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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1894, p. 1

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£ TRS:-81. 50 Pâz iovurXm. OUR TOWN AÂND OOUNTY JIRî ÂJI!RWÂRDS. À. JAMES EDrIT LAi) » PEITOE, NEw SEUlES, B OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, mAY 9, 1894. VOLUME XL. Nuxrn 19 SPRING fniITM'ui JOHNSTON & RYDERMANU tuuuII, Direct Importers, have opened out an unusually large and choice stock of New7j Dress Goods, New Sateens, New Prints, New Cloths and Worsteds. New Curtains, New Carpets and Linoleums. And direct from Berlin a fine stock of the very latest styles in LADIES' JACKETS AND,1 CAPES, elegantly designied, beautifully made and very moderato in price. Also a lot of LADIES' WATERPROOF MANTLESI all New Goods, ILNSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED, COURH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMANY BO)WMANVILLE. Our enormous stock of seasonah!e styles is opened and rea dy $uch qualities and sucli low prices we have neyer beforec been able te offer our custoxuers. A thoroughly first-class stock. cornbinng quý,aIîty and elegance with. low p-rices. Corne in and see the newest esgsand nxost serviceable styles cf thie season in, Ladies'> Gentie- men's and Children's Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods, Trunks, ]3ags, ,,c.; t.he newest ideas, the best gooda imade, the greatest variety and thebi fairost figures. Prices within the reach cf ail and 110w is the iluxe to buy., Everybody is delighted Nvith our display of Spring and urnn~rgoods and you will be. Cail and learn what pleasa re, ~aisfatinand ecouxomy there is in trading with Sign--Big Boot drawn by two Horises. WIRE. Our stock of' Fencing Wire is u ow complete, Oiled and A-nnealed Wire, Barb Wire, and the New Hathaway Wire ail reducedý to, Rock Bottom prices. We -have the latest colors, ýý 1i-ality GUARANTEED. Dîamond -%11 Finish,,Alabastine, and Kal- somme 11al tints. The New 1894 Impr oved Woodyatt LA-'WN MOWER is givinýg perfect satisfactioll ý%nd rivais the best American makes. Gati and sýee t1eibefore you buy. '~nmihUvIura en.î . snOmI'y.]H - ,4ý Insist upon haviug a pair of the fains Fo00ste r'SHO sole of lonor' S h oe TIZÂDE MARK REOISTMItID. Th7fl S(01. , tt c' c ie iW r-. ing Qya1Pctîes are Sup<'rior to any ,S'loe maade for the Canadian. mar- kcet. Foster's Shoeseimbrace tie Best o Everytlfing. .?,anufactured bt 4b A. T. Fostert Co., Iock Island, Que.* MAPLE GBR0 YB. Mrs, Lewis Gimblett has heart t rouble. Mr. and Mrs. 0. oux are aso sický... Mr. Philip Tyler le temporarily on the old hometead. -. Mr. A. W. Foley ha& moved to tG...... .Mr. J. WoI iîi visit. iug at home. . .*Mien Ida Stevens haq re- turned from Lake Simco.... Mr. S. The Snowden, jr., While elacking lime in a ot barrel, the lime exploded, burning hie aud face and eve8 severely. That he escaped1 tieolf with no0 slght an ifjury in a mnystery. ci to t) The explo3ion broke tho pater and a to thlec luth in the ceiling. ý %il wl TiizD, WE.