U50t .a and.. 7 r hre anl others fil CuhCopSr 2'hroat, lloarsefless, ogh and AisthIa. For ConsurnptiO it sono rival' ta" cored thousands, and will CURa TOUà 8a1qln time. Sold by Druggloseno a guar- ,a_ e.For a Lame Back or Cbest, use 5HLO' BELLADONNA PLASTER.25. savyo aarr?Th*s rmeyis guaran.. eed te cre ou0 Pie, SOctu. Ijectorfree. For sale by Sttt &,Jury. YOU HAVE SEEN TIIOSE that pediars are selling through the country at frorn $2 to $3.t We will give you' a pair ex- actly like them (careftily fit- ted to suit your siglit). l'OR Pu50 CTS- SPECIAL VALUE i; GOLD SPECTACLES. STOTT & JURY), F re eDISTRIBUTION This week we are placing a sam- pie package of MilIer's Worm Pow- defrs andc Pills in, every house in town. Our castomers speak of themn in the highest termns and we tb4ke this method of introducing them. Try them. Try them. STOTT & JURY, the Druggts. GRAND TRUNK RAIL'WAY. BOWMANVILLE STAION. GOING HAST GOINO WEST Exrs.0 ami ExpressI... 519 arn Pasermer. 245 pui Express.6 07 a m Passenger.... 7 07 p mi Passenger . .8 39 a mu 'Mrpreas... 957 p oa Passenger..2 29 pm lExpres.832 Pm This cut represents the Page Wire 'Pence in use aincr. laat Summer hy Mark »Munday, Esq., Brook Hill Farm. Theunudensigneti bas beau appointoti sole doaler for West Durharu andi East Wbitby, . and lias solti 300 rode lu four days. The are 17,000 miles cf Ibis fonce now i use. Fuliuformattora wil ha given crn appliction. 10-If- A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bowauivilie. BowmÂ&NILLEC, MÂRCH 14, 1894. Local and OtherWlse). Miss Minnie Bond of Oshawa is visit - ing at Lorne Villa. Messrs. C. B. Lockhort and Mr. Frank nankin loft for Victoria, B. C., yester.. day. SEEDS,--A great variety of choice Field aud Garden Seeî-3 at J. B. Rev.ý W. S. Pritchard, B. A., will preaoh'lu éou Cougregational cburch, Toronto, ruxt Suuday. A picture of the Agricutural College nt Guelph with extracts from the aunual report wiii ha fouud on au inside page. Our reporter was wrong in saying Mr. SvIomon Flizg seconded a resolution at the receut Rtform Convention. It was Mr. 1-1. Flig«. Dr. W. E. Tilley r(f Bowmauville, Iu- spector Public Sehools, spent Sunday t the home of Mr. Jîas L. Fair, Fairville, Caven.-Millbrook Reporter. Mr. Jori. Jeff-ry bas so'd his sp'mndid herd of Jerseys. 12 head, to e Aers. Shuttleworth & Harris (f Bow Park Farru, Brantford-. Beiog very well bred animale ho receivud a haudsomu price for t-he herd. Captain Sweeney, U. S A., San Diego, Cal., says: "bo' Citarih Remedy ie the first me,]ic neJ iave ever found that would do me any -,ood. " Priee 50 cents. Sold by. Stott & Jury. IF you want tb-t beît mowing machine î%1iade, calou Rickard, Cliou F. C. Prthick the barbor,wflen wnnting arrythîmg jrn his lino. The West End flouze have imported somtbing nica in Dý ose Goods; cal ard scesthorm. Anyoue aiebingu a b,rgiu can ge5 it "Y calling at Mn. Doucaster's and pur- ohsngoe of ber Btyllab trîtumed bats t 1,21. Mrs. Doncater. 