of gloTYý Dairv, Bowmanviile; AdvaDtage f i e o Think of the naines that are famuuos in Esq.,of lleselandvale Stock Faarm, Sehna, etory ;Quiestion Drawer and IReport cf Cent~- Smokîn" o a c Advrtse eliis he aLsn.the tech.ral' Frmes1nstitu e t each meeting -'ldveîtise wei ! though busness is warung. Mle3ars. J. M. Joneas, Pi e3t., andH.Cbesrthtteeaie Those who spend freest must wîn in 1 bar, Secretay-delegates. b ueta h eal the end. Since the füreoir g arrangemients were édees not in.duce you ta U pand be deing! No need fer coroplaininz !made, notice has been received fromi buy any other in order Actforyeyurslf,aiidbey,9ur cwn friend. Proident Milîs ef the Agricultni-al Cel- ta i ny mk Adi rtise w-11il il lahave a turning; lge, thst Joseph Yuill, Esq ,f Caleton ht ema ink a Nothing. pays b, tterthan paper and iîk Place, wil attend these meetings and de larger profit. ThouisRndsvh) daily this motte arei liver raddrcssecisc-nuch of tha fo'lowieg- rpurning 1aU1h3 crs as may ho desired: Fodder Ciru Lin that it brings them to hankrupt_ and Silo; Profits of WNto D ing cy's brin1k. 1 Careanad Management cf Dairy Cattle; 1Care and Application of Manure; Sheep ~VHE T STOP Habar dry; Vnderdraiicr' If E ye r eln rthenyeSTP. Al f aruvra are part.«cia>ly rcques;tid 00MONTREAL. if ye liavent nythiiug worth selliig, t attend h e meetings a c taira pat 3es airet toc ;ood te keep up wth, you migdtcrini'1er the question cf Keep thd blcod pure by taking Huod't AUCTION SALES. stopping yenr advcrtising. ButSaapail. fye deie eby I Hood'a Sarsaparilla, de nu tLe pi3ssaded î'rnAî, MAP. 16-W. MrDonald, Lot NOT NOW~ te take ta>' ther. 1,Oc ,Drn n ilsi t , iVhrn yohave a "gýoo3 tlîing" te e-ffetr, 1 f tochý, mil etuetits, &c Saloe t Done WhŽ.a peeple are lýo1ing for bargains If Yeu wsýnt te boy (r s&il a fartmi, ad bi. L. A.- W. ToiLE, Au et. Whlen people ai-e lhrd te please, . ertis,3 in the Turent,) Weekly Mail. j MoEIAY, Mirch 26,-%Ir. Riüh;ýrd Mai- onlythe"fitesL" n sr vvo, That paper reachîs 1000,000 fai-mets' lrlt3 oj ,lýrit4f?,Wl ~Vhe cnl Mue f utheavr ,oldary, leît.3,eCruand Darilceton, wîll W1heu timea are wha hyaet a. eeywe n oravîioau sel! al bis valuable farin st-ock and should meet the eya of soue oeo5ho np i tia 1 kSe ________________________- wants te purchase. Advertiseinenta of ligepi' monta. for1) et i c'ci . SceY thscasara inoaerted ini the Teronto TLriEr)'1 o riuaa .W Woekly Mail for Five Cents a %vord for each inse,~rtion. Tweutv Cens a word 1I would ceaa'-cr ik a t,%%er if youl - --.