~ForYear," GRIOULTURAIU fi~~ ~ x~îxE. TOCIWLLf cilioster- Green Boue For Loultxy. il eld15.H.,"I as fflctei wtb u Green bouc contains the natural juices, s( - :emiey sver pan l tis,er part of sud isnot ouiy soluble, but is a fond. IvIr tý;ceset hefeina as if a ton consins lime for thce heli nf the egg, s vrogh wa lid nitrogon for the white, s proportilon of il a esa à spot the îiao sud fat, and aIso serves as s grit. Thero e sti .,t my baud. Dur- 'ntbîng which cao appnoach il as fond forp ing the attacke, tîîoe poultry, 5s0 fan as a combialion ni excel- s, pereinainuwoud ilent mateisis for egg formationis conceru- s o-ai ndrp ý 1 d. fi staîdludrpe0O Bear in mmnd Ihat lhnugb w. as eon. - my ac, sd t W5 mend gonund bone,there is quit. a difference r matesumci ~bowengr1net bonsud ground boue. i effort even teovbI! - cul with koîves. The green hon.e contaioss pen. Tby carne s indherng meal, sud'combines flesb sud suddenly, t auy houe lormiîug elemeuts whi-h make the nono ie a n complote ebick. Ground houe'becomes bard ubgb, Istiu Itm asd britle,having loet the natural soivenls thrty minutes te by evaporation : but green houe je nos dily hall aý da, lcaving. as suddcly; bu _tý , n dîesolved when esten,, sudise also the mast ovaldays aiton, 1 was quit. pý '-oc,,' econombeal oi sîl fonde. Forr sd ne. QSometios the attacks A pound nf cul houle wil ho an excellent wee lrnostdally, tisculese frequcut. Afte,- allnwauce for sixteen bons, or sunonce fnn abouti four years of thiesiîuffering, 1 waS cash lheu per dsy. Tnis je eboaper than t-,ken adown itb binoue typhoid lever, aud coon, aQd bas thse advantage nf cntaiîpîugt wheni beýgan 10) recoven, 1 had tise worst. more egg-producbng fond than corn. A alc iryni trouble 1 o'. r exrpei'icuted. pouud onibhoue will give as gond reenîts ast At î!ti i-ntto! tiiefoyer, loy fli? ae four pounds ni corn, but w" do nos lofer1 lue Ayer's Pi, y doctor reoned t.g hat nnthing but hboues should ho aliowed.1 tbe asbeng eter iss sytltn li (iv. grain sud greemi fond, butii inake theo couit reare Icontinux'd îaUticoe genboells apart ni Oie rat ion sien. Pulis, sud, so grot was t1, oeifideivod If yen bave n boue-cuter, thon yyen are tha-t duing noarly tiirty years 1 !have b ad in tise predicament of tbe iarmor 'Who bas botline at ack nif My formel trcuoublwich n plow. Ille boue-cuIter may cnt you aj caý77 y o th saie rmedy' ilttle at Irst, but as it le made ofi mon, sud leldd radly 1 tis cane emey." wiillIst for yeare, ih soon repaye ail Ibat le A'EZR-m'S P à L LS3 expended i htdirection.- Bone-cutters Fropa1red y tr.CLO Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. thoy are uow impnoved b te te higbest ca- Ever Doe Efectve ity, onue anuot fail te gemi more than ithe cnet. We simply make ibis ststern-,!t bui order te reply te soute ni the readers niwbo, ~ ocasiounaily inquiro lu regard to btoue cutters. Now, as we staved, do not con- .t&100ODY BATTLES 0F EUROPE. ionid the bone-mili withtie honoe-cutter. -J Oue grinde dry houte asud the Iocuts At Zrsîier tIs [oe e Zi.,e l 1egi5green hone. Ibis very difficoît to gnud AbottiaSir lise (oaetst, green boule, but it eau bc easily eut. Lber aclicesud firelooks eontribuited Thon Ihere ja the jucresse bun eggs by the marelavshl tahe oatbrol thn 1. ein-use ni the boule. Wheu the lieu isý supplie nmi3oah nild.brechînader nf modern times, witsh a complote ration ,Ie.wili 'ay, sud l e sys tise Saturday Review. At Bleubeirn boue mes aiowed the hoe do niot resd!ily 1ho- Eniglaod el some 23 per cent, sud lber corne ovefat, as they will recbvefod that epDemlies about the saine numhen. AI £l-'8î.I more-suitable. Aànytliing that produces Witz 'the Prussiass mt 18 per cent. At egg ie chesp. Corn aIton coentsa bushei Kqhiii Frederickz's force suffred te the ex- Bounet ceap fond if onus receives n resulîs. fent ni 37 per cent, while, their vietony cnt Bu-collets will aseuct