1,i not the alothiug which makes the ma but ithlps. If you want to look y5tir 1est get yo lifr îtrM.F- Fleury at Maso's Clothiîg Store. Use K. D. 0. for iadieretiona of diet. World's Fair in Bowmsnvilie Marcb 30th and 3lsit. Mr. John Haines, of Detroit, Mich., tas bren bare on a short vitit to hig father. Now Suitings, uow Worsteds, new Trou8erings, just raceiveti ut Couch, Johîston & Crydermaî's. Mayer thteFlatter bas roceivcd bis stock of Spriug butsanad requsts aIl mou wanling the latemt style- to call oon. Mrs. M., A. James is visiting ul Dr. Bray'o, 288 Gerrard St., Toroato, and witb other frientis in tihe city tii week. Rev. W. S, Pritchard, B8. A,, avil as- sis Rev. E. O. Grisbrook, pator cf Bar- rne Congiegational cburLh iin special ser- vices next week. Rev. Wm. Joilifiè aýili rrreach ira Trin- ity churcb niext Sundrry morniung and Mr. Ja-. Gilfillan. Sc once Master, Bowurau- villa bigb St-ho 1, in the eveniîg. The Toronto Globec was rawr a batter papor thon îow. \Ve are atili giving thse Xeelily Globe tbe balance of 1894 free for a nos' nubscriber to THEs STATES-MAN at $1 a ydar. Mr@. Dingmara intaîtis opeuiog ont a new mi linery store ira Ives' tLtop iext door east of tho Grand Central. Orders may be loft by osllirg on ber over Toti's bake shop. Mr. Geo. Haines, Esq., Police Magis trate, bas bougbt the Milme block aid avili take il dowan d eoct the Haines' block of three largo stores iooludiîg tho spaca formerly covereti by thre olti Wel- iingtou Builing3. We are glati the pro perty bas ballon into sncb good bauds. Mr. Herbait Armitage of Starkviibe arriveti bra e yterdsy front Londion, Englanti, lraving comae over on the Allai SS. Moîgolian; the voyage was exceed- ingly roiLgh but Mr. Armuitago looksas tbouR ogh u atiboon aeul ed anti ared for during b's abscnce. Ho pre-feni Can- ada to Eaglnil for fr.rmiog. Mrs, Jaz, as Mo, rie bud a vcry panftol experience last Saturday. baviîrg suffored iotensely [romu the passage of a b'le ttois, and thre atleiidtig ptry8icisi gave ber air bypiermic injictiora cf rnrphia to îe lieve the pain. As a roîuitof ibe vr'ry Fevero altack lun ber proseut delicatè state cf health esie aag co-mpletoly prostrateti anti Il was with groat d.fficulty tbat she avas rovived. A mai îamed Kerby at, Stiriiug avas flueti $10 aid $15.55 for using unjusi ioules. The confiscation orf the saie wortb $150 foilows the coLviction. The casaeavas thus prcsnter ira the jutigment: A mainrs:ng a ic.%lo fo'r dealirag ieh the pubi c muît sea tthat ut ail times bis aicale is accurate and just. If it becomesi un- juat lhe must make it jn]at or not use il. The stattîte à isoenar, but parties bave the power of oxerdieiog caution te pro- vent iuj-sry t,) lhemselves or eikere. The P. P. A.- met in tiso Tempiars' Hall, on Fridsy uigbt sud lii"ted feur members. They r umber betireers twenty anti thirty now and. wo behieve include tavo minis'erp, two 111gb Scbool teachers, a presideut cf an insurance îociely,a town councillor, a survoyor, a marchant anti sevenîl ochÀe:r well kuo n citizens. It le generally utiide s-ood that wlaiie -the leaders disclaint alliance witiî the olti political paýrties, that th)a adoption cf tbis Yankee association in Canada is to wouk- en the Iibe'al forces for theaatage of Conservativa interests. Such ls tht opinion of a Liberal wlao 3oined tImons, got his eyes opaneti sud the-i deserleti the ranka. By the way, theri5 is serions disruption ut bad quarters anti aI least twc of the grand officera have rulgueti. Elderly people reernmer their sprîng bitters with a mhutider. The preseut genora'îon have mncb b o ctbaukfui for, not thes least of éheir bleqsing, being sncb a pleasant andti hoi'oughly- effective spring medicino ai Ayer't S4rsaparilla. It is s bealth-restoror aud beaiîb-rnaialainer. Preliminary Notice. About the FinIt of April we wlll be ready to introduce our new Sosie coi bard- time's prices to the public. That business reveisîtora wili prove Ihal ave mean t) Bsol