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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1894, p. 2

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Bick Headache and relieve ail the troubles i dot to a humuos state of the systemn, such Dizziî iess, Nansea. Drowsiress, fistres i eting, Pain in tha Skie, &c. While theirnl serarkable succesE has been shown in ont fleadacble, yet AÀRTER'5sLiTT,;LE Pl are equally valuiabie ln Constipation, cul and preventing this annoying coîuplaint.w, they aiso correct ahl disorders of the sterne stimulate the liver and regulate the bow Liven if they oly cured [Ache they wold beclm tpice-less to Il Who sufer front this d-.reosing complu but fortunately their goodnesz does flot here, and those who once try them will these little pilis raluable in go snany Wuyi they will not be Nvilling to do without th But after al ide head tg the bane of go many lives that bers Io wl we make our great boast. Our pilleclic while others do not. CAaRTE's LITTLt Liza PILLS are very s andi very easy to taIse. One or two ills 1 it dosa. They are strictly vegetable an( flot griple or purge, but by their gestî a lease ail who use them. In riaIs at 25 c fve for $1. Solfi everywhere, or sent by3 CLBTEZ MEICIS 00., Ilew Yatk. TUE CANADIAN STATES] ESTAIILIfiHED 1854 $1 per annnm lu advance, otharwlse Subscriptions always payable at the ofl publication. Advertisinz rates nIeqs.b tact, 10 centQ; per lina, nonparlea1. ri on, and à cents pýr lino eacb subsequaa seztion. Locals, 10 cents per lhue. M. A. JAMES, PuliE STA1NDARDIL BAI OF CANADA. caital paf G up, i1,080,0O.1-to $59 This Bank is preparod tO doeIL mate Banking in ail its branches Farmer's notes discounted ; Dei received and Interest paid on acci cf $5 and upwards in Savinges Departinent. D RA FTS Tsne'l aud Collections made In1 JUited 03tâteo, aud Canada. W. J. JONJ! ONTARIO BAN' roinues ito do-a Geeri a3rking i Bowsnville >A genoyý. 9DEPOSITS1- 1tec -lved luinin BanIc Departiment ce 1 andi interest allow.,ed at curreut rat no ice of with 'drawai necessary. Al payable on demsnd, EXCIIANGE 13 vb tand eoid and Lrats issusdupon JUited States and Canada,also Gold,Sil Uý,ied Stales Green back@ 'aauQht asud COLLECTIONS Fr n- lly naie aL currens rates upon cf frrFt Britîiain the United Otates loie t.on oflCanada. Telegrapli Transfers Madae for large or emal qua on al Canadi ýThis is esppcially afivai ýgý pïr. ous living lu iVlanilo3,3 or thle Nur it[In-lices the fucnch avaiable ai once place of payaient. Ouher particulars caîl at thc banc. E. L. FOUTtr, GE' 0. McGibU, .ccouîtaut. M 'VETE&(uNARY SURG.901 ORONO, - ONT Offc.-Posgt Office Block. Celis by t elegriýpaor telephone ree die liate attention., j4Mt ~joV~ i. 9 '14T EH Messrs. ilONEX & McMURTI purchased the County of Durbarr best Wire Vence iu this Country stron, easily handled and orna It wiil not be injured by snow; ha or iinds. [t will turu Rorses. $heep, Hovs, Dogs and Pouitry. net work withoutz barbe, and wil] jure stock in any way. It in muel er and more durable than amy bar ing, haing closaly woven. Fance put up and Farm and Te righte for sale, Apply at CENTuE W. P. RIOLI, Clarke P. 0., bought Clarke Towehip, in prepz ut up feflce. F Rthe ro FOwormc cf -fremchsildrenc LOZENCES premt, eliblessO--pd pleasantt, ratx #fter uedirî, i'evcr.fsiIing. LOuave ne eýCts. F i100, ona ;Péri ]Box YOUNG-FOLKS. wae ta hlm, and then asked me to give i same tobacco aud papers, so e oudmk --some igarettes. Wishiug to