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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1894, p. 5

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- ' - "~ ~5-½'rr -,- w y -srx- >. ,-~s- r- ~ ee-dt houre you. arice, sbu et.. Ji For tale by Stot & Jury. \ehave iylmethin-s new .Less ý,îhau% half the price charged byo ~ErnoManufacturers. INo troubie tg ýzshow goods. i Cail and see thein. ]?îivate roomn for fitting. STOTT & JURY,ý Draggists & Opticiane. GRAND TRUNK RÂILW«Y. BOWMÂN VILLE STATION. 901INO-EAST 001510 W58T xre . 027arn Express .... 519 arn ~Passen«e.. 2 45,. e Express.... 6 07 a in i1'ssngr...7 07 p te Passenifer ....8 39 a te ,WIxpreg .... 957 p mn Passenger ....2 29 p mi 1Express... 832 pmi Are You Go ing to MANITOBÀ, NORTII WEST or' BRITISH COLUMrBIA. Drop us a postal card. We wilI tend You information that will ho of interest to you. -Special tourist excursions every Tuesday TSNorth Day. STOTT & JURY, the Druuggsts. BOWMÂNVILLE, MÂRORI 21, 1891. Local and Otherwise. Attend Mr. Mallory's sale Monday. Mr. Frcd Lapham spent Sunday in ,town. Miss Mau 1 Wright is vistiting fric nds U1n Toronto. Immensely popuilar are the pricos at L7the West End flouse. M1ra. S. Cotton,ie vi8iting ber daughter, .Mrs. J. R. Hoidge, Toronto. Mrs. J. R. Lane of Snith'a Falls is wVisiting her mother Mr. W. IL. Hanson. SEEDS,-A great variety of choice Field and Garden Seeds at J. B. Martyn's. Mr. W. Porser, editorial witer of the Cobourg Wrld, bas been very iii with congestion of the lungs. Sea Stott & Jnry'à new advt. They are showing sometbing new in Trustes at greatly reduced p)rices. The Misses Brimacombe will open a dressmaking shop over Iligginibotham's dý.r!î store ua M~onday, M rch 20. just in-Colored Silk Fbss for Eni. bridery wolk It is put up o-1 s pools and in al shades t the West End flouse. miss Simepson, of Bownisonville, and Miss Mabel Cochrane, Toronto, are guetta at Mr. D. Ormiston's.-Whitby Gazette. Farmere, 1I tet J. A. Kelley'a advt. in this pape r. Bie sells for one hall what you have been. paying. J. A. KELLEY, the popular anctioneer, Newcastle. Mr. Robt. Beith, M. P., is et Ottawa attending to bis parliamentary duties. Constituentý3vishng to write hirm may --addes&aJins -t Bouse of Conmmnsf. A C'musical eveniog," wili be given by Mrs. E. S. Mea b in hier parlor on Tues- day evening M,reh 27th from 8 to 10, under the auspic-s of Trinity Y. P. S. C. > E. A Si1veý Coiction. Captain Swpeey, 1-. S A., San Diego, Cal., says: 'hhloh's Catarh Remedy is the first medie ne I bave ever found that would do me any ood" Piice 50cents. Sold. by Stott & Jury. If yon. want thec best sewing machine made, cail on Rickard. Cail on F. C. Pethicir the barberwlen vanting an,-thing in his line. Anyone s iehing a bargain cgn goû it bî calling at Mns. Doncaster's and pur. chasing en8 of her stylish trimmed hats st S$1,25. Mrs. Doncaster. 'Tis not the lothing- wbich niakes the A Spriag Pointer. Wei wiýlhto empasi 2n the fact that c'tr nekis;w, wel l begbt and thoroughly 0:bl. Customers of ton teci ns tJ'at t-r goods always turaouot exactly as, r.