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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1894, p. 6

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grv an-c g',g -t '- - BREAKFAST-SUPPE. "Ye.thoi-ongh inwldsof hsnature iesw .h geveru hse perationq 'Ietsc anti nutrition, sud by e cerefuil aisphteaition et11.1 Vht inpopni -&ell-soleoted oncea. Mr. Euis bs aoviist er braktaist t ables witb a delicaîiaiy flavoreti bavera whiehî Mayssve ss inusheavytdotor' buils. it ts b& hs JtldicGus use OP sncb articles et diet -et a costittion May' be gredually hulît uneuntîl treng eueugh te reslst avers' tendurnes'te tusses. 1Handratis cf aubtis Maladies ara floati ig enound nus reetis' t atta'ck wherever there leas weals point. Wa mv eseape mins' S a leashaft hy kespiniz carseive3 walfortifiai with wlire hloiccaï encans' ynourisheti frin ' Civil Services Ga.,eff." VUtii simflîv with boum n water or mihiC sl fils pacisats. hy rocers. lahelild Vbus V, e -t ' O.. lotnssatetluC isa ado, t ni. Engianil, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1894 FMBER OF COLLErn? 0OF Pq-1Y;T01AN -rlin Sulr&eon ,Ontario, coroner, etc. D BURKE gimpsom, B PR1ST}'R SOLICITOTI, tjM0ý 1 O0K. up2tairs, Kuz Street. Bownan- vWle. Polioltor for the Otari Bank k atc1 ale nevs loand ai the lowa3t rats.3 BOUT. YOUN~G, V. S. (~FFICE IN THE WEST DUTRAM SNews Block. sihere hiumself or assistant re ud fr(-m 8a.m. to 9 .m. Night calls .a i îîh nce.dîrectlyopposite Drill Shed. Caille l tu i vîph or telephone wiil receive orempt stIcut on t71-yr A. A. PUN117, AROHIITEOT. Plans and Specifica- ions prepared for every clasq o? huildiug. Fhi îal atention gvan û theating by 8teami ï,i d bot water and 10 sanitary arrangements. (ifh'e: Gorrna Block, Whitby 43-ly R.PEATELrl, Tailor Gentlemen's Olothes Made toi Order. -1M.311MA COM[BE DE"NT IýT. OFFICE :-R1ear Of Messrs. lligginbotham &. Son's J)rug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE -9- EPRESENTS thse Federal Life As. Il secitin; and the London and Lanea Fhira, Commercial Union, tteLinoash;ire 5Pire Xrsurancee Gos,. and the Steam Boier and pI.dIe Glsýlos. e. Of Canada. Office aa Worth's Hardware store, flowman Gents' (3othing Cleaned, I)yed. Pressed end Repared by Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. Coods warranted to lia as no one wili know ihem front new when dons. Corner Kng and Ontaria'Sùraats, Bowmanvîl DENTI STRT-bY. th ho le 9t w, HOUSEHOLD. 1Wlsat They Say. Dean littie May went ont oue" day, loto ths oid haruyard Vo piay; Anonga Vhs anirmis she wa keti,s Aud this, she raya. is how they taiked. E -Mec, moo, " raid the cew, "'m moo, V t give nie swsst nilk te von; Butter anti chasse froin me Yen gat, Beef, anti tailows, eut mors thnngr yst; Without my heip what wouid Yen dof Mono, ne. aid the cow, " mec, 11100- " Baa, bas," raid Vhs shesu, " baa, baa, t Sgive o= wool, th at your mamna 0 lla a eyour rocks aund mitteur warm, M Te shiaiti yen frein Vhs wintry stiri. fl Without îny aid yen ue'er criaiti înep So warm. Baa, bea," saittVhs seep. 'Clnck, cluck," raid Vhs heu, ."-cluchi cluck,"t Asup h"r cane" iteati he rtuck.a "Lots o? sage for roi i hay. A nies fresh egL,, day atter day; Yen could not do withont me thon, Ciuck, cluck, ciuck. clark," raid Ire. Heu. "Qnack. qniack," raid Vhs dnck, "quack,quack, Vin surc that 1 neeti net stand hack,e For I tee iay yen sggs se tins,r Anti are heurq' eggs as larze as mina? If one oobus you'd have te 1lack, I tbiuk i'mnauitVhseue. 