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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1894, p. 1

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,II~ N te~ 50 :-LO l a oew. Naw SiiRIEs, OUR OWNAND E WORLD Ar? BOWILANVILLE, WARD8. . ÂJÂMUS E»rroa A1#D PEtornEzon, 16, l94~.VOLUME XL, NümBERp New SPRING 00008. AMInh JOHNSTON #cCRYDERMAN. uuuuII Direct Importers, have opened out! an unusual y largo- and chioice stock of N% ew Sateens, New Prints, New Cloths and Worsteds. New Gurtains, N*Tew Carpets anid Linoleums. And direct from Berlin a fine stock of' the very lateost styles i LADIES JACKETS AND CAPES,! eleganitly desi.gned, beautifully made ,and very moderato in pDrice. Also a lot of LADIES' WATERPROOF MANTIES ail New Goods, 1NSPEGT1ONý' AND COMPÂRISON INVITED,j BOWIMANVILLE. H-igh Prices and CA NAVDIL4,IN MAKE 4MERICAiV STYZ ID The Perfection of Fit, and 0 Style with SoUid, Suli- V stantial Wearing Qualities. 0 S-ole oA May bq found in the stock of (Too 1kite for 1«.t tweeký'sie&) Mr. Albert Cox bas gone to Engi iWm. ard Chas. Vice have poi Chaplean, Algoma, to wvork., . Ps B. Crydee'nian is training thm schola the ailniverearY May 27 and 28..- Chas Branton le building a new % stable. . .. NM. J. H. Tremeer is ý the bedge feuice.ý. . Mr. aud Mr Washington visited the oid home rý ly. . . r. Il ooper la buyinig poi fer Gii & Co.. Ophawa&. School report fan April: Sr. 4ih- or&. Werry, Fr&uk Shortiidge, E Reynolds; Jr. 4th-Adrerua Pascot gernon Vice, Waltem Vice5; Sm. 3rd- gie Psscou Edgar Wenry, Harold mae; Jr. 3d-Eiia Montaomery, Vice, Barry Tom; Jr. 2nid-Ânniie Hula Wsùlke.F;ank ,Aslion; Pi GereNonthecott. Ehtl VauNeat, 1Law; Pt. I-Frmnk Vice, Arthur liýee Fredl Mooce; Prîimsy-Hi ,Nicholé, Edith Vie. Avenage al ance 41. EVErZTT BEowVN, teachei The Eld-.d Methodist S. S. Annivý will be heild as fo1lio ws. On Sunda) 27th seramns will be pneached bv L. Phealp-3 o!Courtice at 2.30 aud 7 m.ý Collec!ions. at eaeh seryce. Mouday May 2', commencing at 2. m., there will bi an excel'ent pnogi o! raianos ilr ssd mingÀi :orge Byasn obell, ,iu Bt laSce FcG o become their nce yean. »t'Furnishinies at F. ho lie1ell ohetp an l vénriety. See hie Dew Un-sHTEu'S CURE-M1rq. eorge1 76 McGill St., Toronto, Onit., "It la with pleasore tbat I tert- wuuderful méerita o! K. D. C. tem has suiferod aeverely atiIn- thé patt two jears sud was etzIng worse. Sho tnted threéo it d octons lu thé city, but oh- relief, alto every renîedy that ruld iecomnend with the same d continued ta grow worBaeal She wai recommended by a try K D C. sud sent for a saaîî- ýge. l3fore taking al of thé ho symptoma o! dympeps-ia weme slfuh ite has ince t?.ken ouly1 ikago the synptonia have not She, ha% tlso gAined conIsider- giht. mdhem friendrîare sr Mmi. (Capt.) Jeckins of Turonto late ,f England, ia visitiug Mrs. J. 1. Cle.. ..Mn. John Bobblus'has recently pur. chased a new buzzy fmoim Mm. Cephas .iohns .. .. Capt. R. H. Bunt is home frDom London sick,.. . .Mr. Ambrose Trenouth îs home aften rhie recent trip Lb N'orth B.