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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1894, p. 1

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N )21 ImpDorters, have opoened o01 busua11y large and choice stock of ew Dress G oods N ew Sateens, Ne w Prints Y-W Cloths and Worsteds. NqE)w Gurtains., New Carpets and Linoleumàs. ad direct fromn Berlin à fine stocký of the very ¶atest styles in LOIES' JACKETS AND CAPES, - -J DItS' WATERPROUFIVLANTLE ýPECTI0N AND OOMPÂRISON INVITED, flfhlfu flUOTlU frnirnAIL UUIfl, UUIII'IU I UIn UC. iI IULIIIS111 BO WMANVILLE. aur uo ann aaa ru Ve have- opened out in our rew Store in Neads' Block wit>h fulliline of HARDWARE con- sisting of aHl kinds of b.eif Q-ods, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and Tinware. re have bouglit out Mr. J. McIBrian's în Business and retained him as- our ýreman. and, are prepared to do ail kinds of Tinwork., inclucling îtting Bath Rooms, Hot Air Furnaces, Hot- Water Boliers, and ail kinds of Repairing. Mr. McBrian being a good practical ,orkçman we wil guarantee ail his -ork to give satisfaction.' )ur intention is to produce sucli goods, give sueh value, 1pay such attention to the wants of the publiceas will ka it to their interest to dleal withl us. îý7 /have been appointeci sole agrents for the famoiis 1PPY THOU CHT AND RADIANT HOME STOVES 1have now in stock some of thie latest improyed mahes. ,-e us a eal;-it wil be a pleasuire for u~s to show themi. ec have eomle to stay; havinug bouglit OU' Stock jwe wilIl give the public thie benefit of the sane. ,ed to eall and inispeiet our goods and prices. for, spot A.1l are ED USTAN: & H0 A, B. i ~ da..zL7 ourdeaer jr 1o~-V has bg A. T Fotes.& C., ookIsLad, ue. Stap( e TFE -,îa the sy littie IVE WCASBfLE.l theni Mr. Johni Otten, an aid und respected 'el'l residnt et Ne wcastle, died on Wed nos. ,day, aged 7 î5 yeare.', The quarterly District Ckouncil of B. T. Mr. of T., for Northumberland, Durham aud h,mî P"eterboro': will lie heid -,at Newcastle on EKva Good Friday, commmeiing ,at 10 o'clock...È Good spaking and plenty of good music.; te... Burdock Blood Btters curea yp plia. Snw BurdcckBIOOdBitt ensacure Cont il)ation . Burdock Blood Bitters ciiroBili.ousnea,3,tt Buvdock Blocd Bi ttera cure Headaolhe aud M Biàdock Blood BitLteraounlock ail tho'Ms ciogged aecreti< n3s d the Lowela, tu n curing Hesd aches and imilar compisints. ' t e -- FO Y TONEGLECT EY-ESIGHT, W HEN FOR so smnail au Pmounti of mnoney you <.a have vnnr fEctflll fitted by _____i T. 7. RICKARD, m hraker, Jowellem, Something for the, LADIES. Mrs. DANCASTER witl seli her entire stock of WINTEER GOODS at and he]'ow cost. Feit ilats at 2.5 cts. I- have also a large assoîtruent of Wings and Birds whieh I wiIl sel] for haîf the cost price A]l triru. med goods sold at great reduction for the iemainder, of the e,(.ason.j Hats dyed and re-shaped in the latest styles. Aý nt f.ir RobÎnson Corset Co., u .uneyer fails to -'ve s'ttisfac- 1 tion. A eal! solicited. ïNo trouble. 10 bhow goods. Mre.e A. Net and U thlis ci excrif been ý lecir ge 0pif. hi batel ri (Athe ctiofl and gool effeot on ýy makke them a %perfect ýy please thoas who use 3Little Liver Pilla may "Perfection. " [r, Milton 11%]l las retnured tii bis ,at Indian.r Head, N. W. T... Mr. anCamp lias reýturned to Brantford. Mr. A. Jaýmes hie neturned to Toron. -Work hias comu>encedl on J.Clark's house, . . .