'Quark, quaý,ck." BSow, wow," raid Vhs dog " bow, wow, t Dear littis nmiss. l'Il teli yen how I watch anti guard your hou"e for yen, t £nti take caneetfyoîîr haroyard tee. 0f duck anti heu, cf ste 'p anti cow, Bow, wow," raid Vhe dog, "hbow, wow, Then tittie -May, lu ber swsat way, Brouzht for the cow a wisp o? hay; Soins fresh grars for the sheep '-ha fennd, Anti corn she at-attereti on the grounti For hien and dock, with loving Vhonght, A hoee t Rover thon ohe hrongh t With word cf urarse. Anti thnir she howed Te ail Vhe hsaniy thanks she owed. Personal Cleanliness. A conscisotions nother neehizes Vhs nacessity et imprssing apon Vhe mind ofEt bier chiltiren the importance et personai cleenliners. The ebossrt surveillance is raquirsî tet nip in Vhs bcd partiy formed 1 habits that Vrsaten te injure ths heabth cf1 Vhe littîseues committed Vo our cars. Some1 ebibtiran ara partieuîarly -adverre Vo cul-1 Vlvating habits of cieauiiness, andti hs ex-1 baustion that otten foiîows the exeitement1 anti discaussions that taes place hatore anti1 during Vhs hathing proces, tamuts nany mnothers Vo postpnaiuefntsly Vhs daily trea-Lment that isnspret beaîtb. 1 1Evsry chid shoalti ha supphiati witb aJ Voeth. nail aud flash hrush, andti iey shouiti elso ha Vauglîit how Vo use than properly.1 Tbey shoult ha matis te antisttnd that1 swllt and sure punishment wîlb foîiow1 nagleet et thse importent dutias. Tssth should bha hîushad et ieat twics a day, andti hs finger naîls cesansti wbauevsr Vhs 1 spae untiar Vhs nailisi filleti with parti- chas.1 i A cbiîd mey be, Vo ara a bomsiy ç,30es- cilou"p Vo bis syes ln dirt," but vigerons scruhhing with a aotn fiaah brusb, will quickhy renove every particesof iirt and make tue akin clean, frai, and nosy. A great point la gaineti when eilîdren ean bha luerd te listan aVVtntively Vo il- bustrativa atonies on Vhs subjeet ef ciran- luess. We know a certain boy whe was, te use Vhs wertis et e relative, 'chronic- aliy dirty.' This boy was vsry 'nicb in- pressat i wth a eVory about a lad who neyer clsaned or purifletilius ingar nals. Oua day, whîîa romoing with bis sister, one of hic oeils scratced Vhs flash ou ber arn. Iu leas than Van heurs the inflammation was ro greet fthet blood poisoning set lu ant inlua tew tayr a lovat irs Ver passat away-e venitahis vietin te unciauiness. A chibti who was lu Vhs habit fif picking and, rubhiog bis nos, coin unicated Vhs hecteniai poison te Vhs sensitive skin arounti Vhs nostrils, sud for usauy weaks the chiid's heastsud face were eovered witb les3taning rores. Personal cîsaunihuss l a duty that shouiti ha taagbt both'et bonms sud et achool, sud a vert enoîîut of good wibi ha accomphichet when parents and eachers lualst upen Vhs caltivaticu et habits thet premote heeith 1and bappineas. Cered for iu this way pansies deveiep a ecidefi tragrance; endi he bed will be a' rouder and deligh teVoall whoea ýit. Tlhe plants, to dtliir bs bttin num-4 ber anti siza of blossoms, should noe ýai- lwed te form or ripan seefi. Each flowv>er hbould be pickad off as seeu as iV fades Eternal viLiilance iu this direction wili ha wsii rewarded. Tried Raceipts. Splits.-a Supper Disi. -Verysariy lui the morning mak a sponge by diss dving4 one cake of yeast lu a cup of luka warm water, (colfi water lu §uirmer) stir into îIV fleur enougb Vo make a stiff batter, and -set, t te rise in a warm pDlace. When weli rîsen, pour it taonou quart of foeur, to whiîcih bas been added a teaspoonful of sait; thon add a heaping tablcspooîîtal of butter,crae witb a light hall cup of sugar ; and twoe aggsý s'ell hea-en, wlth same quautity of sugar. dix ail Vhoroughly together, addingeoh .ukewarmn miik Vo make a dougb just soft euough te batîdie comfoý1',bly. Put it to) rise; whan rissu, if toc sof t to haudie, work in a littia foeur, but be carefuli Vo kesp thile douglivsrysoif. Roll it out very thin auld cut inte shapes with a biscuit-cutter puit two together. havîng put meitefi butier be- tweeu and ou top of aacb. Set thaîn Vo rire, giviog themre rom, enougb lu the pan, not Vo touch wbeu they have risen. As so as they are light, bake as you wouldcae haviug a very moderate tire to start wulh. If you wish to vary the shape, eut themn as lar2e as a saucer,aud double hall over." Te Cook llog's fHaad. -Taka a bead, af ter it bas been cleaued andi salted, and bail it until it is doue enough for the boues te' be pulled eut easiiy. 