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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 8

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Tho Attractive Puces -which developed the unprecedented Spring business in New Carpets, Lace Curtains, Draping material, iRugs, Oilcioths, and Linoleumrs of the past few weeks are continued ini these goods, ini connection with a clearance at special prices of ail the remnants and odd patterns lef t over from our great twent.y per cent. discount sale. A feature for this week is the introduction of many entirely new patternis and designs'selected from our newest importations ffor special exhibition. e ci I. FOSTER & PENDER TOIIONTO'S GREA.T CIURPET HOUSE, 14 AND 16 KING ST. EAST~. (J. Darlington <Jouncil. Mr.Car0cdend a ony cthlNi.# f TowN HALL, Hamîptn, Apnil 28. Mn.Ire. Turjdee lias eny enM. jCouncil met; Membons ail present; Mr. . Turje lis ben eryMinutes nead and confirmed. I)olphuI3 Henry laslaight.iy irndispoired . A communicatien was prosented frein Mn. Alrncnd Gan1aby lias nturned te the Township Clerk of CartwnighL asking Chicgo. aid for a James Kenr who it la said be Miýssb1Maud Miller las bei n vieiting longe te Dai lington. Laid over. _ienda in Ilucpe. Frein Reeve Vancamp conveyiug it j,3 net wbat its proprie3tors say, but thanks for esolution of Condolerce. ,wiiat ilods Saenapailla d&es, that telle Irlî0d. 1hi.ory cf i,% monita. llod's Sarmpa- Frein F. G. Bysin account for clothing r ('aoCres. for Mn. Adams. 'Laid oven te next muet Mnj. Wm. pope ruas down with an ing. a.ttack et l grippe. Frein J. IL Morrow, Brighiton, tu Mr. YZoimYnCarke is the firat te coi-' repli te lutter frein Clerk iviug price oiteSnngseig f noad scraper. The Cienk was instrnet- 'Un tbnkAndrs lot Friday lat for ed to onc0er six for the township.A Mn. Ft rnk And r communicatien was pnesented. frein Mc- Torote o nsuee wnk.L-an & ,Mosan csiiing attention te the Miss Kate Sqtxain ja vitiing Lerbioth6r American Road Machin.e. Roceived and Prof. John SqunTot. filed. Mn .E, Been la new octed at Lcca Mn. John Colo made application for ArieCalifoNus, having ac-d out ibuwerk en Elgin treet ln tue Vil sto of inteesiai VicI iris, B. C. Hampton. Refenned te acomiitte teex Mrs. David Bradley, Toonuo,aitbough amine and repent. inl very feeble bealth, is tu be Messrs PPs*cce sud Clomens wene ap broujglt home te hler fat her'e, fNI: Chas. pointed a comitrtf examicce th@ Vitue rBanntt. gravel pi. and a b i lge in the 9th Cen,. ~Aiss TrI la giinlg up lier dieýsa mak- and repent. igbiniess heno iticlptinries gu it On motion cf Mn. Ciemens it wýa o i r. awate resid w hnaitrMs.'eted that a new roaaI bta-,lie founded 1in Dofred Griffcz tu, iSck a1aýunion with Clarke on the towa lhue 7th Do ot uifr ien aik hadche& iOt~.and Stà Col). That the pereireca te work ont~~j. nog .L afot ni cessary. elartor' li iithe said boat ou the Dalînigton ide Lýittle Liven Pil'q wiulueYou. Dose, bo Richard Davey, Pathmsut-er, Wallacel onle litile 14U. Sanail pric3. î.i dose. S.aples, Joseph l là, colin Siaples, 8nisïli bi]._ J no. H'esku, Sami. M îKniglit. Mn. sud Mrs. C. G. Anmatnorg gave a Moved by Mn. Pollock, scondod by1 paxy h houer ef lis brother, Dr. H.E.Mn. Pascoce hat a now ro d beat be 1 Anini nrgWcdesda ovr'ig w~kformed on. lots 16 aud 17 in the 10 Con.c r ýîu o hies dep <atgrQ for Pramneyd, Pnl11 the4t the followi g peeus do their au ~ uluelabirn in tke s%id ba.f:-RichýndI :51DLÙiootc causes b'otche;, bouls, Siemon, Patýimasten, Geo. Avery ancd imples, abscebsee, aicors, erofula, etc.