get rilFlii What Becornes of the Sun? on ,ny terme, 1 gave hitu abouit 1hif a 71 B5v EEWICE B. NEWELL. pound of tohacco, aud o ff ha went1. E very taný "Whera docs the sun go, suamma, I day or two hec woîld corne srouud as3kig prot -l W1sen oe dropi b-bind îthe sea? Ifor sirierent thinigs, luntil finally, ilu self- ltrip WVlat dosa h do ail îLe long, darka night, defence, I bsd ta haont every time he e Whse o ide aayfro m Icalled. Thingeý rau salong this way for quiito pro; l'm varv sure if h'd only stay a while, until oua day 1 missel bis 'naIev An i shina, as ha dues in the day, rsnean a odttho.d'g ,,l PC That r'd nover gai slepy-na, nover! peecadwstl hth a oepc But sould j isi play, and play, aud play. on sabhant, to ha gone somlterima. intr I was sitting on my sreps oue eveiling in vst Doas ha go down, doa n the watei' the latter part of May, looking osier at theý pro, ie To cool hirm, 1 Wonderl 1 ane'saille, wbich wera jstgrowiug green, asud Sva, Held Hfindsi h ratty warîu thasa diva. jusi ,h as omaahsweatmrYs, watching the tepees wbicb were goiig Up if after I' eti i ia ora hrou all des. The Indians were ont gather- pc ig D'm ea ha eera tha dhe oay;ing wild turnipe, and al the womeu and Iî But ho w doos ha know whan-'ils time agaln yonuag girls wera busy digging and dry71Ing weî: Te start on another day them for use lauer on. T saw a whire.topped Wlt wath lm osr, wagon coming around the hill, and a falW avel Dear sua! 1 shalwthia osr moments latar was heard the harsh, dis- proç 'nUi 1 wish 1 cou (d only kaep fin riun Awaka mast ona ig, a"' follow cordant voies of my lîongdst fin retv t apc vhiil Hie g eýit, shins f.aC âdown the deep- Voîce Eagla. Ho hadl core ne ufrom hie n aa5 S? that n! ownmuthofft sleap "r n' buntiug trigand was wltb us once morie. ph c ,wel Tha now1 mut gooff o siepïVisions of bis begginz propensities nit edA n( tbroughmy mind, andi bastily wentthirough"Fiare PRETTY VOICE EAGLE'S GIFT. the bouge, remnoving aIl traces of tobacco, ber Itwas eariy in Marcb, and I had beau in caudlas, coal ail, or anytbing aise that I boss ta the fort onï a litlr visit, and was ou my'might attract bis eagle eye, aud wbic.h ogy laint; raturu, horsa-hack. Tbe waatlser bad beau woold cail forth a request for the saeibtaý Iendi 1finfi warm for ses aral days, snd the snow bail fram hie evr.resdy tangue. 1 hal bardiy this that melted, except in tbe ravines, wbare ih hadl cot througb secreting My tbings, whanu rp ver, them. blocked up slisdly, tealal appoararces ; but, rode two gaod friends fron tbe fort, Lieu' sou under the crust wae watar, mund sd siush tnnsW -sdb-,t pn b e makiur auything but a comfortabie mass te igbt with me. Thair welcoma appearance mol get iuta, with a ntervaus, hîg-struug horse dissipatail, ta a great extant, mîý appreben'- imr sncb as "Bluna." siens about Pretty Voice Eagle,' sud we fidle çrhere I bad iooked forward te the long ride, were soon in tbe midet of gaseip of tbeý rest mer il wth anytbiug but pleasure lu tba first enter world, I haviug seau no One frOom bis smali place; but now tbat spring bad comae, witb! the post sine My visit lu Match. n Malte. its attendant warm wlnds, cailed Iltbe Juet t tbis pint, wbo ebo'd Comale be ncdu mol, dbo adcnarelth .tstalking îrinimphantiv in but Pretty Voice sur acdo chino, ýihhdcnetdtevs cens;' fields of enow sud ice jutoa soggy,trcacher-, Eagle, haariug proudly before hisu twO pet Mail. oas mass, it was wreichad traveling indeail, maLnificent anrelope baris, as a