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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1894, p. 5

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Want Truss ? We hiave somethino, new. Less ihftn haif the price charged- by Toronto Manufacturers. No trouble to show goods- Cal1 and see them. Private room for fittirxg. STOTT & JURY, Druggists & Opticians. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANV ILLN STATION~. SOINQ EAST OGINO WEST .E5rrees ...10 27 arin IExpress...519 arn Paeoenqer.... 2 45 p ni Express ... 607 a mn Passenïger.... 7 017 p nim Psasenizer ....8 39 a m Express... 9 57 P a Passenger..-.229p m 1 Express...8 32 p m Are You Going to MANITOBA, NORTE[ WEST o BRITISH COLUJMBIA. Drcop ns at postai card. "We wili send you iixiforniation that will bco f interest to you. S 'pec-ial tourist excursilons every Tuesday -via North Bay. STOTT & JURY, tle Drugglsis. BOWMNVILE, MY O,1894. Local and Otherwise. Orangoevilie lias five isewâpapeo. Read tho Westu End fouse adv't. Lindsay hias about 300 familles un waut. Dr. W. J. Bray et Torento was In town last week Read the big advt. "Canada" on an incide page. Thse Winnsipeg atreet cars carry 7,500 'PamEûngeýrs daily. Pattersan & Ce., dry goods moîchant, Lindoay, have assign,1ed. Ais Orilla papier finds fanîlt with ladies ,kissing oacI other in public. A moolety for !lia mecevenoy etf stolen horses exista inMddsocuty Safoty Bamb wire (,, -ic p ib. 2 Bsrbý ýr <- -,f4e ar l. at 1)ustan & Hlor's Mr. Robt. C. Smith3, ropreaeutiîng the Toronto Gilobe, mas3 in town Monday. Sgtr:,vyL8,erry planjts siippiird by Gerdon): D, FlotchierBownv ile any quanAtity. Do youa read tish dvrise0 got 1,P by tlie West End liueiIt milI psy you. Mm. Geo. Wilson, senioGr editor o!, Tht Guide, and grandsou, have meturnud trom Denver, Col, Thos. DOawmon, geneýrai store keeper, X.aglan, lias made an assignmont for tise e ofe bis creditons. Misses Jonnie Bioeol and Amauda Bond drove dowu f rom Oshawa Sunday mid spont the day with itionda. A.pplication lias been made te the courts for a minding-up erdor lu the J.E.Bryasl Posbliihing C'ompany's affaire, Toronto. Mm. P. E. W. MKoyen, editer et the flerlin Daily News,, la vemy aer7iously 111, Bis,, hoamt lsasffectod troUýgli mhenmatlsm. Mm. Geo - P. Deacon,a6 Catrtmright boy, 'wa3 ueminatod fe Weaýt Toronto for the Ontarlo Legisîsture but miodostiy deoiiissd thse isonor. REDUCIED RÀTES .-N0W York te South-. rapton or auy ralway sýtationi in Eng- laisd, ScotîsutI, Waies sud te Beitamt, lreland, for $18 by Amorîcan Lino. M. A. JAMES, agent, Beim1anVillo. y Mm.J.M.BriisomeD. D. ý3., ban 'received freini tho ofiiiof the Werlda Co)Ilmblan- Dental Cougre3s a Bronze Modal conimemonative of thse greal nictin hýAdin Chicago, A agnat, 1893, Pt wbii' ho3 rspouded ori behaif of tise Dominion et Canada, IVe are scrry te lose sucb a valtoable zitizen as Mr. John Rnddock whe bas remov-ed te Tomontc where hoe bas bongisi afine residenco at No. 8. Brunswick Ave. near Kuox Colg.Atter a few years ofcity lit e me expeoté hum te ratumu to Bowmanville wlicr e ho ii rêceive a cordial "welconie home." L Do net miss the West Eud flouse t.dv't Leave misscns sud othen blades for Gentlemen who laave t'soir ordema for pertectiy tuited. C7e H. J. Weekea i ar eil at tise oid sta3nd, 457 Liberty st,, sud is roady te sharpen and mopain LaitnMwr Semlnçrac lises, Gun8, Bicyclel, l-icks, Wriiuý,er sud ail kinds o; \lachinery repaired. I-f yon weudlci te weue cal and oe eur nammense stock el Paras ils. WVe have about 2.00 te chcoo-e f rom. lu tise àkirm W .l O! tise fine thse hiaudlp3 of s-aine more glhtly Fcratchel. This mriraus % big me. 7-.tio.