-. Mra. NMarsh, Petembono, lin vidit- iug f rienda here.. . . Mr. Thos. Craeper aud wife, Tyrone, visited friendes here Sunday .. . .Mr. H. E:lioit,. jr., la miak. ing s(rnme Important imiprov8ments to bis residence.... Qior village now ie cdean and tld y for bouse cleaning wamaail fiuiahed iCloth-, s0 celapi explains it al (Too kite fr kt y el 8isss. Mia. Lavis, Oshawa, le viiiting liera,. Rev. Wns. JohUiffe, Bowmau ville, peci at thé, quarteri>' sezvicemi bera,.. .. Mnr Edwvard Trenouth in suffurizig fromn er-1 vouea procra.tion ... . bMegro. Tbç'a and1 J. H. Elliott caught 100 brook trout the other ay. .... Our Arbor Day wais duly oasenvd e& . . . . Nr. T. B. Hloidze,, Montreul., and Mies H*rrie cf thiq placei woe oquictly wanried Ma. 2B 1L If every mnfee'a like "a poor worm ofîh dua5 t,"Itle when he sRuifef o thaýt iir8d fceiug.Ai:a araall dition and imparîs the titnill of new li'e and euorgy to uverv nürFe, tis!ate, uscle. %rd fibre tf the whole body. gyNN1SýKILLFJN. IMm. Th(,s. Cmaiig la recting as uow stýble. . . The fulntr,%l cortege of the late Mme. Sammiele o!f(Jsntwrigh. 1pmsst-d tîhrou4h here on Suiidiy proceî4t Bote:headacnimtery .. .. Mm. Juo. Sta:wn aud fsàmily 1h.avà i-roved to the Yi tua frt; Mm. J. T. Poilu1(ck azud family to the Beemer fa-n. . . Visitonà: MIjSa Lo:- tie MUitchell, Mm. Ed. Houck, Mis. Nuntheuts3, iMrs. L. Lyle. Bowmnville; Mm. Davey, jm., Leakmrd; Mn. Johinnton, Toronto; Mna. Sct aud f emxily, B3rook lit); Mrn. Rîmes, Ms Mabel Eln-us aud M>ateWr A. Rimes, Burketu, spent Sab- bath ln the village pevious te the>mr é- mova1 to Toronto-. The s ýnvieein the Methodisi church hoe on Sundayv waa c uducted by mnembers of the Las.gu3. A'n exce'lent bible readuine ws civen by' Th fna fei W ofSTL I. org wrhisb club couaisting" of 9 tab'ea field at Horee Shoe Cottmge wa,3 a grand sec- ck -,, the ladiei ef ting thege< bemen by a large score. T'ie marvelous 8uccesa3 of H od'aý Sar- SpiýriIIa is bawed upon the cone tone cf absolute menit. Tâhe H io' rou.4h- out the spring months. S .N.9, CL A BKB. Miss Blanche Burnhia or, hia, beeni vi ' ting at Mr. John Gibs'-n'r,.. - Mr. J. A, Jeromne has beun ill wwnh In- fi immiation of the lungs, . . . Mr. Thàmg. Gibsýon ie i ighiabarn aPnd putting a êt-ms foundati )n underneath. Mr. Wm. Gibson wha> je uow in his 89th year,, an. sietgd at the raieing. . .. Mrs. James N. Fairbairn, Toronto, huabeenviaiting at Mr. David ibao>n'.... Mr. R. PeArdon. viaitel MIr. Rich Osborne recenWly. "-IDNI1unT IDoUCýroîs arethe MOt uil weloneviator-evn he D)oetnr him. sielf curies the lu-ik to that compelle& him to lbave hi4 cooefortable bed. Suy- pose Yent ry our ime:h )d, snd keep a big~ 115c Bottie of ?arry Davia' PAIN KILI.ua in tho bouse, sni te, Docar SquWe astay in hi& b ýd and enj.oy !Utüglf. KI ley. Mrs. A. Marr, j,, le il; Mrr. Marr,, sn., 1iisIs)wly recovering..Vicit-ora: MdiRseB Gilleipie and Kelly of BaltimoQre at Msr.. M4rc'r; Mr. Britdshaw of Roches. tor at Mr. John Tiioripi4'... Mfisa Hugtaenu, Oakwo(od, dtiid l1. week. Uer Fister Mrs. J. L, Power sud Mro. H. L power attend ýd h..r fuineral.... Miqs Power and Mr. T. H. Pojwr via ted thefr uncle Mr. Mark