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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1894, p. 3

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ThIO wold-rednowned Soasi stanffigaI tise hesc et al Laends-y and Heesehelfi Sodp, bobis ior quàlity andi extent eofsles.e Used accordiug te directions, lb dees ewaY with ail thse id-fashlcned dmadgery et was day. Try lb; yen won'tbehodisappoiflbcd. BUNLIGHuT BOAP has been lu use iu Windsor Caste for thse past 3 yeare, and its seaantacturers have besu speially appointed BOÂ.PmAmlà To TEE THE CNDINSTATESMAN eImpar annun lu advance, thisea ti Sishecnipiene alwiy3 Payab)le at se )Ét i pubictin.Advertisin4 ateS ulesi bY cîs ceet, 10 cenut iper lice, noce aie y dlrSt iueccfl on, sud rets pîr ics sautiSsubsennii 15l- eo t'nLIcaS 10 cents pu) r lies. M. AJAMS, Pb% Ahe -F CANADA. ThsBtkis preparod to do Legiti- mate Baukig in ail iba, branches. Fa rmne's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Lnterest paid on accounts vf ý'5 taiflupwa1rds lu Savinga Batik B KAFTS Ltîdandi Collections maZUe in Europe Unlitcd :-7tetes, antiCanada. W.JJ.ONEis, QNTARIO BANK CVL e edo aàeea Banking -BuLsnetý llwavleAgency. ~ecsfv P avIuigs Bank Department and ci osaI ninier,,ý,esi allowed at encrent raies Ni ?,,n2 ceo ewibbdrawaleessary. All deposit aab eon demand, EXCUAINGE P rb tand sold and Drafts issuetiupon Enrop, lnlted States and Canada, alse Gold, Silveranî t?,lted Sta.eg Green backs bouoeht and sold. COLLECTIONS Pir:niptly made ai current rates upen ail par vf Great Brit tain. the United States and ts] Do uinion o iCanada, Telegraplh Transfers Made for large er sinall surn, oui aIl parb eo Canada. This is espcially advaiitgcoai ti persons living, in Manitoba or tire L1ortihWeqs imiakzes thle fuudsý available at once ai the place ef payaient- Other particulars cali at the bauil. 'I.L. FORT r, (OEO. McGILL, Accouetant. Manager, VETE.ftIARY SURWE.Èh ORONO, - ON£, Office. -Pcsb Office Block. Celhs b- tekegr-apil or telephone recelve i DMessrm. 11ONEY & MoMURTRY ha, purcbased the County of Durham fer t best Wire Fonce in this Country. Lt stronz, easily handled and ernameulý Il wïll net be injured by snow, heat, cn o)r winds. lb will turn Herses, Catil Sheep, fioLs, Dogs and Poultry. Lt ia îiet work without barbs,- and will neti 3 ure stock in auy way. Lt i h much strec ircan more durable thaîn any barb feu Ing'1, being cloeey woven, Fence put ep and Farm and Towni rîgbts for sale. Apply at CENTR.AL Ltv ity, Bewmanville. W. P. RLOR, Clarke P. 0., havi '-ýoight Clarke Towship, le prepared * ,t up, tence., LA a r. L SALE 1 N CANADA. ise otwo 'éý boatpu i n -tihése cisool, 'thise tni'l'dîp w ofetgm-at benefit te iim. Bu lie t-iud hbe mucli tlîey isafiail gaine( while he was ifihati g away hie tirns, and hý nesolvefi he wpuldl make it uip. Heis tudie( eariy aud late and egan, slewly, te go bise year, hafi made great advancemnent. YOUNG FOLKS. h A Turn in tise Tîde. at On a clear, brighb day, one .Tancary, a ol boy seme fitteen years etfage was walkiug ci aimîessly down a beantifuh country roafi. n Hie camiefi a stick lu bie baud witb whîcbhh le would sti ike vit tise bushes gmowing by ih the wayside. fie seemefi whehly witisoub b air or perposeý excepb te kili time. Sud- tl denly a gust et wind blew a piece et paper si diectly in front et hlm. Hie stoppefi and o turuing it ever with tise stick, tise words,S Ilwake up" met bis gaze. Hie picked lb ep il aund continnsd walking. fie paid no e efi te what else migbt be ou tise paper. Hie s only saw thïose txvo words. t Ail at once ie turned Ilrigbt about" and began walking slowly back, bis bauds deepc lu bis peekets and i hbat pullefi duwn over, bis eyes, and ' if anybody isaf peepefi under r tisat old, bat they migisb bave seen two, samnest blue~ eyes under a