'Cake off the lean meat, and mosi cf the fat from the sklu. Leave the fat onîy about a quarter-loch tbick on the skin, Chop the meat very lins, lean aîd fat together. Season wltb pepper, sait aud a littie sage. Theu mlx it theroughiy and lay it on the skiu, and roll i up cara- iuily luto a nice shape. Flatten down ail the edges eoft hs skio, and smooth ait irreg- uaenties of shape. Fasten it secarely lu place. wîtb steings, but do net Vie them, sa ightly as t( make unsightly marks. Ail this should os doue white the meat is stili warm. Wùa it le cold, taie the strnus off, and it will be found solid and shapsly. It must 1- e served on a fiat iiish and gar- nished i.ith parsley. An excellent dîsh for lunci con or supper. Salmi of Quel.-Cut the nicest plaýces from, coid quai1 and set tbsm aside. Take the boues, gravy, andi ail the odds aund suds, andl put them. lu a sauce-pan with a plut of water, oes small oulon minced fine, and 1a bunch ef swaet herbs ; let themn stew, close- ly coered, for oe heur. If you have no gravy, add a few places of pork ;' then skimn and strain, and returu it ta the fire. Add a littie sherry, lemon jule andnumg thien with hrownad floor, if neeessary, and pour over ths resarvad places, whiicb must bc lu another sauce-pan wbieh ihas been kspt warm. Put it on Vhs fira aultil it is smoking hot, but do neV let it boîl. Arrauýge tha placýes o f bird lu a beap upo)n Vhe dish and pour the gravy over it. IrishPotato Soup.-Teke four moderate sîzefi Irish potatoas and hou tai the n le asual way; then peel and mash with a f ork antil lighlt. Put a quart of swaet milk ou the fire and when it bolls, take a part of it aud mix with the potatees until tbey a1re thin and free from lumps. then. stir tIsis mixture luto the boiling miik. Add sait and peppar te Vhs testa, and thrsa or fur sprigs of parsley. If enion is liked, hou ei amalloes, chop it fiue and add ht. Use your judgment about Vhe thieknes, of the soup, using more or less potelto. Juat ha- fora Vhs soup is ssrved, add ouaneap teaspeonu a of butter. Swest Potato Roils. -Boil two or tbr ,ee sIS set potatoas until tbey ara soi t; peeýl them, then înash tlîem tirougha,.lae,, Tae a cotise cup full of the potato, add te 1V enae eg, oeatablaspoonf ni ef lard, oeue teaspoouf .i ef sait, oeeteaspoonful of su- gar, oes cake ef yeast that bas beau dis. seivet inlua hall cap ef warm. water ; lbeai -L-- - A nnd-ý tuera tugredtauca togasuier.Hae r~eacy The Pansy Bed. about tbnee panrscf-a qulant oetffour thas-t has been pnevioeshy warnet pour hs iJx- There ara tsw flowers that gzrow se neasitare loto iVt dkiiest i ghtiy unVil iV ls a -the popuar heat as do Vspensies,eu an ohdub hstohma avr thens ans few that se wehi tisservs hs soft. Put it lu e warm 1I)ace Vo is; wheu' place. isan, put it into a tray wth sons foulr,t If they have beau waIl carati for bu hs anti roll iV areant lu hs fleusr, bot withntt CIAR qDEN, L. D. S tal., tbsy wll hae hs firetVo bloom bu hs kieading it -, tho pinch off snailpiacsa spring ; lifting thir aunny laces ainoat et nakae ut iha rells, puttiug the Ilu e greas -e Greduate af hs Royal Cohhsge et Denta soon as hesrnow tisappeare, anti wiil bloom et pan, anti set then toiser. As soon asý. Surgeons, Ontario. on uiteruptstly antil cIter savanone rte hya-lgt aethmi ahr( ;e OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. lu the fl.Te rdc rae r.ovan. There canuot ha any breatimor VITALIZED AIR. tusion etfiowers continunsly, anti ton a elicieus for breakfast. longer paiodthaV any other fiowsr in our Biat-Snkh aVesonietat m igarden bats. BsuL Srnla eson f -t N ew Tailor S-fOp Tbey requins a rich, niiow soil anti cou- bu one quart cf fleur, eut rab therougbhy iiareblt noisture, ant illhliLiiht lu hs luto a heapiug tablerpoonful et lentdonru t- The unusersiiynaul who bas heen carryîug ou fuhl sunshine, il hes uppîy et watsr tees Va. Use as nuch cuit water as wvill i ma a ha teiheing, business le connectioa I with net fail. Pensies grewn in