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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1894, p. 3

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~. r ~y z. p Iesfor Poultry Keei THE GANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISIIED 1834 SIS per annum in advacce, otherwise $1.5). Susrpins always pyaleastheou G, p Uato.Adv.,tî.,ný rag 9ni sby o,'i rýact, 10ý cent3 per lice, noreparie I ,frt in8erb e, and à cents p-r lice eaeh subsequant ia- se--Lîon. Locais, 10 cents per lice. M. A. JAMES, Publishar USE $ AVIL elerpyCvl evc and Matriculation Work. NIMO &HARRISON DUSIESS&HORTANDCOLLECE, Corner Yonge and Colege Streets, Experienced Sp ecfalist8 le every departmnent. Six students placed in good situations within 10 days. Al candidates prepared by us rassed wth honors at Iast examination of CnÂRTERED ,TENOGRÀPHic REPORTERS of On tarie. IGHEST RESULTS te all departments SealRates, Circulars and Automatie PRue ames free, Plecipals, p THE Wedt cuare ycu, Prce, U0Ct;. Iiaectorfr. For sale by Stott & Jurýy. ITEMS 0F INTEREST. opease rÙd~otr nFa~ Spoonless 'Mu iard Pot-A 11111kThiet etc., etc. There are over 6,000 postmnistresses ln th-e United States. 1 Sarah Bernhardt lias earned and spen more merny than any other living actress In the iast twenty years shebas earned fully 62,000,000, and circulated il with tlie eýxtravaganoe of a princess. To make animais uncooscoes, befora Fslaughtering, is censiderad humane in Berre, Switzeriand. A test was recently mnade there by-legal enaotment, and il tools six' oort f a1l'oho1 te reeder an ex unfeel- mnLy, drunk. A speonless mostard.pot is a recent ie- vemien. By pressing a pirston- md in an air-tight receptaclie, the requisite arnoont cf snustaràl is forced through a suitable @pont. Thne air being exclnded, the mustard is aiways fresli. There w are many expressions of wonder by persons whu cliacced to be entin a, ram-. sterrn at Pocatelloý Idaho. The raie had a peculiar whiteness, and leftwhite spots on the ciothing, like rond. They wera examin- cd, and found te lie the rcsidunm of sait water. At an anction near Ncshaming Falls, Pa., among nurnerous Gthar articles put undar the hammner, were twenty.five hives cf becs. A boy accidentaliy ciistnrbed oee ef the hivas, and about 3,000 angry becs at once rashad eut and caused 200 people te scatter le ail directions. Judge J. W. Proctor, cf Glenwood, Fia., receesiy married Miss Elizabeth Maddo r, of Athens, Ga. Neither bad seanthe other until withie oea heur of the limie flieti for the eeremeny. It was a case of postal ,ourtship, ail the prelimicarias hav.ing bean arranged by cerresponience. PILES!1 PILE3!I1TCEl[N.,ý4 PILES. SymrTo.ms-Mottture; intense itchlng and istinging,; most at night; worse b scratching. If allowed te entiiïne tum. ors ferin, wbichli ofn bleed and ulcerate. becemnieg very sore. SWAïNE'S OINT- MENT stens tha itching and bleedior, beaus aleai nsd in most cases ramces the tumeroî. At druggists, or by mail, for ceç7nîsý. Dr. Swayne & Sec, Philadel- ~bi. LmanSeno & -C. IVontresi, HOW THE ABORS FIGHT. Caurlons Weaasore a rawesrssl East ln tian Tribe. The Abers, wlio bandicd a British ex- pedition rather ronghly a littie whie aga, s3eeate ha unpieasanîtfoiktotetactie. A correspondent of the Tiea et India laya con cerning thora : 11 The chatf weapoe oft tbc Abor is bis bow and arrow, and witb these lha lies le wait and eue volley mb ourt tins whe and wbera halieueses and tben1 race off bibt te joungle, witb svery paîli of wbiciîhalae sf aciliar. Ris arrows ara poisoned, and le socs cases des-lb bas bacc tnown te coceur wiî bin a few heurs troc the infliction cf a wud The poison is made1 frocn the powdaîeda root of ta.e wild aconits rnixed witb piges' blood and forrned int black paste whicli