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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 3

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dayon angspîot fic forz HOUSEHOLU. Lnctti!-t ai'tu s e on Let uslise C, beteiourfelowb, 0 We wî]Ll flot be passiug fils ayagasu Ltto-day bïe ,gýito ides in 'Thes ors wsae a irothrs reI. c sugar bascopteydsoe, then cc closey auldulet L tdUnt i the dre'ge' setted and the syropïI is tran1sparen-t. il bottles perectly dean and drY, put aV lass ofFrec, randMy hin eamp, sil t the sy, ok tîght, u dte neci melted rosin or pitch. Ke in a c"!olp Do flot put the yrup on the tr, destroy theý fine flavor (f the juice. If wish te preserve the lemunot peel,1 watroer thm nd l t temsoak v yI oueu scrape 1ail the htepulp off, boil them =Utlsont. Prearve thcm1 i hau theirweight Lu mga=.Keep te mýince pesan ckeý; they aeavery subsisute for citrn. Rice M ls -ro ogte ne t3 spîonfil cd-'i of suga&r sud bUte r, a n in wo eatn esThen Ladd thrceýr aftrwrdsad acupfn of boild rice a hal yest cke issol ved in t w.th ai cupful of wrm mlk, tbeýn tr theý- MAUD. ît n ts R!epot isI he to.0 irr- exatceOite Brtjhoverumnt sF fihe floigto thie Noir ork f th lieP ghte, st eredences ueed be stfýach- tie rpnortýs cabled fromn Europe with rreu-tly put Lfi or-e il, ph 1 ias gautdL ved to use fhe ,tUIfle "Doc- a ivseokmc ave o Csora e bcdI (ilinreii, sic gavetesCats W.B. Wase, ho is the owner of a adsto 11,3i gives this history of it - The5 stonle wasý- for eturies the urpe -yofauida rb i igna Thyueit toc> uesako bites, and it was lmos worhippd an kep by a great meUdicjIine anrWhreit canÉfirom origin. alLy obod knos, bt there aýre numer- ous radtios. 9mesay it was found in the pun l' famlkwiefawn, other tlsa't îLt rppd Fr~ eaven. One of the early Vrii etesgot Lt from the Indians and udt fduring his lifetime. 8o far more than 2,000perýnns hiave beeni tr eated, and scarcL y a day asse but pati- en tg corne." Ail Sorts ~4dcon it i on s of m~en _El Padre-! and L adLcena tuis une isfie captain, or teacimer, asud1,np - ou rare occasions Ltis ý the mamm'a. The otier pins are- rupls or mm Ia l "ittie boys and diris." fe('w Ill tick the pins aloug the side of the basket or box, and aind e-arrangement of thinga f0 suif bis chaugiug f andy. Wien iLs ipgels fa liffle old, I take a faucy basket fron ihe mantel, sud as I lace t uponi a chair yuu can sec that i is Liied uiti pioces cf plains clorod ceocfu every colos I1 conldfu, dut mb squaýres, oblng sd aglsolil degre-est. Tieso ],se syll lay or aref pon fie f1o0r, su lias aiready le heiccolora af igit, sud noted tic differeuce Lu inshape. Iu papa's slsop 0uies a iau oicacer- box, sudiLu t papa La puftinLy alilbits cf perfect squares, cubes saniugles, a ny. tiiîng ubicîs lîttie hands canpilie up infto a, tiuy building ; pieces of m)ouldiug aý>re %]so) put intotifs box. By ud by fiie pioces will be painted ail culours, oxeept poisonous green, mîici I neyer ashow chiidren tueb audio, sud upon tomes happy day, when baby dan ait upon fie carpet. fwo liffle unes wil ho mado giad by an- uther presýeuf. I mnay bc infrirngiu.g upon the kindergar- tes, systeni, but if su tiese ideas are mny own ; sud al dan sec that ýtieY are instruc- tive as weli as amusissg. fie liffleounes are faugif lu put tic tiiings away wmes tired oI ticm, aud f liusa bbts of order are leamuec1 as well. Useful Recipes. Stsawben-ry Pjreserves.-Fse one pon-nd of frui. t, i ýý,heniJin a preser ving k(ettie ove: s s:low fin uil tise sugar mels;-,tien b;oiL twenîyfive inuteslest.Take ot the fruit Lu a perlorafet me m su Iil 11air- figl: jrstrc atera f-, ui. Bul tf symu fiv mintes onge, skm i, and fill uD fllci aririti40if, sdsuaI mwile bot. Tese s.