Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 5

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-I ~8T Jfi uredtuandaa, ma il L vUREiff If l OUeà n time. Sold lby Douggos8en a guar- lant.e. For a Lame Baok or (hes, use For~ sale by Stott & Jury. 'W"ehaves 1-;--n new. Less t'han halifthe prico 'charged by ~o r o zMn,.fa c t r e,s. 'No ti-oubleI to sho gods Oall and see thei-n, rrivate r-oom forf in GRAND TRUNK' RAILWAY. GGING ÀT 011 5S ~res .... 127 arn.....res r.519 arn Pesgr.. 45 p li Express.-6 Q7 arn Paeegr. - 6 pmil? P!j! , -,SR ?9 am B"ress.9571 p n.l>ePassengr.,...2 '2p m Exp.e.. 832 p m Are You Go*ingtù? MANJTOB A, NORTHI WEST or BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vrop us a postai ard We wili Rend you information that willbho o!interest to you. Speciai touîrist culrsions every Tuie;day vi. North -LBay. STOTT &,1 VR Y, 1 tise Pru-gises.I Local and Other-wise. Port HoDe tw-inet factory i, open again. xFarffers are bilsy aEedýlig 'Menou trade in town 12 quiet. An Oddfellows lcdge wiII ho iîîtituted in Millbrook May 1Pr. The Cabourg BAsobaîl Club paid 8239. - 75 Iaiityear in salaýrLes. Mr. Geo. Sandersen, Coîborne, sipent SUnday with Mr. W. R. Climnie. Grand Trunk will c3-at ies.with creo* sote to incruase their lasting qualibies. Strawberry plantse upplied by Gordon P. Fletcher,B>owmanivill,in any quantfty. The Queen'g hotel s tatble, Millbrook, R. Roddy, prorp.,1 were hurnod on the 'lt-lnstured. The current War Cry cntqn fine portrait Uaid sketch oýf J cu GeOrgur veaerable owsin ~Berit tble OiP oheaebei.ng sold at Jne. J. Mason s for 15e. par yarzd. Lots 01 otheýr bargains jupt as gueat. Mr. J. R Stratton. ul, e of the Exainer, lbas ke-,L nomn 1ýel nthe i4beral i nteýreet er inEst Peerbo)ro, Mr. *Isnes Hrnly 0<F Ih World Cyei ing Club -)rode frorn ToonotoPort HO2the ther Cday, 68 itls n 8 1hours1. Farmnera run rmpolfrtho flerald syhave mado ,from $ 50 to 250 this'so ro aIe yr n augar. EninLlay of omnvle will givo a ulagic îlan 1kýter xhibitiýon tat Peterboro- Thursdaey ni4ght ill-uatr-tiingth chie! stag-es of Baunyan's P Igrim's PFrogresS. Ad vei ïin.g la er1y telringpeople, Îhi a tellhng way ,what ou and-,rth If you t(,!]t hem oi. enoh and in the riglit a there is n)p'siility of fail- lire. Mfrs Minerv~i [.PkisPort fHope, aged 92, th,) other ay walked down town to clI on Mrsll-kilwho is 102 years of agi and etîll earns mony by knitting If jon wouldi<i s e ctian eoour: immense stodk Vi arsls e have &bout 200 Ùo) "! ro laýheskrm leli of the ire thhýnde o amewro lîghitiy tcratcho i This man a big ru- duction in prie. Jïno. ýJ. sn The n jxmi uality 1 Tho mini. !VZM pf Yo ill but wazte timo 'going olowc efreyu have seen Treieven's neýw arngsofo desirable and styllshfot-warhoosshes, lip. pers, rhbrs le is shnoing the fineat goods and lateat st2iyles at loweetliin Gap)tain Seny V. SA._ San Diego, cal.. s': Suih atrr emnedy la the first freedicine I lhave eover fouaýd that wonld do mie any god"Price 50 cents. I5old by Stott 4Ï;Jury. K.D ,;IPietoe sand 1regviate tkz Treleven lead8 the radle for fine foot.