the sun ara a vsry stiff tiough ; eut than heat thatog Iason'sDry Gede Store for a nuntrero yers antî]it iV laolt anti pliable anti bas gras t as commnuceul huinasa for him 'Olt et hie strogen, anti protuce langer ant i flerbiarso Vtemlaitntuebsct. rasidence King St,,west, whene ha is preparal filowsrs, hansi sa greater number et then, blstckrs e, wthnme tk, ino bisouits, s maks lents' anti boys*aus in ail tise lete8t then wili thora grown in heschats. stc oewhafrkiniheead tyleas, and i et owest pices. Fon thoas who The hati for pansies shoniti ha prepaea bake then lu a slew- rush Veoerder saise, ha wili carry a fuît lino tof h atr ate umr n ei u-T av ieeaie3 ýmplea mal hs newest paterna. (lilashlminteltepato umroralyu.T Svth Caeil, um, accordiug Vo the locality, anti the J. T. A-TT,-E:ý,Tr~ plants set eeniy aeugh se thaîî Vey mey An aVempt is heing miadea in Weterni i bscoms thoroaghhyaestahiahat betore sevena Pannsyhvauia Vo stop hs snening and Fashionable Taller trots. Pansies ara col d weather plants eut siaugb .ter et seng bints whiclî ana pro tauea1 Bcwnsanvllle, Nov, 1 18M2, njoy the cool tisys anti nightset autumo. hy theiaw. The statutso uler wbich melo-n Atter hs flret revers fieosta hs bats wiii ha takan makestha possasi inta&'b tg3 shouit ha covarati with evergneen hn)ghs hinîl prima-tactse vîteuce that it wessurner' HAVF GU Ï that hs pienta nay noV ha rînothaetid- by hs owosr, andt hs fsh sud birtis wantann thoen with a covering et strew anti dry et Pittsbnrg gives net cethatheshali entorce eves, or othen cearse littar, unuti arly he haw strictiy. The trappersaneutpo)t- spriug. hantera ara wlth exsptîtns foreigusrs, whîî The bat ahoulti be wsil enicheti wiiîh maks iV a business te ssIi V e bird, ithsy oit, weiitdecayeti stable meunna, or coin- secare odtiaiers in songaters andt o nihlin- post matie ins ant iîneiow te the tispth et are. Tha mcd birtis eut cardinal gros1cMt eu foot. It cen bartiîy ha oo ricb; panses are moisV lu damant, briuiging as high as s23 ara gretafeeaders. aacb. The wartein btendste Vofrac pretectet ,pTisa seat chosen shoubti ha the bet. irds wharsven hae fints then anti te prose- That is, it sheuMtibh procureti frein a ral. ente hse wnerc. "The object," haie sys, 'ish ~ ~bis tealer, anti muet ha tresb. te net only maintaîn the tiffanent sehs î if hs badteismadnta uVie tah, the seat but te behp hs fermera Vo praserva is gratin may hae sow u oetdeors, lu boxas, pots anti fruit by praserving ths ittîs creaVurerý "Ba chkac ha the scaven gers or pans. The soil muet bs kept ineut. who ivs ou hseluset ]pestie. People cati ineans the /id- of the systam. As soon as hs young plants ara stnong enjoy te hin h' songe when hey ara tra. n eys r i "D! a~ ~~enuugh Vo bear transpienting, hey nay hae If protectati they will cons Veou0r ciVîss frcas- è;trouble. Dodd's dangereus. Neg- f removedteVoths open grount, anti*set et iy as they do lu Allegheny now. TLey e Kidney Pi/fs glue lac ted /eidney eat six luches spart each- way. wiii usst lu ths tresa anti treat us Vo thair prompt relief." troubles resu/t They ahoulbib trausphetet in cleuty songe. They wil fili our parka, eut ne "75 par cent. in Bad B/ood, or tamnp waather, anti shadat for e few tres bu hs streat but wiii invite theni of disease /3 Dyspepsia, Livcr tisys. [New York Post. flrst eausad Isy Complaint, and If hs bat j, te lha mateisnluthesp-AmrcnsTkeenSamn disordered hid- the most eln- hs phautashîsait ha awn eanly in the Thse mrc sTaeo Sln . neya. garons eof ali, bouse, or in a bot-bat, or thsy nay ha Thare lsa e maîl place et lent Ion whîeclc "Might as ina/I Briqhts Disease, bought by hs dozen fromeinVh ioriat. Canada bas a uet. It is the atrip et ceun- try te hava cei Diabetes and Tbay nayhe stintVhsepren grounti as try kuown as Point Robants anti ownst ivb e,healthy city Dropsy." oi saldne t aaefotl vr the United States, aitbeusgb iVl isoietea, w/t ho ut seuer, [ Th e a b ue iTusy are very berdy, but hs plants grown frein Vhs United Staes tsrritury. Aithough age, as goc- diseases cennot unter Ylass will noV endura troat, uutii the ouhy overlatit route Vo it la tbrongh hec/f h whe's the ex/st w hesrg 1hry bave becone hardensti hy out ef doon Britsh Columbia iV bas neyer beau a Cana,. kidneys are Dodd's Kid n ey -got.sout awtr dieu possession. Ar it is clora te hs Frarser c/o gged, they area1PI/s are used.' Iu dry weatber Vbay hudbwaed river, whara hs great saumon lndn.stry Sol byalldenersorsen bymai onrc tbononughiy et leasa thVîee t'mes ea.