Rapcr, Miflbro.k, lasi neek.. . ..M~r. Jobniýton hs-ï bought a house and lot from Mr. C. J. Zhoruton, at Eiteipi ie. ., . .Mr. Johnt Waxnnsn's childreri-e 0recov ering2. . .Mr. James Walph i bIph1gIîng hie hou e. Thos4e unliap;py pý-ra;ona who auglffar frGm nei'va'Ies sud y0aýP-p-ia ShOI1ulue Carter's Little Neýrve Pffis, whioh are mnade3 expressl]y f c.r aloepleas,, ne3rvous, dyspeptic SUffrer'. Price 25 cents. The~ D)erbfy Plu- the cooiest Most Eijoyable Smnoke 1 Our enormous stock of seasonabie styles îs opened and ready. Sueli qualities and such low prices we have never before been able to offer our custorners. A thoroughly first-class stock combining quality and elegance with low prIces. Corne in and see the newe8t dlesigïis and inost aerviiceable styles of the season in Ladims', Gentie- 3--en's and Chiildr,,en's Boots and Shocq, Rubber G3oods, Trunks, Bags, etc., the newest ie~ h best goods muade, tho greatest variety and fibe fairest fgr~ Prices within the reach of ail and nom is the lime to Ibuy verbd is delighited -with our i,41la3 of Spring ,ýnd S ummtrer gcoods anid you will hoe. Oall and le-arn what pleasare, ,s.tisfaction auî,Acomno- heis in trading with Sign--Big Boot drawnz by two Horson Our stockÉ of Fencing Wire is now complote, Oued and A:nnealed Wir, BrbWire, and te New Hathaway Wire ail reduced to Rock Bottom p rices. "We e the ]atest colors) quality,,GUARANTEED. Diamond Wall Finish, Alabastino, and Kal-- sommrie in ail1 tinté. The New 1894 Improyed Woodyatt LÂWN MOWER is'giving perfect satisfaction and rivais the best American makes. Cail and see them beffore you buy. ~e~eri rea ,0- -- pecialty. Pée Coil Spring Foncé. Thé ouly master o! expansion and contraction. A full stock o!farGardon, Laîwn aud Omamontai Feucé allways in stock. Orders saolicite 1 sud particulars given, or mailed ou application, by .A. W. FOLEY, Box 148,ownbl, Ont., Sole dealer, wholosale sud rétabl for' Couunty of Durban, sud Eat Whïltby. WIHAI A SHrmAM E FOR YOU TO NEGLEOT FiYE "S IG(-'HTI"- W lIEN F OR so 1 ~tIanà arnounl of rnoney youn can have youn EYES per. T. N. RIOKARD, Wabhl makor, Jeweller, and Opticiwu, Nemd'e B'ook, Bowsuanvjlle. B3EST Bus Ilo2a, Tssronto, Onit.. .ndàSîr li.rd.Ont UJnqace&tosabti' Cssa's üm$tComt- mercsl&béas.Catloves res. Mec- hUl 1h15 pper. Shaw & rUSen, rpiJs À 1-T flýCI gave au yintereainlg addresa the League, Ebono.zer, asat week on Con- secration .... .Thoe s.niberm o! thé Pro- grnt Committe Mt. Cars;well have choien aides aud eachi one becoïînes re- spousile 1fo)raâ11 en61iDg WOeexpeeCt more interest than usuil for thé next w7eeklu nthisue5 ia. ...-The acho'atrs of No 4 played anothenr garntéof bame ba'l with No 8 ou Saturday resulting lui favon of thé latter. ThH boys hiavé a gameý aplece sud will "1ay off on S;aturday May 26th ... The Orhawa higýh achool toain will play a gainte here next Saturdsy witb thé stam ...