is then sprcad oui sonne filirous substance, wbîch la b)und round the sast cf the arrcw for about two inichesJ aboya the bead. The abaft isîon g andà a, strcng bamboo.' The chiaI weapon of de- fence- la a sharp baclioo abat calied a" "panige," which las plaeted le the foreastI patha. These saat vary lu lengîli ; socse are only six inches long, and are craltilyj plaoed le the middle eftshe pathli wth sheir points towards thae eamy sud coverad oer wihs daad leavas, se that tbey can scarcaly ha seani. Oshars ara about twelve te aiglibeen inches long, and ara stuekthicltly on eacl aide et the path and catch the heedies about hait way up the ieg. The shaft are aIse made et strccg bamben, and ara vary sbarply poietaed ; Ibey are then lint as the snd, and ara aIoose etices peieonad with aconite, send will cierceans ammunilice bot."-[New York Post. AL M E N Youneg, olul or middle aged, wbo finul tbam salves isurvona, weak and exhausted, wlio are brokan dowc froc axcessa-oroverwert reaulting le many et the followiîgsg yrn eptemns: Mental deprassien, precasure old age, boss cf vitality,, loss of, cecory, bad dreams, dicess cf sight, palpitation et tbe heart, amisaiens, lack et energy, pain le the kideeys headaches, picples on the face sud body, itchiîig or peculiar sensa- --oie about-Idishne atigeLtb orgues, di-ies, sees etorestee (yes1 twitchicgo.cf Ibemce, eyaiids sa i !se,- wbcre, lialifleasdeost lu therina, bas t wii ewer tedaresacfibcalp anad inwaak seul iaýbbymuclsde sir t sbap filue eie essdby sep, voica, desifor soli*tud, exitbiiî c LEAsEI CLSOIISaoiy 7looking skfi, etc., are ail sympteca et nervous debilizy that lead te însanity unless curaS. The spring or vital terce having lest its tension every tunctiou waes le conequenca. Those wbo thrcugb abuse cocmittsd lu igecr. rance, may lia percnaneetly cnrsd. Senit yeur address aseul 10 cents se asampa for bock on dissases p-ecýuliar te man, sent seaisul. Addre-ss M. V. LUBON, 24 Mc deenail Ave. , Tronto Ont., Canada. 36-ly cires leArnor. ccepted tarm ro duceaiisud varoios theLr articles le aie. cf i he adinssion tee. Onemac tendersd as fat len, saecured bhis ticket, and rsceived. a When iiTaby iras sik, wa gave ber CasIonsa. WbýIen sbe vas a Child, she cried for Castoria. Wluei she becaîne -Miss, sbe clueg te Cassoris, N\heu slh ad Cbildren, abe gare tbee Cassoria. Signer Crispi is a mac cf remîst physi- que, witb se exbraordicary capcs o jwort. Sick Headache and reliave Plli th trouibleslnci- rdenýtot a bilions st.,te cf thesm, such as iizziness, Nausea. Drne'siniems, Dstress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. Wh!'e their mest remarkable success lhasbeersisown in curing HeadaChe, Yt CntTea'sLrITTLE Liv ER Pît are equaiiy valuable ie Constipation, curn& and preventing tbis ane. yng cernplaint, whii( tyIse corret al d-sord ers oSt a sternac1ý stmnate the 'Iîer anSiraýgul]aLe the, beweis Even if tbey oniy cuirt A che thev v ldb ae s picis% to thoe who suifeèr fomti 7;iteig compiaint~ but forthunate Isi edeadeeS rnetcc here, and vsew'eone rytem wili finit thesa littis uisvalabl b o ac y wavys that they will net belin ln ud ~bu them. 'But after aiuscslsi fs the b .laec s'aj îe ta ers e l iere (a'zasLITELir P 5ae verysmIt I ad vryeas t tae.Oce ortwe pismiake a ï oe Tbey are strictiy vegetabiep anddoW Inet gripe or puge, but by the,- gen-tie action vi. fer $1. SoId averywhere, ojr sent by Mail CÂ1TEZ HMDIOfI= 00., llsw Yrk. r There je ne brandi cf rural indlustry that l. is se generaily foliowed, yet is S setýeat- icaiiynegbected on the farm, aspntr raising. Thare are few familles lirura ocaliiles-,or aven len rural villa1ge, vwl 0do ses 17eep a-few ec ;bu Dte wis res geuera-liy 1sft sbLiloftufr tIlesl ,eastha-ýt bhey do nejt prove as reueaie as he otberwîsee