- Rev. J. W. Butiner of Lifford Wear. few das in town lest wveek. Ftrawherry plants fo,: 550 by G. D. Thee streot acrarj. pe isasreabikly improvedl tise condition o! thse road. N'%Go t is aumamer sailings o! th" Allen- LUno.1M. A. JÀArss, agent. The higis scisool otranc,3 exini-ations are aunounced for Jane 2Ssh. Chiokon thie-v'es are operating i tise vicinity of~ Port Hope and Peterboro. Tise steamer Lakeside wil e witis. d'rawn !rom tise Toronto route May lOtis. Mr. and M1:s. Frank M. McDoweli o! Toronto, were guesta et Rev. D. C. Mc. Dow*ell's over Sanday. Rer. W. J. Crothera, Port îHope, ha% a practicai and eniertaining lecture on "-Turning points ia Lif e." "Roddy" Pringle tise vellrnowu hosse man o! Cobourg, will sot as satrfor the Hamilton Jockey CIiuh Esriy losing, of shopa bsgins IMay let. Shoppers gavera ,Vour self accordingly. Heip tise cterks to get out for an airing. Thse old retiabte srhie store continues te lead the procession in fine quality and low prices. CatI to inapeot, Trelevun'a new stylos. M%1. Johin D. Keacie le! t yemîerday morning for Tosonto whore ho has ac- cepted a s3tînation iu the Hletetzin Piano Co. Works. Get'maWho i0av their oï,trd or Ciotising at Coucis, Joisnatoe & Cryder. man's eau always depend upon being per!ectly ruited. Mr. Arthsur J. Saundors, graduaýte o! Turs STAITEMNIÂvoffice,baeSsecurod A itu ation in Tira UÂDIN ffice, Toronto, 1ta wlcis ciay. ho weýni last useok. W. have a big lineofo! tra'w hat-i sightiy dànmaged by weter, In Men's Boysj' und Girls' et bal! price. Sûes thie I heore thiey are sold. Jno. J. Mas1on. I im prepared to talke Up carpels, boat thein and retay them; tho cdean a1l kit4,4 o! farniture and pianos; do painting snd calaomining,tc.,tt reasorable pric's. 1'. Ptethiok. Fermers wil fii tie ling artcleo '¶Experimieats in Agriculture" on an in- ide page vory intsoresting, aud wiil findi thse article "lier MjeétvsýMil" Worth reading. Thse Town Couac 1 bas boughit a uew $240 road sorapor tisat woýrl&àt.ke a ebarm. King street got a greattecrapo on Saturdîay sud earis enougis bu uia a onltwae t4ken off. Tiser. jein -doubt ab ut lb Trelevenl has tise joside t, ick ilte titand sboe tuado. Tis ilnI1 seliable nover gets. loft. Styles sud pneus suit isa 3tinseas Cfl and inspect tise noir stcck. Tise License Commisaiontrs met on Saburdsy and renewý d ail tise hotol lieen- ses, -tise samne nunibor as tast year. Tise eoistoners ae Messe. R. Windatt, H. Mliddleton and 3ohu H11ghes. Qualiby at tise Toýp! Price ttise Bottooe 1 !Thiisis tise condition o! affara S Teioen' asregards Ladies', inspee-t sud admire t risn tise values 1ho gives iwilt aueyou ta irender I Nover have we shown a. miore varied or- pretrier assrtmeant 1o!dr7e5sadeiinos t1issa at prceen. Our Btoc'kco rse a lin, o! pl!ain blacks ansd creain, !sncy patternas lu CrIn BlacK and N.avy groun la, irnicis we il be plea.d teow yv ou. Jua. J. MRzman. Mr. R, Weddell, the Treutm' bridge builder, was sued at tise Belleville azsizes for $306, balance ltimed on -corntract, and.