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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1894, p. 3

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Who forierly ro 3iddni Conne-tieut, but wolu 10 ie i nronllu, wrtes: '-FCr 20 y aie past, rny wile aud 1ihave used îye,1s Ilair tigor, and wo atirîbute ta ilt te darit hair which sele anid 1 row have, while hon-. noces, ten or a dozen years younhger than wc are ci ir gray- heaeied, white, or bald. W~lien ,eîked low our hair lias rctained its color and ~'~ fuilness, wo reply, Dy --the ose of Ayer". Lair Vigor-noth'ng else. I~I lt3, y affianced ~.. i~~V'was nearly bald, aind .~,. -t- ept faeu- f'~ , .~,.- ~ i~' mg Ont t e v e r y hertousa Ayer's flair Vgr and very soon, tnoct only checked any forther loss of hair, but' produced an entîrely rew gî owth, whieh lias remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. 1 can reeonmmend Ibis preparation to ail in 12eed of a genuîne liair-restorer. IL le ail tîat t le elaimed ta be. " Autoia Âlarrun, ]Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S ISTH E ETEM YFO ONTARIO LADIES' 0C0LIEC0E, WIEIITBY, ONT. Strictly first-.ciass in ail its appolntmenta andi educational advantizags. Provimion made for iiil the teaoh ers. cortidcates and i Un. lversit? classes tierougie thenfreshinan. sotho- ý ore.and part of juiior Yearî of T.-ato niversity. The literary staff compris-te the larsý.' number of University eoecialileteof a"y - die' Colinge in Cinada The n 'netlcs, fine a-telacution and commercial depattnins are equaliy well snstained by then most gîfted prfess-rs. Physiai cuture le tauigiet y a speaitfrom Hostau. A new gymnus.ium *nd ah kindsof out-door amusements, Pupils have then opniorttnntty of hoarin, then groat artiste that vi-jet Toronto. 32-lyr Apply for information La PItINCIPAL RARE, l'J.D P;irng ith weakness and emaciation, who give littie inourishment to babies, should Laka the Cream of Cod-liver 011 and hypophosphites, It will give them strengtb. and make their babies fat, Physicians, the world over, endorse it, Don't bo decelved by Substitutes! t"ICKLYYIELD TO1 -ARES SA LE 1 N CA NADA.A Weaksns Nêrva cvili fi uni e sly errons or latin excessns, tien treults cf cverwork, sicneswoîry, etc. "~ ~' Foulstreegtis, Snvelop. j ment and toue given La every orgen and portion of Lien body. SirnplP natumal nathodi. lui medtate itprevememît se.Fsinrc impossi- ~ ~ île. 2,0O O eferences. î, -" Book, exfflanation anS ""proofs asailecd (sealed) frec. PIRACTICAL FAIRMJNG. Planting the Tree. What do we p'ant wlîen we Dlant the trae 1 We plant thenship whtch will crase the sea, Wo plant thse msst t carry the sils We plant the lank ta wthsan tthe gales- The keel, the keelson. and bearns and knee; We plant the ship when we plant thse tree. _What do we plant when we plant then troc? WC plant the home for yon and me. We plant the ratter., tho shingles, tien floors. WCe plant the studdin-, the laths, then door, Tebas and sidings. ail parts that bce; W6 plant the haine when wn plant the troe. To Heep Gooci 1-elp. Steady empînyment thraughout the year je what ie needed ta procure a trustworthy claes of men ta, work on then farm. It je the fact that the farm only allers work for a ew mouths, and those wben least Le re quired for subeistance, and this drives the energetic and gooci hand ta seek employ- ment in the cities, where work will be continnus the year round. In then old days there wae more mnufacturing an the farm than is now poseible. There are nu more farmere wha tan hides and malte the leather into boots and ehoe and harnese. Ail these are put an then market seo mucie cheaper and with so