- in pnice. Jno. - J Masoni. Th~e maximum quality ! Tise Mini- mu-i pnice 11 Yen will but maste tirne by go Ing elsewh£r bcofore yeni have aee Treleven's now sprir.g stock of desirable sud stylsh toot-wear-heots, shees, slip p rsrbbems. He is ahowing the finosi goods acd latoalt styles at lowest, iving TheMejrit ofTenCent Goodm, Try itadhoCnined TreIevè n leada hie trode for fine oeot. Quaen's Birtbaday evono l Bhi an wear. ville will be thea grand ceait in thie ne-,, Calsomine and prepared palnts in al M.usi, Hal, calora at Duîtan, & lloar's. 1lave yosir eut buildings, and teucea A large stock cf straw bats jutireceived painted with Irou Paint the meat dur. at M. Mayer's snd very oheap. able paint in the market ,- ceat boiîng Read the West End flouse adv't theroeqate9otthrpntatDsn is something of intrest in it te yen. Ms utrc reln ctad Caulsfiowem plants, esrly summer cabb nieca et Mm, Gec. Pearson, came ever oit age plants for sale by G. D. Fletcher. ý the SS. Furnesasuad wili make a. pro. Thursday was Ascension Day and St. 1ege tay1hoe. Sheis afinRe spacimmen John's chinaes peeied siome familiar airs.,fet, Scotch malcien. Gaivanized Iron ove trough iniiift. Elogantiy fiuished casometls for pedal iength at 7c par foot at Dustan & jlar's. extremaities in rathgr a ioud sudu Grand concert In the New Music Hall, phrase fer boots and ahees such as Trel. Bowmanville, on Quoeu'a Birthday oven- even's, but hoe keeps the highest qnality ing. Watch for particulars. at the lowest prîcos in alil szes. The fifth aunivemsary et the con'ecra- The members ef Bowinanviile Epwerthi tien eft Rev. Dr. OConner, bishop of League were delighted withý the sinLzing Peterboro, was ce]ebrated Iast week. et Miss Littlejohns et Couruice- on M"In- There are new nen charzes -Nom- day evoning weok at their meig Wood, Springviile, Bothany, Milbrook, Miss B. McCulioch ef Tyrone gave a very Hiaveiock, Omemee and Lakefild-va- interentlug paper the saine evonirgo caut in the Pmesibytemy et Peterbe 1ro. " Ged's came fer bis owu". Theo Leagu wiii be giad te boear bo-.h ef these ladies Steerage passeugers who) buy their again. ocean tickets frein M. A. James, at the R.D'rsr me ri loading steamship ageucy, Bowmauvilie, 11ev.R.DFrsrhL 4redron wîll bo supplied wth use of bedding and the Pacifie Coat, After filling the pdul. eating utensils fre's. %I, pit of St. Andrew'a Chumch, Victoria, for According te the tenus there s, IR a mentIs, ho came round by Sain Fran- Octae, ue !emgnsa taescl 70 cfcise and LasA ngele',and spent ton daye our population; eue physician te each 930 wîth Fasuer etemincorai oSper riegs. aini a lswyer toe ach 1,100. This indi. M.Fae e eerifmc eiot cstos that the pretessieîis are t airly weiî et Bownisnville in the west, aletoho filleti. -Boom happy and prtesperou,. -, Mr.Joh Wiso, i,)i ofth ýae Jhn The sdvetcf the local ha1' Wilson of Manvers, died suddeuiy ar aways mamked tIse iiucreýsed tlin-ift et) th,- Winnipeg, Man., where hoe was principal coonmuniiy. Thc loosd newvspap,,er i, the et the collegiate inatitute. The3 sad noirs lite ot the iocality, sud the mossýurcofe its wil bo beard wlth reg-et by bis many support, as a ule mea"sures the s-dvaLca- trionds In Mauvers and Strmtterd wheme ment of the pe-aple. Net only subsorihe hoe fommeriy taughtb. but psy for yeur local nowyspaper>3. They are f riendi% sud heipinattes et al A magie llanteru ontortainnient Was saaseu.