~RB:8I5OPI ROUR 1TOWN AND OOUNTY VRT TBIEWORLD ÂPTERWÂRPDB. M. À A MES BEITOR fliD Pp~to iE vRI BW.ANVLL, NTRO.WENSDÂY. APRIL 11, 1894, VOLUMEC XL. NUMBEP. 15 I jC2 T _____. Direct Importers, have opened out an un usually large and choice s-tock of New. Dress Goods, N ew Sateens, New iPrints, New Cloths and Worsteds. New Curtains, New Carpets and Linoleums. And direct from Berlin a fine stock of the very latest frtyles in LADIES' JACKETS A. D CAPES, elegantly designed, beautifully made and very modlerate' in price. Also a lot of LADIES' WATERPROOF MANTLESj all New Goods, INSPECTION AND COMPARISON NIE, OOUOHI JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, BOWMANVILLE. BOUNSALL'S MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS§ A large sto2k of Finished(, Monuments, Sarcophagi, Tombs, ileadstones, etc., in the best vs rities of Eure- ... pean and American Granites and Marbies, in handsome designs, and at prices fromi $45 to $500 Orders respectfully solicited and careful completion. guaranteed. CalI and ïnspect my stock and SEE WHA.T YOU ARE BUYING. E. R. BOUiNSALL, Proprietor. hat s IER t av Than a nice Watch, Set of Jeweiry," Clock, or Si]verware ? It is not necessary for me to say anything about the quahity of my goods. as aeveryone knows that I aways keep the best the market produces. I have a few Hundred Dollars to M ae up i a short time and arn still selling off my stock at 450 cts. on the $ while you have to pay others double the price for inferior stock. Cal] and see me before buy- ing. If you have an)y kind of small work to repair or mako MAYNARD THE JEWELLER, "BIG 20.' Sq' ALE OR RENT-lons e and acniý fou sale or te ent. situete on ïr tiea northi. The premises conetet cf hane with eveiy cenvonience, driving table. etc. Tee gandenentane aiea e oiceotfr<utet aU vauletteï5. inmmediate ItouqAý bea a veu. -Fr -Drtouk& apl I'ISHLZIGH EBowmvnifle Ont 4%9-tf Ta .0 i, Siorihand, ComaUS' COORs!-Terider orue, painf iii M iss haw, 1 coriï3,sof torne, hleedinz cousis, hi INext door to iPost Office.' conale, corne of al kîndead cf ait sîzes, _____________________________are alike uemoved ta a fow daye by thes usa cf Putaames Paielefis Coin Extracton. Naver fade te cure, neveu ceuses pain, in-viir lava deep spots that ae more anaeying, than the originel discoinfont. GivePànm'sPainlees Cern Extractor a trial. Bewaîe cf suhetitutes. Sold hy A sH AM E drulggWes everwhee.-Polson &Co., Kntnpropnietors. FOR YOI i ( NEGL'(JiSP' A ver pleasaut, nnmvnvnof-.Ç.-. EYE SIGIHT-o W lHEN FOR" so small anr arvount cf money yen I can have your EYES per-.Ï fectfully fitted by T. N. RIOKARD, Watzh maken, Jewellaî, and Optician, Nead's Bcr Bowmavîl1e - u .,a " r 14 à,ntan ces m t et the residence cf Mn. Jeninrge, neer Whîthy,on Tue-d&y osurprisie lîimini comnansn ration cf 3ndl biuahday. A Most e'joyable 1-oa wae apent w.th iaminiscencts ntId Lang $yne." and a beautiful ng larnp wae pr< sentcd Mr. and ýJe"ninagsac capanied byan eddress hy 11ev. C. W. Watch, which cloead he wrs "Kinidly accep, this lamnp liLebt tokea cof cci esteain sud lovo, we pray thet the ligbt cf God's ses nîay ho the real lîgbt unto your The douons were Mr, and Mis. W. iing,Mrs. G'race Giles, Mn. John eond Adi a Mnnint?, Mr. and Mue. John , M1-ies JaneHernie, Mim J. Bell, J. Stac,2ey, Mis. Saurtevent, Miess Sinuclai,-r, s. .J. S-ephanson. Mn. Itoun. Thie edý:in isad cauisd wall bktsadwhen tha ttule c'eatý MçA nigbt ail voted that a real plea rBovIf?,N,~iLKIIBY. Miss blar je homn! f rom Toronto.... Mr. WV. Patteraon's tean became M'r. Thos Smale and Mr. Mark Dowaen frightened and rn away breaking the are slowly recovering. .. . Mr. Frai.k bnggy.... .Visktors: Mro. Rý lris, Blackburn was aik Iast week... . Mis Clarke church; Mr. Jes. Garbutt, Ash- Wright and Miês Ida Alleu visited frie!,d8 hum; Mr A. Morrow and wife at B-w- rýt Clarke Uwon. . . . ecent Visitors: ninvilie; Msg Mary Powers et Mr.. Jro. it4r. Strike, Mr. (Jlatworthy, Mr. F.i..'ckards; Miss R'ckaby at N~Ir. R, FiAldb Collacutt and Miss Ida Oàborne .... Mrs. in.e' . . . .Rev. Chas. Adamis ha,% gone to S Allun Ppent a week with ber siéter Toronto to pursue divinity cruse..