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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1894, p. 4

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\Vhat is àzea It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. It is thousands of pin-headed ves- îies filed with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing Upon the raw excoriated skin.- ,No part of the human skift is exempt. It tortures, disfigures and humil- laies more than ail other skiii diseases combined. . fender-babies are amnong ils most nuimerous vîctims. They are often born with it. Sleep and test are out of the question. Most remedies ýnd the best phy- sicians generally fail, even to relieve. If CUT.ICURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled bo the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi- dient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point bo a speedy cure. CUTICURA WOrkS wonders because it-is thc-niost-wondeful-skin-curife--of PREDENTED SUCCESS. Tl- 0p fPetnth-annal mýetinC of the North Americari Life was held at the head office, 22 tcr 28 Kir:g street WVest, Toronto, on Thursday, the 25th of Janu- ary, at which there was a large and influ- ential attendance. The report shows that 1893 was its most successf I year. The insurance written was in excess of any previous year, while the terminations showed a lecrease, an excellent feature, and the total1 amount of insurance In force reached the large amount of $13,220,192. A substantial ircreaso ivas made in inter- est recipts, and the anount roceived fron that source was more than sufficirut to meet aîl death and endawmont dlaimis, also al the paymonts to annuitants during tde year. A v*y large addition w as made to the reserve and surplus fnnds, beiug over 58 per cent. of the yoar's income. The addition maide to the net surplus exceeds-that of auy former year, aud aggregates the relativoly large sumn of $297,062 26. mitalane slIicet olthe fijuimilil y*e ng lis.- Derî,,îïber 39ili, 1893. ( ;sh Income ... ... ... ...g 482,511 C8 Expenditure (i..ciïdindeain aims enaowl.mofts., protlte and ail pi-j -a nmente tcu policy hoidere>....... .216 792 45 Assois........ ...... ...... ... 1703 453 39 Reerve Ennd............ ...1. w ste e9 Net reurpur ror poli, y hokîers...- 297,G6ý 26 Audited and found correct. JAMES CARLYLE, M. D,. WILLIAM MOCÂBE, Auditor. Manergirg Dilrector. The report of the Consulting Actuary, .Mr W. T. Stauden, wotl known as an eminent authority, went very fully into the position of affairs of the Company and in tendering bis conlgratulations tg al those counected with it for the excellent -position-it-hl-attamedy-,-h-sttud-ivaa- ---ratifying to him to again reporù that the tounc thtuar ris wvas an exceedungîy favor- able shou îng, aud tully denion strated, what ho eaid as to the excellent îuvest- The Right Rev.' Bishop Cmbi.in moviug a vote (f thanlis to the Directors, Oflicers, Agents, etc., said that ho was one of the oldest pohicy-holders in the Company, in fact ho held almost al bis insurauco in the North American Life, and having b on sornewhat intimiately connected with its working and knowing well the inside mhahagemoent of it, said it afforded hini very mucli pleasure in beîug present and bearing tesýimony to the great caro and skll that lias always been show n in the management of the Comipauy. Hlon. S. C. BigIg, Q. C., velonIdolthie motion, and iu dring au sai d: "When things tare well, it is perhaps well to romain quiet. It i3 perhaps as good a testimnouy as 1 could givo o f my satisFaction, yet if any expression i words is needed 1 arn giad to support the resolution, for if anything ean. pleaso a policy holder it ia to kuow that bis invest- mont is a good one, that everyîhing per- taining to it is upon the soundest zimd moat econornical basis, and froin the re- port whieh 1 have hore to-day, 1 am satis- fied that the Company is conducted upon those sound business principles wbich on- able a poliey-holder to sloop easy, know- that if ho nover waler s up the amount of bis insurance will ho paid to his tàmily at any rate. Perhaps that. ought to bo enough te say about my investmient, but think t'iat the energy with whicli the directors have conducted the business of the Company and thie fine showîug that they have made in their in their surplus should give courage to ail their agents and friends and cbe-a great inducemeut te -othlersl-to-folbsaw-ty-exatu-ple--tifl t-a-& s-- large a policy as they eau in this Coni- il 1 .--L is in store for you w-,hen 'ou buy Doctor_ Piüýrce's Pleasant Pel-, lets. If you ever took thc ordlinary liver pi11, big andi bulky, nasty too, you'd appreciate a good thing, espe- PR t E'n>d - - - w w w-w w w w Sirce our new deparbure into Boots "àýd Shoas last Fail we1 bad gr atifving success and have sold a lot of Goods and -given spi satisfaction. -Oar manager of this department, Mrn. W. Jennings is m i aIiy when ît is sugar- known. lis qualities of good coated, tn as a mius- judgment in buying aend tard seed but very thorougli knowledge of the efec tîiv e. Ot he r business warrant us in guar- things being equai, anteeing entiPe satisfaction. thesmaies htheWe buy al our BOOTS and h siallet istheSTIO ES for cash rnd seli on a bes in liv r p i very smna]1 margin. Depend- -hence, IlPleasant in,~ on the large quantity we Pellets." seli for a profit. Below is a If you are troubicd partial ]ist ofrPrices, our stock with Indig(estion, Constipation, being the newest, nicest and Biliousness, Bilious Headachles, best in tbis part of the country and a hundned and one juls1 which depefid upon an inactive Ladies Dongyolia Buttoned usualiy livr, useDr.Pîrces1Pl-es.l " Oxfords lier--us D.'irc .Peles With tb 1,se pýis you get not < only ternporary relief but a" Strap Shoes positive curé; they're gu1araît- Il' leeci to give satisfaction in " Polished Caîf Puttoned évery case, or your rnoney Tan Oxfords is retrned.Russian Caîf Tan Oxford For fat people who suifer White Canvass frot migetio, ~heatyMen's Caif Balmoral ~eatï~ a4 hih Iversthos- " Cordovan Baimoral r sold for $1 '- I rr 'r I .< r., '5 rr our Plice c 'e -1 k [ - =Tffai -uo -FpzelTjr-.-

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