gootis at pnices whicb avill draw crowtis of, buyers. It wilt alto proveolthat the citi reliablei ci'l be matcheti wber it cornes te real Simon Pore hargains. ELLISON & Co. Bowwmarvilio We are selling lots of pipes. .Ano ther big stock just in. Some new styles. The low prices tell. GRAND CEINTRAL. Good hoeuses te rent, Apply to M. A. James. STATEsmAN, L 'adieue Journal aud Premium Book $1.30. Great Blanghter in overcoats at, Mason's cl earing sale. Seo. tbe big reductions in prices in their new advt. Men's Hats-the latent productions of thre boat Eaglish makers-just opened at Co'ach, Johnston & Cryderman's. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the king of medi. cinesy cor qu.3rs scrofula, c ita'rh rbeumna- Liaru aid ail otherblooddi.rcîies. Ilood's and cniy Flooi's. Do ycu intend puchasig a new cape or jacket f er Spring? The West End Flouse have a splindid assortrueut aî.d very cheap. People are calling. these bail times; twbhy not ci thora good t'.mes, wben yen can buy no fiaiy gocd Ihings for Eo little money?, Try Masou for clolbing. NMow it your time to get cbeap Photos lu tise lattat style'. Think of ît,Cabiuete, fu!l fig uro ut $1.95,and Mikado'e at 81. 10. Prices nevFr before beard of. Cali at tbe gallery, opposite Benuett's ilotel and ses thero. Peoplq soon find out wbere they can get boit value for their money, this ex- plains wby Maynard the jeweller did such a big trade last week. Big 20 was the busieat sbop in townc-tremeudoum rush. Maynard le wiuning a great marme for' seliing watchoe, jewelry, miiverware, ri~iet~.vev ian HI buikpu Oheap Enster Railway Ràtes. THE LA.TE E. Dý DAVISON- The Grand Trui k will issue singre fate The above named gentleman, father of] tie, tr or htîoundtnp ginggodi Mrs. (Rev.) Caleb Parker. Bowtmauville,, afrerno u trains March 22, ail trains 23rd di'ed at Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Feb, I an'd 24th. valid fur return ail trainsou I 2lst, 1894, agod 75 years, of pneumonie, Marcb 27. For studeuts and leachersý after only a fewdays illnots. Tho Bridgs.. sirlg'o first clatsfieansd oie third fori water Entorprise of Feb. 27, contiius-a the round tnp, goolIgoiug Marcb 16 to lengthy obituary from which we make a 22, valid for rm turu ail trains April 2. ce .y extracts. The Editor says ItJr i a matter of uo arnail moment t,ý us thave the tics of over a score of ysarsý Oou'S PILas cure ail liver M3b.o close intercourse with oie of nature's Mr. Fred. Flans -n is hou e from LBer. true noblemen suddcnly aid uuexpeeted- lin, ly supped, what thon,. of those wbo have Mies da Wighr bas een isitrg kowî iim from boyhood, and thos» who Mis Ad Wrghthasbee ý isiili 'haveG not only loved hlm but wbose. lives frieuds ira Toronto. hLave been f.boered and brigbtennédi by bis 11ev. J. W. Buorser, Liffurd, cailed on genierous baud. WVitlî thesrj ansd bis friends hbee bat week. . family, aid bis frieuda, aid tho wbolee For, SÀLE.-1OO,OOO bricks ut hbaîf-, country wo ask to commiîgle oup beart- price ut J. B. Msrtyn's, feit regrets and to bonestly paqy our sin- Mr. Kanîetb L. Reid bas rturned core tribute to the memory of- departed home froru Atiat)ta, Goorgia. Worth. Mrs. LI. T. Philiips of Toronto visiteti Mr. Davison was twice maxied. lis I ber brother, Mr. F. H. Mason, lait.week. flret wife, to wboîtlho wus uuited ut the shoud bn a re-sbefoe 5early uge of tweîty, beiîg IDrsiah Mack, No lady sol a r 8bfr te daughter of Elisha Mack. She died some ing the lovely