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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 2

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a Xiyears of age, but wbo declines to give bis5 namne to tise public, makes tbis autisorized. ConkIdentiai stateuieni to us: "'When 1 was One year old, My mamma dlilt of Consumption. Thse doctor said tisat 1, ton, wouid sool die and al Our nel1hor thougit tisai oven hIÏ 1did not dbie 1 ouiI nover 1e able to wallc, becnes i was se weslc and puuy. A gaihering formed ani bromte under my arua. 1 hurt nty fingel, aud li gahered aud crew out pieces ni houe. IfI huyt myseif so as te break ties kim,i wtas 8m", to becomne a ruinuiug sore. 1lbait te tak. lots of medicîne, but notlîing has dome so unch good as .Ayer's Sarsapa-. -la. Il bas made mse weol l sid arong."- T. D. M., Itorcatur, taus. A',ER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. .yer &Ce., Lowell, Ms,. .Gares othlers, wl]] cure you ONTARIO LADIESP COLLECE, WHITBY, ONT, Stretly flrst-.lass lu ail fis appolulmenis adeucational advaniages. Provision m-ade for ail tise te.chrs* certificates and for Un- Iveins-clus e irougis tisafrsman, sopho. more »d pant of junior yeari of Toronto tTnvesty. The liters.ry staff comprises tise largeat iumber of University pecialits of aW I.atUes' College in 0Canada. Te musical. an art,elncntion and commercial departisnns are Pçnaiiy welli stained by the most gifted pa'feses,. Physicai culture la taulght by a pciiitfrom 3Boston. A new gymnastutu anialkinîlsofout-doûr amusemnents. Pupils hav-e tise opportunity of hearins tisa gresat arihts that visit Toronto. A ppiy for information to 32-lyr eitIINClp4I, HAKE, Pi.D Isa'vered, or if tGoo at to avert it It is often ou,'ed and aIay' eieed A the Cream of Cod-liver 011.. Cures Coughs, Colds and Weak Lungs. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. , Don't be decelved by SubsttuteSt *ot,t â awae, flsUsvjie leAUl Druggigte. bQ, A&O Ibefore Buying a «re of PERRY 1DAVIS' ~Yu trmayn d t ngh THECOOK5SïS FRIEND LARGýýEST SAL= IN CANADA. LOSI OR FAILING MANHOU99 .0eneraI end Nervous Debilii Weakness of Body and (. Mmnd. Lffects of Er- rors or Exeesses lu Oid or XNgI Robust, Noble Manhood fuliy Restored. hoW to Pln- large and Strengt en & j~ Wcak, Inecoped y Orgaus and Parts oî 111 Body. Absoluteciy rn. jfailing HMie Treat, ~ ~ terut-BeuLfits i nl a day. MentestlfY froua 50 States and Foreiga Countries. Write thetu. Descriptive Book, -ex- reRsrtn~ planation anud proofs ~.zied ealfi)free, YOUNG POLK&. A Pretty-Rabblt Pen.. To encourage niy boy iu ioaruing tise use ni oils, h designed sud iselped hlmmaise au oms-mental abit peu (Fig. 1). A box nf is smnf iwo by four feit andi sixteen luches deep w-as pnoeuned, tise top taisen off s-nd tise open part pis-ced ou the ground. Four stnipa os-ch onue by twn incises s-nOfour fot long wore ns-lied 10 tise box, s- cross sirip of tise saine ize two foot long being uailed in scross tise centre mn comploe tise inautewnnk of tise foundation (Fig. 2). A part of onue-ide ni tise box was removed FIC. 1. -PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF RAISBIT PE'T. and fiited witis binges te be aed as a flap door, and two round-t9jped isoles weve eut lu tise front part of tise box for doors hetweeu tise back and iront of tise peu.. Oit tise foundation lu front, a floor of four. foot boards vvas nailed, projecLing a littie beyond tise framework. Strips like those ubed for the' foundation wore uailed lu tise same mannor about tise top of the box and floored ovor. On ibis framework five pairs of one by two inchs ra.iters, eut for one- fourtis piteis, and projeetiig four incises, were secureiy nailed. Four strips nf one and one-isaîf by one incis stuif were bored at intervals ni nue an'd one-buif incises