- John Bi lier. urokBleod Bittera cures bad biood As>a)ts new bat ho formsd in théi -ài aniy f oninfrein a commun pimP'o te 7th Cou loti 32 sud 33 sud thi ith c Icl t')e weret crofuloui acre. :owiug pesons do, thoir Statote labor New ocficers cf the Epworth Leagua : threi:-Wn,. Lick, Pathîmasten, Clark President, John Millacu; Jet Vice, R. T. Wlbu-, Thcca. Wilbm", LutherLo,Wm -Hodgeun; 2ad Vice, Hugli Sempsen; 3rd Lick, Frank Thompsen. James Lerk,arnd Yice, Thea. Smith-, 4tà Vice, Misa M. P.> Farrell C rried. E., Best; 8Fec'y, Miss Lucy AllUn; Treaa., Me8r Pollock an.d Pasce wer.r ap- TLm artui.w a1ý asaail r poitd a c<îmîitteci te examcue anîd ne- Theins wlo cile sasaprdi a rau Wrt upon the hîcati it of a new read in haid good noaori fcr he got bold (.1 a the vc.inity of Bcrketon). vwotb1es mixture at "reducud rates." jlicý changed Lis opiumn, bewover, wben A by.lsw was pa"td previding far the LOcbean te tako Ayer's Sarsp trilla. t safe keeping cf the Fuuds cf th4 Corper pys te ho careful, vhon buy'uig medici- ation. C, os. On motion the Reevo was iuî.tructisd teý Visitera cf note: Mrm. A. H. Gale.sud I grant orders in the Troisr. for the follow- son,WatervillerQuei.,at Mn. Jas, Linton's; inz Sucai:-Trnote Gn. Liospitîl w. ",iss Ethel Hall. Missi Emma Brown, W. Adams fe3es $41. 50; M. A. James, print.i T. Dale, J. A. James, Wes. Jewell, Bow- iug$q .3 Indigents-Bore. Wilson,1 'nanVil!@; W. Noakos, Boston, s.. ane Wilson, Jas. Brauton, l4rs. Curtis, MiEsa Hllowell, Stankville; J. B. Kann- sud W. Adams, $5 oach; Mn,. Mallet, :,da, Drayton; Mn.. E. Biglow, Lotus; Mrs. Lewis snd Mns. Cornish, $4 each; Milton Koat, Wesieyvile; Anch. Virtue, Mn.. Lane, Mrs. Stap'os. rnd J. Wilcox LonDg Sanît. $3 each; A. Peter, e-2 50; Mr%. C .m pboNq -,getable remedies are uaod iu the pro- Adjeurned te Saturday May 26 aï 10Oa. Saatiou ef llood'a &Sarsaýari1.la in Buch a ni. Court cf Revision at 1- p. mn. saine 1-eculiar nanner as te retain the f ull ined d ay. tý4na1 value cf cvernylugnedient. Thus R. Wllîl)ÂTT, T, C. Elood 'a Sansapanel la combines eceuomy a-nd atrongili and la theonoly reuiedy cl __________ _wnich 11100 Doses O)ne Dollar" Ï3tiue -9e aune te getl Hood'a. C e io s oie 110oD'S PLLLs cure Nause%, ,Sok 118Jendior N tie 1ý rhe, Indigestion, Biliciusuesi. Seld by opr mte f h Fstt fTlen. a'l[ duggists. LbIhel, ltter ofhe Towtatc f Thmasîif Au~ article on "~The Womanly Side ef -Vi-ctoria'* is contributed by Anih"an NVar- in te the May issue et The Ladies Jüur- niai. Frank R. (stockten givea twe more t"Pomeona'a" characterlntic lettons, ushiwing the henoine ef I'Rudder Grane7" -LI -arious adrentures iu lier quest for a soci.l boom ameug thti Eaghsab aristoc racy. The editor questionsB whethen al t'aclamer about thia being iho"lwomau s cîtunrv" la wiwe Mn.. Burton U -s ted talies upýj the education and religions %vdlepment et "A Daughter at Sinteen" .eud an article ou 'Msterials fer Summer 4wu"by Emma M. Hooper sud "81111l i."fo lu Oïl Painting," by Mlrs, llaywood.i ihoughitîuh nielera will appreciate Miss 3oVcs i.