-Phila ielphia Tîme j. given at the Salvation Amiy barmacke by The meeting cf the Epwonth League Ensigu Hlay ef Bowmanviile. The vitws Moîîday evening in the Methediât Church wore scenes, in the "Pi'grimn's Pri'groâss wai et a Missionary characer. Mn.. sud oxcited rnnch admiration. Th@ bar, Ipsac Jewell gave a veiry interteîing talk racks wa!s enowded with a e'f sstiefid en "Lives of GreàitMiioao". is audienc.-Peterboro Revisw. k Lti Bia1.bomcod Me te Bowmanville corporation bsas invetted T:ebi]cock sang: snid Miss Nothcote $8240 lu a road scraper. If the miachine andi Mr. A. Cornit.h~gv a ;ery fine là built &fter the style et the one purchus piano duet; a coimecition #servicewa ed by Lindsay c unucillons so me yeans age, beid at the close.,- the Bowmanville slon. might as weil an On Satumday eveninkMa lts have wated the moi-y lu booming organ î,ematMaheu my po t y nn sud piano tact nies --Lindsay Poot. intrS. A. boutrray a vienthe scrones Capt. Thos. S. Hlobbm, the cheiceeoft t'amon ou cnvat. byMni. S. Scobeil with thse Libaral paîty for the Legisîsture to his noted lasntermn. 'Ia additýi ot the ropres-eut the cty o! ,Loildon, is a nephow l1i scoues s ina new eues wvilh3 us3d: cf our afflcted and wortky tewnsnisn, Curfew wilI r ot ring te-uight; Chnri8tie's Mr, S. W. Sandors. Ho le a yourig suer- cld ergan ; Tise Ecýtoi Sceiie and the getie business min, han s cean record, ,Chistian'a Journey will b13han and his candid,%ture la ondermed by the Service te commence ut 8 e'cuck. best mon in the Forest City. W e hope Anhemyemusfeocrodu ho wli in.town Monday night wlen Vsriety H-al! Lt la net egitiam which prompts a man occupird by E. P. Kenuer ý s iewsd1ealer at aIl turnes te let tise world kuow whiat anid fancy gooda3 store, Sgt a scorchiinz. ho in dolug: it is a desire te furniis his The fire aiarted ini the s!tairway lu the quota% of information tc thIse geuerai funld roar outrance te the dwiliini4 upst,%irs sud frein whidli ho draws hiz inspimation. bunel through tise partition into the Theetere wbeu Trelven toila 3thse werl store wbiire fire, tmoke and water des- that hoe bas a large and caetuily aelected troyed neariy tihe entire gtcck vaiued iat stocet ofboots sud eshoos which ho fis sel- over e1500. The b3s et t1iseMarris osý iug at away down pricerat suit thse turnes tatte on building ,s fully covered and Mm. ho is6 giviug valuable hiints to the publie. Kenner wap i îsured_ in ttise Eastemn etf M-ýr. A. L. AtkinsorfYepresentiug Thse Nova Scotls,- for $1300, Tho fine cern- International1 Emigmation Association, 47 pamies -le, quickly ont duty and savrd Vict oria St., Wetmîtiistr, London S. W, the tain frein a seieus3 conflagration as E nglaud, amnlved in Bojwm-anvillà, Fiday the wind was very hiigh at the turne. imoring iritis elgbt young EnglIsjhmen Bessie H. Bedioe, Btrlingten, Vt., who came tb Canada te Iearn fammIng.: had adisese inthe scalp, oaeaing hir They are very respectable, Intelligent hair te bocro very hamais suad dry, aud looking young fellows, sud If they are te fali ef reely that sho scamcely dared williug te take hold of tarming in earco.t ta comb It, Ayers flair Vigor gave liejýr ahauld seen nmade homes for tlsemsaioa. a bealthy scalp, nemoyod tj