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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1894, p. 2

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Reed proof s below: Dr. B. 3. KENDALL Ce, Gntemneni lbought a splendid bay herse some time cgowith aSpavin, goaihimfor$830. Iused Xeudali's Spavîn Cur. The Spavie je gene now cnd 1 have been offerod $150 fer the saeahorse. i ecly had hm nine weaks, se I gel$10 for using $2 wortis cf lendal's Spavîn Cure. Youre trnly, W. S. MRsDENel. KENDALL"4S PAINCURE Dr. 1.J EDL CHaELB, 511cH, Dec. 16, 183. Sirs1 ave-I yonrIKendal's Spavin Cure 'with good suacess for Cerise on rwe herses and S1tis e hst Liniment 1 have ever used., Yours truly, AUeceT FxoEîZIcx. Prices$1 per B.ttia. For ale by ail Druggists, or sddresse Dr'.-B. e. REIe'1AEL COMPALNY, FNOSBURGH FALLS, VT. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLECE, WHITBY, ONT. Strictly first-class in ail is appointmentq and educatonuai advantaizes. Provision made for ail tha teachea' crificates and for -Ua- lverglty classes through the freshinan. sopho- mo1re ccId part of junior yeari of Toronto 'Uivrsiy. Thse llterary staff comprises the largeet number of University spacialiats of ayLdies' Cellege lu Ctada. Tie mencial. e n a art,elocution and comnmercial de part menti re equally well sustained by thse most gifted professors. Physicai culture is taught by a Lspecialist from Boston. A rew gymnaallnm aid alkindsof out.door amuselnents. Papils have thse opportunity of hearin. tise great artiste that visil Toronto. App4 fer information te 32-lyr ' FIINCiP&L MARE, Fh.D Sbpringa Sprîng I1 Millinery show-rooms com- plotewith many pleasing styles for the season. Stylish goods together with close prices make it the popular place to buy. Sailors, 20,cents eacb. Hats reshaped. Miss Shaw, Next door to Post Office. A Homiemiade Drili For Farm Wels. MaD", locaties are Gse eî,tuatedas tonma ko weldgigan expensive and uncertain nccessity. 1In some places wý,ater lenot foundi withidut diggiug from onu hundred te one 'hundýred and ifty imet ,or it. Il je a pravalent idea thlat a, well thius deep c.annot be puit édwn witheutemloyngsome oe lent, uiLteu~ e uuemncoo t,. .s,,.,,n5 appropriato and oxpeusive mnachinery ; aud p ossibly etter geiug te Ibis deptb, ,water may net bho otiued. My exporieuce in d'riinfg semedeep wellsý ou my owu fermn may aid soeafrmer te put dowu e well that. will cost him oly a few dollars in cash. Tise noceseary tools cen ho made, et littie expense, by any vil- lage blackemitis. The tools, wiseu proper- ly made, will drill a well five hundred fot FIG. 1. JAUS AND 1BIT FOR WELL DRILL. deep if needed. F-iret, tWe pieces cf eue and one-fourtis inch gaspipa are needed ; eue ton fot long, the other five foot. Tae these te tise bleoksmîtis and bava bim malte a pair cf jars (n Fig. 1) simlar te tise jars used fer oil-well tools. Thase jars should have e sbaek a foot long that will fit inside ho eue and ene-feurtis inchs pipe. Now Étîher weld tisese jars jute tise twe pioces cf pipe, or securely rivet them, wlding heiug' fer prof rable. Have tise ioop of ene jar left oen, se as te conneot tbom like links in a cisain. Loop tbem tegether, and weld the epen end cf the jar. Now have tise hlacksmith malte a steel bit, tise shank aise ene foot leng, and the end cf tise bit or drill two and ene-helf luches wide (b Fig. 1). Weld Ibis bit jute tise end of tise ton- foot pipe, and drill two boeas lu tise end ef the fiv-foot pioce, te rivet in tise repe. Now get as long e piece ef ineh roes a will probably ho needed and rivet il jute tise end cf tise five-feot pipe tc Fig. I). After putting the rivets tbrongis the ropa, drive semae sof t wood wodges between'tise nope -end pipe, and tise repe will nover pull eut. Build e derrick fifteen fot igis, or tise limis et a troc will auswer tise sae purpese. If ne trees are couveniaut, put up tisree polos and bang a pulley et tise tep. Put tIse repe on tisa pulley, audtise derrick je ready. The first fifteen feet ef driiling will ho tise lowest. Oua cen veld a two-iucb augur ou an iren roc, and bere tise itteen foot in dlay very-well. If in grevel, tisis firs. part mut bc spudded until tise drill cen ha ettacised to tise spring pole. Tis pole shouid ho tweuty or twenty-five fot long, wiîb tise butt end ýfirmily fastened te tise grouild (Fig. 2). About eiglit fot f rem thiý3 end put a block seG that tise smail end will ha about four fot from tise ground. Neye put aeswivel ou tiese malil enid, witis a linlu large eneuis hfer a lop e f tisa ro-pe te pe.s tismougbs.