-he new organl for the cay Sebiool has anrived .. . .Recent >rs:, Mrý. Smnith, at Mtr8. Guy's; Mr. M!rs, J. Hierd, at their daughter'e. J.Bellaxnv; Mr. Davwid ImwinCe6rt- it; Master IHarry Coleman,Ton r. Gao.,rak';Miss Lizzie Burns, or brotbher's, Mr. Frank Bma Levi \ nCmplavey -sick. SUsE ýRwEEDy FOR1e, RLI. euralgi& i. one of the mo8t common istre8îJng comnpiaints incidentai to climatc it lanfot comfined toany par lr P.1s(ýn, for w ilsak.nwst generaL- in- wiutey .eionim, yet mmny isuifer j;s UCiatinpu goriy lu the heýat of Fumner. tl- e ys ths r o'f iSýqeseh b e L ! , aan. n .A n,,,l,..-êi..1, nutaus the ma,,ch or suj wrben t Bey. R preseuic troru 1 alla Pt prettily aister7 The grù Mr. Htc tic guel psed i asocil de parte3 iathi followeî a vemy U the f oic A gol China,'T -water Ïp parlor 1; dick; Ci Silver a Toilet ni NI"ewcass Lizziei) silver, (Kirby) sud Mi Miss Pe Mrs Seý Bertie a . MRS.DONCASTE R, tea BOWMANILLE rue or -- esa,ý Cler Caer i.I 1E ue Holt's Sofala ShaePoUah lfor T. B Ladis' ad Chldre'a uenousnalShoeesBa ~Th lànst 10 preserve the 1,afiler and keep it p3liablec. IL will laave Pa oplhJk ai,3o i @ale hv Poot sut Shoe da'ers, et ýa3aLftefl to00L.place-o3u asat the residen-ce of Mr., ,,ac, lot 2, con. 1,Dtmington, ý4rd daugliter, Mibs Maria C. ras nite lulite bonds of ?ýrfMr W, VE. Jl. The tas prforled at 5 p. ru. by PPoÎ Newcastle in the bout 70 relatives aud frienda -anville, fNcwcastfi, Kirby lope. The bridewa very ed and was attended by lier je also suiïtably coitumed. ra upotd by lha buhm ewlAften the ceremou.y ~dowu, to a mpleudidiy pre- il, dinnier sud after spnding or two Mr sud Mrs. Jewell their neW home on the Luck. tead nortir of -Newcastle, the begt wishes of their hi p esentýi to the bride were 1 aud vAuble assortiment a3 listi wilt ho 'acelet, Tlie Groom; Set of nî1de'spaenits; Silver Dinner GýronMs.msn; Silver Pickie Jtnulie Ciemience; fiaif a duz r. T. Cltmence; Crystal Ir ud Pair of towelsý, Mr.and, Clemence, (Krby) ; Fancy Mr, and YMns. J. M. Coblile. cake basket, )Mfr. Penfound;, rV cruet,Graudma Blicie; Ln doily, Misa L Loveitin, Ladies Comniion, Miss ence; Fancy mirror set lu Wil sud Misses Cooucy, ýt of carvers su ad tes tray,Mr. ohu R-iciçard; Rose Jar, nd; China fmu.t set, Mr. and Crys;tal water pitchler, Miss fias Ethel1 Rickard; Break M*ss E. Carscaddan; Haîf M1r. Walter adMiss Ada ptal fruit d >31,Mr. sud .Mrs. lafdzsilver fîi m Haîf doz silver kuiives Mmr. n. -Richýard; Haîf d-z ailver Nur, suid Mrs \V. C. Ail an, ver Bâit sud pe,,ppr castors, .nott, Velcome; Silver picltle W. suld Mis3s B191sey- Bd anad Ma .S h Pa Ir lace r. sud Mr,, Geo.Rrsd covtîr. Mr %i](1 Mrs . ea ecsy,MsssTuýpsaotf, Fancy oMrW.T urtains, fur. sud Me. FJas. 1%ir 1eat, MirssEWaem Faýrlor Limp. MNr. H.,ren ngraiin, M Nisa M, DoddE,;1 r huife-, Maste"r Nr îr of twk Miss Mande nen tal p resd, Tails -. ed-rooIrse. ans d is. iinond seCtaker ud Tait, Crysta tes s!et, M. sud(3 L. Jewelil China vegetsbLe îoch and lady, Oro no. Mvr. an( hi i d ucil e arce Browi cda on tue evenig of Uoodt Jrday. ~Every pErso,,n sho'd hear it... Good time expeoted at the speliing match in the" Division this week. Ail corne... .The roads are tio bad foýr news eatherîn)g,- hence the abb evi ted size