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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1894, p. 1

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s OUR --N 2D COUNTY FIRST: THE ORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A JAMES EDITOR ÂSiD PROPlUETOR, ý§OWMAINYiLLE:, ONTARIO, WTEDNESDAY. MARCII14,ý 1894. VOLUME XL. NUMBEP. Il ANL /J ER/CAN STY7 LE ~ Th Poreet otFit, and '~ Stlc w Sh folid, Sub- C HNys TO0 & tiCRYDERM~ANm$ /. - ---- Inc luporters, have opelaed out,ý Msybe for inthentofQ0 inf-uusua11y large and dhoiceA.T eCIfln, Stock of_____ ___ 3.Vr itress G-oods, Mr M. Barrtti~~,shr adMis. Brrett teeeofC icheter New ate sthe funeral of - friend a ýee'h w ... Mrs. S. T hompaon w ho wag f'ch of the Darlingtoni Union Cheese Co. ýVis- itç,d Mr. Franktsrr i lsat vweek . .. S,->esiaI v, Cothsand orstds.aervices conduZted by Bey. Jas.. Ltddy ini the chu rch heýre tiS ...... . Mrs 'Mat. New Curbains, ~thew Robbins la re'w'erIing;ob-,ilr1 New Carpets and Linoleums. sas ipeig Dyspepsi 'ýýcauRiS5 7Zaineas,He ac , d' d rec fr m Be lin~a ine~sto kand Souring- of Food, Papitaton of the of' ~ ~ ~ ~ i th ey~aet~tls~jBlood' Bitters are gurant2eed cr of hever ltet çtyesDyspepsia, ïf faithfally usied arod flIQ' AP ETQ-AUl Pà Q to dirlectiom. v-.eegantly designed, beautifully made and very rnoderate in price. Also a lotcof "AhIES' WATERPROOF IATLE ail New Goods, -t-INSPEOTION,1 AND COMPARISOMlN INVITED, ~~~~~~~l laJJ £WtTNà KRDEMN HARDW RE I ARIWA Eu1i We have opened outÎ- in auri New Store in Neads' B 1- ILk with a fulli une of HARDWARE con- sisting of all kinds ç-of r helf Goods, Painats, Qils, Glass, Putty and Tilnware. We ýave bouh out Mr. J. Mc rian's TIin eusiness and r'etained him us our for ~and are prepared todg. al dof Tiwrincluding Fitting, J3ath Rooms, ,ýïot Air Frnaces, Rot Water-Boiles an.d al! -inds of Uepairing Mr. YcBrian eing a good practicali workman we w1.guaraetee al his',l work to give saction. Our intention is t produce sucix goods,'givé such value and pay such attention' to the wants of the public as will make it to their interest to deal with us. havelobeen aýppointcd Sole0 agents for the famous HAMY THOUC.HI N RADIANT HOME STOVES and have now in stocksoine of the latest improved makes. iveQ us ~cl it b 1c a pleasure for us to show them. We Lave corne touty liadang bought our stock for spot cash,~ ~ ~~~~i 0#e>iIgv tepbi h ben'eûit of the sam1e. Ail arc inyitedi to call and inspeeýt our goods and prices. NEAS'Bncu DUSTAN &HARP. AiAPLB GROV& Mr. Wm. Girnblett bad ap ood bee last weý. . . Kr. Geo. Pwr adMr. Chasîk. Artotd visited ToronTic -eretly. Mrs. Wm. Pethiickla is :zitîrg ber da ;ierluPrt Hq,..- Misa Pollyi Trenontis, town~~, l iiig...Sr prise pairty nt Mm. A. W. f(olev's Fridsiy eeigAple',rat tixue, - (ur Divis. ion oa O rsd -New8sý'e Sns in celebrating the o o. Neal ?w'e9Oth birthday t7 N cat laMr §h. .. .I m. Geo. 'oe preached avei acceptable3 serjmIon here Sua..~I R )Bberti Âdaxaw is very sick Tps-,vso-a ,o.; SïuI-NO -nhavedihe wo-rdot .A'ad TnyontO it that in the F- ring '111 yC11-g maxsfaïncies liglit- ]y tw-rn to togtsu of -.