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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 4

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ODD:FEýLLOWS CELEBRATE. Sofala Thee nmbee of Florence 2Nigltirgale- LodAge No. ( 0, 1. O. O. P., oeltebratedj the 7d5th, anuiversaxy of thec Order on -M p oli~Sh. Home held in the Town Hiall whicýh was specially fitted for this imiportant finc- tion. The seais were remioved arid ini ertus arnal tables and chai,*rs sub2tituted. The p!atfortu was suitably arranaed with flowverp, pant5, fiags, etc Mr. A. Miïtchel was master of ceremonies anî openied the prograrn with a brief adrlresq usII8,ne Hok'B Sof&la Shoe 1POllsh for of welcome. Â fine mursical programn was T adicî, dRd Cildren'a fine B005 a and ShOeB rendered by Miisses Nortlscotp, Tilley, '11-ie fiteet to preser've the leather andS keep t Mabel and Etta Tait, and Mr. H. J. Trliable. 15 wil l ave a pollsh like satin, For Knight. Mr. Henry \Vhite, barrister, aie b>' BacS and Ehoe dealer-,. Port Hope, detivered a capital addressý nn Oddfeliowahip and Mrs. James J. MIitchel gave a recitation with fine effect. 'I Refreshitnts were 'Reived consisting ,f oranges, bananas, candies, figs.. etc, each person receiving a bag. The re- BOWMAN VILLE, MAY 2, 1894. [mauder of the evening was epent in -~Igamnes of which crokinole was the most Ipopular. The cvent was pronounced a Political MVeetin gs~. rn ucs WEST DTURHIM ELEOTORS. ,Sunday morning tC aiucii church parade took place when the Oâdfellows ta Meetings in -the interest of tke electors the number of nearly 100 marched to tlýe of West Darharnwill be addressed as Methodiet Church under the conmand of ~ollows:Mr. E. L Welsh where Rev. Bro. C Bowmanville, lriday, May 4th at 7.30 Parker, the pastor, delverd one of the p. nm., by Hion. D. C. Fra8er, M. P., of best sermons ever presuhel btlh breth Guaboro, Nova Scotia, aud Mr. Peter rem~ here front the words "He (Christ) 'McDonald, M. P., of Huron, Ontario. went abcut doing good." h was a thor- oughly practical discoursesand at the close 'Newtonville, Saturday, May 5th at 2 he bïiely referred ta the benevolant aimas p. mi., and Orono,, Saturday, May 5th, at of the Society. The musical service und- 7.30 P. nm., by Messrs. Fraser, Bain, M. er the dirction of Mr. H.i.J. Knight, F., and W. T. Lockhart, M. P. choîrn'aster. was of a "ih character. Enniskillen, Satu-day May 5th, at 7.30 Misa Northcote pre3ided at the organ. p. m., by Messrs. McDonald and Camp- The alter waa beautifully arranged wi h bon, M. P. flowers, plants, banne s, etc., reflecting Let no elector fail to attend these great credit on Mesdames Thos, Tapion, meetings. Messrs. l'raser andi McDon- N. Horn, W. Pearu and Misses 'Veal arnd nld are lwro of the ablest debaters in the Sherin who supplied and arriJnged thora. Eouscr of Comtnons, The local artists photographed the lu.- TiHom.i A i.MÂE, terior of the church Monday mornirig. Pres't W. D. Liberal Association. _________ A Tiniely Serigion. .Soth lOntario Reformers had a grand meeting Satuirday when lion. John Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A., preached Dryden was again uominated for the a very practical sermon Sunday evt uing Legilature. Capital speeches wore made in Trinity church on "Sabbath Dssec'.a' by the Minister of Agricultur.t and Hon. tion" front Ex. 20, 8 11. Hes stted the Mr. Hardy. We shahl have more toa ay Sabbath waa given to inan as a day of about it neit vweý,k. rest frora toil and a day in which ta wor- ahip God and perforra acta of mercy, and Mowat bas been Premier for over this law ie as bindiuc to day as when twenty-one yeare. Hardy has been in tiret given. %e are to m'ike il one (f public lufe for twentyocne, and Fraser bas the bueiest days in aIl the week; onIv just completed his twentîeth yesr as a idiers comp!ano aigtomn Minister. After alli es aid and don.ihus h running of railway trains on The New-York Timies A DamocuýA,11Nws( Izn Wjibt THE TIMES is: A high cla£ss new8papur for the ciry readtvr and for the country h1ome; for 111e merchant, th 1 ,essi nmaL, the finaucer, the pohIiticiani, the tea-cber, the farmner, aLd the mechn-for every American mho would be promptly sudit truthfully to]d %what the pEople of this worId are oig;for women and for young foka rftert stçd in household affaire, iii new bioka iind old, la rimt, ocieflc?, religion, acd edacatio; in the rivaîries of am %tour sports, iisi'tu in althe ighter g ingm.