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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1894, p. 8

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____________ I _________________________________________ KEMB LE. î the reidence of M!r. Edgar Hurlburt, 'with wvell filced baskets, and, havinq, 'teken possession, whiled away îthc even-, Irng iery pleasantly in games, chatting, nucand singing. To Mr. Hurlburt -was ýread a nicely ivorded address, by Mr.> Marahiali Beckett and supplemented by a 'beautiful upho1stered chair aud a purseof mioneay, ail in beheif of the congregatien in %cknowledgmient cf bis zervice as lead3er of the choir and intereot in the work the churcb generally. Mr. Huri- bcurt responded in fitting termi, voiciug lus îep')preciation of the greet Lelndnegss e ho hm, and his beppinesB on being ,-o genErously if orcsed that hie endeevers ;Lu bebsif of the musical services of the churcrh were se much sppreciaed. ,fie hopaýd te continue to meit the good opinion of the cengreLgaý1on in future, as ha) doubtless hed in the past, end would "trive te do better on account of their grEat kindoess that evening toward bim. 0. E. Wright's Case. liewas a doiibtiusg Thomas-Did net think Dodd'sI{idnoy Pillas wuld Cure bis Becliacise, but they did. PENETANOUIS5nSNFe.Mrch 19.-If an3 person in ibis neighbbrhood bad ani' doubrd as te the curative properties of Dcdd's Kidney Pil, the case cf Mr. C, E. Wrighst, the well kcnown butcher ber?, ought te dispel sncb deubta. Mr. Wright was trcubied for semas yeara witb a severe paiin in the heck and kidney disease. fie was rôabotent te use the pi!1 but was ýIaa!ly prsueded te do se. to-day ha. is curcd cf is kidney trouble and is londly sirging the praiseoef the remedy 'hat did te, nuch f r hinm. Dodd's Kidnay Pille are mauufeatured by Dr. L. A. Smith & C.and oee eld by al dealers, or wilho nsrailed on receipt of price; ffty cents per bnox, of ix boxes fer $2 50. * ~I1il'>~XARD. r ----------I1«1 1bave used Ayer,s flair 'v iger for a 1 CARTWRIGHIT, nuater of years, and it bas always me The Farmilr' Institute meeting of the satidfaction. It is an excellent dressing, Ca--rtsvn'igt branch teck place Wadî aidai', pravente thc hair from turning gray' i- Mer. l4thinb tbe the tcwn hall, Black. sures ils vigorous grewtb, and keeps the strck, M. J. M. Jonese, Ceunty Presi.-sclp wite and el, an."> daki-, in tise chair. The presideut aff or -Mary A. Jackson, Salems, Masp, afew introductory remenha called on Mr. - YRNE Wro. War-yo!Soinborad-e-pai-' on "The advantalges ofelboa cropaeid Maers. John H. Heskin, Chas. Virtue, proper nusungemen." R1e te]d h.,w te Arthur Steak, and Alpha Couchbbf t this prepere the soul for the various inds of waak fer the greet North West. Suecoas xoots, bow te soir the seme and aise cf boys .. .. Rev. J. Hanvey Strike's temp. r - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae - - - -ua&*St S~bS~ ,,,lnanaiIfl Messrs Lawsco and 9-tith bed sces Fui wcodbées lest ... KlVr, Charce Kiveil bas inlmmtr nlemetism- MI'-MPT () . MitE E. Moy ..ocl, -Osawa, was calling un frjends bore IFridPty, . .Mr. Edward Hattings is aten iito Supreme Circlo ef the "lCanadian Homle Circlo" at To- ronto.. .. Mr.. Joseph Olatwortlsy was eected District DUcputy abthIe Siipreme Loige of the Sons of England at Toronto lest weolc.. .. Mr. Frattk Psrr bas engag- ci a young men ïfrom Guelph Dsirv Scheol as assistent and this f actory will turn eut fluer chee3e tbsan evor this ycar. *. ... Mn. J. Jeblin, Büwmanville,preacl. cd bere Sundey merning ...Messrs, B. Trenouth and J. Clatwenlhy represented Darlingtoli Loge,S.O.E. et the Supreuse Lodge. Daniel Ritz, Proprietoev nnd Publisher of the Hsmbsirg, Ont., Independent eys: "I was siuffering f rom Dyspepsie and Liver Troubles, 1 tcok'a few bottios -cf Shiioh's Vitalizer and it cured me. eIlican heartily recommend it." AFACIUX'S, CLAR,K?. Miss Annie Brooks bas retuLned home frein a pleasant visit witb friande lu Les- kard .. .. Mn. Robert White bas engaged witb Mr. T. W. Undcrwoe, ree7ie, fer a year.... .Miss E. M. Strong ba4s bean visiting friends in Cedusus. ... Mrs.,Cent 5miii is seriously ii . . .. Mr. Rii. Eirk bas leased Mn,.iRebt. Gilbank's ,fai'u foi a terus ef yeose.. . .While Mr. Rert Brooks wes untying the cettie bis finger became entangled with soe shingle w'ire which was attsched to tha chaivn, lacerat.