he daudruif. Mm. F.F. McÂrthur lhed situations siait- an.d make the liair thick aed glossy. lng thon sud shoy have mostly gene t byr tte os .Mao' o places whono they willi bo very corafont- hat for 50c. able. Ouled aud annealed steel Fonce Wire at GRAN Tmnes RAIWAY-JG Gb- Dustan & Hoar's. sen, Coud uctor on G. T. R., Hamiltan, Ont. writes: 'lit gives me pleasuro te If yen isut tise boat sewiug machins YInform nyen et the excellent r esuts I have made, oail on Riekard.' recelvod frein the use3 of your great rem. Yen eau depeud upon gettiug style suc c edv K. D, C. For a cousidomablo time quality. at ies tisais molesale pnices now t 1hlid been, a great anferer frein sete at M. Mayer's. indigestion; my body wua wastlng away Noise better, noue cliosper t'ua muî for want et proper isoursbment, whicis stock ef grocerles, fruits, spices, etc. 1ny stomacli retused te accept, uer was I W. H. Osborne. able te find any remnedy tisat afforded any Thon. is ne seuse ib geiug barohoanded relief, until oneofo my sens bought home when yen cau get a gool styliali bat te: 9a feir packages of K. D. C., and reqisot. 50c, frein M. Mayer. ed me te try theni. Lt la now about six or gereu monthsaince 1 commenoed tak- Meu's Hats-the latent productIons of lng thse K. D. C , my beaith bas improv. tise beat Englisis makers-j ust opened at ed, my welgist bas greatiy inceased sud Couch, Johnstou & Cmrydermna's. 1 feel liko myseif again." If you Wish Value Insist IJpon 1~ When you want Note Paper and Envelopes Give us a trial. You wili be surprised at the prioes. GRAND CENTRAL. Have you read the West End flouse adv'tî Ladies wanting a new Dreesa or a ne w Coet or Cape for Easter Bhould cali at Couch, John6ton & Cryderman'a. The old rellable, shoe store continues to laad the procession in fine qutality and low pzices. Cali to inspect Treleven's new htyke. Juo J. MiqB n is ekowiug apecial val- nes ini bis large assortnsent cf ladies' and children'as smmer vents. We mention a ribbed line at 3 for 25 cents Mâynard ani Larmnonth, Bowmanvillo, floute, Sign, and Ornam.,ental PsPinting, 1Faper Llauging, Giazing, Graining, Osiso mining, etc. Sign painting, a specialty. Leaie ordasrsaet Big 20 Jewelry Store. The great altraction on King ant. tMis wc 3k la the big display of carte on ex- hibition at Hainesi' Cardfage Works. They Pre finished in natural wood and ore in ail respects equal toe nything we have tseen in the huneof carte. There wi1 certeinly be ne occasion t go outhide cf BEwmavn ville for cartsasa these carte are embodimenits cf somne good points that we have never seen in carte befoîre. A GOOD JOB In Piinting, Giinig, Marbiing, Paper.Hangn"g, calcimining, etc. Guarinteel te give perfect lsatisfaction, in evoryrespect. Pîe h EYLWIT cossetwith firateas akanh and material1. TucOMÂsS SEEiix. Miar'.Lniment cure& COUSe, tû. Chîldreun cfyfore CI r Lt Having thie Varsity Cigar. Why ehould you psy lhigis pnices for darnaged geoda ihen M. Mayer is sefling bats3 and furnishinge un new geoda for1 las monoy ? THE STA&TESXÂN sud WEEKLY GLOE miii ho givon te nom subacribers tilt Jan. 1, 1895. for enly $1.00. Send order te M. A. James. Auyene wiabing a bangain eau ge,> it by cailing at Mms. Doncaster's sud pur- cbasiug oeo ere hnstylisis tricnned bats at $1.25. Mrs. Doncaseter. Ladires iabing their isair trirnrnod or singed sbould cai ou F. C. Pethick wms hias fitted np a veny noat barbor shop of, pesite John Lyle's nom