a ch better polieh by the wholesale manufactureraethat itje quite impossible for then home manufacturer, working on so smaîl a scale, te uompele. Tiiere are still shoe repairere who are able ta earn a living in cities, but they are often not an well paiS as workers in large shape, and their number tends ta decrease rather than increaee. We hsveknown safinefarmers ta grow broum corn extensively anS manu- facture at Ieet a portion of their crop juta brooma. Thje labor je fnot Sîfficuit to learo, anS n tfris way, in certain nejghborhoods, employment is given tolarge nuînbers of men, but then wages are flot anS cannet be vnry high. There 15 too ranch competition ta allaw btie manufacture of brome ta be car- rieS on Suring then winter, even on the farna, if high wagee are paid ; but if ore or two farmers in a neigieborhood ehould grow broom coon and manufacture and seli the producte during the winter near home, they might be able ta get samething better than wbolesale prices, andse5- keep the men et work the wbole ynar. This je a suggestion wcrth cansidering, Sjfficult as it je becora- ing ta procure anS keep good fartau belp. A Model Dairy Barn. The proper care of a wiuter dairy iuvoivee a great deal of labor, anS it je diffleult and expeusive ta se rearrange old barns that bth labon and produce e t c t C C t C Fia. 1G<R01JND P LAN 'F airntY 1BARN. may be used ta the beat advautage. Wheu there are sncb buildings on the farn they may be fitted for borins and Young stock. The plane shown in the illustration are for a building for Sairy cows onîy. Fig. i shows the grenuS plan of thenstable with partitions beýtNw1een the cows,going back hall waýy from ù the manger tô then drap, and FIG. 2. CROSS SECTION. partitions bntween thee cowe' head s. Thene ie alsu a stairway leaSing froua the stable ta tien fons aboie. Fiz, 2. gîves e section ai tien barn euS its approachos, sieowing thee rnanner o! -coustructing tien rme. Fig. 3 shows the extemior o! the building. Tien freine is tiirty-six by sixty-eight feet,'witie twenty-twa foo. peste aliove tbe stable, wiebbas accomnmodations or' iarty caws, givîug a widti o! tiee and ono-!ourthî foot ta nacie caw, and leaviug a Feseago way semose tien conten. This barn l is uît on sloping graund, making t easy to gain aocces ta tihemr.four, wbich Le. fooi'teen fi-et wide anu SL placeS igiet feetabove tien stable. Tien epaco betweennibis floot anS the stalil useS as a granary audespecialîv as e star age place fer bran anS other fon,-f wieicie may Il purcliised cieap lu tien suni- FIG. 3. PERSPECTIVE VIEW aOp MODEL fiAI BARN. moi' euS stoi'ed for i'itnr unen. The bine arn filleS tiemougie trop Soore in the haru foor aliove, wieicie saves a great dealai labor in ianSliug. The grain je passeS ta tien stable by wooden ebutes wicia eliver iL frite a box on wbnels in ecie feedinz alley. As the top o!fe aS adof bey iLe twouty lent abovo the bottent of the maws,i Lien nnloading Le mosly pitciîg Sowu,, whicli makes anather groat'saving o! labori in a husy ime af yer. The hîay je aiea delivered te tien stables by bey sieutom i in escie corner o! Lien baye. Tien cawsi stand lu twe raws, witie tieim b'eade owardj the onteide ai tbe harn, nacie feediug aliey being sigitfent w ide. Tien standing floor fori the cows je five leentfromnt te stanebion ta tLeîi di-op, ieeving a pitcie af two inciene in thee distance. Running lengthwise af tien stable are two long silîs, a, wbicbh are well sup- porteS ike tien outside sis. On these ros, peste, in the fine o! stancione, supportiuý, stringere ebove, whicie sustain tien weiciet1 ai the bey. To avaiS bnving puits in tmiel conter, wiicb are a great inicuns es coco it n stable, tien fonrs a!tien secondS sîcry arc suppor-ted n the fallowing manner ; In the cenier is another stringt-r, b, utie - ciêen isg. E-vnry third s1ioneper is six g by nigiet inclies, anS ovni'tie stanchion et nacie aLde ieme isa a.notce, c, ln terupper surface wieicie meceives a cras pece af iran twa incies wide anS eue-bal! incie tbick. Tierouge holes in ti, Iran roSa fitteS wite noits and :thread go Sown nacu sie o! tie sieepei', anS peseing undi' tie stringer, as _ie.