preseut Bal and my spirits were anytlsiug but iiveiy. for bis goodfrieud, Cancaga. Lieut. S-- pas SHaviug gaineil the sumrmit of the firet ridga 1utnpeî up eagerly, sud reiavail him of hie Fre hcs o f ille, I loiked hache toward the fort, burden, amidst generai rejoicing, aud pre- froi the buildings of which relected hache the! senttailur libaral friand witb a cigarette. - first raye of the sun, sud then dawn mb oHaw raady 1 was ta forgive him aHhbis tha vallay of the ice-iockad Missouri, the pasi litthe baggiug expeditians. sud was8 YIAN solid bosom of whsch still rasisteil the ap sorry I spoke, or ever cberiehed secratiy, praach of zpriug, spsrklin g sud glstening bard feelings against' ,, man Nwh1O could ase t gava hache the cold gleamn of the drop iu with same thîrty pounde of cfres1hs li.,ht. antelope meat at the right rime. L5. With oneaiset look at civilization, Blne Andl what s supper wa hadl i The memn- fi~ Ifory will long ramain of that littîs suppa-r ~y~ mcdbsbed u o awats easten iu the wilds af Dakota, witb - in8arù wa miglt,on toward tise vailey of tha Grand sund W--, sud Pretty Voice Eagie sud uI;tla. river, wbich lay aItisae endl ai forty milesi bis sau, who came after us, and laift s of road. Not a bouse was betwean ne snd1 single thing ounitba tabla to tellI-the tale. iSher aur destination, and it was s question if[ Anil wben wa hsd fiually settled for thie -we would moeas living rhîng in ail that i evoîiug sud the tohacco want arauil, bow - distance. As 1 roda up a bill, from the top'lonil we were lu aur praisas of the appre- RK of whch I could see saveral miles aheadi ciatioin of favors, as ehawu by aur friand i oross thba prairie, I naticeit wagon track Prarry Voica Eagha, and Lieut. W- ~ and wbich 1 hai nais seau bafore, Looltîng him a speech ta that affect. But as Pretty csrefulhy alongth trail, which lad off Voica Ragle woulil bave beau justa îuh i~gt-dawn the gully, 1 finslly discovareil a spoti in the dark as ta what it was ail about s. wagon. fiuishad aselha was betore hae began, we pasit3 Glad ai the sight, far ir promisoil 51 omittail the speech ; but Lieut. S-- 2ave ýounts leasis s littie relief tramn the manOtauy Of inlma lot mare cigarettes, anmd ha went Banke the ride, 1 urgai luie on, sud in s short'swsy aI tan awhile witb s ligbt sud blithýe- tîme we had piowed aur way through tha' saine heart sud hesvy stomseh. dritesud caught rip with the wsgon,which1 About four nionthesitar this I dropped appasred ta ha statinnary, as indeoil it1 in at the littia trader's store, not far from A Europesa oul, proved ta ha. Bafora I reachad it, I! the ranch, and found Pretty Vaice Eaý.ha fauud that lb wae my friand, "Prelty Volcetrigter.Iadosaunmfrmo i Eage,"anaai ur ndin piicm.s, w t ima, andl I îhougbt hie graetiug, more ai-lfIl bis fsmily, stuck bard sud fast in the snow. fectinuate than usual, wae not abouey ] gant The poules compasing bis tesUS were utterly necessary, but I st lowu on s trunak in the FO exhausteil sud could pull no more,snd there'corner sud waiscbed bis hargsiuiag with the fi rK they ware. 1 sinrekeaçer. Ha had no mone'y or chleks, Hie wil e sud papoose, together whls br but was avidautly ou s trade , pore sudnca lîssïinaes ixreeu-) ear-aid iiaughtar, "Raýiuhowý, sud simple, aslha wautad ta dispose of tvoutlet unie leaur. ,werebigh andl dry upon a littie memeosfor tbregtd sud 1beade, ssis 1fil kuecil ta h isba rb, with ttse tapeansd jpales wife couimire ibim soma moel(Callsi,. I' sud aIl the rosi