* Mrs.W. Souh,Mt. Vernon, recently.... Miss Lizzie Harris will be MIr. J Allin'ei The Patrons Fpent a plesant evening housekeeper; Mr. Jno. Tucker bas en. with o.ýsters, at Mr. John b. floar's gaged with M-~. 0. J. Thornton . .. .Mr. Wcdnesday eveing .lest. The big doings Staiter ie teaching again afta'r his illneis,. f the evenîng have not yet been made 1 tti()eçý feZ-ÏT1slA-.Dy the ,use ti Ay8t q aiDapaurill". It] Atulations oyrcemes that tiied felqickness cf appeti!c, improves digeition, and m&keg tent la the Bümt, the week etîcng. c a t A L N Si gr m I. lacoinpliance with a genenally ex- i~ S YLEDURA ILIT , ,pessec1 wlsh the brasm baud will pive au- 9 1-l-NIO Y.th;ergrn concert Friday evening April ECà)OMw 20 !,h1, they will bha esssted by talent remýîi Bomenville aud local talent. Be- * inis at 8 o'ciock promnptlv. Adtisision # os ds oes 15cents; lady ans. gent 25c. Fû sç e r -àj E-iv. D. S Houck gave a very inter- pei~ad rractical talk on "The Modemn 1Diee ere "unday afternoon te- a ~fff5 QL ~ mowo1chur i. Hie discouree was SOL 1 î oeha eslorr, 'more of thea nature uï eýrliie n'a.ing on the subject, wih uot;itions froiervineat colestae. t> , i and cehurch a-semnblies, than sermon- TILADE MIARK ErISTELiD ic. The e-vidence hae adduced againat .Lqual in style any made s*n the 1 aanje'ng ehould ba affectual in clearing *Stastes, and surpassin wearing qul- 12 frum the minde cf bis hearere any mie- * tc an opëtaymd ncn 1prhnil rdut hymybv ada. A~s7c your denler for Fos- * freviously entertained. Ha gave e safe eTER'S SIrOES. iSoldevery,ser. Cg ie for the guidance cf ail peisons on the A. T. Eoster &Co., Rock Island, Qe question of amusements whieh was: If W Jindobt about the rightness cf aay ,.rfiusemnent, do net indulge, in it till al doubt is removad. At the close cf the ll.MPTOV. regelai service ha hald a public neception se)rvice when about 20 pensons who have Capt.R. R: Bunt ie home fnom ILonidon. been on probation were gîven tise night ..The revival. services conducted b1y 1hmnd o(>f felowsh;p by the pester and 11ev. James Liddy have been erninently r.ýessre. R. H. Campbell, Thos. Bradley successful, upwarda of sixty seule Meet- u~d D. McCullocb, officiai members. inges etili in piegres... . Mr. J'abez H. 'lhie service was very solama and lm.- Elliott je expec cd home frein Toronto.. rsie .Mu. O. Hezzlewood and wife, Oshawa, spent Sunrlay here. Hie Very acceptahi;, (Tc ii t fr lst week,'s issie.) prached liete Sunday evening. . . .Mir. S. Visiters : Mr. John 1Hil1, Clinten, at M. Clemeneo aad f ensily, T) roue, callad Mr. T. Hill'e; ,Mie. Knight cf W'estorn en friande haro Snnday .. .. Mr. Samnuel O 1tarie, is et Mn. Roland 1H. Campbell'a; Woods bas gene te visit hie daughier in hMr. W. Stephensonu, Broekiuaet Mr. J. Hope. . .. Mr. J. J. HOIdg6 and famoilY, T. Hurlbut's ; Mr. Jesse A. James and Torento,hava the eyanpatby cf the peopIe Mji8see Ette and Emma S , Bowmaville, bore in their ead bereavement, their only &adMu. G. McDonald, Breolin, et -Mr. daughter havinz died suddenly lait week. S 'l3ray's, Breýeside; Mn. G. Htzzlewood, afteî 