-wu iu Fig. 2, enstain tie floar very muce as a suspension bridge is supporteS. As tie sînepers ai thiefinor are uat natched into tie upper silla anS tie tringers meutioned, but et on top af tien, tie timbere retain teir full etrenctb. Tie draps, S, are Lweive inches deep anS nig tteen juches widn, leaviug e passage- wsysenven feet widn between them. in wieich ta drive e carL an wagon ta convey the manume ta tie fielS, or a manure siedS rmote iran tie haro, as may ho Sesimed. This method o! cleaning tie stable je by fa~r tie beet yet devieS, giving tie niait perfect mesuite wîte tie iast labar. The Septe o!tie drap, twelve juches frani the caw faonr, is found ta bc hetten then a sBellower ane, as it prevents tie cowe frani coutinuelly sep- ping juta tie drap sud ont egain, tiens tracking filte ta tie faon, wbicb Ln ur adieres ta tie bageaof tie cows wbou tiey lie Sowu. But the Sriveway betweeu le made six inches lownr than tie cow fluor, tiens meking iteasy te o aStie maure on tie wagon. 'iu tieconstruction a! tie fluor ai tij first etary. slenpei's covered witb pianke in tie aid way are nat useS. Sncb floarneot oniy ca.ver dons at rits, anS drain eway Isundrede a! dollar' ~wortb af liquid manure in tie courseofaiyere, but, wbat is o! vastly more impartance, by tbis very leakago inoatieseau unden tienbaen an uusanitary condition is created wijch endangers tie beaitie o! tiehe-S, as aiea that ai the fermer anS bis famiy. Tie spece botwnen thiee jle duoSin witie stane. On this je epreai s goad layer af cornent. !amming a sol id foundatian an which to iay tie fluai' a!one anS ono-faurte inche plank. Tie drapsaare aiea maSeofaicernent, tie aides being o! atone laid lu cornnteud well plastered up wit tie bamre. At tie edge afi tie caw fluai' a two by f oui' inche ecant- liug li iheSSeS in tie cernent, anS ta this je nailed tie fluor planke. Thie method o! rnaking a faonr for tiee firet stary ofaiar je ciensper tiesu wood, anS le not only rat proof but abeoiutely wator proof, eaving overy panticle o! manure anS shutting ont that unwbolnsome sud Sisagronabieseoll that unine-soaked narti jesure ta mmpamt ta a stable. Tiet n are ten windows, c, ou tienaiSe op- posite tie wail as showe in tie grounid plan. Tie stable je venjiated by moeans of air ebaf te leaSing ta the cuoasiu tie roof, wbice are sa adjusted tieeîitiey may lie pemtially clased iu extreme weatieer. As eueie h io the second etary reste on a bank wall but litile bracing le uneded in the stable, anS tt ij put wbere it wLi least interfeme wit tie work. Iu tie second etary tie aracos are maSeofo one euS one- fourte by six incie epruce. ¶'wo ai these limaces crase one another aon acie side af the bent, as sbown in Fig. 2, anS are balteS ta the parts, thuis givina greet errengte anS etaieility ta tie framo, nSet tie saine tuie eving tie baye open !rom tiefloor ta tie onde a! tie barn. Tieiy bayahlS nlghty toue o! hay or othen fadider. lu tie wiuter tie corn etaîke are cnt an tie upper floor by horse power, enS are pased dowu ta the ieoding floars tierougie siutos. Thie dsiry hern bas tie follawinic aS- vantages :i. Economy Lainconstruction;ý ,as iL cantains e rxe-entering englos, nS tie roof je witbonut hiva or valleye, tiens furnishing tie maximum a!ofmoan et tien minimumn ai expouso. 