~tssnua ~~ te Mention s!djalep 4in t h- u race turu to Uýsed3 'i Saraparilla Pmob*ýably noth. i'htte ufluîyo eing, a good rhyaCf t i sub' eridydeterred hin C rrain it is that the old-time do- non' e~ r-diles are genera 'ydîscarde,! ln f evýOr of the Ltendard î edpurifier, llo0,,d Sarsaparilla. whih-ýqS attaln,«ed thýý Lreatest Popularity ail turer the c'0,-ni As GGURIC~.ber, the Mut 4ri-acombe, Tow, bas beenpar guesti of Mrt. J. F. Brooks, iliiddlegreeu rji s Vill... .Mr. L T. Courtle, sud Miss chucai i FIe Courtice have returned sfrom viitiog ed for<' frieuda lisbtheWet . . . .1ev. L. Phelpe paper who b'as Lad quinay ha i ce7 y recovered. tend tLý Mr. G. P'ower sud Lies. Guos Cale took ilaier s bie work Qn Sunday... Mn . t2o. ýShort "Su rid &aý heu rented Mr. T. May'a feras ý.Four sud ahs, members of Mt. Carawell will 'isold s de- be, pulj bats with au equal number o! ['eýst Whit- IS. S.Ti by Division ou Thursday ee in betIse $1 ya Sons' Hall, 'Uernony,-Resoîlwd: That singly eý ancient timas produced greater mon cou - sud cpi sidering the ea hey ]lived lu inhanmod- asci.1 eru. Mt. ýle ateafimtv, cpe BurdocBbefl, e rauaCntjîlo f m58 Burdock BK' Bttr creBiieAea. IAL ,Burdock B[Usdittera cur-e Haah.P~ Burdock Blood Bittera uubock -il tIseau clogged secyatý,i-.at the Bowtele hu h curiug Heaieachos suPd similar comikns idrt, .S'(kINA stpl Solinsi Div. S. e('T. inWend lseviug« an! ai tb~ open division on <aood Friday evei -o fr ajy~ te celebrate the 90tls birbhday cffins p)eper aq U(-i. Nuîel Dow. Th-e puhîSa la cordially rlit W] -%v A gzood tinta expected .. . .Mr, i. usedý JIe Ge /dsscoe a t Cobeorg this wek as vould eÔ a ijurt-mn .4r. JcwnuOm&lsird ha. eric,, ef resgted the farm tif the ]aie Win- Crydor-l ae2tedsw mas,,...New cilice , were appoiritad et tiesate Eldad B. S. asat week wlch Jas. A Wermy' moiuis. h as aupaintendent.M~-. Geo. Cewla cf the we)r Ktidroni4 bore agin. at 110moa (,U_ cr Ye'-ýx work j-,ï Pol ish. LADIlES, u12e I-ook's Snfalea Shoe Poilisf Ladies' and £ChtIreu's flue Boots sud Shoî -The-finest r, pr8em'mo- thE<-1eaptier -ad seep liabie. h wil bave 9s poilsis lik!e Satin. Sale -out sud Shoe dealers. i '- I..' nu ' t r-cv3 arsca MINIST'ERS AND OHUJRC±{ES. The mane Of St. Paul'a church ia he- Miss Armor ha.re.ig1ned a a3rgaist P, é ci)- 't Ï17htr, Lnsy wabd Thare n'a 2,5 nmembera in thý3 choir of the lrnanvile M-hodiast charch. EdrD. Pr_ý or Preaohed in the Chiia hurcE, Broýugham, last Sab- bath Bley. _D, Sýnith of Qtieeni's Collage lecure lu~oburgreceutly on "Girls 1 Oms ocî the moat FLpopular reli-dous pýpersi3 ï'this diatrict is thïe)CiliusrrzIA N Hhnr~of -New York. Bey. Prof. MacLaren, D). D., of Ki-om Colge as îwriten a Pampfh1et oni Mib- sens iii Central India. Re.A. Linton, B. D., and wife, Port tjredlit, v;iaited bis Bisters, the Misses TÎnton, at Orono recently. jBey. j. Wîlkie bas a ve3ry intereating iette, in the la8t Prea3byto2rian Reçview onu Ther-, is some talk c, thle building' known >aS the B. C. church onuQiieen. st. beivk converted in4e an organ factory. .Z'Tha ýindhis' Sêh'o a c-rnveion q)wil behowlinluthe Colbornie Methodist chur'ai March 27th and 28th. Mr. John A. Bsii.ron, Q.C. CLindiay, kectured in St. John's oburch, Port Hope, llotdýy uighit on -~The Mutiny of [an, Science Mastern Sahool, preache ii,,riý, st, Spadina Ave., To- lers an~d secretarios o! al ennection with the churches and district are3 requested to