wjtb a one-fourtis lueS bit, and cf those tisefront cage w-as constructed by inserting one- mounis inchs round iron rods ent to f ourtoon - ioch pieces, tise stripa bei g securely us-lied ai îop,boctom and corners. Tise middle pair ni raf tors supported a partition in tise roof with a isole hetween tise compartmoonts. FIG. 2. IRAME\VORK Or Rn mxIT FEN. Anotiser isole for iugress te tise stue was heft in tise floor iu use bacis room. Tiserouf waa -abatedwiih:hroofouriisiueis Sord;4 and aconice ftlod oneovesanid gable., hi w-a-athon shisigied, s-nd s- uat ores tîiu aâted to tise uomh. Tise hacis gable was ed up wiîis vertical piecos, anud fitd witb s- ss-ail biuged door, Tise front gable w-as flnisised Sy nsiling on vertical 8-a-a-awiîh poinîed bottotu ends,,mado of rose-h-ahi b- miree-foumiha is pine. A pit w-as dng onue aud oue-half by.îhree foot in size sud iwo foot deep, aind lined çvitb boards sround tise ide. Tise hacis part cf tise peu w-as, pIs-ced directly over ibes jaji. Gnown rab- bit-a couhd jump es-ihy frinthtie piin tise front cs-go, and tise Btteonues remalued lu tise pit util mon largo te got ont tismougis the wire-a. RabSuse dig down lu the pi and onustruci ibeir on ubreoding places in hurrows boues-stiste peu. Tise peu proved te ho warm îunxviter, cool lu sium- mer a-nd weil adapted for iseeping msdbits. Wiib s- long-issndled sbcvei s-il refuse could ho easiiy removed froin the pi tismoîgi tise sasp door, aud tise peunover Secame offenive. Wilbh a pair ni witie raishits s-nd tieir youug, tise peu was a pretty igisi ,itise bacis ni tise lswu, and was alws-ys attractive te vieiors. i yas paiumed wtis dans red miner-l ainn-d trimmed wîtis white, wileisissmonjzed we]i witb tise brigisi green law s-nd tise darkgreen folage of tis abubbemy. A Surprise Party. Tise wolves had decided on a jolly party and were even now ready to start. Not a tame affair in their own neighborhoo , but a grand oldfash'oned surprise party at Farmner Brown's, some miles distant. Thse baby wolves were no doubt snugly tucked iu bed, and their parents, theseeif-invited guests, scampered over thse snow diamnonds and under the sky diamonds. But of the ' beauties oi nature it is likely they took littie, if any, notice, for it wais bitter cold, and they were ail very hungry. They took n baskets, n bundiles, no mysterious packages-for was not Mr. Brown abund- antlv able to furnish pieuty of refreshment-a for them al 0f what these rofresisment3 would con- sist was a theme for animated discussion fori a long tine,but finaily ail agreed that there' was realiy uotising quite equai to fresisf mut.on. While chatting in this friendly,i plessant mnanner they had traversed many, miles, and now the cotumodjous farm housej was ln full viow, but, strange to relate, the, lights wère ail ot-lt must certainiy bei quito late. Weii, ail the bettor ; tisey would ai once repair to thse sheep bouse, and immediâtely enter on thse joys of thsej evening. So thither they isastened only to find thse door quite secureiy iastened and1 the windows even barred in a most luhos-i pitablo manner. Again and again they tried tise door,1 singly and together, pushing with ail their( strengtb. Then ihey scratched and bowled1 st tbe windows wtisout avail. After tisi ihey grew disagrecabie te oach other they1 were se hungry, and said and clid disagree- able Viings-tisnse in tise rear said if those1 lu front wouid only hall push tise door might be opened lu no time, and if- those att thse windows used any judginent whatever tise bars would be easiiy broken -then thosea in front and at tise windows answered backt and ail began to snarl and snap at eacb other, and were aitogether a very disagree-a able set of visitors, not sncb as we wouidt want to invite to our homes. Mesantime,y oeuo fellow more