ÂK, Nzr-vous, Meana im. tinueu,ýs pure blcod, aud oVerworked or too inuch JohIn1 etrain on brain aud body. The only wayl Agriu to cure isto feed the nerves on pure 11xÎ.au1-1 blood. Thousanda of people certify that at the the beat blood purifier, the beat nerve ste to tonie and Fàtrength builder ie flood's Sar. ovr saparilla. What it hi. doue for others to it will siso do for you-Hloods cure3. This1 Nervouaneas, ls of aleep, lors cf a p-have ti petite and general debility ail disapptarseti poben Booi'a Sarsaparila is pers istentiyio taken, aud atrong nerveq,sw. lo Ptrbng bcdy, cshîrp appetil te ý, andin "la h 1Word, lieahli and happineLa foHllow thc bactive use o-f Hoc d'a Sarsaparîlla. The col The stroug point about He)od'e Sarsapa a;,ccorde cilla 1e tlaat they are permianc3nt, bcuethec c they s'ait frou&i the miod funrda ' ofiet purified. vitaliz'Bd sud eniriehedl blood. 1rtf tJouRTicz. Pick( Miss% M. Squires, Oshawa, waa guet o!fo MiDsC. PB. Lit 1.1ejohu.. Mis Bwde, Loudo)nEug, hi. beau vleÎritîiug at NU. Mr. Wmi. Nioholab'. .». .Mt. CIkrsieiSous, go MYlitij to Colonsbuâ May 24th te give a poýram este, for the Royal Temperanco.. esr.the Sid aud J. H1. Brookiis .bpped a car lead eervi o! potatoos r: cm thia vicinity lust weeksund and are sti 1izictherîng more . .. .Mr. Fred "ceee] Brooks wili -,ailou the fast eteaier uaa CamnpaniA froeû New 1oil, on Saturday euthi sud exptcra te be home the Saturday aw. af 0,. Whit lion j01. couves the eIt werds Éthus ias EANNISKILL EN. Measrs. Thos, aud Wm. Pr(Eston ef Lindsay spent Sutiday with their mother hore,. . . Mrs. Il. Sylvester who has spent the winter ini Lindsay bas returnedl for the summler-. The peliticiil meeing gave, way to the refreshing rai on Sî,t- urday eveuing. Derby iPlug the -Coolest And Most Enjoyable Smoke Everi Produced. FOR YOJJ TO NEGLEOT yO0 i Pl EY ESIGHT v TIEN FOR su sma 1 an VVamount cof money you can have your EYES per. fectfully titted by T. N. RICKARD, Wath maker, Jewellear, snd Optician, nedaBicr tý, Onomanvi011, "nj',IrnctCm Pl'efs is f lu lt. iti showedt 1topomted paper ia Wie deci: But wne ead itf vinuef tI iu the r,' to e hoen contidew Hon.1 sud mad thiat pora %ud apap flu referr toabolis If thetý UTH ONTARIO. DRYDENAMAIN THE UNANIMEU CHOÎGE HO0N. JOHN BR)YDEN. [iberal rîdînig of cenýistituoucy in thoîr breeches pocket, mnplec evidenice on and who were assertiug thst ho would net the( igh eappreci;s. be re-elected. S--uth Ontar*o honored h e services reuder- itsel! in olecting a mian like Mr, Dryden. I.i particueir asud IHo knew Mr. Dryden well. That gontie- -ral by tha 3geutle* man had been selected hi ýcaLuse o!hiesad- Led that rid(ing con- vauicod viowe,, fer hie variedi kno-iledge 3,ears-tlhe [tin. o! agriculture su)d for Use ability in the pable Mýinuster o! ll',use. There wassrot a iunember of the euithueiaatic sud Rouie who had disapproved of the choice of thîe proeeadinge for a moment f rom that day to this eetiga caudd- Mr Dryden was a