-on aud whoLS0anme gosrEiv of the day. It is a f11îl, dean, sud 3omplete nwpoecoud(ucted widlh in- telligence for intelligent people. What TIIE TIMES believes in : Fedeoral taxation imposed in the iinterçeet of the aoerm nsd of the whole people, not fcr theý restriction oS tradie and the b, fo th fcv; anl horitt dollar that the band of tý,I i my reeive wtlout bs. and pay over wilh nýt q'hnm~; a liberal txpeciture for p>ens,;oaa bt vetersawho iuetdCIudnd ceret ethem,and to à o others; the D-.mocrtic -oPa-rty bs a bter ina3tjuýDet dty of P plar goveý: ru ment than the Rrýpubic u, ma,' in kt- p- iug that party tiu'o to i s alois under sojund leadership. The fluancial page i îT IlE TI NI E s ta capital manual for inveitorh, f-r [i koere, arid the '(fliccexe a.ud 1rabtoýes of savings batiks, trust ccmpaitîîým, îniraýjce c ;in,- niet. Railfay ea-uiggs, stock sud b)nd quîotations, îut rost a!j1 dit id,,nld nuticel, theorganizatio-i of ewcompimieP, and all finiaucial uews reDortsa aero nplyq) aud accurately printtd. Noie the excelloc co ofTfiU IMES in thsedpartment, : Bankiin- m a a m cial, Polit ics, National sud State, Schools and Colleveer, SpOrt, 1 'rkets and Coni- moicial Reports, > ruîy !1111 vy Nees, IArt and 'r'io~ Te ChurcLase, Bu Reviews. THE NEW.-YORK Ný EEKLY 'FIMES. The subscription price o! THE NWEEK. LY TIMES ise ONE DOLLAR1 a yeur. The Timfâa is acapital uwppr coutains ati the curreat new& odue frora thedimpatches sand reports oS îheý daily edition, besîdea il erary Lihtter, discussions upon avriculîuraIlic y practical farmerr,fu 1 sud scarate loarket repoiti of prices for farui p ( duce, jivo atock,&c.,aind a carefai y prepared veek- ly wool maîket. o- 6UBSGRI PTION RATES. MAY N-EWS. Treleven leada the trade for fine foot- Wear, They'rc af ter m-at .. Mlayer'e a foIt bat for 50e. Ouled and ami ealed steel Fo,'nce Wire at Duastan & Hoar's. jIf youi want the3 beat sewing machine made, cal onRi0 ad Pcthick'i1barber sopis the place tb gel a ,ood shave or hair cul. Calsoice and prepared palins tn al co)lora at Du&tan & Hoar'e. Caîl on F. C. Petbick the barber,wtîeu wantiug auything in his line. AUl kinds of Tinware, Eveteuugbiug, aud repairing ut Dustan & 1:1oar'a. '-Varsity" Great Value to the Con-. su mer. Try It. Lidiem, if you have not already, do't fsi 1 to try my choice famuly teom. W. B. Oshoýrno. You cau depeud upon getting style and quîality. et bs Ihau wholesale pricea 110w at M. Mayer's. Noue bptter, Doun etteaper than my stock of grocerîns, fruits, spicep,. etc. W. H. Osborne. There is -o sease ia going bareheaded when you uan cet a geoi styliali bat for 50'.. fom. .Mayer. M1en's Hats-the btes! producti ons of the best Etiglish maker-ju ' t oponed at Couch, Johuaton & Cryderman's. Over f wo hurdred pihees of new PriaIs aud Sateensehelgaut desigua sund Saat colors at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. Why i4hould you pay high prices for dairaged goods wihea M. Mayer is seiliniz baba sand fuishiags in new goods for le's morey Tus STATEÏSMAS sud WEEKLY GLOBE wll be given to uo-w subacribors tîli Jan. 1, 1895, for oaly $1.00 Send order to ,A. A. Jamoi. Anyone wi8hing a brgaiu can go, it by calling at Mrs. Dotcabrer's sud pur chasing one of ber stylish trimraod bats at $1.25. Mrs. Doncaster. Ladies wishlng their hair trimnrned o singed should cîsil on F. 0. Pethick who has fitted np a very noat barber shop op. rposite John Lyie's 110w store. Our readers in any part of Caniada [should Rsk M. A. James for price of tickets when thiukiug about goine' to the Old Conry or sending for friends. ~Juist opened out aIt Couch, 'Johnston. Curyderman's s voery fine aasortmenî of Cali and see the Gowdy Lawn Mower with higli op wheels, double geared, four knife cylinder. The easiest and most complete mower in the markect. DUSTAN &I HOAR, 18.2w. Bowman çiil We é0st End HousrJ HffOSIERY.-Just in, a very large a 'ssortment of Ever Fý- Stainless Cotton ilose ini Black and Tans, ail sizes and great vari of prices.. Splendid value, two pair for 25c.1 We also bave a spiý did range of Cashmere ilose. SOISSORS.-Wle have bought a job line of Scissors, whi we are offering to our customners at the very low price of 9-5c ap These are really cheap at 50c. Five different sizes to choose frc Also just in a new consignmaent of those splendid Piatedl Teaspoc six for 25c. If you have not already tried a package you should so at on-ce. They are great value. Also Desert and Table Spoo Fbrks, etc. BOOTS & SHOES-We have a line of Mens~ Laced Bo< L'bat we want to get rid of. They werg sold for $,ý2.00 per In There are about 12 pair left, sixes from 7 to 9. W1ýe have mar] thein down to $1.50 per pair. This is a greet bargain. We are a selling a splendid strong Oxford Shoe foi Ladies f'or $1'. 00 ap- You should see them, a --Ou(i es open, i,,icycýle rïdi g, h or'cý - ---------------- 1

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