enterprising than the rest,c isad fonde an oponing betwean tise legs near the door, loto which he immed'ateiy inserted his head. Whathiesawinsidewasý sometiîing lîke ibis: In tie back-ground, stinding with wide open eyes, were the siscep witb tise littie lambs; in front of thern,t with every nerve aiert and eyes riveîed on tise approaciîing enemy, like thse brave t protector ise was, stood Sparts eus. e Old Spart, as ho was atlectionaely cailedn by tise beys, excepi when they reîurz3d td from some of the acriai tours on which bco often sent them, ihen with retnrning 8, breatis, they nsus.iiy pronounced thse ia,3 1, syllabie of his name with great etuphasi.a l{owever, buis bas got nothing te do wiîh tl thse story ai ail, fardier ths.n it gnes to show tisai Spartacus in associating wit tha boys had Learned çYer to bo on the defens- ive, and to lot no îndignity nffered hii gc h unpunisbed, and this will in some measure C explain his conduet on tbis eventuniihr.I Now, when he saw the isoad of this intru-A der ho at once said to hinself, Ilthose tor-o menting boys are np te some of tiseir old tricks again, but l'Il fdx 'em. " Ouitde tise wolves were growliîg ance scratching, eauaxions to put his heaée t ,hu ste crack. IlWhydn'vngi The sns.rling snapping, dbsappointed guesî, oseig no chance for an appetizing suppet ni fresis mniîon, asînisaway -as day- ligisi appes.red, gaun and isunzry as ever, leaviug beisind a handsome gray wolf' skmn for 1?armer Brown-a souvenir of tise sur- prise party. JAPANESE WOMXEN. Ciss'iess F.iots Albont tiseir Lire anti Hab- 1ia Dtivetti nanti Cleassiluas,. Aiter ail tise discussions caused by tise îadvanced wouiau, it la interesliug, by way -of contrast, toa mtoibtothecounntry hr woman'sli-felong und cisief duiy is obedi- ence and submistiiou. A writer lu tise Pull 1Mail Gaze tte describes tise Japauese woman ias really cbsrming, neot as a responsible bwomsu, but as a femininDe norio. As a wife -ais ils niofsltile account that from tise mo-at devoted busband -aise expecis but few 1favors. Ail tsi wornen are born wlth a natnrai ennirtesy. Even tise iumblest have sieuder, delicate hauds, aud a'rrange every. tbing with tiurprisiug dsiutiness. A Js.panese lady's visitiug dreas ofien Costa $200, nit ineludiug lber hairpins, whicis are aiways a mostimitportant item, As the fashion nover chsanges, bots dress and pins are banded down frotu motiser ta daughior. Iu each eiiy tise women wear a color peenliar to tiseroelves. lu Tokio ht is bine, lu Kyoto siste gray, and sa ou. Chsamberlain -acys : "It la littie wonder tbat tise woman of tise upper class is adocpi- ing Europe-an dress, whicis 1 by no mniu'ls n general as is supposed. It shows tisat, Vto acertain oxtont, -se haa shaken off tise yaks of înferiority under wbie shlaish- bsbored. For to-dayiu Japan tise get ducbess in the land is oniy bier- isnsbaud's dmudge. Holiere-aisbier more reapeeýtully wisenin Europeau dreas, Tise siaie vwom- anu haabeen observed ta walk ieotise rooai s-fier ber bumbaud when dressed alaJpa n-aise but beore hlm when a la Europe- enue."', According te tise " Soven Rels-sons fo-r Divorce," a Japanese woman c-auho d ivorc- ed for talkiug ion mueS, wbieb disturbs tise peace of isor kinsmen, or briugs trouble on ber isouseisold. Sise shall ho divorced for dîsobedience to bier fther-in-law1. Sise. mn-atlooks talber iiusbandi as bier lord, and mu-at serve hlmi witb revorence, not desps ing unor tbinking lbgisîiy oni hm. She mn-a't nom enter jinoimevereut famiirtywb tise gods-neither must -se peudn munisV time in praying. If -se perfornis lber dut- les to ier isnsbandsso mayounjo'y tise dn protection witisout prayers. Sse lt-as noeh-ange îin fashions to di ss, no shopping to while away bier time, no E-aster bunet mn look iorwprd to, ls-ise nover wears