consîdemably 1 puckered blrew. Tise lad waq amoused andi doing some bardi tisinking. Hiestatiser, George Glace, a bighhy 1 espectefi man efthtie nesgbborisoed, bail died about tisree years before, andi Roberb, au unusually hnigisb, intelligent lad, bai been left te tise carseto bis numobier, whose wiIi being weaker than bis, lhe was înainly 1sf t te bis own devices, wisicis consistefi chiefiy lu amusing himiself. fie leit scisool andi spent tise greater part et bis bminl bunting and fishing. But lie wes nombhîorougisly awakened andi those tuve littl words were burninig1 theiseives jute bis braîn, andi as be me- viewed hais past bisree years bis beafi bent lower. Suddeuly sbraihtening hinseit anf throwing hie Issafiback be saifi aloufi: "lI do iii, as sure as my came is Robert Glace," andi geing te tise fe7ice ha sprang hîgistly ever .ni teok a "lshort eut". across tise fields te Fammer Gray's, who, lie isad hieard, wantedl a boy te help hilm wlth bis feeding momninge andi evsnin"s. Arriving at tise bouse lie saw tise oid larmer eut in tisebahem- yard. Going ep te bim he said : "Mr. Gray, T undenstoofi yen wanted a boy te elp yen witisyour worýk. Willyen take me?"e Tise fariner lookefi at hics lu astonisis- ment. Wby," lie saifi, I didn'b know yen lef te work." "Yen may well tbink se, Mr. Gray, but I'n lu eamnest now andi if yen'11 take me 1 will be seglafi. in going testart in schseol agalu, andi tiink,,if I sisoulfi study isard, I coulfi ceme eut witb tise next class. 1I viii need soins new books andi I don'b like te ask mother for tise mnuey andi I tisought by working for yen esomuinge and nigbts I coul i make bise mouey nyself and it wonld net interfere witis my scisool." Tise olfi gentleman stoofi looking at hlm inbentiy. - "WelI 11if yen be in earnestî'l takeyou. Yen uster be a rigist, smant boy I'veisheamd, and q ick te larn, aud I'n always, ready te bslp tise night kinfi et boys. Your fatber was a good muan, aund yen look considérable like hlm, wisen we was boys togethen, andi naybe yen are more like hlm tisan I tbougist. But 'twill be ne play. 've got aIl them cattcle andi hogs, andi l'Il want yen isere by hait tour uîoruiu's'anfi evenie's, sharp, andi l'il ueed yen Saberdaye, bnt yen can do. yoîîn studylu', tee, if yoîî are efthtie rigist sert, and l'Il help yen aIl I kmn. Yen saifi suthîn' about bocks, If yen waut tise money now I eaui pay yen soin uafivauce te git tisé booka." i'Robert tisanked i hm earnesbly and bolfi him bew usucis he would neefi te purchase te desirefi books. Tise olfi man bandefi hlm tbi mney, saying be would expeet 1hlm bisat evsnîng, andi agalu tbanking hlm, )Robent startefi bomeward, wonidenlnig wby ise bail always tisouiglist Mmray fsucis a g ruif old man. Amriving at hoýme wve wenb dinectly te bis )own rcou nf a looiuig ever lhie 1scisool books, andi iaving dustefi tsen, ise arrangefi therm neatly on the stand. Tissu taking off hie coat he lookef itl over anfi tefundi lbneedefi a buttoien m wo.fie wsut down te wisere hie motiser was sewing andi saifi: .- 'lMobiser, would Yen fix tise coat a lit- tîs !' Thris, isnmiedly : "1 geinlg te etamt te echool lu tise memnlng, aund if yen coulfi fix me up a lunch l'Il notise home bihl eveîa- ing, as I've promise 1 Mm, Gray te iseîp hlm wltis hie fsedisuj" Mme. Olace-l %uked nup wltis a glafi, sur- prisefi look on hem tacs, "OI 0 oberi!1 Yen doe't knew bow pîsasef I ain te isear yen say bisat. Of course l'Il lix your coat aud fill your lunch basket, or do auytising I eau te belp yen, "AIl rigist, mother," lie interrnpbed. 