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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1894, p. 4

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' /sofa la Polish. rADBIES, Use Hoo0k's Sfis ShOe Feliah to 'i edieo end ChilcIre' fine Boots and 5hoes ,Ihe finest to preserve the leather and keeP it iiahie. it will leave a poligh like satin, leor ale by Boot and Ehee dealers, 4 BowMÂNîVILLEC, iMAY 9. 1894. POLITIC AL MEETINGS. LARpGE ATTEN.DAMcCF, CAPITAL SPEEHEIIS. Dr. J. C. Mitchell cf Euniskillen, Vice President cf the Reforma Association of West Durhamn, presided with bedorning dliguity and good nature on Friday night over oeeof the best political meetings held for a long tijue in Bowmanville. The meeting was favored by a very large nuînber'cf ladies frein both te sn and country, many cf whom graced the plat- form wth their presence. It le a hopseful sigu cf the times te have the mothers, -wives and daughters taking an intelligent interest in the public questions that effect the future cf our country. This is one o the woman'îs rights te wbich we i, eicorn theus and wicb gives, emphisis te the sayin- that "Tbe hand that rocks the radile ru'es the world." During the pol itical canîpaîgu now beginninv we hope the ladies wll give digity and respect- ability te every public meeting by thelr presence in large numbers. Seidom aPro lect1ors favored at on meeting with such a number cf experi enced parliamentaýrians and able debat- ers as came up froin Ottawa te uddres, West Durliamites ou this eccasion Tht credit for their presence im-due w iier-de ,sand te our oe.u esteemaed member fo the Coînmous, Mr. Robert Bitb, M. P, -who we are glad te learn occupies a ver) high plaee in the estimation cf is fellom Members in the lieuse for his truc anè neigble qualities cf mind aud heart and un ostentations denieanor The three gentle men who addressed the meeti had never spoken bere befere on political questions, but their faine as- clever ani interesting politicatl entertain- rs and in ntructors had preceded them sund the3 wrere greeted with a large audience, mact up cf people cf sîl political proclivitieý f rom tewn and surrounding country, somne being present frein Ontario county, Dr. Mlitchell put the audiesce in goc( humenr by hie spicy opeiug peech dis creetly Ibrief,anid our eneýg ,: emembero the Leisîture, Mr. V. T. iLeekhart sheed ikegood sense inu d,c inîng tr occupy the turneo with %ily lgthy re mnarks. tberefore after referring especiall te the record cfHlin. C. F. FK sser's do patii:,t and kbe econi)ioial syston pursued by the Ontarie Guorimnut the erection cf the new Parl em!nît 3i ini2s and otber undert.kings hýe gave xa: fovr the Doinieii speakers. Mr. Arch. Campboll, NI. P., fer Kent as a pleasing, spea1ker wîth a truc Sc i accenit and his address tbougb nii cessaril short gave evidence of a familiaritv witl the public questions that corne witiu th province cf Ontario po'itîcs, aud of mer thw , >rnins y ability as a platform speak er. Ife urged the electonrs to csarefully the intenests cf this couuItry thien ti decide wicb course and polieý cof the parties met meat nearly their idea cf right. [a bis 20-minute speech lie re f erred te Hl.O. Mowt's long- terin in o lice, is dlean record, able and econernir aýdiusiitratieu, loylty te the iuterestso Gaaivictories lu the courts, previsio made for educati 'g the pea5ple, sud fo protecting the people, sud for tbe comfoi anid maintenance