atoe. Our readoma sun any part c)f Canlada should nsk M. A. James for pnicoeti tickets wben thinking about going o tetis Old Country or sendiîsg for tîus Just opened eut st ConcIs, Johuston Cryderman's a very fine aso oete Brusseli sud Topestmy Cirpets direct frein Cresîey & Sous et Halifax, .England. We have a big hune eto tnw ats slighitly damsagrd by water, iu MenI's Beys' aud Girls' at hait prie. Sec thiem before they are soid. Jno. J. Masen,ý Sb)ilotb's Cur,, la sold on a gusrantee. Lt ures Incipik rt Consumnpt'in. It la the bost Cough Cure. Oinly eue cent s dege; 25 ets., 50 et.s$.ar!L O0 per botti e. Sold by Stott & Jury. A 'c that docis net krep time is ne god i .abouse, 'Yen ehould tatke iàtot Jikard aud bave it put un ordler. Hoe doos bis werk thorougbly, no mnattor misat nt may ho, Watch, Clock or .Jewellry ro- ry, Silver-ware suad spectacles at hait- $1. 50 np. Watcls and Cleck ropaiiug l doue in first-cînsss style. Uîaa K. .C ,)ri.dariosudi. Plto-hoerls Caeto na. Mecha.nics' Institute. The election of efficera of the Mechan- es' Tha-,itute and Reading Roem Mon- iay nigh1t resuited as foilows: President, -Mr, J. K. Galbraith by acc.; Vice- Presidett,--Mr. M. M. Fenwick, M. A.; Ireasrer,-Mr. B. R. Bounnsil by ac.; S3ecrtar,- Miss Gale; Directors. - M~essrs. R. D. Davidaon, W. B. Couch, Ltev. ft. D. Fraser, M. A , Rev. C. Park- er, Miss Galbraith, M. A. James, %R'v. IV. S. Pritchard, B. A; Auditors,-J. C. Vanstone, H. C. Tait. Miss Heilyar was v -te d $15 for services as seeretarv. Canada Illustrated. We have tecured tho right for the bet Ëeries of fine aru pictures yet pubiished, being a portfolio of original photographic views of Canada un 26 weekly prts as 10 cents each. Cut out this notice and send us or cali at the office. W. want every STÂTFSMÂýfN subscriber to send for Part 1 now ready that ail may see what a maignificent work of art we are offiring. Ton ceits per m'eek andi one coupon frein bhis papor will be ail it wiii c: st yen te secuare thib valuabie work of art, covering the whoie vast Dominion of British Amnericea,and when completed wiil ensure the possessor a complete acquaintance with our country. Addross: M. A. JAMýýES, Bowmanviiie, Ont. Ei der S heppard Dead. The famuliar fom and falherly ceunsel Of a% former estoemed townsman will bo seen and lisard neyer more in this worlè, for the unexpected intelligence came st Wodnesday that Eider Edmund S hep. pard for m-.any years the pister of the Disciplesý Chuirch in th4s town had died at Rodneyvý, Ont., frein an atItsck ot pneumonia. DeceasedlhsA been for iho st three yeairs pastor of Walkerton Disciples Ch urch, and removed te Rodnoy just three weekis ago. For 40 years Mr. Siieppard hai labored in Ontarîi, being station)re1 alteua'eIy in South Dorchester, St. Thomuas, Bowmanvi'le. Ridgetewn audl Lsbo. Hie was at one tume sehool inspeotor (f Elgin Ccutnty and was a mlember of the County 1Bo>rd (f Exam- 1mrer8 fi r teachers iii this coinry fer sèv. eral yc:arr. At the uine cffie death, which wts sornewhat sudden, deceapcd wau in his 7lst yeaýr. Deceased was twice married, his tiret wite' being a dauLAhter of Mr. Jas. Bentiey, cf South Do)rcliesýter. Threeo of the first family are ritili Iivi,ûg, vz.,, Mr. E. E. Sheppmd. publis3her cf the Toronto 'Saturday Nih,'nw o n a tip te the Pazific 'Vost; Mrs3. Logýg, Soulh Dorchester, and Miss Netti,, an elocutionist in an Amerioan Courege. Rlis second wife, an