-presented. No bettec' value anywhere. CCucnJ6H1'STOIN à.CIY-DER1MAN. M4r. Deymnan's sale Saturday. M1iss MeGregor, Oshawa, was guest of Mits MeWain, oýver Sunday. Ntewton Lodlqe S. O. E annusi concert ho morrew, (Thursday) night. Miss Mollen and ïMiss, Ethel Mol Ion ne visiting friends iu Toronto. Hlave yoit tried the Boat andi Sboe de- ,p-stment at lte West End House? Mrs, N. Peters, Pon>t Hope, bas been guof nf er daughter, Mirs. R. D. Davidi- Mr. J. Runnaîll and Mas S. A. Olford of Wclcouse sparit Sunday with friends north of Bowmnanville. ljadies wanting a new Dress or a new Coator Cape for Easter shonîti call et Coraoh, Jobtiston & Crydernsan's. Now Wi the teason to ativettise seeti grain. Mr.A. Manns sud Mesgrs. Oolwill have choice peas for seed-see their advt. Rev. Dr. Galbraith, of the Berkeley et Msethodiist churcb, Toronto, prepchel rnissionary sermons In Wbitby Tabernacle Gentlemen-You can savo monoy andi get the besi satiefaction by buying your new 8printv bat et J. J. Mason'p, Bow- Lu1anville. The Toronto Globe was n-5ver a botter paper than riow. We arc suit sgiving the Wcelcly Globe tbe bslance of 1894 froc, for a new aubser-Jber ta THE STATESmÂN ai $1 a year. We direct attention to the report show- ing tha successful business donc by the North Amenican L, fa of which Mr. Runnalls i3 the rtpr-esentative, in this county. Next Monday the big auctien see ( larm. at ýck,implements, e. ,tbe proprrrty of Mr. R. J. Mal'ony cornes off. Fanmers should not fail to attend as ibis is a mort important sale. Our compatitors will tellyen that wo do not carry German made Ceais becauso tbty know if yoa see ours you are sure ta buy or.eof nom ns. You can alaycot on the Wes-t End flouse having the latest thing in Laýiieâ' Jac kets and Capes. Mr. Paul Trebilcocfr, of Bujwmanville, wtt in towu this week attendirg the as- tize-. 'Mn. Trebi!cock formerly resided in Cobourg, andi wonkod at- the printiog businless in the old Star t dico. He la now onga2ed ini the book ard stationery trade in Bowmai ville.-Post. Litteli & Co., Baston,for 186- a year, offert a weckly magazine. Littell's Living Age,aggregat'ing over 3300 pages annually forming four large natavo vols.,filled with the choiceat seleotiuns [rom thes fo-eign periodical proes, which coulti nul be otberwisa obtained except by an ontlay ofiseveral times that'suni. To the reader (, culttvated teste il is litile short of an absolu' e necessity. ONE BETTErrii THN THRTnEmaN.-Williama F. G.etchins, Esq. contracter and buder, office 552 Seventh Avenue, New York city, writeB: "I bave sutkfred from dyspepsia for a numiben of yoa-s sud was confined te my bouse for five montbis. Have hati thirteen New Y nrk and Mount Vernon doctors (will name tbemi if necessary) al,- tending me but faileti to get any benrefit 1trieti K. D. C., antiarn pleaeetat say the eflecta wtt magical. 1 bave tlà probably every know remedy for dyspep- sia andi founti none te benetit me, until 1 took K. D. C. 1 recommond K. D. C. as the dypeptic's bcsit frienti. Try il sud prove what I say."' Preliminary Notice. About the Firsit of April we will ho ready te Introtince our new Scale of bard- time's prices te tho public. That business revabition will provo that we mean ta soul goonds aI pniceis whlch will draw crowds of buyers. It wili tsem prevo that the citi reliab'ei can't ho tnatched wben it cornes ta real Simon Pure bargains. Eruasoi; & Co, Bewn'anville. We