- iog tia flash te the boue neanly the fui] langtb of the fingr... .Mn. Jas. Cochren wbile chopping nord sveed recently cut bis kno..... Messrs. Rich.. Kirk and Job icireenwood bai sisccessful wood becs last] week.1 (Gendenc/Sed from the -News.) Or~re Metbedist Sundiay'Scheol nrxss- Whem von s~ethis on the box Y 1ou know they are go-od4, beeitie hundred Sunday-week,. MrWmn. Allun bas bean gucst of Mrs. Z,'E Scott, Port Hope. M.Robert Watson bie 'retunol te 7e iork. M'-.Perry, Brigton,hae %c en visin ut Mr. G. M. Long's. jýIr, and Mre. Wmn. Coivill b ave been ýisitinjg friands in Cobourg. yîescrs. R. Hall and Thos. 'Smith ware in Torriotelest week. f2isls Bi-na Truli visited friends in Bownuenville Irst weak. Mr- 'Xm. Meron bad cbs.ge cf the mail Eýer% ice during the absence of Mr, Jackso, Mr. David Bill cf the North Amonican bas been îlI 'Mrs. (Dr,) Bateson, Brougha.im, and Mips Lunonj, Sonve, are visitisug;at Mr. J. Varcoe's. Te get relief fnem indigestion, bîllous- ness, constipation or topid liver withont disturhing the stcnsech or pnrgiog tlc bowea,îke a few doses ef Carter's little Liyer P ils, thbe, will please yen. Mrq. (Dr.) Diel-ey bas i etui ned hceme from N-air York-. Mnr. <. M. Long zmas in Toronto lest week. Miss Msson, Newcastle, is vieiting ber Eiicer Mm T 1. W. Jackscn. Mxvl. Adasms, Bo'wm,.nville, has been visiîiog ter daugbtErMi2ls Bertie Adams. Mr. W. W. Trul], w.la;ro, bass heen vei y il] ajuce bis ai rvwl et Vaileje, Cal. birs. Rutherford, Kirby,tnotbar cf Dr. Rutherford ùf tii town is very il]. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jaclsmn, and Mr. Wm. Patien wore in Tcrn nto laEt weck atteoding Onind Lndge S. of E. That tired, lanýuid foelirg en~d dulI beadahe in vety disegreeabla. Taketwo cfet te's Ltt'e Liver P)Ilis hfore ro- tining, sud yeu mill find telief. They never feu te do goed. Mies Belle Urderwocd end Miss Eliz% Fsllis. visitedj Mr. T. W. Uneerwced laEt week. Mr. Joes Beary bai 1 urchased frem R. fleith, Erq., M. P., Bowsmanville, two cf -th-emost p e-t-" Ea p-n-driv.- ing herses e'-er ras d in tb's part of {O ntario, BUT 0. FOPrNao'N prEvauls throeghout th e w rld and thet insos strongly i faver and U< .J. SPR/NG 0OF 1894. HAMPTON1 CLOTHINC HOUSE TO THE. FRONT With a large and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spring Goods in ENGLISH, IRISH-, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SERINO TG'OVERCOATINZGS,. Full lne of GENTS FURNISHINOS alwavs in stock. COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELJNGS, TICKLNGS, PRINTS, G4REY COTTcÏNS, etc. L'e v. 1V",in iHoilnshedz Of Ppata, W. J., veiuntanlly sayb: "Te Wý Dm it 3ay Coocenn: IlUnaý-ed 1 dcem it sny duty to a suffering b-umanih wlîose bodies and seuls 1 weuld, bave heslt'y, te tell theus of the iut ef Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wlile living in 0Oi ene of rîmyjdildrniîwes greatly AffL'cted With Boils having 20 m&- lier limbs, aud being unable te svalk. I bat heard of Iloods Sarsaparilla, and bouglit a'bottle, hlaI!of wlicli cured en- tircly. Twoe -,esra& after, anetlser clild wvas afflicted as 1.ily. 1 used the ellier hlai bottie of IIood-ý> Sarsapanilla Nvith like re- sults. About ftc4r ycars after, the clild ifrst ,cffiîted vias again tornîcnted like Job, audI bouglit a bottie (on Sussday at tliat) sud egaiîîacure. I gsvcsomecf themedicine te a pen vn oman sd twoD children; tisey were helped as we'-e miie. Througli a testinmo- niiai sent te C. I. IIo6il & Ce., inqliries came' from ail tise country, ssking if it wNas % 'bona fie' lctimnii, mautelo! course I wrote ail Msat it v.as, aud have tUke knewledge of Scores and Scores Of persons lîcîpeel or cure! hy Iloed's Sarsa- panîfa. Mild cases of, iheunaism have yieided teit. Biliounencs andl bad iver have been coxnected in imy own, !amily. This is thse euly patent medicine I1liave e Ict ika praisiusg. 1 speale net fer C. I. llood, but fon thse Jobs whio arc impatient and are tor- nsented beyond endurance. fNotltinglIknow ef -viii ceanse tise biceel, stinsulate tise lii er, or dlean tise stomaci sos per!cctiy as 14o'S arsaparilIa Âuy persen wsihing te know more, ouclosixsg a stemp wsil! bc înformed. Yours fer thse healtis, happincss and vitue of lsumanity.". iiplir Li- but ha Mr. Werry 1 viaiting their uneles, Meurs. Or, TIýi-irFdayMarch 8,at the re8ïdence-L -l ----

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