-h waek, carniet ou, hs Amarican residants raa-p iVhs cf picesocnt.pe oxe sxfr 8!,.r". anti wilhaehansfitat byea sprinklingaevary full hanefit et oun fishanies, without !having r.L. A. Smith & Ce. Toronto. Writ o night hanta Vths regular watening. Vo coutormi te the egula iens as Voneht book calteti Kidttey Tatk. By niti-runner they meay bave a lihenal eft iahiug andteV uhe close seasen. The- application et berne iquit tertibzer as ofttn salmon fishers have a ganuine gn ieu1 il - as once a week, apphîsti whiia hs sou las thaeuatter, sud hey ask that hs lCanaiiar- What Did She Mean. uot frein recaut wateriug, or tren raina. Govranent proteet then by giviuîg lu ex- Oit te Whiskes-I have'bat my ita in- Thi'sa abuit not bc pouret ovan hs toiage change ton hs bbi t aut astrip of ternI- suret fon $5),010 ln your faveur. ls thetsunoiera the phants are attenstards weii tory adsjoiing Alarka. \Va trust ha euytbing, lse IJean do te pisas yen? sprinklcdth cbleear water-isrbenitbceap- apeset ent may ha constructet, nd Mrs.tia Wh iaken (bila yoang wsfe) -NothtÊ. plias-to ths roots; or nther, hs soil about that our countryisue may be f nlly protatit- ing ou earth, dean.h Vhsreots. d.- [Halifax Critho. ONT1ARfLO LEGISLATURE. il du pi in au pr ai un bt th di hi in t] rE in si rE Ir tI w ir r( Sir Oliver Mowat unovedti hs second neati- g et bis bill respsctiog councls of conîcîl- tion anti erbitration ton settliug indw-tnial isputes. Ha xpaied t sons leîgthte iovisions of ths bill, sud citeti instances n which sambler neasuires bat bati a vsry soti sifect lu arranging strikes, hock-outs, id othen disputas. Mn. VMeredith objectcdti te s achhnsry covideti by Vhs bill, as bsing cunharsone, td aise Vhought that ths dacisions of the oinels shealti have Vhs fore of Vhe lew. Mn. Wood was in synpethy with euy novenenV wblch wonid aid lu tacibitatiog ,i sattîsmeut et disputas et this nature, iut thonght there nîght ba tee mach et 1is sort ef iegisbatlon, anti was efraiti IV wonl encourage a great naînhen of anali lisputes. The bill was readti hs second Vims. IN SUt'TLY. The flousa thon went hutG Committeaet uppiy,aud parseti the ertimatea for publie auildîrgi, emouting te $221,390. For .iselaneous axpenses et civie goerumnt P,650 was voteti. The estumates of te Departmment of Agriculture wera intredscat by Mn. Dryden.fis enteneti inVe sxplana- tins of Vhs figures civsu, anti toIt eftVhs rognera trade by Vhs varions branches of les tepantnent tening Vhe part year. fHs alferreti te Vhe statenents nade both ,ont- site sud insits the flouse that Vhsenîeet- igs et the Farinera' Institutes were poius. calun cbaracter, fHe distinctiy deniet this, und ragratteti that these charges ahoulti bc made, as they conîti noV but tend Vo de- strey the influence eftVhs orgenizetions staerrati te. It was net tain te maka as. se ions of this nature, whieh hbon., gentbe- men mîust aurely kuow te ha unjustfisti. Vith regard te the Guelph Ceilege, bon. nenhers woubd noVice a sligbt change lu tha chtaracten et Vhs staff of teachers, hy sbîn a saving weuidbhaaffected, ant ieh eopet the efficieucy 94fftis staff wouid ha ucreaseti. Contbinlg Ms. Dryden rater. ed Vo Vhs afficiency oetVhs naw nenhers et ha Collage staff, anti saiti that lion, man- iera hati asked why lie tidti oVnake Vhs Anuflou. Meinber-Weli, why tion'V Mn. Dryden-The objectof an inrtitu- tion of this kint ha net te naks.money. If t wsre haing rnstVo nke