sýtock of new Dress Goc'de yoars ago. By bier hie hati a family of at CochJtustîn & rydrmar's. ton chlidreî, seven of whntn survive biim: By their foot we know theru: leathor is Henry, Edwurd aid Francis; Mrs. Rog- gooti but sbeepskira is no gooti for foot- ors, of Yarmouth; Mr8. Struthers aid Wear. Ail solid ica4ber boots and slîoes Mrs. Browunrigg, of Brideewater, aid soid ut Masou's. Mrs. C. Parker, of Bowmuîville, Ont. See Stott & Jury's new ritit. top of n ia second wif e was Martha, daughter flrbt col. aid do not f ail to to try those of the late Flou. John Campbell,of Liver-« Worm Powdt re sud Puis. A sample Pool, N. S. She la now bis widow. wiii ba lof t in each bouse thie woek. Mr. Davison matie Mill Village the Juat openod ont at ('ouch, Johuston& base cf operations anti prosecuteti his Crytierman's a very fioe assori meut of affairs with untirîng zeal until about 1865, Bruseil andi Topestry Carpets eirect froru Wheou ing to thÉe destructive forest Crcssiey & Sons of Flalitay, Enulauti. ires, hoe removed to the thon samaîl viil- The infant child of Rrsv. T. W. Jolliffe uge of Britigewaîer. Blore ho foundeti was b.rptizod afler the ruorning service in the weii.knowu. firm of E. D. Davison & the Mrtbctist church ou Sundîy lat. Sons, buying out the Glenwood miii The ceremony was performeti by the property thon owned by Cupt. Wymuu Rtc. P B.Daiike--Cmpbllfrd er. aid others. In1868 lie built bra second Rut. B .Due-Cmbfr miii; since thon he acquiretithe Summer- Music ! Music !1Miss Mibeal Tiitis' aide property, the mi ls ut Alpena Cooks Mille, aid Silver's Falls-the flrm have is prr.[ared to give 5horough instruction, ulso widened their business in Mill Vil!- ou Orgars, Piano anti Violin. Cal at the aeadPr ewy gtiller-y pp 'site YMark et Square, or at lier, Ae i Port Metiway. V.Daio residence, Liberty Street. Terrasmrai- had fairiy ournedthie proud distinction of erate. baving the largest lumber business lu the A motîrsg of the Bowmanville Basr3 Province, anti cie of the largest in the Bail Club was belti at the Bennett bouse Dominion. Fridlay evening, with i ha view of eiterit'g Mr. Davison was the moat prontineor the Central League with Oshawa, Whit- figure in Wesî ern Nova Scotia, and l'l by, Port Perry, Uxhnidge sud Newcamtie. wus more wiely kîcwn thar auny one in Officers wera elected ard thse meeting adi- the (rrnty of Queens and Lrrnenburg jorarned tli Wednesdsy, 2Ist, té) await "Ini 1854 hoe was electeti by the liberais inforraton r _m Presid eut \ard of theto ,- the Provincial Purliament as momiber Amateur Aessciatior'. for Queens County. " The bouse at this The mombers of the Unitel Workmau tinte wus the abiost in the history of thte order thrrsnghout Ontario wili leera uvth Province,niiumbering amoîgat its members great pleastre that Grand Master Work-, Joseph Howe, Sir William Young, Sir mai D. F. MacWatt bas appointed Bro. Atiams G. Arcbibald,tbe WilkinsosJudgo John Milue, P. G. M. W., cf E3sex,, Renry, Lieut. Gov. McLellan, Win. An- Ont., te thse off c- of official organizer for1 nardi, aid othors ail decoased, aid Sir this Province. Nî better man coulti b s Charles Tupper. ond in the Dominion for the poÀtion Mr. Davisoî was a most generous giver, and we shalh oxpect a large iacrease lu giviug liberally to al deserving public merubership this y ar as a result of bis n oiiu ojca hlbsfet o service. private charitios exteudeti ovor the twio 3 Sbeppa'd's World's Fair is cornîng to couflnties and