cool, calm, levei-head- iuetiueucy in the ed man, whe kuew what he wauted sud b thijeneuuiug elec- shat ibe countrywsuted; coulddistingu'sh 1betweeu good sud bad, sud had the cour- his feilow-e' 'ectorse age te say "tue," a most important sud i, sud the repre- valuablo qualification in a Minister. Be m eveDry eub.dfivis- had doue more iu the aset four years iu i er or. more coul- every dlepartmentù for agriculture than rus4 caudlidacy thanýj had beeni doue for years befere; unIles r flfteenI years of perhiapsholieexcepted the w-ork doue by ;ifcey riceUr. Au'rerm, a mioat respectalble sud ac- slud uuit4ad e uvpOrt om1edlawyer. (Laiighter,ï Thoutzh ndiug- in atronigest termes Heu. rt's course as a inember aud a tnd declaning that their inter. îs.-tituieucy, as weIl as, these o! Y, would haboc effectively thie lection df8se well1-triud euced sa representative. lb is sitata3 that the6 resolutien wes y uarried ari-d the greateet Mr. F. LU Fowke o! Oeh- eedaud Mr. Chas. King o! onded a resolution that the Dryden ibe the nomîuoe o! the Thie waseaise uarried unani- )wedI by rounid sfter round o! Dua'sSrBEcIIa. ia business oet te couventiu -îîed e! Mr. Dryden addressod thanking thein fer the kiuda had uttered, sud fer bis eu- ,eceptuon sud the unanîieu1 ag-ain teudiered hlm which hoe P;reeediug ,ho claumed they r urv),Yv yearsas-goed Geveru- be briefiy reviewed[ the course et(iverument frei proper This(Govrrnceubhadmnu- îareetdesreto benefittho gyuard their intereets. Their neit succeedIed in shewîug a rpeourd o! the Mewat Geveru- ore hiad been absolote purity ratien as well ase careful sud ecenemy. He thon reviewed 1hie especial departinent sud praýctical resuilts o! his ýactiens. 's eclu speech is se fuliy ii tha Teroe, oGebe which of our subecribere tako that uuuecessary te reproduce it. ceuid lîsten, te that speech or .ghtfully -without being cou- MmI. Dryden le the right in Ipace suid omiuoutiy worthy ted- foir another tern with the ýf the elctons. IFm S. Dy.n SPzÂxS. Hryasintroduced te thn uivedI a vemy hearty greeting ; capital speh.Xe repent ýi o! it in whiuhlu e se nicely ri itiolprefera te iMr.Drden te Mm. ýMereditha1 .propos.i le offices ef theMinister of ald( Minieter of Agriculture, zaid: 's ee p intmre tItn an- 1hith lie dusatreed with Mr. vwis with referece ccte this te fus3ý le ue pamtnaents o! r sud Min ,ster of Ag-ricul- whab s , urprised hlm was the1 ýr weýre some pers;ons uiiiOnt-( pectecd te hast Mm. ,ýDrydlen at1 or euit o! it who deserved sa i-on suid e triumpjlhati.eIectioni J)rydon.(Aplus.)Even1 ()Éa douel al that loe had fe1r1 b hould Ibut eetcdfer theý ho0 might do, sud he vcoldI ,vû b.sk.the opposition wm 1 hVd begun at tho Industriel nie aset alitumul, whenî thoraI )a speke aso if they had the t o!f Hou. âMr. Drydein. (App4ilause.> ýSe mnuch for the propoaition to abalishl the M iuistry o! Agriculture. No Derby Plug Smokiug To. bacco Is 'Genuine UJnle'ss It Bears The Derby Cap Slîaped Tag. ___ _ N FrIA VE N. Farmnere have fliihed seediag about a month ahead o! lest year,. ... Geirge Stott, piinter, towu, le painting Carrisgea in thie viciut .... Mr. fr1offitt frein tuwu has moved to Mr. James Pierce'.