'II keew 1- could depend on yen. I guesa ir's about brus, tisat 1 a boy's beat frien i s bis .mother.' l'in axvfulîy sorry 've been foot. ing arounfi hike I bave, andi plainly agzainst your wishes, besides bsiug a burden te yen Yes, 1 iave bue, but," he safi, witis a queen Flittîs laugis. I 've been 1'waked up,' se te speak, andfIL'm going bo try my very besb te making somethieg et myseit." Andi ne bmustîng hirnssîf furtiser, he went wbistling away. That evsning he was at>Farnîer Gray'sat bise appointefi tins andi did bis work ciseer- ]fully andi well. Thoen geing ever boteh village, lie waîked dawn tisa street andi - kuocked at tise door et Mm. Mnmry's, tise sepemîntendeut oethtie gradefi se-bools. Mm. .Memry himsef answsrsd tise knock. . Il y, Roben,1by1boy,_IM.gA f. te se I I B leN Ltec )Id ls in -lie he te mi the ues ai it inj G lie bis ac( be pri te pri is vi- eon dih atl fa( as M( vo toi sel Ti Ca br iy spending bis vacation in bard study was ready te enter the senior class wben openefi again lu tbe fall, and gradu- ch with honora at tise close of the year, 1Farmer Gray beiug present at the exer- es te sec Il 'bis boy' corne eut a leetie te ahead. " Lt lanuecessary te say that mother was prend of hlm, as she looked his mauly face, lu after years when lie mseif was principal et a famous schbol in .west, bis wife, the Mary Murmy et bis hool-days, clhancedo ee day te finfi a piece paper, aIl staiued, but folded neatly. ie opened itl and te ber astonisbmeut fouud eo be ouly an advertisement for a seap anufactory. Turuing te bier hiusband she &ed what it meant. He tolfi ber te read Ldate marked ou the back, l'Jan. 9 ,18-. IWhy," she said, Il tîat was when yeu tme bick te sciseol." IlYes, tisat is the time," the professer îpo nded. Then ise preceeded te tellilber Jabout bis finding lb, "and," bie sdded, igiing, 'Il don't know bow mucis this mreamed tise sale ef Mr. Herson's soap, but ,rused eue sleeping boy te tise 'redoub- ng of bis diligence."' *I.VES WARNIN'U TO WAR SIHIPS. Hylel sS ,Wiseh itegisiers tihe Mevesients of' assy (raft a Mll1e Dlistant Experimeuts are now being conducted on e perfection ef tise iydmopisene, wbicis, cording te tise London Time8,promises te et great value in marine warfare Tise incipal ebject oet tiis simple apparatus le o be warning te a port or fleet of tise ap- eacis et a torpede boat, even if tise latter §totalhy submnerged and, themefere, in- isbie. Lt cousists essentially of two parts, ne submerged lu tise sea,, at apreper stance f reomtise port or fleet tu;be wamned, ,nd at a depti s sfficient te oesape tise sur- ae agitatien. Tisis part may be descrihefi .an imon bell jar, whicis, on being plungefi enuti downward luto tise water, retains a il1ume ef air iu tise upper portion or bob- om, where a copper box, protecting tise unsitive organ of tise appamates, la fixefi. Phe organ in question is merely a vemy deli- ,te vibr..tory contact, wblcb makes andi )eaks THE GAY ANDJ FESTIEf 'VARSITY- STUDENTI llow the Tim-, k Usedup by the Residence Man. IMfe fecirates Sais Rais i 11h rîctîscesOe Iemprusdent Godsdesses, Hires a Piano, and oses a lAttles "Onteile Reaslitsg." "Paul Pangloas," lu tise Empire, gives bise foilowiug iuteresting sketch et lits at bise Toronto University :-If sonesauuuy sumner day yensisoulfi stroli acrosa tise 'Vansity campus, coming te tial exqnissteiy carvefideorway, yen woulfi ses loillng on tise etepa, or stretchaed upun tise en0rald terece, lu tbe laziest et attitudes, a dozen or moe mals creabures, anehaven, unsisorn, siip-sisof, slonci-istted, cla inlutbie must tabtemed et gowns sud tise seediset et clotis, aund ail puffiug vigoronsly at tus stnbbieat andi strongest et pipes conbaiuing tise rnk- est eftatbacco. Ye muet net biink for su instant biat a gang et convicts, iseving fiefi bise Central prison, aren nlePossession et tise provincial Paruasans. Theas uukempb, nagged aceatures are young gentlemen tron Resifience, takiisg thein attenoon alesta wbeme aill bie worlfi may ses. Tusene tisey it, laugising, talking, abowing tiseir white beetis as biîsy ogie tise