ýews te thia columu. JMcDowell was too unýiwell Methodiat prayer meetinig dght and Mr. John Joblin nirable substitute. iug of Methc(itiiters' ont"- Feb. 27 ih waa siete, , Hay, C06bcheg andRv. Dr-. Pézt Ho0P3, receutly- 'isited RaIti- 'rstbyterian church wheu the f or. ýd an eloqueut appeas] for matin e of family worsiip sud thns latter eu congregational siugîng. ýge'Îett s LXoody aud Sankey ara con- 4revival meet ings i2 NV Waablngtrin, in Convocation Hall which l fo-'t, bas 1000 electrie lampa, ed se-its, every eue o! whicli 8 0*£Ch meeting asud oery avala sttading rooni occupied. h General Conference e istclturch wfll maeet next s4tain. a 0 gitatsOÈu for a chleaper chîîrch tJu the present Cirr sir should soon ho bagu. The i-S ksjing more than can, be eatisuat. 'Il want ef a popular Methoditt -rculatiug lu the bomre. We con- ut a weekly Methodiat ýpaper aias. sizea nd quality O! paper te the -School Times sud as care! ully 4, edit el as the G v mrDIAi i, Can imhed at $1,00O a year net. The 'iués la furnisbed to ministera at -ar, ac7d te solsool clubs mnailed ttýI andi packa)ges of fiye Copies- wards te eue16addresa ut 50< enta Wlha circulation of 50,000 ech as shldl( easily ba obtsined )annethere need ho no diicit uci atn enterprise. Merging the, ÂNu the pres3ent OWRDsdthe -NT~l EORS inte eure Weeklypp, nslsgit te Sabbath S(ehoots1 in fivo copies sud upwarda at a con- 'y red2uced prias3 would extenld on te , neair1y 10,000., Our alas blish thbe beat pipe(,r possible eat a t to ex'eceed $1 a year te individuj ribera sud utA te make a dollar other Plirposc, but to make the 1g90d as the revenue will war- ion everY cenàt of the income ln its Preouc-ion. The profit ,rme from the ina cased intellig our famýiiiei On ail matters con- ith t'le Mathodist church, ,ai iu kuow edlýge o! --the ways sand ýeiag discus3ed, tihe plans triedi, ýk carried on bjn a1 ur misalouaries aud abrosd, theA advaucement of g people lu the linos of Christian nd 9lso cf the ceî.feeces sud eusn I'rom wbiac mue great blesi- upliftiuga", as M-. bMillis Biys il copied into thse Iattir n thse ChitaAcivoCa'e. ,This 1iuiteress cor who'e deloia. tIseieforce we augeesthat t hbe a ais the district nieaeti1 gîansd et offiiisl meetings c f the church, cially lu tise church papota with osIe cf gettiug as ruuelinformi. )( sibbe placed befo'e thepep, intelli4ent and pr'actical action akon et the nIextGnrs Con- Thora are no doubt muy pub. id practical prin tors in theý Meth irh in Canada who will wilhiisgly %ot ,sethat thera need ho rne ~bld"Miniaters sund Inymen I,t once eOpen discussion on this Wit'h a largean weillaore stock of niew,atnd tasty Srn Gosin ENGLISIR, IRISil, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS> W-ORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OV-ERCOATING'-,S. l'ail lihie of GEI"NTS FURNISHINOS :always in sztock. COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS TICKINGS, PRINTS, G-'REY COTTOINS, 'etc. All WOOL SERGE SUITP to order ..... ................ $ 8 0O0 Ail WOOL TWEED SUIT bc order....................... 8 O0 READY-MADE COTTOINADEPANTS............... .... 