of the pluder, wh ch thejýy colilcath m awunae oceilu iieaa tand on bil u nloaded fraiin the wagon, wh de danir but couiLd maltke uorhiug ais of it. At amIL il 9es No bahow "Pratty Vaice Eale" exbarted sud rata thare was a very earnesýt t.slit u"uq struggled witb the punies, wbicb ha bail herwean itba clark anil himleaif, V-71ch fci nal- we fasteneil hy a long ropa ta the endl af the iy enladin luthsa clark asltin g mii- Preitry i ,, wagon tangue, go that they coulil get ai'Voice Eaglhe ivenrgiven me auyia-teioPe- , Europo foting On more salil grounil. But su meat. ea ilveranil spire oi their efforts, the bail af the wagon -1s, said, "lmy goodý friandi Pretty ff slramaîneil immavahia lu the gonow ud slush.1 Voire Eagle bild made my beari giail1, some No sooner did hae sight me than hae drap- tîme before, hy givîsg trie two 0isue- al pat peil the wbip witb wbich ho bail beautrny- iepe bame,anil Iappraciateilit very mc. i sao ille îug to Sîsmulate bis hroken-down tesm, sud Saisie more tallt passeil hetween them, g wehcomad nie Most elusivehy, cailiing Ot, ansd then the clark eaid ta me:b Il low, Kola Cancoga 1" tryiug ta smpress I"Hea wnts you te psy hisu ion it nawVt."' s on me the gravity ai the situation. At I4"Why," I t-sponded, 'I 1thoughtibt par t this point ona ai the meancboly-looltîug wases prescrnt tu mie, for ail I have,- givea iawasr, poules beavailaasigh sud droppail lilte a lag. hlm, sud doua far hum, tau ?" 8 Sai the A waih wenr, up irmn the entire family, sudi But, no, Pratty Voice Eagle bail uo ne- for s wbilhe b air was filleil witb their collection af my osier giviug hmaytii lamentations ; but lil Preîty Vuica Eagle sa I had to a Fy bhumthen sud there fojr 1bis ýnager. wasn't ging ta waste auy -gentiment or ti'e l"gift.' - on suob au affair as that, for cosusng up ta iea ha said ArteEplrtos "lLeI me put yaur barge lu sud we can Aei xlrtos pull the wazon out' Ellesmere Land, thie destînadi cue r For s mnoment 1 hesitated, sud thon vase Mr. R. Stain's projectuil explor-atiotl, ns,4u lest. Taltiug Blue i sniser rip on thiekuail. possible starting point far the 1N:ontb Pola, I touhe ail tbe saddle andi bantk i turr-i-ses part of Canada ahoot wbicb cmhr t ail theïu over tethe carc of the ,vWbotively listle ie ltuawn. Thecutws hasl busheil iheir grief sud aaîi, eugerhy touchail at tesautheru extremity by 1Baffin watcbing this uew phase aifitba marier. in 1616, sud untîl Rose ibeelader recl,'ail a Tiien Pretty Voica Eiglae gava the boise 'ueigbboring pint in lsi8nutising was datte that was iown s resooidiug 'kick, thar for two centuries ru aid ta the ,vur-ld's achoedlamit the abyrinrb of ibs on isba lnowiadga of it. Osborn was lu ouS poor brute as if h bhail ban a dnsan. At erait, the waters ta the south aiistlu ii1 8 ,, aîîy rataeitba borse got rip sud sîaggerail off, sud Hayes and Gailfrey ais Rayes ounil1t 'ý EY Iii a trica Blue adiltaian ia place, sud' the nortb afitlinlu1854. Nares hbail ta wa were about resily ro beglu activa opera- Coast long Grinneil Laud, lte0 t nor th. UY ions. oi it, sud aloug Grant Lanil tili furtbier " Now, Pratty Voice Eagle, yuu wait," i orrh, on bis way ta Paleocrystic acean o rq sahilI,1"unti1 I can get bacle sud taise ou se. ai Allaient Tee. living tho9roulldy the bub ai the wboel. Thayou gîve s expioreil Ellesmere Lind thadr"ie saljve irn yli, anil we wiil try sud stant it." jnarth ofi as far as Cape Coitambi, Mr lie solemnly assaàreil me that ho woulil Steln wiii antertain tise moreamios - do bis part, sud I pioltas my way hacir ta prujeet ai exteuding his stations towarile wbere tIse stalleil wagon ay, up ta the bube ibe Pole, bis hople bing ihat Nares ses aifisba hinil wbaeis, wbare isbay bail broltan may affaril a series ai islats suitabla, for tboubth acel nwui er ethngsobstton.ibr-lin.il, a elugiedo or1 kidiscaTh.next aiternoon Pretty Voice a e e ansd ge, asteamer ta Shanghsai, IlT H'8 came in, aud as soon as ho bail hitched l"insteailof having ta namain thba wintar in hîs hoi bsbrses ha cama ovar ro ses me, leasing Tienisin, or ha carrïail iown by chair uecarhy SAiyS he wifa ta put rip the tepea, builisba ire a thouneanilmiles evarai."Ta"iranoi uiring nu andl do the reet ni the worir l'e came lu, borse"hbebal manyiriumipbs, but few hiave adctrcalinig out, "'Haw i How !" tailing me bowI beaun cri eiarvellous than this.-[VWest- glad bis heart was and wbat a Vw frieciri1 mines tu v>ttt5. DEEP SEA PICTURES. 'biera le great rai oie;iug smong the ama, ir pbonographer.fiauds s e al as lu the fasýsional cirches aifisba ltigbte ai the roiL.sud ions. A tonally uew faieldhs nu open fat thair explorations which ,misas taeha as iun eresting saona as any eroffereilta iodake athiuelaste. Totalte sures uniler the sea istaebisbah fail ta bu ýoduced iluring the comiug séasou,and s st arnouns ai fun is subicipalail by the ospectiva explorare ai the lapiseoaithe If the invention far tsking euhmariua ,ures bacomes as papular s ite inventer s lb is bouni ta hae, soma delightful as l as uset-uh resuits ara sure ta follow. is wbat wa knew ai the aaroaioisba rage amateur pisetagnapher * 'i safa ta eiic that wltblîu a year isban4will not lha ýonil, river or haire in the cauntry thebild d battoni oi wbich will non bava beau otograpbed froni ail possible positions. il as bar as the Atlantic ar Pacifie coass econeedaitrby offer absalutchy inox- ustible fiels lu this direicution. It is ta Dr. L. Bouton, professer lu zool. y at isba Sarbonne Universitsy, France., *t thba world ai sciance le luilabtai ion es hnneresting discovery. Ha mais semae *y successini axpenimontsIst flu ounisba utheru coasr ai France sud bas sgsiu ýn his operations. Durng the wiutar tir the pruiessur liss maie matanial irovemeuts lu bis apparatus sud la cou- sunt oi beinur able teastisin nemarirablo ue sdnmimg isba coruug summer. Tbrough sprocese photognapby eau ha utilizeil st t deptb ai watar, irom s sbaiiaw river Id ta several thoneanil lest below isba -face aifisba ocean. Fan bis present ex. wimauts lu submarine phaîagraphy Prof. uaon lis choson the Maditerranean, op- ite Banyuls-sur-Mer, wbieh is ana ai the sncb zoological stations near isba Spsuish entier. L IStE AT BREAStEA5T-FROM A 1'UoToGISIÂI For tshe banufit ai the army ai nager 6ataurs rsady ta vieil itba nalmns ai tha estive manmaîde, ta bave a chat wutb their id friand McGiuty, the profesern gises miye gaad ailvice. The baginuar should irt ascertsin if buis photographie aulfit les ',,amerprami, sud inuxt accuestaiihiimsaif la s,e iivar'scstsa The novice wauld do ,al] ualtaeventura luto boa deep watar ais ,11-t, but select snime modanatahy deep spot e a a wada in or aut wîltbont aselet- uc.Aibar th firet diffienuryïleconquamaid [ bacamnes asdehigbbfilreemeation. As s maistar ai course, pure etreams with chuan rater ara praferabia bar ishesa initial %xper. usants. The botani ai the Chicago Rivet, rbiia no iloubl aaoning lu wondare ai vary kini, wouId hardly bue a caugenial saeli b!otthe kodah eanthusiass. Tise