bonnet-a;lber onilynnas4t are inrinisesiseil hairpins, bier be-at paile are m-ado of papor, bier kimono must ho0 quiet, soft-eoloredemepe. Truly, sbe has ai isard time, ibis uitile Japanose woman., It il cusiomary for a womau tblbissokon bier ieetiswben esisebeentes a bride, 10 o ,ep away other admirers and show bier outýira submissiou to bier bu-baud. Tise preenîi protty Emprees as-a wlfe bas, isowever, set tht exampie of wearing whsite teetis. Js.paulese woman h-ave air-ange ideas ýo adding ta ibeir beauty. Tbey -save off their eyebrows, and b-ave peucilied ones with anexaggeratod arcis. Tisey paint iheir lips a iivid crituson, wiîis a paec of gold in tise centre, and miseir faces a cisaiky whsite. Tise peasani girl, of course, Cannetsfor ail ibis de.orittin, aud mn-at hoe ouîeuîed, wiîis herowu rosy cbeek- and ts-nnodsiin lise Japaneseesieem cleauliness more tisan modesty. In Tokio tisere are -about 800 bs-tbs,wisere sanme 3,000 persona baise every day. Tisese batha woroeujoyed by bo,)th sexes without division until tise pe Empaerrordered a separatiou taoLe m-ado iu ail public batbs Tise people obeyed by piacing a rope aernss tise topniftise waior. htis aaid tisai a Japanosêe îrowd'i tise sweeîteut iste wnrld. Tbey nover u"se -aoap; tise figured Japanese siiksaud cotions wil nit stand it. Tiseir substituite for ironingis primitive. W bile tisemateriali e vory weî misey spread it smtono boards, s-nd stand thetu againsitishe bouse tn dry. Tise J-apauess -are devoied mothers and excellent nurses, but the poor uittIe baby nover knows tise comi cri ni a moiiser's- lap, for sise uses ier kueos to-ait upon, and Jib le lier baby standing taolber breai wien nursýý- ing it. Sise aiwaya carnies it on ber bacis. Drunkennetss uuknown among even tise lnwet womon, but a pipe is bier constant companion. ISie eveu taises hin tbed wih bier, wi li er littie isibacisi (charcoal box), well filled witis bot ailles, is close be-aide bier for onvenionco sake. Hor isouseiseep). iug gives ber but lîttie iroublo, for luiho11 lower classea rice, varied wiîis lea, piciled vegets-bles, sauces, sud fisis, comprise tise tisree me-ais. Ail wisn spend any time mu tise country are eompioeiev fssciuated by tisese swooî- tempered, genile, and ds-inty womou, ah- ways easily pieased, and as ligisi iearîed as cisildren. One of their greaiesi charma s 1 b-ai tise longer you isnow tise th ie le-ss y'ou undcrstand tbom; tbeir natures are -a complex, inspite of ibeir apparent simpli- City. ________ English Language In Australia. Tise Syduey Mail, Sydney, Autaiaila says: Unieas sometising is doue toahei the evil, An-taiaitrouunciatinn wmli b msdistinctive wiibin a few years a tisai in tho United Stateosand as offensive 10tiseh car of tise isstidious. Tise fs-us coýi- uiained ni are a drawl, s- iwang,, ateudcncy11 oa couvert single vowois inidiphtiings1 g 1 tisirteen-year Sroosi andi a seventeeu-yoar brood togetiser. Sm-ail broods of botS sorts appeared ai distant points is year and in !8S8 but in 1885 bots sorta appeared in vàsi meaches of terriiory e-ast nitise- Missis- sippi, and tise lasi visitation before tisai of a smrîeen-yes-r bmood antd a seveuteen. ysar brood lu tise samne year waa in 1868. Tis-eveuteeu-yeam.loeusts are, scbeduled te appear ibis year lu Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Penusyli-aula, Mary. la-nd, Virginia, District ni Columîbia, North Carolina and Michsigan. TSey s-mresalied by- Mn. Riley brood XII, aud are vemy Ruinerons. Tise tiîrteen-year locusis are -achoduied te appen lun Alabamaî, Arksansas, Georgia, Ilinois, Iudman ionritnry, Kentucksy, Louis. iana, Missaissippi, Missouri, Norths Os-alins, Souths Carolina, Tennesse-e, Texas, and Virginia. Tboy crustituto brood XVIII ni Mm. Riioy's classification, lie -as-y-tiis is tise large-ai ni tie