'a brief ilînees., She visired here Oaiiawa Hig Scheol,a.t.Mr. J. E Dyeî'e; but very uecently, et lher gîand-paenate Mr. Lewis Paecce, Seliua, and Mie K. Mi. and Mie. Wmn. Creoper... Mua.s Argue, Mout Vernen,at Mu.R. Pascoe'e. Dunca'n Taylor bas been 8eeiouely ill , M. S. Bray recently vîeited hie bzothen, Dr. Bray, 288 Ganî&id St , To- The Page Coiled Spring. a 1 te; and Mus. .Jno. Dyer, fmi-nde ln oneCity. - .Miss Bertia Gilbert, Port 18ryhàe t3 een vieiting et home ... . Mrs. R'Paacpe virited ait Mr. 1H. L Pasce'i, Tkuton.. Mrs. J, Foreyih ig sick.... Dîýý1. Traaieb an V. S. acded to bis n ..c_. Lsst waîk,, the mail canîiar's h i,,beý,an aweay the eecond tiuo and coin- p' y emlislhed the stg-cage ...... A SMIOOTH FENGE thet ;wilI iive ¶eeSon cf Temperànca for thiie Aly stop emali pigec8n, a mlad i oucte ae:W. P., J. T. Huribut; W. bull or a runawey tejai. ýî&Llii ace .SV 4ù- Only raquires aoepc8t eary two rode A. .-BndFýr,1 i orâ 8for 1QÛ feet. T s is . esile Cap ,Freïd Eaqa hriontl wîoje StelSpialG. Brny; Conducter, Johnstom Niddery; Assistknt Canductor,>Miee Jnnie Ashton; Spiing stri tchedeo as tu prevent saggiiig, ,S,.E yr .S, sM oan but still retains its elaeiticity. P , Wi ., J,. Campbell; organiet, IL. C. It le flot an axparimee 18000mls . .... At the concert Saturday n-ght hava been cuected in thes weti during the M -. El L. Paacoe, Taunton, wsobairman. paet 10 yaare, and the fluet put. up ara as Ds4r'ng the ovon1inig the bsnd wblch is good as aven. coiiing rspidly te the fient un en the 9e-iNSPEOTION 1NVITED.-ý_ Iotluderehiip cf Prof. J. T. Hurî-but, gave a Orders s licitoi and particulare given, htirg part cf the prograni eliciting raptur- ou xnailcd ('ii epplication, by oq.s and frequant applausa. Massrs. C. WV. Souch and Fred Heatîje, vocalises, A. W. FOLEY, were tÈhe recipients cf marked favor frein Box 148, Boiwmanville, Oat. teapeatvauin.MelE.Rs Sole dealer, wholeEale rsnd ratail forte appre ci uinl e. MiseE.Roa Cuuaty of Durham and East Whitby. Misa Iezlewooni likewise won wali Fiiet caiload for sprna delivery will deýcrvedd cuccese, Mi. C. Mackay la ex- arrive about Msy 1. 1 have 400 rode un- collent c.ommandinv voice cf axteadad eold. Order et once if yau wisb te use rainge, contributed two numbers which tha hast fonce on the market. were onthiusi&stically encered. Mr. W. Stepheneon sng capitelly and gava grent sats&f&aton. Mies Lilla.Pescoa and Mise S pring ! Mivnie Warry preeidad et tha cîgan with I great acceptanca and efficiency. A dosina S pring 1 ci cxprpseed fou aisother concert soon....- flic many friands haie congratulata Mu, W, J. Briiy, M. D.C. M., on hie succeesset Millinery show-rooms com- Colle.ýMis Mary Hurîbut, Port plete with many pleasing styles Poin, bas been home et Mr. J. F. 1 Hu rrbuts ... . Mn. Percy Edgeuten, Port for the season., Stylish goods Peg'ry, vieiîed it Mr. Jas. Gilbeit'e.... n',Jas. MeCnlloch and daught ai, together with close prices P'rince Albert, visited et Mr. Thos. Hill's make it the popular place to .... Mil. Thos. Hobbe cf Columbua'celled buy. Sailors, 20 cents each. on" ""s old friAnds hema lest week.... Mr. Tha. Hili wîll build an addition te hie ilats reshaped. ba-r», 1 ay, Young men, do you know that vou can buy a full suît of Twed or Serge -ail wOOl-ât F. A, Cole's for only 8 Ladie wishing their bair trimmed or singed hould call on F. 0. Pethick whe bas fit ted np a very neat barber ehp op. posite John Lyle's neéw store. KNOWIEDGB Brngs Coififot and improvement and tenîds te personal enjoyment when rightly used. The rnsny, who live bot- ter than othes and enjoy1lge more, with les