are selling, lots of pipes. Another big stock just i. Sorti new stylos. The low prices tel1. GRAND CENTRAL. Goti bouses to roui. Apply le M. A. James., STATE.SMAN, Ladies Journal anti Premium Book $1.30. Great slaughter in ovrcoats at Mason's c earing tale. See the big reductions is pice in their 110W atvt. Men's Hats-the latest preductienis Of tlbe'best Engiish makcs-just openeti at Ceucb, Jonsaton & <rydtrtana. Mayer tise flatter bat received bis -stock uf Singp bais anti jquesta aill men wantiog the iat3Et style le cal scon. No lady shoulti boy a Dr e ahefore tee- ing the lovely stock o e sw Dres Go-idei et Goucb, Jobtiston & ryderman's. By thein fot u-e know tbem - leather le gooti lut sheepakin le ne gond for foot- wear. Ail solit leauhohr boots ai shoca o!d ai Maton'.ý People are caliing those badti imes; u-by not cail them goodtîmtnea, when -on can buy se many gocdth lingt forte bultle mono-v Tny Matou for ciolbing. Now la yeîîr turne te gel cheap Photos un the latesl style. Thiuk et it, Cabinets, fusl figure at $1.95,and ilîikado's aI $1.10,e Pricea neyer heforo beard ef. Cal ai the galleny, opposite Bennoit's Hotel anti tee thera. People soon finti eut where ibey can get test value for their nioney, Ibis ex- plaIns u-hy Maynard the jeweiler dit sncb a hig trade lest week. Big 20 was the busiest thop in, town-tremendouB rush, Mayrard la winning a great namo ton seliing u-atcbees, jeu-dry, ilvenu-ane, zW, L AV u l,: . nl.î.i Q:F à=**~l- urottîe « censorrings, tlriai- nu Cleanse the tomaeh andi su-cton the breath with K, D. C. stock for SOc. 'onu Ibe dollar, bosco ho can afforti to elouceap sud is doîng it b0e. Caîl. Miss B. ýYelLtawlees wbo h-at been visit- Mn.. Bt. Davis af t for Phildelphýa> on' ing hon momber in Toronto. ednesds.,y te attend the f uneral >of a Mn. W. R Phipps, the well LneDwn sistor. enier of Forrsitry, die in uTôo-otiSun- Barret's Isrýe o rller flour mUls3 were lay. burneti at Port Hope Monday. lnsur- Mns. Jas. .8iflnide, Emerson, îMau., anco eo t'as visillnzMna. John Yeloüwle,,a andi Mr. W. R. Brock bas gone for a twe othen friend4 ï o lwis recently. tnonths' tour ini Europe. He will meet 1.6up. K. D 0 . Pillas houltib-, lalmen 7is.K D: C, wlen a laxative isnereti. Pitcoher'*s Castoria'. Mr. H. C. -Tait, the photographe-r, b- s been un Toro~nto attending tbc meetings of the Suprtase Circle 0. C. fi. (X Do yeu u-aat a Fslylish êrnucenti cn cape, Georman made anti the chaapest in tOu-s. Got& the Weit Endi fouse. Rev. E. :tiobents, of Gobttnrg ,IEcinre'd on "Plaintaik te Church Pou-s," iu the iletbotiishýeburch- etthat place~roceiitly. Mn. John Walker repre,3azteti Bow- ruanvilieGObuncil of Choses 4ktieuds at tbc Grandl Council un Toronto last week. M;st Minsie Pou-eil ef Wliltby, Who1 bias heuvisitbng Miss Lott'eDinacomnbo, sang wit' the Moîbodisi o8s-ýir Sunday eveii3.' Gentlemnen wbe leave thf'oiredrt for Ciothing at Coucb, Jebsttn & Gryder. maisa- cas alu-sys depenCl upon heing perfEàetly rUitoti. lIsthse absence ofIliev. N. S Pritchard cf Triniiy chnrch lion. W. Joiliffe occ.apied tisepulpit ai the morciug service ane Mr. James Gilillan in the cvening.. Music ! MusicI !tM1,3 Mabel Toit la ie prepaneti te give tborough instructiom on Organ, Piano anti Yioio. Cali at the