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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 5

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71 borîe ail chanon Couch,- ro-iâr brat. Ilaarseflei..'WlOoPin 1 Caugh mixeS slhma. For Consutuptlol i t as no rival; ag euni thOasand@. and will CURE Tov té *enia time. Saisiby D .u onlsa eguar-. Ite, For a Lame Ir sorChoit.USe JILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTER2O iUlOW rsREMEOY, -naveyitutarh? hisremedy tsguenan.. ed tacure you. Pýrice, Bch. Injectonfree. Fan sale by Stott & Jur7y. Fl"Y'a n t Truss ? WÔ$ae ometbing new. Less c 4han haif the prieu charged by Toronto iMa.nuftacturers. otioulble tO show goods Cal1 anîd seu-tbelii. Pitorooni for fi fi n,,. STOTT & JURY, Druggisits & Opticians. eRAIND TRUNK RÂILWAY. BowMAN VILLE STATON. *Passen«er....2 45 Pm xpe 6 07e ',Pa4ni.. 7 07 p m Ipasenger -A..89 a m 'Exprss. 57 pv Passenger ....2 29 P in lExpressi...832 pm Are You Going to 14 KNITOBA, NORTH WEST or BRITI[SH COLUMiBIA. DVrOp us a postal Card. We wil înd you ~jrr.nation(that will be of initerent to you. Seiltourist excursions everyTeda y i N. ür t h Ba y. STOTT & JUÏRY, thre Druggsts.1 Local. and Otherwise. Il r. F. J. Jollow of Guelph is vieitinq "ler parents Mr. end Mys. Thos. JeweII. Mns. T. 0. Nicholix, Fort Perry, w'rs *guest of ffra.T. E. Higginbotbam recent- Now iÀ your tirne te get a hardof l' tgar chap-A car load just ini a# the Weat Eîd lRouie. Mne. B. Hawkins an-J two children of PortHoe were gueats ot Mn. R. R. >foskin, Ceulre St. There wene numnerous!interchangeOvisita Letweoen ýOshawa and Bowmanville on $uniatday, botir road2 and weather being rf1ne. Thec cadit turned out this weki by, Haines' Carriaý,e Works are a credit to Bowmianville-The-y are beauties and the *Manly wOrda of commendation expressed regardîng thÉaîn tbe past two <ays muet Ire very grat:ifyitig to Mr. O. 0. Raines, tire propvieton. Rey. "T. W. Joiliffe writing us from C-tmpbe 1ford ýsays: Dear Bro. Jame,- 1. have retc'iwith pleazure the report of your chuireh for 1893, and am pieaped to see tiret na i the întýts ýof the cburch are 8(o well auitained notwithstanlding biard ties. We shah èver bo pleased to he0ar of thre !ucoess (f Bowmanvlle Mth- Cdiam. ,We are ail welI. Captain Sweeney, F. S. A., San Diego, Cal., îay3: "hlo'Catarh Remedy is thre firt melicine I1 have, ever found tiret wouid do Me env go, Price 50 cents. Soid by Stott & Jury. 'See new ar, a f ia- clae iChocolt i et C. j.0ci. Tirey're sitar m-at L. Mayer'a a fait bat for 5Oc. If yon want tire hat sewing machina, made, cehI on Rickamd. Call on F. C. Petiick tire barbe,wtisn wanting snks <hing l iiisinaD Thora i a a siii g1,iug bareheaed wiren you çran cext iag o tih rbat ion 50c. froni ".Mater. Anyana ieiuga bugain cxi ex1t hy callîng et MmirsDo,.a'trï ansi puI ,cbasîng ana, a iFhr îlihsi tnîtnmd bats Urleruî'i er inofsnmta BrmssIll ad T,ï sry'i mpts direct Irn' Crosaley &Soai BaloaxEnglansi. 1 unSe-r ondit iauany oomnptitar undenili us Elli o n.&Ca Ouar new Pinîs anS Dresu Gonds are' vany iroice. Tiey iwillhhe 'augirlored, toù, 1 ,Ellison &L-CO. A cdock tiret Sai oe .t -eep lime ana guoodineairone. You dehould take irt ta Itikai ansi ave it ut in odrSoneH $1 Worth for 25 Cents. Fan tise u-xt three mentis aur pricos rig hoe lowened ta suit tire timen. 