2. Econoniy aofelior; ns evnry part ai tièe wanik froni tie fret etoage ai the grain sud LaSSler ta iLs finail exil as milk anS manure, le arrangeSl with epecial meferenc ta canveniencoeuSndlabar eaviug. 3. Ecouomy af manure. Hersa mnîsume anS other nèsarbente may lin useS in tie drape ns e malter o! convenience, but wiîie tiefauon maSe as descrjbed nat a par- Lidlo aimanume cae o ut. AS Lotieis, thet iLs sanitanycondition for bath man anS benet are perfect,anSit je emodel Seiry bhrn. Clean the Cistern. Cisterne ebould bc cleaned out et leas, once a yean, anS twice woulil he bnttei Meuy, hawevem, do not dean thern snti the waen becomes taLuteS, anS even sîsnill. bai, anS thie usualiy happons in miSsuni- mer wien tiene is littîn i'eiufall., The Khyber Pass. Then Khyhnr paie is ne longer a hindrance to mavement. Thanke iýo tien Britishienu- ginoore, wieoee rond je excellent, haviug fia grade steeper then 1 in 50, a laSy'e braug- hans cen drive ironi Peshawar ta Landi Khasa. In the military souso tien pase je Siffienit. The gare et Ahli Maîjid anuStien dodule beyond couid ibn belS for a long ime iey a smaii force aginit au army. Sur Sami Bnown, in 1878, faimLu bn is front attsck, sud tien tnmning movemEnt whicie causeS thse Afghane ta retire would uaL bave suc- ceedo<l againet a vigilant deiender. Tiee is a treck ever tien bille ta the nantie, sanie. imes celleS tien Tartare pase, but it would not serve for e large force, anSdiould easily bce defended. To tien toutie o! the pais the paralîni Bazear 'Valley offens au alternative route, but it je accessible fran tien Jeliela. baS basin aniy ieycrossLniz e bigieid ge, anS ongiet fot ta be eveilaie ageinet e wide- awake apponut. A vîgorous defence, witie tien tnibes in ils favour, would claie Lien Khyber range aginît any ndvance jr, eitbor direction. Froua Poshawar tojohlalabad je eighty miles, anS ironi Jellalabad to Kabul another niueîy miles. Every mile Liet tien railwey could ho cernieS beond Peshawar wo uld bring India in every seuse noarer ta Kabul. cerrneS 170 milens hy caeeh anS moins, wouid ho indlefiniteiy ninitiplied wbon Sîawn tien gatewayi. Ail tien work le af stone. In other localitieail but tien qases af sncb towere je o! brick. A hîigli weli encloses ail tien temple buildings anS courts, tien gates undier tien towers effording outrance., Tien oxteniors are deeply scoreS aua honey- combeS by tien forions nain sud winS expen- inucedi imes, About the wallî euS ou Lien nichesanuS comnices of!thLinmnuy stamnys o! the tawnro monkeys abound, anS contribute ta pictur., esquenes o! tien scone. The granite cor- ridors witiein are sanie 100 foot in lengie, witie Iniplo nowe of massLve piliers 30 lent in heikbt, in tien front lino ai which a huge liou sormounts tien three distinct capitale tienen open juta gallenLe.- as iciein Seil as themeelves, and sev,.el su imr.nensity o! labour that, combj'x5ý witie a mystery and wjîb the varieS .avices anS modes oa ihet- iog,produce Peecnt wbich Le not surpaseed, if equalled, by euy other temple in India. Tien wiitewash whicie now covers tien whole o! then interior bas partly Sesitrayed tien original eberpuese ai Setail ;anS tien profound religious feeling wieicieseetupeüd- oan su iapplyconceived n masterpiece oai Hindlu architecture would uetunauiy arouse !oesn in a measoîn is forceu ien'presen. uf tien obecene Sanies wieich disfgtote e'ings., Themine rien mns senutLugea.taS ve' tage abon' mi 'day, uhen ties ligietesu hbqis e r tnnctand. he t<i-n4,,i..