- ou_ , Aibor Day was observed et ourschool on Friday. . .. V'iti acre: Mrs. Bright of Caltimbus at lier daoghter Mrs, Jenuings stetion; Mr. aLd Mise. S. J. Hall at Mme. T. Vaucamp's; Mme. T. Oke and Mme., Beokel ab Mis. W. Okes; the Missmes Lucas at Mms. F. Borns; Mm. sud Mre. Storie, Oehawa, at Mr. T. Powersg.. Mr. W. C. Frank speut Stitiiay lu Enula kllen.. Large quiltiug at Mrs. Ira Peree's, a resi oid fashioned time. Roert o! S. S. iNo. ', Dariiugton, for Apnil. Sr. 4, Clair Languxeid, Vida VanCamnp. Jr. 4, 'Eva Foley, Winnie Power. Sr. 3, Elinas Jenuings, Sidney Frank, Elna VanCaimp. Jr. 3, Florence Jeuuing ,Bertha Vauicamp,Loriue Frank, Mabl Troîl. Sm. 2, Edith Jenuinge, Eluier V&tnCatip, Beatrice Rundle, Fred Frankr. Jr. 2, Leslie Guy, Sud Rundle, Rob. Clarke. Sr. Pt. 2, Sybil Tru, Wiflie Clarke. Jr. Pt. 2, David Clarke, Roy Trtou. Sm. Pt. 1, Howard Foley, Rob, McKuight. Roy VanCamp, Irene Langmaid. Jr. Pt. 1, Frank Ovens,, Mabel Curtis, May Ovous. John Clarke, Edlia Moffat, Gordon VaaCamp, Ida Jeunings,Frank Rudie. ll.G.MA&RTrN, teacher. We buy eur Genti' Furnishinge at F. A. 'ole'a Hampten alhe selle cheap anl keepa a elear, îîîce via. iety. Se hie new styles. Burdrr. e Bloood B.ttems cure Dyspepaia. Buirdouk BîcelBit ,rgeureConstipatien. Burdouk B'ood Bitters cure Biliousuess. lurdock Bl.-a d Bittera cure Ilead iche. I3nmdock Bbood Bitterm nulock ail the c'e ge'l seuretious of theBdw&eval thus cor- in, Usadaches sud iiilàr umplainte. i4eport cf S. S. No. 12 Darjirgteun: Sr. 4, Bertie Stainton; Jr. 4, ýAnieli& Nble, Stella bMutton, Maud Artutu; 3rd clame, Nomman Mtter, Atîes Balboni, Luther Couisb; Sm. 2, Bertie Glakpeili Anthiur Staintoni, Normian Leach and Norvl Ws0iutr), (equal); Jr. '2, Av- thrLairgmaid, Heorbie Oke; Pt,2 Elle Noble, Wîlms Leach, Gertie Lang. miaid; Sm. Pt. 1, L'llah Steintoin, Percv Lonigaiud, Albert Bpaisocn; Jr. 1't. 1 , Irene Giaspeil, R)y AlîmenII. E!DITU Rr'jis. TeCheTrý ToFea uw Sprnu, Suits were miade by F.. A. Cwle, the fashienabla tailom, iflsmp. New 1 Belware of F'rauds. The unfailiug Succegs of Dodd'à Kidney {Pille indîîces Fradul3nt linitatora to attempt to Paon Worthless Rein- jedies on th>3 Publi. TORONTO, May 7-This ap.paars to be a 'n age cf faks sud fraude. la seemn impossible for any uewides or valuable, invenrtion te be made known without a hoat of iuiitators trying to felet their wtsrthless goods on au uusnuspeoting, publie lu the hope of makiug an unaierit- ed profit out of their worthless idae. The unequalled succets of Dodd'a Kidzey Pillaeiii curing ail forma of kiduey dis- euse, bas led to the introduotion of many cheap sud baue imitations that are worie than valuelesi. Dc)dd'as was the tiret kid- ney remiedy ever offdredilupili forai. For their own safety, buyers ehould balie noue but Dodd'a Kiduey Pille. Sold lu large boxes; price, fi! ty cents per box or six boxes for $2. 