-. Misa Nellie Gordon, Toronto, is vbsttiug hem sister Mre. W. liyam,.. Sl1isa Goi n-, Mîm'co, la viaîing bier aunt, Mrs. Geo. Reynoldmi. No Derby PIug Srnokiug To. baccol Is Genuine Utiless It Bears The Derby Cap Shaped Ta,-. ____ _ Report o! S. S. No. 4, Dalingtan, for A4pril. Naines in ardén o! menit. Sm. 4, G- o. Aunie, lvy Wordéu, Herbe.tL OsQborne, Albert Womdon. Jr. 4, Nom- man Oke, Aima Courtice, Eddie Wondeu, ,Jaýntes Vinauon. Jr. 3,,Gordoyn Wordéu, Wallace Pjc-I-3, Willie Kerr, Willie Clat- 1wonthy. St.ý 2, Hattie Oshor. o, Samnuel Vinson, Anie Annis, Canlotta Courtice, eqoal. Jr. 2, Frnk Clatworthy, Geo. Blair, Frarik Found, Agueo, Bailie. Jr, Pt:. 2, Otis Worden, Chanlea Found. Sm. 1't. Lt, RiaTroll, Flossie Geborue, ERIna Pickle, Frank Camm. Jr. Pt. 1. James Baille, Mary «Vine;on, Ruth Co.actice, Edith Bunetta. Total 42; Avenece at. tendance 34. E. H. Hiwxzy, téacher, BumdckBloudBItters cure Dyspepsie. Bardock BloodBitters cure Bilionmues. Burdoek BI cd Bittera cure Hoadteché. Bu3trdock VBlood Bittera unlock "!Ilthé cio4ge i secretiona o! tbs.Bwola thon eun- in, Eleadlaches sud sicnil sr c 'nipleints. NYE iv A vFLV. At nticlnou Sabbath Sc',orl &i,uiven-1 î5any Suuday wee>k Ber. C. Parker, Bow-i manville, gave an addmosz; a fair cr wd attended. Collection in aid (-f organ... Viaitora: IbIon Powers,Oshawa, at hie faîten's Mr. T. Power'g; Mm, -W. Siiow- 13n, town, at Luke Buttery's; MIýs Fur- eoy sud Mr,. Baunet, Tnbu t Mrs. Wa" lter Oke's. Daniel Blîz, Propniétor and Puiblieher ofe the Hsmnbiirg, Onit., Indepeuidentmasys:- "I wasauffering from Dyspepsia aud Liven Troublez, I tcok a few bottles o! Shiloh' f Výitalizer sud it cured me. I eau hesrti'y neonmei i 1.' gaîeoln are reqv. -11-1 îonnîone mt *ire Usaiftena5icï thé place of hý n E1igliah, Scotch, Iriaimî d n Tweds, Worsted8, Sergrs and SPt (g Overoat-a.very ulce asaoýrtmeut at F. A. COlé'e, Hampton. HAVE zoUu tLGÂ-If you aare ouf- foeriug the agonies o! nýeuralgie%, and have failedf to Let a remedy that will afford re- 11sf, we want yoa to try PulAiso's Nervi- line. -No rnmedy iluthe imantket hamgiven aniyrhlug like the saruo degreof Sstssfac- tion. Ita action on nerve plîna imp'n)y mlarvelous, an-d as it is put op ilu'25 cent botiles no great expense in învolved in giviog it a trial. Polsoui'? Nervillue la thémoa plasatpoweifi, sud certain pain ramedy ln thé3 world. Sold by ah, drugiats aud dealers lin diix.25c a b ttle. SALE3M. Report o! S. S. No. 9, Darlington, for April. Sr. 4th-Hilds. Logan, Carrne Wilt; Jr. 4th-Effie utledge; Sr. ')rd -Mabel Collacutt, Sybil Hocene, Ethel WVilkins, Ida ilutchinson, Lottie Wilk- lus, Nec a Symous. J Âmes Hutch.ison, Ethiel Coilacutt, Addio Rutledge, Ida Wilkins; Sr. 29nd-lrst Travelle, Lillie Pur.e e', Lia- o d Hooken, Olive Pansons, Pearl Parsoi, James Wight; Jr. 2nd- Wem'ey Waýry, Ceci Collacutt, Frank Wonct,; Sr. Pt.-Laurie Gaud, Fred- die Houey; Jr. Pe.