- i-î- would allow mue te adj 1uuy trrtjmoui, îu MTCELS (RARS ~J4~ theanyhundeda yeuno dubt have in Report cf S. S. No 12, forE'busy -~~ yeur ~Di,dd'a Kidncy Pila.r.4 mliNole,t l Mtii 1 I have been a gîsat îufforiir from id MadAnt.S.3,Erh Bn-, ytalr,, aud bave peid eut hurid.ods ef Norn-an Mutten), Robert I1ucdý0u, xV~-f jdollars for tra-nient, but te ne0 effect. Charlie Stelot In. Si- 2, Nor-ai Wasb- i i Snieiutig Sour pills adrertseel 1 thon ut 't iitg'on. Nermari Le-ch. Jr. 2, Na':iia~~-- jwio, a fîrke te catch the puor ifotu!tgte,' Bonnet, Berete Giaspel, Arthur S:eaiutou, iwien I saw theo test mental of Dr. Rose, Faa le r. Pt. 2, El'a Noble, - - -~~-~s' a Wei - phjsîcian ot goed staadiiig Wilma Leach, Gertie Lana ma1d. ardwhcsm repîîtation 1eam weli acquairît- B~. RiGcs T acher. - Erury Mri Gra~l ~ lut< StPrcd 1rLii med, oui, if i ail ti the FU lùve Polie HETUM PlfOf hI, ietviiyL ESKA R L. COfftces- A. H. Braley, ti'o Plain Fects; the Old Se hu ub haî h . ttedt~ aual oise last week. adthe Neçv Disceverieii of i8me1 t ne ploccrod six boxes Report cf Publie sch"ul for FebIrniaîy: 1i 1i itmtuîSîtutteaeu oti - Ace1 Science as Applîed to M8rr:od which i f. und Lire rej r'eli t I hadl net S.4F'riRsBl;J.ýh-L itWbe Weuld At.-ne for Pdst Fol- felt i 3-.osi ik.'ix mnle, ox nd[awsen, Phi*îis Rila, Goitie Davey, t:raatl fetta marvettous chiange. as c vi uue îtisSol m ariw aq-e o cîe ha?.-e ifac man's Polu> ' aIls; Sr. 3î-t---Thoq. Jackson, ïî itcu ulieseal aettrety gene, ,2cure the Wand- rtcl b ttlo Boül., hi ai with t'le 'eug1 lI c. nd brdly drag Lawrercc Be-l, F. Staples; Jr. 3ed--.lic . i i'ea 111,w mari,and cari oct any- jJailed si' ~ as aBeai, 1RobyS îcuidet', E. CoruisbJ, , M t O lh iitrreli. Fer ail Of wlitch allonge v-d my hart feelsaFies' Bell; Sr-. 2oi-Wal'ace Sproulîî, F. Cor lie titanksana-d C~np1ee NauhoO 1jj bohard. nsh; Jr. 2nid-b R-bbiris, Frank Ro ob- enily (ýod IIow o Attin ~ i woîid nui~.i- viesdeugwioutg te bics; MN. Jackson, Hlarold Cornish; Pt,.Sraafi.I 1-eunaind the pbef ie nestit, i leo d-L. Ce-aman, 1. Alln, Jene Halls; ri nîpoîieît that turing thiemroniths of j yrao oapa' ,t ien fMePt. I-Maggie Bell, Allie Balse. Ae. îApîi l lay the bloit aoutit te A mn we snt or t aîd elinw d Ded's Kiduey Pilb, i-ne furt1ei-, I wdl ee)attendante 34. W. Il. TtKl, tlirou-glily purified and the aystom blie ro A~ -mple directiuons, wtitea tu s : bo happy et a-iy tino teoawet an>'oeot3acher. treuigtl i t vilstaititthe cdebilitating effect I tell yen tiiat firat cla i oe hi) wishuE te wri;ý- me vý;i-th regard te -------- -of11echcîaîging seaseit. For ths purjiose thi. aboya. Ii-oed's Sai-sparilla possesses pecifli-1jurit l'l ovr oret I uxt oble wtbSinremIly yeur,4. <LARIKE UNION.1aoid iltalte Eest Spîing M~ediine. iey i aniod e hg oeryodyauml ti] . RBm W Ci>.Rýp:lrt ef Union Sclîeol tir Februsery. flu fllowtoig, iuîsI r _zr my oid asif tiaddied peste!daraud FteyIipeo.Nemea len<rder et merit. Sr. 4, Slas P. -IOtVtieeul-i ,ï vJatu.b.4fh.ySoucb, bMary Rewe, Normnan Hiclia, KSai1 P pi w oîîerste: tîdn. yn tît ne WiOr I ti-s nioIet ~t'r E O II rL ~~ E Hicks. Jr. 4, Eva Browu, bibhie Col- - Iou&C. o ei is. HEM LETE bourne, Milton S-mia,'BoIra Bell. SI-. * utýoiî iarhasxlreme cks Bert ,id , in -lit thav lN nmlt r'um1 r inii hswy3, Secs B nry, Minr:-iî Il'bichBeteIl-r-i- et i ars, înt fer flie paît yeai- Cii-cof flore et lont is a secs-ct tri-.m rujh ONDOX EDITION Semis, Normcn Alunt, Luthet Barraball,î'ý g, fuom th lice town, lias beeu Raiaeource that muaI nerir woneis Herber-t Brown, Flâna BRitebeli. Jr. obrk nt eu-r-y bixdly. 1 toetc bleed -nvith Ibis genoeration etfusen 1Thse bok Of the C'ebrîeteed Katio Colo, John Moryii, Newton Col- medtcpfor aloitg tin wtthTino dresuitý3, borne,-Lazie Wright. Si-. 2, Emma eu w-_t-cis titi p1lisE XV lphca dfee Moruis, MiinWe Ro;-o. Jr. 2, George oliged te waik -wida1 stefarng irhhapy -cArA itelC~iJV I~ D " ~ fllcks,,ira Kelir'y,Nlard>'Cle 1, Bdw',Ycriueî, tltrylio erra- BdIh Pt. 21 Franîk Broîr-', billi3 boire, coett r lii lie ~~crCî,xfl?. -IS NOW- bîllie TI-o. Pt. 1, Franik Ceul, Sral, uîiibefont Iliadttalus ca-t n'. teI 2 o tolis ei-t 5eei iYOnete - ou TY Attur kficha;, John Bcîry. itc lite imrorvemneut 'as se maried ,thaI n THIS pOUNeRY l'conîtuuedl util I hat laItn tii-i-Oboit- Po w8ly PUBLISIiE.D THS-TiLLiE PatIeT, Tacher. is, u mnnbte ia iiebe t tilahewre t 'i al ut iiuiil i t î'ifteeri Conta a c-uttY. $6W a a eau'Or$îOO Dyspepsaa causeg Dizi3ut-, Heaé.alc iiitayoars. T'he inflammainia s aitl i, si-ÀlOSSS. vlrhe.raissues.It 15&r, Chumia Cons'tipationr, Viriable Ap til,Riing 7i1 lg andit Isettirety eaîod. 1Ihave hait t toIa be- teouA -gm ml -'renahiuu j -eîîdSourîiceof F od, Plittof etL due uue beiefittrom i-u eeh oir.arisq dprta cf the b)dY. PiCtoîlîai \eekly LiStory [ieàr, D stress etter E tînt'. Budc Hood's Sarsaparilla te1 oiabw te --i ur errveusne&s, i tBcelitiaaegrnette cure Dy' thtetcoricîudeitto wrIie this vluritary sate even tOJ)i;Af ient.' F. J. TEMiPLE igwyMch ýe1l accotol.- iepat atkonuvcfiapt-an e'et dnàti .HOODIS PILLS acteaaiY,PTOmPtiîeand effi- T' tIlli bc tnfur h îe ijai' irom oveiy phesas Of lite ald fient everyciniOtulvritbwî.Si iatp 'w-ru -uu"otuttu~î uf nnrunr, s Cg chi a ncrailvcrcate-d ft't s' a ropNXVS O AK . ar nobne' liti îuutîecit nedby n oj- o l, rpubi .c i. -E E1E AK R eleinshrt -i l~ov btîIgu > autiCli. Iiairîg ue;ted tiisha 'ahop toîînerly \Vgehiie PISeire pi-s eft e novcsgh t krneth eRI THE SKEI'CIII. i-uOtscca occtupi3d by tho lite Mr. Bnuer, I becIrici e ee tgti af, un ouillui-î tîtwe,.l ci and the te anou -o thaýt 1 ans t repaed te do a'le îct t l -e i.luhi nl iaretd 'uu oueteEud eut. BENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZ- hindi cf urded r -rnakngaidr- rc îgî îieut fiuîityiî n Tlebit is 1 a Mnrthiu3 t, erta C, rh y INE t o nhicb t I ni-y boat article da Mdpairing boeits and ah', i