vegelables aud lue esemiies nnly 1i! pet cent. At Zorudoti nronîs. They will evenl eut dry benles; but tire bloodjet hatîle nof wich we have su j what yen should bave for ynun hles1t make recordni bhatwe mray reiy upon, the proportionu eay latis e fresh, «reen boules f romttise 0'~ lnss tbthe total fonces eugaged roe t10 chr, sud eul them en as te couvert tire eniormrous tonlion fromn ono-issîf to nue- them iutn fond for liens. The poultny tlid KuuetsdIcr>l;vss lntas destruc- dropping wil liehn eLso 1b>cmore valoshie, tive 10 buman liue, sud (lFnederick lnst 35 suad tise ynunig stock wili grow more rapid- peir cent. agalinet '26 pet cent, ni th. allies.' Wte lbsvent o)f Napolenu sund the moos- W. haveusod bone-cutters, sud will oured formations ci the revoîitionury armiots, stale, for our part, that if w. sopposeod Inîsis -on atfre dibnihed bu atAs-thami w. couiý l ontuy suotiser, w. wouid loscýýwee a fistdimni;he1, utat s-nt selIlishe nues webave for tontmote penn bthe Aiisinss 1.11nearly 28 per cent. cetu iehuebv ngsoid sh nfieî ien on nu b- battlefild sud the csadteh-i 1ae ogaoPdu Fjelcb ihng b.bletn ete l the cost by lsyiuig more eggs. are qal 10bave heen weaker hyonue-hall alfteme the batie. Eorodinoi, ton, deprived I Winter Water-Troug-h. the ussans i 3 pe cen, sd th Frncb Wheu limelbirds drink, sud Iboîr waîî.les ni 25Per 0ent. Dair se dipped lunlise waten, there le a îiiabty TUIE ofLONI ATSn the wsttles heing frozen, bbce coneequeuîce 'vie fi(l Fdsihugh sîftor 1eing Ibat they cause gros' pain to the w.gu 1ite lssems irw eae a ird. It bas long been a prnnlam nhnw to Magly a3thelt'russiand tho eakor b(1 avid Iis ifficnlty. The ine. nining- %mnas 20percen, sd tse icto ;o unt s prevented isozen watblosasln )tihe floor.: o he cousldored. If ail the sitraw ca1nntt oc used as bodd'ing for stock, wichl probably the eaeostsudbeet way n reof o ing it to the si hie a gond plaoto s Prnad1 orne nfii nut lu the yard where thneoi male stand dot ing the day time. TJhein bharp hoofe cut theetaike loto ernallpeo and tramp themn into a pnîpy mass. Whelu tho etraw gots protty -well tramnpled to piecee lu the yard a light layer ni diark noil or beai mouid,from the woode s ýholuld b. spread over it. The dirt le nich ilu Plant food, sud by tramping the straw inito )il very fair manuro le made. By succesiveiy repeatiug ibis operation every nth tbrough the wintor thoe traw will decom- pose sud be ready for use ou the land in spring. Ab ont the Faim. It le a great deal caser to do work when it onght tb ho doue than to lot it get even at day behind. Every day brings île duties. If these are nuegleeted, or if wo are cope led by circumetances to poetpono tbem, to mnrrow we muet work barder sud longer to catch op. It pays to ho careful bi ittle thinge ou tho i srm as well s anywhere else. Every hushel oi corn 18 msde up ni separate sare. Each ne wasted makes the bssket so mnoh the lighter. On many larmes bundrede ni dollars are loet for want ofiasutible care, "Many a mickie makes a muckle.", The man who bas time to sit hy the stove in the village grucery while hic caIlle are shiitiug for theme elves-on the bil,wrin ion dean 111e te get s nibble ni irostedgrs to keep tbem alive, je the one wb hn blaes, Ilthe govorumeol" hocause imes are býar, aud ho bas nt mnney enougli to ps y for 1h. farm. This wnlrld is as gond a worlil as I ever expeet to live lu. I try to mnjke th be et" ni it as I go. The moslouroitblîing any onee au do )i s )tocmpiain sud finiot witb hie surrounin;ge. Id ýî utiy le o rsc op aud bring th'ige vo hin ssîeado-f wst- ing for them to tome. Succese le a wary thin 1c, It caoiihoe caughv with ebsif, non hy ,i'ting sund wait- wbo seoka h mue iiit bait, hi, 1îok t od honee sit and nise on -eany in themn-n in« tridrop bis line -1in thestream ni tfn endeavon. The neal wihee sud n oni humaurity mus et ok~u Thtere are very e smrv'ocuo aioa few ho,,a