petty girls, or sar- ing stolidiy acrose bise way at bisat glaring refi brick iuccngrity yclspt tise Scisool et Practical Scieuce,or tunther en te that other architectural miacarriage, tise Techuicel Scisool, once Wycliffe College. But ilent, smiling, on eupsrcilious, tissas young gen- tlemen pensevere lu seeding epwarfi te tise bIne sky a teafiy nist et amoke, wesrnug oe anti ail an expression as who shonifi say "Look at ne. Observe how bougis I an, sud what supnene filregarfi 1 bave ton les convenances. Mark my dierepubable attire sud ny blase air. I an a perfect deviloeta fellow. I sit bereasud anke sud talk andi flirt, andi don't cars who kuows SOCIETAI 'VAR5Iv. No, dean neader, bisese young gentlemen reoiroconi ,nrietv lu tise University, as von AN BECTRIC CIROUIT ,,-;ulu àuiu - . - . connctig th suniereilbellwit th uîasy easily ascertalîs by îoaing at bise fi oonnctig tse uisergfi ellwit bie ivitation cards dîsposefi on tiseir mante]- d(f luficator or second part efthtie iydropisous, pieces or scattemefi oven tissir tables in se sibisatefi on sabesor ou boardiensetftise Residence. Residence minuhave alwaysese sisOfethtie fleet. Thse contact la formefi by cuitivatef Il"aassiety," andi, paradoxical as il, a fit horizontal spring ixefi at one sud and thiei attire abont cellege may Socen, tbsy a. loadefi at tisetiser isy a beas'y pisce et bave tise meet protounfi respect for tisecc brase, bavîng ou its ripper suirface a sinal fashien plates. Yoïader youtis, wiso saunt- S( plainun stati. A fine platinun reile ere brazenly jute lecture balle anfi parades or kept uprigbt hy a vertical guide, resta its tise camîpus lu gammeute tisat wouhd put a éa lowem sud loosely ou tise platinun stufi. iofi-carnier te tise bines, wili net stir te Tise needîs and tise stufi are cennectefi in entslds of rollege issuacts, nu, net se farn(n tise electric circuit bisouglistise guide andi as tise Caer fiowelh for bis harmlesa, sping, anfi whîeubise needîs fiances ounbise leceesary Colina, witboet coneulting at stuf tise circuit las made andi jroken. An Ieast twe amorous looking-glassep, unfier- electrie curnent freintise sbip on shbe bat- geing tise cîsancst of shaves, and i onrg B tery ie alwaye fiowing tismongistise circuit forth finally claf inl pumple andi fine linon, al -that le te say, betwee thtie snhmerged in tise boxi-st et top coate, tise shisniset etfdi bell anfi tise inficator. New, tise propeiler patent leatism,bise pnide andi joy et bis E et a torpedo boat er et a torpefio sets tii âccomîuodating taller andi credulons hbot-al vibrations lu tise watem, andt iese, reacbîng maker, tise pick of perfection, a living rE tise suismergefi bell, agitate tise tembihîg typéeï et islatest mode, armef in luebis et contact, se that tise ceedîs fiances ou tise fasiinable cep-a-pie, andfirireproacisable tï stufi andi interrupts tise current. Tise cou frein iseafi te tues. Witb tise Résidence k séquence le that bise indicator hegins te inutie body la certaiul'y net more tisan ti wenk anfi announces tise subsciarine distur- rainent. fiaiving heen a somnewiset dis- bancs. Thsis part efthtie- hysîropisoîe con- bevellet Jcaibiage ail day, he bleesomes forth sietse esestially of an electro-maguet, at 4I. ni. a gorgeons sunflower, antidosI K tisougis wiich tise cernent passes, wltis aunbise p' enade on King witi tise res t tise armature frese te oscillate when bise carrent beau imouds,. le rapidly madie sud broken-tisat is te Bay, wisen tise current hecomes intermittent. 