75 Fine Ordered Clothing aspee'alty. F'its-a certainty. These Goods have been purchased in the besL markets for KSPOT CASH and everything wil b3 sold at right prices. In our especial 'ine we bave buit up a large trade on the h1res pincüipal of ("G-'ood Goods, at Moderate Irce")Cali and insp,ýct before, purchasing. EL-EGGý'S taken saliie as Cash. FRAKA. COLE. Rev. J. M. Cajiieron o! Toronz.to las temnpçýratily tiking the pastoral wo.rk of Sr. Paul's Plreshyteriatn churoh sud on Suaday cunducted the ,Comuniion sekr- vice le: the morm n g preaciug -with much acceptanée. In th E Ieîinig hie text was "Wtrh ye" fromi which he peached a very practical sud appropriate discourse followiog tlu Sicram-rît. Tihe congrega- tion was delighted with Mr. Cme-o 's services for theo day. M tisters sh )uld do more reporting of cburch news for locAl and denomriation >1 papars, aud de it prompt'y. Po-stal ced reporta writt3n in canci i forni wbile tha mater lu freah la lways acepfeblt,. A three to six nrthe,' revîew ,o chu-ch events5ewnt nt oeue tima msly be ne d '00 schoIa'rP. H13 le a graduate o! En field school wheýre he waS a pupil of the Editor of tii journal, and is the your.g est brot$'cr e!f1ev. R MeCullecb, thie esteeuied pesiter cf Tyrone cirvuit4 Woe Durbeani boys seem t4o malke thtir mark ~in eviery reapeetabIe cai. Onc eLect of the wide 8prýead business depressien lu the opporfunity afforded, e8pechly by the cities, for the ex.xrciisei of, pactical Clirlstianiity in giving relief n eedy. I Klop Lb, pub-l isher oû>&the Christian Derad as York, started a relief fend six weekg ago whiech now e aantS te evor '$15, OaO,00 ln cash avd the results accompliahed have been wide-.spread and bOneficont. MWr. KlopEch says the lettera reach hlma byj oery mail laden with Qifts sud prayers from God's people ia every part of the continent wbo have been stirred to deeda of kinduess by the knowledge of the ouf- feringu of New York'a poor. 11Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., th,3 bolovod pastor of St. Psu]'a church, bas gone on invitation of thse leading Preabyterian church st New Westminster, B. C., to preach with a view te receiving a formaI cal] te be piasor of that church. -Not ouly will the memnbersi cf his own Block bore regret Lo part wiLh hlm afteý has long and most acceptable pasterate, but out î zoit es generally wili be sorry te le, e auch anl estimable citizen. Rieba Lau rea ucy to asast in every goùd work for the. advancement of the social inter- es of or-town snd s popular with al classes of citizen., snd, especally se with bis mnisterial hrethren witb whom ha bas beea ou the Most friendly relations. At the Literary Society on WedInesday afternoon the iîorary partt of the enter- taix.ment was drawu fruas the work of that moat delightfuil ani fasc:nating of authors, Sir Wa!ter Scý-tt. Programn was9 as f ollow3a: Inatrumflntjal duet bl ig îses Tilloy a'nd BtW; aftoee which Misa Mabel Northcota gave a brief but comprehen- auve siketch of the liifd of S,ýott wluoh was f llowed by an intiru nent-il trio by the CoAi le Brm.. a' d Mr. J. Lawson. Miss B. Himcock thon gave a very fine eLssav, "Scott as a LeuIdscadOe Paiitor,uhowing ber tlioro)us-h apprt ciation of tihe b-aauti- ful anmd the p'czur-.