<V fNEWS NUGGETS. fA Frenche savant declares that fishes can talk. Emnporor William bas al bis plain clotei made in Lundon. Jacksonville bas twa ieqtels, which, ta. gether, cost cver $5,000,000. The total incarne o! tie churcli of Eug- land îe about $1,000,000 a week. i:A cientific observer says that it is ual iprobable that Mashonaleud was the Ophir ai the Bible, since tie quantity of goId then used was so enormous that ne iold world country excnpt South Afi-ica wes clapable af suppiying the Semand. A lunar reinbow was seen recently et Dunrbani,N. (I. While a slight shower was :alling tie moon shone brightly in the east ýad, outliued againet a dark western clanS, was ecen a silvery bow, very brigiet and clear, for some minutes. Lt,2raduaiiy fadod wifth te Sisappeerance o! te clouS. -Exhaustive experiments in the cultiva. tiýon af tee are acon to be made lu Ressia. The czar is'personally intereeted in the plan, and experts are anranging the cultivation of the plant in the western limite af the Caucasus, wieere the temperature is muce zbe saine ae that in whjch the plant grows in China. It is eaid that a red parasol destroye in a great measure tbe actjnîc power of tie sun and muet thevefare keep the skin froni freekîces Photographers long ago avajled themselves of thîs peculiarity ai Iight trans. mitted throngb a red medium, and it seems reaponable ta' suppose tha-t a ed eaaei mnight proteot the complexion. The oldeet pince ai wrought iran in ex- istýence je bnlieved ta be a roughly fasbioîî. ed sickie blaSe bound by Belzoni in Karnac, near Lhebes. It wae îmhedded in the mortar under the base of a Sphinx, anS an that account is kuown as the Il Sickle ai the Sphinx." It is now jn the British Museum, and le belinved ta be neariy 4,000 years old. Thero je a new game whioh sieould finS favan wîth bostesses. Ail the young lady participants jn iL praduce photographe ai tlhemeelves when babine, or, at any rate, ai very tender age. These are arrenged for insjpection, and the young mon are usbered in one by one ta gonse wie are the origin- ale. Tie one eneceseful in guessing the most wîus the game anS receives tie prize. If tiere wsno Suet baze above us the sky would ho black. That je, we would ho looking juta the blackness of a limitînes epace. Wien in fine, clear weather we ba ve a deep, rich bine above us it ie causnd by a baze, The particles in the baze ai tbe beevene correspond with those o! the tube in te koniscope, and the bine calari' j causpeS by tie light sbining tieroueh a Septb af fine baze. Tj'le results o! a test mameienl Englaud sbhow that tbe eteani produciug power o! to3wu anS eity refuse is une-thîrd that o! ordinary coal. With specially buit Ses- tructars ail cies could mealize fi'om their refuse a large amaunt of power fui' electrie Iigieting or other purposes. It je estimated that the Ssiiy refuse of tie Iown af Leeds, England, wonid give ste-gît power equel ta ovni' 1,500 horse-power foi' tie ntre twenýÉty-four houre, The United States gaverniment owne a greet rnany miles o! 'lungebore teiegrapb hunes, canuectiug ligiethouses, iife.saviug statianeýi anS ather gavoînmniet propnrty on ',be cae1't. It je usually easy ta recognize thesie goverument hues by their iow poins, ai rah r mail iron piping. These pales aLre pýlantedi deep ju the sandy beach, and, bin"g ai ema imeter, tieey preseut littîn bah!. , ta he ena wide and tiens are seidoni blown qdown. Competit authorities estimate that net less tn400,000,000 ai burnan murnmîne wvere imade in Egypt irom tie Lime of tie begiinîg ai tie art af nînbaling unil its dliecontinuance in tie eent century. Herodotue and Diodarue bath agren in the s tatement that tiere were tieren grades in