251 unts will buy a dollen'a worth of lest esan'e gonds. Orn cstomers admit lu fuot. We sou sa special lineofaiTweed1 1uts anS Sprieng Overooats et pnices tireti urpnise our fionda Tire qtîick salasi uit go on et sainseprpn, even et any ice. 1 EuaîSON & Co. Sce di>play of Chocalates ini 0. Tod's iw winduws. Ouled and annealasi steel Fanco Wire at Dinstan & Hoar's. For Boas sund Siropsq cf every duscrip- on go ta lie West Endi Rouie. Tire wife ai ex-Mayor P. R. Rnandell, Port Hope. diad on S.,turday aI cancer n ir 66tir year. Mr. C. J. Peurce, Port Parry, F. H. ,azier, Brigirton, were in town Mondiay %t Mr Jesse Trnll's. Mr. and Mns. S. Washington have ne-. turne 1 front Strutiord wirere they spent th winten witir tieir deugiton, Mns, D. Wiry sirulsi yau pay higi r piceor o damaeos gooda viren M. Mayer is seilingz ratt ansilu-nisiringi in new goodeis on 055i money SOnirawa citiztns hava peroxysmu aif de- igirt noaw aven s cut rata figirt among uakens 'vir are îielliag hneed et thnee, centss a.f Mossrs: D. E. ansi J. N. Gbrailtir and risors have reiuned ta tow& fnom CJolumbue ssi insareliving on tir a fr' retw cently bougirt fnom Mr. C. M. Cewker, off Mearu Ave. CHkAI' WALL PAPRrat,-Save your mney hy calting ta îa tira ew Wall Paper et Shanini & Cu'f. Great bangains in WinS-,w Shades, Paper, Mixesi Paints, Enamel ansi GaIS Paint. Paeon iung for 8 centse arall. Shop next doan te- Reid's Sirne Store, Bowmanvil'e. 16 ti, KiND WoRDs.-I cen assure you1 would not ho 'vîthacît youn pavor for five liieetire pnico I have te psy for it. AI thougi far eway iran ny faonerhonme, wirile raading youn peper 1 an' cognizeni ai tire doingu ai my former associtas. W-iairiungvan u .cceaansi xay, you ho long apupra>1 te pub11isi ansi edit THI? STATESMAIN itieiaiJ3E M -Snsace, Gre&s Falis, Montana. ON AN EXOUT MOUR nAiIS.-An inter- Viaw with Troeven,the populan marchant, revoals tirelad tithaireolias re-orgau'zet tire îyslem aif îeffing iisgoosis. Sa con. vincd sie ofaitire justice cf tire eigirl ioron agitation emong iaboring men, tira ho han deterurined ta recluce iis pces ie that tire wage Irein an eigrt irour da: will purohasie as mucirsa the veges ofai ton-heur day have ln tire past. A iaw farmore are learning ta thir coat it doos noi, siways payIotaeemouey hy elowving tine insunance ta expira o11 thiror farmn buildings. Mn. W. Cullisel Pickering wgsuont ana af these. Ho very wiîely irS ad 0on tire content. ai ir: outbuiildiug tiret wcne burniecilIait weai, bu:t hie lasmwes gnet-aJ i i eed grain, lied inmpemnýts, 9 îireep, 15 pigi,' lir ri es sud n on o two cattho. Ho for-, Orly livesi iu Clarke. MoIR KIND WORDS --DYAP, ED)ITOR,- I ni4w ttkü tire pleasýure ofi seuding yoc $10(0 far wiici please siend me yatl papar. 1 wrould not ho witirout TBn STÂThSarAN ionr twice what it co3ls me- it iî liks a finsioaning faintiromE eveny va k. Whtna tilrensfarget ti write I slways i kuw whatin gaing au ie chat neighborirood. 