mîgbt. for tice that is wortbless that bas bscCt utterly wasted and is proflîleas. Neyer- thelesa, tbelien maies geod use cf ber V time. Let oe n m the newl-y imade garden and ses if she does net. 11111.try pays mucli or lîttle acccrding Lse atm and attention bestowed upen il. Well cared for, there le no stocktbt can h kapt oe the farre that wili bing -se large a profit. So mach i je ritten on the abete pouitry that litIle wbicb is new caie lieî sai& , but i h nly by repatisien, "lei upoîlîne, precept upon preceps," tha- oena ean reacb a certain cls of readers. The toliowing items may conta6in semae sbing wbicb le naw te somes who atillke the cemmion liens and batoli shair chic-ees by what sema oee lias deeminatad " han power," instead of ieubators. The liens sbould lie aiiewed te stery if tbey bacome broedy ; aariy broods malte profitable market fowls fer eariy antume i and ,,ariy wieter layers. The nest in whicb the brood je te lie hatcbed ahould lia dean, freeli aud Ifres frocn vercîn. Suiphur or tobacco slîould lie sprinkied about il freely. Ta ceaCR' sbo(uld net ha ln a barrel, keg or dep box. The lien sbeld be able te walk ,,. il, net jnmp down ente the aggs. If po-ssibles it should linl a quiet sacý. i ddplce Aý fresb sod sbould fore tha otocf the, nast. Itshsould lis piaced grass sida down, lesnob canner thalt 1aire will hea a hobe i teMiddle te fore caIlag anougli te beld the aggs a&nd kap Itbem3 frocn rolhicg out. On thteosd shioild lia placed sof t esy or straw. Th sod s3erves1, a double purpose. It snpplias naaded mois- ture te the egg:s, and lips tij, secura, and keap Up, anl avec eprîie The eggs chosun sbould b e itiore siza. If cockarels aýre wantad, select tlelags and longest eggs ; if pullalýs, tha aorta oe. The eggs sbould notet amr i Ibrea or four daya old, If kept lger than this tbey ara not likely te batcli wall, The batcbin g proceasscf tan bagins je boqt wealth- er. lisera the aggs ara placed unde 1bn for leasbhast is caeded at that lm hna any subsaquant pariod cf inocubation. Tha. procs gees on slowly until mnorcehastlis ceedad, or the eggs *bceoe cold anocugli te krill the germ. Sncb a zn egg will cet hasch aftarward. If unehle egs cf (diffareet ages are given 'e the lien, they will blatcb aI iffarenli iIcýs. Bu'ýt if those cliosan lie cnly is few heurs ol, ndas nsarly aspo iIs- jii cf the sainec age, tbey wlll haîcl iuni- fori7,iy, iund muli tr oub.le et the lien leav. s ng lier nceýst wis buait thelrcd iI ThIe sheilacf the eý_gaslionld li e sot and t ee tin.Ifbes1so uldhabrokenI iul ',)leles',Ilie others sliold lienraovaedj anid carElully wasbaed iiVleas aaas ot arlay be lrtn A correspondent writes:-Tis subjeet cw ýj belng advanced and urgedl upon the trme as bis onily salvation, is cf the hiliat ije. porsane. For it is about fntiibaltbise larmaras ure Iheir attention le Ihat ireçýc- i tien. If yenara farminig Itar the manna)rý cf the cajerisy lu the Northwest, te gel onttebcnew soil ail thare le leil, quit bbefore yen bava ruiusd the land for fetura gecarations. Vbeati Wheatl Nctýling1 but wuheat! It cae'l bc done wits ucas. How I lova te go loto aacalil are sed sas a tew cows, boea colts, ebiekens, sbieep, and if Ilie farcer la a readar, and jis k cep)- ing posted, and lis stock are cf gooeàoo why, I thint I have found a tmus tfarmier. Yen muet, te speak plain, bli le îswitl yonr business. I wil say, ifi 1liad net, al- ways been a lever et stock, bbe fe w Jer sey cattia I hava would soon malte me an an- thusiastie stock raiser. To ail grain tar- ara, wbe ieteed te brandi ou nt b stock arisiiig, I would say, ha patient. Yen ose not gel webl slarted lein n an e l set your mark, and shoot for il. 1I, vas- bold liy an oid farmer, wlien I bat t ile city' for the tare, cet tobe afraid tertn