ýChild ren and the Sabbati" L d heusaekeepere will welcome the page de- -'crtd te-, "The Sirawbenny aud ils Use;." ubi hdby The Curtis Pccbliâhing 1omtcranlv Of Péhiladelphia, for ten cnt I UMbeýr and eue dollar per ya hfLrby Plu- SmýokîigTbac --10e4a1plu-, in the (Jount'y of .Lurhamn, 1arîn Lcbr. Ic er, Dece«sed. Pur suant te Section 360of Chapten 0ltRevised Statutos of Ontario 1887, anct ameudmentoi theroto, notice ta hereby given that ail ccedit- ors and ethens having clamsa gainai the est- ste of Thomas Hall. late ohet iiaad iown of!r Bowmanvilie. Fanin Labourer, deceased. Who died on or about theo twenty.eighth day of Apri].A.D,IOtare heroby rEqulned to dliver or eend by pot propad te John B. Matyn of ihe oatd town of Bowmanvitle, Grocen, the axecutor of the Last Xiii sud Testament cf satd docoaseci on on biture Moaday, the focînî tc day ef June, A. D. 1891, s staiement ef their naieBnesd acidresos ad a fli i tcc'.--ntoeti their ois nud ef thi aicurities ti(.Ua. c hld by tient, Notice je heroby tuniher given tbat aften th-i saîi fourth day of Juno &. D. 1891, tbe said i execator will prcceed te diotibuto teâs e i 0f the said deceaeed &Mneng the parties entitltud tieeo h aving regard oniy te the clama of whic he salai thon have nceivcd notice. And tie rre 6ad oxecuton will n01 by liabli for I said asse or any part iliereoetot any person or pesonI et whoae laim or clama notice shnotave bien recoiveci by hlm aSthle tim.,ofe echditribution. D ateaifwmanyilleiî E orjdday cf Sictrfor saIdExco, IL CLARKE UNION. Visitons: Mr. tcnd Mrs. Win. Wood of DeGroeîe Pt fiti, Simcoe; Mr. atid Mrs. Arthur W. Foley, Mâpie Grave; 1ev. J. P. Berry of Makoka, at bis father'e Mn Eias B rry; Miss Addie Hiolewe.I, Staikville, at Mr. Robt. Thompson's; Mr. Ellie-t, Kendall, at hiâ týister'î§ Mrs. Jap. T..mllyp .... NMr. Henry Rowe bas mnoved b -ck te bis farta into temporary quarters... Mr. Win. Stuples wits 4k cked by a hersi iin bis own Lable tht- othier day. QUÀCC AnVutTVssMESTr. -Are a ris ance and we think it b,)how.)es publishers to examina intoe) rc m s of any a-ticls puifad Up in the'r e lumnna. We doeo dercy that many me itoricui rernedies2 are preperly t) be claBsed cîn-der ihis h ading. Takethe hundredsa id th'ýusendsnWcýeved fnom Pevere suf in! hby thi3 use cof Po',- son'a Nerviii.e; wcc, ci t n f ha ma- re8soiab!e te cxpDeLt tri.mnîto cosdeain th4t far f ýmrcdYce n cýS? N cw we know for a fact thcct Pol, îcc Nervilij e is with- out texckopticcac-the .c.ct-powe fui, p'e .snt and cerýaîi n rncc. i. the wonid for pain. It caninot fail, f. r ce g )es r ght ta the bottom cff pair , ;.enotiat.e tucthe nervee, soothe, thernm co equetîe , a~fondi prompt and pencnneýn rief. Saved Her Life -surgicai OperatlonS and BetMedical Treatment Fa lied An Almoat Miraculous C ure b>' I40d's Sarsaparlîla. Chicage, Illinois. "C. 1. 11005 & do., Lowiiir Mass.: IlBegining ln Febrnary, '92, 1 wss very slîk fon twe menthe. Slowiy 1 got beiter but was cenfined te my bed. A phystetan said I Ud a Pelvlc Abscose In My Bide. Aiter an operation 1 Sud not hnpreve, the ab- scies conttnutng te discharge oven more fneely than beo re, Ie twe mentis lime three opera,. tiens werî performid andtubes inserted tocarry off the impunlies, but al lu vain, Etually it was decidîd that my life dîpendeci upon anethîn operation and that 1 muet ho nemoyeîci tei hospital. About linoe weeks pnîvieus te Ibis 1[ liaSnoticed an sdvertisemmîu Iu tie Dally News of a case wiere Heed's Sarsaparilla lied cured a bey somowiat similanly afflcted inl Trentnt, N. J., accd I decided te givo It a trial, Wheci the time decided upon for me te go te tie leospital arrived 1I had bien taklng Hood's Sar- sapaila about tve weeks. 