1 atn' veny muel pieuseS witi your pepen ansi wleh yoi evary auçoegsin tire future. Youns iruly WILLIE SMITII, Bohanni, Man. Tnaz EVOLUvI1ýOf, aiMediolual agentsî gmadually nsegatiug tire aid-tieshenrb pi-le, draugiras aud vegaale extracts tg tire reen ansi hnngiug into gonersi u,! pieesant ansi effective liquisi laxative Syrup af ieaTajet tire true rnede sae tiret it is inuacturosi by tire Calif o nia Fig Syrup Ca. oniy. For sale by r] leasing dnuggists.. The Aberdeen Choola'e-leat out- tny thoinet 0. Tod'à. CahIsomnine ansi pnepaind peints In al calons et Dugitan & Hoen's. Yau cen depeusi upon gctting style aài queIiiy. at liii tirsu wiooisae prices noe et M. Nlayei'ii, LADIES-Auk ion Hoak's Sofuhe Polis] ion fine boots and shoos. Une ne othe ansi yau wil hosetisfied wiîir the resie For sale by M. Trelaven, D. Devis, Jiýc McMurtry, ansi T. G. Mason. Manu factureS b y A. J. Rook, Bawmenvilie. Gentlem'en wvi abave t'îein orSon fi C!thing ut Ccuci, Joinîton & Cryde min's cen always SaponS upon bahr periectly omiteS. Our rossions in auy part ai Censý sirouisi sk M. A. James fan prîoe4 tickets wian tiinking about ging hoLI 015 Country or sendiug ion fiondia. Tire West Ensi Hause are siowing whi is prohubly tire finet range ai Tan Bac ansi Bhoes in e'l sizas Iran' wea, ones1 bg pipas' that ws ever shawn lu Bou manvilla. Cali ansi sea thein. Fruit culture me more profitable bt] t fariner 1>0w than hie otirer cmpi. Broa Bros. C., tiremniat ait-nsive nursei ironie in CausSe, bave e vacaucy in th s-cioD. Write thon' et Taonto), Oct for tiroir terras. 13 3m. Morris' CaTiageý Works la noNv in fi bliî bieksmtir iro, ,woidwork, trir niuîî, paintin ,etc. Tiray are turnii ouýt buiggiesj, rced tcents, andi democni sud ivitg roptattentinn ta rapainii Ofai I:ecipin ,ive thre aid stand ccli. ArasmE0F SOALISM-Watte-Noa if unenaendcoîrractly. t irent pin( pieo aiSociàhiian sta diviSe with yoi matre 'n. Pata-'Tien yon d(ol und, ralanS it cot rectily. Tire fint pni cipl A oacialiEta in ta maKieysaur brotli divide vwitir you, Wo have ann emy sociaia in Bow'anville0, sud tiroir fil principlo soinis ta o 10 mairýe Tralevi di.viSe viti tiruntrt exýLcllent tock Baoots asiShoos ho iras. Our farceaa i'e, besgiurning on tire 31 of Manoi, viiilest tirougirout tire sieaa Tire impleratve need Î8 ho nise mon frmn i tù ck, he he tirelusiter pni.Cus3AEl limon & ( nls Oh i t yieil to tiret necoe'îity. the heast Caugir CureOnly one cent a J An l'Advane" Th-eshing Muobinesd an Ellison & Ce. dote; 25 cts , 50 ets. ansi?-1,90 p bottie.Wteu nîo nga îan o ae o ai Pa~' - rtlculans spply ta M. DOo1<. zlot '35. cn , Ordenres -i uis '03lI ooetirird lais Saisi hy Stat & Jury. Ciarke, Orono P. O. 5tf t1irSuusuel. Ellison & Ca. wheli tire nee izista- sili, we irave no n. aSOI~StOc~ --&Oa- irs-~ans-eiuureniu-sit - ~.brick bouse an Chçircirstreeletealn- We"-nto in Iro ua imouoy Kre ffered at hmli plice, iuceay. Apply Io A, o cr .OT, LBUtQEAM.Ba ey qulcky. Ehiuo Co. Checir vyounIni4etion vith, K. R <1ýJ TAkCK. . C.for dîta'res3 mter ea-ting. iadsLnmn a iemtai A Prettv Store. .A Spring Pointer.Wdo Unquestionabli one of thee maît unique Wew1>ir to ema ize the fact th at ciut fib t î8 N u and haridsoine Ptore3 fronis in a in- stock i. new, weil bauglit and thoroughly vîie in Mn. Oham. Tod'î sÂince he effecteýd lal.Cuetomners of ton tell us tl'et the recont improvements. Boess Put- oun goods always turn Out exclY asI. tnintia iiîaw plýate glas on botir