$500 damages, iiionec w ibis tise building o! tise NArrowa Bridge «cross tise Trent. Defendant counter- haianced for $3,100 averpayment and daniages. Repais tise fiances, x up tise gate iinges aud give thlags generally tise In. troductory 'sllck uip" for tise oomng ouatier. Don't tet viaitors seeus towa lu an untldy condition; keep rigist up itm acknowledged poition, "tise prettiset town in Canada." Improvement lu atill tise ordor of tise day, iso Improve whcn. ever possible., Tise popuiarity o!fbise Alisu Line is not local. Among tise p>ssengers who have taken quartera on blise Sardin- in for May btis froin Montroal ere ab-out 50 Wester American 1n2",paper mni, a deputation o! tise Intersîste Pressa As. S'ocatio. Th"y lare ta behoaded by Ijiinton Rosette, o! Bloomiugton, Ill., and are ou a business tous ta Europe. M. A. JAmiS.s, teamsïhip agent, Bowman. ville,. We take grgat pleasure in iodnAcing ta ouEr numeruus ýroaders througisout Wee'tt Dursimn the oaterprising youog firru o! fnsily provisionrers snd general grocora, Measra. Cwker sud Tai,. Tise trad. In Bowmnaaville today la being doue ciiefiy by comparatlvely young mn and among tise mst puehiag and msuecass!ul is this TirE- EveLuvroN of medicinal agenste ta grsduilly relegating tise'oit-'îmo erbF, pi Is, draugisas sud vcgetable extracta te tise Sean sud briougiug into goueral use pleasîint sund effective iiqqid laxative, Sy rup o! Fîgs To get bise trne remedy 500ta bit l is nmuu!actured by tise Califor nià Fig Syrup Ce. uniy. For sale hy al teading druggists. CunîTrÂN(4uÀnîANto Jan. 1, 1895, for $1. Sai su rr IIivaI e! irht-eheas choolte at C. Tod's. Wisore didïou-c tlt it bat At M. Msyer's for 50c. Gard n LiakesIo, and spaiug For'kS at Duan P'& Hsr Ldiees wsnting a nom Dreos or a nomw Coet os Cape for Baster should ca'l at Coucli, Joiston &l Crydermau'e Yen oabey Wstcbes, CI*k Jwl t'y, Silverwaro sud speetalrShe t a price sud ia nome oaaE e-a asEt J.J Maqon'. Nickel SlvrWntcbhes fio; $l.ù0 up). Watcis eud cleoêtrepair;ing dome iniirmna-cteastyle. Nobody wbo sews license partv vote sied caa comnplaini if tise sailoon harveats bis boy. Ruv. R A Bearri s sud Rov. W.S Pritchard. B. A., exceianed palp;ti Sun- day eveving. Ms. Ted Baier (if Cîouirg altteded tise fanerai o! this late R-3v. Geo. PLurkisi on Saturday. Re-v. W. S. PnttcharI,B. A. waii presýc1i oa "Sabbats Desecstion" on 8Snnday eveniogz next in Trinity churcis. tise ciLtizees ,,o! your il itive bown heartily congrabt-iatoe o ioswisiing fro)in Quefaaa your B D. degree. Juo J. Mas mn )is3stsowing spciaîval- ues in bis large assortiaient o!fadesnsd ch'ldre' sui-mer veas. We mepntio;n s ribbed lino at 3 for 25 cents. Hf J., Weekes la still aS tise old stanid, 57 Liberty st., and la resdy bte) ape and repair Lawa Mnweos Sewtug,ý Mach- iues, Gens, Bicyclescs, Wriiwers sud ait kindit o! Machinery renaired. 17 tf. Our subacrihers muzt uiiders;tand ithaýt ouiy wison remituauces are miade, by re- istere t lettes, post office3 or express money order do wve assune tise risk. Severai etel alloged ta have contaiued monley have golee stray o! lato, if they mare roaiLy 1,înlled.LuInCanada a post Offie oderwiscisonsts onlytoces for any suni up te 54. is tise ciseapest andi best mý ans o! sending sabsori ions,. MisEsthser Irwin ta a ong lady well known sud hlgisly resýpected in Linduay. Her mary fiends %wi i ho giad ta hear or ber gataing healtis under tiese kilifuil treatineut o! Dr. Mitchell o!fulliln atter severnli moutha o! Ioevea o iesi., eau " d isy an ahcess i latise neck. Ber lite was de.spaire 1 o! 