bcyoîd Ho built aid Boss manvilîs Marcb 30 sud 31 uinderthe presonteti to the Metbodist churcb, of- of beWilmgWorkers Guilt i of whrcbhoie'as an adbereît and oie of its 1auspices fuos-porers it pirioag St. John's church, Mr. W. E. RamRusa powverfu upres t asn will ave 'harg of te viws 11h iras in the past tweuty-five years witty mimîicry of the funny f3syiragsý andgivonmrce than auy other tweîty mton in songe hourd by hlm on tbe àMidway Pis teconytwadteercinofcuce suce iil dti ot alitta totha t is worthy of note that it ail these good occaion.The r ' orks there was 11o ostentation, but a ruent of tie ocso.TopB are min'1tietermination thit as fes' shoulti know us anim mc udi describing thesa viens as a p ossible. r,,,,zrlii,,t ypn-,,rir.tin cof tihe Wrmrl's1P Fair. O,à Fyiday tirra'nvris,Marcb 2,tee was boru Io Mr. anti Mrz. Henry Burton, rnear Colubus, a Iiitle darsgbter. Botb mother aid chri t aere tioirg wellurii Saturtiay ai lernoon Mrs. Burton wris seiz ti with coivuJsions-havinu1 25 ini rapiti tuccesibî-unîtil Suntay moriming aI oint u'ciock wbe i deab relesseci ber fira han sufferinga. ber foneral tssok place Tue'day MI tha Methodist ohurch. She avas the only daughts3r of Mr. W. L, Matou, Port Peery, brother cf Mr. F. b. Mason of Ibis loavi. Loi-ors cf gooti borLes avili eujoy a treaut at the Drill shedi in Toronto on Marob 28'h anti 29tb as tire sliuw promnises to be a grand succose. Seats wili ho oroctet iri Drill Shedi anti every arrangement wdi be matie for the co-afort of visitors, A meeting of the Agriculture anti Arts As- sociation avilI be belti ut the same timo, ta wbich visitore dan,, ai, their own station, tecure» standard certificîle re- ceipis free, ta attend, enlitling tbem 10o returu ut one-Ibird fane. Horses nüL soicu will asenbe retunneti free. Whiie-Rev. R. A. Burnis s'as pu'ting, the fiu'sbing sîrokes oh bis sermnr Sun- day evening, the lamp explodeti anti bis type artlen serruon aas consumeti, bis Oxford Bible-lyirag open a8a relieveti of the Book of-Romans andtihIe table clotiî tiripping aith ou avas soora ablaze. NVitb greât presence of mind be seizei the iîmp and carriet i t out, tben carniedth îe baby lying sleeping ins the cratile irato the nexî, rooru and roînnueti te figbht the flames in wbich ho wassuccesa3fui. bis antiswevre burneti wbila flgbting the fiery elements, but tho' aithin a fow minutes oi church lime, h3 manaveti ta rcacît his pulpil on time andi aithont teliing bis lar.zeo con- gregation what hati bap.paned roprotincet the sermon tbat the effints bati cunsureti anti goltbrough remuskably avel coîsiti- urine the exciti'ag ciucnmsqtsaoos of the evening. Do net duspair of curlc g your sick bead- ache wben yoo eau so easiiy obtain Car- ter's Little liver Puis. They wii effé.-t a prompt anti permanent cure. Their action je milti anddnatural. Latiieg Germai matie Jackets-the vc ry new-eBt styles-inpontetid direct from Ber- lin, now abowirsg at Couch, Johueton &ý Crytierman. Bilack Miirary Braitis, Black Serpan.- lina Braitis, Bsack Silk Laces, Cre-aru laces Ii aitthS anti pnicos ut itho VWos-t Enrd Flouse. Schoiarabip ira a ieading Busines:s Coi luge for salo cbeap. NoW is your chance, boys, 10 gel a colbege course for litle maney. Apply to M. A, James,. Tire truth, thePlain, tnuth anti a gooti ceal of it-our bs' pnices hýuaemd u bouse a grandi succeast. Ma's I Serge Suitsï 3.0; inouFslfün35 ail avool HalifaX $5 0.