r&f this budget. Hood'a Ssrsiparilt, the king of medi. eûtes, comquers scrfula, catarrh, rhouma tioarsd aIothr blcod diseaseu. llo,,d's and Only Hood'o. HA hIDO. On'Moi dy eveninv, Mardi 19, about 60) frienda wended thei-r way to youn g MNr. R. Siemonz'tu, and took the 3occupants of thpit be-iutiful home completely by surprise, but after tle uulhand shýake. iug and tig had again regain)ed their niorml lstato Rev. R. Meolloch calied the cooepany to order aud gave an ex. p1satiovn of our intrusion, it beiIg the tenth anniver8amy of their weclded Ifeý. fle then calte i ou Mr. W. H. Creeper to esd an addreass which is as foilow3 31r. and Mrs. R. ,Slemoit, DEAR FruEND)s,--iou w:lt I;erhap)- thitik it rather atrange ths t we Pho. id maaemb'e at yuur house 80 unexpecte 'IY, but when you think of the soiernn 3et ten YearS agO, you w.Il not be aîurprised Storpres3ent visýit. It 'h es us the apected and wh.os ý, uiding iiienculias been eMo deeply feltiu Ourcmmit. You wiil pleas c.t thes hisa Sucti uceimicuur,. .tIuu Hie end or s uong and usefuil carcer iinay peactýfully pasa ta the rawsards whlch a;re in tore for zhose whýo walk tl ghb. - Signed cu bepl of ti~nfi1. Miss Annie Mouutj )y ruade the PrQe:. entation after which Mr. RL Slem<, n re Plied ln his usi"al easy ln miuner in b , iaf of hie wife and himaolf. A nium-beor 0 2êeechez wrorethon bruad -tu I113105. Then ail prtook of tie good things aup- plied from the well ti!led bigkete. social chat sud games filled in the time aftor which ail diabunsed saying it is wefl for brelliren ta dwell together in unit y. Remember the prayen meeting on Wednesday evening-a very lntereiting subjec . . . .The Fammers are rejoiàin, lu the expectatfin of an early Bprin,. DOre'T WAIT F OR TIra SIC Room.-The jexperience of physiciens sud tïe public proves that'taking Scott's Eruu's*on pro. duces an imimediate increase in fcash; it is therefome of the higliesti value in Wast- ing Diseases snd Consumpt*on. . J 'We are very aorry to lisar of the audden deatliof Mra. Byron Blackburn, ned Miss Ida Goating, a grand diugliter of the late James Meader. fier dearli wss ina'-ant, csused by heart disease, 1Sre liad just happiiy recovered fror tlie >birthli f a daugiter sud was, d-ing wel) wieu *'ne) moruinrg she peacefuily feli ssleop iit Jesus.. Mr. Thcis. Smaie, M, 9Smnîneil Allin sud Mrs. Elford are sic. .. rPaul Ttebilcock gave' au interet ng addresaêon Missions, at tic îLeague Thursday eveninz. . .. Wo are glad te wtlcorue back Miss Ells Elford, who lias lateiy beea a student at Toronto College of Music. ... La9t; Friday evening a party of yuunsc folk frorn Sha"sSchool flouse drove back sud aunpnised Mr. Samuel Bragg.-.-. . Among the visitons we notice: Mm, sud Miss MoNeil, Camke; Mien Ida Osborne, Mr. Mark and Miss LzzieAln Newcastle. . . iMm.- D. D. McDonaid, our enemgetic teacher lis been.ili . .. We are happy to welcome bselk the old coi respendtait front hie longa trip fn ti North Ses. The tieiýyhbor- hood ihte iiiichchiviged isine his emhamk- ation;lhe left it whtu a iclim îLe was dry aud whtmn jvdhin! was hiappening. 11L' finds on i euuexieerinns sud luteërësting.