1,SE RAýS REGARD FOr.tff11 WORLD. Tise motion of this amature au be seen by Yes, thse yeung gentleme2n do.cane for e au observer, if lie cisooses te watcis, but viatip', s'NlüVd Msays about tisen11, wbabsvem ArUÀY, otiiit tiATro'ý 1 easti. woild lbave yee liev.They y fi net reqiei, ton tise inflicaton itself giveIs have - as nay suite in thein wardnobes as tise alarm. This bakes place wisen tise th-e uc'sepîisticated sprig et Englisis nobil- swing efthbie armature carnieIslb within tise ity who cornes te biss colonies te leamu te attraction et a magssetic contact pisce fixeti tarin. Not content witis entertainiog a SI uerlbTise armsature l isefirawn te tise score et tailos-strictly ou crédit, bo it contact piece andfi ielfi fasti tiere. 'Tise knewns-in Tomroto, they have heen known swinging armature andi bie contact piece te seufi tiseir useasure te a fasiionable weab are conuectefi in tise crcuit oflocal battery, endi týaller inLeofion, Englauti, aund impont ]L andi wien they meet tise cernent fiewa te their gamïiments tisîrefrom. Tls, îsowever,, I ring an electnic bell on igit au eleetnic le net e utmeasume et reckless extravagance, il lamp. Tise torpedo boat tises anneuinces fom gofci( othes are cheap there, do't yenu its own arrivaI on the scene lu spite et itsesf, know. 1s aund precantiens eau be baken againet tl. TIIE RESIDENCE MANS'S BOOM. n Tise hydrepisons le at present unfiergoîug a Onsbya rui imnfts ei practical trial is Englaufi, aufi Captain Me- senilarog imndth Rs-a Evoy, tise inventer, estimates tbat tismeof ec se bas yet a preper regard for isa tise instruments sitebly placefi wonld b, ttfin Hefiis Itxuieus ie bishabits anfi Sufficient te proteet Portsmouths barber, te tise student baste bis roon le abeoluteîlyV fielesnew engagef inl construcliug a largen Sybanitie. Ibis papemefiaestiseticalywitb bell than that aîready subinergedinl order dado anfi border, hait et tise nndergraduats te tuset bise nequirmients efthtie gevermmout expense, andi iaîf at that efthtie cllege. Ona authonities. Tise appamatus la beautiftslîy tise fleorV is a pretty carpet. In eue corner worked ont anfi cornpaatively inexpensîve. sea11 ti sofa, in anotiser a little cabineto Moreoven, lb 'le s ttieutly sentstive bts conbialning tise youeg man'e 5 'elock teaa aunounce tise passage et steamems a tuile servîce-5 oe dock tees.a a modern reflue-d idistant freintise bell. Obviuusly, sncb an meýnt-niear tise fieplace la au easy chair ini iinstrument nighb aise be usefi for subinar - m coleetiser.-Tise stridents' nectar- t ine signaling, for a ship, by stoppicg and. boardi bas tise plans of huer over tisea starbing ber propeller, coulfi seudl a meseage mnautelýpiece. On tise walle are afewengrav- lu bise Morse code, and bise sisore conîfine - sugs c-f those imprudent ancieut gofifesses sponfi by flashing tise lectric lianp. Lunbise wiso wore ne otiser eletbîng bisan a littie caeeof aeotiser sbip tise esponse migbt b, etinosphere. Suci sstbjects are gnerally mafiaby br prpellr. kewn s Trencli art, sud, as tisey are ____________taken nosictly freintise cassies, tissy are GAY ?OOIETY OF RUSSIA. evidences oethtie cuiturefi baste efthtie -- owuen. Tisephotographe et ail tise pnety Thse Women Isveterate Digsemînat5t's of girls whom hie studeutsbip rias met 8 1'siiicaitGoî'tIp anal State Secrets. oucupy e prominent 'place. Tisera is per- b Those who are beat qualifiefi by experi- bap4 a picture efthtie nembers efthtie gel- ence te express au opinion are unanimns laut K conpany, aund next te it an aray lu declarng tisat biseme is ne gayer or more et Ausazous freintise corps dun ballet, I brilliantseciety in Europe than that at St. tise young man lis musical ise bas a entefi Petersburg. t bas a cachet ail ite own, piano, but in olden ines Résidience dis- says Tise Lady, and f it Ibl lese difficuît oet cous agefisncb extravagance by feefiiug tise accus te forsîgynere tisan Londion on Paris instrumient witis supenflueus beer andi m util- Socety lb le se ainply iecause Iseesses tee abefi buscuite. Tise plane ultinately bc- implicibly nely upon blsein frîsude of botis came tee full for uttenance, andfinl that sexes net te introfiece ie thein salons any stete et réplétion was sent te tisemnun- 1bnt persoos et irreproachabîs cisaracten. factory ton repaira. Tise ted aud tollet 1Tise Ruasian lady is sa clevsm tisat aise does tumitune, bogetiser witis microns, cologue fnet requins auy détails et a story. Sise botties eand otiser Persicos appanates, are ,guessea at tisses, aund, if nccesaary, supplies> biiden lu a cîîmainsd alcove. 