cf the deaf. durnb an idiotic, and then briefly rompared th Ontario expeuditure witb tbe extravagar expenditure (f the Daminion Goverr mnent Binc@ 1878 and clesed witb a crut ism cof the new tariff aud the protectio given te manufacturera while fermi-rsana m-echauics were taxed te support thei aýffluence. Dr. Peter Mac ionald cf East Hurer aniother real charactenîstic sou cf Sceti feollovïed lu a tellinz speech, britling wit ,,a;cte sud figures, given rith a readcineE ,ad accuràcy that gave unmitaýkeable ev denice cf bis grasp cf the political istor cf thiî country. Hie creditedl Liber. weith suggesting or piaing ou the Statul bocks the goed la"w and principlesk whicb we are gyoverned, our f ree educ te help te psy thes grants. Several stances were queteâ that opened the ci cf is audience. lion. D, C. Fraser, M. P., cf S Glas'gow, Nova Secta, a cousin cf 'Rev. R. D. Fra.ser, delivred a sp'eni patietic address, ln. which ho lifiedF itics uip to a higler moaral level than hias obtin n heP ast. Wbgnby say- more dEýse'rvingof resp)ect thain Rb Beith, .P , il e ad thie mo'desty of a bluahing maiden I)e had thie strengtb of mmiid anid will of a Samipsoni or a Hlercules. Proceedling, to consider Ontario politics, hie said Sir Oliver Mowathad stopped iLha superannuation grants. Sir Oliver lias made an enviable reputatien for hirnself on this continent and in Europe and lias added glory te the land that gave hilm birth. Hie has stood beside the treasury rand fought for and guarded Ontario's in- 8terestsa ~s no other politican ever bas. ItNeyer cast sncb a man off for an uutried eue. Rememnbering that he was iu Hon. E. Blake's former political borne, hoe paid a high compliment ta tkat' gentleman. H~. e ridiculed the doctors and lawyers at Otawa who told farmers what to do to make farmiug pay. Be dealt withi the N. P., the census, the new tariff, home snd fi reigu markets. He losed his - meat eloquent and patrietic address by an appeal te electors to seud th,3 nan to the Legsîture who wll stand by Sir Oliver, the man wbo is as true as steel and who looks sfter the interests of the country. eCheers for the Quoeii, (ntario's Prem- fier and Mr. W. T. Lockhart brouglit tbe 'gmeeting to a close. it p'UL-- 1 1 it t )f le er li. agsat the stations. Our -aue~n consisted in slighIting rfrem. the train wlieu.oppormÀ y imrd d ndtai, 1 t the squwvs vwbe ohad their babis 1 Ithemn They would flot !et ius sec the babie's iuntilwege thern a ickel, whcnl this shLowed, up se did the bab!y's face. lIt gave uis a goed deual of merriment aI-1 tbouigh of a very sim-ple kinid assown the sbihity of the Pîulte suwto,- ak rnoney. They are the uglie-st peoplie 1 ever sawv or wished te ase. 1 felt wbieu on our way thirough Nevadaý that 1 wotuld net accept the whiole state as a gift evenl if 1 could be thoughlt wealthy by doiDig se. We came over the Sit-rrat Nevada nîouutains ini the n3igbt and 1awk to a centrast so great, frorn the dIesert and winter through wbich 1I hsd passed thatt 1 thougbt the most beautiful trees anld country 1 ever saw surrouuded the city. 1 weuld not mmnd tocating theLre. WeV passcd through fields of wiid flowers and evergreeu oaks aud tbe whole train wezit upon ferry boat at Benicia sud theýý rail- road track fo'lowing the beach along the bay, we shortiy reacbed San Fraucîsco. 