-Mabel Dareli, Croz- ier Hulchinon, Numman Wonnacott, Morley Wilkinus. ,Cor& Pannons. Rogu- l&ricy-E Rutledge, S Hocken, E Colla- cutt, I Travelle, H Huockeu, P Parsons, W Werty, C Collacutt, M Damch, C liotchinaun, N Wonuscott. AveraRe attendance, 37'. E. M. FiELDi'No, teach- er. Thiere -s no oui article iu the lino o! nîedicinet that giv a sno large a neturn for the money ai a good pgrous istreugtheu. i ; g piaster, sncb a& 'ýCarter's Smart Wood sud Beliadoina Bsckache Planter. Mm." W. Stap,ëen had anutrber of tU panis stolen froýn hie r1esideuce raeontly and lapt week Mn. linger Rowo tound m i..n~s ecmp .. M. Lord bas lad cois deràblo troutb!e with dczi wonnylng bis slieep. ...Mbr. Fred Hlill, Salem, Via- itead at Mm. J. Parkýer'â receudyÎ.,.. IvMm. Thon.Hoouper, Oron, vt dhia dauglh- ter, Mrs. W. H. Kelly barday wee,. ... Mr. Silas Souch hms a 'Muckla Wilks" colt for whleh lie refusedi $40 at, three weeks old.... -Mr. Luther FxadMrs. Glascott visited Mm. Denle Convey ns.- cenl.y ... Mlr Colin Smith bua sesont au arehard cf 100 apple trees,.. ..Mn. Johin NMoris viîiteïl Mn, El.EBigalow in CJartwnight last weck. Ti ose ne w Spring Suitâ weme made by F.A. Cole, the ftâahionable tailon, Ha.mp- ton, Rés. , J.il. Slnikawio will -oncludebla.ý term o! pnobatio-I at coLférence, Ail eul'd Lké k' nretah in hlm another yean if it Turc possible. Truv -.uIPRZnOaTY.-0f HOod'd S trnap-. anril. i . ýue to the tmémnendouaa&Mount oî bralu work suad constant cane naed lu ita p) epamat'o: s. Ti y one b îtflé sud( you wi 1 be couiviucéd o! ýi super ionity. It purifies the blood, which, the source o' helheu-Q3 dyspepsi, ,overeomés siek beadachos and billousue.àü h 3 la isjuet thé Medicine for yen. Ho sPxLLýs are poroly vegetablo, caret ully pnepans.d front the beatr ingred- lents. EN Yi fRL D. Vuieting record: Mse J. sud NéIlie OrnIieton, 'Brooklin; Mafisters Robent sud Duffzérin McCulioch o! Dunda% at Mn. W. J. M3cCullodb's; Mmr. adMme. J. F. Huitrîbut et Port Penny; Mm.ý A. MoeCul- loch han îeurriedfront BritlaI Columbia. . ..Mrs Fred. M un joy atilI sufn r in- tersely c ausogd hy îsîceraÈhd teeth.... Messr's W. Beath aud J. Forayth h id two very sscclSfl ploughàiog beut-, the parât week. LRSKA RD. M/liss Mery Jackson üHdést dangbte --of Wmr. Jackson pasa8ed t'escefully &sway laat Sunday evésýilun.lHem nmains woee lute red lu Onono ceur4ery. . ý.The Tmu:s Bluos have placed thvin hall on s fresh foundato .... Report o! Scbool for Apnil: Jr. 4, Ida Ltvrïson,Pol]y Ralse, G. D svey; Sr, 3, G. Jackis -u, L. Bile L ll1; Jr,3, Mélvin Bell, R.ý Sanudera, R. Toukin; Sr. 2, W. Sprou'e, F. Comuieli; Jr. 2, L. 'Bobbins, F. Bobbitîa, M. Ralîn, E. Tmuli; Pt.- 2, L. Ciran, NI. Bell. Allicé Rails; Pt. 1, S. F;udlay, E. White; Avernage atteudancé, 32. W. H To-4xi-,, teather. Now fishtug daysaiae corneweee Th'e amali boi s going iii and ou t Round mauy a ajtump sfan1 holloff He's iu searl o! a shirp and wary trout, Hé catches &ome but they asre %carco s awallow. TA U1V TON. As we are tIc oniglua'ams of a c"rculate-d scandalous report in the heighbomhood ot Mitchell'a Corners that wve k new to ba utterly false, -on cousidemation sud to escape thé ls.w we endeavor to make rme- drea publicly thnough these colmmua by as aekowiedgment that thé a5aid repowrta are withont foundati ns sud void o! truth, and we ask the apolozy o! the comnalunty sud thé interemted parties co-inected therewith. 2,;gne4, D. AaRre'T, riitinia3c, Cra.A ý LAIEg. Hnard Times

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