professon doueaisba naguiar disar's uait sud wcams extra heavy heaien shoas se es ta gel a good boothalil sud staady bis 'ait on the battes ai isba sea.The nelgb- sonhoed et hie hase ai operatione, Banyuls- ur-Men, was inhahitai by isba anciant Romans aofisba imparial ara, sud tisa ruine if isb a sy splendid structures ishat once sîoai an isba shore of isba ses bave uaw founil s place ai neet ai iseba bttoni, wbeme sbay bava remainai hurlidruiler the waters ion parape a tshausanil years an mare. The prfesr wire arnaîningiy ai tabassatias aifithoepi ofdon i iwbich bis suhmarne camera, masealail ta hum. "lonce iairly iowu smong thase picturos- que sunroudinge," sys Professar Bouton, Ilyou are haath ro meturu, Bu mauY strauge objecte antraci your aye. Thera la a beau- tifiully scuiptumeil palaca niche, caverai by bine mud sud praltily colorai ebails, sire a gigantiec uttlafisb fiarcaiy giaring ai me witis bis large eyos. As isba maLynsiuxîi ligbtis imn my camera sîrliras hlm hae quinîs a etreaun of dark liqoil againet me, but I gar a geai pictore ai hlm for ahi that." "'Il wonid ha impossible," continualsisba pro- fessor, Il tedascriheallahi Ie fisb sud othen animale tbst abound nilthe watar sud ply about ina eniaavoring to dacie whatbar I asu a friand on boe. Cnniousiy shapai sud axquisiiively shabai algaea aheni evamy- whera. Heme coince s asupud ioking daminer ishat staras open-monîheil at my camiera ; il in iahioweil hy s veritahie iide lu fishioni rigged ont lu a vary leni sîripeil suit, libraily supplid wiîh long, sharp spires alaven bis ngly body. Hara ara aishens that seani ail heail with a stnrnp ai tiss attachai, sud others looking lire suaires. If 1 don't maire any usovarnent tbey ahl came vamy nean ta me, inspe-cting my bat- tory sud ai-hen appanatus witb aviient curiosity. I go etumbling oser reihbuihling aud organ pipa curais, fi mmiug s marine architecture ai most delicata and artietis design tintai wltb shades in flaring as well as subiluai celors. lu thesa iairy palaces ai carai oe always finis s multitude ai 3mahl rail sud blue huilid $sbas hasing peeulisnhy ehongateil enoute. The pictunes ubtaineil y hyiis precees frani isb bottas uof the sa do net biffer vemy materiaily frein isb orbiuary anal proineai y the instantaneo)uemeibod, ex- capt perbape that the negativasseam ta havi s peculian soit toue, Professer Boutou't plates hava creatai a great sensation in sceetiflo circias, wbere thsay ara maganiled as fanamunnere ai s uaw ara of devalopmeul ai *the deep water rosearches. There is nais s movameuto au tIta etart an expadition simillar ta the ona saut out by isbae British govermmnt an itba Challenger lu 1872. Sueh au expeditun, equippeil wiîh the photographie instruments ai Proeasni Bouîeun's invention sud having ait s dis» posai eluctnie hights sud othar apparatus. wouldudouhteily attain sciaurîficraenliî such as hase navet beau iroameil ai bafara A nunier ai photographie maps af the floar ai the salu colons ana heiîsg prapamas fan publicatien by isba prafesser. Tiss plates, asile tram baiug ilacidaily unique, wîll ha very valuabla te scientiste sund echolars engagedin l studias touchiug theE subjecs. Hea silisas young mvenuofai scianlifie' luru ai mini ta folaow thi: brancis ai enndy, as it ie bath s recrealiax aud a tomalhy naw fieldion discosunles. Pitchecr's castoria, IF Fshe does, see that the a by gmetting aer SUeNLIyGHTtiSOAP, SUNIGHTa sOawa Pith terrors ai wash-day. it PAYS to use this sap. Is UIACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESI4 REFUSINII Tg TAKE ITS FOOD LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED WllY1DON~ TOU TRY I T~i~laccred ouiy at TnomAs IIOLLOWAY'5 ESTABLIaHMIX, Severe Pinànudr2er Cured by"The D.