11tissus; lu othserworfis, invente bien. Tishe SMIL. NICOIINE. eue word wîslch a guilelese officiaI. bas let htwh1rZsadaak uaibio idrop-whici se bas Ilsurprîsefi on hie htwt nssddnssatis re i ips"-eervee ieras tise key te tise mysbsry;- a-Israc andi a student'e lenp-yeur Rosi- rtise reat is easy. Ot course se only can- douce man muest bave that for lb gives se i nunicatea tissaats secrets to hiermnoat induetrioüls air-tise roon la qite cesey,eet îtlîuate trienfia, who thenselvea are sworn te aay luxurieus. XYe muset net fonget tise ci te sscrecy, bnt sise bas se msary frieda etf- yung man's smoking jacket thmown came- i botis sexes that lu au iuceibly short lessly even a chair, bis reti velvet smoking e spece' ef tins tise important norsel et cappercsefi ounbise chsandelier, sud bis fancy ýr gosip is itenalIy ahl over St. Petesbaurg. ahilppers reasting by bise firepiace, aIl tokens c iefmiuambaasafiorasite is more itisat nis eciseishefi by tise ladiesi As ton t valeuable tisan a legion et s pies.' Those per- pipres, tisene bise stufient baste rurte t. La sous ans assiduous visitons te bise leafiîngît ltise priviiege et evemy studeut, evsry 't salons, wisere, as nay be suipposfi, theypisloup e o we My Lady Nicotine? Le e pick up~ quite as usucla as they want te know, lnet aothing, tisoegit-confiucbing? [s net i andt iss are often better informef tisan tise [tise trucjolly cllegian always depsetefi sû empsror's minister os foncigu affaira hlm-, lis l agen bcsen befone hlmn sud a Ilcisunci- -self. Thons la a mafi race amnong tise tain warden" depsuding frein bis moutb? Se cl leaders efthéli grande mionde te atact ts the Reienein gives reins te hia fancy largest nenher et diplomatiats sund geatlu viiem-pinents for hie pleasant littie C_ pensonagea lu ttheir firawing-moumsIi. Tiss vîc. pes are :uthere le every silAte et ,n itappene tiset tise youîsger womneu, if net 1dîst3orbion, frein foliauder te) Nookais, AI excînfiedfrocstise s'alons wiicis tiey would long, slmiitsemmsîficbnrcbiwanden andi 1-se adore but for tîse political craIe, arseitot croe(l-o I'iu i l,-bubbsle. But bise favorite ig etten seenilu tise principal bouses, save it iiI l .tatgsîerltiiity, notatal mamhetal, ir halls andi sinilanfrivolees gatisenîngs. Th iýe e aleilie blldgItila net entimely t St.,LPetersbur'g salons are malîy net a whit appropriatefitec,,olle-giaýtsu.e antiis, indeefi, fi botter than tise meu'a clubs, presedfiven iepp n eu a iiToronte, bsing le by maitresse de maison. Tise very boudoirslgtsueaiy ef. fi are tnanstorned into stteshie grandes AS TO "USD 'n'~, t salles leto places etof ieyu for polit.- 1 1 y-d n lbýinenoadoel o i- - h. erir i. ilte , waxv.,ehriuus ýi Theyatuy -1Resî -o. u 11-su Î,pil'. stui far you cev mi rea ehs exj sty i etE Ev wa we sqz tIc bur piE chE fro hIg nif loe of t i ik a sia fin loi go l in a1 ki ge Gave Al He Had Wîth a qaick, nervous mivement ha timushefi bie isonine iocks frein bis hmow. "My only tisoughb," be exclaimefi, pas- sionately,le etoftisse." Sise was radiant, "lffow generens of you," she cooed, "1wien yen bave hiet oee" -udent gees lu for rare editions of bis trte autirs. Lu any Residence roow nu will fiud Frencis novels witb yehhom vyers and allurîng fren tisp:.eces. Tiseyoung ian teris this enpheusistically "«outside ead -ing," "lgeneral culture," or somebbing se equaliy sonerous and ambigueus. Hie xplains that lie