- _Boyr3s Suit, $1.00up. Indugc-Eitio is estubhorn, but K.' DC. uoescamnes ýil. P!Utcherý' 0 Caetorn.. S. 0. E. Supremae Lotige. The 19rb ur.r.ral esion of the Sur- promo Lodga rf tke Sons of Englanti Bersevclent sccietv le now meeting ln Toronto. Part Wort, y Prelsidoîls M. A. Jaunes antiLoi-i Morris are reprcssut- iug, Welirgtoa L 'tita No, 19. The To- ronto bretbreu wîIl tendonr a grand ban- qu3t te the vist:îg merbens Ibis Wed- nesdaV evening h ris-m Pavillon t10 ahich 500 are expectedte10ait down. S. A. Anniversary. The Salvatio n Arrury ailI bolci at three tisys' campaiga oneaturdlay, Suiday aud Montiay, March 17. 18 and 19. Special meetings ci S.turday ugtt anti Sontay ut which Major Couiplin, oditor of the War Cry, Capt. IL. Morris, Esilgn Mark Ayre are expe-tedti 1b3h preseut. On Moutiay triaili ha s 'ri-eti ron 5 te 7 p. mu. aler which Major Complin ailI lect- ure ou bis trip of 15,000 ml'Is f rom u Ana tralia Silver co'lact'on S %tudayry ight anti Saday Afterno su anti nigbt; tickets bon Banque aid Jubiiee 25 01.; cbilren 15 ce. New Hardware Store. We alwavs taka groat picasure lu in- lrcduciing te our routiers young men startingeout in buaine s fur thema-'iaee, uni ave bave seldoru dore so witb usore p!eeune thara rus' hincalling atteusti ru 10 the new is rds'are fsrm of Mesens. Dusai & ficar, bairîg comp sed of Mr. W. H. Dostun wbo lis managoti Mr. Wcrth'a businoss fur seveyat vears no succesasully, and Mn. Arthusr Iloa, ici oi Mr. Tîsc4. Four, blacksmitb, avho bas also a thon- ongh practical kiowletige of the business. Bain, yungmen, ard both erterprieirsg cessiol business career anti invite oun resclers tb readt heur aunouncement ou our iret page Ibis week. EA.STER MEATS, PUýE-BRIED GAUowÂvS FRxSîLE C. M. Cawker lias hougbt from. the flue liard of -Afreti Man, Esq., tavo choice Gailoway catie, also tome very fine I Shrrpshire lamba for the Eustar market. Theýe catîle arr' rateti as the brat fiai-or- Ce! boeoi'u the market so ail lovent of gi ,mcii wr)ii flidit ut C. M. Cawker's, Town Hll Buildinugs, Bowinuuvîlle. t.Be.Lamb, Veal, Pouk, Sassýuge, Cuireti Baccia antiHamas, also pure rend. eret iard aiways kept: in stock, . 0. MO, ti; the wli-formcd, 10 do pieasautly anti i ùeff3,mt aily whàt wal forruorly dine in the e- ,rudeat ruaunor ant ieia2rectble as aveU, To cle-ars ctîte rystem and break up colds.1 cuaýýi eand tevers wlfFOar unpleasan-t alle etact, 3e the deiightfui Il qui la, ative ruscd Sy8uii>of Fign.1 Over two hundred pieces of new Prints and Sateons elegaut desigis rand fast co1orB at Coucli, Jç hustotn & Cryderman's. Seotfres o eiIr5ks, 5p re.îtr; Mrrags.50 cents; Deallîs. 50 cent%. each lusertlon -buit FRIEE nIFCH1ARG4E, wlien the lerai cards are printed at thls ciiee BIRTHS. N CHOLtS-Tri Montrose, Ont. March 6, thý, wife of A. L, Nicholls,,Bownsnville. of a son.' BOUNsAIL b nBawmanville, Feb. 28, the mife of Fied 1H. Beunsall, of a daughter. NiAa RIE D. F nnss ICENNEun-At te resideuce of Rev. W. Keuner, Prnce Albert, -ilarr'h 5 y liai, W. Keuner, assiated by Rai- J. C. Wilmnott, i5 M. A.. Mn. G. Fonder. Cartvrrlglat, anid Miss B. Kan, Prnuce Albert. CocnuArtE-KNnP-In Bowmunvill ,Marhi 8, by 11ev. Wm. JouifM . toCocr. and Mi-rt Mary X-gapp, boîli of the Townsbinýj, WTALL of Darlington. DIED. BURTNîv-Neu.rZ Columbuz, Ea.st Whitb>,-, IM Marcis 4, Poll. Eugene Masoo . beloved wile of Mn. Renry Burton, miller, (formariy of Iîaydon) lu bep iStit I car. ALIN-1u Bnwruanville, Marcb 7, Jane- T. Allia, relict rtf the late William Alln, agedC81 CuI voans. WITHEIIR»O]E-Tu BOWMaDVille, MarCl: 1l, William ErancdiL, onlî c,', luor Richards r.id Linda Wlîberidge, aged 10 maontits. BOWMAN VILLE MSARKETS* corerstei by . .mrVilriry, every Tacleilay Fx.ouR, P 100 Ibs ........ 