tiineen-year broods aud tise mo-ai widely extonded. -Ouly lu Vir- gina and Norts Ctrolins- are bots vs-nouies predicted te appear togeiber, alîisough tisey ms-y overls-p in in tise vicinsty of Michigan and Illinois. Before the naturel isistory ni tise soven. ioen-year locost w-as undersîood uts appear- sce w-a regarded as a sup emnatural ms-ni- fesiatiou. Iu Louisiana in 1835 it wsme- g-arded a. presauiug w-ar wimis Mexico. Tisere is-a dusky zigzag lino ne-ar tise up of, tise eres-iume's wiugs whiois loniss like a W, and is a-aid tn stand for war. Tise omen wouid not Sold good mu otisor languages, but tise sevouteen year locusi does not pro- v-ail in otiser lands. I is à distinkly Amen-. c-au pmoduet, and ni tise 3530,000 vs-nouies ni iîîsectIle siowu te science Atbis atise longeat hf e. Iltisaautile siugusartisai tise Arabs trace lu thse wicgs niCihe genuine incusi sa message fmoîn God writon in Arabie. TH-E STORMY ATLANTIC. Twe Steamnera lessal for New IVork Put Into Haltifax Sibort of Ceai. A Halifax, N. S.,- despaci s as-ya:-Two -aie-amers Sound te New York frm Europe put in bore ibis moruiug short of fuel s-item very rougis experience in atorms. They are tise Stnrm King, Os-plain Crosby, frout Habrvia Shîields, sud tise is-lia, Os-lan rtsig, frout Medit orranean ports Tise Stom tKing ss-iled frmutHsmbnrg Marcis 15, and put inie Shilds on tise 20 ts for ens-j, ailiug from t tene tisa-mo da y. Afl er leavlug the latter'port -se mot wiîis bes-vy be-ad gaies and isigis ses, xporieuc- lng coid weather asnd %snowsiorms, tise 1ltter pari of tise pssasge the -aiip Seenut- iug -aomewisati ied up. Four icebergs wero psasoed, one mn latitude 50.15. Tise Storm King îustiîed soute dams-goe-about tise dock by Seing bnarded by several ieavy sOs-s, tise r-aila and sianeblous beingsmoken. Siso bas a genensi cargo. Tise hItlia , Cap- tain Ons-ig, saiied from Naples Marei Suis and fmom Gibraltan ouontise 13îis with 2 80 psssengors, ahi steerago. She met witS ftir wesihier up te tise 23rd itn-t, wiseu a terrifie bumnicame wiîb a isigis se-a w-as eucountered, during wisieis tise iip mc- ceived protty rougis haudling, but es-me ibrougis witboui mucis dams-go. Sise ps-ssed Lwo icebergs in latitude 42.30. Durnug tise passage ne birts necumred. lie It-is, belongs ltetise Ancisor lino. Women on the Royal Commission. Tise iiree ladies wiso h-ave been appninîed membersof tise Englisis Royal Commission ou secondmry education sa-es-l di-tinguisiseltu difi emeut ws-ys. Ls-y Fredenici Caveudss i-a tise widow ni tise youugem broîber ni tise Dukeofni Devon-ahire, tise vîciu of mise Phsoenix ps-ris mur- dors, Lady Frederîc s aataisen a vory active interesi in charitable and edues-tionai woris, ospeoialhy sîce hemrisusb-and's tragic d's-th. Sise i sa lady of mucis kuowhedge, botis omani -d tligs, uuiversally popular s-nd reapected, Andnit ton phsils-nthropie to ho witisoui sisewi isunowiedge of the wonid. sud 15 excelheutiy fiited to Se a Royal Coin- missiouer. Mm-a. Henry Sîdgwick ls a sîstor ni Arihun Balfour. She is tise aife of 'H'eurySidgwiek tise weli-knowu Cambridge imofessor ni mors-i piilosopisy, sud is prin- nýpah ni Newnisam College. Mms. lBrya-nt, D. Sc., is-a distinuissed lady graduste ot London, who won great bonoîtrs in sience md urs-îbemsties. She is s- popular s-ud 'oce aful lectumer s-ts-aneni tise principal London isigi s tiools, and a rather active Liber-I poli: tciusand p's-ifomadvocae ofo sutsirag.