eilos, reýpreaented. No botter valne anywhee. T an a nice "SI.TatjcI an notad a few weeks agni Mr. T..d ires CaUCH, JOIINSTON & CRYI)ERMAN. Clock, or -ftiver~w show spendd tst inornanwmetatiofl of te wolextior. The fsncy fani- Tire Wüst End Elouse show a groas n c s a y f r m light and variegated transoisover thenant o spiughee shos frforilmno larger plate glass give a varie 'v and hin Tans and ilak-&ll pricesa ad sizes. about tihe qtLaItyT charm ta tire prospect that in veny peas. Yon sho)uld aoe them. i th asrbTe brio~ ad ckot fe asboatiract Ladies ishing thirirhair trimmed or ever3Tone know s th passr-by Tir brik wok ha hei aiged should al on F. . Pethick t eb s t e mao tuek-pointed.Ithe woo 1 worlr painted "i7reias flîted np a very neet barber ao.t e b s th a x' irarmonizing colorensos.biat teken alto poite John LyIe's Dow tone. gether there is not anothan a-% pretty a h v e'v T u store fient in the town. Mr. Tod i one Tht.gret atahtaveonaKnig i. tin oftemon t pbli spiritod and îuccessful w&sýk is tire big display of cants on ex- business me'nini town and monoy in noa,1%n rie W ks abject wi lh hitn when lie undetakei a Thiey Frefiihs in naturel' wood and stl s lin 'o f m mat- o tiskid.The improvemnt c'ro in alrespects equal tb anything we illse lng of , oan i hi-s lkind 4 cetainîy mî aeseni ie ioa ans ieeon the $' ç iile Y( coitlt hie bateadnntri2ostboc V I 1 certainly ho no occas on t g') outsida -- credtîbl tahis esteandentepnia. of Bowmaeivilie for carte as these cantseer aembodiments of Soine good pointa ot ci s ou oie tne The- Boom Continue3. irýat woc have nover seen in cents befo,,e. stock. Cal] and sei 1Pe'ople acon finsi out where they enu Notwithatanding thre tremondous sleO get boit value for tiroir money, tins ex-12 we have hied ince tire fire aur counterm lains why Maynard tire jeiweilen did g. ara still lined with inresisuibla barvains. 1sucir a big trade lant treek, Big 20 was If you have any kind of si Necessatily tira gonds tiret were demeg tire busiest sirop in town-tnemendous bi tt eadyucng ed tire woris: had t> o, s ol fiit and no w rsh. Maynerd is winning a groat vaane igitom an yucnge we are nusiing inf the goods losis injured for selling waitchos, jeolry, Fjilverwaro, et prices tiret will dispos of thiemqilick.- rings1, etc., veny ciroap. Iliebought iisn !V. Our mtine now stock of pi-ohul jus: stiock for 50o. 'on thre dollar, hence ire MLYN RD T in befono tire fire wore so i rcely damalged, cen êafford taoeiol cireep and in dolng it ige Y31' T yet we amo secrîficing on tire price of itýoo. Cali. tirem. INearly 300 ta select fnrom. Tiresa 1D-eWitt Teiniage Stuart tire boy orater __________________ wý tirtie mont a tire stock wo are flow1 wil ippean in tire sciool-room ai tire offeing coud not ho shawn d.uring tire Mo-tirodîst cirurcli, Bowmanvillo, tie Mapie Sugar of tire drap af 1894 et 0. fins: ru.h af ter the fine. Tire bulk ai aur Wodnosday eveniug, April 18, unden tire Tod's, new goods anresrnived and bial been Pro* Loagîse auepices. Hoei oly 9 yoars old IESÂNUM IÀ toJX.,185 rnounced tire finest and ciroicest sa3iction but RCvRIDrIANser m'ays ireais iria1dfor95, of now and stylisir goods whii it fi;rs woneru >a eoutost'Te even béen oun pleasune to shoe. We Hemi