([put e hauie On tise ewivel ci ,tiseý los1 madea, fer they lhave te ho cou- liuueusly turned Lte meure Pa reumdisola. A% rand pumiip nmuethame.A tlree- feet two-jmch w ired lin pipe wil1l malte tis, Have the ismts ode em are ou tsh inside et eue end,, end puit a ieevy wire biale en it. rior tise valve.ý usea rouind piece hidÏy rusingecýales oni the feed and a 1Iah-H kte,'t[Eonirle îiiik, find eout whe-re the _U IS IO U normnal lmto each ccw staris.YOiic ____________________ Tis iudiividual testing je paticuiarly v alti- ivarking the Linen. ae, ewing te the remariskable variation ili Jihileitmyusmecesbncoer thppetites andasiiltigpowers of ~mr ia ysapn rwiigwt differenit onLicewseibysaipn u rtn.w Thie writer once owýnedl twri Jerseys. 1,aui indleliblie ink, this is only to ho toi erat- Onie u, as the laiÉrgeýst cew, thie largeet cater, odl for ordinalry articlesudr circumestance, andtheo alest miikzer; blethse eth-er wes foridiujjg thle emlpicymet fmoe theu ellest cew, tihe sui1a 1esýt cetero, auj.i tise~~ 'ageti',erinth brd Aotax rovod nmethode1. An embroidered l3etter ~cw -sejýshe fàtet aindi egh eL or let ters je the propear way oe. marking, mlkers, but se steadiy was iher 11,ow from nt Id the current fahion gives neat ed end te end of thie season thiat she vu rgo plain, thoughl artistic letterinlg in place of wheu the yeer's figures wero eSuIrmed ulp. tehý,hyôrannaivleladilc One cf the interee-tiug feýtuIres -cf dairyingtehghyoumetl nvle ndilg jei finidîngieut these queer creatuires, te ýsay bie lettere cud mnograme whichi were luothing cf the black shieep you flin t ho recetiy se0 mucisinlu fashion. herd,,and that are prefitably pated ithi For an erdiu aary set of plain hand kerchiefse te the first butcher who fenuies tem fointce htcud o more appro- Kieking Cows. priate marking t han a single plain initial If the animal je handled kîudly frem caîf- iueetly wronght in the corner ? Plain every- hood, and the preper kind of person moilks day sheets and pillowelips would receive ber-eue who bas sanse eniougis te contrel like or even simpler treatmnent. Thse uap- hie temper-thera will ho very littie proh-kisnornryueholhaeasgtl ability cf the animal develeping thse kickiug ors nolering, wbuse se rihe at cf tle habit, If the cew's udder jesere, or if cree t etrng hl h ic to al handies tender teate tee rougbly, the ,oW e, preade and the Ilguest-chamber linen' je liable te kick. If she dees, il will ha ie -e sbonld have the incet elaborate treatment, te hendie bier more kindly and gently, let presorving always sucb a degree cf fittneee she repeat the kicking se many limeý-s tlisaI for, thlodesigns and figures te whici tise it becomes a habit, for if it develope junte imarking je te ho complemetary as wjll a habjt, nethin g may serve te cure iser. miake it blond in pleasing harmony ratiser Young iefers, which bave just drcpped! than attract by startling effect. their calves, may kick eccasienaýl!y ,et Accoriung 1t authoritative statements tise heginuing; and if the milIter kicks ber siven in theý New York Prose, tis French or hback, or sîrikes,er scolde lier roughl, ths rai5sed!saitinsitois j now considerod the chances are tbatthe evil wjll ho aggravated, rigbt ting in marking linon, Iu moet and thse cow ruined. Gentlinesse and kînd- cases, pure white is te ho used, tbough in naese witis deiry cows je vie beet plan Gte îoweîing a tingeofe red may ho employcd, avojd haviug kickiug cews, but rlihre are fer and where coýlorod articles are te ho merked quet instauceewhereîthekicking prepeLnit y sncb h lades are allowable as vejîl b