in dalitj for ail the stock I conld care for, for thsy! weuid outgrowintarest. ItIlankt tal a for if I had net tatan bis advica I shouldi have bae e oiged le leave the taren years ago. Divarssty. Doe'l dcpeed eetirely on whaat. Raisealal yen cale, but raise cher careals, tee, se thah if the optien gambler lias yonr wheal below tbaheIc f production) or wbat il ils actually wertlî, keep il and sali soeetbing aIse. If we abi de that wa wil soon ragulu lat prices. De eut go wiid ovar3 soins oe crep bacausa it brings a higli price aI prescrnt. Be carat ni about fiax. A 11gb V ieed sead elten bringe a chsap' barve,,, -Ï-l SpekeIlienlithe Booehbay (e)Regfter. et tbe ieneflc alstha asrecaivaitfrein a- rgulaus ee ye' PlofH sy: wasteiieg îlot su ad tireS and my stemach seemit il ut of order. 1 trieaanumber cfree iebt none sauneS te give mea icitn~lIwas Iodured te Irythe dtrelia- b MIAe Sll. .1 have a Idtn onlyonee bex bt ful ik n c~ eu.ItblinIsthey areth cmi leac't ud easy tetaise e eeaed i~a crc aCl 15will ta'ke tise. I urge uon ii wbe r le eeS et a laxative te try UyrePlis. Tbecii do geod."t E'or al dit af e thaStomacla, L1Var, EVe r y Do Efe ctiv? e A hoM CLi5 GmCa COcýT5,TMc RPTAILR4-CrKT iAIj FIG. 2. nonea undar ils influence andioe nnt, the former yisldsd 50 per cent. moia by wsîght than le other. le othar casesa, owaýver, no affect habas.ia obaerved, and somatimes h0le res ul appears te bars busc acînally injurions, oe palcoe landl actaul on by the geomagneeitar appaaring as if burneul ovar. ý.t ftuBarrasl andt Specbnew adopteul a similar c plan, but eppliai the lec tricity dircly tfroc a voltalo batary (Fig. 2). Ie secns cases lhey succeeded in apparéaety treblîng seaven quadrupîing the vlald by bliir eetbed, but le othars, as witb Baulin, the t adn ythose vwhe re tIli ost inter- estedý in1 promesoin]g is, Th'ere ha ne moe usiesortstfl ncat kkcewe te mac, cd we xpeo noe, than well.fed, early riaure _mtIo;:andpeeple arc very fast ndn tont. Tbay wlll pay more for il ti the yaar paissIban less, but it muet lie s deciid-aled, young, tender and TMIEIIRY MOMENTS. Icosdryour set much b.ereatli me," ad the w,,eaitbercock fowl-te the cne in the barcyard. " Yenr a vane tbing 1" was equesretort. lAmma (as sleie lassrving the Pie a able)-What l an impioer fraction, tloy"Jeohnny-l'Anything les ban "Sý_ay, P,"aed Freddy, "why lais t tat vhe ou or, Uncia George teli a stery yeu always gel iEaughced et, and wlien I telloe Mrs Goraqect"Yor lusbaed bas nsrdbslitef(,or $ 1000? ow good tof ~im " Mr Ofecrond-"eodof hinc7 le iil tjus",ttsatalizenme V "Lok ere, old chappiejust introdece i~e e yur pcst cousin." "Ail riglit, lfi do1s but ,maýrk, if ever yeu marry Ilr don't i ay the blace on me." Shevas a very littie girl, Yet stroeg mecflIed in fright, Beuiase, yen sc, that littie girl, \Vas gong te recîte. He-The mt as the seaside. ilien uce n ced i ancuaintacce that, would onP have ripened ictol love. But-" She -"But whai7" H-"Tley married," A 1lawyver said1 te a, witcass: "lYon're a nie elw ain't you 7" Witness replied: 'I i1 ar, id if 1i was net on rny oath I'd ,ylte samnetf yen, iardl U p-"Ige L a bill from my taler culy we a year." Slow Ptty-" l'il have tO paitronize hl," lard Up-" But rny bill la the mon>îey h-e berrows lrom me." iWhenMp 'Hggnsaskedlyen te marry him, Idyen teU i hicthat lie must asyen: other7" "I did, but lie said sba'd refused lic lon before le ver Iliuglit of askieg "Ir. Huser-' i suppose yen say, like tibe rosI c f the western girls ."lSc Chicago ped( di-"Miss Candard-"Ie Ideed, 1 doe't use anoli Engiish as that B ay, Il -ce Chicage and me." " _MY lnbadlas ail the virtues but oie, remnarked the wife cf a struggling yonng d,)eoc 'l "Whal is that ?I" asked lier sympaheti frind. Patients,"-'replicd the yo1ner wila. -Dector -1 Dees ycur cougb secra rather tight ?" Pat ient,-" Great 3cott 1 No, ne, ne :, Ive ihad butingot llemonade for a week, Flewcoeul a oonglior acything 'Ise gett 'ghlt ce'a t 7" Mistýer," said! thie snall boy te the gre- car, Iethe tld cýe te ask yen if they's alny sncb s1hlng as a sugar trust." " Why, cf corethee isi." "W-well, mothar wants te, geb trustedl for two pounds." M nr. Grnmipps-"What earthly gofîd wculd il(do if woncan should be allowed se leka a_ band in plîiov7lrs.Grumpos- "Weil, fer cee tinwe'd. dean lieuse a uüo(d deal oftener than 1Y1yoen cvotera do.' MVrs. osr-Thra Ibe-gin te a seail confidenice leiipateýnt mduie.I'vzlried five bettýif etl Ineit.ab -leae ,aud. l'el 1pot cee ýbit baIser than wenIbegan."; Mr. Daser-"Psaily bepatlent, rn 1yloe lIas riïae cnt." Efids-"Whtan afn mntfti wit Ie amonet c, f wor-k se efr. isbey docl't hav a tair oppert ýUeity for tait- Fe Gave l'. Barer "PorJiîl1bas bsec2 sent te an Viie inchair) :"Wbo's Jim', "Jmis iny lwi brother, sir. Jic hias lo-ng 'býeebrodn over the bard times au' Isuippose haefinally gel crazy."> "Hum I Nos nlilsaly." ÏYes, hae and me bas worked side by sida ýfor years, and we were se alite we ceeldn't tait&e ealiher spart. XVe betli brooded a geod decal tee. Ne eeney in Ibis business aay mr. "What's thc mattar wîth it?" "Prices tee, icw. Unaless a custoer takas a sliaepoe or soeinshing, il doasn't psy te' oshave cr bair-cut. Poor Jim ! 1 ca-uglit hie trying te cut a cnatorner's îàroat because hae rafnsed a shampee, and sec 1 liad te have the poor tallew locked np. 1Makas mes very meiaecboly. Sometimes I fe sorry I dide't let hie slasli ail lie 1wactad te. U miglit hava savad bis reasen Sbmosir." RetrospeetiVe. E ith-" I thougut, yen acd Mabel were fastfrad. Nalli-"Wausied te lia." "And yen are net cow 7V "Wltiaýt ..is came V" ELEUTiIJUITY ON- EARIS FRENCH AND RUS SIAN SCIENTIS T EXPERIMENT WITH THE FLUID. Iîeubllsg thea ProdutionleaaSpOtat0es bY i'eeding Thessa th isecerieity 1>sawn Fraiestise Air Isy lany-poieal oala. The question as te wbethsr alectrîdity may bava an influence on the nutrition of vagatatien, or inay favor the germination ot seeda, or causa more coniplete assimil- allon, is colt a new oe,says C. COnspesux le thie Magasin Pittoresque, Paria, but the resiilt-9of umrcsxercn have-bae se0 entradiotory f tatbthastdpticisni cf man1y gr(at anheitis e he subjeol cetliowsreri, hava me'rt wîirecl-,ankel ie succ"eaS, and A Il viaw of Ille yonlli cf bbc whola ubjtaitcur i orac f ai l bbc ceedblos, s eeesiîkcly Iliat she falres ....... have bae due tc dafactiva cathode. Thc experimets daIste ramthaemiddlcetofthe Is century. Ie October, 1746, aI Edin- bunrgh, Mecbray succaeded,as hae aupposeul, iîsaiscbnicslly stieulsting the growtli f bwo myrtces, sud at lhe samne tics similar trials werc made liy Abibe Nollet ie France, by Menou le Stuttgart, by Boele Wur- temberg, by Jallabart in Geceva, sand by Gardini in Turin. Ie 1783, the Abibe Bar- thlo of et S. Lazare publisheul a whoe bock on tisa subjact ; but ie 1787 bbc lamions botaniet Inganhous dnieul that electricity bas aey affect at ail on vegata- ticen. Later Hluîîboldt send ethers were numliercd among the doubtars. Space wouid net suffice te giva thie namas cf those wbo expanieee on the sulijacl le more recent timies. Their matheda bave been tbreafolul, ineluding electrificatien (1) cf the aartb atotthelareots (2) ot bbe grow- ing plants, andi (3)1oftshe seculs during ger- mination. The liratI metho 1 wss that pursn- cd by Paunofethe agnîcuitural achool aI Beauvais, France, whe collectad ascospharic eiactricily hy a poe about torty teeS higli, exirmounteul by a bruali et divargieg matai- lie peints (Fig. 1), sud coeducled is by a cetwork cf underground wiras te Ibe arth about the