&L.'Menthol Plastlze. My ifeira aflic1d fet r er ihanyr an uie t e h "Ze nl e h, ught h lisit;allr uingma . reeisiheu reief, hetrieda D. & " Menhl lact, d id we @wd owlng te ibis ffre hundreds of these placiers have heen sold by mec here, giving equai satifactio. J. B. SUTHERLANn> Druggist, River John, K.$. Soir! Everywhrýe, ? ,rý b -~ J A SPA POTidUPIbTE. Asile from the scientifie value Ibat t116e Fis - e a perrfîî tsking ai subsuanina picturas may hava,i, satîz up elixir whiehf thare are many oahrba ivautagas ta ha id issaaaiitlicurs aujoyed irons dîffareut sources.is wi U!APlR prove a very vahuablu adjunel mo the ounfit a fan a divan whau ýengagadin luexsmiusng B ON H TIS s wraclt with a viow ai rsising it. Insteail Asfhma, Gatarrh, Lung Troubles, of tha aid wsy ai biindhy gnapiug about . trigte ascemisain tise axtaun sud matura ai I is161, Mrs. Martha Besant discuveradq tryiug tie procasa ai extraeting froruistots sud the ilamaga doue te a suniren vassal, photo- bark ni the"I Tree ut Lufe" on i itish a grspby wiil ha bought imb pla~y. Theanau chairout nurivalleil vitaiizing powerilu, diver am ply taIes hie cam era ow u ta the c Oting Co usîsmtionu end Long tr u l . Manyuffeersgiven rip by physiciar iry boîtoins aithe ses sud, wth the usaeaifItee MesiYsufferenshSd recounýse te tbiss n lrtyr magussium lighI, baltes as many pictures r ow livinsg. I gives pissa nirh bîcodres-aes irorn différenis points ai the vessaiase ho wasted tisanes and is bhrisvedsto iotaosl y please. By 1eriiianeiif cure kuawn for Consomption plass.Bythe aid oi these pistas ail (is'sîpt luit stage), Bronehits,Aths arrangements eau hae maie with utimost Ca' arrhsud ail Long traubles, a-ae ~s sase toacacomplisb the desireil nesuits. pý-p'siaConstipatian, tiser Cor pl'aints an,1-d Praf Bouton sy ehatsoli thra hea ~FsaeWeaness. Fuli atciir rc disposition ta dispensa with the camera s c a i. leici î tnotutsic h lîsh great desi ci pleastîre mas eho bai y talc. n jiailiseîi' ing down an lactnie lsmp only, sud lu this wsyseee whab may ha faunil on the bottonimo.prtv oskeig Thiss uni ai saareh ight coulha usai ýo03rtv H--skeig lu buntiug for smailer articeles lut e Weaal agrea that arounîl the home cen- watem, Sanie anterprieiu.g Iralians ara tre tIse greataît hiassings ai hite, that a bappy slreaiy ralltsug ai introiucing this methoil home is ahsoiuteiy assentEIate a happy 111e. lu their caral fisheries, where it weuud Causequenthy auy schema ai living ishat cave fuliy bahf the tisa uow speut lu bring tends te increase the happinase ai borna lue, ing this proiluct ta the snrface. Divers sud to lessan ur do away wiib those mnulti- fiehing ior peani mussais sud spunges eau ierma vexations anil worriee wbi 'ch, luIse also profil by using isbae eectrie iamp toa su swarmc ai pesîlential suosquitss. oteni thani lu thaîr saarch. The submarne iradair renier s boma e smsarable thar dseinhbh wilhl eha hiildwlth deigbt hy ail f un-ios'ing itants ara glail ta escape irrs i, musb ha people ishat iraquant isba varians water- of gresi banefit ta the race et large. Wom- iug places aiong tise Atlantic sud Ps- an, perlis, areaspirte xaggersta wbat are ciflo coaste. Thinir wbat s jùllhy ime ltnuwn ase the Ilam-stic warriee, but mon, ana ceuhil bave hy issiing as.watam.