-Ttacuplis of sugar, one cup) ,f butter, une lhall cuplullfmiik, four eggs, une pouuaciulr'isins sud curants, une ll ponnd)o!citr-on, une hall teaspoon- lui ~ ~ a olsda netassonful of creamta,"f asr tir ' ol fur,3pice as you ploaso. PaL urs su alow ovon. froc from be csi eze tfim sd srai fie jui-e tenf0e cpit putAfepounel c larger;, he pLier tie figures of tie er forcýed to cooiluhs htiels Lu the outer hall sýff11 ply,-ing bis lucrative trad n r momneter wil stan u.aon hth etoftenbiiy Lrdprsof the 1United States. Ik is Ibut lately Cuver the back wings iiipâle yeýloe on' aeoaL nbitn o'i îi hat the denfiats ibesf knot1 toPasan crepe papor, atn tao nte edges O aC eredfo'Lmago da f ofep, eecalled ',arraocurs (des dns, r the wrong ide, and drawing Lt into shapû iîh s perhýiaps even !imore difficaî f tot-daÀ ra wb id harsonti foudaio, O tatth cinieswLl ilmn hese of Fife. teetinLu fie presiece of large crow-dE. Thee lengiwîs of ie îngs - Lrd Rsebry S Cneo Gf00shrewd assd rivai of tfie Amelrican dnitforty fao ambiil ameanever to expose himsell yesms ago, graduaily bnshdtiese worth- î0 sucI reatment, or -to r isk Tthe crtIlsesfrom ,the putblic oea- ae efs îo ofalhis immený,ise scilprestige, bis frti'Le rank ni profesion. But dentistry1 politicl influnce ant hia grat popuarity.is stili, Lu France, agefrfg fqak fisrtuinof Lie Preierslip or evei n audimipostors, as there is, no proper legalE 1411bis osesiuof Ia minoruportfolio Lu the co-o Iteat nndpoai eur Cabiniet woulmd be ont th fe question were'dfo ie,practice of iL he o bcoue he usbnd f Brtis Prn- A curious case of fie invisil Ie being pho ce liedh wonld beVercced' into obs,,curify, togrsýpied is notedl by Enigîineerinlg as have as f ar as ite isoyof iscount-ry La Con- ing occurrod wheu a pietre w-as taken of ere.The.oa fml f raFBianfira Eastern prier to her being brokea Ladcare by tlic uniwri!t-eu lairs of the up for good. Wo the, photogra-ph was conSsiýtu-OT i ormtkigàypartrilapartisan made the photogyrapier ,'wns net ïa littie polLues. St1rLct ilparfiait y vifh rýegard te surprLsed f0 flnd great lttrsextending the the great poULtical patiesý is cpce from whole lengti of fie si defs some al!Ilmem rsthemeof, and t Jis manifeat, one's patent pilh.la. t ppears fihat these Cuver the iron n sg, fligtie er1,ge uinder ti cîcumtaces, fiatL, t would be letters iad at une period of the ill-fated wiih lps serth bsk w'sg -50 nt-,of tihe question for a sou-iu.-law of the vosse's dowruiard career been paiuted on wsielapokdistitfrofhem; pawrgss t roudsveel or even of the floir Apparent f0 as au sdvertisem eut. They. hsd, iowever, tise edges on the wroug side, and gaýtier iod ,aintoffice as fie meniber of abenuseeti pafoot thar fie paper into fhe body with stitha Lib)eisel or of a Tory Administration. A sud, aithongi fiey were invisible to fie * Roll a piece of Cotton for fie head surd roýyal m-ariag-,e, tierelore, woid inevitably eye, the camera had detected su.ld recorded thfe upper part of the b an sd cuver witi resuit utis terîiniation of tihe political tiem. This acems mrbbe but t La fie crepe papier, fying t Ln t i gitiy at thel e erl of 1LordRoeieytiuwo there qulte ifhin bounids, When fthe letters 1 ~~~is 1nu mcan Lu f ie iugdom or icr ecoldiy amn- wcre pasuted on ise vesaiý'sade tiey stûod aiead wii goild tredsu atfscIng a bitionis sud more boutou sakýing a great above fie surface ; aniy sîsbsequent coaf of - fne ol mm tofi hed fr ie eelrs nao-or Iimself ý'in theistory of the paint wonld cuver fiem sund the ground Bodrt 9eg Ife sg îigl ol beneati ticm eulsu fiat there' would paint, sud place large blHue mtec lor sudctc helih gold spots on fe1igsa i- cae, sd TefuIleeLln-e bsal-h rjefosuiiwud ac i îi lfsiade fie sings lom fibe body wiîî, Lod RoOrera.asfour cide by his sud be phlofograPed tr Taci a fiermu.meter, suci as ecornes forl, a rifwo a is lîui oi. ARea abeW dlgPsnt ifaucy womk, over tfie bîody, asud hu, e ticciild.WVIlaf would be fie rposition ofIas woîe iit .plain tissus pape, eer ps.ro0y aIl uîe of lFuaebery touard tee Aou uleyears sý1ince a.yonang girl, sngy a drcss ring atfie bck. Io iaug it 'by ci ileîs? 