plant. Hi. apprahue, nameul by hie a geomag- catifar, wa. invastigateul by a coceittee cf the Mocîbnisson Agricultural Society, whe fonit Sal cf two patohas of posalcea, The second plan, that et eiecsritying the growieg pieute, was followed by the Rue-. sas scientiat Lemnstrom, who used a friction machins conneted witb a isytee cf wiras ha ring peints direaseul doweward above she plants (Fig. 31). Ris resusa were favorable [as'regarde careals, radielies and lisses, liut onfavorable witli pesa, carrots, etc. The outcoma can scarcaly lis said, Iberetore, te lie saslsfactory, the reason for the discrim-. ination net being avîdeet, Finally,tba shird meLbod-tbe alactri fica.. tien cf tbe gerciuasing saed-has be triait by Specbnew, wlio, af ter soattng the, seeda te render tbec condncting, canseit a curranstfroc au inductioîî ccii te traverse tbern. The resol was that peas p3 ue sxand soinflcwers ile aigbt and cee-all dJaya t.i%ehaadoet fiteeni. Ts ebd liwee, cululhardïyeiy lipt 1epra1icoc alarge sae Thiesa are buit a tcw cf-tea-army eiexperi meantors on blits subjaLý, but. their rmis are fatirly ypiaiapparc'ntly imarked stuie' cassas bsieg nîieglazld witb- negative and withI un favorable resuits. The soubjeol is yet- yonng, bowever, despite ite century and a hall of sxistence, andtit eay lsbc ttit is destiîîad, wbeail tlie conditicns are bester nnderstocd, te work a revolusion le prac- ticai agriculture. A few days sicce, as s lady coeneýtAe wîsli a cartaie mission was vîsitîng one of the public institutions for the ratorcatice. et juvenile dalinquents, sha wonld askthîe différent urchins for wbat sdaîneanour sbsy wera le thera. Is weîsî off wai l i she came tesa rallier hard.iooking bey, wlic evidansly didn's lita the "systamr," wban alie asked : "IWhat are yen in banc for?7" "For alealiîsg a coas, mare." "Wall, aren's yoei sorry for it?" "lYas," gloomiy. t&Won't yen sry and do baller nesx tima V" Il Ye ; nexh lime l'Il steal two 1" How to geta"'Sunîîg-ht" Pictuaz Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the wcrds ' Why Dosai a Woîcan Lwok Old Socner Than a Man") te LEvzR Bitos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,,- Toronto, and yen will receive by post v pretsy piclure, frac froni advertising acd well werlli framissg. This is sn easy way te decorate your home. The seap le the best le the markt, acd lb wil only ceat le. postage toeand ie the wrappers, if yen leave tise ends, ,oien. Write your addres carat ully. leniths adition cf tlie City of Lon don Di recsory juat issus,) 1h i. eoted as a markad evîdencaetofthe depressad abats cf trade Ibat tbea nucher cf buildings and offices lalialleit "Unoocupied" and " To Lai," is exceptionaliy large. t-or Over .ti'ftv Years Mite. - ioews SOOTHrnNOSYRUp has0 bsecueufed by millions of moîhers fer tbair cblidran whiie teebbing. If dlslurb- ed at night and broken cf your rest by a dick child suffring and crying with pain et Otticg Teeth ed ah once and gaI a bottie cf "Mts Winsiow'a Soothicg Sy'rup"' for Children iaebhing¶îIII will relilve the peer littie scfarer inseadiate- ly. Dapeed upon ft, mothere,hhera le ce miatake about il. 1k curesý Diarrboes, regelais. the Stemacb and Bowcls, ocren Wind Colic, soflens the Guas and re- ducas Inflimmation, ed .gIves tons aed eeergy te the wholc systeni., "Mra, Winal.ow'a ,Soobbieg S;yrup" for objidren leethiug i. pleassel tcte "e-tste and e. the prescription cf oeeof the oldeat and hast female physicians andncerses iluths Unit - ed Slateq. Prica twenty-five ocents e bottîs. Sold by all druggists hhroughout the world. Be sure 1e ask for 1"Mits' WNWîe'sSceSOO11NG SYsUr."22-i'1 Charles XII. cf Swsdsu, was ugear- ably rash. Ha often regrattaul hi. eptos ty, but caver rcformed iL,

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