-[Chicago Post. dosgrec s tiikeal on tise nons -aide cf hills, a-nd a sn-eoxosod îroeebas lis largasý îimbs on tise soutS -aide. "Wisat dis coutry wants," i-ad Uncc \l','is se-ne sorti cb patint eontrapt eý ,ihsr a ms-n eau dî-ay a nickel in de slo' . a ITreiigîon' The Men you know. on in and n keep ns ail waiting outside', tisey snapped mn tiseir more iucky compap- ion who was now violeutly strnggiiîg a b tise opening and could noisher get lu nor out. "What are yon shakiug your isead at me for?"I questioued Spartacus inside. ;'Visat are yon shaking yonr head ai me for ? » as ho slowly hacked into isis favorite corner and thon ran full tilt at tise unfor- tunate wolf, sirikinghim with terrifie force, for a time stunniug hlm so he could oniy, mutter something about getting on1t. " Well, get ont, tison,» heliowed tisis nowv tisorougbly enraged battering ram, as hoe swiftly returued from oneni his retrograde tours. Spartacus kept up this pleasanb lutle gymnastie exerciso tili tise iead of tise woif was a shapeless mass, mutteriog to iself tise while, " 1 guess those boys wou'i try ,jiat gaine on me again." The undersigîied desire to thank the farrners of West Duîrham for the liberal -patronage extended to us during the past season, also to remind them that, we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HGETMARKET jrn:PRLICE ALLKIND71SOF- G delivered at our storehouse cor. Kingm and 3Gorge stî-eetsi., or at !Port, Darling-ton. We have aise on hand a large stock, NEW -ANDFEH of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bacrs. Ro3k Salt for cit and herses, and Fiesh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are preparedto te sii C EIEIAJE~ B'0E, CA.SIL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL aways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoCLE'LLA£*:ýN & C WilI b-e plezased once'in quantity, tw'ice in QýuaIity, and three tines ini Prîce Who inspeet the unequalled as@ ortment of Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valis;es, &e~, At Our store, vW-n IeAVEnr BLCK,-îâBonïg ~ iI BIGG-EST STORE, BIQQEST VARJETY, BIGGTEST VALUE. Everybody invited to cali and sce ouir new footwellikl r.,. FA TI ,1C0 MAN OPTIC' $EAROII-LIGHT. Tise Opiihlamometer Throwsa iBIeasu of Etecimie Lght li tiste Eye andi Le- > ates tse Trouble. One ni thiseonnst emarisablo invenins wbich ha- a iaily ceme jinopnsctiiai use in tise hospilals ni New Ynrk ia tise ophibai- mometer. htini used for exs-uiniug tis eoyî wben it is in a state ni dises-se, and it illunstos bow s-curs-tehy modemn science bas come mn do-aiwjtb tise ailmeuis te whicii tise fie-ah i s-pt to isil hein. 'he invention of tis s ew instrmnt was ond te Se s noceîsiiy. Ihinlau as- kuowiedged fs-ct among specislists lun dis- eases of tise eye tisat poor eyesigbt is on s-n aiarmiug ineosse bu tise United St-aies, esp-cis-iiyasmomîg eljdron. Tisenumberof schoni chiidren who wear eyo.glasses cou- tiius-ly lu New York iiy sloue, aud es- peciaily lu Boston, is double onrmoiebnio wus-itluw-as soyons-i yeans s-go. Tise veny lange lucres-se of work w bich ibis ha-a ne- casioned for tise docions tu tise oye isospit- ais rndered it oxîremeiy difficuli for tisou tn carry ru their examinailcs as they isad lîsetofore doue. Tise ohd method ni examîiog tue oye w-as tn -tas-ion tise patient ai some distance brout s- charn uwbîciî were printed letions of 1vsrions sizes. If tise porion under oxamin- at inu w-as perfeciiy chear-umonded, a mtone on le;-s accunsie esuit was obi-ained; but lu the case nifs- child ors- porsoa dall of coin- probonsion tise nesuli wsani geuerally an gond. Tise opisib aimmuter doos awy witis sil thia nncenis-inuy, and by is ose tise venlest tymo fresis bro thtie niedicai college eau mnaise tise mn-at accurate ie lgnsis. hti i tue invention of Profs. Javad s-nd Sébloiz, of Paris,-asnd w-asîitodneed inotise bos- pi-ais of New Yonk by Dm. D. B. St Joisn Rooss-. Il insa combination ni a toiescopo s-nd a ange painted dise, on wbich in îpmojeeied an intense electioligisi. lu front niflise is is-asmall wooden masS-liSe iran-o lu wiicitise patient pis-ce-a hi- afsce. On tise disc are a series of