1 saw se mnuch after rcaching this ceity aud afterward mnet some Bow .anv1l friends that I shalhave to reserveth rest for another letter. HXTTIE OLAD Mouritain View, Cal., April 24. It being market day at P@rt Hope De' by Is Ackiiowledgedý' To many farmers were absent, but there was B3e l'le Best Plu-, Si-moking a good meeting. Mr. James Wade was chairman. Capital speeches were made Tobacco In the Market1 , 10 by Mn. W. T. Lo'ýkbart, M. P. P., aud a-.d 20 cent Plugs. Mr. A. Camnpbell, X. P , and lion. D._________ C. Fraser, M. P.A IE V L M THE ORoNo MEETIN-G ATMLYVL M In spite cf the heavy nain the town A large exploration party under coin- hall was comfortably filled. Mr. G. bM. mand of M r, Walter Wellmnai recently Long vins chairman sud after a few open- lef t thec United St tes te go te theNort iug rcmarks called ou Mr. R. Betib, M. Polo»" A syitticate cf newsýpapers have l P., Mr W. T. Lockhart, M. P.P., Mn. secured the exclusive rigblt te publiai A. Campbell sud lien. D, C. Fraser, ini letters frein these Arctic t-vles This lu succession lieu. Mr. Fraser fairly wili direct theu-ands of imindate tuS ýývt electrified the people and sblould Ili- re- f rozen rrgions cf the north. Avn turn bere the tewn hall would net cen- tirnely bock lias juat beeissse-ed 1,ý the tain bis audience. Fleming H. Revell Ce., .140 Yuge St., g Toronto, pice 50 cents, enititled 'Amid Pl TORONTO TO GALIFORNIA. Groenland Snows," 16) pages and cloth ai beund. The author is Jesse Page su1d le! DzAR, Erî'ro.-I loft Toronto, Aprîl basi wrtteu a very iuteresting bocks 1 o 9th at 11.30 'clock p. in. sud retired te the contents will show: Tiie frozen field rest in the sleeping car, but the effort te sud its bîstory-A cry frein a con sleep vins a decided fa lune. Tbere wa Disappintirents anddelivcrence Alm-ost bi so:nething iu long car riding which ne- Abandoned-Sunsliine sud Sadw-b îuînded me very inucli cf an occan trip. 1 Moraviai sCeme-Pestilence suld Patîluce anrived ini Chicago about 5 p. m. i ext -How the Greenla-ndeýrs live-Their day. We werc witheut a dining car religious ideas sudspesios-or frein Toronto te Cnicago, -whicb îîade cf Kajarnak. .Ilere Ï3 ,a paniranpb es oun inieals very uncertain sud irregular. cnîptive of a Greenlauder's bouse: f louises Sbortly after reacbing Chicago 1 left o have neither deer uer chnmueyre net, the Rock Island route, sud tîhe ienost in built uiidergrouiid but ou somne elk4vated tercstiug feture cf the landacape wa place, sud just se higli &s a penson caii the alternate chianges of rain sud snow. stand erect, the e' tance is throu)"gh a Chica1go seerncd te have lest seme cf its long passage, the walls are hung inside sti an viorsine Isawit astin tswith old wornuteut sud boat akins fas en.- glory during the Columbian Exposition. Feinitlenaiddlmae fronthe rbo eî th liewa improssed mie the rnost, though the walls the iwboleleego f the ouse tothee towns wcre composed of net very attract- wl a raed flor gorfroad.boea heiGoo ive, wocde.i. structures; but the farina iblaruaidewit ob oad s bovcd w-i tu viere very fiue, sud are apparently ~a ihn. wThis fordriidd jte eerail weil cultivated As thonse arouud Bovimansu ii.Ti lo sdvddit cea ville. The bouses sud Famaîl outbu)ilings a, eppatinents, rescrnibling hoýr-es' staboles, are invariably paýinted vhite, qiud cou by akins îeachiýng freini the pesta ha cern waa lu sîghit teuho it vueas, the n'ul support the roof, te t1e watll. Pýcch ing fxrn product. Council B!uf'il faw ily 1býs a sepanate staîl1, the numnber ef, namcid on acýcot c f its ,viugl avîl aies eccupying teacb sucli bouse výaries; overshadowed