îaque lun the vivid word picture tcf iheo t Last but ino'the 1eepleasia-!,facture cf thc program was Iiave th-tiit ,rfacrofffla Iin eirroo Thel, aoiI w iea o ruseby âreadf ni ruflninif sores Lld ,tfier mntBttosof thiri dirseasee beýyond ci.cription. TIere la no ot4er remeidy equal to llood's Sariapa- rilla for acrofula, aIt rheuni and every forai 0! bIod diaasIl isrega-onably sure to benefit ail who glve it a fair trial, NEFW lHA VEIN. A deýbate was A hl ithe uchoo lit Frida , sbjc-1slv F; hat ateami.- boat3 have been more usefaulidtd IlJkUin tha'i rý.Âways. Mr. Clair L,%ngmatida:MZ 11- V. VanCamp COL tested the affirm- ativ~ , .- of the question, whila rallwavs% were championed by Mesrs. 0.1 Fraik and E. FoI!ev, Decisjor. waa % iven la favor of the affirmative. . .. Mr. E. Van. Cam, Benford, la iaitnwith hîiu brothier.. ..r. W., Oku recently viaited lat Mrs. Jaue. Rnl'. . h section has been pentedf.)r ome time paut by a stcck animal which haa been runing "on the road, making it dangeroug to travel on foot, eapecially for school children, The anhnal ahould be puit in pjound. ENNIS!LN Sacramentsal Servicesaet tise Preshyter- Ian Churcis on Sabbatb not-The service KNOWLEDOE at the usuel bout il a. m. The prepara- Brings comfort and improvemient sud tory sermon ivill ho preachod1 on Friday tend t rsýa eio en Win 16t atli m.by he astr Rv, ' ightly used. The xntny, wbo lifve bot- M. Phelon B. A.....f. P.Rooera s l eta tasnejyi oewt attetûdiug tIse Grand Cauncil of C. O0. C. te î otir n ejylf mrwt F. in Toronto tiai weeir delegate froa ssc aexpenditure, by mnore pro:mptly the Eus,îsk ilion Council. 1ndcaptiug the worid'a besti productu te Pinmthse needs ef physical. being, will attest Report o! P. S. for Fehrutry: Pinrthse value te bealth cf tht pure liquid E. Moroney. 5th Cias, V. Pollocks, E. xtio rncpseubadl ib Teskèe W, Barry. Sm. 4, K. Virtue, E. lxtv ricpn nbrcdl h Gilbert, J. Thiomp8on. Jr. 4, L. Gilbert, remcdy, Syrup of Fige. - . T. Stintion, N. Gilbort. 3rd. A Stainton: Its excellence la duo te its presenting R.~ ~ ~ . Stien .Glb .2 H tpes thse forainost ecceptabe asud pleas- Rl'au .-)d 'talq 'n' S anr ,. Vý Sm. 1Pt.2, E. nt te e Ierfrsîgu r Byems, A.,Saito , E.Rýela rP.beCiprties of a perfect lex- 2, E. Sylvesýter, O. Stovens, A. Bell. Lt.ative; lly Cleansing the systeux, C. Ldzerton, E. B ïers, F. Mo-ire. Avor- diaeliu 9, liendachies sud fevorrn age~~~~ ateuac0. u paus nitly Cuning conliasi. J. You-'o, teaclier. Lt bas giveu aicin te millions sud For, Seau Ti-RýOAT, Siicdd encoda nd met wiýtlI tho eprova-l of theeedical Dipbitheria, ne remedy bas ever ends profession, bcueI cao hs~d coveored 80e powerful!te cure a av ineya, Liver aud flosels Mwithlout wea- PAIN- KnLIcR.As asILinimren-,t ïli as ne ensng theas sud it lu perfectly froc froua equil lu curing Rhiumatisns or 2Neurelgia, overy objectionablo substance.ý Burnusud Jruises, and wcursds cof every 1'-11yrup(o Figa le for sale by ail drug- desrpion- t ithe ad beatgsta lun . litties, but-jL n s-ant ramnedy ever cffored te thse public,.,jnîv facturod by ise Cîsllfernia Fig S rïup 25c. for big 2 ounecebottle. Ce 1. ly, w leala prinlu e ery- package, aise the naie, Syrup of is su exg well luforased, yen wiIluo MiadsLiniment Oures Burno, etc. aopiay usiueif ofeIjrcd, E lPk ----------------------------- 1 À JAMMS ËDITORâlqD PËOPMBTOR, VOLUME XL. NumBicp, 11 RIGH SCHOOL NOTES.

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