with profit. Tt umet 1h remembered thar gootipasturnago je thosecret nisceewithtem libe 5 qustonwbbllch it may !psy yen to conid reiouely1. le tore sy way m which you eau grow $'Ï200 w orlhnfarnm produots wlih ,eS labn, lSecapital sud botter profit thaýn by rsisbng ,'afit-ls draft horse? Duriog the3 paet yeair tbbcdocks ni the United Staveýýs have incneased hy a milliorn sud a hall bhesd, sud the wooi produet bv ton milliosi pounde. It would ho hard to find any fatrmer who bas contributed tn ibis mucrase but whn is botter noff for having The heet western coon weighs more a huseeliluthe ear thsn doos thoeen produot. The dent coe bavfýe dop keru- noe. 110e1are o soird as flînit sud 'the sheiled gai d o notweig shesvily but lb, is lJees hle lfor thîat nesen teoin- jure sï'Cok. II~f~ I A OVEh jIJ~j~* Fortysecond, Fifty-ninthand 1125th streets 1 this would miaklte i ur tracks of the prýesent -- dotile track lin. Five cars, seating 54 B i fil' i12E TRUAL 1fil Y-MA yPbU À persons, wnuid nt be so long as the pre- sent train aud engine, aud wnuld weifgb less% than onue fifth as mnch as a train thet uow Rend er. f a Fepes MI N w ysm carnies M40pensons, seatod. Suralyeiectricity WIseh s.vReDvell!ize Rtwascnuid he useed t drive se light a train more tie ord Ver. economically. With this enlarged capacity, A ,nw nalrosýd has heen but on Lcng. and neing each separate rail for a tnain,there Island. 1It ije a (juieon sff.îin, for it hias nnly wonld hie abondant opprtuityv for a Com- oe rail, ard1bi ie a prophetic , fair, for it pany te give separate cars, with single je1pre y epetricity. If it proves a tickets foracompartment in redl tieketca,t" suecese Cnadawîill have one ik it, for a to ho soid for tweuty-five cents each oc copay l bas hee organized to build a tien. Thue, the exclusýive and the esmokeýýrs bicycle railws;y irom Winnipeg te Louis- cnuld liave sepairate companiment.4 in their, hatrg, N. S'. 'The gentlemen intereeted say own red ticket cars. The adding of the thiey have the myouey and the desire to Crm- light four inch steel guides overhesd, con- bark biiithiýe i ovel undertakiug. It je a voyiug eiectric power, would hen obstruc- OO pplicaition o o an oid stoam sysem ex. tion te liglit or -air, sud ail the cnet oni' the iited at Coniey Island seine years ago. changes quadrupiing the capacity of the Withi the steam motor the inventer suc. roadis, immediately doubhhug and prnhably heced n afeiy aýttaining a epeed ni seveut y trebliig their net inconîe,wouid net require miles anr houir, and with electricity he clai me an expeuditore exceoding 15 per Cent.ol the L-20mie an hoiir, and recently, wheu a capitalization ni any company." public trial ;vas given, sctually reach ed a Another iotereetiug echemo for iucreaeing spoed ni sixty miles on a tracki only a mile railrosd speed is detsiled in the Buffalo adahll long,. l otbetab the car Sundsy Express. The writer sys: was vrnu.-iug atits higheet speed wh en it We nasy yet b. able in the near future ta ouddan eighî degree curve -a testni eat an 8 o*eln,,k breakfast in Buffialo, dine grüat severity. at 1 2 o'clook in New York, have twn boeurs' __________________________business in New York and arrive in Buffalo for a 6 o'clock tes. Sncb s feat je possible, prohable sud easy ni accomplishmitent. Air, the nuie great obstruction, even gaten trau ail others, combined, bas, up to date, Seen iguored while ail mechanical genun bas been iQcused, on the onue prin- cîplo of deveioping power sud reducing frictions on workiug parte of the- englue wit bout s tbnugbt for the main sturnbling NAT1AL t'IILOSOPUY TIiS. Any object paseion tbrough the air mente witb s resistauce in proportion to its veto- city. At a speed of ton miles an henr, ait! resîstauc le onue-hall pound for eaih square foot epoed; tweuty, miles per houn, air rosistane' je stwo pounde for ehfoot; lnrty miles, eig!bt poundesitymiles, il