by the issýissip in-fritbe et-. ntesflrsty banikmetis, is Ia livcly junictîci. ILt s 110ee11ou pelte, tbey aIse it upen Hýern conuected by a mi-oton car, over a biaud- durîngý the day, the mlenl foremoat wtb sornie bridge, witb Omiaba. WeV seemied their leýs bauig down, the wome(ný te have dropped intfè the iiýddle cf sin- cornrneiu]y crosa-leggcd bebýinid thieni in mer as the weather was ail that could be the Turkisb mode. The wojman cooks desired. Soleavery large stockyards sud sows sud the ruan carv, s bis tackle h came into view as we were leasing Omna- sud teols. Their windows are ruade cf t ha. A couple cf men on borseback were seals' gutsasud balihuts' maws sewced se trying te bead au auimal, but I thougbt neat sud tight that the wind sud snow are a if thcy would cichauge aud mounit the kept eutsud the dýylight letii lu encbl beast tbey could more eabily catch the us aloug the windows the -wbole lengtbi herses. The vegetation seemred a îittîe cf the boeuse, onthsstagr tsu abcad cf Ontario, thougb the cattîe were leep-a sort cf parler sud b- st bedrüoin! eut grazing minus thme grass. One pecu- The book le bsndsorncly illustrp.ted sud liarity cf the Platte River wasa the large viii] repay a caref nIl perusal. Be )ks cf ilanda cf sand lying luinthe chaunce. this character are much more woeon The ducks attracted our attention sud sud edifyiug roading than fiction suad there seemced te be couiderale ahooting geedy-goody books of thePay u t g. iug on. The country as we passed Swan type. a through Colorada visa rather billy, Den- a ver wasa on a plain. 1 weut eut sigit-see- 8 îng sud was irnprcssed with three build- "Výarsty" Ila A Iligli Class 'Five a] iugs-a hospital, a rilway building aud cent Cegar. Try It. the Tremenit 11ouse-which viare liued fi__________ wth marbie on the inside. Neit menu- ieg vie found ounselves in the midst cf mounitains among views of sunpassing s grandeur. Vertical cliffa towered above f us, and profound deptbs balow that at last touud rocky etrearn. How the train tbundered tbro'cboseawf ul canyonsand the- locomotive as it cijmbed arouud the vialîs .- of the steep grades, and rau a-ound the s4arp curves seemd alrnust hum vu lu its guiidancm They have a cornplicated systea cf ir- M rigation banc snd for miles we saw flurnes on timber structures; sometimes vie rwould mniss thei, nsd thon suddeuly they r would appear agalu At various dist- ances a portion of the wrater would be let A -A off througb sinsl pipas te water a fiat --oft BAcnsittVirEGKfL1wi picce cf grouud that vic would net take-cftecntttonma olwh auy notice cf lu our country. Glenwood the track of a dsordered systero, 1Springs lu the Canyon cf the Grand Riv- due te impure blood or in1activeý cme is au attractive place aud a sunier ne- liver. Don't run the risk! T1 tsert. The many berds of sheep And ~oprietors cf Dr. Pierce'a Goldex .T cattle wene surpris' ng; tud the mouritains ýlIdiCa1 IDiSCov->ery take a'Il the( inm tbs distance, with sucu -c.,vered peaka chances. 'nevy mako al straiglfor'0- sud sointimes beautifulîy sculptu cd as rif masous lhad been at werk, can neyer be fardof r te returu our ney 8 forgotton. I found Sait Lake s wll laid if the il rud,4,faies teeeiilifti or1 eut city, witti wide streets sud some fine cure luai iodn adafcin tbuildings. The Mormons secin te take ae te impure blood or inactive liver.1 athe iead in building, and the Tabernacle The germa cf disease circulate 0and Âssernbly leuse grounds are enclos. through Ucblood ; the liver is tha, cd by walls z aevr hnem u-fdlter whIctpermnits the geinst ereundingg. 