Anierican lady, and tw3 s mail chiidren survive him. Hie has oe e iqtey living, Mrg. Stewart, s widow, whoý- rosides at Ernýi,iu Welling- ton counity. Where diïd yen Vet that hatL At M. DMayer'a for 50c, Pe3thîck'a barber ahop je the place te get a good ahave or haïr cut. 1Cali on F. CJ. Pethi,*ck tie barber, wflen lvantinganytingin his lýio, Ladies, if yenu have net aiready, don't feui' te try xny cheice family teas. W. LI. Osborne. Are youi aware that the Wtst End lieuse have au adv% ln thia paper worth reading ? Lok it up and road it. QualitY at thýe Tuýp ! PrIces at the Bottoin ! 1 This ia the condition ef affairsa a Trelisve-n's as regards Ladies', Gentlemien's and Chiddren'a ahoes. Coe inspeç.t and admire ! £hen the values he gives wiii cause yen te prender ! Morris' Carrdage Works ls now in f ull bolaet-baeksmith shop, wogdwomrk, trini. ming, paintin!, etc. They are turning ont buggies, rcad carte, and democrats s.nd givîog prompt attention te mepairiag of aIl descriptions. Give tha oid stand a A Spring Pointer. We wi-h to enipasize the fact that cur stock in new, weii b)ught and thomoughly reliaýble. Cuetomers et ton tell us tl'at, our goýodsalawaya turs eut exictly as represented. No botter value anywheme. CeUCII, J 0111 STO X & CJYDEEMAN. Lawn Mowers. 1 t7ake this3 opp-,rtunity of thansking nxy nuuhýierone friends fer palatipatronage and beg te say 1 arn propared te contiuue te ahargon and- relair aIl kinds of moers, sudl guar.tntee tu givo ratijtios, A tral scljicited. Mowaes called for and reundwith despatch. Scissors and krnivos grc)tnd ani saws sharponed at the West End Biaclstith Shop, King St., Weit. W. Il. WILLIAms, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS' correrted by J. flnearry, evemy vuiosdây FLeuR, P 100 Ibn ........$1 50 te $2 O0 WHEÂT, Fail, P bush ....O0 00fi O 62 n Russian, 0 0.O00fi 0 6C o GosOU 0l0 oO55 o Colorado ...0 00 i 0 57 White aFife, . -0 00 11 O62 Red o '...000îfi0 65 BÂrLjEy, e buah, No. 1.... O0O0ntgO040 o n2X.. 0 00il 0 35 o o o2..- O0 0o 030 o Twa-rowedO 00 ,0 O33 OÂlava, ibito ... Bu1ckwhoat iý bush. Pxas, Blackeaye, V' buph... a ie, z -, 1BurrEnP, beat table, e . . . Ee , f oz.... ......1 0 00 0,09 i o 00 O 09 tg 0 25 it à ((0 0 00 0 40 0 40 0 65 0 6,2 0 55 o 6;51 0 17 0 10 o 301 Al a!counts- d7Ao M, A. llpsALLSUCCessor - tS. S. EDSALL, mnsiLt bo piaid; ai once to sav-e cat.Office ilu Mlnre's Block. t-tf K, P.,C. Pla e choi nspaoe We invite you to eaU,ý and make our acquaintance; we want to trade with you" We keep a complete stock of Groceriles of ail kinds and .we' seli cheap. W6 want your butter, eggs, and other farrn produce and wiII pay the best prieeas in cash or trade. FIEL0&GRENS.D to the front this week--alI kinds. Corne %and bring your wives and daughters. ÇWe w-vill use you ail square and. we kuowv our goods wil please. GnrlGrocers and Proijio,.oi eBomn le SItrawvýbierry planta fo swýale by 4G. D. Fit0e'e. BIRTKrS. BMn.1-nlowmanville. May 2, the wile tf Mr. W. S. Sanders, ir., of a son. MARRIED. EVERSON-HOPPER.-Ât the Bible Christian Cnapel, Holsworthy, Deon, Enzind. on April 24th, by }tev. J. Dale, Mr. William E ver- son of Bradworthy. (formerlv of Bowmnaville. Ontario) and Miss Enmma Hopper of Soidon Barton Hanse. Holaworthy. DIED. BURNIIA3M At Whitby, May 2. result of guis accident, Arthur Warren Barnhani, son of Judge Burnhanx, aged 21 yeare. MCGILL-In East Whitby, April 28, Lieut Col. John MeGill. in bis 80th year. SHicrpRÂi-At Rodney, Ont, April 30 th, in his 72nd year, the Rev. Edmond Sheppa-d, former pastor of Disciples charch, Bowman. ville> BLACK,-11n Oshawa, May 7. Win Black, of Bowmanvle, aged 58 y~eggs, 13 nmontlis, .t. , TILE, liD., C. aM, M ~~~~O EME F OLG FPHYSICIANS and urgensOntalo.Office. King Et. F'istdor estet ntaloBank; Residence, Church St.