81 50> to 8200 WuH.&T, Fail,,Plbush ....0 00leO62 I iRussian, 0 00O Oetir0O60 Goofie,......... fi 0n O55 Fi Colorado........O0 00netO057 White Fife, I......O00 il 0 62 Red FI la 0 0il065 BÂRtLEY, 4e bush, No. I.... O 0 0 eO042 il il2X.0 00il 0 35 fi il fi2OOOrret0 30, rIFI Two rtFwed O 0 00 O33 O.&TS, wbiii...........O 32 0 O35 ret Mixed............30 ~0 32 R-YE, 000rif0 40 Backwhoat P buste.......O 0 0 lO040 PuB.s,' Blackeye, VI buh 0 0 rO62 il Mummy fi ..03 00 O 0 ë iýSmall, et ...0 00 O 55 à& Blue, F4e ..O065 et O 65 BuTTma, beist table, r Ilb... O0 00 et 020 CIIICKEQN, iV' th ...........0 09 il O 10 EGGS, V doz4ê...... .....600le 0 12 POTATOhE, Pbush ........O 0 n O 025 A. S. TILtEX, M. 0., C. X1, M EMBIR QOP COLLEG_1E 0F PIIYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario. Office, King St. First:door west of Ontario Rank; Residence. Chuirch St.-8.,h door east of 2!dethodist Church, Bewmanville. 37 Fiue! le! lu !! AIl accoinis dure M. A.- EDSALL. 5i:ccessor to S. S. EDSALL, muist be paid at once toi save cot. Office in Milue3'afBlock. 7-tf "WANTED-A Cocrk. Apply te Mits. FY D. BuRKE SimpsoN, Silver St,, Bow.. mauiville. 10 tf fL OUSES FOR SALE.-Three brick hanboses on Liberty 81, for sale or rent. W. R, R. Ca wker, box 189, Bowmauville, 3tf S EED PEAS-100 boshel of Prussiau Blue Peas suitable for soed for sale, D. %,oN'rëaomERy, lot 23. con. .5, Da.rtlington, Soîrna P. O.1-w BOY WAN;TED-To voîok ou farru nieer town. About14 ye tre old. App1t at ibis office, or to MARK PRBOUT, jr., lot 7, con, 3, Darlington.ili C EDAR POST, POLES SUITABLE for fencing, surmmer wocd, for tale. GEO. A. STEPHENS, S&w Mill. Darlington, Bowman- ville. P. O. 11-3w SEED GRAIN.-I have a quantity of dlean six.rowed barley and pure black eyed Marrowfat peas for sale. ELI OSB,9RNIC lot 29, Broken, Frc nt, Darlington.Courtice P.O' S IORT HORN HEIFER-(Will re- Sgister in New H. B,) with fine boifer calf a t font for slo at very veasonabie price. S. SNowDEN. lot 22, con. 3, Darlisgton, Bowman. ville P. O. 10-l" HOUSE TO RENT. -A sernl.detaohed lbrick bouse ou Cbnrch Street lately occupied by Cent. Crawford, Termisrmoderato. Apply to A. YouxiE, or T. IINHAM. Bow. manville, 45-tf. ]flRESSMAKING.-I will do Sewing ...by theday at eustomier's hauqes or at my own home, Cuttiniz and fitting in lateFt styles. iANNiE BDîMAcoMBru. al; Mr. J. 1N. Kivell's. Elgin st.. Bowrnanville. 9-1w 'U nWO GOOD DWELLING HOUSES. -L»-One a brick, iu the town of Bawman- ville, te exobanige for farra loroperty-s venty. ive or one hundred acre farm preferrAd. For particulars apply to, M. A. JAMES, STATZSMAN Office. 8-3w C..A. Ke:rly, of Nevoastle, ts prepared t) du ailsales entrustef to blu ut oine perec-ut Can beat auy auctioneor ilutfl itceOuntv or do the sale for uotbrug, J. A. KELLY, Windsor Hotel, Newcastle. 8.2mos. STOCK WANTED.-Mr. W. R. R. kCawker is inthe market to buy sto re or fiat Beef, Mileh Cows, youug and fat Calves, Pigg, Lambs and Pouitry. Address W. R. R. CAW,. KER, box 189, Bowmauvulle, or at klr*, residence lot 9, con. 1, nortb of Caledonlan Milis. 