mousy, lha raid, mny expeuses noW incurreti wouidti îthi intertaken, wnich are uecesaary lu orties oe nake the collage an edacational insitu- tions of e bigh ciesa. Mn. Dryden etten recasa resuned bbs speech negerding Vhs management oetVhe Guelph Agricultural Collage, dleaiing par- ~tcularly wlth the, expaninental dairy, a'hich ha jastifieti on the grounti et its grnse usetuinars. Tise increara lu the expendi- ;ulre lu connaction with the collega was duE te the various uew dapartures which bai 'issu inauguratst iIn onder Vo increaes ti sfficiaencv. Ha was prout et Vhs collageý wblch, hae tboagbt, was unequallet on tis American continent. Wbiha ibara wars n( îiouhit inmprovemfeuits possible in connectie: with iV, lhe hopeti that thseIson. geutIaee opposite wonld cnitîcisa itin l a spirit o ioyalty anti tain play. anti thui heip tý baild iV np, insteatiof et epting Vo pul it dowu. Mn, Clancy sanidtbaV finiship might bi oihcwn byijîsateritici,3n. Ha chergeths, lnuy bat haeunnediesaîy expendet in thi mPanagement oftVhs institutiont. The stoci pechaseti in 1851 sud 1892, with Vhs stoct ou the tarin e tVhs beginuing ef 1891, tV ge'tIser wib hsecortofmaintsuauca,amon àt Vo $36,780. The receipta frein sales au( services turing thora yeara, logether witi ths valuaetfthe stock onlnat etVhs su( of 1892, anoanteteV $23,596, or a abninit %ge et $13,199- bnthat ins. Thase weî net the methoda of sceneny te Vaeh Vih stuts. Continuivg, lhe criticîraîl th atdmniniitraticu eftVhs "oiiega affiirs lu ver Ioua departinsuta, saying that theresceens tubalieno atteinpt ab acononie imanagement Mn. Dcydean pointati Oct that Vhshou. mambar amatin hisaettick on accoutto nia ignorancaeoftVhs subjeet andor discui sien. fis answsrad bis varions argument et semas length, te show that Vhey wera nc weil founhlat. Mn. Woodi (Hastings) denisti that Vhsr waa any tarira on ths part of Vhs Oppos thon te injure ths institution. Atter soite discussion, Vhe estimates wai assati. wcihnesdtty'w Sessien. CoNCERNING HIOLIaCHlOOLS. Mn. Bush asked whetber, whan nei rasîdents nove into, a Hîgh school distriî tbey innadiately bacons reaitents, unti îums-section 6 et section 2 of ths High Snibc At, or must they finat bacons rateayt in the district. Mn. Rosa raid it was a matten et intarpu Vaion. Iu bis opinion Vbey wouîd hava ti rigbts ef neitenis. ANOTVE LICENSE CHARGE. Mn. McCleany meveti for e rataru copias of ail conraspoutauca in cennacti( wltb Vhs grantîng of a shep hicanre for t] saisetof iquor te oua Joseph Aspinail, oet] town et Tilsonbnrg, lu ths South liSting Oxford, for Vhs yea 1893-94. Aise, copi of ail papers anti documents iu possassii eftVhs GovernmnteV, or any officiai tharec rsbating to th=sat icense, together wiVl -opy oetVhsera of tVhs chiaf inapaec wbe inquired inbte the complaint that t icaute was frautulsutiy grautet. Ha ru 'bat tron information bu bis possession ft 1icens bat beau iliagahly grantet.1 ti* Vo rsethat all goesawlli. Several of t aiti higher officiais also sîssp on Vhs prenneg ,hi, neady te ha summoned et a momsnt's noti( anr- A bost iu hinssîf-The cannibel who ut. -;ours hi, entertainer, Ilundred.5 of thoujan45 U.5iflt 5ATIrF PIuP, Cut. preferrinq i[ tO ilotiher --l- INGS. 31enslay ansd Tuesilay's Sestiosa ithe LoaletHautse. A NEW CATTLE DISEASE. Mn. Renke askedf, fias he Govrneut hssn apprissd of a diteese among cattis lu Vhs soatb-eastern portion efthVie Couuty et Grey, prenouucad by soe veternuaries as argotisin? Iflso, is it hs intentiou of hs Goverument o suquire lutote scause and affect oethe diseas, aud uppiy te larmers axery availahis information as te thseliait pravantive metbods and remediai treat- ment? Mn Dryden sait thet bis nepartmnut bcd beau notîfiat of a asw disese amoîug cattie lu hs County of Grey. Upon rsceiviug hs information hs departnsnt lmnediately coîumunscaesd with Dr. Andraw Smith, oe efths Dotminion inspectera for contagions diseases. IUnder bis authority hs district had bren