-rhe word "P;irorC" aud "Oystems" areonilthe jlps (f ai.. ele the Pmtrons asÉern lot of ruien, grop3ing tUew tUi Oevout îuCh Cf Ctheir stenîirems ;ud muerry-making The fa,,"i is lie is3 in- vited ta a hig itupper, frac, if le wili join tlie winuing s(a id nd g7 th,î good accounit of ha '1oa oe. Femwas plsid e'ar that Mm. Joe wight, Mr. S. Bmgseveral of the ladies annd otiers hiave been taking arri active pat 1.Ms Lizzle Brag isý visiting at hem father'a, 51m. saiuel Bag. M.Ed. lPfout tai the a itronsF. f1ou1d ba g-d thing 1~h5 esa wee ~Ine~in tho- local papprs, as àt contains several 4plendid It searches,,ou.b aniy wansofthesysteoe1 remulting frorn impure blood. Thise whoc use Ayer's arsaIl find March no, more se2irchiug or even disagreeable than any othetr mointh. TIst meicine is a A 1, VTONVILLE. Ncwtonville L )dge, No. 166, S. 0. .E. BS.,ý will hld its second anual concert on Thursd-ay March 22Qd, in the Tera- perance Baia hete. Th,3 commîttee have sectired t 1init froin Port Hope, Bowman- ville Frad othelr places. besideJS the besti local talent t, assisti in this concert. Coi-~ cert to commence at 8 o'clock. T.ckta 15 cents. Tbis wili be -tha best of the5 eotürtainments, for the mouey, that base thas been given in Neýwton"Ile during le tesEtu, Dozi't ruscit. Shilah's Cure is subi on, a guarantee. IL cures Incipient ioünsimpti n. It la the best Cough cure. Onl]y orle cent a doxe; 25 ets., 50 cts. and $1 00 per bottie. Soid by Stotit & Jury. SOLINA. Mr. Jas. T. Wi' iiamis is rushingy the was niot largey sttended )Wing ta >he 1 ain, but the address,8 %were highly'in- h ard shipp da 'o;o-t- ,f itock l'ad vlirv succesaful wnail 1uti of Ffocdl, Pitlp)itatio>n of theý SmDstrf as iafter Esirg. tudckl- ud j itiè s regussxred t cre tu d-retion ENNiSKELL.ES. Boivmnnville. 1lave purchasèd the Beemer farni. ... Mr. John Sylvester han renteI Mr. L. A. Tole's farm,... Rev. D. S. Houck i3 s d.legata from tihe Epworth Le4Lgtwes of this circuit to the Convent ion of M tiiodiat Young People field In Lon- du i4 week. Mrs. Houck is vipiting in Toronto .... M-.'sF. Iiog riis vstn hier daughter, ftMrs. Rpininer,Pceig ...Rev, Wm. Jo'lîife,Bewmanvilie. will presch in, the Methodist chnxch herenef Sunday evening. . .. The friends tf Met- hodist Sundoy School bere have îecidf-,c to hold theïr anniversary on May 20 t)and confine theîr services to thie Sabbathdo ing âway with the a8ual te-ý on the 214tb. The rchool funda this yeor will be suppli.. ed by stra!ight giving f romt congregation. KNOWLEDGE Bring coinfurt an impo amnsd tends ta pers.uual enjoyipleilb whle riglitly usefl. Tlme nrary, whvlo live bet- ter than otiiers anrd enju(y life mre with l'esa expendliture, by more pnomptly adaTpting tire ivorld's bestiL producta to tire ueedsC of phlysical being, Will atteFat tire Value to hatho 0tepueliquidl laxýative prliliciplie embmaeevd in tire n...medy Syu f Figa. Its excellence is3 due t-) ita presenting 'il the forýru matacepa n sd pleas îrti to the taste, thererehig u truly benfical ruprtis f a perfect lax- at Ive ; efCtMuiaiiy c, lcnigte fysteru, discllngcuIe, eaacîesand fever and peuaneîtly, Cuqring' constiain It lias given stsfcin auifllions suad met wititir Cl'.) aioftilie edicl profession-, betCaus itacteon the Kid.. enngtllmsd it le ýperfeciy free froml Syurrp of Figa l for sale by al drug- factumcd lbY tCalifmiFgSymup Ci> ony, lioe nnanis pinited on every -i-uwr-tei ýt -t-- i -L -, 1 1 -t 1 n-, ý -(;e0.ý 1 A.DW BLO

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