ein thure et oficailîîl-,m ry,oinl'ei iii "UICoin prc'v usedichl cnd wsn jvritera certribute aie aise isrued b>' tie at'<1e.A egoi fitgra-atol Fnet- ds:sse f111jn. Ic îj utilis aook byod il uîe~I îîitateiod b ridin News Cci pany. The aiiag' uc'lî.A C-11 olicitet. IRi u1 îlîn tise domsnnar sulibripticri tj h 'kth' î$.OaA. KENNrEDY. tcýiilili ure110Lit-r- 'it.iî,îrsuuto. ýj te manri uvlie ~d5 it. yea'., and $1.50 te 'isý "Enu-,lirh liuistat- Bewmenvillo, FoL'. 13 b, 1894. '-r,-î iiûîiC-,ie-io ,iulgl i iut tethe Eic eiir e B Ixaoed Magazirnc.e'A siibacriptiois aboulA -dlnrti lii-i.' :ud< n S - eu esk î cru:i' i he tomi-k- er Boit,2 M ue it, W0 Id Bulildîing, ----a---------- iei fre pevuie ris' i-Oi "omloe ~,rh ph 1 un nNew Yoik. Tl,5 hru Mrcopublications are Byia'usu i~ie'stan eityS~udliUn't5 'vii sent it ec. -il. ~Y,110 w (Al sale &et-1aili- Ws dealers wbore a prisont free cali a' 1lùs s aC tel u ~~~ ~'I~ î'-i-î' Linui-i r~i-res ~ Mîriad's LiinîiieiCoi-os B>uii, etc. Mina-d'a LixuluýeDt L'or easi rrwre nldu îl n-ellnunt ,i < - : Y!ou know they arJe god 'r. A.Plirs recently.. Mýis. A. T. Game ay viBited1 friends in ?ornt lst wý ek. Mi. A. Leigh wan iii, in Belleville ýast wook. Mr.Dr.Tuie and fami!y have re- nlrned hmefroru Belleville. Mvisa- M. Lmnitcn bas been visiîinR f ods t CekBank. Misse-s Ada, and Ettie-Linton are visit- rig Mr. W. H, Reid, Clarke. 3 1r. Allun ils visiting ber daugbter, LNrs. Bý. J. Rowe, near Newcastle. Mi.r.O. A. Gamsby visited frienda in D.mw eceutly. â1t. Fred. Rutherford bas soli bis trottirg herses 'Slcep Fred" and "Clara T," te, a gentleman in Port Hope. Mr. John Davey was elected District Deputy drand Mas! er Wetkman fer Dur- ai District et the meeting ef the Grand LegA O U. W., held in Toronto. llersýh purggatiure remedies are fart gývng way te the gentie action and înild eff ctm ef Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla. If y,,iu try thém, they will certa'(nly please yen. PrubtrinC1 'iriktiau Elideavorrs bcd a V~aee time et Mr. Thomas Little's Mîrudey eveniug week. A. suesesful social under the auspices Df St, Saviour's cburch i aq be!d et Nf- Fratk Mergait's ce Feb. 21. Proceedi 'ýI've tried ail îot; cf bloed purifiera," saifi an o' .d lady te a "cut or," "aud yen can't geranade me that ai-y ether Saîsa. parilie i.as ýoeed ai Ayer'e." There's whoîc ahe had him. Ste know that Ayer'a was the best-and an did hoe, but ît paîd him botter to soi' a cLeipýr brar'd. 1 M i s ri. Co i irurn & C ut bley, 'oror - te, hnve 1e îad Mi. W. Pringiaj'a fi rm. loUt Il;, cen 7. Cliii ,e, f r a terra cf 25 yeî,for tuli urpeio of pro[egating btook tet Visi orç': Misqa u n, Newcastle, ai Mr. ti.t ntîrl'-: Mips Vda Coiper, 6tb U1nr; rcIr Wm. ,e'. Bes'on, ai M'r. Jos. Ilenty'p i; r. Phiiip Poli .r,1, C tn ton; NIr. Daub'.Toron'r, tMr. Jo, Prier",. NATUPLE HAS PEeviDhn A remody for every ache and pain, and Escieuce tlr,)u2h ceast 1,sa activity and rxpeîiment is con- P.tantly wteatin2 the a'c- ets cf ber d&- 1main. A new and woîrdeîful discover>' recertly been rm de hy me ns of which t eos(c th,,u.