galiary oppnsite Market Square, or ai hon residence, Liberty SI-reet. Terme nmod- erato. Rev, R. A. Bwsries' di3courte atits Disciple's cburch next Lord'sd dy. Il. arn., "'Aiomnina't jeunney up l-3 the tomh of Christ"; 7 p.m., "An evenine's waik frote the tomb of Christ." Special anti arppr piaie tirgiug. Invitatio>n kind- iy extendeti. Bowm'snvilie S elvationista hati a grand autsiversany colo britic-i on Suuday anti Mýonday-Lsood rreetiogs anti fair attend- suce. Major Com plin, uiw cu-litar cf the War Cry, won golden opinions [ram sold- ions and c:tizeus anti Capi. MNorris cube icc mrpi)nied. him was aise a favorite, bis singing heiny mnch appreoiateti. The banquet was a great crs'dimte the laies anti was well sereti. Gihizent titi net tumis eut sa uumerously asion tome simail. an occasions, but money la scarcer. Maj- Or Compiio'S aCCOUnt et hie trip from Aue!traia was fullof Incident andi greatiy isiereste I bis bearers. Belhw~illlIewuei- corne on arly future Oocason. WeC C'n gratulate Emîsiigu Hay, Lieut. Mountenay anti the cifficers and sol' diert et the 271kh Corps on the succcss et ieir lOtb ana- versary. SpecîilEaster Se vic -s wil! beho ltiin "Tmiuiiy" Conyregali lmai chunch nexi Snnday. lu the inorning Ihes rastor'a subjýci will bu"Victory Througb Christ." Is addition te theo ordinamy mutin the ' TeDcum"-Jac-kson, sud tbe antheto, "Love Divnt"-Le wi ', Wi 1 ho rentesti,( by'the cheir. The fol]owitîg wili be the eider of tise eveniug scrvice : A nt-hm, "The Lord is Risen de,"Ghiî Invo.-atio-n : ilymnn Ast Thon Wear-y?' Scriptura Readling. Anthen'i, aHo Rse anti Loltthe Crave,"-DaiilsE. Pryr Anthcm, "R-ck fAges"-'Nelson. 1flyinn "WVe Sîng Hie L-eve, etc." SeormnI Subi -et- "Christ Our Hlope." Anthem, '.Praise, ibe Lorti"-Ashft)r . Bymn. &Ilsrk, bark my Soul,etc." Bccediitien. LThc choir wi I ho asisteti by oulside talent. Services ai il s.m. snd 7 p.m. AIl arc cordiaily invited. Sbeppard's Wonld'a Fair is u.Onsing te Enu-manvilla Match 30 anti 31 udor Ibme auspices ef the Wiliîg Workers uIti of St. John's cburch. Mr. W. E. Rsmsay wili bave "change et bbe views and; hie twitty mimlcry o! the funny sayings anc songe heard by hlm on the Midw-ay Plais ance u-ill add not a littIe te the e njey, ment of the occasion, The press are un. animiun distescribing Ihete views as t magnificent reprodu tien of the Werlti's Fair. The Toronto Gltobe sayt: M r.,Shep. parti's views ef the White City, wero te protinceti on a magnificent scale, lb- coiereti ones being epeciaily atirsuitivE snti very realistie. Upu-artit cf teventy vieu-e wene shown 10 tha deiigbtet audience. A tuosi able lecture -St de. livered by Mn, W. E. Ramsay, f-14il o humer. The songe introduceti by Mr. Ramsay wore Weil receiveti, Altogtcther, "it wtt a most enjoyable entertainmený, and', one which will hear repatition. THE MODiERN WAv.-Commenis ibseol te tbe well-forxned, te do pieasaatly ané effectuaily u-batu-as formerly tione insthe crudeet manner and disagrecable as wcll, Te cleata'c tbe cystein anti break up colts, beadache anti foyers wiihcut unpleasani "after cifects, use the delightful liqu-ti lax. ative remedy', Symuip of Figs. New Millinery. Mrs. Diugman bat openeti eut anos miilineny a-ore next doeercat Vil'a Grand Central wbero ahe wîli ho ple)asgd fte sec ail her olti cusiomarsq anti a greas tmany ne w eues. Ber stock is a i nen anti ladies cau depenti en beicg ssitoti The very noswe3ti styles lu hmnnets, bats, etc. STÂTESMAN anti Ladies Journal for 1894 ouiy $1.15. Foi, SAL.