expenditure, by more pomptly edapting the world'sbeat puoductu te tisa noade cf physical being, will ettest the valua te haealtb cf the pure iqnid laxative piîcipls embracad in the i.medy, Syrup cf Figs. Its excellence la due te, its pîosenting la the fonm mnost acceptabe and plees. ant te the teste, the uefresbing and truly beneficial propenties cf p. perfect lex.. ativeo; offectually cleausing the syetema, dîapelling colds, headaches and faveur, and peraanetly cuing constipatin, It ban giron satisfaction .,j millions and met with the approvel of the adical profession, bocause it acte on the Nid- neye, Livr and Bowels without weak- ouing them and it iii porfectly frc frozn very objectionblo subsancee. vuCI. Syuup cf Fige'is-.forfsale-1yea ilding. packae, &Ise the name, Syrup f Fige, and beiug 'well informed, yen willot' accot a y su s~iutoif CoFfred, eiders if somE one preýïent, would let the public know what they have done. What ha sbeen the outcome of your winter's work, PatronE3 Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the flamburg, Ont., ludependent gaya: "I was euffering froni Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles, I teck a few bottles of Shiloh's Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." 81L1NA Owing te the bad state of r aïs and rainy night AMarie 31,very feu' dr.w'e out te the band concert et Enfield and the audience was very smail. They gave an excellent program. The band le going ta give the publie another op;-ortunity o'f hearing one or the best concertst that bas ever been given iu thie Iocality. They expeet additioual first-clas8 talent on program with Mr. Ni. A. James as chair- mn. Go out and enjoy a good ca.ucert. .... Mies N. Williams is viaiting friends at Welcome ... oe cases cf s-ariet foyer in this vicinity.... Mr. and Mis. T. 0. Lerigmaii visited the old honiesteadl recently. ...New P.trons of Indue'try officere: Pies., E. G. Pascoe; Vice-Proô., Eber Milison;- Rec. Sec ,H. Argzue; Fin. Sec., A. L. PaFc >e; Trais., W. Verry; Guide, W Lmnaimari; Sentinel, Paifl Williams; Mirieiya, MisseB. J. Pas!coe; Domate-, Misa L HloiFith. School repor; for Maîch: Si 4th- Julia Honora W-ry, Frank Shortridge, Oharlie Sbortridge, Jr 4 li-Claude Law', Addie Psaooe; Algennon Vice; Si 3rd- Joh'n Baker. , gePsci o. Ilarold, Williams; Jr "3d-EllaMotma* Avnme Cox, Hearry Tom; 2nd-flldïi Weetke, ir Baker, Katio àMoore; Arthur We Lb ake, Harry Brantoni. Hivghemt 1percentega of marke takon by Ju'ia Honora Werry. Average attend- ance 50. EVEREITTBROWN, teacher. We buy oui Geiita' Furniabinge et F. A Çole's Rampton; ha selle choap an j keeps a clean, nico variety. See hie new styles. ABOUT TWO neonthis ago I wae znearly wild with beadaches. 1 etarted toking Burdock Blood Bitters., t% ok two bottles -ad my heïda&ches have now altoegether disaeppoared. 1 think it ie a grau 1 medi.' cine. EV FNN M ssy aio n, nt At the annuel. Suuday Sebool meeting of Zien ahnrch the foilowiug resolution wes uaanimously cannied: Moved by Mr. A. Washington, eeconded by Mi. Thos. Stainton, that we desino te expics oui aincene appueciatic cf, the earneat and faitbfnl lebeis cf Mr. and Mme. T. C. Ilaugmaid iu the echool for 50 many yeais, of their punctuality-and uatiring efforts in the work of the Master. On al occasions, they weue ameug the meet active workare, Mu. Laugmaid as superin- tendent ana Mis. Langmiaid as e fsithfnl and devotod teachen. W0 hava cause te regret thair romnovel. frein amongat us and feel that thair place wili net be caeily fili. ed. Though we regret thair nemoval nom- aniongest us, yet we wish thern urosptiity in their new home