1 Was Cettlng Botter and tie aiscese lied already began te disciarge lise freeiy. 1 feit strouger sud bad s terrible nppetite. I'nevleust is Ihad given optoe te Wien 1 hadl takin lhe second bottie I was able te sit up aud sccondiugly I was net taken te the, hoepital and the final operation n'as deferred. Irow 1 have laiton si,- bettles sud the aisces lias cutirely heIed. 1 arn wîll and go îvery- wiere. My friende Ihinit i l a miracle te have âne rîsiored te then egaiu se hîslthy sud ovin younger Ii looks than befone my sicitueis. 1 Feel Botter Than Ever 1 diS in my life sud wcigb ovin, 130 peunids, tio Iceaviel iln my life, 1 do a big day's worjc aa grm gainiig ln strnugih every day. Miy moilier ronedand workit er iseif almeet, 51ck lu car- ilîg for me. She lias, îelai HedsSansa- ipanilla aîîd il bas done lier ireucît geoC. W-_ îcra1seHlood's Sarsaparilla toeîvîrybody, for 1 Know It Saved My Life., 1 an 2- years 015, un aastrauger te booic at ime ien' n culS ne)ttIhinl, 1 ovin baS a dav's ýsi- ties.j EvînUsdetr are surplriseci at lie suciess c ooS'Sarsaparililalu y caise. Illotîn sd myeli ontinue oteaikt i mdl- WR6 %Vfst EightPiln tr eet, Chicago, I3l.i% CorrobOrates tise Above. Mm. olle Wedl auybotiles of 1Kood's Sar- the use ()f h."'. .1ILEEC,50Ws EigitcntiiStrit, Cicago NEW NOUDS NEW COOS Beautif'ul, Stylish, Elegant. Thousands of dollar's worth ef Photos! Photos! Nowadays the disccrnfng public try te get the beat possible value for their money. That is ene of the resens why people go to Tait & Co. for their photos. They are making nome very pretty styles now, Cali and ose thein. Picture frames ai. ways on hand. NEW SHOEMAEER. Having nented the Bs a hop formerly occupiad by the iste Mn. Bunner, I beiz te announce that 1 amn prepared te do ai kinds of ordered work ini making and ne- painIng boots and abois ini the best of style. A good fit gnarantced. Fine ne- paing a Ppeciaity. A call îelicited. A. KEtNNEDY. Bewmanville, Feb. 13th, 1894. I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure diphbeuia. French Village. JOHN D. BOUTILIEI. Page Cou ~pring Fonce. The ~»Ij new goods have arrived since the fire and is being added te, almoat duiliy. Our stock complete. Sel- domi hasý any store an opportunity of placing 50o mucli new goeds for public inspection at one time. If ycu wa.nt the newest and nicestc things in Dress geod you will find it in our stock, elegant tnimmingsb te iuatch. New Cretonnes, lNew Shakers, N1,ew Linens, New Cur- tains, lNew Corsets> New Rats, New Yeiling,. New goods in every department, and having bouglit se larýge]y we got t.pecia],-very special prices and are giving cur customers the benelit cf our bargains. Damag:cI .Notwithsýtanding(, the fact that wýe have been iushing out the dainaged goods at a rate thatC would have exhausted a small stock iii a short turne, we stili haveC lar;ge quantities to dospose of:- 5 Corsets from 25 cts. a pair. Ait kinds of laceand embroidery at one lialf the regular price. Peper Collars, not soiled, 5 ets. 1a b box. Men's and _Boy's Hats 25 cts te 50 ets. veiy cheap). Table oilecthl 15 ets. a yd regular pc 30 ets, W-hite shirts froun 25 ets. up. Collars 'l pýy 10 ets. Great bdrgains -Li men's andJ children's straw hats. About 300 parasols ail new just 'bcfore thie lire scarcely damaged atJ al.C The prices are se low on al these goods that they wi]1 go] 1quick]y. Don't miss your share of the bargains. n m a JEWIELRY OEPARTMENTz