eighteen pounde eigbty miles, týhirty-two :;Ï poUnde ; 100 milesq, firty pouin d n;112mils, - Empire State express time, s3ixty pounde - ~ for evory foot ni sur.,face, sud 120 miles an Il i/ ~"'~ hour, soventy-twn pounide. MNoving bodlieesien odrag sloug their path il, q the eurrnnunding air in prnportion te their speed sud lorm, At a speed ol a mile a minute the huilk ni air drawu by au objeot J7 ije enual te ite own bulk. Suppose a railroad train to weigh orie ton standing on a straight, level track. Nowonue ton ni power, plus euough tn over- VTEWOF C,. <corne the m! -hanical friction, will start tho FROTTVTEW0F CR. jtrain in motion ; at twouty miles an hour one-fourth of a6 ton ni power wili keep tho The road- consies of s single nifl laid upan train in motion; at forty miles an hnun awnoenha, bout twelvc juches square. E oe-eiglith nia ton, aud at eighty mi-iles an Eatyaoe thie rail sud suppormed by heur one-sixteenth will keep it ilu miotion, airms exteiug fromi uprigbht pliare3, i3 -an and sn on unti~l s rate ni speed je attained nver-ba guide hearn. On thec bottom ni that a power ni nne pouud wili keep a ton tie isaýnher emal sail, which acte as rhe load in motion, providing there were no endcof nile clectric cornent sud upon air re8stance te overcome. %whieh couiis the trolley wheel. It serves But notice, as the train requiresessand lp.:c also a1S a guide te keep the bicycle car lu an power as je increases lu spîied teonvercome upright position. ite natural ioad, it at the sie lime - - AKTWO WH5EELED CAR. quires at a grestor ratio s load ni air re- sistence that mnre than compeneates for Moton sud passenger sccommoudations aretiesvninpwnoilifnayov. incudo lua ioge cr ilt tet ongs n icornes the power ni the heet locomotive that pointed, proje 'ciAle k, st each eud . At cao ho but, asesug that a traight, level thiront sud nesr are the tv;o, huge driviog track le used. wbeee wiah akethe ar biccle It The accompanying, sketches illustratea bn uoter whboeosoxep thema inuessimple methnd, wbicb ilproperly qpnstruet- 'vhih rnasnveûkeptho~r n pes-ed udoperate4 wtnd produce a train o est a onn me gAmlong "the many eteeimo-nialP,'which see In regard lto certain nmediclues )erform1, Ilig cures, cleansig the blood, etc.," wýritesC RENRY 1 oeO f ithe James Sila Woolen, Maclrluery Ci. i>7 Ï Philadelphis, lPa., "none Impress me more than m,- gatthe age n!,-8yea r5 1 1bad swe-ýîilng3 corne on, -yles, whicib brokec and -71 rfamilypilysiciau coule teared thatIthe 1boee wud beaffected. ÀAt last, i My good old Motlîc nirged me to try Ayerk Sarsaparilla. I took thrs* bottles, the sores healSdtI and I have flot bve troubled sinco. Only tto scars remialn, and tise mnemory of the past, teý remind me ofthtie gond, AYel'. Sarsapar!lla has doneme, I1ne ,v weigh t~o hundred and twcnity pounds, and arnuthe best o!health. 1 bave beencou LeC road for the past t-welve years, have noticed 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised lP il11parts nio the United etates, and always tak, pleas. ure in telling what good i did for me." For the cure o! ail diseases nriginatîn-g ln Impure blood, the beat remedy is AYER'S SarsaparMla Prepare d by Dr.-'LC* Ayer à Co., Lowell, Mass C Ures Others, wiI11 Cu.re yo U A - ýA ",Don't Yeu waýnt to boy some cme asked the commercial1 travelor., "Combe?" echnoed the lanldiord of thle tavern at Pokerville Tmnction. V"Whst makas ynthlnk 1 nted ay cmbs T diu't Yeu see that ne haugin' in the washroom? lt'e been there Sioce beore the war and its' a purty gond eomb yet»."-N. Y. Mer ury. Young, old or middlI3 aged, whn find tbe'n selves scervoos, weak and exhased, who, are brokon docwn trorn excess or nvorwork1- reulig in riiny nf the folloýwhugsym ptoms Mna epesoprmtr id ag, e 'ls2of vialiy, esof imemory, bed- dreamen, dines c f sght, pGiatn i th. heart, emiesione, isek of ourg pain in the kidueve. hesdachee, piples onte