-Sch door east of Methodist (Jhurch, Bowmanville. 37 Old Keen'Rothchil1ds TrHE NOTED TROOrTING ST.&LLION, will Feorve mares isoeonof 1894 at SILAS FOSTER'S, Scugog Road, Dowmanv ille, Terras-To insure a foal $10. 19-tf. J ESEYBEIER FOR SiLE,1w ~e ar dmi af frani choiceaniýling straing. ADPIY ta M. A. JAMMa.S, SATESMAN office, Bowan auville 19-f SERVANT WANTED te do kitchen wal< of a smail family wllere a hosemaid ils aise kept. Must do plain cookinz and Nwa8h and iran well. Apply to Box 3-10. Oahawa P.O. D RESSMAKING.-Misq M. O.b roi !B prepared ta take in wark or go cu sewing by the day. Residenco at W. A.NEnS' Division S t.1 88-2W~ i>00 LBS Gecd Geese Fahr éýqw forsale. Jeux GRIOt, nid Iron dealer, 32.Ontaria* St., Bowmanvilie. 18-2w TT-OUSE TO RENT. -A semi-detached JL brick hanse on Church street lately occupied by Casit, Crawford,> Ternis moderate. Apply ta A.' YouN!E, or T. BiNGHÀm. Bow. r"HORO B8.ED JERSEY BULL JL'FOR SERVICE. Ternis81 at Urne of service or $1.50 in the Fail. Apply ta Wm. MCRISYXOLj>S. North of Electric Light Piast, Bawmanviile, P. 0. 10-tf Y RKHIRE BOARS.-After 45 vyeaîs'experieuce Iu stock raising 1 arn better than ever prepared ta suit custoniera with Young or ald Hog service ibis season, The Yorkshire is a gaod cross on any beed of sa'w ferkshite ospecially. Ternis easy. Many thanks. for past patronage. Waï, XVERR= Salins, F ~ARM FOR SALE.- A firat clasa tarm Jof 125 acres or 145 acres situated lu the township of Eaat, Whltby li con. lots 1,, sud 16 ou the Base Lino, about li miles frani ()sa. wa station. 2 miles fri Whiby and O0modk from the ochaol house. Largeroomy buildings, main barn 9-,y36 fI. len ofe fruit, soli ril loani. altagether one aI the beet grain farmi on the LaIre Shore. NaohMis or atones, Aboi-l 10 acres of wodi, 75 acres lu Pasture mid freatI seeded. Ternis-easy, is ralgdn For fuiher PaýrticaLarà apply j.io AXcei LADIES ti st now you are planning your house-cleaning campaigun. An important feciture will ho WALL PAPER, -WINDOW SIADES, ROOM MOUJLD- INGS, PICTVJRE FRiiUSe etý. Corne to us and you ili gel 41st what -yau warn in thise lines at ý-largo entin3 off regular pricosz. \Ve have the latest styles ani patteras. , Iwo T. ALLEN, iuBig 20.") ERS AND OWNERS OF iMACIIINERY., We have ieaseed the îvel-knownFoundry and Machine Shop of the Porter Estatu, King, Street East, Bowmsnvilie, whezrs we wiii carry on a generai business iii aIl1 branches ef Fonndmy and Machine Worlý R.epainin, etc.-Engines,Boilers,Binder5'1 Mowers and Threshing Machines. Mill, machincry of ail kinds repsir'eci and new furnished. Castings et ail kinds made te ordzw at fumnished fer ail machines. A'- 1 Pe'ints smd Lanasides c(ÀfzeLir quaiity for Piows c(f evomy make. LAanMcwers aapudand put î goed order. BînderKUnottcrs wo aýre wiipe-stedlu in.tact teverything madl, frihdor rýý pairedaotyorm hie Iiavring a p tcleqlrce ngo&t she1ps fo)r many yaa we kniow vt hsb -w& can picase yen; ail1 we 0s-is a tria]. in crhc BOr ~ JRIOSERYICE-A Bed ïTani - wat.$10 .A t C llt19B

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