divisiona, Tise doctor looks tismongistise toieseope s-i tise palieni's oye. Tise effeet ni tise intense ligisuins b cause tise numnbers s-nO divisions ou tise dise tes Se refiecied sud mn show oui, cleosn u ie corne-aores-r wal ni tisd paieni's oye. Oouuocted with tise dise is a.slidiug arranigeroutSy mo-an-a of which any desined point on tise dise utsy ho local- cd, so tisatinlutisecse ni astigmatistu, fon iÊstauce, it i oniy nsece-asary for tise pby'si. tetsfter locs-îisg tieso ~urce of tise trou- 1 1 , - , N o w Y o k ; ,M a d a r e u a iv e r e c e l v e l tie :a. ice the reflection nci se 00,ad Madame Eamez -scory, ~0 oye corresponds oxactiy witb tise dise it- self, lho h-a-antroublo su doîng an. Of course, tise dilforonti mai-Smogs are r meaut 10 show tise diffemeni degreos o!f affliction, anuds-item tise record is utsde it i-a tise e-a-ie-a tisg in tise world for tise doctor te prescnibe tise pmoper pair ni gliases obc ho wrîî. And tise be-ai pari ni it ail i tisai ibis point is es tabiished ho. -youd a douhi. People ueed bave n far lieres-fcor of nîaking a mistake lu tise sel"-. i tion ni ibeir eyo-glasse-a, fortisai selection l3 M-ado aocordiog to-an asosnuîe mule, sand ni, as mn tise oid methiod, aceoriuing ta tiseir sensations mereiy. IHsving tise oye-a examined by eieciriciiy, whichis l res-iiy wbat it ainounts te hy iisi metisod, is as3 vol nmeîhiug of a, uovolty, even autnug physicianus. Sone years s-go tbe celebraicd Dr. Heimisoiz îdvised s-n instrument mucis sfier tise fa-aion of ibis onue, bot thw-a-a ton complîcs-îed mn ho ni use. Reguiating- the Chilciren. Viier: "How heauiifuiiy saimil hq. ebildren asit wbile you t-ais tntheut," Sunday-scisool Supeittendout: "Yes, 've got tseut proîîy weIi trained. 1 tolO îiîem igis aitishe stan tisai every timo h caugisi s- boy sqîîimiog smoiul in ii seati wie I w-as maising a spasecis 1 would slis ten minute-a longer." Reaso nabla Expianation. Gedney-Do yon know, I ihinis Van Gmiziler must h-ave Seen biiten Sy s m-adl dog in bis es-ny ynuîh. Mibo-ninoWhy an? Gedey-lhe h-aa snobh horror of ws,-ter, Rie Was Satislied. Mr. B. bs just turned fifty-eight, anIý finding iimî'eif a widowem sfier tss-onty. five yeans cf married lite, iii proparig lin les- O i the slt-ar hi-a now bride Of twensaîy. iwo -aMnumerS. Hi-a friends, ahsrmed s-t the wide dff7erý.. once iu tlim s-gos, nemoosirate, but in v-a lfî f'Wbauil yen say my intonded is ion Young?" M. B. oxci-s in utter esioni sis- Meut. f.,Why, ste is exisctiy theo saine s-go as-my firsi wife wiseu I marrieS uaer." Eiglit isuudred tous af An-air-ai-n 1buttýer wene lanOed lu London froutonue vessLIai. few Oays s-go. Ma-,4m Melb, tise Ansîrian im dnsreceîved $1,000 s- nigisuiooi cs- pertormance aitte McIncpolitan' pet, 1 1 LOOK OUT FOR LOCUSTS. Thtey Aïce la Iwenty-Two States andi Teritosles Thl sumnme,'. Locusmts are due in tweuty-two states and territories in the mcnihs oi May and, June. T'ise reai name of tbis interestiug insect s"is periodical eiesada, or the red-eyed 10,-a, as bug hunters familiisry eall it. et does not beloug tn tise locust irise, wbieb ire near relatives of tise grasshopper and stisiinguisised by great ability te jump. ise red-eyed cicada does net jnmp. The' dictionaries derive tise word locust fromn two Latin words, meaning a burned place, and tise popular use of tisat word as tise name of cîcada is jnsiified by tise iestimony ot writors wiso iave'described tise ravages of tise seventeen-year locusta. One wbo travelled 100 miles9 thrnugistise foresis of Pennsylvanla and Ohio aiter tisey had ap- peared said tise wisole inrest looked as if if bad been scorcised by fire. This year, according to Prof. Riiey's sobedule, tise country is te ho viited by a N' fit , EastEInd rm eo Jý

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