-100,000 bricks ah haif- price a t J. B. Marlyn's. Pe!i ck's barber eh op is the place to get a gool ahave or bain eut, Laêii.s, if yen have net sitrcady, don't failto t uvmny choice family test. W. H. Oshorne. Ladits uishing Iheir hair triomdoro singeti shoulti cail on ýF. C. Potbick u-ho bas ffi ted up a vory neat barber sbop op posite John Lyle's new store. Mayo)ard the Jeweiier eau sou you waicbeR, coecks end jewellery ehea Pc than any o-ne cIao in town, Wlay ? Because the stock was bougahit tSOc. en the 8, lu is hantly necossary le ssy anytbing in praiee the Prints at the West B'nd flouse. It i% eiîiy necosary to say tuiaI the stock la ths usual bine display. They are ail new. A c'ook Ihat do(se fot keep tinie it ne godiniiia boute. Yen alhould. take le io Richard anti have it put un erder. Re doos bis u-enk tboroughly, se maiter wisat It may ho, Waicb, Clock or .lewellry re- pairs.1 1 rCerrected by J, Neliurtry, avery Tnasday FLou, V 100 Ibs ........$150 tb $20 WiHBÂT, Fail, V bush ... 0 0,fO062 Il Rustian, " 0 00,, 0 60 ti- ooemi,.......... f00 055 fi Colorado........O 0 0 ilO057 White Fife, 0t...O 60 O6.2 Ried tl . 0 00 il0 65 BÂR.LET, ?P bush, No, 1.... 0 0 fi 42 if i2X.. 0 00il 0 35 2.... 0 00fi0 030 -Twq.rowved O 00 0 33 OÀra, whîtc.......... ...032 f, 0 35 if, mixei......... ....O 3O0il032 RYE, .... .0 00 i 0 40 Buckwhoat P busil.......O 0 0 fiO40 PirAs, Blackeye, P bush... 0 0 fiO062 ifmummny ife 03 !10601 fi nSmali, .f.0 00il 0 55 il Biue, .il 0 65 11 O 65 BuTTIER, beet table, P lb ... 0O000 ' O2 0 P wnNl. . ......... 009t,0 10 EGS ed........0 00,,0 12 PoTTosVbush ........ 000,,0 25 Glttth your IDfeto 1LaK .0 h *CATÂRRIIE 1NTM.E HEAin hi -audoubied.ly a discase of the blooti, anti as sncb only -s reliable blooti purifier eau effect a per- fect anti permanenut cure.i 11 od'a Sar- asparilla is thebest blffoti piînifiier, andi it bas cured many very sevanrs cases- of Catarrb. Catarrh ofteniimuoi 1leadsa tô consumption. Take Ht~S Sais îp«nilLa before it is tee Jate. Hâoon)s-Plbrs do rot purge, ntabu or gnipe, but act promptly, easy and tebi:'ent- I y. 25e, Over tu-o hundreti pivGeea of iuew Print a aud Sateens elegant desirLnua ant fast colons ai Couch, Johnssion & Cryderman sd. bUrs. and, Missatir3dloait Bruasis. Major Comaplin anti Captain Moenris of the Sui'vaiion Army were gueas & f Mn. John Fiee, manager of the wondyiaxd. Tha- Docjal announceti to e oholtat Mn, -las. McLean',i on Friday avoning titis waeli bas beau pestpoe ca 4ing te the ûtih Qf Mris. Morris. We. were, lu errer lu statinig ikai Rev. R. Di Fr-kner bad gene te New We3tmiu- stern,.'