'by att lier friandsd Wisa mIl aÊo i haýve bise joy eif soeing lion restored to hbqr former boailti.-Wýarder. At tise L:di <' idacs-i ised eft Mr. Jamies cLi nsTueiday evening,. loti 11at.,)s go")i y îiEiierwa posntm ail enjoy,,l S, e ocoastoîs immeusiielv.A short procrai (with Rt v. C. Pansker a cisirm tn) cons stinr. f o!i vioIîn s'uIo) by Misýs Ttr, recitatiens hy Misses Lottlo Brimacmoh rsnd Addie McDowe'i, a Cerisis tatki by Mr. J. M. JoEsi-with garnea o! va-ioua kinda sorved t.o make tise nin1ig pal'sa vry jplhaaînt.A uIthl0e tes wa, excel!lt nt Ud lbu tis.s iilI h be a t paýrler ocal of bise sason mas (elle o! 1113 be,,r. Proceea abcout $12. A. ThOUeuirseua Supscunn_-Oue o! our corncientieua aubsocrihenaso isoýugist he c u'd net apare a dolarjet now te psy hie auhacription, seirg that wýo wera under tise necesity o! huying, a trew bo)it- ty maciinery is, bas si train,)d a peiA ntsd sent us bis dollar "ta help ta p %y for tise new boite.">We approciata mioat iigily bishe sympatisetie action o! ihiaý suhacribir sud trust that tic mil noS s utifr in an-y sense becauýýs2 o! bis tioughitful conider. ation f r our finaincial interoabet. We are making a speciël effoErt ta p1y f ;r tise nom boiter thia week. Tise !attowing studeats o! tise Ni nnmo & Harrison B.usinessý an i Shortlissuf Collgo, orouo, ave be'n iaceLrd in Vp1sitýinswiîin tise ast fiw days : Mr, O. Pasooýr, as stenognrapiser, mils Nealât & Co , Mâ-. Bde, as book keeper mibis -Wanderor Bicycle Go., Missaremaas sten.ogýrapjier wmss lairfirrni,Mfis Nimmo, as r3tinograisl-er sud asistent o o ep- er mitis 1-iumhïeritou Plating Co , hMn. A. Dsmso, uwth G. N. W. TtgaiMr. Kn. Cisaprnan in tse office of G.A. Chp. ma & CO. Almyost weektly this ,cisool la placiug sheir mstudents. Lt must indeed bo gratifyig te tise princip&,ls, Nimmo & Harrison,to sies tlisor studente so succsaeý5 fut. Or resders who know our esteemned citizen Mr. Oscar Scott misa receatty se- turnod frons Dakota iît hoe pleased ta learu tisaS he is going into business on hie air acaount in Orono misere ho bas bougist tise undertaking sud fernitase business for many yealrm csrried on by John Waddehl, Eiq. We regret ta lous o0 soon egain acis a mortisy citizen as Ms. Scott, one.so zeahous sud active- in cisurcis and oher religions enterprises , but our iors wmut ho Orono's gain. As- Mr. Scott thoürougisly nudoratands i tise branches o! tisat business, me bespeais for iim a large patronage and ca-n assure tise peopleofo Clarke that ti-iey wilI fiud isim itrictly bonest sud wosthiy o! their coinfidence in every way. Our new boiter arnived frein tise mak- ors, Mease E. Leonard & Sons, London, on Tuesday and we ara mwell pleased wuth it. le is a aize larges tisa isle otd onue and witis propos case mi ls st us rmsny vyas. Tise taist tisree Issues (,f Ti-a STÂTESMAN haýve been sun off -by biaud" miiisias developed tise rmuscles o! n6ar ly al! tise mate imembers o!ofn rmîritaf to a mont matiafactory extent, Ourn Prouty, pýresa sans swveetliy and snetsybut tise, boys foord lth-t 1J0 papera at ainud iras as big4 a 1t-rit as tisey eucis W-antýe d. AM1% Cartes., teoterpir, mussa tise boi-, for st-onj muao'e aud long <iod, bu' for ien;g kler