tien embalming pracees, tie firet costine net lois then a sum equai ta $1,225, tie second about oneflite tiet amount, anS tie tîird cheaper than common nartehonnia. Tie number af reindeer owned by a Lap- lander jii Swednn varies ta a consîderabie degren. Tie poor may bave frani 50 ta 120' neindeer, those better off from 300 ta 700, anS tie ricb Leplanders wjli keep 1,00(j anS evon 5,000 reindeer. There is som- Siff'icnlty in coliecting etatistice on tie number ai meindeer, as the Laplanîlere an, sometimne unwîliing or unabln ta give eny corret staternent. Accordîng ta tie lasut steLtistice tie n umber ai reindeer in Sweden would amaunt ta 196,22), of whice 52,550 ,vere Lu the Province o! Jnmlaîîd, 40,510l)in tie province o! Vesterbotten, anS 103,170 un tien aProvince af Norbotten. Tien United States goverrnment is seniin by precepi. and exemple ta induce towns witie naines nnding in the formeaieerg. boog, bon,3 anS burg ta adapt this lasi foin,. Bang is tien usuel pranunematin in tien UnJ!ited States' ai tie iorm hurge, andi mjou Amnenieas s efue ta sunS tienfinal "bý" even af Edinhurge. These several euffixes, anS, aswell, bory, brougeanS bar- row,mae relateS ta tie nglo-Saxan vomie beorgan anS tie G.sirau bergen, ta hide on taq shelter. The sevenel Fsuffixes are alao r elated tte severai Anglo-Saxon forme mean- ing an eerth-work, and frani thie cama taci ap)plication o! encie suffixes ta indicate ea fortifieS town. The Era of' Appndicitis.- ta caîl it malaria ar nervous prostration on la- gr ippe3 twa or tieren yeare ega when any- body baS i aytiing. The mun whîch an- pni itisL bving juet now may be ap- athýer Lndicaîiou that îî is tie sanie gonni-al omintthat changes ites namo every two untinn yearesund that tie way ta keep w-eil je ta breate frese air, not the-ar. bomaî !baS ven-ltiletien, for alten ail, hat is- Dastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcherls prescription for Infante' and Oblîdren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotie substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years9 use byý Millions ofillothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness,. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Card9 eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. CastoGria àre1lveij teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulecy. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stousach and bowcls, giving hcalthy and natural sleep. Case toria is the Childreu's Panacea-the Motherls Frlende Castoria. 1Castor a lenu excellent mnedicine foar chil- &men. htothers huýre nnctcdly told me of iLs good nffnct upan timchildren." DRa. G. C. OeeOOn, Lownll, Maie. eCastoria le the lest rmnmedy for chiidi'en e! ýwiidli1aisacquainted. I hope the day le net fan distant wiecuiuotiene ullconsider tie mal Intercit of thei' ciildren, and usa Castoria lu- stead of the varions qnack noetiumswhice une destroying tieir laveSane, by forcing opiuin, morphine, sootilg syrup anS ather hurtful agente dawu their tieroate, thnroby Sensing thnm La prematuro graves." De. J. F. MKCEZOcnm, Conway, Ar7 Castoria, "Onetoria is son-cIl adapted to chuidren tha 1 ecummend t eas supenior taany prescription kuown ta nme.,, 1it1Lia. Oxford St., Birooklyn, N. Y. "Our. physiciaus iu tie ciildren'e depemi- mont have epoiken highly of thel" expor!. ence la their auteldo practice with Caetonie, anS nltisougi e ieonly have nntnngounr inuSical supplies what is knawn ns regniar proSdce, yct we are free ta counes that tien merlts cf Castarla lies wau nus ta look wlth favar sipon it." UNIEa HOSPITAL AND D )SsnNSeAav, Boston, Maso, ALL=IS0. Sm=r, Pres., The Cexataur