Everything Goes. Read These Prices. Nikle dlocks, alarin, 50 cts, eachi.I 8 Day Walnut dlock s, hest make, warraîîted$3.00 original price $6.00 1 Day-, Walnut dlock, best make, warrantcd, $2.00 original price $400. W\ýatchies frein $1.50 up; ail aboutq one haif -what others ask for thetun; ail warlranted. SILVERWARE. - Weý bave eut the price in two. 0 glasse IF are a à%odas Cr the J 1r' '~; e 4 "~ ,~ ~r' i~ec~~ Unfounded Rtamor. The rumor that James Morris, the car. riage maker, was soon going teo bave Bawmanville is no t true. He uil tIl be found at the oid stand, Monrisw Carri- age Wonke, ready and willlng to repair your carrnage, inake new ones, trim and fit up osrria«e tops and do ail classes of carniage work as heretofore at prlceu to suit the times..îSe ia thankfni teoid customers, for past favors and hopeu te receive a fair share of their patronage fix future. 1That fashionable and nestly, fitting an!t, worn by the young man "who Iooked se sweet" et church Sundlay was bulifi specially te fit his soidierly anatomy by F. A. CJoie, Hampton Clothlng Ilouse,' -W - T - 1- I kucw MINARD'S LINIMENT will master of expansion and contraction. cuire croup. A full stock of Faron, Garden, Lwy Cape Island. J. F. CuNNiNOiaUm. and Ornamentai Fonce always ln stock. I know MINARD'S LINIMENT is the Ordens solicited and particulara g1lu. beatremedy un earth. or maiied on application, by Nonway, Me. JOSEPH A. SNow. A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bowmanviiie, Ont.; Soie dealer. whoiesale and retal 1cr Oounty of Durhamn and Est Whitby.ID Than a nice Watch, Set of Jewelry, Clock, or Silverware ? It is no necessary for me to say anything about the quahity of my goocis, as everyone knows that I aways keep bhe best the market pr 'oduces., I h~ave a few Hundred Dollars to rnake up, in a short time and au. still solllng off my stock at 50 cts. on the $ while you have to pay others double the- price for inferior stock. Cal] and see me before buy- .ng. If yen have aDy kind of small work to repair or make. bring it to me and you can get it'done right. irMIAYNARD TOHE JEWELLER, SEASONABLE GOODS E OR THE HOUSEH1OLD, M[oth Oamphor, A sure protection agaînst mothe, [nsect Powder, iDestroys ail kinds of Insect IfeO. Eaîquid Ammonia, For ail C]eaxnsing Purpoes-~ Furniture Poiish, Renews Old Furnitue. Jarbolie Deodorizer and Antiseptiec, For lPurifying Sinks, Drains, etc., etc. J. CM= HIQQINBOT -« M"£ M i. i i i I i I i i I i i I I i ~i~E 9 CIIEMISTS and DRUGGISTS, Bowmanviile. 0"4PR/ NG 0F Ot»1894.e HAMPTON GLOTHINC HOUSE TJù ýTHE FRONT Vith a large and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spring Gods ft ENGLISH, IRISH-, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SIPRING OVERCOATINGS, Fullline of GENTS FJR'NISHINGS always in stock. DOTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, TICKIINGS, PRINTS, GREY COTTONS t cýc. Vl WOOL S9ROE, SUIT te order ..................... . 0 &11 WOOL TWEED SUIT te order...... -............... S (0 READY-31ADE GOTTONADE PANTS.... ................ 75 1Fine Ordcred Clothing a specialty. Fits a certainty, These ({oods have been, purchased in thieIbs markets for SPOT 'AHadevrtigwill be sold at -vight pri*ces. In our espedl1D ne we have built up a large trade on the honeat1 principal of ("G-ood Doeds at Moderato Prices".) Cal i-ind inspeeýt bfr ueai SEGG3 taken saune3 as Cash.

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