aid mecian icui experimni6t junior ferenlian McKowaa deveto)ped l be LOreatet force sud iugenuity; while0bise typigrapbicai aril spirit get more fun eut o!ft[he crowd than ho wouid get at circus witis a monikoy annex. Ou1 Wedne,,d',y nieht our citiz3us to tise iunheibor o!,ver 103 mare treated te1 ere "f tua 1 .aîenotertainmnuats t ýit h,bas h (e 1ur Miafortuno to attend, e no nuie) n'sissevery dseply elýtier mwiti tishocttyunderr ioe upie it mas gileno1,d e trust i'n futurýe tiey miii exact sBerne battes guarantee tissu tisey got lu i ' casa that p itrons aî gel tsoMething fo r tisels mIey'wen thuy engage at'adbyorators m bi urden-; Bono.frnt naines, sa gd lectuarers mitisbc numrbes pehs A fe w autia agowme ha! occas"il on oCriticiceCa Peterhnoô linsu isu atýtemlpted t'e enter.- taie a Bwnnvîeaudience sud wmitisin a ireck 5e died. Lsttise atss erbarý-iners; frans that cen'tr-c o! it(ellice sud!mirtis shoutd siere a tisze fate, me 2surprosa tisais saine, Peerbo o popl 7,ho0 dtctetp monakQiormoey on, t isels ckeok isad botper in future give Bowr-nanviUe as mi e rdi1 . X. D.C Fi11- uLsrn-w onziat'c~ Wednesday evening was a gala ight for Oddfellowhp a large atherina of the brethreii being present at the regular n-westirig o! F'oreace Nightingals Lodge. Theiloctge team with Bro. A. Mitotiel in comnmand, initiated three candidates into the m'ysteries of the fir8S stop in Oddfel. low4hip, AU preaent were greatly pleas. cd with. the floor work, done which could 11ot be excelled. Threhrethren from O0àawa, iaicludinL, Bro Gilee, D. D., wore preBen*. This anakes eoven new moimbers already since Bro. Geo. E. MYaynaârd boamo Noble Grand. see the new styles. No old stook--every thinig new auid tlae must fashionablo and re ehaiped. Ni xt door east e! thse Lawn Mowers. 1 take this opportunity of thanking niy numerous friends for past patronage ar.d beg to say 1 arn. prepared to continue to shiarpen and ropaix ail kinds o! mowers, and guarantoto give satiêfiotion. A trial isolicitedl. Mowers called for and ret.urnied with despatch. Scissorsan kuivos ground and saws isharpened at the West End iBlacksmith Shop, King Proprietor. Our old favorite Chas. Kelly 'with Edens Fontana Combinationi appear here Wed- resd'ay. May 2nld, under the t sicso! NO 1 Fire Co. With the talent they have they wil draw a crowdedl houso lieasE they have boon thron-ghuuit Cana- da. Osangevillo Banner says:-The oa. oert was dleau, pure and delightfal, and should the Eddn Fontana Co , again vist us. si2ain they wiii ha gýreeted with a bunper hous . -E.erybuodý_y i'l waut te hear Mir. Kelly sing and play his guitar. Tickets 25 and 35 ct,. 'SiLvery Days" Comaing. Sa.y Days Go., of wrmch 1t is claimi- cdc there is no atirgregation o! tIle present da;y that can boas3t Of the succý_eaS that 0,is compauy lhas aohioved mfince its or- a8poaant eveniinga entertatam.ent:-The, Old-aahined elodiesý, the Old Souths- era Songe, the Reatigtie Souther-i Scien- e-ry, the Hlome of thse S'aveg, snd the Droll Comedy o! tho Coloren -Race, and thse wonderful otd Ml:bile Buck and Wing Dancig. TowN HA4LL, BOWMÂNVILLE, ,SATURtDLY, API>IIL2. Emma Wýe!ls Coming Again. Mis Erna Wells nover fails bL plusse thse large adinsbset alwFyts greet lier when shoe cowes to Bo wm'anville. Tues. day 'May Sth sho appears haro, under the auspices of Home CîroeoNo. 