lto pcatn eys: ini" T hlne Wireodid von£et thait bat ? At M. know tirt it wil ho ta your inteent bassemblage waa fîiriy nîtounded et tire Mayor's for 50c. 9visit Our store fr, quently durnng tuaR youpg orett r'. succsas in delivoning Rav. Safety l3anh ire and 1 Staplea at groat sale, as every day new and stentiiog D.Tlse-bilatoiioBlia-Dsa ors bargains are iring offered. Izr's Nimg' rt oi." admioaion iohz uta ors 1J?;o. J. MAýsoNq î,5XgtFat dso ù. Ladiez, if yeu have not elready, don't a -iu Gon oTJSEKEEpiNxG for April gives feil to try my ehoice family toas. W. H. 1 ~ecial tittention to the home lifo of tire Osborne., Uu±'ounded. Rumor. late George W. C ida w.th pictures of Men's Tutu-tire lataît product.lous of b Tre uma tiet ams Mrri, tre enMr. Conlda. bis noësîdence et Wootton, tire boit Etiglisir makos-just opnned eit the uine tha Jams Moriothe a nd i M. Ciildu' fanions $40,000 dinner Coucir, Joirnoton c& <DCryderwan'a. 1. iaeo meker, wes sean going ta beave îet. Miss Parlao, iras a pipar descriptiv aarlmuinBwanil av3ao Bowmnviie i no tra.Le wllti:ll aiNeYork markots, and tire usual van- ly ira fitosudn Bowramen nnd cirha en ho found et tire oid stand, 'Marris' Cerri- ioty ai irauitsoand aticles.apdetmy, lau age Worka, resdy sud wiling ta repnir î .ii-, pu zzles pmid ciroice selections. ieaegtn istr aewy Thesoft carngemak newone, tini ud ud i ts maazie i brod, ut t ~arc got et Tnelevon'n fasiionab!c bai-t and youn arae aenwoeti'Rdfdoft;ïmgzn abod ti ,cishoestore. Yon know the pl ice; drap in fit up oarriazo taps aud do alil sssOf canai ul]y ians ably covered. Cl01 .sd e ieue tls bcannaège work as henstofane et pricos ta Bnryan Company, Sprngfield, Massse h nwêtls d suit the limes. Hoeitirankful ta aid oSàudy ltinofTi 1- custonxers for pat f tvons sud irapes T iroaudyeluo fTn 3rn treceive a fair shane ai thein patron&tgo ir asai late heen meking great atridesi. New Milînery Store. kt future. Eicir week iu addition ta tiere ngulan h aiso .7 ivleadWs 0news ai tire day, Womau'a Page, Mlitary Tr aisa amnil niWs 0 am. lYp1r talent, Spoting, Dnenia'ic, etc , it Durham are roopecîiuliy invitasi ta calet 'y It in aiways a plaasune for us ta direct irhas e numben ai interesting Special Mmi. Dingman'i new miiiinery store and etire attention ai tire buying publia toae Articles by billiant writens. Satundsy iio the new stylcs. No old atack-eveny succesnsuad neiabe merchat-one1 weok h gave a splendid histonicîl sketch tiig new andi the most fasirionablo L' who througirly undenstandahi i business by ote ai tire Nule voyageurs, e racy shape3 an ' dsiradesj. Straw gaods cleanerl y and keepa a clasai goo)dutireht wo cin 1sketch, "R1-ow Biowens Won tire Rat," andi ne.sRhaposi. Next door e.at 74 the 'c onfideânîly riscommensi. Tinsï woek one beîiug a etory ai lake marine in tire olden Grand Centne', Baoeanvi1!e. >f weil known andi succesful boot snd siroo day"s, and ailer tîquiall1y intaresting 'Y inmarchenit, Mni. M. Televen, intenta hi irticles. Every weetc someothing go-ad '~Spring announicement oiu <n iîtpaeappears li it. Ir, and invites inspection aifiris largo uow 1 u11the May number of FRNsrLs's A T MI n, stock ai tire lete4t aid boti matesai foot POPU(LAR MowýNT11LY Mn. Cecil ChSrlOes, 7 wear. W6 