and we assure tbern that their presence will hae welcome in onur shocl when aven tbey ,an coaveniaatly visit us, which we hope m-l ho frequeatly. We pnay thet God'e richest bleoaing înay ettenl tham. Thse concert and social in Zion cbuîch Bionday niegb t week wae a most guatifyiniz successailu8a1 respects, îaflecting greet credit on the choir eud Epworth Leegue under whose auep'es it wari held. The proceede reached aeearly $25. Those who assistod in the music were:- Mrs. J. Lîddy, Mies Bain, Mies Henry, Mie Lendn, Miss L. Landeu, Mise H. Hienry, Miss Iaeatlie, the choir, Mr. Geo. Hcrlîiday, Brooklin; Mr. Fred Hleailie, Enfield; Mr. C. A. Lander. Racheations weîe ,ivea by MiessfM. Thomap, Miss E. Bain, Mies E. Ross, and Mr. W. R1. Courtice. Diub swingîig by Mus. J. Gy. LanigmÀaid. Vhene aIl did se rezmaikably welIl distinc- tion would ha invadions. SReport cf . S. No. 12, Danlington- [itchell'e Cornert: Si. 4, Herbert 5tain- in. Jr. 4,Amelia Noble, srella Mutton, leud Arnift. Sr. 3, E bel Bennatt, A dr- Vaaeübi, A h rt Bennet. J r. 3, ,harlie Stainton, Norman Mutton. Si. Normnan Leach, Nouvel Washington. r. 2, Norman Bennett, B"m le Glaspel, irthur Stainton. Si. 1t. 21, Arthur angmaid, Hauhie Oke. Jr. Pt. 2, Elle chIle, Gentie Langmafd, Wilma Leach, r. Pt. 1, Lileh Steaton, Perey bang naid. Jr. Pt. 1, Roy Aliman, Iîeno Iasjpel. EDITu RiGos, teacher. "S:x days shit thon lekben," says the reat lawgiver. To da go -)d work, men 1 1 1 TYRONg. P-es.F Williams, CanniuRten, and Mr- W- Williams, Acton, visited hEne on their way home frein their brother John's funenal.... Mu. and Mis. Thoindyke, Lindsay, weia recent gueste et Mn. E. Chanaoa. . .. Mr. lac. Mutton fouud $11 etowed ln the Gregory, dwelling re- cently punchaed by hum ... .Power, Danceeter & Co. gave their exhibition cf viawe on Monday evening lesit te a feir sized audience. ..., Mue. J. W. and Nr. Ed. Davey, Whitby, viarted friande haer r0ceLt1Y. Ladies, yen cen buy cett*jns, hirtinge, towel legs, print, etc., et . A. Colo'. as cheap a- rbey are sold in Toronto. 11ev. J. W. Anais, B. A., London,le8 vieiting relatives he...... .Mr. and Mie. J G. Langinaid, Zeon, ware gueste at Middlagrea ou Sundy ... .Conellor ani Mte. Clamens, Tyscue, and Mus. J, S. Rundie, Towa, visited et Mu. L. M. Connîice's. "Alferdiîwortby," lest weak. .... Mi. Sam'l Trick bas mc'vad inte Mr. 1 . M. Courtica'e bi use.... M. and Mi. Rý C. Short sud femuly visited relatives lin Foley ieceniy . .. . Tise Neal Dor celebretios et Mt Carwell division last weak wae wt Il attended. Aftsii the imet. ,%Ration f.officere a vary pleaing pomrama wasnrendered by the inembere and aesketch cf the lIfe cf Neai Dow was givon by M, A. Aunis. . .. Mis FI. Courtice is visit. ln; ber sisterMus. T. Brownu, Cînton. Englieb, S,;otcb, Iîish and Canadian Tweeds, Woistedsc, Seýrges and Spîing Ovt-;coats- a vry nice essontnent et F. A. cola'FHmatn ithiat yen i-,e piepared for the) "wrst, Croup ou choiera, the Pail- Killer le a soveiaign îensedy. 25c. Big Boltle. MOUNT VERNON. Mi. Frnk Orchard is home frein De. troit. ..-. Rev. Go. Gale puee ehre next Sunday ... . Mrs. William Sench le able te ha ont egain.... Rev. D. S. Houck reporte Thunsday sight on the rcona Cnvetion et Londo; ail] ense.... M. Jabez Moore, Tyrone, hte mved into the bouse lately oocupid by Mi. John Orl-sard.. . .Mn. andI Mis. B Milleon pet Snnday wtth frionde et Ebenezen. . ..Ouirvc-ung pople mhould attend the baud e isiceut et Enfield Apnil 20 teoný ciu "the boys. Bfone goiag however, eider yonî new Sping suit frein F. A. Col, tho feebionebie marchant taler and gentleman'. ontfittei, Hampton, thon