visiteti andt he affactati animais axaminadtihe conclusion beiug that he tisease was net contb.gious, but arosa frein local causas, sud was mainîy due Vo the spaciai character of hs food, wiehh was saidte Vo ntain mors or lessr argot. Dr. Smith bat reported thet as accu as Vhs foodi was changedths aninels weuld apet- iiy recovef. ARBITRATIONS. wilie appsaring to coprt investigation, dîi not cever seem Voe heanaxions Vo foilow up their anquira*es by sucb aition as would stamp Our tus avît pratîce wlîicb erain ly did exist lu couoactiou with this depart-I ment. Mr. Harcourt said that a f al in vestiga- tien badl beau mmade loto the matter. Hie entared et sorea ingth into the ircum- stances atteudîng the granting of t.he lil ceose, wblch did net, ha raid, justify the attaching et auy bhiteVothe commission- ers. Mr. McKay (Oxford> said thet hs tamn- peance people ot the di triet and the hast knewn citîzeus et Tîlsonburg anitadinluen- dersîng the officiai charactar of Inspecter Ceok. He read lattera froin clergymain anfi others to this affect, addrassad to hîmseif, and raid that as fuar as hae ould learu nieither Vhs conîmissioners uer te inspecter wera at feuit. COUNcrv COURRSPONI5ENCE Mr. MeColi moved fer a raturu of copies of ail correspondiance batween Vhs Cou oeil of VIsa Couuty of Elgin and the Goverumeut with re gard te au inéreased grant Vo the couuty, ander Vhs provisions oetVhe AcV respeting the establishinent eof louses ci Lndutry. The motion was earried. A LUMBER SEUR'N. Mr. Rorks moved fotr a netaru for ec of the caleandar yeaas 1890, 1891, 1892, and 1893 et the number of piecas ef pins, saw loge and dimuension tituber, with the quan. tity lu feat, board measans, of each, got out duriug saeb of these years lu ths Mu,- koka, Parry Sound, Algoma, and Thunder Bey districts, respactively, toganher with the nameofcfatch individual, Îfrrm or coin- pany by wbom geV out by each, and Vhe itumber of pieces and qnantity lu lest, paoy by whom geV out, and hs cf Vhesramae years raspeenively. fHe apoke Vo hi, motion et soma length. The motion was cerriefi. WITNE5S FILES. Mr. Whitney moved ths second readhng of hi, bill raspectîng witness fees, ths pro. visions of whîch ha explained. It was for ths purpoe aof sacnrhnz Vo fermers,,artisants, mechanics, labourera, and sehool teachers a rata of nemunenatien for attendauce as witnesses whîcb wouid repay thein for ths ina lest te an amount equai Vo Vhs sumr which they coulti have sarnad et their eall. ings. Mr. Hardy hed net tbongbtths hou. member serions lu introducing this bibi. It was net supriossd thet people were Vo ha, paid for he time spant lu ettendauceaet a court. The emount uow allowed was merely in ths ferm etf a îndemnity to Vhs witnesss The case cf a protessional man was net parallel. Ha bardiy thoaght hs bill e workblseone. Alter sonse discussion, Vhs motion was carrieti, MORTG'AGE COVENA'T5S. Mr. Gilînour novefi hs second reading of bis bill Vo aholish the persoual coenant lu mortgagas. Mr. Hardy tought tbaV Vhs bill as drawn up contained very serions proposi iens, andi that the bon, g entleman could net do better îhan iay hs bill over for fuitare cousderatioi. Mr. Me redit hconcunred witb the isws ex- axpressed by the hon. Connissioner Crowr Lauds. Heaeddad thet ore resait ef the bill would ha Vuat if would cost fifty par cent. mers for axpanses lu obtaining a boan, f Mr. White cousldarsd that sons good night ananats fromn he bill if it was seul Vo a comnmittes. e Mr. Barr hopsd that the hi 1 wonld go Vi a committas and recesve ths attention of which ha thought it worthy. Mr. Hardy again praeed tliet he bibl f ha witbdrawn. Mr. Gilmour did net propoestVo sithdrsiv Vhs bill, and said that if 1V coaid not go Ve ra comnittee it woaid have te he votai clown. The motion was dschared lest on division 1V beiog six o'cinck the Speaker left thE - chair. A DOCTOR'S NERVE - liait Dean Celilelta li a Lusiatitet re Decil Man. "B I was employefi Vo cure a dead man,' asaid Dr. C. R. Gragg of St. Paul Vhs othel te day. I was ewakened ona night, anc tfound a lady awaîting ne. She told mi Stisat lier busbaud waa very iii and for mi tebigmy madicîne' cases and soe surg bcai instruments, as I night have Vo perfori an opertion 'te aasist him Vo breathe. 