- au the othuar baud, ara givan ta undervalue fprooi kodak sioag wheu gaoing lu swimming tham. The man's business cames luons up If you feel so Inclinai yau dive ta the bot hafore hlm, sud euîireiy avershaiow by tom, slect a nîca soit spot soi taire pie- tiseir apparent grestuase hie wiae's trembles trms ai ahI yaum iricuis sw mining aboya osier servants and i sndrel domestie i1. you ta yaur heasr's contant. A collection Fora long rime the insaîners bave beau ai sncb negatives would bha sure 10 creato a dreaiug about the heauty ani benefits of rremenipns sensation, sud iyoti are ai a co-operation. The ireani must coma bera itbrifty tÛsmu ai mini yen might tair a s eat tisba basd lu attempting ta carry anut l ittla suni by disposiug ai thesa unique me- tha dreas Iheme muas ha many tailurse, 8mautoeasaiflise deep for a consiamratiati. but co-operation wsil onhilese yet solva fShoulh saa serpent chansce ta ha about mauy vexai probienis. lu the pmolam i sud wish ta bava bis pictuma taken you dornastic ecanomy isba vaine ofico-openabion migbt accommolatebins sud hy sbowingbls ile gtting a practicai axosupificatton lisbah Ilphiz" cens Inca youm friands aifisba exist- hasuriful suburh ai Boston calai Brooklue. o nce aifisba mysiseinus creature, Harea sweaaihy and anergetie citizen of s Proiessor Bomton's iiscosary wilh, fno Boston, Mm. Eugena 11. Knapp, bas organ- -dauht, hacoma sony popuiam -as soan as wa izeil sud le camryrn, out asesbome wf co- igais a iaw more particulare of bis improi'ed opemative house-lteapiug wbich, as il hasi t sppanarns. Ha dlaims that isba cost for provai a pacticai ucease, le waii wonr it maltiug tise suhmarina phetogrephe us net the attention ai the world aI larve. 1 aiy umore than fer the ordinary eues, sud About s dozen years aga Mn. Kuapp talse insiste that as soon as s persan lha- purchasdailaiarge tract ai landi luBrook. Scomea s tIle secustomil ta baing un dam lina, andilha bas erectai iroinitime ta lima n the water sud maving about ha will praien s number ai raws ai bouses ai hsndsomie i ihis mode ai amusement sudresachciluappesranceansoisoily huilt. ,Those lu the praemence ta any othan. sne row esemble each othen autwari,ýj5 e ~but t nisbesoainea wo le siltu; eçac r___________bouse le iistinct sud individual lu thie ne- The Intelligence of Birds. speet, ca that each bauseholdar eau teai 1 thar hae lse a hanse whieb is nat ilupicateil. s Bur-nis le intilligaut," Mme. Branuigan The collecision af bouses le Isnown as the obahervail as she encountarai baer friand Mme "lBeaconsfiehl Tamacs." Eacb bouse bas e OFiabar y- IlYa eau tacha 'arn annythiug, itse wn litthe yard, but hache ai thasa le a cl Me sie ase wan bas lives in a cloche, an' park ai about six acres of land,'beasutif uily e phin it's tomme 10 raIl tu' touil icames laid ont witb wsiks, shada-trea., driva. ant a' saye ' cuckao' as mnauy roues as5 th' ways, tennis -courts, chi]iman'e play greund, d taime 1." etc. This park helougs ta the tenanbe sud 5e IlDhot's woudembui 1,, sai Mme.- O'Fha- ownors lu cemmon for fifteen yaars ; at the &barty. - expiration ai Ibis lima tise tenants wiil hae s Illu idada," sail 'Is. Branrugan. able ta obtain posceasion of the grouinis fer n IlAu' the wandhariul Ps ýOs it all ie, lt'O I thenisaives andl uhair hies iorevigr.-[H. C, only s woodan hum-rd at dtibot " W-1'ah, is Lippincott's. R:i-" Ký ,ý ýt ý, -AHMe, %_ LLblà Lao KMM 1 ,%UR ii 1 -

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