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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1894, p. 6

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______________________________________________________________________________________________ a _______________ The bi]passed ItL'third reading. C051, 0F OLIclITOPS. defeat of theam den on a -vote cf 36 tu The bill pased tq third edig Te I-c e w e n t in to com ittlee o a resolution by Mr. Harcourt intvolving aid to certain railwaxys, the amnountspr1oe to be granted being as followsvG: To the., Ironldale, Banciroft, and Ottawa Rtailway Cermpanvý for 15nmlefj, $3000 per mile Sce1~ewa.~hlvîIsU~ug~at, OQ& OL Ired te Comnmittee of the bcusýe wî-th X ed esmit miin 1~ ~ instructions to amend the same to the r7efre back to coimînttee. Sairne 5a eâ Lhan wa.5 eve-r ,n1T 1T -T i %T 'l?-5f POWDER THECOOI(SBEST FRIEND LARGES'T SALE IN CANADA. OF5 asily, Quckly, Permanently Restored. Wenkness Nerv- oit uess, Debility, ane, qIl the train cf - evils from early errors or later excesses, the results cf overwcrk, sCknCss, -wory, etc. Il Full strength, develop- mnt and tocegiven to every organ sud Portion J cf the body. Simpli> latal mcthcds. '11A inediste improvement seen. Failure impo,î- ble. 2,000 referenc4l. _____ Bok explaratsc-l rýÎ FUEIs!e proofa inailed (.xi ERIE MEDIC!AL CO j uffalo, N.YdI 1895. enâued as to the amount of land on either IThse amendment waa declared lest on ide of a ditch wikh should be held liable division. te assessment for the cost ofcntrto. POLICE MAGISTRATES. The bill was ultimately reported wvithout Mr. Wi'hte moved that his bill reapecting amendment, and read a third timei. police magistrates be referred back to Com.. THE DRAINAGE LAWS. mittee of the bouse, as he wished to inaert The Act to consolidate and amend the a clause to the effet that salaried police drainage lawq was referred hack te commit-' magistratea he fnt allowed to vote, and also tee, and reported atter seme discussion with that they be bebarrsd from carrying on some slight amendmients. professional practice. THE FÉES OF OFFICIALS. 1The amendent was lest on divison, the Mr. Rosa moved the third readinig of bis vote being 25 for and 47 again.t.bitoa ndhectrsctgthfesf TIIRD READI NGS. certain public officers. The follcwîng bis were read a third Mr. Wood (Hastings) moved in amrend. tise : ment that the bill be referred bc te To facilitate the local administration of committee for the insertion of an amnendmaent justfce in certain cases-The Attorney. to provide for the payment of ah urlu General. (Uarried.> fees te the municipalities, for theircîown use, To amend the Street Railway Act-Mr. instead of any being paid to the provinice. Balfour. (Carried.) A divison was taken, and the amendaient To amend the Judicature Act-Mr. was lest, on a vote cf 34 to 20. Gnthrie, (Carried.) Mr. Whitney then înoved that 1the bil! be The flouse went Iînto Commîttee on the referred back fgr the insertion fîan ainenid Drainage Act, which was reported with ment to provide for the fixing îcf a mai- amednri ,, mum, above which a&Il incomea eaned b '\UFLAMENDMENTS. any of the officials affected ohdb paid I ù~se hen eutintoComitte unover by them for public use, T Îuicipal Aedmeint cot, hchon a A division was taken, and the amend- consolidation of all changres to-ýthe municip- M4r. Meredith then made a final efotby ah law whicb have paased the Municipal umoving thiat thse bill be, referred bckfor cûmmittee. the insertion of provisions for tlie audiltinig Mr- Meredith moved an amendmnent te cf the accounts of thse officialF aid thle the bill te the effect that before any meas- rezulation cf their office expense. ure providiilg for the payment cf aldermen A division was taken, rslin nthe ~'~' ~ tcbe~î- jtOYL J, 01, PACE TOBÂCCO C~O.. RI CHMON. VA and MONTREAL. CAb!. [ I SAFEi BI P BiS'TO LS WII be pîeased once a Quanitity5 l irceifia qutu and thrce tinies la Puce wlko inspect the unequalled assortinent of Stippers., Rubbers, Trunks, Vallises, &c., At our Store, WrBEAVER BLOCIKŽ-i BowmfatnvLIl BJG&EST STORE, BIG-GEST VARIETY, BJQGEST VALUE. Everybody invËted to call anïd ee our new tolweý7 TaE SiT5OE -i--. 4 (PiUREZD r DiY 'j 1

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