_ C. on invitation of a Pt'esbyter - Ian càdurch there, We should hlAve stateti Victania, B. C. àâ lady reader would like t,> know if therae s any possibiity ef having a wider sid0waik on the way toe boi iTe. It la ratier incenvouicat te bave only one plank all the way fromn tho b4se line, Wce would ho deiighteti toe c uas m- pirovement in Ibis direction, Il is our painful dnty i-o report the îeath ef Mrt. James Morr'à wboae illness was re,rred te last u-eoi. She passeti 'petcefuliy away jusi before noon ycstor. day un sure anti certain b,*pe ef a gienieus resurection. , er bere4ved hushanti andi daughtens-Mrs. Gilbert aud Mrs. Jenk- uns were bore wben tb kend came. Ms Symons coulti net reach here un tiggp. The funemal takes place on Friday. EPARMERS, LTTENTIQ.N t' The S> Ivester râabnf'g, Co., 3Wndsav, 1bave appeinteti John Prcy, blaQkat-niîih, as thain repretemiative iu Bowmanvilie for the sa'ceof thein justly po".lar Farm Imp'emonte. Intending pnrtdaasers are invitet 1 inop?'et anti leara p.ricce of the Monitor Drtil5, Sprng toeth culimytors, 3Pieu-s sud aït other imp'ements manus, factureti by the above fi m, 2iw IMAS'lER 1VEATSr 5PUItZi-imERF GALLeOWAvS FORh, A, C. X. Ca% ken bas bougbt frara thse fine bord of Alfred Matin, Esq., two cheîi Galloway citile, aise, soins very fine Shrepshire lanabs for the jEeater mîarket. Tbc e caille arc nated as tho bett fiavor. cd beof in thi markiet se ail levers of goondtmai',,illfinti il ai C. M. Cawket',s, 1-Town Ball Buildings, Bou-manvilîe., ½k.B -cf, Lamb, Veal, Por k, Sansage Cureti Bacon andi Hame, also pure rond aereti Laid always keptiun stock. C. M. C Loveiy Mîllîngry. On and s fier Tbursjday ibis week Mis Sbaw'o mil nory show reom, next dool te P. O., wili ha eue of the greateat ai fractioni ib tis tu-n for ladies, for thet ber uow Spring stock of bonnets, hais flou-ors, feaihers, ribbans, etc., will hi eoDen forn inspectio-. Never hati s pret tien display aud pries are down te oui nithe times. Ladies are oordially invi-ec is- cail anti cee for ihem.'cive.'.. Bîrthday Party. ýe Miis L-suise Hanse-s ontertaie t e, ifnientis last Thursdy cveuing at ho home, it beîug the anniversary of ho >o bînthiday and befoi e leeviîîg thEy present eti ber u-iîb a ladies wriîing porifoli )faccompanieti hy as atidress reati by Mit ýY Z 311% Bnimacombe an i preseuteti hy Mis is Irene Jeu-cil on beb ilf of tho3o present. id 'igneti s MINNETTA ROGERS, MARY VIRTI BERTHA MORRIS, IRF-NE JEWELI Z ELLA BimArÂoBEs, -IDA lomeKiî, a SerHIn JAMES, LiLLuEMoLEà SEED PEAS.-We have a qutntit.y of Canadiaa ,BAality Seed Pea 9. a new white pee, large, bright, clear color and Rives 25 per cent better retuirns than other field varieies- over 30 buahels per arre for past tmo Y ars. Seteples may bc seen at the post office Hainsp tm), Tyrone. Solina, Blackstoclr and _Eaneskil. Ion- R. and A, COLWILL, Newcastle. 12-1w, CEDAR POST, POLES SU [TABLE .Jfor fencintz, sommer wood, for sale. GEo. A. STEPHENS, Saw Miii. Darlington, Bawmk n- ville, P. 0. 11-3w SHIORT HIORN HEIFER-(Will te- gister in' New H. B,) with finc heifer caîf ait foot for s -le ai very reasonable prie S. 8NOWDEN. loi 22, con. 3, Darlington, ýBowman- ville P. O. 10-4* IFlOUSE TO RENT-A emi-detached X brick bouse on Church street lai ely occupied by Capi. Crawford, Terns moderato. Apply to A. You:\îg, or T. BîNeHÂN. Bow. ma nilo, 41-f. flMUSE TO M9ET.-Comnfortable 1l'ame Dwelling Ilou3e. elght moorne. with fine gardon of large and ammahl fruit, 3-8 Acre land, btrd and sof w.ser. situate on Odl tîreef, Bowmanvilo. Apply te MRSS W. VANCÂMP, Blackstock. 