3,and will ho, asi5lstea by Miss JenieoRaI the vocal- su ad bell soloist. Thie3e taiented ladies nieed no tisttering. introducti1on as their reputation as musiciarca i3 f00 weli l nown require it. Emm!a Wolla is c.lled ise rvoiced vociý1ht becauise o! tise esse land skill with vwhich ïshe ;singa baritoue, LxDpýan., tenor ansd alto, the range of lier ~voice being thiree co'aves and four notles. They wi 1 no douht rcpeive i~a patron- When yon want Note Paper and Enivetopes, Cive us a brial. 'You mill be surpriEed et the prices WÀnnELLIT-In Clarke. Ap:il 18, the wife of Mr. G.-L. Waddell, of a son. WFSmTLAKEZ-In Sûlina. April 10, th ife of c M1r. WV11. weostlake, of a son. BauNvNesrM1. Vernan. April 18, the wife af Mr, Wwr. Brunt, oaie, ran ghrer., CRYDIRMA-I0Cnrtwrîght. April 19, the wifo ot Mr. A. B3. Crydermn, of a dang liter. ELso-Cooc-AIBroaklie, ,pr,1 i8.b3y Rev. J.1 ILBrrs Mis, Alico 000,ok and John F. MGLEN-.WIG-Atthe3 resIdnco n: the f.)r id e's n, o r, Osha1wa, prl18. bhi1ev 0. WV, Wat. h, r. Dainiel Mcboan suad Miss Arn(&i1 J. Wigg.1 edes3!t daughrter o,' the late Mr. Tisa, i,. OIED. L&v-n(aitwnight. Ami!l 19, Robert Leazed Su yeare, formo-riy ebEr il HARE-m Oshiaws, Apil 19, MayTIare, eldest dauigIlter or MAr.W. L SHARPEs-in Oshawa, A kphi 19Harry Sharpe, aged 3J yeur,,. FLN-la n h0 aAri19,Ana D)avidon, relict of tilo lit c Wmi, lnt,11ged 86 yeara. PURin!s-At Bowinanville, April Ili, Rev. Ger. Punkis. sgd 7 yoars. CmLIi-InTr Port Parry, Apil 17, George S. Calver, aâged 58 "eur, 1WPmIT-At Port Whlîby,.i pî 11, Mary C., wtl f G f eorge VWhite. 'ageýd fi yeart3. Peaall '<ileof m, ickt',aged 7C years. Do-tht,,eresidence 0oF lits on-in-11aw, Be.M Gillivray, EÀngsJfon, Tisas. Dowý, E.,lr manager ort la, WeT0ern Ba n', o Canada. Wility. BOWMIANVILLE MARKETS* eretdby J. M elUurtry. svery Tisesday V o NO, k100 ......... 81 50 to $2 00 WHEÂT, Fall, e bush. 0 0 leO62 n usaO0 0 IrO60 Goo,0 00,, 55 Colorado0 00 ,O57 I hite Fife, ' . O0 0 ifO062 Re oi l......O00 t' O 65. V' bTi~uGh, No. ... O0 0 ri O40 0 00.OOti03""- 'j2.(JO ~03 o Tw rowdQO00 , 03 ORs3, m..... re Blue, L rvs bet be, it. .. ..,.~'o.......... 0 00 t 0 ooý 0 65 m O 00 t 0 üo O40 O40 0 40i SPARKLES and Shines i every corner of our MAMMOTE- STORE. We have aimed to iead in the Grocery and Crockery trade and so far have met with marked success. told the W H Y ? Bocause we Whenwe advertise T EA P>TSA-'. 2.5 w e have filhem toseli at that -price amiou cuistomers do not hear the familiar sent-ence "We are just out."W are always in for good goods,,, small profits and the We pay the hig1hest price in cash for al farm produce, CAKEI Saey >liarh ir e randclStaples at Du~o& '-loa St~'erre pa<engorswho -uy their oceali 'cfersf remSi.A. Jaà sat die wîll he suppJied with use o! bedding and eaticg u ensila fret. Morris' Cariage Works la nnjw in fuit blss.~back 01('shP,'wda rktrim 1minig, piu ezoc. Th-y are turning ont bgis rcad carte, an1d democrats aUd gvw promipt attention to repairiagI o! ail descriptions. Givo the old stand a ca;l.- A.'S.TILILEY. 31, ., C. Ml, m iBROF LEEOF P1YSICIANM Churcli 5.