1idwere saie to give birit i gtr a ei'0o.o1tadepeole u .or ,ttachiingmbion inuder ocwun rc hilfiren i0j.tic latter, lfhingi legiiiitae SoUtiLndon1. 10atnary£2 liiieI fIltat purpose.-[Torciont(1aie,11;, , radcIdren o flhe sovereiu, would mlev- iad saved ont o! a vryiÂealaloivance. îî,ably ho b ige o take up sin ferior The imouey iras tsk-en irom a d iawerlier A upclu olrlosition, bofh ias regaýrds rsuk sud eath,il bdmoi, 'sud theliei elwaa nover detocted, A Supiel,,,, Colr.fu0 fiat olfie pro-geDy of their lfier's A day or fwo a zgo fie gr-o a f ine yonng r M. ayack" ooee or! t l ebrew Nvife. Tins fie eist3ence of these wonmas-wviAsmarried. On hier wedding S, ouiltobrug me some i'Lc-cm." four children sione La sufiîcieuf f0 consti- moruiug ic roceived an anonymous letter ~vIlatoWito-"Yssai ! tiaf'ý ice- fate ian isumnn 1leostacle f0 a Mar- sf tifat the wrifer iras fie person wmo drsm ab. We iloufof plain VvaiM lle, nage lieifier of fie daugifers of tfi ne tone oney-when a8ie iasyet i.lber au Ibrogifvanlla ioclat, si." Priince of Wals. Wre LordRosebery fte s~deuciosing bauk tes r'u3ý,epresenting Mr. Wybsck"'hi a La cecreaml, if malilrry fith oe d Duiches QofAlbany, as early as posilehe acnontsoe e -311,, mobby if La bat 1I iiaut youftakL1e nmttors woudbecomne sf111 mure compli. , icopud neea ded fcou rsae i tlrigbt back, asud bring me ,3ûme fit you cafe,,astic Diuchesas s1,read'y f th fe bride wsdlgtd u uefr a ïai lethnndxled-srruncIis" 3 . Deof woi teppxet itebeen made to trace fhe aoyoswrif or ly. Depeud upon it, suother-m,flere Is n mijstPa about Lt. If cures Diarrioea, egites fe Stoinmaci sud Bo els urem WLeon u!Lr, soaî1fen ') hel Jganasue - energ,,y lu fie hesyen. Mr. Wiuai~'s ooîhug Srup"for cide tehgLapleýasant to fie0,faste >-ud Lthe prsrption tif uoýI(f fie1oldeat suid bès feeepiyAicia--nsud nusesLu ie tUnit- ed Stitft Price tvweu'-ty-five oeuifs R bof fie. Soil y drgI ithrougi-out fie wunld. Be sure f akfo Mas Mexico, Cent*ral sud Souti meic, s sG caLtled becaso , 1)fieshaýpe lte iwr wici bas fie appeaudý,2eîofàadove vulth expanded winga. Young, oid or middle agod, who lud iena selves nervoue, Weak sud exauîed cm are broscea dowu frusî exess or ovrwo-crk resuitin inLumauy of fie foilowiing s pluma Mental depresason, premeturej old age, lotss of vitality, loas of me Ly ad dreama, dimnoas of aiglit, plit o o fie heart, eomissions, lack of e-norgy, pl'a Lu fie kidneys, icadacies, pimles ou fie lace sud body, itcig or pecli r oa- foin about tic scrotum, wastîug o! fi urgas, dizziuoss, sOdks belore theeyeaý fwitching olfie muscles, oycidssu es where, basiluluesa, dpstsL iennth ue bass oIfaili power, teudlemuoeslc sal sud sapiue, wesk suyd !f abby msls e sire fu aleep, failure fa ho r)csdbylep constipation, dulluesa ulicîg oso lvuice, desire for soli 'tude, ex ;-,ssy of temper, aunken ecyes, srone il LxArsEN OsEcLES, 01ily loc'iing sIu, etc ar al yptmso no roii dciit t lesd f0 Lnsauity unbe;sa curefi. -Ue, pring or vital force lsaviug bals teninevery function mano-s Lu conoequenc. hos G whutirougi bshomte uinr C 7re, May ho permanurenitly cre. euId your adm andisud c nts ultampa fo enok ou duseasospouia o u'a, ent sealed AddesM.V LJO,24Mc donelAve,, Toýroto Ont., Çaaa LI --A-f

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