12-3w* S MALL FARM- FOR SALE -Con. k3tainlng 15 acres and bbcbg situated du tbe Manvers road, 14 miles norili of Bowman- ville, cou. 3. lot Il. Darlington. OC, the prom- !ses are a brick bouse aud frame barn and oui- buildings, For full particulars applv te LUKE BUTTEatv, Bowmauville P, O. 12-2w.' D ESIRABLE PRO PKRTY FOR SALE -Tenders w11 bo neceoived to t10 the 111h day of Apnil for the purchase uf 'ImI parcol of land and promnises. eituate and oeing in tewis of Bowmannlîl, con taluing 1,c re of land, heing town lot No. 20, in block 10, front- ing on Ontarbo Si. Thene are two brick dwel- linga ou the prcnsise.ý, one beiug tu-a tories, the other one. The former has six roomî,wiih kitctuen and woedshcd attached. Tbe bîghesi uer any tender not necessarmlynacp cd. Teon- dors te o seul te. ud funiber1sf ormaiion givon by P. TaaamBLCOCrc or T. C. JEWELL, Bowmanvlle. March 17, 1891. 12-3w C HEAP AUCT1ONERIN.LG.-Jmes' A. Kelly, of Newcastl6, is prepared te do nlsoales entrusie efi10him et ouc per cent Cen bost aDy autitoneer l inti l out or do the eaie for noting. J. A. KELLY Widr Iloiel, Newcastle. 5ms S'f-CK 'WAINTED.-Mn. W. IR. R. kCawker 15 inthe market to buy sto ne or fat Bec!. Miich Cows, young sud fat Caives, Pigs, Lamba andi Pouitry. Address W. R, R. CAw- xzR, box 189, Bowmanvillîo, or et bis residenco loi 9, con, 1, north of Caledenian Mille, 3-tf FARM TO RENT. THE Jo's,, D. TRE.LEVEN EST-4TE.' Owiug to the death of tbe latàî JoFapb.,D. Treloven. bis valuable farta o! Tu-e Rndred Acres, being composed e! lot 16. le the Fourth Concession of the Township of Darlingion, is offored to ht leased for the ierm of one yoar. The farm is porfoctiy prerarod for crep gith ail fail plonghing dons. Ih bas sixfy acres fal tioughed; sevouteen acres oor ted wh !cb dan () lotfrh o rkenru; thrtto acres newy sed11à Te f ra l stuaedon the Gravai Roafi betweu Bowmanviile sud Hlampton. about tbree miles nerth off Bow- manvilie; bas a cemmodious fanm bouse, ex- cellent farrn buildings, la watered hy a living stream, sud bas fIrgwooded o bpromiss,Ï THRLEVgNBo inanviior .te h uder.Tgncd D. BURKE SIMPSON. Solicitor, Bew manville, Bo wmativi'o. Feb. 13. 1891, 7-f& 1 ?<tlceÊ3,0of tIrths,. 2j; ý e l avrges, 50 cent4s; Ieaths. 50 cent. ae Inklsertion -but FICEE OF0W CHARG1E, %vhel thse faunerai 0ar415 are orinted at this ciie SLTrM0O'.-On Feb. 2eth, at l2i- Heiiry Ave. Winiipe-a son ta Mr. and Mrs.. Sý Siemnon. \irnST-\ÇD01~D.-Atthe residelrce Of tho briue'5 fther , Darlington. 'by 11ev. W. S Pritchard, B., A.Cinesff Wrigh1 of Bow- r-,-nville and Eup,4em.ta daugter of Mr. ~4.McDonald. NôRRms-In Boawnanvîlle.-M.%roh 20. Thirza .&n.n. beloved wiî43 nf Mr. Jamaeq Morris. a,,ed 61,vears.FnrJFi~ 23 .. 10 Ba w- manvilIl e m0nterg'. WINTER-In Bowmnanville, March 19, Eniily E, Winter, Ltjoved wife of Wma. Winter. in her 601h yeir. Eýunecal on Wedaeiday at 2.30. BLBaacwi.nus. In Kingsley, Thwa, March th, Lottie E. Vrosting baleved wife of Byron J, Blackburn, (4formarly of Ciarke.) SITH-At lot 11, COn. 2, Cartwrght. Mareh 8, Sarsh. relict of tis jate John Smuith, ag ed 7tysr -ooths. SHERMgS-Izn Oîhawa, Màarch 13, Mary Conlin. beloved wife of Thom. Sheriden, aged 30 y eays, 9. monthe. McVW4pouçu-In Clai ho. M1irnh 7, Minnie Bell McCullough, aged 20 years. Ptàjt;-In Clarke, Màrch 1, Percella Thurtie. rehlîzt0f the late John Plain, aged 81 yearo. 