is culbivsating a pare prose tyle, anf se bas soughistbat tisefountain ead, bise brilliant French writers efthtie neteents century. Strange te say, bow- ver, tise fiction. is neariy'ail in translation. reten ner bise ohd dispensation, when it vas consiclered infra dig. te study, there vere tisose irrational undergiraduates who quaudered tiseîr mouey on bocks, net on he fami-colored volumes of extenbive cul- me above alludefi te, but on tise autisors rescribed in tise curriculum. Tisey pur. baisefi rare editions, editions de luxe. iisey 'sun went se far as te bave tisem importefi rom England. Tisey sent thein te tise mok-binder's and isad them reisound mag- iificeubly. Tbey disposefi tbem nêtatly lu ookcases, dusted tisein riigiously, neyer okefi inside eft tiem, but were neyer tired dlooking at tisei. This was temmed fomming alibrary." Andise yer by year le bibliophihe went on accunsuhating trea- iures, dsligbting net in their contents, but ntise mere seisse ot possession and tise ,aliBtic air et sciselarsisip whcb their ?esence impartefi. ALL JOURNALISTS. Tise Residence man bas always baken a ilettante interesb le joumualism,' andi has îvested le stock ie Tise 'Varsity, a paper ishicis bas neyer paid a divîdenfi, andi lbs .kely, neyer wlll. But as a stock-bolder lu real hive paper befeels an exoterlo entist- dasm andi considers blimseif as mnucis a Be- iemian as if bis bain were long and bis enger cails dirty. Hie must behong Iotehie Rugby club, fol- sw it and baek lb le its tours. Hie must ;o in for cricket, tisat goofi olfi slow Ecg. Âsi gaine, you know. fiemuet take part iail athieblo associations, lein rer te sbrike happy mean betsween biceps an3 books. He must joîn tise Literary Society. Who nows but that Sir Oliver bas bis eye on the fiery young orators andi is aoising te get some eft tieir eloquence in bis Cabinet ? Fie young man lun\'erdaut Green was ruie- AI net by eue fad, but by mauy. Who ances must pay tise piper, If tise Resi- lence man is unfortuna te enougis te have io many fine tasises, bie must get iseafi over ara le debb. Champagne Vastes and a beer icome are incompatible. W bat witis iloruieg oees mimd andl body tee, tise ,llectors are likely te beceme impertunate. oe it hsappons tisat inside rmoins abuttini' )n tse verandais noof at a premium. Lt la -asy wisen yen bear tise obeoxieus footstep bo ee tismougi tise window and ito tise ext " ouse." A TALE UNFOLDED. Tisere was once an extravagant, Ivir. Blank wise bad bis reoinletise abtie, fan isove tise verandish and se assaflable by ebtots. Hie isaf a reoin-mabe named Mr. Brown, wbe was seldom le. Mr. Biauk was hlways in during tise day, bis nigisb habits rederiug repose uecessary. Hie had a littie bill, a tailor's bih], long ontsbandicg. Tise tailor's collecter was net a sbrewd mau,and knew net Mr. Blanli, One day hie foueci the youug gentleman smoking ie bis meoin. "Les Mr. Blank in?1" he asked. -Just gene out,",,nespondefi tise eadv- wjtted Blank. Tise collecter camue again and again en- quiring et -Ntr. 1Blauk for Mn. Blank, whc was always eut. Finally bie caugbt ]3lank and Brown te- gether. "fi1a," said. ie te Mm. Bmocwn, Ihv you new. XVill yen settie tise hibtie bh "Net just new," salid '\r.Brown, "tisýis MIr. Bîauk'shi]]," anl be bau.declitlb ver tes is ill-fatecl reoin-iate. Furtsen iistory sayetb net. 110W HE BAISES TH1E W5t\D. Net being bise son of a Cross, tise Res- idence undergmaduabe must become a yeung INapoleen of finance. Let hlm tell you cui lay, wben ie is ln, a confidential moo d, isoe lexterousIv lhe can "lcook" accounts, per. îuading bis unsuspecting father tisat be needs a new Bible, tliat ie bas isired a pevi in elaurcis, tisat lie bas joined a thousand and eue missienary and charitable societies, and tisat bise volume et ciassies spsît in Greek lebters last mentis