noticed p2art1cuIMýr1Y thisire wel uowu in-ieia eî î- plediddialayai ineboos mde~ h .piecrrsodn contibutes e timiely Linthese sicaym, the dayî aifirard tiases, windws.0f oure tre nlitlcarrnge rBnzilian piper on "Tire Revoit oi tire tire public warit tire huit velue pqssîblo )u Juoent Batir ak hqi iris foaremn, r. ti e."Anloîiran feaiture ji3 Dr. Sher-- far their umanay. Tiret onueai tire' ti Jalntsaboclwei ioîoweiinowtheartstfewoos-Dunn's comnpirenaive article on reasinîs wiry poople get tiroir Phitos fron un~~~~~~~ tîens s el enfete n ir at ai i Eucation in France" superbiy CarIais, tao Pirotographon. Anothen awindow dressing as thera seaui. Accept iiinstrated witir views ai tire great lias- eason il that ire turneuont fiae work. -Mn Tte'oven'aiai'I'ioan ta oeil sud sec pitals, clinica ansi experimonts. OLirer Give i s oeil. Satisfaction guarentoes. e iis uew setyles andi lear bisa way-down il,,,tratesi atioles are "Tire Romance ai CARLESS, tire Pirotograpir. to pnices. ' Tîma .%Ciiovarà, " "Oiliteris andi Car, ___________________ 1~ CHEÂtP ZAIN RT.-We cen seil cabin nons"; "A Day ini Upsmàa"'; "Birds of te-îe lnh,1 et;5arae,5 u pîsagon iranewfea Doinin Lno eotandi Fable'; andi "Sugar beet Cul- cent, Deatias. Se eents, cash Insertion )uStoani mn "Labrador" siing fnom Pont;;tuýre in Soutiern Calîfornia. fxer-bd asut IE FCiAREtesie isafthe isulan direct for Liverpool on May 1, o<lly A ETC01FOUN.M. . itwa passenvrs in a rooni, ior only $45 A SouEthCa oD euns.,-Mr. C. ifor %par dock br'rtbsansd $50 for bridge Londd a retn, ass., wnites: Port H. ri7,tew sdockrberths. These apecia'ly low rates 1"1 have sufferesiagra da ran' dy- WLaT-Ator peApl7,t lf to are ul for t tr Tis is tire fasiteit ADÂAms-In Clarke, Match 29, the wife cf ',eaoe oaitire hast tteemairips ai tire about oem,ýeytiing but with littie houefit. Mr. Thos,.6h dams, of a son. ro Canadan lino%. Second cabin$3; avîng tire gaod fartnuùe ta boernoi K. D. CHÂPMÂr-In Kirhy. Memch 31. the wif e of ly tereg, vemtbtxgf uns, 24. Ties C. 1 tirought 1 wouid tq y i woked 1. T, Chapimn, ofa edaughter. )r ratas do nat include nailwey faes. vnesnmcasuIarnoasel ail as ever I earnuetly racommens Iit ta al DEO tirese sufforing frosU Dyspepsia or indipos' STARI-At Newcastle, Aprmi 9, Jean Stark, When oun went tion. Try it andi you wil bo convince." e ged 71 yeans. Y JAmiEso1-I Kend all, Apnil 5, Merte John. Note Pepenr andsi Envelopea BALANCE ûa, 1894 Fon $100 -A cane- sien, beloveï wife a! Edward Jamieson. all iily oadcte raigius ape ina nces FLuKsr-At 44t King t. W.. Tronto, April iiGive us a triai. You vwhil be arnss ulcauts rlgosppri ee-12, James Flnke, aged 70, f onmely of Cart. et tire prices. siievenywellfor ,og n inlua blho e; Mo8 W InBawmanville. April 12. Ann, ha- idGRAND CE NTRAL. and tire cost ai sucir e piper sirouisi nover lovaS wî!e o! Mr. TIri. Mayie, aged 46 yisens, W ___________________________ pravent ils heing made e waîcome visitor. D onthi. Hast Whithy. April 13, Wr hM Far tire Preabytenrian family circla nO Down, egesi 79 yeat s. ah Gar-den Bakes, Hbas, and spadling peioýdicalcan takre thre place of Tire Can -__________________ onr Fonks at Duisten& ad-lt Preshylemean. Iu size, contenta andi t. Petirick'a barber siropis tire place