lond har - seeme te ho transmitted juin ee hrcediin ,onsly witis the main colorm. The from dam te effepring, and in sucis cases it, tend(-ency nlow ise te quit large letters. wili ho a bard malter te effect a cure. As It is riaudersteod that the propor place te a ruia, however, kicking cow, are tise re;zuit! put thle marki on a haudlterchief is in oe cf ignorant aud brutal treatmeýnt by tibese corner. £Cablecletbe are te be marked at haviug tisem in charge, and eutrueted with the middle cf tise end. If with emali letters thair training. thesý-e are piaced near tise hem; if larger,at a correspnding distance fromf the edge. lu GREECE'S APPALING CALAMITY. any case, thora should ho not ecs than the iseigist ef the letters hetweeu tiseir 3f5Seiemie Siseek4 Ini Sevon eue -ee wer edgoeand tise hem ef the cleth. Nep pie Fiee te thse MiIlaiiTrrri~ kins are marked diagenally across thse cor- meusDocie Lî - er;ý towels at tise îniddle ef oue end, juet aboya tiselieum; shoots on tise middle feld Tise officiai reports from tise erihqcuakýe. two juches fromn the tep hem: long, piilow- strikand~srjct ofGrece aa cmiusincases et tiha end, an ishor two from the and they in ne wise minimize lieItfire he, and square cases et the middle of the accounts et disaster as told jn former des-tp Th. -hM. f- WrJn U,5i~iIa t ,iiti ancient port of Larymea te ieo cyl suffered terriisly from tise sisecks. Tise loss cf lite en Fridey night lest muet hava been very greal. Iu tise Looltrîs. dis. trict alene 300 persons were killed. Twe isuudred and thirty-tbree bodliesi hava ail, ready been recoverefi. About 300 persans were lejurefi. Tisa Goverumeutileepeniegi, money witis unspering baud in tise purchasýe ot provisions te relieve distrese. Tise peDple cf Ataleeta have lied te tise bille for seftty, dreading tisat etisrsvr shocks migisl coma tisat would -,ury tisem1 iu tise largo crovicea tiset opened lu ever.y directicu on tise plains. In this district- thora wee a continuons seriesofe shoote, lu. seven heurs and e baîf 369 were couuted. Tise terrer et people lmoet passes descrip- tion. Whee tiseearth me)vemene ege and bouses bagan te tetter aud feil, meuy et tise intabitants, whoc were uuniiujuredl, forget' everything excapt tiseir proa safety. Witis ne thouýgbt of lieh u re tbeyrâ,u widly from tise duomed City, ai-ic LOeugist efirm tadigplaïce 0en tisa Lîlîs 7isa risahisindtise 1Owe. Somne wbjle runn-Iieg ware 'tbreýwn 1te segreund by the viol.enýce S c tisat feibowed the Household Hints. Methe dieike nawsp)aper as muob as tisa prepered 1er paper. Ruge heu chaton should bha badiad by tisec mfdie and net lise ends., Cauliflower used for pickles sisouid ha praparefi hy iret boiliug tise vegetalela. A teaspeonful et powdered berax added te coid stercis wiii tend te give tise linon au extra stiffuese. Polo rings cen be made e r n easily hy ruhiing tise poe witis kerosene until tisor- ougisiy emootis. Rein watar and white castile soap ie e lukewarmi suds are the beet mixture in whiicb te was embreidaries. Lealiser chair hottome, wisen tisewerse fer waear, mey be frechened by ubbiug tbcm tlsrougly witb kersee. Vtrces e salael comnplexion spe- ciflc. It jesai te work wondere wîtthlie ekLin and air, eceuse thora js se usuci ersîpisuir in iL. Suliur matches ippad lu water, and rubbed on iek eor fruit steins on the bauds 1111iL raove tise discoloretiens. A ligisted match rue rapidly areued tise top of au oh- DONT £ ETr 4.NO0THER W A SH -PMr Go SrY. #ITHOUT Usic YOU will find that it wiII do soap cani do,ad iplase youevr way. It is Easy, Clean, t Economical to wash with this soap. Manufactured only et THiomAs ROLLOW.tY'S ESTABý.LISHME.CT, Puoaesshould look bte elabel on thse Boxes and rotý ~ If tse adrees l cnt 33, Oford SreotLondo, thy resp&m u ROUGH Has tl IS A (AT THe OXFORDl- PUGAS COK sTOVE From C,,nom oCai 011. ~NO IRT NOHEAT IN ThE KITCI-f EN. ~Coo aFamily Dinner for Twc Tisat will blun WGOD an CAL MFUR GRADUATE tWill do it: lie Largest Oven. I'AR1'1ER'S STOVE Is Eveybody' ............. W«m..m j il

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