ie net tise saine whicin l Englisis ciaracters must be bougisi this mentis. Really, I tbiuk that bise Residence con» science is too elastic. Tise prayers recited by tise dean lu Latin are tee mucîs for the ordinary pass man, wiso tises derives nt spiritual benefit tiserefrom. Tise Englisl devotions le tise east end Inlcture room ami helfi every merning at 10 e'cleck. Ai bhuse wbo bave ne conscieuctiotls acrupies are invitefi te attend. Strange that se uiany stay away? Thie Long and Shiort of ït is that S. DAvis and SoNs' Cigars have no equal. DELICATE PUR RYC& SWEET RARE oeLASTInGt PUNGENT STILL HOLDSTH FIRST PLACEW IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE 0F IMITAIONS., FRAGRANT ~ Severe Pai in Shoulder 2Years Cured ly"The D.&Lr.Men thol Piaster. My wife was affliced for lwo year, wit, a îeverc, painune t he left shoulder andtrirgh îo the bhast; ater using mnany remedies ith..t relief, she tiet a 'D. & L." Menthol Plasier, it did iswork and owin.g o Ibis cie hundedes of these pIastres have beSa sot by me here, giving equal satiisacie.' J.B. SUTHRLAuND Druggist, River Jolie N.S. $old Everywllere, 25C. each. Stat.e secrets. ttb 5 a c. c es C. cdrci l ithr' asoi MAR~K 02 ÂBLQODY THUM&B. 1[t Wass Enough ta Trace, coenvict andi Hanut an Ohie iir,,Ierer. Cases in which a man bas been convicted of crime on purely circuinstantial evidence are of frequent occurrence, but in the ma- jority of instances it would not be difficuit to point te at Ieast one weak ljnk in the chain of guilt. The New York Recorder recails a strikiug case in which a prisoner was found guilty on testimony that Lef t neo room for even the shadow of a doubt. One nifiht an assassin eutered a drover's house in Ohio, killed the inmates and secured a sealed package coutaining -$1,800 iu bank notes. In order te conceal bis crime, he set fire te the bouse before leaving it, The building bernelc slowly, and tbe neighbors were enabled te extinguish tbe flames and te discover the murderous work *hich bsd been doue. TIHE ASSASSIN, before leaping ever tbe fencýe, bad torn open the wrapper of the package and flnng it ou the greurnd. This was picked up by tbe police and marks- of blond were found upon it. It was thse only clew in their pos- session. After t wenty-four bours tise murdeýrer re- turnled te tbe tewn. Thse police suspeeted him, because hse had Leen snysteriously ab- sent and was known te bave been intimate witb thse dreyer. They did net, arrest hlm, bot censtantly watched bim for four mon th,-. Hie had been pool', but now seeried to bave money. In tise course of a week boe married and went away on a wedding tour. Iwvo de- tectives followed bim. \Vhenever lie paid a isotel bill or offered mcney for any p urpese tbey secured the bank notes wisich bad been in bis possession. Subsequently lie made several journeys witb tbe detectives beisind hlm, and finally went te Minnesota. lisere bie paid out a $20 bill witb a red thumb mark on eue corner. The, police ar- orested hlm as soon as tbey examined lb. On thse trial thp bore wrapper witb its blood mark was iden tified as isaving been lu the 1drover's possession. Tise bank n otes, wbich had been ýraced te tise assassin,were put in, iwith tise last onue paid eut by bim ou top. Thse sinear of blood on tise wrapper corres- ponded precisely witis_,,±e marks of the tise bank netes underneatis. Tbe specialist'a mnagnifyiniz-glass, revealed unerringly bow tise murderers tisumb, in teariug open the envelepe, bad teucbed thse firsb bank note Lt was circoînstantial evidence conclusiv. ef guilt, The murderer was convicted ai' isanged. This great tmutis struck bis receptiv mind With a duIl and sickening thud, That a man may look up and see brighit stars, Or tom bis gaze down and .sece mud. L- 1

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