1 was bot îwo blocks fromn my office te th, bouse of mv patient, and as we entsrsd th, )a reom wSh-,re the oman lay ne oua taise ws Ivisible. At a glances1 saw that ha ws ledead. I told the ivife that ber hushan( àwas bayonti the reach of mortel aid. 'Ha i ànet dead, and von îîuust cure hint,' se sai( i. anti locked the do r. Tben goiug te adresg t- ing case she procurad e revolver. I sey dtF at as had bacons crazed, and was ettVh, h ins a dangeroas lanatie. Id Makiug he hast of thes ituation, I hi k.gais a aurgical oparation on the Iindpipe Ve hs womau wtcbiug me closehy. I worket ais with he corpas eand preprad madicines fo Ve hrse or four heurs, assuring hs woeîal r-that 1 would saeahlm if possible. Suc ad ceading ln diaarmiug bier feera, asitebega te hava entire confidence lu me, anti whe: I flxed a potion and gava iV Vo hs corpsE ,s eeningly taking e sinilar oee ysl, Iir MaoS. JAS. C3AtSE. Worst Kind of .Scrofnle. Dran Sis.-I had an abscesg on iny breaEt and serofula of the very worstkind, the doctors said. 1 got go weak that 1 could nct waik arouisd the housa witbout taking hoiti of chaire te oup,- port me. The doctors traated mes for tirce years, and ti a itt sal there we s no hope for me I asked if I might take B.B B. and thay saîd it would do me noharm, SOi beganVo take it, andi before three botties were used 1 feit great benefît. 1 have now ta ken six botties andi an nery wI. I fluti Burdock Bloond Bitters & grand bieod purifier andi very good for chîltiren aks a apring imedicine. MIlS. JAMES CHASE, Frankford, Ont6 Sailing Througis the Maelstrom 1 The Maeltrom I1Iremembered al the hrilli.g taes told of this ugly whý'rlpool, and how Vvidlv it was iîlustrated'ilu the gaography 1 studjed as a ehild. I hiad jost description of 1V by Peter Dasi, lu hjs "«Trum)pat of Nordienti." 1 was thinkiiîg of the countiess whalps that bad been swallowed and digsstad by its vortex, and of the thousands of shlps that bad been entangled in its greedy currert and grouud Ifeasfleur.; bnt the captain assured us I aI ha w ned have nso fear, and wben we crossed it 1 was agtonished Vo find it as calm ani peeceful as an îuland lake. The, tact la, howsver, that the Maelstrom may, at timneg be extremely dan.garous, and a vessel cauglit there ln a Storm is irretriev- abl3 leat. The CycbopSîi~a tells us that the Maelstrom is an ordinary wliirlpool cat-aed by a tremendotus current ruouing ia the opposite direction to the winui. 1V attributas it te the ebb end tide of the sa, and taiks learuedly about its depth as beîug only tweuty fathoms, while immadi- ately outside of the strait, wbere the wbirl- pool is formed, ths water suidan !y becomes twjo bondred fathomi deep -, and thus t'de and vaie and this Niagare like plutige, ail combnd, are made to iash tbe waler ioto a paîfeet fîury.-[From I' A Winter Jour- n ey up the Coast of Norway, ' lu the April Scribuer. '1O0T TO ('I7TUL ALL StEIX 1IsE4SES") Siînply epply "SWÂvŽt'S'OINTAfEI.- No lîîtarnai modicîna required. Curs tetter, eczema, itcb, ail eri ptions on the face, ha,,da, noep, etc., leavirg the skia clear, white anîd healthy. Its greet heal- ing and curative powers are po8gessed by ne other rein ,dv. Asic y-utr d-ug-î- for SWAYtÇ's OINTMENT. Lymnan Sons& Co , Moatreal Wîïoiesale Agente. What iq the difference betweer- a belle and a burgar ? Otia wears false locks, and tihe othar feuse keyr. to venture à trial on 3.uch prec- edent5.Suppo5e you (ry package and â5cer[ain the cau.5e of î[5' popuiarity, J, B, PACE~ TOBACCO CO.. RIOIIM ON, VA and MON TREAL, CAN. SAE THE GREAT EBLOOD CURES AL. Taînts of the Blood. SCERTAIN jUEDB

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