1 went to ese l'ont Douglasa enter or net. The ivecr activ-e, and n ou Saturday which hlas a cbarmingp site --boo v ovelooking the lake. Ou Sundsy visit- the bodpu1 auk4id youeap ýr ing the Assenîbly Building sud bening disease. the minister talk in Scaudinavian I1sith- We o'em ou eii ri drew. frein the services as nay educatien in tated, wcak, and your weîghtheo as that language had beau negleeted. The a heolthy standard, yen regin!- r-preacbing in the Tabernacle in the Bf ter- health, streugth, and woesm noon wisa good sud the choir ef three flesh, by using h Dievry" I - buudred voicea sang excelleutly. They 1buiîds up the body faeter thawnîau- n hsd a grand ongan sîso, but ne collectionen ig odlveclîs oreu ,e visa taken frein the four on five theuslaud eaînBIso ýe people prosenit. Think cf the lo8s ! As accuoo as the beriediction is over the ide8 É m irt c f Dr. Sg' Ca- s- cf the building are çýpeued sud tbey al walk eut witborit any ceovding. tarrn Remnedy will pay you) $500 if w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Leu ntenglttanfrUcàY~ gv o couaîji t nd. ~r ost, a sssd hnogha smeihe prmnet vcure.c Why, you could îuying. There lun ne dombt about it Trelesen mas the iirside track la the t etsud hoe trade. ÎTh'i li reliable nkven gets left. Stylssud pnices suit th timtas 0C411 and inspect the new stcck. Now is yoîîr time te get cheap Pbolos in the latest AtyP. Thîubk cf it,Cahineta, fuIl figure at $1.95.and Mikado's at $1.10.ý Prices never befere beard of. Cati at the gahlery, opposite Bannett's Hotel and Iseo 0 ni. Sever al imo,ïlunBowmauiviile have late. ]y had lits su-d novi womcn sand chiîdren are gcttIng lits t hu sanie wsy. Theise tfits are ,nt îat Trcieven's fashionable beet aud choc store. Yeu nov the plice; drop in aud see the nevi styles. Fruit culture la more profitahle te the farmer nov than bis other crepq. Browin Brea. Cco_ the mnt exte-nsiv 'e nursery bouse iu Canaida, bave' a vacaucy lu this section. Write, thein at Toronto, Ont., for ticir ternis. 13 3'. LÂ4DiE5,-Aak for Ileok's Sofala Pouash for finie boots sud shees. Use ne other sud yen vill bo satisfied with the nesult. Fo:r saile by M. J.1releven, D. Davis, Jno. McMurtry, sud T. G. Mamon). Mann. factured b)y A. J. Hlock, Bowmniaville. almost use up a ticket in one day's Reirnemb.'ýr our goods are sold as low as the lowest and we always keep in mmmd that our values are to be the best to be had. Don't torget the, old reliable West !End House when you corne to town. We pay the highest price for ail farmprd . JOHN VICIIUT R Y CaIl and sce the Gowdy Lawn Mower withi high open wheels, double geared, four- kniife cylinider. The casiest runiiing aýnd mnost coreplecte miower iin the marke t. 18.2-W. DUJSTAN & HOAR, Bowmuanille.ý 9lflhU&UOAI 1 j ain Usaines' Carriaze Worka are acodt te. '"' Bowcmanvile--They arc beauties sud theJ many viords cf commeudation expressed regarding theîn the past Ivie da3 a muet he very graîifyiag te Mn. G. C Hiaines,. A large Fto2k of F the propiotor. Tombs, ileadatonezs, Neyer have vie shewn a mora varied or prettier assortment cf dreas delaines than . pean and Amer a,, present. Our stock comprises.. a hune in haundsomle desigus, cf plain blaskansd cresus. fancy patterns lu Creani, Black sud Navy grouuds wvihch ve illi be pleased te show yu. Oiders respectfully Jue. J. Mason. guaranteed. Cal CiiEÂP WÂîïa PàÂrsts,-Save your SEE WHII meucey by calIinq te sec the uew Wal Papen at Shenin& Co's. Great bargsiua lu Window Shades, Paper, Mixed Points, E. R. 1 Enamel sud Gold Paint. Paper bung _________________ for 8 cents a ml. Shcp nx ort Reld's Shoe Store, Bovimanville. 