50. To be had of ail dealers, Mr. J. McFeeýter8, Poterb-?ro Busireii College, called ou f riends here prior ta leaviug f 'r a5situiation in Nova Scotia.. ..Mise E f oid, Provideoce, was a gue, i (,f Mr, end MNr.. W. R1. Olemens on Sab- bath.... i1h 'u6ands of grasqhoppers in the Nor h awe reported ta have been seen, sharpen n,À ttaeir teeth lu rearline&'for the beautiftil grain whici, may be seen every where sbooting forth its tender green.. .Mra. MIoutîjo)yWhltby, bas been very ill at her fatlier'd (Mr. W. Fairll, ) frin au u'cerat)d tooki... . Preparations for the great aunual evt-nts of the saeon,tbe 24th ù! May, are bernz pushed forff ard iià every quarter... Mvr. D. FiJher and some fliondss eta day in tic neiîghbor- hood st re, k in perbuît o! the finvy tribo. English, Scotch, Irish and Osuadian Tweeds, WoretedL-, Serges sud Spring (Jvercoata-a very nice aisortaient at F. A. CoLi'd, Hampton. JUST às GoolD.-Perhaipe; but if juat es good aà-1 tnm's l that neýt a very high rcmndto for tho orliial sud llsc )ep tire Sý Pu ~inan Da.rilingtorr for A pil: Sr. 4, Ada Hoar 214, Mtrks, Stafîl yJain 211; Jr, 4, Frank Werry 160, Gog Werry 92; Sr. 3, Edith Potter 225. Maujeld Rundi4e 218, Arhur lHoar 88; Jr. 3, Ettie -Jansieson 1410; Se. 2, Gert- rude Halfacre 197, Simueýl Martin 88; Jr. 2, Eruest Rundle 160 Mr.ary Roy 1M- P-. 2, Sridney Hbar 202, Flosale. Werrv 196, Annie Nixou 144, Edus Roye 138; Sr. Pt. 1, Edgar Hoar 154, George, Halfacra 59; Jr. Pt. 1. Maude Colwill 174, Garnet Jardine 160. Average a, - tendance for mnîoth, 17. M. E. HÀLNEs,. Teacher. Busei ods ià ruahinq at Hamupton Cloth- ii; 17,, _e, F. A. Cole being kept busy- froin early dawu te late at vight. Thosee_ stylish suit. ho i. giving the Young mor sa cheap expîsins it ail. Daniel Ritz, Propriet-ir sud Publisher o! the Hamburg, Ont., Indepeudut eays: «'I wae eufferiag from Dyopepsia sud Liver Troubles, 1 tcok a few bottis of Shiloh'd Vitsliaer aud it cured me. 1 can hesrtily recommEud it.' CLABýKE U.NIUN. 8jhool rep rt for Apzi. iNaines in order (À meri,. Sr. 4, Silas Souceh, Mary Rowe, Bella Lîîsk, Norman icks. Jr. 4, Eva Brown, Libbie Coibo'urne, Milton Samis. Bella Bail. Sr. 3, Bertha S 'amie, Minnie lJickp, Normani Allun, Edus Ba, ralyIdI. J- . Katie Cola. John Morris,'LNewruin Co boumne, Lizzie Wright. Sr. 2, Emma Morris, Minnie Rowe. 'Jr. 2, Gt orge Hicks, lys Ko)eIleMnly Oj)Ie, [larry Itowe. Edim Bai. Pc 2, Frank Brown, Jeunie Smith, Lillie Rowe, Ethel Rowe, Lullie Broeu Pt. 1, Frank C ,le, Arthur Hickq, Liuf u e dBàrraba 1, J ohn B iry, Albert C,,nd,)n,fLIary Davis,'Mary K' JJey, Lîiura Bzowu. TrLr.sa PtOUT,- IL, 'Výarsity" Ci),ar is Without A Doubt Superior To The Majority cf Teni cent Gocals. Try It and bsý Convin :ed. -Ànniversary heroý June 2nd ard 3rd., .Mr. Wm. Beath bas reuted the fanr occupied by Mr'. T. XVe t n lai t year. . .. Preachng n rext Sunday in the evening at 6 30 o'clock.. . . Aibr day wss celebrated VOLUME XL. NU»» 19

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