-atida will he fieed from b %inÎ. Nvl;î.or ne-eoppvn cure, rê,preýeuts in -very cluneitr nir-'i forci the nict p . tent brain re ievi-îg suistitues kaewn te miedicaf eince, and sa'î ne te s'.y, ils conîpesed- f sli'btstc-o ai l y vegetatble in ri nin. PuIscn's Nýýr' l'n la the, moet prompr, certiin. ccd tv( esa!"t 1ain te 1mledy 10 i te w, r id. 'Jry Nr rvilinýr for teet!hache, ,orIi, cranil s, &,-., alwaya afindifluet'- i t -No,,,hing like' the Furs at MVU1Mayer's F'ur Store, -where you cari finci the iarg- ,st aud best selectel.'stock in the oun ty, composeci of ROBESe COATS, JACKETS5 CAPES2,>1 COLLARS and CAP of ail description and size aned he is de- termilned to seil as cheap as the Ch îap- est for cash Also a large andwel selected stock in Gents' Furnishings,- Shirts, Underwear, Ties, 23races. No trouble tzo show goods, so corne and bring your Me,,nds witiL 7701. AIL hinds of ltirs altered and repaired. PRACTICAL FURRIER,Bwî LE ti ii Than a nice Watch, Set of Jewelry, C, ~k or SilverwareI? It is not necessary for me to say anythîng about the quahity of My goods. as everyone knows that I always keep the best the market produces. 1 have a few Hundred Dollars ý-,to niake U-p inl-a short time and amn stili seilin.g off my stock a-I 50 cts. on the $ while you have topa others double -the price for inferior stock. Cal] and see me before buy- ing. If you have any kind of sunail work to repair or bring it to nie and you can get it done riglit. MAYARD THE JEVLL , "1BIG 20. f I Ours s 1;1,-eiîentJy th 1D. ies' store of Bowmnville. Lu N objeet iN to suppy ladies with th newest and Ibedt, gos procurablo'. o>Our amr eacb seaori is te imii- Oprove on tli past &nd neyer have we been exerc'sing suelc ar n givinz so rnuehi attention te ou selections a-, wc bave this season. We biave alreiidy recei\ ed lare, , quantiti s funr sprint, goods3 and wihout, 1om tirig we thrnk wearr of g -t:i as never presented ,by any ýtore in this part elf Ontarlo, ,,,. (~ (As on'y a, few <'f the mnanv tings can becrnentioîned. at one timce, Wc n..wý call' our attention to, our Di esî 13od. inig ti- agents for the) lai gest lashion house ut Amterica. we Lave tir, he,t chance of beiiig posted in the riglit materials and shades to purchase You %vill ind or soir, ways up to date. We will mention od y oe Une more, viz: Prints, wehaeoe tw'o hundred new pieces, ail diffrent patterns. WNe think you 11,ou hve e i ý -Î culty in suiting yourse1l es. JOHN J. MSN Dr God.dJer

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