16-tf. CHEAP AUCTIONLERING.-Jamez A. KCelly, ef Newcastle, la prepaned to do People accu find eut vihere tbey eau ail sales cnirusted to hlm at oee r cent. get beat value for their mcney, tbis ex- Can beat avY auclioneer iu his ceunty or do wby aynrd he jviclerdid the Lale for uethiug, J. A. KELLY, Windsor plains wyMyadtejwdrdd Hotei. Newicastle.8 m, sncb a big trade at week. B1ig 20 vias the busicat ahep lu tevin-treniendeus T5ARM TO RENT.-Fon a term cof ruFth. Mayrard is wianing a great naine 3-years, "iilendhll-30O acres, 2 miles for ehhug vatees, cwcry, livrvi ro Witby-<goedbuildings sud soli. Admir- fortelingwathee jeolr, slvewar, ale or t6c ordairy. Chance fer geing rnge, etc., very cheap. He bouglit bie extensively inîtol'ronto rnlIk busi!ness or stock stoick for 50c, on the dollar, 'heuce be1 raiein g for Amenican market. Men withl mau afferd te saîl cheap sud is doîug it capital enly necd îipply. J1. H. Do0w, Whitby. IF OR SALE ORt RýE.NT.-HEuose aud Ij lacres for sale icr me rent. aituate os Octoben 25, 189,. Scugog street north. Th ie ereinisea cons4et a god liause witb ov.ry co-nvenÎenoe. d výIng My heaathwnas coumphtehy nestored by shed, stable, etc.'roc garAso cntnc'- lit 01 CtPnLLsSKRIlI CoD LIVER Oîm.. the cheicest fruit of ail vamicti es. '*. odiate b)ottîcs taken in 22 days increased n=y posesio cn le ivn For nn, ' G s apî iveglt y i ia.IWFNRY zivrERN,- -- Pnop. Renlovo Ce. Montreal. K. D. C. wit] cause your food to nouniali y-'. îLE- AND C1rA N IT -E e!WUR KSd, ,etc., in the best varieties of Euro- rican'Granites and M-arbles, and at, prices fromi $4.5 to$0. soiicited and carefual completion!' ill and inspeot xny stock and LT YOU ARE BIJYING. BO SNSALL, iProprietor, Pag3 Coil Spring Fence. The master cf expansion sud contraction. A full stock of Farmo, Garden, vianý sud Ornaniental Femme al ways lui stock. Orderm aoicited-and particulans given, or mailed ou application, by A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bevinanville, Ont., Socý cýû-ar, whoe ~ale sud retailifoýr Cuunty cf Durhamin sd East Whitby.ý Minsi-d"m L-*ninent Cures îGarjet luinw Our grand premiuim offer of Furniture i extended to our Grocery Department. IN S YUR HWETO GET A CARDf Ni uw 8ïu u TI E ou have not already S got one, and get amnount of each eah urhseyo akc Spunched out of your card and when you have purchaseý' S$25.00 you are entitled to any of the splendid Oak folding ,~* Furniture ,which we have. They consist of CHAIRS, BOOK-RACKS. TABLES, IJAT-RACKS, CA1BINETS, MUJSIC &NEWSPAPER 1IAC1KS J. COMBINATION STEP LADDER & IRONING BOARD, (a good and useful article.) Remember Goods, have to be settled for 1 E at the time they are purchased to be SfllCNXITEINpunched out of ticket. Don't you thuxik it wiIl pay yon to deai at the West End Flouse'? --THREE LARGE STORES COMBINED IN ONE.-- Youi brinig yo produce into the Grocery department aîîd et what Groceries orCroc1hevyurqurleih annt punchied out (?f your tioket,.ia -s througli and cali at' the Boot and Shoe counter, buy your Boots and get arnount punched 0 )ut of sameticket, then for Dry Goods the same way.

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