3-tf VALUABLE FâHRIIFOR SA LE. Knowu as "Mayi'flld," eonlaining 15U5 acres belonging t0 the estate of the late Alexauder Thomirsun, in 2nd concession, one rmile north. east of the towri of Wbitby, GS acres wîtbiu the corporation. Soil a deep clay lotLminai a ltigh State of cultivation; good feuces, large exten- sive buildings in good repair,good stone bouse, 4 acres of gondi bearing erchard of ail kiuds of the hast of fruit, garden of s3mall fruits sur- round cd with pine aud manie trees, For terras and f ull particulars apply to PURVES THOMPSON. on the premises. Wbl.tby 7. 22, 180,-9-Sw FARM TO RENT. THE Jos. D. TnELnvEs ESTATE.', Oain 0l lte deatkitof thea lets Josepb D. Trelevten, bis vairsabla farm oet Two Huudred Acres, beiug composed of ot 16. in the Fourtit -Concession of thse Townuship of Darlington. le offered te ho leased for the terre of one year. The larrut is perfectly irepared for crop -witis ail faîl plougbing dette. Ihhue slxfyv acres falI plougbod; seventeen acres of sod wbloihconu ha left for bay or brokai up; tiirty.two acres newly seeded, The fa rrm ie atisted ou the Gravel Rond betaveen Bowivilie and Ilampton), about ihree miles nortlt of Bow.. ruanville; bas a comnmocieus farm bouse, ex- cllent farru buildings, Is waaered 'by a living streain, and bas fireavood ors th pemss Apily at onc6 e 39W,, ALLES, Esqo .V D. BURKE SIMPSON Solcitor, Bownmsnvile Bowruunvilîa, Feb. 13. 182l~ - In gi PAPE R, ýDOW SHADE2, YRTÀIN POUS3 PICTURE sýLOULDINGS, -ent val iet., & t "BIG 202' W. T. ALLEN. Just roceived a large- shipment ofe Men's and #Boys SUJITS from the best faet- ory in Canada. The Styles and values are away ahead of' anything we have L yetM D eON.PA î' a large stock ofne styles in soft anÈý stiff Hats. As we have bought freely,,, -,ç el have marked Low. SUITS TO ORDER, Tint is were we, shine-TIicý best Cutter, the largest Stafi'. and the largest Stock. We did not obtain this resuit wïth-, out merit, A very spacial value in Black Worsted. Seo our new Worsted PantrngS'. NEW! NEIWI Several large cases Boots andShs .The Clothing Hloi se., T. CED. MAS,, a PROPRIETOR, TUE DOMINION H~uiaI Fire Inutrance Associationi Issues a geluiue 'Blanket" P«31icy t) f trmsrs ist Claes 55 cents ,per $100 2nd 1 7,5 r 100 Term. 4 yea"fi Srd 90 'r100)ý Most cf West Durham's pîrminent faramer aru insured lu it. R. J. DOYLE, Erq.. JESSE TRULI,, EsTý Manager, 'Presîdent, Owen -otind. Bowmanvillo. WIIl caîl ou recelpt cf pott card. Agent for West Durham. A. W. FOLEY. Box 118. 50-6m Bowmauville, Ont F A-RM FOR SALE- A flra class larm. etf 125 acres or 115 acres situated ln tht, township or East Whttby lst con, lots 15 antiZ 16 on tbe Base Ue, about lr miles from Qsha.~ wa station, 2 miles froru Whttby and 60 rd fromuthe school bouse. Large roomy bui1dtiuga. main baru PSx3 f t. plenty of fruit, seqil day,,à luair, aitrigether one of the brut grain 'arîîia ou the Lake Shore. No his or stones. ÂbDU4 10 acres of wood. 75 aceln isa8ture and fîresh, seeded. Terrus easy, Frt plowILngdoa For further particulars apply to A. AN;NILj Oshawa. 3 f -P R SALE OR, RENT.-Houae anl L'lacres for sale oar to rani, situate cxi Scugog street nortb. lTle prernise corselet o,, a good houtse wilihevery conen -. e v rgn shed, stable, etc. Mie garden coutmaï lt 0fcï the ohoicest fruit cef al varletieLs.1 nIco1teda' possession can be given. For particulars nýapi 1 10 W. FISHLSîcti BOWmnivi[lieOnt I4U A YT T rmvv 91qinim v r ' Tr ReditelI t: 5 ceuts, by mail C cents. C~. louYie free. AEY" ?TICIO', D)ETROIT, MC 3 stock for 50c. on thýe dollar, henua ho can afford 1cr sali obeap antiius tiolng il to.Cail. Chilldren Qlry for El- 1 1 l . 1