-8Os door eaat et Methodist Church, Bowmainvflle. 37 MA.YNARD & LARMONTH, Do nil N4VILLE. Houa", Sign. and Ornamental Painting, Patper Hangiag, Glazinir, Gralntng. Caleo. tilne. sig Painting a speclalty. Fire! Fîre! Fiï'e Il AUl aCCOUntg due M. A. EDSALL. SUCCeVr to S. S. EDSALL, muet be paid at once toosve coste, Office in Milnels Block. -, ýand Provision DýaIerra, BowmanvàIll. SPIO CLEANING, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES PIOTURE MOULDINGS, CROKINOLE BOADn only $, BUILDER' TENDERS WANTED, In great variot. at "BIG2O' T NE RS WILBE RECEVEDý by he niltiign tisth 5 h of, May T .T T1 ALT TLE N uext fer thse ercecion, en Ln'r 32, 6)i C 'n. of V ..D~LJ.JJ.N 1)arlin gtonof a Frarna Barn 40 by 80 feetpostFi 20 foot, astonre baeme1at. acnardinig t plans and epecifcatn, wisîcishleliay be ,seanonsd afterttis.,244 i uuýt. on arp o'rtion o 1). Lick, ', Osisawa. Algo ion tise enîction of auR Sraae. MR 11, MITCHIE.LHI F 17-2w HARisaPIEa. SALE OR TO REENT-Intise ilJlage aINemnastie n'ue ilni t iirne-qa -Le tisersedays, tise days o! bard imes, Acrces e landSlis te nortisend e rlGouats uîont tise he at 31value poýssible applto Gtouc CuirîsNewcstie 11-e' fr I i soey. That la eue of! 4l rossons misy pol et their Phitos froini U.J OUSE -,O RENT.-A ertda cCarlesm, tise -Photographes. Anotlleye -L -1 brick isouse on Chur,,i s-steetlaIEiy i h, o ou ioWr Ccilupied by Caps. Crawford, Tarmà moeo ea' ni hth setfn ok ApplY ta A. YaUrçug, on T. Bii ÂM Bw.Gvehmaat.Sisciogaated msnvl1e~ 4-tf.CARLESS, tise Photographes. T HR.ESri,ING MACHINE for sil.- An "dvace"Tlireshtng Machinesud Wateotus Englua ln gaod repair for sale., For TIRE DOiIIN1ON parttculansaspplyto M. Don soN, lot 35, eau. 4, Clarke, Onono P, O. 15-tf tilFîre n u nc TllO O-RED JERSEY, BULL ASSeCiatioR -I FORt S-RVICE, 'erms a t tî i me af service or $1,50 intise Faîl. Apply 1to t McIIEYNoiLDC. Nnrtis of Electrto Light lat Bo0wm*nvllle. P. 0. 16-tf C HEAP AUCT1OýNERING-James A.'Llyor Newcastle, te prepared to do a!lsaies entrus3ted ',,ohlm aS a. ne per cent. Can b'eat anY au iineerta îs conntY or do ths e 10for 1not1l, J. A. KRELLY, Windsor faaNewcasrle. 8 09a. F ARM FOR SALE- A firet ass tarili et 125 acres or 115 acres sttuated lu tise township 0f East Wlitby lastcon, lots 15 an 16 an Ilie Base Lino, about 1lê mlles from Osisa, 'wa station, 2 miiles'trom 'Whltby and 6fîrode tra tie sisol soue.LarRe roony bntldlnoea, main barn 95m236 t, 1plenty cai fruit, sal i ct loam, altogetiser cno of tiso beat grain farmsý on heLak Sore N lus r aons.About 10 acrers or Wood. 'ý7à acres let pasture and tregh seeded. Terms easýy. Fýirst plowtng dons. For fUrtiser partGicu!ars apply tu A. ANezns Oshiawa. 3-f 0 00 t: 0 25 -1 anrne-iIuar'rn Issues a ganulas"Barke"Pclicy t3 ams RATýEs - 155 class G5cents par $100) 2nd -, Po0 " 100Terui. f ss 3rd " 1.10 ou 00 Most CrfWest Du!is;'s rmiet.am are tnsuned lu 1. Rt. J. DOYLE, ]iraq. 7-JESSE TRULL. REtçu Manager, 'prosicdont WlIl caîl on recelpt af post aard. Agent for W-33t Dusliani. ALL OUR cSH-EET MUSIC) Redu'ced t'a SjceS,,y imail 6 Cents. CaSa.. leRue fre, A INSMSO OU , DETROQIT, MmCH 3-4! ohildven cry fer PiL', Catcvla, 1 1 RUTH tjTJTH

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