ta get edfitorial meijaiement, it iî a modal jour- BO'WMA.NVILLE l[ARKETW' \O. a goos i sirve or hein onit. u-al. Tfirýeewekly billhf aife proentesi Correeted by J. Micliurtry., erery Tuesday u- Wo went a gondcoesndt in in tiereev-al deartnent iai tiuxely andsi every unrepresentesi sectoion Weîti att aciva,. Lot us mention a fdw af tire FLOUE, P 100 b. . ....1 50 ta $2 (0 onr Dnham. leading lei tures af tis valueble publics- W,,ÂT, Fe,, bush..0 00 e, 0 62 er AIl kinsis of Tiwrtioti. Tira msie andi witty *'Knoxonian" e Russian, '0...... o (0 O60> Tinwre, vetoughngWiîts f. r every is8ue; tire "Miuaitontry , oreO(0nO5 ng andi repairing ut Dusten & [joar'.Wh" ie tl rrdnInldaiowteG oroe 00 0 O55 e aniSaooe elgnt deini asi fat bytre1à Solionýs itraer sa ile o n Rae S Clorado ... 01)0 Ofi 05 :F'ou SP:RnING WVALL PAPER, WINDOXV SHADES, CURTAIN POLES PICTURE MOULDINGS, CROKINOLE BOARD-S, onIy $,2 W. T. ALLEN OtTME F COLLFEr F PIIYSI4W9 lm. an Suirgeas. Çnta f fice. King 18t. F.it daJnr wes: of Oentario Rang; Rosi4 Bowmnvile. Fire! i'ire.! iie AUl aeo-iunts due MI. A. JEDSALL. suCke te S. S. E D8ALL. mu it be paid et one t' e0atr. Office in MUlne'a Block. F OR SALE OR TO RENT.-Iu Lbe Village o«Newcastle one and be-ngr Âcres of land et the north end of I)ni1Gibndn apply tu, GEORGE CURTIS. Newcastle. 14 -4741 C HEAkP AUOT1ONBfERING.-Jamefi 1YA. Kelly, oi Newcastle, le prepared to jrIè allessentnnstod :0 hlm et. one per zeÏ. Cen beat any auctioneer In ibis county 0ePa the sale for nothing, J. A. KELLY, Wiedgoe Ilotel, Newtle.. 2 amow. FARM FOR SALE. -A finît cdaus tru of 125 acr-es or 145 acres situat.esilae the township of Eust Whitby lit con. lotsi 15 anci 16 on the Base Une, about 1* miles frorn(Iba wa statio. 2 miles tram Whftby an d 63 ec4s tram the ichool house. Large roony buiid1iiqs. main baen 95x36 IL, plenvy or fruit, sili,,fèjp loam, eltogether ono oof the boit grain f ", on the Lake Shoro. Nu bills or itaneos. jfi 10 acres of Wood. 75 acres lu pastuneaend ý ûý seedesi. Terme easy, Firît plowing . Onie For funther particulani apply to A. Oshawa. 7-f TRE D0!JININ Isolues a euun 1 i;a!:t-,)ic t) f t>lIan RATES:- lot Cuas i U cents par 100 2nd P!)3 . 100Trn.4 er MO3t of West Durhem'i prominext farmenuj are insured in il. R. J. DOYLE~, llsq.,' JESSE TRUL, 1EgOq Mang3r, 'r&ot Owen Sound. Bwar11 Wiil celi on neceipt cf po.t card. Agent for Wû3t Duram, A, W. FOLIEY, B1û-1, 50-6m, Bowm l an ville, en§ TMÈE -IMMO & HRIO Buiesand Shorth.and CoieQ Yongo & College Streetç,ý Toront, Canada, Ledss In unsarpiod tuition and aeccommoal, and Evening, OPEN ENTIII VEAU. Dookkeceping. -Arithmetlc, Sotrn.~es ge hY, P ean ma ntý p iuý1uno and u c ~ t Enlislh andiMteecicuss tJll rWieand i w wIlmail yo)i% our &1iýff lar i-rea. 3O-1Ir ALL OUR SHEET 1MUSIO Reducei tc , cnts-by mail 6C5CR cËa çorh.Ot00, A. MSeIl106 r' doe irs wnkthlorouohiy, DO matter wii It my bo Wath, Oockor ewlyra 'Eta0Have i, Set of Jewelry, rare? It îs not bo say anythîng of my goods. as lat I aways keep Set produces. I dred Dollars to )rt time and arn stock at 50 cts. ,u have to pay price for înferior )e me before buy- smail work to repair or make 3t it done riglit. 'MIE JEWELLER, "BIG 20.1 ' 1

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