13,3&Row-1fl Philadelphie, Pa. Mireh i_ M'eis Msggie Barrow, siser of Mrs. D. Davis, U0,pwuanvrlle. A. S. TILLEV, '11. 0, C. 31, M MBR 0F COLLEGE OF PIIYSICIANýS I and Surgeons, Ontario. 0ffloc, King Et. irstdoor wcest of Ontario fBank; Residence, Church St.-8&h door east of Methodist Churcli, Bovinnanville. 37 'W ANED-ACook. Apoly to Mss. Y B D uRI SSimp3oN, SiivOr St., Bow- maanville.1-t _XTOUNG GIRL WANTED for gener. IL al hr.usework on farm. Apply t0 Mrs. M. PROUTT. lot 7. coin. 'i Darlington, or Mrs, H. M0LLON)1, Bowmnanvitle. 11OUSES FOR SALE.-Three brick .11.bouse8 on Liberty st. for sa~e or rent. W. R, R. Cawker, box 189, Bowmanjille, 3tf "LACK BYE PEAS suitable for aced DPfor sala. A. MANN, lot 19, B. F. Darling- ton, Bowmnanvilie P. 0, 12-2w* S EED PEAS-100 bushel of Pi usaian Blne Pea8sasitab.e for seed for ssla. D. 8M ONTO IMERY, lot 23, COn. 5, Darlington, r Soina P. 0- 11-2w nSEED GRAN.-I have a quantity of clJ ean t3ix-rowed barley and lnre black eyed M~rrowfat pont for milis. eLI OSB)RXH, lot 29, Broken Fr. nt, Darlington. Cournce PO. 1-t SUITS TO ORDER. That is were we shine-Th-e1(- best Cutter, the largest Staff" and thme largest Stock. Wt, did ino t obtadn this resuit wfth 44.. m ït A ery sp)ei,1 value in Black Worste,. e Our new Worsteà DePuxtings1. NEW! NEWII Several large cases Boots a=dSho The Clothing House, T. CAED.MASOND PROPRIETOR. 'IlHE 0DO1INION Issues a genuine 'Blauket" P,hlic7 t) aar lai Cites M5 cents per $100 2nd a ' 10-Tn, 4 yeansý 3rd 901lO) Most of West Durham's prominent fàrmer.-ý -are-insrn'edfn-lt.- R. J. DOYLE, Etq., JE SSE TRULL, Es.5 Manager, 'President, Owen Sound. Bwavhe WilI cali on receipt of post card. Ageni for WYest Durhamn, A, W. FOLEY, Box 118. 50-6m Bowmanvmll, On F ARM FOR SALE. -A final clasa larua of 125 acres or Î74 acres sltnated lint114 township ef EstiWhitby isi con, ljots 15 su 16 on the Base Lino, about 14 miles from Osho, wa station. 2 miles frorn. Whitby and fi0'rodtt4 from the school bouse, Large roomny buildi ngs, main ban 95x36 fi, elenty or fruit, sou ay. 1loam, altogether one of the besFt grain farrn4 onihe Lake Shore. No bhis or itatone. Abouni 10 acres of wood. 75 acresIs pastrand fretS.' seeded. Terme easy, Firsi pîowlnig d(10 For funther partlcilazs aPPlY-.to A. AîZ Oshawa. 8-f FOR0P SALE OR RENT.--Hou-sE s 24 acres for sale or to rant, situ;ate Cr, Scugog street nonth. The promisesi consÀiic? a good bouse with evory cueiecdriv: ni, shed, stable, etc. Tihe gardon, contains alot o2 the choicosi fruit of ail variûet tu!, Immdia(o possession enu hogivon. ForricatrZapr te W. FisnimGH Bowmýanvil1n8 41i OR-FOR SEPRVICs-A Red:n. ele te 5 e1;ly mai6ens u-oth 8L0.A, MA.N, I1; 19, B. F, "' o AIJ' V8QW 7 'se s ~ '~i WAL~L PAPER, WINDOW SHIADES, CIJRT.AIN POLES PICTURE MOULDINGS, TI great varietý. at '«BIG ý." W. T. ALLEN. i i - i 2 L; b: b 1 b t j ît ý '-' -- M, -- T ttsf" ý 1 I-P 1;5 1 L 1 1894 Just received gi large shipment df ýMeu's land Boys' SUTITrS fron-i the best factajký ory in Canada. The Styles and values are away ahead oE anything we have yet.seen. LONDON HATS a large sto -ck of newx styles in soft andI stiff Hats. , LAs we have bought freely v e have, narked Low.'

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