Company, 77 Xmuray sf-oet, Ne-w York city, FOR SALE BY J. HIGGI&BOTRAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE Wi1 be pleased oace in Quantity, twice inu Q>uaiity, and three tîimes lu Frice Who ingpect the uL*equailed assortinent of 'liIes ubr,îrns ai e s, At our store, sur~BEAVER BLOCri,m Bowmauille BIGG-EST STORE, BIOQESI VARJETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to call and see our new rootwear 1 D ) T1S TUE 5110E MAN EastEn FailDepo The undersigyned desire to thatik the farmers of West Durhamn for the liberal patronagre extendod to us durincr the past season, aiso to remind them that we are stili. in the market and prepared to pay the HIGTIEST MARKET PRICE FOR LL KI NoS 0-F dielivered at oiir storehouse cor, King and George streetss4., or at Porb Darlingion. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Live~rpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Ro~k Soat For c1.ý and hoî ses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli a ~ 0AS11.. Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENEI) COALi a' ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee, satisfaction, How Horse Power 1s Calculated. Herse pownr measumos tien ate et whicie work le doue. One horse power Le reckened as equivalent ta raising 33.000 poonde one foot bigie per miîîuînor 550 pounde a secnnd. In rnnasuring tien work af a borpe tien esti- mates ai the inuit celebreteçl nugineoeSiffer wîdely &oui acie atuer. Boulton anS Watt, basing tenir caicîiiamio's upun tien work ai Lýondon Srey hanses working nigiet booms a day, oti mateS il et 33,000 foot poonde per minute. D'Aubisson, takingLienwark doue I by hanses in whims et Fresbung, e-tcimated tien wonk ai 16,440 foot pounde working eight heurs s day. Unden similar eîrcmn- stances Des'îgulier's estimate wase 44,00)0, Srneatou'e 22,000 anS Tredgoldse 27,500 foot paunde. Horen pweris celleS niomiuai,indi-I caLeS or actuel. ýNominal is oseS by menu-i facturere af eteani engines te express the capacity o! an engino, tien element being confineS ta tien dimensions ai the sînam cylinder anS a conventional pressure o! steari and speed af piston. TuS icated shows the fuil cepecily ai tien oyliîder in operation wiîieout deduction for friction, anS aitnal marks iLs power as Seveloped in operatian involviug elemeuts o! mean pressure upon tien piston, itevelocity anS a juet deductian edSerseepower. Thegener1aI rule ioncal- cuhlating tien hanse power of e steamn cgins is tc, multiply togotiei'tiepressure in p9unde an a square inch o! ten pListne, tien arna o! the piston mu inches,tie lengtie of the stroke in foot anS tie n nonen ai sîrakes per minute. The reîlt divided by 33,C00 wili givo thiernsepower. j She Promptly Drew the Linge. AlfreS baS bopes, but Ciesmie had tien girl. This o! course wes nnknawu to Alfred or lie wouid neven bave proposeS to lier. Natureily tien girl saiS "N," bpecause iL was not tie sommt'r-ti.menduSwo uengage- nionte et once avouid bave been baS feai, anS furthenmore sien wes net iweet on Alfred a ittîn bit, So sien responded "a< and was about ta eay sumetiig else wlînn Alfred heid np bis handsappealinzly. ' 1 beg of you," bi- peded, "net yen willbn a siîtei' taonie." Sie drew hennI!f up beugietily. "I baS not întendedSeing SO," sie sStI coldiy. I"Charlin îe uaL very particular as Lu wieaî kind e! brotienrs.in-law holin is, but we have ta 5maw tee lineornewee." 'If we UULLeb.au n l a e !truc- t dea rdber. Tt he i e orignlestheaiWti ehcui- hi vac-ant. FRIS: sîrîitîl Ai Peeffolâ M V 1 if we are true to her. The original estimate of Watt is etill Go.-j Ing.

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